
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on March 30, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


When the Russian military invaded Ukraine last month, the most highly credentialed people in the world seemed stunned by it and that was not very reassuring to the rest of us.

Quote: "It was a shock to many of the leading experts and policymakers in the United States, Europe and even Ukraine," explained a fellow expert and policymaker at the Atlantic Council. Quote: "The head of German intelligence was so caught off guard that he was still in Kyiv and had to be evacuated."

That's pretty weird if you think about it, because for weeks, Joe Biden had been speaking in a very loud voice about a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine. They seemed ready for it and yet it turns out that nobody in Washington, including Biden himself, really thought it was going to happen and when it did happen, official Washington concluded that Putin must be insane.

"The casual speculation about Vladimir Putin's mental state has become more serious," wrote "National Review." In other words, there is a reason, a good reason none of us saw this coming. Putin just snapped. He is irrational and impossible to predict. A lot of people took that at face value, but you had to notice that, like most explanations you hear in Washington, it was self-exculpatory. It was more an excuse than an analysis.

In fact, Putin may well be crazy, but it's fair to assume there was more to the invasion of Ukraine than a single psychiatric episode and at this point, it would be nice to know exactly what it is, what happened and why. Why did the Russians do this?

It's not treasonous to ask that. It's essential.

You can't make wise decisions about the future without understanding what just happened. It's a prerequisite, but our leaders so far have refused to do that. They keep lying to themselves. They're imposing censorship on the rest of us.

They're forcing the entire American population to mouth childish slogans about good versus evil. It's insulting, but worse, it's not helpful. This is not how nations survive complex moments like this. Crisis demands crystal clear thinking.

So now is the moment to ignore the people who have been consistently wrong and instead listen carefully to the people who've gotten it right in the past, the ones who saw the Ukraine war coming and said so out loud. Those are the people you should be listening to and one of them is Nigel Farage.

Nobody would call Farage a stooge of Vladimir Putin, just the opposite. Farage is a nationalist. He cares about his own country. He has devoted his life to it.

In his case, his country is Great Britain, whose long-term interests have been gravely damaged by the Russian invasion and by the West's response to it. The same is true, unfortunately, of our country.

The U.S. has never had a President as reckless as Joe Biden is. We're going to pay the price for that for a long time. But Nigel Farage, had you asked him, could have predicted all of this. In fact, he did predict it back in 2014 as the leader of the U.K. Independence Party.

Farage gave a speech to the European Parliament that year, which unfortunately, we just saw yesterday. In retrospect, his words seemed prophetic. Farage understood what would happen because he saw clearly what had already taken place.

Watch this carefully. We think you'll agree it's an analysis worth understanding.

Here's Nigel Farage eight years ago on Ukraine.


NIGEL FARAGE, THEN MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Amongst the long list of foreign policy failures and contradictions in the last few years, including, of course, the bombing of Libya, the desire to arm the rebels in Syria, has been the unnecessary provocation of Vladimir Putin.

This E.U. Empire, ever seeking to expand, stated its territorial claim on the Ukraine some years ago. Just to make that worse, of course, some NATO members said they too would like the Ukraine to join NATO.

We directly encouraged the uprising in the Ukraine that led to the toppling of the President, Yanukovych, and that led, of course, in turn to Vladimir Putin reacting and the moral of the story is if you poke the Russian bear with a stick, don't be surprised when he reacts.

Now, just to continue with that, today we are rushing through an association agreement at undue speed with the Ukraine and as we speak, there are NATO soldiers engaged in military exercises in the Ukraine.

Have we taken leave of our senses? Do we actually want to have a war with Putin because if we do, we're certainly going about it the right way.

Perhaps we ought to recognize that the West now faces the biggest threat and crisis to our way of life that we have seen for over 70 years. The recent beheadings of the British and American hostages graphically illustrates the problem, and of course, we have our own citizens from our own countries engaged in that struggle, too.

In the war against Islamic extremism, Vladimir Putin, whatever we may think of him as a human being, is actually on our side.

I suggest we grow up. I suggest we recognize the real threat facing all of our countries, communities and societies; we stop playing war games in the Ukraine; and we start to prepare a plan to help countries like Syria, like Iraq, like Kenya, like indeed Nigeria, to try and help them to deal with the real threat that faces us.

Let us not go on provoking Putin, whether we like him or not.


CARLSON: Nigel Farage led the Brexit movement in the U.K., of course, we're happy to have him join us tonight.

Nigel Farage, thanks so much for coming on. So your concern for your own country, your nonaligned status is, you know, is the first line in your bio. You spent your entire life trying to defend your country, your country alone, so I don't think he was going to write you off as a tool of a foreign power.

You said in that speech, which is shocking to watch now, if we want a war with Russia, why did you say that?

FARAGE: Well, it was obvious to me? I mean, look, yes, you're absolutely right, Tucker, I'm a nationalist. I believe in my country. I fought for its independence. But I also believe in western values, and there are things that we, you know, you, America, Canada, Australia, many other countries, there is much that we share. And of course, you know, we joined together in two World Wars to fight for those values.

We then lost our way completely, with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and many other things. The globalists -- and I'm talking about Bill Clinton and Tony Blair who began it, and that then becomes an orthodoxy that NATO, the European Union, these empires should expand.

And, you know, you need to understand Russia's history. The invasion by Napoleon, the invasion by Hitler, the deaths of tens of millions of Russians as a result of those invasions, and I could see that the westward expansion of NATO, of the European Union, after the fall of the Berlin Wall was a deliberately provocative act.

You know, Churchill said, at the fall of the Nazi Empire, you know, be magnanimous in victory, don't rub their noses in the dirt as a result of what has been done, try to make sure that you can form an alliance and a lasting peace.

Now look, I'll be honest with you, I am not a fan of Vladimir Putin in any way at all. You know, journalists like you -- journalists like you wouldn't survive long in Russia being critical of that of the regime.

CARLSON: I agree with that.

FARAGE: But on the big stuff, on the big values, understanding the threat that we face here, that you face there, from Islamic terrorism, from a Chinese Communist Party, we should have tried to make Vladimir Putin somebody we could do business with, not somebody we provoked, and we gave a Casus belli, a reason for war that he could sell to his own people.

So look, I don't for one moment defend much of what Putin has done since the 24th of February, but understand that our huge geopolitical errors have led to much of it.

CARLSON: Right. I mean, speaking for myself, I'm not interested in Russia or Putin. I don't listen to them. I don't believe them. I'm interested in the United States, you're interested in the United Kingdom. This seems bad for us. And it seems like when the smoke clears, China will run the world. That's my sense.

FARAGE: Yes, I get that completely. And actually, you know, everything that's happened in the last month has driven Russia and China closer together. Can you imagine a worse scenario than this? And now we have an American President, the 46th American President who, and frankly, I can't believe there aren't more commentators calling for the 25th Amendment to be invoked.

It goes and tells the 82nd Airborne, they are going into Ukraine, who backs Putin deeper into a corner. What we need right now is a peace settlement, and I think a peace settlement is achievable.

I mean, why? Why? Even after the date of the invasion where American and British and other NATO soldiers insisting they thought Ukraine should be able to join. We have lost sense of anything -- our predecessors, our leaders in generations that have gone before were much more intelligent than this. It's madness.

CARLSON: Well, they cared about the country.

Very quickly. One last question. You said that Empires expand always to the detriment of the country that sponsors them, right, the nation dies, the Empire grows. But can you see the United States or the U.K. getting anything out of, benefiting in any possible way from eastward expansion by the E.U. and NATO?

FARAGE: Oh, yes, of course. Eisenhower, 70 years ago, identified the military industrial complex, it is still alive and well and there are big commercial interests that have benefited already from the expansion of NATO, politically, in terms of peace, in terms of culture into the nationhood. It's all been a massive, massive mistake.

CARLSON: Yes, Nigel Farage, I appreciate that. Those words were remarkable to see, eight years later. Thank you.

FARAGE: Thank you.

CARLSON: So just an update on a story we sort of have been following out of the corner of our eyes, so not that long ago, a future MSNBC anchor, then called Joy-Ann Reid wrote a blog called "The Reid Report." And many people were saying that blog could be the origin of The Don't Say Gay movement, that blog attacks gay people, up one side and down the other.

After in one rant, Reid herself wrote on that blog: "Does that make me homophobic? Possibly.

Now, Reid claimed when confronted with this, that she didn't write the post, of course, standards have changed, so she runs away from her own writing.

She told us in 2018 that she had been hacked and that cybersecurity experts would look into it. Do you remember this?


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: A community that I support, and that I deeply care about is hurting because of some despicable and truly offensive posts being attributed to me.

Now many of you have seen these blog posts circulating online and in social media, many of them are homophobic, discriminatory, and outright weird.

I hired cybersecurity experts to see if somebody had manipulated my words or my former blog, and the reality is, they have not been able to prove it.

But here is what I know, I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things because they are completely alien to me.


CARLSON: So someone snuck onto her blog and attacked gay people. It couldn't have been her, she doesn't recognize those hateful things. Now, four years ago, we've been wondering, who could have done that? And of course now the answer is as obvious as vodka and pickled herring, it was Vladimir Putin. He must have hacked her blog and broke into the D.N.C.

With that in mind, we launched a full investigation to Joy-Ann Reid's blog, and we will deliver the results of that investigation to you tomorrow. Stay tuned.

So Disney used to be in the business of entertaining children. Now, there is something much darker going on at Disney that you might want to protect your children from.

We've got leaked internal video from the company, explaining how they are trying to sexualize your underage children. Is that a crime? It seems like it.

And then Bruce Willis just made an announcement about the future of his career after a very sad diagnosis. We'll explain what it is with Dr. Siegel.


CARLSON: The Governor of Florida has signed a bill banning teachers from talking to small children ages kindergarten through third grade about their own genitals or encouraging them to change their gender. The overwhelming majority -- overwhelming majority of Americans including of Democrats agree with that because it's commonsense and the alternative is disgusting and probably illegal.

But at the Walt Disney Corporation, they were infuriated by this. Disney called an all-hands meeting to discuss new ways to indoctrinate children without their parents' knowledge.

Chris Rufo obtained footage from that meeting. Here is the executive producer of Disney Television Animation bragging about quote "injecting queerness into as many shows as she can."


MEREDITH ROBERTS, EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF DISNEY TELEVISION ANIMATION: Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to like my like not-at-all secret gay agenda.

I don't have to be afraid to like let's have these two characters kiss, let's, in the background like, I was just -- wherever I could just basically adding queerness to like. If you see anything queer in the show - - I just was like, no one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me.


CARLSON: Okay, so here is Disney's Diversity and Inclusion Manager explain that the company will no longer use the words "boys and girls." Watch.


DISNEY'S DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION MANAGER: Last summer, we removed all of the gender gradients in relationship to our live spiels. So we no longer say "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls." We we've trained -- we've provided training for all of our cast members in relationship to that so now they know it's, "Hello everyone" or "Hello friends."


CARLSON: De-gendering your children without telling you. Chris Rufo is a journalist and a filmmaker and quite a reporter, he got this footage as he has done many times in the past on related topics. We're happy to have him join us tonight.

Chris, thanks a lot for coming on. So, what exactly was that?

CHRISTOPHER RUFO, SENIOR FELLOW, MANHATTAN INSTITUTE: So this was an all- hands meeting in response to Governor DeSantis' legislation where Disney had assembled their LGBTQIA activists that they've set up within the company, and they said that they are deliberately trying to take programming that goes from even ages two to seven years old and inject queerness into that programming. They are trying to really make all of their programs this left-wing gender ideology compatible, and they are even doing something I think that is at the height of hypocrisy.

At the same time, they are falsely accusing Governor DeSantis of implementing a Don't Say Gay Policy, which is not true at all. They were systematically and simultaneously telling all of their park employees to eliminate the words "ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls." They're projecting onto the Governor what they themselves are doing. We've caught them on tape, and the evidence is damning.

CARLSON: Should they have a sexual agenda for six-year-old children. So right there, you think, well, you know, you'd think that's illegal in some way. It is certainly immoral. It's creepy as hell. And yet, you know, and they are the country's leading purveyor of children's programming. That's a problem. No?

RUFO: That's right, and I think what we can really see inside the company is that executives made the decision a few years ago to create these activist organizations within the company, first on the issues of race and now, on the issues of gender and sexual orientation and these activist organizations essentially have taken moral power from within the company and the executives who are really cowardly and craven individuals, just cave anytime that they want something.

And so all of these videos document that whatever these activists say, they are now creating a tracking program for all Disney children's content to find out exactly how many transgender, asexual, and bisexual characters that they are peppering into the show either in the foreground or the background.

It sounds like a really kind of bizarre and creepy gender studies experiment on a college campus, but it is being mainlined into children's programming all over the world.

CARLSON: Well, it sounds like the behavior of a sex offender. I mean, normal people don't sexualize underage children. Period. They have nothing to do with sex. They're little kids. They're prepubescent, but Disney doesn't feel that way. It seems like a threat, and I appreciate your exposing it. Chris Rufo, thank you.

RUFO: Thank you.

CARLSON: So actor Bruce Willis became worldwide famous in 1988 with the first "Die Hard" movie. There is one scene you may remember.


HANS GRUBER, FICTIONAL CHARACTER: I thought I told all of you, I want radio silence until --

JOHN MCCLANE, FICTIONAL CHARACTER: I'm very sorry, Hans. I didn't get that message.

Maybe you should have put it on a bulletin board.

GRUBER: Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?

MCCLANE: Yippee-Ki-Yay, mother [bleep].


CARLSON: So today Bruce Willis' family announced he is retiring from acting and from work due to something called aphasia. Given that Bruce Willis has been part of American culture for so long, we thought it'd be worth finding out what aphasia is and what it means.

Dr. Marc Siegel is a FOX News Medical contributor. He joins us tonight. Doctor, thanks for coming on. So what is this illness?

DR. MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Tucker, the National Aphasia Association says that 85 percent of Americans don't know what aphasia is, but they are learning it tonight, aren't they, because of Bruce Willis in our celebrity saturated culture. And I think it's a good thing that they're learning about it.

What is aphasia? Aphasia is an inability to express yourself to put in words things, to understand language, to get the words right, or to comprehend the words. And I'll show you on the brain here where it is. It's on the left side of the brain.

Tucker, the front is called Broca's aphasia in the back, it's Wernicke's. You could have both, but it really gives you cognitive problems. And we don't know in Bruce Willis's case, what's causing this.

Over two million Americans have this. Most commonly, it's stroke. It can also be a blow to the head, but if it's longer term, it can be a degenerative disease, it can be dementia, unfortunately. We don't know what it is in his case.

We heard Demi Moore use the words cognitive impairment, but that could be any of the things that I just said. We don't have a physical exam. We don't have an MRI.

Here's what we do know, Tucker. We know that we have an actor, an icon that we all look to voyeuristically, whether we were watching "Die Hard" or whether we were watching "Pulp Fiction," we projected ourselves into these films, and we didn't notice necessarily how much pain he was going through playing his own stunts a lot of the time, what it meant to him, how it tore him down.

But tonight we need to make a change. We need to say we're wishing well and prayers and hopes and everything for Bruce Willis, not the actor, but Bruce Willis, the man. Speech therapy may help. Retraining the brain to communicate in a different way may help.

Hopes and prayers to Bruce Willis, the man tonight, Tucker, not the actor.

CARLSON: Tough diagnosis. One thing about life that is sad. Dr. Marc Siegel, great to see you. Thank you.

SIEGEL: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So several weeks ago, a January 6th protester committed suicide after he learned he was facing up to 20 years in prison. Now, here is the key fact to know. Like so many others that day, this man did not commit any act of violence.

Now he is gone. We're going to speak to one of his relatives, next.

Plus, it has been bus it has been exactly a year since Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida was last on this show. At the time, he'd been accused of underage sex trafficking. He was never charged with that. So, why did the Justice Department tell "The New York Times" he was guilty of it? Matt Gaetz joins us for the first time in 12 months to the day, up next.


CARLSON: Thirty-seven-year-old Matthew Perna walked into the Capitol Building through an open door on January 6, 2021. He didn't damage any property. He assaulted no one.

When he learned the F.B.I. was looking for him, later he turned himself in immediately. He was a law-abiding patriotic man. The Biden administration then tried to destroy his life. They charged him with crimes that would have sent him to prison for many years. Many of his friends, some of his relatives even disowned him. And in the end, Matt Perna killed himself on February 25th of this year, one of the saddest stories to come out of January 6th, and there are many.

Geri Perna is his aunt, and she joins us tonight.

Geri, thanks so much for coming on.

GERI PERNA, AUNT OF MATTHEW PERNA: Thank you for having me, Tucker.

CARLSON: So this came to our attention when we read the obit for your nephew that was so affecting, so moving. It made me emotional reading -- you were telling me off camera that the paper in which it ran tried to edit the obit.

PERNA: They did. They actually refused to print two lines of the obit.

CARLSON: What were those lines?

PERNA: Well, the first line was "Matthew was escorted into the Capitol by Capitol Police," which he had on his phone recorded.

CARLSON: So you have video of that?

PERNA: Oh, we did until they confiscated everything.

And then the second line was "There are many people responsible for his death." And they refused to put either one. They said we had no proof of either.

CARLSON: The newspaper said that?

PERNA: The newspaper did.

CARLSON: So even in death, he was not allowed to tell his story.

PERNA: Exactly.

CARLSON: Okay. So that kind of sums up the level of injustice that we're dealing with here. What was the Justice Department trying to do to your nephew?

PERNA: Well, according to what his attorney told us was a week before Matt's sentencing hearing on March, the 3rd, his attorney told -- Matt called his attorney and his attorney said that they're going to delay the sentencing hearing, again, because they're looking to add additional infractions, and we weren't exactly sure what that meant. We thought was that a charge? And they said, no, it's not a charge. They're just going to try to influence the Judge at the very last minute.

We found later that that the enhancement, not infraction, enhancements were actually going to add eight points to his scale, like he was at a 14, they were going to add eight points and that would have bumped him up to 51 to 72 months in jail for a nonviolent crime of walking into the Capitol, not touching anything, not breaking anything, not stealing anything, and no altercations with police.

CARLSON: Walking into the People's House.

PERNA: The People's House.

CARLSON: He was going to do more than four years in prison for that.

PERNA: Exactly. And we are not sure if Matt knew how many months were going to be added to his potential six to 12 months is what his attorney kept saying, but that Friday evening, Matt hung himself in his garage.

We know he couldn't do a day in jail. He had already put himself in a mental prison for the last year, more than a year. He was afraid to leave his home. They took away his income. They took away everything. He lost everything.

CARLSON: For walking into the Capitol.

PERNA: For walking into the Capitol.

CARLSON: And you're not leaving anything. I mean, we've looked into this. He was -- no one even accused him of hurting anyone or breaking anything.

PERNA: No, no. And he just couldn't handle it anymore. He was being persecuted and judged from every angle and we are talking about -- let's talk about the people sitting in the jails in D.C. right now. They haven't even been convicted of a crime and they've been in jail for 14 months already. Where does this happen?

CARLSON: So this is what Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and Nancy Pelosi are doing. Did any -- when he died, your nephew died -- did any of them call you?

PERNA: No, as a matter of fact, Matthew Graves who is the District Attorney for the -- or the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, they took 14 days to drop the charges off of Matt, and still we have not heard one ounce of condolences or sympathy card or a phone call or anything. Nothing.

They just basically wrote him off.

CARLSON: So here is a Republican voter obviously. No felony record that I'm aware of.


CARLSON: An upstanding, law-abiding, patriotic --

PERNA: Never had a parking ticket.

CARLSON: So he was driven to death by the Justice Committee. Did Mitch McConnell call to offer his condolences?

PERNA: Absolutely not.



CARLSON: Okay. So how do you feel about the leaders of the party that he voted for and supported who have completely abandoned your family?

PERNA: I know, with the exception of a few, I mean, we made dozens of phone calls to dozens of congressmen, congresswomen from both sides of the aisle, not one phone call was ever returned. And just a couple of months ago, you had Ted Cruz on here who called them terrorists.

I'm sorry, but he could apologize until the cows come home. He said it, and you called him out on it. They are playing both sides of the fence here. They're afraid of losing votes. They're afraid of losing support, at the cost of what? People like my nephew, Matt, and how many more other Matts are there going to be?

Surely there are other people who are going to be pushed to this brink. And we received -- we received thousands of things in his guestbook from other people who have, people that have January 6 cases against them, and one mother cried out to us, he has two sons that walked through the Capitol. So she's dealing with this double facing felonies for walking through.

CARLSON: My last question to you, and I just -- this whole subject makes me so sad and I'm grateful that you're able to talk about it. Was he in Washington to overthrow the government?

PERNA: No. Matthew was there because he thought for sure there was going to be good news that day that Pence was not going to certify the election, and it was going to be a celebration that's why he was there. And it turned out to be the worst mistake he could have made. It ruined his life. And now we no longer have him and it's a tragedy on all levels.

But --

CARLSON: So these are the people being punished. There are a lot of people not being punished right now.

PERNA: A lot of people are not.

CARLSON: That's right. Geri Perna, I appreciate your coming on. I know it is hard.

PERNA: I thank you so much for having me.

CARLSON: Thank you so much.

So it was exactly a year ago today, 365 days, that the Justice Department leaked the story to "The New York Times" that caught our attention immediately. They told "The Times" they were investigating Congressman Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, for a very serious crime: Under aged sex trafficking. So Gaetz made an appearance on this show, which turned out to be one of the weirdest interviews we've ever done, he denied it. He has not been on FOX News since that day.

But we did notice since we've been sort of following it, Matt Gaetz was never charged with anything. So how is that? The Justice Department calls "New York Times" and says you're a sex criminal, and then a year later, you're not charged with anything? So we thought it would be worth inviting Congressman Matt Gaetz back on the show to ask for an update, and here he is.

Congressman, thanks so much for coming on.

REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): Thanks for having me.

CARLSON: So you were described in "The New York Times" by the Justice Department as a felony sex criminal. Have you been charged? Do you expect to be charged for felony sex crimes?

GAETZ: No, this was an operation to destroy me, to harm my family, to hinder my ability to serve the district and the movement that I represent in Congress. And we all know there is a pipeline of leaks and lies that flow from the Justice Department to the mainstream media, "The New York Times" in particular, and that is not even a partisan criticism of the Biden administration. That happened during the Trump administration as well. We saw it during the Russia hoax.

But the most important update, the most important thing that's happened since our last on-air discussion, someone has been indicted and has pled guilty to trying to shake down my family based on this pile of lies, and so I'm not going to allow it to hinder me. I'm going to continue the important work that I do here in the Congress for my constituents.

CARLSON: Yes. So I'm not going to ask any questions about your personal life, because it's not my business. It's really simple. If you've committed a crime, let them charge you. And they haven't and they've smeared your name, again, your private life, it is your business. Whether you committed a crime or not, it is everybody's business and you haven't, and I just want to ask you one more time crisply, and clearly, do you expect to be charged for the crimes of which they've accused?

GAETZ: No, that would be a travesty. I'm innocent. I have maintained my innocence. I have been entirely consistent on this fact. And each and every day, the lies about me unravel and are debunked. And the things I've said and admittedly, it's pretty wild to come on your show and say that my family is being shaken down for $25 million by some fraudsters, some with connections to the Intelligence Community and the Department of Justice. But in fact, someone has pled guilty to just that.

So I feel vindicated each and every day that the facts are revealed, but I don't want this to be a distraction from the critically important work going on in the Congress that my constituents expect me to dig in on.

CARLSON: Well, you can't allow the Justice Department to silence sitting Members of Congress with fake allegations of sex crimes, and again, if the allegation is real, let them prove it. That's their job, not ours.

So I want to ask you -- also about the F.B.I. this -- so the Assistant Director of the F.B.I.'s Cyber Division, a guy called Bryan Vorndran -- if I am pronouncing it correctly -- came before the House Judiciary Committee, and you asked him a simple question. Where is Hunter Biden's laptop? And here is how he responded.


GAETZ: You are the Assistant Director of F.B.I. Cyber. I want to know where Hunter Biden's laptop is. Where is it?


GAETZ: I mean, Hunter Biden's password on his laptop was "Hunter02." He drops it off at a repair store. I'm holding the receipt from Max Computer Repair where in December 2019, they turned over this laptop to the F.B.I., and now you're telling me right here is that as the Assistant Director of F.B.I. Cyber, you don't know where this is, after it was turned over to you three years ago?

VORNDRAN: Yes, sir. That's an accurate statement.


CARLSON: Wow. I don't even know how to assess that. This is the Director of Cyber at the F.B.I. What do you make of this?

GAETZ: If the laptop was Russian disinformation, as they told us for quite some time, you'd think they would know where it is. But of course, you see a circumstance here that just strains credulity. The notion that for three years, the F.B.I. has had this and the Chief of Cyber not only doesn't know where it is, doesn't know who at the F.B.I. we should call upon to test to see whether or not this laptop functions as a point of vulnerability for our country.

Business deals kickbacks, who knows what else and that could actually be used to compromise the First Family. So, I don't think we ought to question this anymore. That's why I introduced the laptop into the Congressional Record, and it will be available for all to see soon. I also have filed legislation to strip the Security Clearances from the 51 National Security officials who all lied to the country and said this was Russian disinformation. We now see that being walked back with yet again, D.O.J. authorized leaks to CNN.

I think it's really something, Tucker, that CNN comes out this big piece today saying, oh, the investigation into Hunter Biden is heating up a day after the F.B.I. was humiliated by basic questions I asked in the Judiciary Committee about their efficacy, their work, their chain of custody, and the evidence they may have of a U.S. vulnerability that could be exploited by our adversaries.

CARLSON: Yes, there is some going on there. There's a move against Biden from within the Democratic Party. I have no idea what it means. But it's obviously underway.

Congressman Matt Gaetz, appreciate it. Thank you.

GAETZ: Thank you.

CARLSON: Just saying, by the way, whatever you think of Matt Gaetz or his personal life, whatever you have heard, it is pretty simple. If a law enforcement agency or the Justice Department accuses you of a crime, they have to prove it. They don't get to just shut you up by smearing you. They have to take it to a Court and show that you're guilty. And if they're not doing that they're not really a law enforcement agency. They're really more like the Secret Police and you don't want that.

Well, up next, there was a Supreme Court ruling that you may have missed, but it's kind of significant. It expanded tribal land in Oklahoma, and it's had an amazing and major effect on life in that state.

State law enforcement, for example, longer has jurisdiction to prosecute violent crimes. We're going to talk to the Governor of Oklahoma for an update, next.


CARLSON: When Wikipedia was founded in 2001, it seemed like one of the most remarkable things man had ever created, the largest encyclopedia in history, useful information on literally millions of topics for free and it was neutral, it was not a political enterprise. Larry Sanger cofounded Wikipedia, and then he saw it captured by political forces. So he left.

Now he says, Wikipedia is a misleading mouthpiece for the people already in power. Wikipedia really matters because it defines how we understand the past and that allows us to make decisions about the future. So if it's dishonest, that's a problem.

Long conversation with Larry Sanger for "Tucker Carlson Today." Here is part of it.


LARRY SANGER, COFOUNDER, WIKIPEDIA: There isn't an open system anymore, and therefore the actual -- the kinds of people that are allowed to have any influence on Wikipedia have been narrowed down greatly to essentially people who agree with the establishment left.

CARLSON: Well, it's certainly noticeable. I'm rooting for its demise, because I think it's so dishonest. It's horrifying.

But tell us practically how that happened. So what's the process? If I want to create a Wikipedia entry on something -- on you, for example, how do I do that?

SANGER: So how do you make it -- are you asking how do you make it biased? Or how do you just make it?

CARLSON: What are the mechanics of doing it?

SANGER: At all.

CARLSON: Yes, at all.

SANGER: Yes. Well, in the first draft, it's just you working on an article, as you would any like blog post, for example. You hit submit, and then the page is available for anyone else to edit, and then they do.

Occasionally, there are edit conflicts as they are called, and then they have to be resolved a little bit. But that that doesn't happen too frequently. If it's very high traffic article, then people tend to make a lot of little small edits.

And then the negotiation is actually where the interesting part happens. So there is a thing called a talk page and you use the talk page to discuss what the article should look like. And, you know the overall plan and to resolve differences of opinion.

But the talk page has basically come to be used as, basically a place where authority is wielded, you know, the old hands, the administrators and so forth. The people who are lording it over, the rest of the contributors, they hold chord on the talk pages, you have to get things by them if you want to have anything new added to Wikipedia articles, so the process has changed.


CARLSON: Larry Sanger, cofounder of Wikipedia, a reminder when the internet started, it was going to educate and empower the population, It was not can be used as a tool of oligarchs to brainwash you. Worth listening to that. It's on FOX nation, you can watch it now.

So nearly two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the land that makes up five Indian reservations in eastern Oklahoma is in fact Indian Country, and that means that state laws do not apply. As a result of that decision, which relatively few people noticed, murderers are now going free in the state of Oklahoma. Here is a local news report.


KIM WALKABOUT, MOTHER OF DANNY WAYNE REED: He would do anything for anybody.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was her son, Danny Wayne Reed.

WALKABOUT: He was 28. He is a father of two. He was -- to me perfect.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Danny and his girlfriend Cindy Jones had gotten into an argument at their home in Fort Gibson. Kim says Danny wanted to leave the situation and was trying to call someone to come get him.

WALKABOUT: Before he can get the call made, she went and got the gun and come back and shot him. He didn't make it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Muskogee County District Attorney's office initially charged Cindy with manslaughter. Shortly after, she bonded out. Muskogee County DA Larry Edwards says his office then upped the charges to second degree murder.

WALKABOUT: The State was ready to roll with it, and then McGirt kicked in.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Since Danny was Cherokee, the McGirt decision meant the Muskogee County DA's office couldn't touch Cindy's case.


CARLSON: So parts of Oklahoma, big parts, are no longer governed by the United States. What is this? Kevin Stitt is the Governor of the State of Oklahoma. We're happy to have him join us tonight.

Governor, thanks so much for coming on. This is one of those stories that I think most people kind of missed. What does it mean for your state?

GOV. KEVIN STITT (R-OK): Well, thanks for having me on talker. I mean, it's a real mess right now for Oklahoma. I don't know -- did you say something?

CARLSON: I just asked -- what does it mean for your state that it's no longer part of the United States parts of it? Or what? What is this?

STITT: Yes, so basically, this all started when McGirt, who was a child rapist, showed his Indian card and got his conviction overturned. So -- and for those of you that haven't been to Oklahoma in a while, it's literally half of our state. So if you think about Tulsa, with a million people, we have now had a change of rules.

The state, if there is an Indian involved, has lost jurisdiction to prosecute those crimes. Our police have lost jurisdiction. And when you think about who's an Indian, you could be 1/500th or 1/1,000th. I've actually got my Indian card, my six children with blond hair and blue eyes, they all have their Indian card. So our police are having a tough time because you can't tell who an Indian is and who is not an Indian in eastern part of Oklahoma.

CARLSON: So this is on the basis of race. So depending upon the racial category you're in, you're treated differently by law enforcement seems to be what you're saying.

STITT: That's exactly right. I mean, the cases are all over the state. I mean, one case I like to point out the Daniel Vivier, three really bad guys beat an 85-year-old man almost a death. Robbed him, stole his truck, and one of them showed their Indian card, he got out of prison. The other two are still in prison. That's not equal protection under the law. So one guy is out because of race. The other two people are still in prison.

I mean, Tucker, we have people on death row that are doing 23andMe DNA test trying to get their convictions overturned. It's preposterous.

CARLSON: Yes. So this is the equity agenda. This is actually what they want for the whole country. So I'm really grateful that you explained what it means for your state, Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma. Thank you very much.

STITT: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Thank you.

We will be right back.


CARLSON: Oh, sadly, this show is coming to an end. We are out of time, but we will see you tomorrow night.

Have the best evening with the ones you love. See you in 24 hours.

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