
This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," August 25, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Kate Brown was first elected Governor of Oregon by the way back in 2015. At the time, there was not a whole lot going on in Oregon, so voters did not ask many questions. The one thing they did learn about Kate Brown over and over again is that she is a self-described bisexual. Why is this relevant? Well, the media did not explain, they told us without explaining what it meant that this fact was historic and it was highly thrilling.

Kate Brown's sex life was shattering ceilings. Woo-hoo. And yet, if you looked a little closer, you'll notice something a little bit weird, actually Kate Brown was married to a man. Yes, he had a different last name, but he was still as they say on TikTok, binary. He was a dude.

That's fine, of course, but it was also a little bit confusing. How does having a groom at her wedding make Kate Brown an official member of the LGBTQ exclamation point community? No one bothered to ask. That kind of curiosity was forbidden. It was liking wondering why we don't call Barack Obama half white, which he is. It's not allowed.

Stop with the questions, celebrate. So voters in Oregon dutifully celebrated, and out from under them the world changed. Suddenly things in America went from placid to highly turbulent. That was especially true in Oregon when there was rioting by left-wing militia that went on for more than a year.

The state's biggest city was destroyed, people died.

And then a virus arrived from China and it killed thousands. It was a very serious moment. Unfortunately, Oregon did not have a very serious leader. It had some dopey soccer mom who got elected because she claims she had a girlfriend in college.

Kate Brown unfortunately turned out to be lighter than air. She didn't know anything, she had no achievements. Under pressure, she wilted and became irrational. She was exactly the leader you do not want in a crisis, and yet she was the governor, which in the age of corona made her very close to God and she acted like it.

Here is Kate Brown commanding Oregonians to stop going outside without their little masks on even if they have been vaccinated.


GOV. KATE BROWN (D-OR): Today, I'm announcing that effective Friday, August 27th, masks will be required in all public outdoor settings where physical distancing is not possible regardless of vaccination status.

In addition to that, Oregon Health authorities strongly recommends masking in outdoor gatherings at private residences where people from different households do not maintain physical distance.


CARLSON: At this point, it is almost pointless to apply the traditional measures of logic, reason, and data to decrees like that one. She is bisexual. It is cool.

The power mad hypocrites who think these decrees up don't care what the facts are, but since we are old school that way, we will try it one last time.

Kate Brown's decree is nonsensical. First off, if the vaccines work, then why are vaccinated people required to wear masks? And for that matter, why is anyone required to wear a mask outdoors? Outdoor transmission of COVID is so rare that it's practically nonexistent. That is true whether or not you have been vaccinated.

As Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist of Harvard pointed this spring, quote, "Outdoor masking has notable costs and really no evidence of benefit" end quote, and that remains true tonight.

Even Tony Fauci who ordinarily only tells the truth in private e-mails admitted the same thing in public quote, "It's pretty commonsense now that outdoor risk is really, really quite low," Fauci said.

And a recent study from Ireland among others confirm that this is true.

Researchers there considered more than 230,000 COVID cases in Ireland through March of this year, what did they find? They found that only one in a thousand could be traced to outdoor transmission.

So, as a factual matter, Kate Brown's order is absurd.

But even if you ignore the science, even if you convinced yourself that large numbers of people were catching COVID while jogging, you still would not make people wear masks, because drugstore masks, the kind that everyone wears do not work.

Cloth and surgical masks do not stop COVID. That's not a guess, we know.

A new study from engineers from the University of Waterloo, for example, just came out this week once again proves that conclusively. The researchers used a mannequin to simulate someone seated in a large room, some mannequins had common cloth masks, others had the blue surgical mask that you see everywhere. What did they find? They found that aerosol droplets big enough to contain COVID built up on the mannequins as if the mask wasn't even there. The mask only filtered about 10 percent of the aerosol droplets, and 90 percent got through.

So on every level, the order you just saw from Kate Brown is ridiculous. And yet, thanks to COVID as we noted, she is now God, so her orders are now the law, and if you ignore them, you will go to jail.


QUESTION: Do you want people calling the police on their neighbors on nonemergency lines or 911?

BROWN: Look, this is no different than what happens if there is a party down the street and it's keeping everyone awake. What do neighbors do? They call law enforcement because it's too noisy.

QUESTION: So that could be a "yes."

BROWN: Yes, yes.


CARLSON: So, you call the cops. Of course, you call the cops. None of the actual laws are being enforced, but the fake laws, not the ones passed by the legislature, the ones made up by the power-mad governor, those will be enforced with guns.

This is happening all over the country. In California, a state where identity is also more important than competence, one charter school just went into a lockdown. Police swarmed the campus. Why? Was there a mass shooting? A terror incident? No. Two siblings came to school without masks, so they called the SWAT Team.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): It was a tense first day of class at Springs Charter School in Temecula. Police were called on campus. The entire school when into lockdown, and all because two students refused to wear a mask.

Victoria Nelson is a junior at the school, her brother, Drew is a senior. The siblings say they chose not to wear a mask for religious reasons, believing it would be enough to exempt them from the state mandate even though no one filed any request with the district or the school.

The administrator say Victoria refused to wear a mask or leave class and that's when we are told the situation escalated. Listen to what the principal tells her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I need you to stand up or we will physically remove you from the classroom.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Please, don't touch me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Eventually, deputies showed up. The entire school was placed on lockdown and both students were banned from going to the Charter School ever again.


CARLSON: Oh, they can't go to school ever again. We are going to have the police beat you if you don't leave. That's what the principal just said.

There is no evidence that the masks they are being told to wear will protect them. How many healthy school age kids have died of COVID? Oh, sorry, that science, no longer allowed.

What is interesting is as we call the cops on children and threaten to hurt them if they don't leave immediately and never get educated again, there are an awful lot of people who are actually dying of COVID, thousands and thousands of elderly have died of COVID in this country, no one seems to care about the actual deaths, particularly the deaths caused by the poor decision-making of Democratic governors, particularly in the State of New York.

Today we learned that Andrew Cuomo was lying about how many nursing home patients he killed in New York. It turns out the total number of COVID deaths in the state was about 12,000 more than he said it was -- 12,000.

Twelve thousand? That's not a small number. Why did we not know that until today? Think about that. If they can lie about the number of people who died to the tune of 12,000 people? That's a huge problem. You can't make rational decisions about public health unless you have real numbers.

How can you determine whether mandatory vaccinations are a good idea, for example? Unless you have accurate numbers. But we don't have accurate numbers. Politicians are lying about them and have from day one.

But nobody cares. So watch The Pentagon Press Secretary explain today that all American soldiers, young and healthy, virtually every one of them, nonetheless must be vaccinated immediately whether or not they want or need the shot.

Now, this has been done before. The last time The Pentagon forced troops to take a vaccine, that was the anthrax vaccine, during the Iraq war, it was a disaster. It led to serious side effects including death and the military had to abandon it. But don't worry, says John Kirby, mandatory vaccines may not be necessary, but they are orders and those orders are lawful.


REAR ADMIRAL JOHN KIRBY (RET.) PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY But you mandate it as we have done, it is a lawful order. It is a lawful order. And we fully anticipate that our troops are going to follow lawful orders, and when you raise your right hand and you take the oath, that's what you agreed to do.


CARLSON: Kind of missing the point, no? Shouldn't they be explaining to us slowly in ways that we can understand, because it is after all a democracy why this is a good idea? Showing us the data that justify this decisions, explaining what the exemptions might be, telling us how long this is going to go on. And what we will get out of it in the end because all of this is being done on our behalf, for our benefit right? That's why the U.S. government exists, to help us.

They don't even mention any of that. His response was, we have the power to do this and we're going to. That's what Joe Biden just said, too. He just announced yesterday that everybody in America should be forced to take the vaccine and then an undetermined number of booster shots from now until forever, regardless of their age or their health status or their religious beliefs or whether critically they have active antibodies or not, whether they've had COVID already and recovered. It doesn't matter, your individual circumstances, one size fits 340 million Americans. That's the plan. So Biden just ordered private business to compel employees to get vaccinated.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you're a business leader, a non-profit leader, a state or local leader who has been waiting for full F.D.A. approval to require vaccinations, I call on you now to do that, require it.

Do what I did last month, require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements.


CARLSON: So, the guy who planned the withdrawal from Afghanistan is now in charge of our vaccine policy. Some people clearly should get vaccinated, they're at risk. The benefits outweigh the risks of the vaccine for them. Other people probably shouldn't, not everybody is identical.

But it doesn't matter because force is their only response. The CEO of Delta, Ed Bastian just announced today he is going to be working as Biden's enforcer, to make everybody do it.

Bastian announced that unvaccinated Delta employees will be fined hundreds of dollars every month. "This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision not to vaccinate is creating for our company," Bastian wrote. Oh, but this only applies to COVID.

Notice, there is no other illness, not type 2 diabetes, not HIV, not hepatitis, all of those diseases are widespread, all of them cost a lot of money, but Delta isn't forcing anyone to address those, just COVID because the President has commanded it. Okay.

Is this a good idea? Are the vaccines working in the way they promised they would? Again, it's not an argument against vaccines or even this one, it's an argument in favor of transparency and knowing what the data actually say before you obey.

If you're interested, you should take a look at what's happening in Israel. Researchers there are giving us some answers to those questions. Keep in mind, Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries on the planet. More than 80 percent of Israeli citizens over the age of 12 are now fully vaccinated against COVID.

So this summer, famously, Israel lifted its lockdowns because people weren't getting sick anymore, but now they are getting sick. Israel has one of the highest daily COVID infection rates in the entire world. It is averaging 7,500 confirmed cases a day. That's twice the number from just last week. What is going on here?

There were nearly 10,000 cases diagnosed yesterday alone. Hundreds of people have died this month, vaccinated people. So, what is that? Again, it doesn't mean vaccines are bad, it means we need an explanation for what's going on. Why aren't we demanding one?

There are signs that vaccines in this country, too, are not working in the way that we were told they were, and probably honestly, in the way that scientists thought that they would. According to the C.D.C., the effectiveness of the vaccines has now dropped to 66 percent for frontline workers, that's down from 90 percent. Why is that?

Can we get an explanation, please? Tony Fauci won't give an explanation. He is just telling everyone to get the vaccine and then life will return to normal, maybe if you're lucky, in about a year or so-ish.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: If we can get through this winter and get really the majority -- overwhelming majority of the 90 million people who have not been vaccinated, vaccinated, I hope we could start to get some good control in the spring of 2022.


CARLSON: So, 15 days to slow the spread, right, okay. So now it's wear a burqa and get a jab every six months in perpetuity. Someone needs to explain what's going on, slowly, carefully, with data. It's not enough to watch people who believe men can get pregnant tell us that they understand the science and we don't and shut up and obey. That's not enough, not in a democracy, which we're hoping this still is.

Victor Davis Hanson is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He joins us tonight. Professor, thanks so much for coming on. Simple question. Again, not an argument against the vaccines, an argument for honesty and transparency. Why is no one standing up and speaking to us as adults in explaining why these mandates are being handed down and the benefits to us of handing them down? I ever heard one person do that.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION: I haven't either. I think it's analogous to Afghanistan. The reason people don't believe the Biden press conference about Afghanistan is he is not telling the truth and they treat us like children.

I got vaxxed. I support vaccination. My family got vaxxed. But let's be honest, about 50 percent of the people get the slight chills, they get fever. It's a discomfort. Tell us about it, but from the out -- from the get-go, Tucker, we were never told that there was a lab connection, there was a likelihood, a strong possibility of an engineered virus.

There was even a more bizarre likelihood that members of our own National Institute of Health had subsidized that gain-of-function research. And then we had this platonic noble life from Dr. Fauci. Mask, no mask, travel bans good, travel bans bad, herd immunity 60, 70, 80, 90. The vaccination -- don't worry about other people, just worry about yourself because once you get it, you've got 96 percent immunity, and you don't worry about other people.

Then they weaponized it. They said this particular racial group, i.e. white people and Trump supporters are derelict. They are endangering us all. I think the former C.I.A. Director said send them to Afghanistan if they're not going to get vaxxed, when the actual data showed that Latinos and African-Americans had a lower percentage of their demographics getting vaccinated.

And then we were told, you know it's herd immunity, acquired immunity, that's not the same as vaccination even though there were all of these doctors at research institutions saying you know what, more or less, if you've had COVID, you have about an analogous immunity to the vaccinated people, but we never took certificates from them and said these are equal to vaccination.

And the result of all of that was and the World Health Organization just to add that in, they were a Chinese megaphone, so at the end of all of this, people didn't believe the government. And one of the reaction was, I don't believe what they're telling us about the vaccination.

So, we need to get back and just be honest. People are members of an adult consensual society. They are voters, they're autonomous citizens. They can make these decisions.

If you say you know what, it's not the end of the world, we're going to live with this just like we do the flu. Here are protocols you can take. We've never had a national protocol where doctors stood up and said, you know what, these are off-label drugs. They may or may not work, but they're not going to hurt you and that there's some evidence that they help you, whether it's Pepcid or vitamin D or Claritin or hydroxychloroquine -- it's not -- don't demonize these things.

And then we can say, if you have acquired immunity, you're going to be about as safe probably as somebody who has had vaccination. Don't demonize those people.

And then we're going to say, there are only bad and worst choices. If you are going to lock down the economy and lock down social intercourse, there's going to be psychological, economic, social, political, and cultural damage. I think a lot of the mass hysteria and collective madness that we've witnessed is a symptom of putting people in small confined quarters without interaction with other citizens that made them very prone to the messages they got on their computers and their television sets were not accurate.

And then finally, let's not demonize Texas and Florida as if they're the bad guys all of a sudden. Let's just look at the data. Deaths per million is the most accurate assessment of how a state does and they have fewer deaths per million than does sophisticated eastern states like New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and they're comparable here to California, but there's one difference, their economies are far more robust and their kids are in school and they're not suffering the long-term damages that other states have inflicted upon themselves.

So, it's a real world and there's never -- this is perfect and this is bad, but we can't tell you the truth. It is bad choices versus worse choices. You're an informed citizen, here's the data, we trust you to do it.

And finally I get really upset at Joe Biden not because of political reasons, but no one talked down vaccinations more than candidate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. She said explicitly, if this vaccination is connected with Donald Trump, I don't want it. That did a lot of damage, so I don't -- we don't need lectures from this administration when they found it politically useful to say and do the opposite of what they're now preaching.

CARLSON: I'm glad that you remember that.

HANSON: More transparency, more honesty, and more confidence in the American citizen.

CARLSON: It's animal farm every day, I think that every day.

Victor Davis Hanson, I appreciate it. Thank you.

HANSON: Thank you.

CARLSON: So within the last hour, the Biden administration just issued an emergency alert to American citizens outside the airport in Kabul. It tells Americans to go home and follow the guidance of quote "local authorities" that means the Taliban.

Right now, Erik Prince, the founder of the private military company, Blackwater is in Afghanistan doing what the Biden administration has not done, he is helping get U.S. citizens out. He has been doing this for a while in 2008.

Erik Prince helped several Democratic Party VIPs including Joe Biden escape the country. Erik Prince joins us in a moment.


ERIK PRINCE, FOUNDER, BLACKWATER: So, they were on a congressional visit to Afghanistan in the winter and their U.S. Army helicopter got lost in a blinding snowstorm and set down in Taliban territory on the side of a mountain and the U.S. military launched a ground convoy to get them and they got lost and the Blackwater guys launched and they did not get lost and we recovered them.

We rescued them from Taliban territory, I think that was the winter of 2008.

CARLSON: You rescued Joe Biden and John Kerry and Chuck Hagel.

PRINCE: Afraid so.

CARLSON: Are they grateful?

PRINCE: You wouldn't think so, no.


CARLSON: Just before the break, you heard the founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince, remember the time that his men rescued Joe Biden and John Kerry from Taliban controlled Afghanistan, the conversation was much deeper than that.

For a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today," Prince joined us on set and gave us perspective on what is happening in Afghanistan now. Why it happened and what it tells us about the leadership of this country?

Here's part of the conversation.


CARLSON: What effects does this have since I mean, you've worked in a lot of different countries and likely still are -- what effect is this going to have on the rest of the world? I mean, there are pretty clear lessons from this, are there not?

PRINCE: I think much more than the Democrats ever complaining about Trump damaging NATO, this will destroy what's left of NATO because the U.S. has been so unilateral and so clueless that -- I mean for the President of the United States to be rebuked in the House of Parliament that's the first time it's ever happened.

So, we have shattered the confidence of our European allies and every other ally around the world that America depends whether you're a C.I.A. agent trying to recruit somebody to work for you or whether you're a country that wants --- that America wants you to compete with --- to you know, to side with us versus something that the Chinese want. It will definitely figure into people's thinking how quickly America abandoned its friends in Afghanistan and left in such a horribly chaotic and clumsy manner.

And so, there are going to be permutations in all sides that we haven't even thought of yet that come from this because look, the dollar is the world's reserve currency.

CARLSON: Correct.

PRINCE: Why? Because it's underpinned by the notion of U.S. military strength and what we're seeing unfold in Afghanistan over the last 20 years and over the last few weeks and the next two weeks really does not show well.

I'd call, you know three years ago, let's prevent the helicopter off the rooftop moment in Saigon. That's exactly what we got.

CARLSON: So, you mentioned our status as the holder of the world's reserve currency, so that is central to our economy as we --

PRINCE: Central to our economy because we deficit spend and we can keep doing that because we can just print more and more dollars. When people don't regard the United States as the sole -- as the Pax Americana goes away and they don't have the confidence of the dollar that has massive trickle down implications to our economy and to our way of life.

CARLSON: No reserve currency, collapse of American economy, total reset in our standard of living, completely different countries.

PRINCE: So now, we have to live within our means.

CARLSON: Yes, right. So that's not -- we're not capable of doing that.

PRINCE: The abolition of the welfare state. I mean, massive, massive changes. Far greater convulsions than The Great Depression or any other civil unrest we've had in America.

CARLSON: So I guess the bigger point you're making is that when the country in control of the world reveals itself as weak, the world becomes much more volatile.

PRINCE: When it reveals that it is defeated by people using 70-year-old weapons that are living in a mindset of the 6th Century that maybe that U.S. military is not quite as capable as they espouse themselves to be, maybe as the as the cosplay people describe itself to be, you know total information awareness.

I don't care how much surveillance you have, what does it do to the reality of the people on the ground?

CARLSON: We just heard Lloyd Austin, the former Defense contractor now running the Department of Defense that the real threat he would like to remind all of us is white supremacy in the United States. It sounds like maybe there's a shift having been defeated by the Taliban to the real enemy here at home. Do you worry about that?

PRINCE: Well, I find it amazing how worried everyone in America is about COVID that the Taliban managed to conquer the entire country without wearing masks and COVID didn't seem to slow them down too much.

So again, I think, let's worry about the big threats and yes, COVID can be taken seriously, but we don't need to shut down the economy. The American economy, the machine, people have to get back to work and back to school and keep on living.


CARLSON: Erik Prince, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on the subject of Afghanistan. That full conversation is on foxnation.com. "Tucker Carlson Today."

Well, Gavin Newsom is in trouble in the State of California and there are new signs the leaders of the Democratic Party are panicking over it. They're going to have to endorse him and pretend he's doing a good job. How would you like to do that?

If you go to tuckercarlson.com, you can order a signed copy of the new book, I hope you will.


CARLSON: We brought you a story last night about the many nonprofits in Washington, the generously funded nonprofits in Washington -- some of them, they call themselves conservatives that have taken an awful lot of money from Big Tech.

Now one of the groups we mentioned last night is The Heritage Foundation, which may be the biggest conservative foundation in Washington. A lot of nice people there, a lot of conservatives there.

The leadership, however, has made some decisions that we thought you ought to know about. After our segment aired last night, The Heritage Foundation informed us they were very upset by it. They pointed out that at some point last year, long after it became clear that Big Tech was systematically silencing their donors, was crushing conservatives, they had pledged not to take any more money from Big Tech, so they demanded that we issue a retraction.

But not so fast, actually our segment was accurate. Public reports show that The Heritage Foundation received more than $1.6 million from Google and Facebook in recent years. We asked Heritage today the obvious question, will you return the money, all of it? Well, they didn't say and that of course means no.

So you have to ask yourself, what exactly did that money buy? Now, we can't tell you with any precision. We do know -- and we don't think it's accidental -- Heritage has been remarkably supportive of Big Tech's agenda in recent years. For a conservative foundation, it's a little striking.

In 2019 for example, a fellow at Heritage called Dianne Katz attacked Senator Josh Hawley's proposal to rein in internet censorship. She said that systemic bias in Silicon Valley against conservatives quote, "Has not been proven." Yes, it's just a myth.

In another Heritage analysis, Katz declared that breaking up Big Tech companies quote, "should be rejected," and that's just what they're saying in public.

This show has been told that in 2019, just a couple of years ago, the Trump administration approached the policy experts at Heritage and asked them to support in public an effort to stop abuses by Big Tech, but Heritage refused and rebuffed the administration.

They explained the free market would solve the problem. Build your own Google.

What they didn't say is that the free market in this case involved getting $1.6 million from the tech companies. Now we know that happened, and we thought you should know.

So, a lot of Californians are enthusiastic about the possibility that they may be able to recall their Governor, Gavin Newsom because he is wrecking the state. How enthusiastic are they? Well even the gate agents at one of California's airports appear to be on board with the recall. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Delta Air Lines is paging Recall Newsom. Please meet your party at Complex A, Gate 25.

Delta Air Lines is paging Recall Newsom. Please meet your party at Complex A, Gate 25.


CARLSON: So, it's not even a partisan point. Gavin Newsom is a terrible governor. I am not saying he's a terrible person, maybe a great person, but look at the state he leads. It has gotten demonstrably visibly worse by every measure during the years he has led it, so he is doing a terrible job.

So you'd think even leaders of the Democratic Party, his party would be very happy that he could be leaving, but they're not. They are doing everything they can to keep him in office. They are going so far as to endorse the job he's doing if you can imagine.

Imagine the bile they have to swallow to do that, because they're not blind they see what he has done.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are now set to campaign against the recall, no more democracy for you. You've got to wonder, will the state survive this? Will there be a free and fair election?

Everyone is watching.

Harmeet Dillon is the co-chair of the Republican National Lawyers Association. She lives in California, she has for many years. We're happy to have her on tonight.

Harmeet, thanks so much for coming on. California does not get the credit it deserves for the corruption that's endemic there. It's a one-party state and they act like it, and you've got to have concerns about whether this recall election will be free and fair.

Are you concerned?

HARMEET DHILLON, CO-CHAIR, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL LAWYERS ASSOCIATION: Well, of course, I'm concerned, Tucker. I'm involved in election integrity efforts throughout the United States and I'm also a member of the Republican National Committee.

So, we have a team of lawyers that is ready to deploy throughout the state here and we are monitoring things every single day. Just a couple of hours ago, I filed a lawsuit to intervene in a challenge to the constitutionality of the recall statute because frankly I don't trust the Secretary of State or the Attorney General who are both appointed by the Governor to defend him in this regard.

And so, we are going to be jumping on every potential opportunity to do that and fight back against the Democrats. Of course, they are playing fast and loose. We've seen some very alarming scenes of 300 ballots bundled together in the car of a person with a gun and some drugs and so, we are definitely looking into all of these issues.

But, Tucker, ultimately it's going to come down to how much do people want a change in California? And I can tell you, even living in my latte- sipping, avocado toast eating, you know Lululemon wearing neighborhood in San Francisco, people are fed up with the crime, the drugs, the homelessness, the intermittent electricity, and everything else that is wrong with California.

So, people want a change here.

CARLSON: It's just not working and this really is a test of whether our system works. I mean can people get better leadership, that's kind of the question. Will there be election observers on the scene so the rest of us can know this was fair?

DHILLON: Well, a hundred percent. The problem in California is that the voting doesn't just take place on Election Day, like it would in a normal place. It takes -- it is taking place now on a rolling basis through mail- in voting, it's a hundred percent mail-in ballots this time around and it is going to take place for 30 days after the election if it's close because they have 30 days to count the vote.

That's 60 days of voting, and of course, a lot of shenanigans can occur and ballots can disappear, so we are going to be observing it very closely and demanding accountability and filing lawsuits wherever we need to, to hold the Democrats accountable because we cannot trust them.

CARLSON: Yes, I hope so. People want to believe the system works, that it's real, that they have power, that their vote matters. So, I appreciate what you're doing.

Harmeet Dhillon, thank you.

DHILLON: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So, Eric Swalwell had a very unusual -- in fact, a stomach turning sexual relationship with a Chinese spy -- but he is still at large tonight. What is he doing? We've been keeping tabs on what Eric Swalwell is doing. We've got some disturbing news for you, next.


CARLSON: Our southern border remains wide open tonight. I want to tell you about a disturbing discovery that was just made there. Our Bill Melugin is at the border with that story. Hey, Bill.

BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. Good to see you. So, look throughout this border crisis, cartel members and human smugglers have gotten increasingly bold and increasingly creative, if you will, with their efforts to avoid law enforcement.

We got some pretty bizarre we want to show you. Take a look at this photo right here. It looks like a legitimate average Border Patrol SUV, right? Well it's not. It's a total fake.

Border Patrol in Tucson, Arizona came across this vehicle being driven by a human smuggler. He had literally cloned one of their Border Patrol SUVs, got all the markings on it to make it look legit. He was also wearing a fake Border Patrol uniform and had 10 illegal immigrants inside that vehicle with him, who he was smuggling.

Thankfully, agents sniffed it out. They arrested him, took all of the migrants into custody, but that's the sort of thing happening down here at the border more and more often. You take a live look at our FOX drone overhead right now, typical night down here in Southern Texas, we got a group of migrants who have just shown up after crossing illegally into the United States. This happens every single night out here.

The question is, who are all of the people coming over? Border Patrol here in the Rio Grande Valley reporting in the last fiscal year, they've already arrested 145 confirmed gang members including four MS-13 members just in recent days.

This crisis not going away anytime soon as the Biden administration has two crises they're dealing with, one in the Middle East, the other right here at the southern border, which isn't slowing down anytime soon.

We'll send it back to you.

CARLSON: Well, that's obvious. Bill Melugin, thanks so much for that.

So, this is just a cable news show. We never pretend that we're an international feminist organization. We're not an NGO, but that doesn't mean we don't care about the fate of women and girls. We do care.

And that's why for months now, we've been monitoring the situation in Congressman Eric Swalwell's office. Swalwell, you'll remember had a long time sexual affair with a Chinese spy that included personal behavior we will euphemistically describe as stomach turning and unnatural, we'll leave it at that.

Swalwell's spy girlfriend has since fled back to China ahead of the D.O.J., but Eric Swalwell himself remains at large tonight in both Washington and California. We've been keeping tabs on him because we think it's our duty.

A few months ago, we told you about Swalwell's efforts to find young women who might be willing to quote "expand his brand," whatever that might mean, just saying the words makes the hair on our arms stand up.

Now tonight, there is this development. Swalwell has been caught advertising for still more women. His office has posted a quote "job listing" possibly on Craigslist, we can't be sure, noting that young women are quote, "strongly encouraged to join him" -- and we're quoting here -- "to manage his agenda." Verbatim quote.

How would you like your daughter managing Eric Swalwell's agenda? How is behavior like this allowed in 2021 in the United States Congress? Where is Nancy Pelosi?

If this was Afghanistan, if it was happening in Kandahar, CNN would be demanding that these women, these agenda managers receive immediate asylum for their own safety. U.N. agencies would get involved. We would all understand this as a pressing human rights crisis, but because Eric Swalwell is doing it -- manage my agenda -- it's okay. No, it's not okay. It's wrong.

We hope it stops immediately.

Without any support at all from Republicans, the Democratic Party has just pushed a $3.5 trillion budget through the House of Representatives. The question is, what's in it? We'll tell you next.


CARLSON: Well, Democrats in Congress -- while the rest of us were completely absorbed in what's happening in Afghanistan -- just passed today one of the most expensive and maybe the single most radical budget in the history of this country. The total is $3.5 trillion.

Now by using a legislative tool called reconciliation, Democrats are able to include amnesty for millions of foreign nationals in this bill, people here illegally. The budget also allocates billions of dollars for quote, "green public projects." In other words, companies owned by their donors. It passed with no Republican support.

What else is in this bill? $3.5 billion is a big number.

Brian Brenberg has gone through it. He is an Associate Professor at King's College. We're happy to have him on again.

Brian, thanks for joining us. So what is in this legislation that the rest of us have ignored effectively?

BRIAN BRENBERG, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, KING'S COLLEGE: It is typical cradle to grave legislation, Tucker. You know it starts with child care, it goes to pre-K, it goes to college education, it goes to Medicare expansion. It's a government dependency plan that tries to get you hooked from the minute you start walking to the minute you can't walk anymore.

I mean this is really totally radical. And the bad part about it, the really bad part about it right now is it is $3.5 trillion, plus another trillion for so-called infrastructure in a moment where people who live on a budget are dealing with inflation.

I know the folks in D.C. don't care about that. They don't have to worry about budgets.

CARLSON: Well, they are causing it.

BRENBERG: Small businesses do, individuals do. That's where we are with this bill, Tucker. It's all about government dependency and you think at a moment like this, if you want to trust in the government's foresight, is this the moment that you're going to trust in them being able to predict the future with a $3.5 trillion socialist plan. I don't think so.

CARLSON: Yes, the people who got us out of Afghanistan by humiliating the country are now spending $3.5 trillion. What are the chances -- how much of this will wind up as law?

BRENBERG: I think a lot of it will. You've heard from moderate Democrats - - so-called moderate Democrats -- who said they didn't want to see this reconciliation bill. They just all rolled over this week. They gave up.

And I think they gave up because they know if we're not looking at free government cash, we're looking at what's happening in Afghanistan, and they've picked this as the horse they're going to ride to the midterm election.

So I think you're going to see some of those moderates end up giving in. You're going to get a reconciliation bill that's close to $3.5 trillion. You're going to get this so-called bipartisan bill. It's going to be $4.5 trillion on top of the six last year, that's $10 trillion in spending in a matter of two years. We don't have a dime of it.

CARLSON: Are we going to get millions of new voters out of this legislation, do you think?

BRENBERG: Look, it gives $100 billion -- it gives $100 billion to the Judiciary Committee with one purpose: amnesty. So if you don't get -- I mean if you don't get that out of $100 billion in the Judiciary, you know I don't know how much money they have to spend on it, but yes, that's exactly what they want to do.

It's dependency. It is subverting the rule of law, and it is creating a civilian climate core. It's trying to change culture in this country away from individual responsibility, away from capitalism and toward government dependency.

CARLSON: Yes, and once you change the electorate, then there's no going back.

BRENBERG: That's right.

CARLSON: Your vote isn't worth anything.

BRENBERG: That's right. Dilute the vote.

CARLSON: Yes. Brian Brenberg, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thanks so much.

BRENBERG: You bet. Good to see you.

CARLSON: Amazing. All the things that are happening at exactly the moment when no one you've ever met trusts anybody in charge, so it might be good to pause for just a moment, pause on letting in new Americans, pause on changing our society completely while we're not paying attention, and re- establish the trust between the people in charge and the people they lead, just a kind of cooling off period where we can all rediscover why we're Americans in this together, what unites us rather than divides us, all of that.

Now is exactly not the moment to accelerate the change to bewildering levels, because we will pay the price for it at some point, that's guaranteed.

Well that's it for us tonight. You can watch the interview with Erik Prince on foxnation.com and of course, we'll be back tomorrow and every night 8:00 p.m., the show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.

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