
This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," June 7, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: Good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. Happy Monday.

Joe Biden may have lost a step along the way, but his handlers work fast. Within hours of the Inauguration in January, Biden's White House opened America's borders to the world, not simply to job seekers and gang members from Mexico and Central America, but to varieties of illegal migrants from all over the globe from Africa and Asia, from the Middle East, virtually anyone who could get to Mexico was and is admitted into the United States without a visa.

In some cases, foreign nationals whose identities we cannot verify, were flown to the interior of our country and permanently resettled without the permission of the people who already live there, Americans. How did migrants get from Congo to Lewiston, Maine? And why?

Well, because Susan Rice and ideologues like her very much want to change Maine's demographics, as well as the population mix in every other state in the union. So, the administration is working to do that, by fiat, without a vote in Congress, without public consent of any kind.

By definition, this is the most radical possible attack on the core premise of democracy, which is that citizens get to run their own countries, not foreigners, citizens. The leaders of the Democratic Party, though no longer believe in democracy as constituted, and they definitely don't plan to lose another election.

So, as the rest of us go about our lives, they are importing huge numbers of new voters into the United States. When you say this out loud, they become absolutely hysterical and call you names. But they do that only because it is so obviously true.

Unfortunately, for Susan Rice, this is one change to the country that is pretty hard to hide. If you live within a hundred miles of the Mexican border, for example, you watch it happen in real time.

On the border, the rule of law has been suspended. The American system of order and decency and fairness is being mocked and destroyed by the very people in charge of sustaining it. You don't have to be a conservative Republican to be deeply offended by what's going on.

Last November in Texas, many thousands of lifelong Democrats with Mexican last names voted for Donald Trump. Why? Because they knew perfectly well what the left planned to do to the border, and they were right. They're patriotic Americans. They didn't want to see their country destroyed.

So for the Joe Biden administration, this is potentially a very serious political problem. Most people no matter what color they are, no matter who they vote for, think that Joe Biden's current immigration policy is lunacy, because it is.

Opening the border is the single most unpopular thing the White House has done so far -- by far. Biden's handlers understand this could be a disaster for them. So this weekend, they dispatched Kamala Harris to Central America with orders to pretend she is trying to fix it. Harris, you may remember is the shallow political opportunist from Canada, we are often told as some kind of Civil Rights hero/moral leader.

On Sunday, Harris flew to Guatemala to unveil her policy to address the crisis. What is it? In a word, the plan is bribery.

The administration plans to spend billions of dollars to pay Latin America's poor not to move to the United States. CNN, of course, loves the idea. It blames America. Quote, "Kamala Harris's visit to Central America signals a new chapter." The channel slobbered in the headline this morning.

But there's nothing actually new about this. We've seen this cartoon before.

Six years ago, as Barack Obama's Vice President, Joe Biden announced what he called a plan for Central America in "The New York Times." The idea at the time is the idea now: once we send billions to corrupt foreign governments, their citizens will stop showing up in Texas and California.

So, we tried it. How did it work exactly? Well, let's see, we now have more people from Central America coming over our border illegally than at any time in decades, possibly ever. So, it didn't work very well. That's obvious to everyone, but Joe Biden who doesn't seem to have noticed.

In April, he told Congress that his plan was a brilliant success.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: When I was Vice President, the President asked me to focus on providing help needed to address the root causes of migration and it helped keep people in their own countries instead of being forced to leave.

The plan was working, but the last administration decided it was not worth it.

I'm restoring the program and ask Vice President Harris to lead our diplomatic effort to take care of this. I have absolute confidence she will get the job done.


CARLSON: So the last administration was weak on border security, right? Okay, got it. But the sentence to pay attention to is the claim that people from Central America are quote, "forced to come here." Who are they forced to come here by? Well by us, of course. We're not keeping up with our bribes to the drug traffickers who run say, Honduras. So it's our fault. Better restart the payments immediately or someone could get hurt.

But that's a lie. Foreign aid almost never accomplishes what we pretend it will accomplish for the people for whom it is intended. And if you think otherwise, how about explaining Africa. For more than 50 years, the West, the U.S. in particular has bombarded that continent with taxpayer and NGO money, as well as with all the stupid and very patronizing assumptions that accompany that money.

And the result, is there a single African country that is better off for it? Less corrupt, and more self-sufficient? Take an hour or two to check that fact sometime, if you have the time. It's hard to find a single country.

Foreign aid projects are where liberal arrogance goes to die, they almost never work for the people they're supposed to work for. Sorry, they don't. It sounds like they would, but they don't.

Yesterday, even "The New York Times" can see that this is true. For example, over the past 10 years, Guatemala alone has received more than a billion and a half dollars in U.S. aid. So, what's the result of that aid? Small country, a billion and a half dollars.

Well, according to "The New York Times," poverty and malnutrition in Guatemala have now risen to unprecedented levels. Really? Why are you surprised? When was the last time that welfare made someone stronger or happier? The same is true with countries.

If anything, Joe Biden's aid package encouraged illegal migration to the United States. Michael Clemens, a fellow at the Center for Global Development, studied the data on this. He found that, quote, "Foreign aid focused on economic development is actually associated with increases in emigration from poor countries." But of course, that's true. The only surprise is that we would be surprised.

Healthy places are by definition, self-sufficient places. Dependence by contrast, breeds misery. That's always true. Misery causes people to flee and they have.

Kamala Harris is no genius, obviously, but even she must sense this. She knows more bribes won't work. So instead of defending her plan on the specific, she is taking the much easier and far more familiar road, more babbling about racism and sexism, and of course, climate change.


KAMALA HARRIS (D), VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There are also longstanding issues that are often called the root causes of immigration. We are looking at the issue of poverty, and the lack therefore, of economic opportunities, the issue of extreme weather conditions and the lack of climate adaptation, as well as corruption and the lack of good governance and violence against women, indigenous people, LGBTQ people and Afro descendants.


CARLSON: Often cause by so-called the root causes of immigration. Really? By whom exactly? No honest person. Quick, Kamala Harris, name three global problems of any kind that are not caused by racism and sexism and climate change and whose solutions don't make you more powerful? Because that's always the acid test of good faith.

Does the solution cost you or does it help you? If it helps you every single time, maybe it's not really a solution. So, what's the answer? Just kidding. Trick question.

Obviously, there aren't any global problems that aren't associated with racism and sexism and global climate change, and that don't require Kamala Harris to become a lot more powerful.

The funny thing is, and it is funny, no one has told Central Americans this. They think they're coming here to Brownsville and San Ysidro precisely because Kamala Harris is now the Vice President. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Giammattei says increased border crossings have been caused in part by the change of administrations in Washington.

ALEJANDRO GIAMMATTEI, SALVADORAN PRESIDENT (through translator): The messaged change, too. We're going to reunite families, and we're going to reunite children. The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.

We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving.


CARLSON: Oh, so they're not coming here because of sexism. In fact, in Latin America, they kind of like the patriarchy. Sorry, Kamala Harris. They're not coming here because they are fleeing a culture they don't like, it's their culture. They're coming here because this is a much richer and much more generous country and now they can come here, so why wouldn't they?

It's not their fault. It's ours.

And if you really wanted to solve the problem, the answer is pretty simple. You would deport people here illegally. That's what normal countries do. How much time does Mexico or Israel spend blaming itself for people who break their laws? Not a lot of time, actually. Not one second.

They swiftly deport people who do that, and if we did that, it will get the world's attention immediately. Because the truth is, many of these countries need illegal immigrants in our country in order to continue. That's how unhealthy the economics of this arrangement are.

As of 2019, for example, remittances from immigrants to the United States accounted for fully 20 percent of El Salvador's entire GDP. Is that healthy? Should we continue that? Don't we want an independent El Salvador that can feed itself? Clearly, we don't care.

The same was true, essentially in Honduras and Guatemala. According to a recent piece that moved on the AP wire, quote, "So many Guatemalans have left that much of the country survives on remittances they send home." Once again, if you cared about Guatemala, you would try to make Guatemala independent, you wouldn't make it yet another third world country dependent on NGO and foreign aid money. That's a horrible thing to do.

The same story in Mexico, by the way. In 2018, then presidential candidates AMLO admitted, quote, "These remittances are the main income that this country has, more than oil, more than tourism." Is that what we want for Mexico? If you cared about Mexico, would you want that? No, it's degrading, and it might be part of the reason Mexico is a disaster in the middle of a drug war ongoing for 10 years.

Kamala Harris doesn't care. So her solution is the same solution: give more money to the narco states, to Honduras where the President is under a D.E.A. investigation for drug trafficking.


HARRIS: We are launching our call to action for businesses to invest in the northern triangle. I believe that the businesses, in particular, our private business sector have a very significant role to play, as we all know, in creating jobs and promoting economic opportunity and in long term development.

I am proud that we have companies already in the United States who have committed to act. We have Mastercard who intends to partner across sectors to bring five million people in the region into the digital economy, and to support one million small businesses.


CARLSON: This is hilarious. Only because no one on the left talks about economics or understands economics, all debates used to be in economics. It's not even mentioned anymore. It's all race and gender. But underlying all of this is economics. And what Kamala Harris is saying is that big U.S. companies are quote "ready to act selflessly," of course, to get more cheap labor in the third world. They're ready to act.

Even as our own labor market does things that no healthy market would do. Unemployment is going up, even as businesses can't find labor to fill open jobs. Something very ominous is happening in our labor markets, it is being ignored, so we can help Honduras's labor market on behalf of El Salvador and by the way, send more money to governments that don't deserve it, that are corrupted, don't serve their own people in the hope they'll stop invading us, but they will invade us anyway because it's been going on for 10 years.

Who benefits from these arrangements? A lot of people, but not you. That's for sure.

Candace Owens is the host of "Candace" and we're always happy to have her on the show. Candace Owens, thanks so much for coming on tonight. Who benefits? I mean, I just -- I used to think that all of these arrangements were, you know, American guilt that helped the countries from which these immigrants were coming.

Now. I think El Salvador and Guatemala don't benefit from this. The U.S. certainly doesn't benefit from it. So who is the beneficiary here exactly?

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes, absolutely, the politicians that want to get them in so that they can change the demographics and get votes, and actually you brought up something that's very important.

I actually interviewed about a month and a half ago, an illegal immigrant actually on a path to citizenship now, thanks to marriage and they were very honest with me. And they said that during this journey, and they particularly came from Guatemala, that it was more harrowing to go through Mexico because the Mexico Police kept trying to stop the flow of illegal immigration. And once you get to America, it's essentially a finish line because it's so organized, and it's so systemic.

So even though this individual entered in through California, as soon as you get into America, an SUV is waiting. She told me, it took her to a location, a house, basically a safe house, and then a bunch of Americans come and transport the illegal immigrants to various states.

So, I just want to say this, she entered in through California, and then 150 of them were broken up into three states. Those three states were Texas, Tennessee, and Virginia. She went to Virginia and her friends went to Texas and to Tennessee. That's a fascinating, crucial piece of this.

Now, she entered this country 10 years ago, right? Since then, Virginia has gone blue. We know that the Biden administration is having planes entering Chattanooga -- this made the news couple of weeks ago --filled with illegal immigrants in the middle of the night. What's really going on here?

This didn't just begin when Biden and Kamala got into office. This has been going on for a very long time, I believe, a very long time. And when Trump got into office and started talking about stopping the flow, they really got upset and they got very angry because this has been something that has been going on in terms of trafficking over the border to change demographics of this country for a long time.

It is not a conspiracy theory, it is the truth. And I'm so happy that you're talking about it, because at the end of the day, we know that Kamala Harris, they are not concerned about fixing the crisis. They're concerned about accelerating a plan, a plan that went into motion a very long time ago, and Americans need to wake up into it, because you are correct, it is an invasion.

CARLSON: And there is nothing truer than what you just said, and it has its roots in political calculation. It has nothing to do with human rights or racial diversity or ending sexism or any of that. That's all a diversion. This is about changing the political balance of the country. It's been going on a long time. And they get hysterical because it's absolutely true, and in their lucid moments, they brag about it. I mean, they don't hide this, do they?

OWENS: No, they don't. And you're right. They get hysterical because they don't want people to listen to what we're talking about. You know, I'm a black American. I'm not sitting here trying to have this discussion because I don't want more brown people in this country. I don't care about brown people coming in this country.

In fact, Tucker, if you want more brown people in this country, why don't we get more illegal immigrants from Africa. I think they represent about only two percent of the immigrants that are coming into this country. This is not about brown people or fear of having brown people. This is about, we not wanting our system to be crippled by illegal immigration when we know that the end of it, all they want to do is to get a ton of them in here, and then to say, make an application and a case that for all of them to receive green cards, as what we saw this week in the Supreme Court, which I'm glad that they shot down that efforts to try to legalize 400,000 illegal immigrants that are in this country right now.

And this is what's actually happening. The Democrats are after changing demographics so that they can guarantee themselves power because their policies no longer work and inner cities are being corrupted. And again, what is so particularly interesting to me is that they are being taken into what is normally a conservative zone, a conservative state. That is interesting to me.

CARLSON: Yes, that's exactly right. Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, wake up, Greg Abbott because it's happening.

I appreciate it, Candace Owens, your coming on tonight and how lucid your explanation was. Thank you.

OWENS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So the City of Chicago, one of the great American cities, third biggest, has embraced something called Community Oriented Policing. How is that working out for the City of Chicago? Well, we have some video that shows it. FOX's Bill Melugin has it for us tonight. Hey, Bill.


There is no sugarcoating this one. This video is not a good look for the police out there.

Chicago PD has launched an investigation after a now viral video has surfaced online, appearing to show several women twerking on top of a moving Chicago police cruiser. Take a look at this.


MELUGIN: Yes, so not exactly the kind of community involvement the city likely had in mind here. This video already has more than 700,000 views online. As you can see right here, it shows several women twerking on top of that police SUV. You've got one woman up on the roof, you've got a couple more down on the hood, while of course, a crowd of onlookers shooting the whole thing on their iPhones and live streaming it as well.

The cruiser is marked with Chicago Police. It looks like there were cops inside of it and it continued driving slowly as the women just kept dancing on it.

There was one person in the crowd with a Bulls jersey, but it's unclear exactly when and where that video was shot. As for Chicago PD, you're seeing the video again right there, they are telling us that they are aware of this video. They are investigating it and they say there is going to be consequences for any officers who acted inappropriately.

Of course, this coming just days after the Department announced they want to focus more on community oriented policing. All of this, of course happening in the context that there's near constant violence in the city of Chicago taking place every single week. This past weekend alone, one of the most violent so far, 58 people were shot that includes an 11-year-old girl who was shot in her back and five people were killed since Friday alone. Tucker, we'll send it back to you.

CARLSON: It's beyond unbelief. Bill Melugin, I appreciate your coming on tonight with that report.

MELUGIN: Thanks.

CARLSON: So whatever we're doing in running America's cities or in running America isn't working very well, you wind up with people twerking on top of police cars, maybe the people in charge aren't very good at running things.

So what happens next? Why wouldn't there be a real backlash against this? Like a real backlash against this.

If it continues, there will be. Who knows what that will look like?

Well, Sandy Cortez recently complained on social media that her grandmother isn't getting enough aid in Puerto Rico. So, a frequent guest on this program, Matt Walsh, decided to help. He is a decent person. He raised a huge amount of money for Sandy Cortez's grandmother. We will tell you what happened next.

Plus, a lot of talk about racism in America. There's a lot of it, but not the kind they tell you about. We're going to tell you what one lecture on Ivy Campus just said about her fantasies about shooting people. That video is next.


CARLSON: So, of course we're in the middle of a moral panic about racism. It's been going on for some time, but we're reaching kind of a fever pitch. Everything is racist. Everything that you like and grew up with is certainly racist.

Shakespeare is racist. Ice cream trucks are racist. Dr. Seuss is racist.

None of it is racist. Systemic racism controls the country. No one can define it. It's not real.

But the irony is at the very moment that we're searching for racism under the every bed, there's actual racism all around us. It's loud, it's aggressive. Sometimes it is violent, and yet nobody mentions it. It's everywhere.

Do you dare speak its name? We're going to let a shrink and a lecturer at the Yale School of Medicine illustrate what we're talking about.

Her name is Dr. Aruna Khilanani and she spoke at length about her fantasies about murdering white people. Watch this.


DR. ARUNA KHILANANI, PSYCHIATRIST: I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a [bleep] favor. White people have been out of their minds and have been for a long time.

We are now in a psychological predicament because white people feel that we are bullying them when we bring up race. They feel that we should be thanking them for all that they have done for us. We are asking a demented, violent predator who thinks that they are a saint or a superhero, to accept responsibility, it ain't going to happen. They have five holes in their brain.


CARLSON: We have that video, by the way, thanks to Barry Weiss, who left "The New York Times" and has now committed in an astonishing amount of actual journalism, scoop after scoop after scoop, but what's amazing is in a normal country, almost any other country, you would see that and you would say that person should not be treating patients. That person is dangerous and scary and mentally unbalanced.

Does that person have a license to treat patients? Why?

But that wasn't the reaction at all. She fantasized about murdering people of a certain color. Several attendees who watched that lecture wrote comments praising her on Yale's online feed. What the hell is going on? And what are the consequences going to be if this continues? It's scary.

Bob Woodson is a Civil Rights leader. He founded the Woodson Center, and we're happy to have him on tonight. Mr. Woodson, thank you so much for coming on. I'm getting worried about the consequences of this, the backlash against it, what it is going to do to the country if it continues unimpeded, and I'm baffled by the fact that no one ever notes this out loud. It's happening right in front of us. Why are we pretending that it's not?

ROBERT WOODSON, FOUNDER, WOODSON CENTER: You're right, Tucker. You know, in January 30, 1956, Dr. King's house in Montgomery was bombed. His wife and small child barely got out alive. And yet, Dr. King in an act of profound grace -- he had 200 armed black men around him, he cautioned them against - - refused to engage in retaliatory violence.

This woman engaged in what I call radical disgrace, and what she is doing, there are already people taking action. There was a 300-pound black man in Seattle, Washington, who savagely beat a 57-year-old white woman at the gas pump.

Outside of San Francisco yesterday, a 21-year-old Hispanic woman savagely beat a 67-year-old white woman while saying "you are privileged." I mean, this is how far we have descended. But yet, there's a conspiracy of silence on the part of the Civil Rights leadership, the Congressional Black Caucus, Kamala Harris, all these people are silent, like, and therefore they sanction with their silence.

Even the President keeps up this mantra about racism. Even on -- we are celebrating the anniversary of D-Day, he couldn't find it in himself to talk about the thousands of Americans who died on the invasion of Normandy, but he could talk about 300 blacks who were slaughtered in Oklahoma in the Greenwood section, so that is the kind of moral inconsistency, Tucker, that is really troubling and it can destroy this country.

What happens if people began to get the word and start retaliating and attacking blacks because of their color?

CARLSON: That's right. Exactly, exactly. Unless people, actual more leaders stand up and say unequivocally all lives matter we are all created equal, racism of any kind is wrong we are going to go on in a very dark road and soon if someone doesn't say that. I think we should be worried about that now.

Mr. Woodson, I appreciate you've lived through a lot.

WOODSON: But that's -- okay.

CARLSON: No, please finish.

WOODSON: We are trying to do our best.

CARLSON: I know you are. Thank you. Thank you for reminding us of that. Robert Woodson, appreciate it.

So the conservative movement has changed dramatically in the last few years. It's changing still. Charlie Kirk has been in this since he was 18. He is one of the biggest conservative leaders in the country now and his views have changed completely about what the Republican Party ought to be doing.

If you haven't heard from Charlie Kirk recently, what he thinks now, it is worth listening. You'll hear it, next.


CARLSON: When Democrats took control of Congress this year after that debacle in Georgia made possible by a lot of stupid strategy by a lot of Republicans, some people worried they would do radical things right away and those people were right.

Democrats pushed H.R. 1; called H.R. 1 because it's the first thing they pushed, an act titled the For the People Act, a perfectly Stalinist name. It is 800 pages long, you probably haven't read it. Let's sum it up. It's got one purpose, ensuring permanent rule by the Democratic Party over the whole country.

That legislation mandates nationwide mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting by political partisans. It erases all state oversight of elections. In effect, it legalizes voter fraud.

So Democrats knew no Republican would support this, even the liberal ones, why would they? So to get it passed, they needed to abolish the filibuster. To abolish the filibuster, they had to rebrand it as -- can you guess? An instrument of white supremacy.

It didn't matter that Democrats had used the filibuster 300 times last year. It's in their way now, therefore, it's white supremacy. Well, on Sunday, one Democratic Senator, Joe Manchin of West Virginia stopped that plan in its tracks. They need his vote, they are not getting it.

In an op-ed in "The Charleston Gazette Mail," Manchin announced he would not vote for H.R. 1 or support getting rid of the filibuster and we made a central point. Democracy is incompatible with one-party rule. The two don't go together, if you believe in democracy, you need a multi-party democracy, quote: "I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy," end quote, because he is right, of course it will.

Can you guess what happened next? Well, it turns out Joe Manchin, just like the filibuster, just like Shakespeare and ice cream -- is racist. At the ludicrous magazine called "The Atlantic," someone called Jemele Hill wrote this quote: "Record numbers of black voters show up to save this democracy only for white supremacy to be upheld by a cowardly power hungry white dude." Yes, he's white, so he is bad. Right? This is the level of public discourse right now. CNN of course agreed with it.

They also wrote that Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema also came out in favor of keeping the filibuster. So she must be a racist, too.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Let's just be honest and tell the truth about what is happening in this country. Don't hide behind the filibuster. Say what you've got to say, brothers and sister or brother and sister, do it. If you're going to do it, then say, I don't want to do it.

I don't want to do this because I think that black and brown people's vote should be restricted in the future to come in America. Just say it. Don't hide behind the filibuster.

Two Democrats, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are standing in the way of that.


CARLSON: So, they are racists because they want to keep the filibuster, which Democrats used 300 times last year. That's the level. These people will say anything. They're not even ideologues, they are pure partisans. Anything that stands in the way of their party getting power, they will denounce as racist, and they control a lot of people because people are terrified of being called that.

You wonder how long Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema can state in that party when they are denounced as bigots for upholding a standard that was valid last year. You wonder how long? It's not a partisan point, it is a sincere question. How long?

Do you have dignity or self-respect?

Well, Charlie Kirk is a name you may be familiar with. He is probably the biggest organizer of conservative, certainly, if conservative young people in the country. He is young himself.

He spent probably 10 years doing it. He runs something called Turning Point. He is the cofounder of that, Turning Point U.S.A. What's interesting is that his views about the Republican Party is and should do and what conservatism stands for have changed completely.

He has thought a lot about it and it is worth hearing his conclusions. We talked to him at great length, the latest episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." Here's part of the conversation.


CHARLIE KIRK, FOUNDER, TURNING POINT U.S.A.: The people that dominated the conversation, now that I have realized, were either heavily influenced by Corporate America that wanted the conservative movement to just revert to abstractions and ideology for the lack of interference from the state towards their kind of corporate tyranny, which I'd love to explore with you.


KIRK: And this kind of thought also, it lends itself towards not necessarily away from partisanship, but it gets towards a more nuanced and dare I say, a more thoughtful, conservative movement in the sense that we are unafraid to say, you know what, maybe I agree with Bernie Sanders immigration policy when he used to talk about it in 2004, maybe mass immigration shouldn't be the most important thing that conservatives should always stand for.

And I believe, and Russell Kirk predicted this, that as soon as the Soviet Union fell, the conservative movement and America wouldn't know what to do it themselves.


KIRK: And he predicted this almost to the date and time. So the Berlin Wall falls, and this is what I call the four horsemen of the 90s. And this is when -- I was born in '93. So all this was happening while I had basically no say about it, where the generation that did so well, the older baby boomers, and kind of the George H.W. Bush, Irving Kristol generation.


KIRK: They were in the prime of their political career. And so what did they decide to do, as soon as the Berlin Wall fell? And almost to the date, Russell Kirk was right, mass immigration in 1990, George H.W. Bush signed in this compromise with Ted Kennedy to bring in millions of people, unrestricted into our nation of this great bargain of cheap labor, and then cheap votes so both sides kind of got a win out of that.

In 1994, Bill Clinton signs NAFTA, because we decided it would be a good idea to de-industrialize the backbone of our nation, and then 1999, one that might surprise people that as a conservative I think we should find disgusting was the repeal of Glass-Steagall. It was when Bill Clinton went out of his way to pander to the financial services lobby that largely led to cheap money and I think, the blurring of lines between commercial banking, and investment banking.

And then finally, China's entrance into the World Trade Organization in 2001.


KIRK: And all four of those things, I believe, is kind of -- was the conservative movement or the people in charge, chasing momentary pleasure, and not preserving the good with no commitments of permanence.

CARLSON: Where do you think this is going?

KIRK: I try not to be solely in the predictive business. I can tell you where I think it is going.

So, here's the question that is -- and I don't think anyone has really said it like this. Was 2016 a tremor, an earthquake, or an aftershock? Meaning, was it something before something when Donald Trump got elected?


KIRK: Was it an earthquake, which is what it's obviously called? Or was it an aftershock? I think it's a tremor. I think what we're living through is a 10-year long tremor of something that's about to happen. I mean, a tremor meaning something that happens before an earthquake.


KIRK: Just to give the geological explanation. I think that when historians write this, they'll look at that as the beginning, not the event of a decade-long reckoning with this kind of pocket technology, the surveillance states, corporate dominance, postmodern secularism, all these different factors put in together.

So, where is this going? I don't know. But I do know that there is a restlessness among decent people of what to do next? Where is my place in this world? Do I have to always be a slave to these devices? And so yes, there's probably going to be a little bit of upheaval because of that.


CARLSON: Charlie Kirk turns out to be a pretty deep guy, actually. That conversation went on for nearly an hour. He explained why guilt is the single driving force in modern American politics and that's not helpful for anyone and he says what the conservative movement and the Republican Party should not do moving forward worth hearing.

That's on foxnation.com.

So a bunch of big companies have adopted policies in the last year to help businesses owned by people of a certain skin color, particularly food delivery businesses, because apparently no one in America has a historical memory.

At least one Attorney General is alive to the fact that this is illegal by the way and wrong. We're going to talk to him after the break.


CARLSON: So over the past year, a bunch of different big companies, Uber, DoorDash, for example, have decided they're going to discriminate against restaurants based on the race of the person who owns the restaurant. Because all of a sudden discriminating against people on the basis of race in restaurants is not a big deal, because that wasn't like a huge feature of American history or anything.

Of course, it's a big deal. It's wrong. It's also illegal. No one noticed.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich noticed though. He just settled with several companies for adopting these racist policies. He joins us tonight. Mr. Attorney General, thank you for coming on. Tell us what you did and why if you would.

MARK BRNOVICH, ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL: In short, what companies like Uber Eats, DoorDash, these home delivery services, if you were a black owned business, if you were a customer, you didn't have to pay any delivery fees. So in essence, what they were doing was discriminating in favor of the black-owned businesses, against any other sort of non-black businesses. And this is clearly not only a violation of the Civil Rights laws not only in Arizona, but elsewhere, but it is fundamentally un-American.

Tucker, as you just alluded to, you know, one does not end racism with more racism and this idea that somehow Corporate America is so woke that they're going to favor certain businesses over other businesses because of someone's skin color should be abhorrent to every American, regardless of who you are and where you come from.

CARLSON: I mean, also considering this is ignoring, literally, the central lesson of the Civil Rights movement, which took place in restaurants, a lot of -- like does no one remember that? It wasn't that long ago.

BRNOVICH: Yes, it's absolutely dumbfounded when you when you think about this, but this is the problem, whether it's Big Tech, whether it's sports teams now, and you know, you've talked about this, all of this Corporate America is trying to trip over themselves to social signal, virtue signal to show how woke they are and what they're doing is creating these incentives, which we believe obviously are illegal, but there is a more fundamental problem.

The far left -- the far left and their useful idiots in Corporate America now are essentially undermining what being American is about. And this country isn't founded on the race, it is not founded on a creed, not founded on a religion.

CARLSON: That's right.

BRNOVICH: And if we start dividing people by race, we start tearing down the very fabric -- the very fabric that unites us, and that's why it's so problematic. And you know, maybe because my family came from the former Yugoslavia, the Balkans, I am a first generation, there's a reason why they call it balkanization, Tucker. And if we allow our country to keep dividing by race, we will reach a tipping point, which I don't think we can come back from.

CARLSON: Man, I wish more elected officials made points like that. Mark Brnovich, I appreciate your coming on tonight, the Attorney General of Arizona.

BRNOVICH: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: it's only Monday, but we already have the best story of the week. We can say that conclusively. We'll tell you the two players in it, Sandy Cortez and Matt Walsh. Details in a moment.


CARLSON: We said a minute ago this is the greatest story of the week and it's only Monday, but we may have undersold it. It's only what, June 7th, we can say this is probably the best story of the month of June, 2021.

Here's how it begins. A couple of days ago, Sandy Cortez of Westchester complained online that her grandmother in Puerto Rico lives in poverty because of Big Orange. She put up a picture of her grandmother's house.

"This is her home," she wrote. "Trump blocked relief money for Puerto Rico."

Well, Matt Walsh who is often on this show felt a twinge of empathy. So he set up a fundraiser, a GoFundMe for Sandy Cortez's grandmother, but neither one of them wanted the money.

Matt Walsh is the compassionate host of "The Matt Walsh Show," and joins us tonight with an update to this poignant tale of aid refused.

Matt Walsh, first of all, thank you for doing what Sandy Cortez herself didn't do, which is try to help her abuela, her grandmother. What happened here?

MATT WALSH, HOST, "THE MATT WALSH SHOW": Yes, and thank you for giving me a chance to talk about my philanthropy which has been a big passion of mine since last week. But listen, she claimed that her mother has been living -- or her grandmother rather has been living in this dilapidated shack, I guess, for four years since the hurricane, and she is a wealthy single woman who has two apartments and a Tesla that she just recently bought, apparently.

She for whatever reason, refused to help her own grandmother, and so we said, all right, well, you know what, we'll get together and we'll raise the money. We raised $100,000.00 in 10 hours, okay. We probably could raise a million dollars if they let the fundraiser continue. But someone, "someone" big scare quotes around it in abuela's family shut down the fundraiser about 10 hours into it, and said that she doesn't want the money.

Now, this raises a lot of questions. Like for example, does this mean that abuela really wasn't in the dire straits as it was presented to us? Or would AOC prefer for her grandmother to live in that state, suffering rather than to take money from us?

I think either way, it's sort of scandalous, I think on AOC's part.

CARLSON: Well, it's a little bit weird that it was left to you to help Ocasio-Cortez's grandmother. I mean, I think of you as a kind of -- I don't know, caped crusader for good, a white knight in this world. But I mean, shouldn't AOC be a little ashamed of this?

WALSH: Yes, I mean, and obviously, like, I've already put my -- I've put my hat in the ring, if anyone wants to nominate me for a Nobel Peace Prize, I will accept that. It doesn't mean anything anyway, so you might as well give it to me.

But it is interesting that she would leave her grandmother like that. And you know, the thing is, she said, well, I'm focused on the systemic problems, and the government was supposed to solve this problem. Well, it does show that actually, you don't have to wait around for the system to solve every problem. Sometimes, free individuals can just get together and --

But this is a problem we could have solved not just for abuela, but they could have taken the money, fixed the ceiling, bought her some furniture she clearly needs and then they could have taken the rest of the money and help the neighbors. They could help the whole community with these funds.


WALSH: But they prefer not to do that.

CARLSON: I'm starting to think maybe helping people isn't the point for Ocasio-Cortez. Anyway, I'm so glad you were able to talk about your philanthropy, your passion for helping. Matt Walsh, the Great Matt Walsh. Thank you.

WALSH: Thank you.

CARLSON: See, that's a good story. We didn't oversell it.

New episode of "Tucker Carlson Today" out on FOX Nation.

We will be back tomorrow night at eight. We can't wait to see you then.

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