
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on February 15, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


A lot happening in the news. Here is one item that we noticed.

Canada canceled democracy last night, and the remarkable thing is, no one in this country seemed to notice that it happened. There was no outcry from our political class, as their friend Justin Trudeau declared Martial Law in response to an entirely peaceful protest from his country's working class.

Our news media barely noted that it happened, weirdest of all, the State Department which exists these days to denounce such attackers of democracy as Hungary and Poland didn't say a single word as democracy in Canada ended. That's pretty weird if you think about it.

Canada is not some exotic faraway land with an alien culture and unintelligible language. It's not Ukraine. Canada is our neighbor, it is our trading partner. Canada is our closest ally on Earth, it is particularly part of our country.

Our Vice President grew up in Canada, so did half of our comedians and actors and singers. Our border with Canada is the longest border in the world. It stretches more than 5,500 miles.

So on every level, we are deeply intertwined with Canada whether we notice it or not. What happens there matters here. If nothing else, it's a preview of what will likely happen in the United States.

So with that in mind, you should know that Justin Trudeau is no longer the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau is Canada's Maximum Leader, its strongman, its caudillo, its potentate.

Justin Trudeau is the dictator of Canada.

If you think that's an overstatement, try to think of another way to describe what Justin Trudeau is now doing.

For the first time in Canada's history, Trudeau has invoked what is known as the Emergencies Act, though the protests he is facing hardly qualify as an emergency. But suddenly, Justin Trudeau has the power to crush all political opposition to his rule and that is exactly what he is doing.

Trudeau has ended free speech in Canada. He has banned free assembly.

Trudeau's government has shut down political rallies and arrested his political critics without probable cause. Trudeau has instituted internal passports that restrict travel within Canada to the politically obedient. Canadians are no longer allowed to leave their own country unless they obey Justin Trudeau, and if they don't obey, they could be bankrupted and destroyed. He now has the power to do that.

Trudeau has claimed the power to freeze the financial assets of any Canadian who resists him. No Court order is required to do this, he just decides. Justin Trudeau can even dictate what you do for a living and how you do it.

Today, Trudeau threatened to arrest tow truck drivers who refused to tow the trucks of protesters.

Is this really about stopping the spread of coronavirus? No one in Canada is even pretending that it is anymore. Trudeau himself didn't mention the risk of COVID a single time yesterday. He is not worried about unvaccinated truckers spreading a virus. Trudeau is worried about Canadians resisting his rule, that's why Trudeau's government announced yesterday they plan to regulate cryptocurrency forever. Watch.


CHRYSTIA FREELAND, CANADIAN DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER: We are broadening the scope of Canada's anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use.

These changes cover all forms of transactions including digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies.

The illegal blockades have highlighted the fact that crowdfunding platforms and some of the payment service providers they use are not fully captured under the proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Act.


CARLSON: Oh, the Terrorist Financing Act, so that was a law passed to defeat al-Qaeda; now, it's being used to stop law-abiding Canadians, middle class people, students, truck drivers from protecting their earnings from the total mismanagement of Canada's Central Bank.

Justin Trudeau has wrecked the Canadian economy, but thanks to the Terrorist Financing Act, there is no escape from the consequences. Canadians are going to have to live with the consequences of Justin Trudeau's fiscal recklessness whether they want to or not, otherwise, they're terrorists.

It shouldn't surprise you that Trudeau's first move in the face of a trucker protest was to clamp down on cryptocurrency. Democrats will try this in this country guaranteed, will tell us Bitcoin is a Russian plot. CNN will dutifully back them up, watch it happen.

But at the same time, you've got to wonder since we're speaking of terrorism, what happens to the actual terrorists? Those do exist. How is Justin Trudeau treating them? Well let's see.

A few years ago, Justin Trudeau gave more than $10 million in taxpayer money in a settlement to a self-described al-Qaeda soldier called Omar Khadr.

Khadr murdered a U.S. Army sergeant. Now, murdering a U.S. Army sergeant is bad, but it's not as bad as criticizing Justin Trudeau. So Trudeau did not freeze Khadr's bank account, instead, he just made him rich and moved on.

When anti-Christian arsonists burned more than 50 Catholic churches across Canada, Justin Trudeau did not declare an emergency. Instead, he issued a statement sympathizing with them, quote: "It is fully understandable." Trudeau said, "Given the shameful history we're all becoming more aware of."

Are you beginning to see how this works?

In a dictatorship, the only real crime is opposing the regime. So, how did all this happen so quickly in a country as nice and moderate as Canada? Well, it happened the way that it always happened. It happened with maximum aggression and limited popular support.

Justin Trudeau won reelection last year with less than a third of the national vote. In fact, he finished the election behind his main competitor, the Conservative Party, thanks to quirks in the Parliamentary system, Trudeau took power anyway, and he immediately began to crack down on anyone who opposed him.

Trudeau had relatively few supporters, but they turned out to be the right supporters. They were the people with power. The woman, for example, you just saw announcing the crackdown on cryptocurrency is Canada's Deputy Prime Minister. But before she was that, she was a longtime journalist, including in our country.

She used to write for "The Washington Post." She's currently married to a "New York Times" reporter. Why is that relevant? Well, because up and down this story, you see the starring role that media organizations have played in the death of Canadian democracy.

The other day, for example, somebody hacked the database of the crowdfunding website, GiveSendGo, and then revealed the names of people who donated to the truckers protesting in Ottawa. You've got to ask yourself, who would have the tech savvy and the political motive to do something like that? Well, state intelligence agencies would. In fact, we can't really think of anybody else.

It would certainly be interesting to find out who did it. It's a big part of the story. But media companies seem curiously uninterested in finding out who did it. Instead, they immediately started using this stolen information to intimidate the donors.

Anyone who dared to send money to Justin Trudeau's political opponents was unmasked in public, shamed, and of course, inevitably threatened because that's what happens.

Trudeau's state TV channel, the CBC has been working on this retribution project all day long. They know who their enemies are and they knew who their master is. It's Justin Trudeau.

But Canada's "National Post" newspaper is doing the same thing. The "National Post" is supposedly independent of the government, but they're still doing it. In this country. Vice Media, to its great and eternal shame, has been doing the same thing.

So what do all of these media companies have in common? Well, they're all squarely on the side of entrenched power against the population they supposedly serve. That's the opposite of what journalism was designed to do. But at this point, it is the rule, not just in the United States, but around the world.

Reporters and politicians and big business all align against voters, against you. Have you noticed?

Earlier this week, the CBC warned Canadians that the word "freedom" has quote, "... become common among far right groups." So only QAnon wants freedom. Remember that the next time you complain about Justin Trudeau.

Many organizations have been agitating against democracy for years now, even as they posed loudly as its greatest defenders. In February of 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, Vice Media ran this headline: "Anti- vaxxers are terrified the government will enforce a vaccine for coronavirus. Anti-vax groups on social media are claiming that the spread of the disease will lead to mandatory vaccinations and unlimited surveillance."

Yes, those conspiracy nuts.

Now that all of that has actually happened, Vice has not apologized since Vice is helping Justin Trudeau to hurt anyone who complains about it.

In October of that same year, 2020, the CBC warned Canadians about a quote, "Disinformation campaign" that quote, "... falsely suggests Canadians will be forcibly sent to quarantine sites." A few months later, as if on cue, the Trudeau government began forcibly sending Canadians to quarantine sites.

But the CBC never apologized for posting what turned out to be disinformation. Instead, they said about enforcing Justin Trudeau's latest decrees. They see that as their job.

So by the way, does the so-called academic community. These are the university professors who have been granted lifetime job security precisely so they can think for themselves, freely, independent from government control. And yet in practice, no one is more controlled by the government than they are.

Here is a Professor from Canada's Carleton University, that's an institution heavily funded by Justin Trudeau, telling CNN's viewers how dangerous and immoral it is to criticize Justin Trudeau in any way. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's important to remember that at the core of this protest, you know it's -- it was never really about mandates in the first place it's always been about a small group of people who called for a convoy who hold very anti-government views, as well as kind of a racist, White supremacist views, conspiratorial worldviews.


CARLSON: Oh, they hold anti-government views. That's the crime. But isn't holding anti-government views allowed in a democracy? In fact, isn't the measure of Democratic government the degree to which you're allowed to question the people in charge? Well, that used to be the definition of democracy. It's not anymore. Certainly not on CNN.

The CNN anchor who heard that just nodded. Yes, it is indeed a scary problem when Canadians disagree with Justin Trudeau, arrest them.

On MSNBC, which is less subtle, but a lot more straightforward most of the time, they're telling Justin Trudeau to stop with the half measures. The problem with Canada is, is not authoritarian enough time to get the stick and start hurting people. Watch this.


JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: I do have to ask one question, though, about the liberal Prime Minister in Canada. Seriously? Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, if I'm a Mayor, I'm a Prime Minister, your trucks get in my city street, they are not going to stay there a week.

No, no, no, no, they're not going to stay. There is going to be somebody with a stick, and he is going to be banging on the window and he is going to say: You've got one or two options, you can move this thing, or we're going to cuff you and take you to jail. We're going to impound this, and we're going to find your company. So, move it or lose it.


CARLSON: Settle down, tough guy. "There's going to be someone there with a stick." It's interesting. It's always the very same people who call for violence, it's almost like it excites them. It's not a good sign.

So clearly, there is an appetite for Canadian-style tyranny in this country. So, the question is: How long until we get it? Let's see.

This morning, we learned that American Intelligence Agencies are trying to censor a financial website called ZeroHedge. Unnamed sources from Joe Biden's Intel Community told the Associated Press off the record, of course, that ZeroHedge was, quote, "spreading Russian propaganda" by which they meant criticizing Joe Biden, we can't have that.

So how long before they pull ZeroHedge off the internet? How long before they tried the same thing with Joe Biden's many other critics in the media, all of whom we can tell you firsthand, have also been accused of working for Vladimir Putin?

And when that does happen, when these voices are silenced, what will we call it, then? CNN will of course describe it as a necessary National Security measure. But it's not that, it's tyranny.

And by the way, since when does the C.I.A. get to decide what websites Americans read? Are there any civil libertarians left in this country? Old- fashioned liberals, anyone? What do they think of this? Maybe they don't notice it.

In their defense, it's hard to notice sometimes with leaders like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau. They don't look very threatening. They're not the Hollywood version of fascist. Look at Justin Trudeau. He's absurd.

The 70s haircut, all those little outfits when he feels like playing dress up. He doesn't look dangerous. He looks ridiculous. But maybe Justin Trudeau is smarter than he looks. Leaders like Biden and Trudeau avoid the usual tells, they don't use armies to invade other countries, for example. Instead, they promote color revolutions and control foreign governments from afar.

That's exactly what they did in Ukraine, which became a far more repressive place once Joe Biden began running it, and he does run Ukraine, make no mistake. That's what they do.

This new class of dictators seizes power incrementally through the bureaucracy. They never raise their voices, they don't wave their arms, they smile, and they tell you, they're protecting democracy and public health.

They praise diversity, even as they demand conformity. They're entirely passive-aggressive, but they're no less dangerous. One morning you wake up and they've canceled your job and seized your bank account for the crime of disagreeing with them.

This is the architecture of tyranny, and it's not just happening in Canada, it is happening here in the United States and will be used against us. Bet on it.

Jason Whitlock is the host of "Fearless." We're always grateful to have him on the show. Jason, thanks so much for coming on. So we don't pay any attention to Canada, it is famously boring. That's a compliment. Bad things don't typically happen there.

But this has happened. The guy has taken total control of the country and canceled human rights and our State Department, our media, the Biden administration say nothing. How does that work?

JASON WHITLOCK, HOST, "FEARLESS WITH JASON WHITLOCK": Tucker, what's amazing is Justin Trudeau on the record has told us exactly who he is. When Fidel Castro died, he had glowing words for Fidel Castro. He has talked about how much respect and admiration he has for China and the way things are run in China.

He has told us exactly who he is. We don't care.

What is frightening about this is, because the things going on in Canada are foreshadowing or working in parallel, in concert with the events happening here in this country. I'm sorry if people get offended, but the January 6th thing, they assassinated this young woman, Ashli Babbitt, and they've thrown people in dungeons -- in dungeons -- for trespassing on the Capitol.

And what is going on in Canada with the truckers is bad, but we have the same style things going on here in America. The opposition to the left and their sectorization of American society, the demonizing of freedom, that that was one -- in your mono, when you start talking about -- they've demonized freedom. America has been built upon freedom, opportunity, and self-determination. That's what made us the envy of the world.

They are demonizing all of that. And now, the goal in America is equity, inclusion, and diversity. Those things are controlled by elites and governments. Freedom, opportunity, and self-determination, that is on you and me as individuals to go get that and that's why people beat down doors to get in this country.

And all of this -- freedom, opportunity, and self-determination, all of that goes hand in hand with Christianity, Tucker, and if you go look at Canada in the 50s and 60s, that country, like 65 percent of them went to church regularly on Sundays. They've dropped that down to about 10 percent now.

And so we don't even value freedom right now because we don't understand its importance and they have handed us equity, diversity, and inclusion and the race, religion, and anybody that disagrees with them: Oh, my God, there was a swastika. There was a confederate flag. It's a group of racist.

Anybody who loves freedom and wants to try to fight to protect it, they are racist. They are sellouts. They are in line with the Global Agenda. We need to pay attention to what's going on in Canada and pay attention to what's going on in this country.

We are being bulldozed right now, those of us that love freedom, opportunity, and self-determination and Jesus Christ.

CARLSON: It's funny that secular societies have a very tough time preserving human rights. They talk about human rights constantly, but they are always the most oppressive societies I have noticed.

Jason Whitlock, I appreciate you coming on. Thank you.

WHITLOCK: Thank you.

CARLSON: So Jennifer Sey has had a pretty amazing career. She is an Olympic athlete, then she spent many years working at Levi Strauss, the jean company.

She eventually rose to become the President of the brand, the company's Brand President. She just quit her job after the company tried to silence her for speaking out against coronavirus mandates and lockdown. Remarkable story.

Jennifer Sey joins us after this.


CARLSON: All across the West, for two years now, you've seen institutions governments, schools, companies, punish anyone who dares ask the most basic questions about our response to coronavirus or even ask questions about the virus itself. Shut up, they explained.

Here is the most recent example and it is an amazing one.

Levi's the company that makes the jeans and has for 150 years in San Francisco has just forced out one of its senior executives for criticizing school shutdowns and mask mandates, an opinion that's held by millions of reasonable people.

Jennifer Sey was for a long time the Brand President at Levi's. She is a former gymnast for Team U.S.A. Now upon leaving, the company offered a million dollars in severance to be quiet about what had happened to her, but she refused. And tonight she joins us.

Jennifer Sey, we are grateful to have you on the show tonight. Thank you.

JENNIFER SEY, FORMER BRAND PRESIDENT AT LEVI'S: Thank you for having me, Tucker.

CARLSON: You know, anyone who comes on the show I always think of is brave. But anyone that turns down a million bucks to be quiet is deeply principled. Tell us why you took the stand that you did and why you turned down the money?

SEY: Well, for me, this whole thing has sort of culminated and really being about the silencing of dissent, and really not being allowed to hold a viewpoint that is outside, you know, whatever the mainstream narrative is, the orthodoxy, and I was very outspoken that closed schools were harming children in my city of San Francisco and in cities across the country and that seemed like a very sensible position to me.

It seems folks agree with that now, but it was unacceptable and I have to be able to say that. I don't think schools would be open if parents like me weren't saying that all along. And so it's a broader issue in the culture this is not a Levi's issue. It's not specific to Levi's, the silencing of dissent.

CARLSON: It is certainly not, but you know, it's easy to say well, this is bad and I'm against it, but here's a million dollars just be quiet like everyone else is. I mean, you must really mean it.

SEY: I do really mean it. I just -- it goes against everything in my entire being and it's not to say it wasn't tempting, I mean, I'm human. You know, that's a lot of security for my family, but I had persisted for two years and continuing to speak out on this subject because I care about kids, and then to agree to stay silent at the last minute because of money just felt so unacceptable and just gross to me, and in violation of everything I said I stood for.

CARLSON: Man, I hope that in some deep and eternal sense, you're rewarded for what you did, because it's such a virtuous thing to do, I think.

So I agree, it is not about Levi's, a lot of companies do this. But since you worked for Levi's for so long, I'm interested to know why it was unacceptable to express a very mainstream opinion, and why they were so intent on you're not talking about this that they offered you all this money to be quiet. Why do you think?

SEY: Well, you know, and I will say, I do find it particularly egregious from Levi's, which is this brand that's about rugged individualism and using your voice, I had led a whole campaign that we called Use Your Voice. It wasn't partisan, it was really meant to inspire others to speak up not on a particular subject.

And you know, while you say this view is mainstream now, you have to remember I was doing this in March 2020, it absolutely was not mainstream, it was considered unacceptable. It was racist, it was -- you know, you are a granny killer. You were the worst possible kind of person in the world that you would advocate for this.

None of those things were fact based. And so, you know, it caused a lot of, you know, upheaval and noise on social media and employees were complaining and it became very difficult to manage and as a senior executive, to a large extent, and I accept this, you know, when I speak, whether I do it on behalf of the company or not, I have to keep in mind, or, you know, I do keep in mind that I represent the company to some extent.

But I have four children. I've been an active public school parent for many years, and that was more important to me, even though I was warned.

CARLSON: So much for listening to the voices of women, but bless you for doing what you did, for taking a stand on principle on behalf of your family and the country, and for coming on the show. Really appreciate it. Hope we hear more from you, Jennifer Sey, thank you.

SEY: Thank you. Thanks for having me.

CARLSON: Of course.

So if you let a problem fester, it tends not to get better, especially when they are drug addicts living in your neighborhood being subsidized by the government in order to destroy civilization. Case in point, a homeless encampment in Seattle is terrorizing a neighborhood, city officials refuse to help.

Plus, in our irony file, a BLM activist, a gun control activist just arrested for trying to assassinate a mayoral candidate in Kentucky, we've got that, too.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: As punishment for the crime of being bourgeois and following all the rules, homeowners across America are suffering through really an epidemic of drug addicts living in their neighborhoods, often on their sidewalks from the parks across from their homes and Democrats in power refuse to clean them up. They're called homeless encampments.

In Seattle, inevitably, criminals are using one of these encampments as a base of operations to terrorize the people who live there, not surprised. Jason Rantz, a Seattle radio show host is our man in the Pacific Northwest and has got the story for us. Hey, Jason.

JASON RANTZ, SEATTLE RADIO SHOW HOST: Yes, so this latest homeless controversy comes out of a park, it's called Seven Hills Park. It's surrounded by million dollar homes in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood.

Since July of last year, this park has just been completely overrun by the homeless. They use it as a campsite, a drug den, as a public toilet. And unfortunately, it's getting progressively worse. At any given time, you can see as few as 10 to as many as 30 tents filled mostly with addicts who are shooting up, smoking meth. Many times, they are just doing it out in the open and as a result, the park is constantly being visited by police and medics because of assaults against homeowners. Fires, overdoses and just in November, there was even a stabbing.

Now of course, none of this just stays in this park. Sometimes you get the homeless using the adjacent townhomes as a toilet right in the middle of the day. But what's most alarming is what's happening between the park and the townhomes where there's this private walkway for some people to get to their homes.

The homeless are using it to shoot up. They use it as a toilet, which of course the homeowners have to clean up. And of course, you've got homeless people trying to actually break into these homes.

Check out this surveillance video. It is of a man either high or drunk, probably both, thinking he actually lives in one of the homes that he is trying to break into.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: [Bleep]. Come on. Look at me. I know I'm not that much to look at. I love you and we [bleep] well.

Look at me right now, dude. Baby, please [bleep] let me in.


RANTZ: So quite romantic. The city unfortunately is doing literally nothing about it. They sent out a statement saying: We're going to look into it, but they won't actually commit to a sweep of this park.

CARLSON: If this is the result of your social policies, those policies by definition has failed. This is cruel for everyone involved, from the drug addict to the homeowners. It's just -- it is awful and I appreciate your chronicling it for us.

Jason Rantz, thank you.

RANTZ: Appreciate it.

CARLSON: So one of Joy Reid's favorite activists just attempted to assassinate a mayoral candidate in Louisville, Kentucky.

Our Trace Gallagher has that story for us tonight. Hey, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker prosecutors say 21-year-old Quintez Brown had a nine millimeter Glock, walked into the campaign headquarters of Louisville mayoral candidate, Craig Greenberg and fired multiple shots. Nobody was injured, but only by the slimmest of margins considering Greenberg's shirt was grazed.

Greenberg is White, Jewish, a Democrat, and so far police have no motive for the attack. But Quintez Brown is not only a well-known Black Lives Matter activist who was prolific during the George Floyd protest, he has also been honored by the Barack Obama Foundation.

He is an outspoken supporter of communism, revolution, and defunding police. He also started making a name for himself back in high school when he pushed for gun reform. And here he is in 2018, on MSNBC. Watch.


QUINTEZ BROWN, BLACK LIVES MATTER ACTIVIST: We want commonsense gun reform, and if you're not going to give us that, then we're going to get everyone out here to vote and we're going to vote you out of office.

So if you want to keep your job, you know, give us what not what we want, but what we need, what humans need. We need commonsense gun reform. Get rid of the assault rifles.


GALLAGHER: Quintez Brown disappeared last summer, then turned up two weeks later in New York. His family said at the time that he was attending to his physical, mental, and spiritual needs.

Then in December, Brown went on social media to announce he was running for Louisville Metro Council. Those who know him say they thought he was for ending violence, not carrying it out -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Trace Gallagher, thanks so much for that.


CARLSON: So the gun control activist promoted by Joy Reid pulls a gun out and starts shooting at people. It turns out the people who are accusing you of violence are actually committing quite a bit of violence in this country. Have you noticed?

A few months ago, a Black nationalist racist BLM supporter murdered a number of people by driving over them with his SUV in Wisconsin. That was mass murder. You don't hear that story much.

Episodes like that focus some attention on who exactly is donating to BLM and who the organization recruits and is run by, so "The Washington Examiner" looked into this, and it turns out that for several months now, nobody appears to have been in charge of BLM or the tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars it has raised.

Huh? What's happened to all the money that Google sent them? Jeff Bezos? Well, the address the BLM lists on his tax forms is wrong and the charities to Board members won't say who control the at least $60 million they've got in the bank. Now, they have also been buying new houses with it, but what's going on here? No oversight of the most important civil rights organization in a generation?

Charlie Hurt of "The New York Times," is a one man accountability squad and joins us tonight to assess what we're watching. Hey, Charlie Hurt, so nobody's in charge.


CARLSON: One of the richest charities in the country, how does that work?

HURT: Yes, no, it's truly, truly extraordinary. And I guess, you know, when you go through the lists of these crimes, whether it's illegal voting or attempted assassination, it should come as little surprise from an organization that is entirely built on this racial supremacy, and quite frankly, lawlessness.

You know, it's a natural extension that you would wind up with these cases like this. And sadly, even in a country like ours, that is built not the only country on Earth, not built on a race, but built on the idea that we are -- our rights come from God, that we are all equal under God. And that our laws are designed to be equally applied to all of us, an organization like BLM, that's a real problem.

Now, of course, the real -- the most disturbing part of this is the number of politicians, the people who are in charge of creating those laws that are supposed to be equally applied to all of us have completely fallen into bed with these BLM activists because they see it as an opportunity to further their own power within the country.

CARLSON: I mean, so the tell is when any organization starts saying we represent people of a certain race or color, which of course is by definition, racist and anti-American, but I don't think the dummies who promote this stuff understand, if one group starts doing that, then why wouldn't every group start doing that? And do you really want to live in a country where every group is doing that? They don't see the end to this?

HURT: Oh, I know, I think that quite frankly, I think that that would be just fine with these people because of course, the problem that these people have with America is that it does tear down the divisions among people and they want people divided.

The way these people gain power is by dividing people and they will divide people by anything that they can they manage to sort of wedge between people, but nothing is more effective for these people than race itself, and that's why they dwell upon it more than -- you know, constantly dwell upon it.

CARLSON: That's just Rwanda. It's so bad. I wish they would stop. I really sincerely and sincerely mean that.

HURT: Yes.

CARLSON: Charlie Hurt, great to see you tonight. Thanks a lot.

HURT: Great to see you.

CARLSON: So Joe Biden is still all spun up about Ukraine, where his son once worked and paid his family millions of dollars. Okay, got it.

Is Russia about to invade Ukraine like in the next 10 minutes? Or what is going on? Doug Macgregor, one man we trust to answer that question joins us next.


CARLSON: Old Joe Biden was yammering again today about Ukraine, his son's former employer, what does that have to do with you or your life? Well, nothing. The weird thing is that people in Ukraine don't seem as worried about Russia as Joe Biden does. Joe Biden is very worried. Watch.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If Russia attacks Ukraine, it'll be met with overwhelming international condemnation. The world will not forget that Russia chose needless death and destruction. Invading Ukraine will prove to be a self-inflicted wound.

The United States and our allies and partners will respond decisively.

To the citizens of Russia, you are not our enemy, and I do not believe you want a bloody destructive war against Ukraine.

Let there be no doubt, if Russia commits this breach by invading Ukraine, responsible nations around the world will not hesitate to respond.


CARLSON: Oh, blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. Here is the upside though for Biden if Russia does invade Ukraine, he will have a handy excuse for the destruction of the American economy that he caused. He himself kind of admitted that today. Watch.


BIDEN: I will not pretend this will be painless, there could be impact on our energy prices. So we are taking active steps to alleviate the pressure on our own energy markets and offset raising prices.


CARLSON: Right. So it's going to make your life worse, but it's absolutely worth it because he didn't explain that part. So what is going to happen?

Doug Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and one of the people we trust to give us real information. We're happy to have him on tonight. Doug, thanks so much for coming on.

So it's quite interesting that Biden is saying ahead of time, we have a moral obligation to do this, because for some reason, but when we do it, it's going to make everything more expensive for you, Mr. and Mrs. America?

COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR (RET), U.S. ARMY: Well, President Biden gave us a profound a demonstration of his infinite ignorance of foreign affairs and especially Russia. There are no grounds for hostility between us and Russia and no grounds for conflict between us and Russia.

But he has nevertheless managed to cultivate conflict and bad will. Understand what's really happening today, half the population of Russia was alive or born during the time that Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. They tend to look at Ukraine almost the same way we look at Texas.

In Eastern Ukraine, the population is so thoroughly Russian, they have many relatives just on the other side of the border. But we have consistently failed to acknowledge their legitimate security interests in Ukraine. They will not tolerate Ukraine becoming a platform for NATO to potentially threaten Russia and whether we like it or not, or believe it, they see NATO as anti-Russian and a threat.

So I think that his remarks today probably make it inevitable that the Russians will intervene in Ukraine.

CARLSON: We're told that we should care about this because Ukraine is somehow a democracy, but Ukraine is not a democracy, the opposition leaders under arrest and opposition media have been banned.

So what is the moral justification for weighing in to support an autocracy? I don't get it.

MACGREGOR: Well, there is no moral justification for our interest in Ukraine, other than as an honest broker to offer our assistance to Moscow and Kyiv to find a solution that both Moscow and Kyiv can live with.


MACGREGOR: That's very important. But to do that, we first have to acknowledge something that the German Chancellor pointed out today in his remarks after he came out of his meeting with Putin. He said: Americans, not necessarily Americans, but we all must understand that you cannot build a structure of security in Europe without Russian participation. President Biden acts as though Russia's interests are irrelevant, that Russia has no role to play.

Well Russia is about to demonstrate that we are powerless in Eastern Europe to stop them and I do not see any evidence for this overwhelming support around the world for sanctions against Russia over something that most people rightly regard as a matter of National Security interest to Russia.

CARLSON: Yes. He's a bloviating child. He has no idea what he is talking about. And it's just sad he is dragging all these decent people into it.

Doug Macgregor, I appreciate your wisdom and clarity, as always. Thank you.


CARLSON: So the Governor of Nevada, Steve Sisolak has announced that students and school employees no longer need to wear masks. Now, Democrats in the state are fighting that order, "mask them," they say.

Adam Laxalt is the former Attorney General of the state and has been watching this and have strong opinions on it. Adam Laxalt, thanks so much for coming on tonight.

So is their massive support among the citizens of your state to keep children masked?

ADAM LAXALT, FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEVADA: You know, what we've seen in Nevada is beyond rank hypocrisy. We've seen the corruption of our leaders just laid before our eyes. You know, the governor last week, came in and on a whim lifted the mask mandates, which of course I support.

But it's important to note that by all the metrics, we are still in the red, we had more transmission last week than we did when the masks went on in August. But we all know the game.

They're following the political science. We got a lot of elections coming up in 2022 and you saw the joy of those students in Las Vegas when it was announced the masks were finally lifted.

I think they're crushed. I think they're not going to be able to put masks on again. But you know, it is just -- this is from the same Governor who never explained why casinos were opened last year, and churches and small businesses were shut.

These are failed leaders. I know Senator Masto, our senior senator said, you know, the numbers justify lifting the mask mandate man and of course, it's all lies. It's all hypocrisy. The good news is, I think Nevadans are ready for change and they forced the lifting of this mask mandate.

CARLSON: So they -- and I maybe I knew this, but it's just so striking to hear you say it. Casinos were allowed to stay open, but churches were closed. Did anybody even pretend there was science there? Or was it just purely political contributions?

LAXALT: There were no questions from the media. What was the science? And we all know there's no science that justifies that. But this is the world we're living in.

They got so used to arbitrary power, no one challenged them on it. You know, today, Tucker, I'm going to contrast those elementary kids cheering. This is like human nature, liberty, these kids are excited to finally be released from masks.

Meanwhile, on one of our flagship universities today, you had college kids protesting to put masks back on. It has got to be one of the only examples in history of college age kids protesting for less liberty for less individual freedom.

But this is the propaganda that has affected this group that of course has no risk, and should be really excited to finally be liberated from these arbitrary rules.

CARLSON: God, Stockholm Syndrome is real. That's the most depressing thing I've heard in a long time.

When people want to be oppressed, you know that the tyrants have won.

Adam Laxalt, thank you for all you do. Great to see you.

LAXALT: Thanks.

CARLSON: Our friend P.J. O'Rourke died today. Sad. We will remember him after the break.


CARLSON: They always tell you never to meet your heroes because it's so disappointing and that's usually true. But 32 years ago, last month, I met P.J. O'Rourke in a bar in Managua, Nicaragua. He was a hero of mine and he turned out to be every bit the man I hoped he would be, and for 30 years we were friends.

P.J. O'Rourke, a lot to say about him, just two things. One of the funniest people who ever wrote in English at a time when you're allowed to be funny, which is to say totally free and honest, his 1987 book "Republican Party Reptiles" still worth reading, his work for "Rolling Stone" in the 70s and the 80s, "National Lampoon" in the 70s, remarkable.

But he was also one of the very few people in journalism who actually had a happy life, who cared about the right things. He loved his wife, his children, northern New England, his Spaniels, bird hunting, having lunch with his friends, tobacco.

He was a man in full, a great man, and it is with deep sadness that we tell you that he passed away today at 74.

That's it for us tonight. We will be back every night at 8:00 PM. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.

Have a great evening.

Here is Sean Hannity.

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