This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on July 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


We're watching the lunatics in charge of our country spiral even deeper by the day into madness and as we watch that, we feel a duty on this show to keep track of their decline. 

We do this to assemble a permanent historical record of the craziness, if only for the amusement of future generations. And last night, we thought we had reached an all-time high-water mark. We told you that Willie Brown's girlfriend has decided that she knows more about COVID than the physicians and nurses who treat COVID. That would be Kamala Harris, a person with no adult skills, a person who can't figure out how to pronounce her own first name, that person is now issuing medical directives to medical doctors and demanding they obey. The media meanwhile seem to think that's perfectly normal. 

That's how bonkers things have become, and yet it seems to be accelerating. 

Today, the Secretary of Defense appeared in public wearing this costume. 

That's Mr. Lloyd Austin, ladies and gentlemen, the man in charge of our weapons systems. What's he got on there? Is that a welder's mask? Is it a dental visor? Has Lloyd Austin been cleaning teeth this morning? Nope. It looks like Lloyd Austin is just terrified of COVID. 

Well, then why doesn't he lose weight? Quite a bit of weight, actually. 

That's a good question. That would be the rational response. So, of course he has not even considered that. Lloyd Austin instead got the vaccine, but he is still so petrified of corona that he put a windshield over his face and demanded that all of his dutiful little minions do the same, an entire army of dental hygienists. Watch out, China. Move against Taiwan and we'll scrape the tartar off your molars. 

And yet, even after all of those comically elaborate precautions, Lloyd Austin still looks scared for his life. Notice how he bumps their hands instead of shaking them. How long before Lloyd Austin is wearing surgical gloves in the shower and zip tying garbage bags around his feet? The United States Military is being run by a neurotic cat lady. Our entire government is at this point. 

Today, 81-year--old Nancy Pelosi announced that anyone caught without a paper obedience mask in the House of Representatives will be subject to arrest. So, it's finally a crime Democrats plan to punish. 

The science demands this response, Pelosi explained. It's straight from the C.D.C. Oh, is it? Well, no offense to Nancy Pelosi, but we figured we should check for ourselves. So we did -- and this is what the C.D.C. said. 

"Thank you for your request. The first publication of this data from C.D.C. 

is coming tomorrow." 

So, to be clear you can now be arrested for violating scientific guidelines that scientists have not explained. Your kids will suffocate in class for

10 hours a day all next year and no one has told you why that's necessary. 

By this point, you probably have some sense what's going on. The teachers unions want that to happen, therefore it is happening. In other words, government by the single worst people in the country. 

Someone is going to write a bitterly hilarious book about all of this someday, too bad evil and law is gone, but when that book is finally written, Congressman Jerry Nadler if New York will likely play some role in it. He will be a character. 

On several different levels Mr. Nadler is, as we say in the epidemiological community, at risk from COVID. He is old and he likes doughnuts. Now, we don't judge either one of those things for a second. On the other hand we're not the COVID cops, Nancy Pelosi is. She is the chief of that force, except when she is at the hairdressers. And yet, somehow Chief Pelosi is letting Jerry Nadler skate. 

Montana Congressman Matt Rosendale just took this footage of Jerry Nadler lumbering through the Capitol maskless. His face you will notice is naked to the world, a felony in progress, but no arrest. That perp got away. 

It's all enough to make you wonder if maybe Democrats might be using COVID for political advantage. Why wouldn't they? The pandemic has been awfully good to the Democratic Party so far. Their allies in the Federal bureaucracy helped to create the virus in the first place with ghoulish taxpayer-funded experiments in China. 

Once the virus came here, they rode the panic all the way to the White House and control of the Congress, not to mention to a socialized economy. 

Now, they are betting corona will help them keep power forever. Could that really be what's happening? Let's see. 

Go to a quiet place for a moment and think carefully about the last 18 months, all of it, including the part where they told you that BLM riots could not spread COVID. What do you conclude? Yes. That's exactly what's happening. 

The question is, why are Republicans in the Congress still playing along with it? Because they're afraid of being called science deniers by people who think men can have babies? Because they worry that Willie Brown's girlfriend is going to say something mean about them on MSNBC? Seriously? 

What's going on here? 

Today, Congressman Chip Roy of Texas who increasingly looks like a hero, confronted the Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy about this. Why are we letting Nancy Pelosi politicize science to create a one-party state in America? According to POLITICO, Kevin McCarthy didn't have much of an answer for this. He said, he plans to become the Speaker of the House himself one day, and maybe he will. But what's the point of running a country that no longer functions like the United States 

Today, Joe Biden announced that the COVID vaccine which we will remind you still has not been approved by the F.D.A. is now nevertheless mandatory for all Federal workers as well as for Federal contractors as well as for the Armed Forces. That is many millions of people. 

Meanwhile companies like Google, and Facebook, and Netflix, and of course, "The Washington Post" owned by Jeff Bezos have all announced identical mandates, and none of them will give exemptions to the millions and millions and millions of Americans who have already recovered from COVID, have active antibodies and therefore don't need the vaccine and by the way, possibly shouldn't have it. 

So, what's the justification for doing all of this? Watch Joe Biden explain. 


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  And I hope all Americans who live in areas with substantial or high case rates will follow the mask guidance that's being laid down by the C.D.C. I certainly will and I have because this is one of those areas, in Washington, and at my decision, at my direction, all Federal personnel and visitors to Federal buildings we'll have to do the same thing. 


CARLSON:  Oh, so Washington, D.C. is now a COVID hot spot says the credit card shill turned epidemiologist. What does that mean exactly? Washington is a COVID hot spot? Well, we checked. 

It turns out that the District of Columbia has recorded a total of two COVID deaths over the past two weeks. How many is that? Well here's a point of reference. Over the same period, considerably more people in Washington, D.C. have been murdered. 

So the crime epidemic is far more dangerous to human beings in Washington, D.C. than COVID is, but yet Joe Biden is not sending the National Guard into Washington's poorest neighborhoods to protect people from being murdered, no. He is mandating injections of an experimental vaccine. 

This isn't normal. People should never be forced to take medicine they don't want or don't need. That is a foundational principle. It is not just a preference. Everything is based on it, and the overwhelming majority of Americans agree with it, overwhelmingly in both parties. 

And yet, here is the amazing thing. Suddenly, you could no longer express that out loud. Charlie Kirk of Turning Point found out the hard way the other day when he sent us a message on social media noting that Americans have the right to choose which drugs are injected into their bodies. 

"Let me call my own shots," Kirk's message read, but Facebook immediately censored it. "This is false," Facebook wrote. "Independent fact checkers say this information has no basis in fact." End quote. 

So, it is no longer factually correct to believe you can control what the government injects into your body. Do you want to live in a place like that? Let's ask a doctor. 

By our account, there are four physicians currently serving in the United States Senate, all of them by the way are Republicans. At least one of them has been brave enough to ask obvious questions about what is happening right now. 

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky joins us. Senator, thanks so much for coming on. So many questions -- 

SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): Good evening. Thanks for having me. 

CARLSON:  Thank you -- to ask you. Let me just say this. First, why would people who have recovered from COVID and have active antibodies and are therefore immune, they have natural immunity. Why would they be forced to take an experimental vaccine to give them artificial immunity? 

PAUL:  Yes. There is no science behind it. All of the studies that have looked at natural immunity show that natural immunity has at least as good of immunity as you get from a vaccine. People have to realize that vaccines are based on what we learned from natural immunity over the last couple of hundred years, how the body responds to a foreign particle, a virus or a bacteria, and then we simulate that with a vaccine. 

So, the vaccine is simulating the natural immunity that I have, but Dr. 

Fauci discounts it. 

Thirty five million people officially have had COVID, but really conservative estimates even from the C.D.C. indicate another 70 some odd million have had it, so really it is over a hundred million Americans have had it, probably 150 million to 160 million have been inoculated with the vaccine, together we have an enormous amount of success with immunity. 

In fact, the other day, I saw that over 65 years of age, 90 percent of people have now been inoculated. So, this is extraordinary success and yet, they say, oh no, we have to inoculate your newborn in the hospital before you can take them home. 

It makes no sense and the science doesn't support it. 

CARLSON:  You're a physician, licensed to practice, have practiced for many years. I thought it was part of the foundational ethics of American science that you could not force people to accept medicine, cognizant people who can make their own decisions to accept medicines that they don't want and they don't need. Is that true? 

PAUL:  Yes, without question. In a free society, each individual makes their own decision. Medicine is based on your own individual history and ultimately on your choice. Sometimes, you get more than one doctor's opinion because all the doctors don't agree on the advice. 

CARLSON: Right. 

PAUL:  But right now, they're going back to masks saying it's the delta variant. Well, there's one large study out of England, from Public Health England, 92,000 patients -- and do you know how many people died in the vaccinated wing of this under age 50? Zero. Do you know how many people died -- there were 52,000 thousand people unvaccinated. Do you know how many people died? Six. 

That works out to 0.08 percent less than the flu. That's under age 50. 

Over age 50, it was about half as many people died as were dying last year, so the delta variant is more transmissible, but less deadly. But if you say that, Facebook will take you down. They'll chastise you, take away your birthday, and say you're spreading mistruth. But it's absolutely factual. 

The delta variant is more transmissible, but far less deadly than the virus from last year. 

CARLSON:  This seems like lunacy to me, as a non-expert, you are an expert. 

Are you worried that people in charge of the most powerful country in the world could make baldly irrational decisions, not be challenged on it, not be stopped when they do it. Where does that lead? 

PAUL:  The real problem is when we get to groupthink, when there's no more skepticism, and even scientists such as Einstein realize that science, it was important to be skeptical and always challenging each other and he always said, even I am one experiment away from being disproven. 

We need skepticism, healthy skepticism. There needs to be robust debate, but realize what Facebook and twitter are pushing us towards, it is a world in which there is no debate. There is only one truth, but they promulgate that truth. The truth comes from them. 

But they're not disinterested people. Look at Dr. Fauci. One of the reasons he is being dishonest is if this virus attaches to the Wuhan lab and he has been funding the Wuhan lab, it attaches with that moral culpability and responsibility. He wants none of that, but he can't be impartial because any funding to the Wuhan lab now sticks to him, and that's why he is doing everything he can to cover it up. 

CARLSON:  Man, maybe we can have a congressional investigation into that. 

That would be great. Senator Rand Paul, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you. A senator and physician, much appreciated. 

PAUL:  Thank you. 

CARLSON:  Well, it turns out, Joe Biden wasn't just shilling for credit card companies as he represented one of America's most corrupt states for several hundred years. No. He was also driving an 18-wheeler. He is a working man. You didn't know that? 

Mark Steyn knew it. He joins us to assess. 

Plus, we went to the epicenter of the border crisis for a brand new episode of our documentary series, an exclusive preview of that is straight ahead. 


CARLSON:  So, you thought Joe Biden spent several hundred years in the United States Senate trying to make it harder for you to discharge credit card debt, being a shill for the credit card companies, and of course helping his nerduell relatives shake down foreign governments or bribes, but he did a lot of other things like at one point, he was deep beneath the Earth digging for coal to keep the lights on. 

Here he is in 2008 remembering that experience. 


BIDEN:  I hope you won't hold against me, but I am a hard coal miner, anthracite coal, Scranton, Pennsylvania, okay? That's where I was born and raised and it's nice to be back in coal country. 


CARLSON:  Sorry, correction it's anthracite coal, so it's for steel making. 

It's hard coal. Whoa. It takes a coal miner to know that difference. 

After he dug coal, then Biden became a Civil Rights leader, obviously, and a jail breaker. Now, when he fixed our racial problems here, he went all the way to South Africa to free Nelson Mandela from Robben Island. Watch. 


BIDEN:  By the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. Ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robben's Island. 

One of the most saintly guys I ever knew because I got arrested trying to see him when I went down to South Africa, Nelson Mandela. 

I came back from South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela and getting arrested for trying to see him on Robben's Island. He was in prison. 


CARLSON:  Yes. He got arrested in South Africa for trying to do the right thing. Prison changes a man. You've got to do the time, you can't have the time do you. But it didn't even faze Joe Biden. He'd grown up on the wrong side of the tracks in Wilmington. 

You remember the time he whipped Corn Pop's sorry ass with a chain. Watch. 


BIDEN:  Corn Pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boys. 

And he cut off a six-foot length of chain, and folded it up and he said, "You walk out with that chain, and you walk to the car and say, 'you may cut me man, but I'm going to wrap this chain around your head.'" 


CARLSON:  You thought he was useless. That man has skills. He's got skills. 

He has done a lot of interesting stuff. He hasn't just stood up and talked. 

Gotten more hair plugs. He has actually done stuff and we learned about more of that stuff today during a visit to a Mack truck facility in Pennsylvania. 

Joe Biden told us -- and this had not been recorded by any of his many biographers -- that he can in fact double clutch a quad box. He used to drive an 18-wheeler. 


BIDEN:  I sued to drive an 18-wheeler, man. I got to. 


CARLSON:  Has Mark Steyn driven an 18-wheeler? We have no idea. Can he double-clutch a quad box? He's written a lot of great books, bestsellers, he joins us now to assess the remarkable career of the President of the United States. Mark Steyn, great to see you tonight. 

Can you double clutch a quad box? Can you drive an 18-wheeler? 

MARK STEYN, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST:  Well, I don't think -- none of us has the skill set that Joe Biden has and I utterly deplore your skepticism about this. He in fact, when he went to Nelson -- when he went to rescue Nelson Riddle, spring him from prison, he was driving an 18-wheeler to Robben Island. He didn't realize you can go by road to Robben Island, he thought it was by like Rhode Island where you can go by road. 

So, he was driving an 18-wheel, it used to be a 23-wheeler, but Corn Pop stole five of the wheels. It's true. It's true that he wasn't actually a miner, but he has sniffed the hair of a miner. I mean, we're getting a little hung up on details here. When he said he was a fighter pilot, he said he was a fighter pilot in the Spanish-American war and you guys go bananas, but in fact he did once take a business class flight to Barcelona in 1978. 

So, we're getting a little too -- we're getting, I think a little too hung up on details here. He has a rich life, you know. So he has driven a 23- wheeler, if he is allowed to stay up late, he likes to watch "Wheel of Fortune." That's a wheeler. He is not always allowed to. Sometimes, he has to turn in after "Murder She Wrote," sometimes he likes to watch the Wainscoting and count the bead board from left to right. 

He has a very rich life, and nothing -- none of his fantasies are as insane as the reality of putting the Defense Secretary in a Plexiglas helmet as if you're going to project him into space. 

CARLSON:  So, I think what you're saying, if I could just sort of boil down your analysis, I think you're saying that we need to appreciate what we're calling now in 2021, Joe Biden's lived experience. 

STEYN:  Well, I'd actually rather live -- I mean, Joe Biden is bored by policy. He can't finish sentences even when he's got people in his earpiece telling him the words to say. He tails off in the sentences. You know, if he starts talking about the economy, tells us -- but when you suddenly say to him, remember when you and Corn Pop, you were in that 18-wheeler and you had to dynamite the Mountain Pass in Fulton County, Georgia because the Republicans were trying to get through, so they could audit the ballots there, and you had to dynamite the whole thing with your 18-wheeler full of credit cards from the First National Bank of Wuhan. 

And suddenly, Joe Biden springs to life. That's the real Joe Biden, and this husk that they prop up in front of the prompter is the one we should get rid of. 

I want the real Joe Biden. 

CARLSON:  He likes to talk about himself. Our cameraman is laughing by the way, which is the greatest of all compliments. Mark Steyn, thank you as always for making sense of a world gone mad. Appreciate it. 

STEYN:  Thanks a lot, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  Well, a brand new episode of our documentary series called "Tucker Carlson Originals" came out today on FOX Nation. In this, and this episode is called "The Illegal Invasion," our producers went to one place that has been hit very hard in our country by the border crisis. It's a place called Uvalde, Texas. 

We rode along with law enforcement as they contended with the unprecedented wave of people coming here illegally. It's destroyed the town in a lot of ways. Here's a look at what we found. 


CARLSON (voice over): While riding with Chief Rodriguez, we got a call about suspicious individuals walking through town. 

CHIEF RODRIGUEZ: Three-oh-one-Uvalde, so I am in the area, searching for the subjects. 

CARLSON (voice over): The suspects fled on foot when they saw the police. 

JESSICA ZAMORA, PIO, UVALDE POLICE:  We've got three that ran. They're in the city illegally. Go this way. 

So, we're going to set up a perimeter just so we can go ahead and try and get them out. 

CHIEF RODRIGUEZ: (Speaking in foreign language). 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where does he want to go? 



CARLSON:  It is a documentary called "The Illegal Invasion" and it is an invasion, that's not an overstatement. It's on You can stream it immediately after the show if you like, or anytime. 

So, the C.D.C. has now announced as we noted at the open that vaccinated people must wear masks indoors, so that raises the question, what else is the C.D.C. recommending? What are the other recommendations? And are you following them? Are you eating uncooked cookie dough? The police could be at your door. 

We have a look at what the C.D.C. is recommending, straight ahead. 


CARLSON:  So you've got to wear your mask indoors now. That's the word from the C.D.C., which is now wholly in control of the country. But since the C.D.C. is in charge, democracy has been suspended. It's worth looking at what else the C.D.C. is saying, maybe guidance that you're overlooking. 

FOX's Trace Gallagher has looked at that carefully for us tonight. Here he is. 

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  Tucker, the C.D.C. is recommending that even vaccinated people wear masks in public indoor spaces in parts of the country where the virus is surging. We should clarify the C.D.C. doesn't set policy or issue mandates, it simply makes recommendations because if the C.D.C. did issue mandates, as John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd would say, "You go hungry." And here's why. 

Say you want a steak for dinner, the C.D.C. has no problem with that unless you want it rare or medium rare. The C.D.C. says it's got to be cooked to

145 degrees, which for many chefs is medium well. Good for my wife, not so good for a lot of people. 

And while you're at the C.D.C. steakhouse, you're going to have to skip the Caesar salad because the dressing has raw eggs. The C.D.C. says eggs need to be cooked and that tends to chunk up the salad a bit. How about an appetizer? The C.D.C. would suggest the oysters as long as they're fully cooked, but then that kind of takes away their magic properties and could lead to a decrease in the U.S. population. 

Anyway, since you're not having dinner, maybe you'd like dessert except you've got to steer clear of the cookie dough ice cream, again it's the raw egg thing, and come to think of it, if you're not eating an appetizer or a steak, salad, or dessert, you're going to need to put that mask back on -- Tucker. 

CARLSON:  Trace Gallagher for us. Thanks, Trace. 

So, there are two kinds of people who run for office and one category is really big, one category is really small. The big category is people who just want to get to office because they want to prove something to their alcoholic fathers or fill some empty space inside that have power over you. 

That's almost everybody. 

There's a small category people who run for office because they really believe something and they've got something to say. They really mean it. 

You almost never see these people. One of them is J.D. Vance. He didn't need to run for office, but he is. He is running for Senate in Ohio and since the second he announced, places like "The Daily Beast" to "The Washington Post" and "The Atlantic," the axis of protectors of the ruling class have gone crazy. They hate him, they really hate him, and that's how you know he means it. 

Well, the latest example came on Friday in Alexandria. J.D. Vance made a pretty obvious point. He said the childless left -- that's how he put it -- lacks quote, "Physical commitment to the future of this country." Quote, "Why is this just a normal fact of life for the leaders of our country to be people who don't have a personal and direct stake in it via their own offspring?" That's what he asked and they went completely bananas. 

So, we thought it'd be interesting to talk to J.D. Vance about what he meant and what it's like to be attacked for saying things that are so obviously true. He joins us tonight. 

J.D. Vance, thanks so much for coming on. So, tell us what -- that was just a very short snippet of a much longer speech and a really interesting speech that people I think should read, but what were you saying? 

J.D. VANCE (R), OHIO SENATORIAL CANDIDATE:  Thanks, Tucker, and by the way, folks who want to help us out,, every little bit helps, if you can throw us a couple of bucks. 

But look, what I was basically saying is that we're effectively run in this country be it the Democrats it, be it our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too. 

And it's just a basic fact. You look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children, and how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it? I just wanted to ask that question and propose that maybe if we want a healthy ruling class in this country, we should invest more, we should vote more, we should support more people who actually have kids because those are the people who ultimately have a more direct stake in the future of this country. 

CARLSON:  Man, if you have called for -- I don't know, lowering tax rates to zero or invading Canada or you know, I don't really know what, making the death penalty mandatory for people who don't get the vaccine -- something really radical, they wouldn't even have noticed. "The Atlantic" 

would have just nodded, but saying something like that drove them like insane. Why? 

VANCE:  Well, I think first, it is because it actually hit a nerve. I mean, these people recognize that they're unhappy. They live in one-bedroom apartments in New York City. They've played their entire lives to win a status game. They're obsessed with their jobs, they're obsessed uh with their wealth, and with their fortunes and they look at Middle America, people who are actually pretty happy with their lives and the choices that they've made, and they hate normal Americans for choosing family over these ridiculous D.C. and New York status games. 

And I think because of that, they just get so angry when somebody calls it what it is. It is acceptable if they ignore that it never happens, but when somebody calls out that look, if you're a miserable cat lady, you should not force your misery on the rest of the country, they just get really upset about it. 

And I think, by the way, Tucker, it's a good thing that they get upset about it. It suggests that they know that we're hitting a nerve, not just in this campaign, but with this message that we should invest in American families in this country. Nothing else. We should be about healthy stable families. 

CARLSON:  Do you think that this would be a happier country if it were run by happier people? 

VANCE:  I definitely do. It makes total sense, right? Happier people would make for a happier country and it's not just the leaders of the left, of course. It's not just the Democratic politicians. You know this, Tucker. 

The most miserable people in the mainstream media are these mediocre journalists who have their entire sense of self-worth wrapped up in their crappy jobs, instead of in their families. People who know where they came from. People who go home at night and see the face of a smiling kid, whatever their profession, I think they're happier, I think they're healthier, and they're going to be better prepared to actually lead this country. 

And the problem that I have especially as we are entering this period of COVID obsession again is that we have so many people proposing we mask our children again. Look, the people who are proposing it, they don't have to go home to a child at the end of the day. If they did, I don't think they'd be proposing all these ridiculous restrictions again. 

CARLSON:  Yes. They're imposing their psychodramas and their neuroses on the rest of us and we should say, no, thanks, we're going to be happy. They hate you when you say that. J.D. Vance, great to see you tonight. Thank you. 

VANCE:  Thanks, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  So, some parents in isolated pockets across the country have started to figure out what their kids are being taught in school and they started to fight back against it. Now, some teachers, a few very brave teachers are refusing to teach it. One of them was just relieved of his duties for doing that. He joins us next. 


CARLSON:  Rodney Glasgow is a not super bright guy who has spent his life in the not super impressive world of America's private schools, its independent schools. In a recent speech to other not very bright people from not very impressive and yet extremely expensive schools, Glasgow denounced anyone who disagrees with him as a white supremacist and an insurrectionist. 


RODNEY GLASGOW, SANDY SPRING FRIENDS SCHOOL:  There is no truer metaphor for independent schools and independent school leadership and independent school politics than that moment on January 6th when everybody who stood against everything we said we were came to storm the gates because of how it was impacting them, because of their inability to give up a little bit of self for the greater good, because they had the privilege and felt that they had the right. 

So, the question I want your schools, all of our schools to wrestle with is when will we stop hiring, promoting, expanding the number of people who are on the inside opening the gate? 


CARLSON:  So no conversation if you disagree with Rodney Glasgow's politics. You're a racist, in fact, an insurrectionist and shut up and give us our $66,000.00 a year to fail to educate your children. That's happening everywhere and these are the kids the people who run the countries. Trust us. 

Glasgow by the way works as a diversity consultant, a practitioner of diversity as he says in his bio for the National Association of Independent Schools, NAIS. In that capacity, he pushes this propaganda to all kinds of other schools including the Grace Church School, which was for many years a great school in Lower Manhattan. 

Now, one teacher at that school, Paul Rossi objected to all of this in a long letter, which is printed on "Substack." He was just relieved of his duties for doing that. Paul Rossi is a brave man for doing that, an articulate man and we're happy to have him on tonight. Paul, thanks so much for coming on. 

So for our viewers who haven't read what you wrote, can you just summarize it crisply and then tell us why you did it. Why would you take this stand when so few others have? 

PAUL ROSSI, TEACHER, GRACE CHURCH SCHOOL:  Well, Tucker, thanks for having me on. I got into trouble because at a racially segregated Zoom meeting, I questioned the facilitator's assertion that values like objectivity and individualism were characteristics of white supremacy. I wanted to model for my students who I knew had doubts that they couldn't voice that it's okay to question these beliefs and ideas that were being misrepresented as knowledge. 

Because I was successful and I kind of broke the ice and in this meeting with 200 students and 30 or 40 of my colleagues, students did start to ask questions and, you know, I felt that I was successful at that. You know, I was publicly reprimanded. My classes were reassigned and then after I published the article in April, I was barred from the building. 

CARLSON:  You've got to wonder. I mean, you're clearly a smart person and you write very well, unlike most people in schools, so you could be doing other things. You've chosen to teach. You clearly think it's important. 

What's the effect on our society when the most powerful people send their kids to schools that teach those kid, there is no such thing as objectivity and individualism is racist and you can judge someone by the color of their skin? Like what happens to your society when you do that? 

ROSSI:  Well, what happens and the way that the pedagogy proceeds from the earliest grades is that students are being sort of seduced away from their personal identity, their preferences, their character, their interests, goals, and dreams into this group identity based around race and gender and that kind of collectivist mindset once that is established, you know by third grade or fourth grade in certain exercises, they can run on top of that kind of operating system. 

You know, all of the various claims that are made about our history, the one-sided claims is there is much truth to it as well, but I would say that they present a one-sided view of that and also about how that carries through to the present day. And that does have really deleterious effects. 

You know, I don't understand. I'm a math teacher. There is no math without objectivity. We have black and brown students struggling in math across the country. How does it help them succeed to tie objectivity to what is an ultimate evil? That is not going to help anyone. White students either. I don't see -- I don't see the benefits of that. 

CARLSON:  Man, bless you for your wisdom and your bravery and how articulate and calm you are in explaining things that all of us need to hear. Really quick, in one sentence. Are you teaching now? Did you find a new place? 

ROSSI:  No. I'm actually working on a book right now. I want to talk, I think with all the debate that's going on and the questions parents have, I want to make it real for people how these ideas manifest for their children in the classroom and you know what is the -- you know, what is happening on the ground for students, so I want to bring in teacher voices, student voices. I want to call on psychological experts in child development and really draw my own experiences and other people's experiences to paint that picture because I think there are very well-meaning people, you know that on the other side of this. 

But I feel like they've been seduced into a certain a set of practices which are not helpful and I want to sort of show that. 

CARLSON:  Well, I hope you'll come back. 

ROSSI:  So, that's what I'll be working on this time. 

CARLSON:  When you write that book, well you can always talk about it here. 

Paul Rossi, thank you very much. 

ROSSI:  You're welcome. Thank you, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  So, cities across the country which took literally hundreds of years to build have been destroyed in a year, thanks to Black Lives Matter and defund the police, the left, which has encouraged violence for more than a year, but one of the places that suffered the worst consequences has gone completely unnoticed, unfortunately. We'll go there next. 


CARLSON:  So, Kamala Harris and AOC, and all the other geniuses in the Democratic Party decided we had to defund the police, and Black Lives Matter told us the cops were racist, and all the dumb people believed them. 

We got police reform, and what happened? Oh thousands of people died. 

Cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York are way more dangerous -- D.C., but few places have been hit as hard as a place called Paterson, New Jersey. It is the crime scene no one is talking about. 

A total of about 170 police officers have been forced out in recent months. 

It's not a huge place. Meanwhile, during the first half of this year, shootings are up in Paterson by over 70 percent. 

Billy Prempeh is from Paterson. He hopes to change that. He is running for Congress in New Jersey and joins us now. 

Billy, thanks so much for coming on tonight. 


CARLSON:  So, you -- I mean Paterson is one of those places that kind of built America, big manufacturing town. That died. It's become a much poorer town and a dangerous town. 

You live there. You watched the effects. Tell us what's happened in Paterson. 

PREMPEH:  Yes, I've lived in Paterson, New Jersey my entire life and where I live is -- I live in an area called the Fourth Ward of Paterson, New Jersey, and unfortunately it's not a very safe place. The violence has gone through the roof tremendously, and like you said, right now, we're about to approach our 125th shooting in our city not too long ago, and sadly not too long ago in May, one of my good friends from high school was recently killed by the horrible gun violence that's been going on out here. 

His name was Ravel Trejo. He meant no harm to anybody, yet this is what's been happening when they've been trying to tell people that we don't need police in our communities. 

The crime that's been coming out of our city, I believe a lot of it has to do with the lack of opportunities we have out here. People turn to crime, they turn to drugs. Our education system is horrible. The Democrats have controlled our city for well over 60 years, I should say, and the incumbent, my opponent Bill Pascrell has been in congress for well over 24 years, and for the entire time that he's been in office, I've seen my city completely plunge into chaos. 

One thing has always been consistent and it's him. We've got different mayors, different councilmen, different leaders, but it's never been as horrible as it is right now. And the current Mayor, Andre Sayegh, he recently got on television -- I mean, he recently got on Facebook Live not too long ago wearing a bulletproof vest and a fake mayor's badge walking around with the police, acting like he's doing something for the community, but he's only doing it because election time is coming up right now. 

Him wearing that bulletproof vest just shows a testament to his complete failure to our community. What I'd like to see happen in our community is, I'd like to see more opportunity zones in our community, so we can have people get jobs and opportunities that'll lead them elsewhere from doing crime. But that doesn't seem to be happening here because the Democrats only care about pandering for the camera. They only care about getting votes. 

And in our city, it has been rife with corruption for many, many years and despite this, Paterson is only -- Paterson makes up 35 of the voting bloc in the Ninth District of New Jersey, so they've used Paterson as a mill to literally harvest votes and buy votes. There's a lot of people in Paterson that'll tell you about this, people will come in to their door, give them a

$10.00 bill for their ballot. 

This happens quite a bit in the city, so that's how they keep control of our city. They buy people off. They buy people's votes and they give people jobs so they keep quiet and don't say anything about trying to change it. 

I'm sick and tired of it. I love my city, and I've lived there my entire life and I only see it going downhill. I've got nothing to lose and I've got everything to gain and our community has everything to gain so that's why I decided to step up and fight for it. 

CARLSON:  What you're saying, I have actually seen some of it in northern New Jersey where you live, and it's totally a hundred percent true and everyone lies about it, you're telling the truth and at this point, I don't even care what you're for. The people running it are terrible and so, maybe, you know what do they have to lose? 

I'm rooting for you. I appreciate your coming on tonight. You're absolutely right. They've got nothing to lose by voting for you because the people who run it are awful. Thank you. Good luck. 

PREMPEH:  Thank you, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  Good to see you, Billy. 

We are out of time, sadly. We could go on and on. 

We have a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals." It's called "The Illegal Invasion." It's on FOX Nation and it's good, we think. There's a huge cost to opening the borders particularly to all of us, but imagine if you lived there, like right there. It should turn your life upside down, and it has and nobody cares, but we should care. 

We'll be back tomorrow at 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. 

One of our favorite people at FOX News is in tonight at nine o'clock and that is Judge Jeanine Pirro. We're going to watch and we hope, you do to. 


CARLSON:  Good luck, Judge. 

PIRRO:  We love you, too. All right, thank you. 

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