This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," December 25, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening. Merry Christmas! Welcome to the special final exam edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight." For more than a year, we've been bringing the top news professionals of our age onto the show and putting them to the test. We want to see which is a true hero of news knowledge.

We are going to start tonight with one of the best final exam battles ever between Greg Gutfeld and Judge Jeanine Pirro. They got completely out of control as you will see, as they clashed over New York's squirrel census and much more.

You both know the rules as avid weekly viewers of this game. I'm going to repeat them for our viewers just tuning in. Contestants, hands on buzzers. I ask the questions. The first one of you to buzz in gets to answer the question. This is a tough one. You must wait until I finish asking in order to answer the question. Once I acknowledge you by saying your name, each correct answer is worth one point.


CARLSON: Get it wrong, you lose a point.


GREG GUTFELD, HOST: She so nervous!

CARLSON: All right sailor. Calm down the judge, all right.

PIRRO: Okay.

CARLSON: Here we go.

PIRRO: Okay.

CARLSON: First one, the most famous face at the Pennsylvania gubernatorial debate this week was the moderator. The candidates were questioned by which long-time TV game show host? Judge Jeanine Pirro.

PIRRO: Alex Trebek!

CARLSON: No, really?



CARLSON: Let's run the tape.

GUTFELD: She's right.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Alex Trebek, the host of Jeopardy!

PIRRO: Oh, I'm right! You are not on my TV show.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: .moderated one-on-one debate between the two candidates.

ALEX TREBEK, HOST, JEOPARDY: I will not tolerate any booing or kissing.

CARLSON: You got thrown out.



TREBEK: Not even if you direct it at the candidates.


CARLSON: Wrong game. All right. Good job, Judge.

PIRRO: Even though Scott Wagner is running for governor in Pennsylvania.

CARLSON: You are (ph) exactly.

PIRRO: I know him.

CARLSON: Question two, which world leader is featured in a popular new calendar that shows him riding a horse, cuddling a leopard and posing shirtless with a fish? Greg Gutfeld.


CARLSON: Putin? Why are we supposed to be against Putin? Anyway, let's find out if you are right.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here's Putin with a pup, Putin with a cub, Putin on a horse in winter and even colder, Putin taking the Epiphany dip in ice water.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If a foreigner buys this calendar, they will definitely have a good impression of our president, and they'll see that he can do it all. He loves animals. He can shoot. He looks good and loves sport.


CARLSON: I detect a kind of sarcastic tone in there.

GUTFELD: I know. I think it's very - it's very raw, make Vlad great again, I say.


PIRRO: Yes, things didn't (ph).

CARLSON: I'm not against Epiphany dips. All right. Question three, this is multiple choice. Rapper Kanye West is Washington's newest diplomat. He says he wants to arrange a sit-down meeting between Donald Trump and someone the president has long feuded with, who is that person? Is it, A.

PIRRO: Wait.


PIRRO: He didn't finish.

CARLSON: Multiple choice.

GUTFELD: I know. I did know. He didn't say multiple choice.

CARLSON: Multiple choice.

GUTFELD: All right.

CARLSON: It's okay. You sit in. Everyone's alright.


CARLSON: Let me give you multiple choice.


CARLSON: You got three choices.


CARLSON: The question is - all right now, hold on. This is why - I'm saying this is why you want anchors on the show.

GUTFELD: All right.

PIRRO: All right. Go ahead.

CARLSON: Okay. The question goes to Jeanine Pirro first according to our judges because Mr. Gutfeld violated the cardinal rules of the game.

PIRRO: You want the answer?

CARLSON: Yes, well, you got three choices, Robert De Niro, Colin Kaepernick or Rosie O'Donnell?

PIRRO: Colin Kaepernick.

CARLSON: You really think so?


CARLSON: All right. Let's see.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been calling Colin this morning, reaching him so I could bring Colin to the White House, and we can remove that son's statement and we can be on the same page.


CARLSON: So, you said before the show you thought you would do badly because.


CARLSON: .you don't follow legal news, but that's not true.

PIRRO: No, I follow news when I'm awake.

CARLSON: When you're awake? Well, all right.

PIRRO: All right.

CARLSON: Let's see if you can get this one. Question four.

GUTFELD: All right.

CARLSON: The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Theresa May, made headlines around the world when she started an important speech with an awkward dance. She was dancing like a robot to a 1970s disco song by a Swedish pop band. Which song was it?

You are just jumping the gun every time. Judges, what do you think? To Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Well, I would say it's ABBA. Do you need the name of the song?

CARLSON: Yes, I do.

GUTFELD: Dancing Queen?

PIRRO: Dancing Queen.

CARLSON: You're so honest. Is it Dancing Queen by ABBA?




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You just had that on our show.

PIRRO: Yes, that's why I knew it.



CARLSON: All right. We are at 2-2.The contestants.

GUTFELD: We are one (ph).

CARLSON: .haven't seen (ph) within the lines. Final question, we'll see if you can. You ready? PIRRO: This is a class.

CARLSON: Here in New York City, researchers are about to begin work on a new census. This time they are not counting people however, they're focusing on a small furry creature in Central Park. What kind of animal is it?

PIRRO: No, are they counting? I was waiting.

GUTFELD: She's reading the teleprompter.


PIRRO: You got to read the script.

GUTFELD: She's reading the teleprompter.


CARLSON: You are not allowed to read the teleprompter.

PIRRO: Yes, I am.

GUTFELD: I win by default.

PIRRO: No, there is nothing wrong with reading the teleprompter.


CARLSON: No, I don't think you qualify.


CARLSON: I'm going back to something I said earlier, which is when you have cable news anchors on your show, you are kind of anchor, things can fall apart.

PIRRO: Wait a minute. He didn't finish the question.


CARLSON: Let me just check with the judges really quick.

PIRRO: No, you didn't.

GUTFELD: We need the FBI.

CARLSON: Hold on. The judges say the host of the program is allowed to ad lib on his own scripts. I think that.


GUTFELD: She's reading it.

PIRRO: This is not fair.

CARLSON: So Greg Gutfeld.

PIRRO: You can read it. It's right there.

CARLSON: What is the answer?

GUTFELD: It is squirrels.

PIRRO: It is squirrels.

CARLSON: It is squirrels. You know it but you answered it. Is it? Why would it not be rats? Is it squirrels?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: New York City is about to conduct its first official squirrel census next week. Volunteers are needed.


CARLSON: This is literally the most contentious show we've ever had.

GUTFELD: Yes, but I won.

CARLSON: It's unbelievable.

PIRRO: No, it's not fair.

CARLSON: Okay. Let me.


CARLSON: Okay, we're going to give mugs. We're going to give one to you too later.

PIRRO: I don't want that.

CARLSON: Yes, you do. PIRRO: I don't want it.


CARLSON: For our viewers, I just want to make a correction. We have described him night after night as a Washington Post writer. It turns out he's not. He works for a web site, I guess connected to the Post, in some way owned by Jeff Bezos. If you don't know who he is, we have video. This is Eric Wemple or Wemple or whatever, the guy on the mug, watch.


ERIC WEMPLE, THE WASHINGTON POST COLUMNIST: Benign Mitzvah and Jewish Weddings, what a publication, how do they do all this great content for free? Oh! It's got all these great tips on choosing a canary (ph). The author of the story is a canarer (ph).

We checked. They knew Happy Hours (ph) is going to list out Fuego.


CARLSON: Now, if you can't get enough of that, we got more on our Facebook page. I strongly recommended it. In the meantime.

GUTFELD: Where did you find that?

CARLSON: We have a crack research team. He's going to be on your coffee mug from here on out. There he is, Eric Wemple from the Washington Post affiliated web site.

GUTFELD: Every morning, I'm going to wake up.

CARLSON: There you go. And Judge Jeanine, one for you is on the way.

PIRRO: I don't want.

CARLSON: You are going to want it when you get it.

PIRRO: No, you missed every question. Remember, you said the.


CARLSON: Much more final exam ahead as our Christmas special continues. After the break, we'll take a very close look at the career of 2018's top quiz champion, Katie Pavlich.


CARLSON: Welcome back to the Tucker Carlson Tonight final exam Christmas special without question, and the numbers are in and we checked them. Our top final exam champion of the year was Townhall editor and Fox contributor, Katie Pavlich. Katie won nine matches in a row. She beat everybody from Sean Spicer to show regular Richard Goodstein. Here's a highlight reel (ph) of her victory. We start with her first win against Griff Jenkins.

Which Tennessee United States Senator was just booed by a hometown crowd when the president called out his name at a rally in Nashville? Katie Pavlich.


CARLSON: Senator Bob Corker. Hold me, let me just say before we roll the tape, this will decide the outcome of tonight's final exam. Roll the tape please.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Senator Bob Corker.

CARLSON: And the reign has ended. I cannot believe that you dethroned Griff Jenkins.

PAVLICH: Did you go easy on me?


PAVLICH: I hope not.

JENKINS: No, no. Me? I took the sling off; I was ready.

PAVLICH: You promise?

JENKINS: I knew I was against a fierce competitor. Congratulations!


CARLSON: IHOP, the International House Of Pancakes, is changing its name, people are upset about it needless to say. What is IHOP changing its name to? A, pancake zone; B, breakfast palace, C, IHOb? Katie Pavlich.




CARLSON: Okay, is it IHOb?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The International House Of Pancakes is flipping its P for a B. IHOP announcing on Twitter that it will now be called IHOb. This is stupid. I refuse to call it IHOb. You literally cannot make me.

PAVLICH: It's a little hard to spell.

JENKINS: That was (ph) my tweet.

CARLSON: Last week, we talked about IHOP changing its name. For a limited time, IHOP will be called IHOb with a B. What does the B stand for?

PAVLICH: International House Of Burgers.

CARLSON: Burgers?

PAVLICH: Burgers.

CARLSON: Okay. I don't believe you for the record, but we're going to find out if you're right. To the tape we go.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what the B stands for? No, it's not bacon; no, it's not breakfast; no, it's not biryani. It's burgers.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can get pancakes with your burger at the same time, so you don't even have to choose.


PAVLICH: You are super confused about love for brunch, breakfast.

CARLSON: There is a viral video on the internet that shows man's best friend doing something extraordinary to a police officer. What was it?

JENKINS: Oh, you got it.




CARLSON: Come on, CPR? A dog doing CPR?

PAVLICH: And the dog's name was Poncho. His name was Poncho.

CARLSON: I don't believe you. Let's roll tape please.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Poncho is a police dog that's trained to perform CPR. I'm going to stop talking because there's nothing I can possibly say.


If you've tried this with a cat, they'd just let the guy choke to death, so they could eat his face.

So awesome.


PAVLICH: We love dogs.

CARLSON: Our judges are saying, they considered that question impossible that no normal person could answer it. They were trying to stump you, Katie. They failed. Congratulations! Kevin Corke, it makes you feel better. There's no way I could have beaten that.


PAVLICH: Thank you, Kevin.

CARLSON: Congratulations to you. Great to see you, Kevin.

PAVLICH: Thank you so much.

CORKE: She is the best there is.

CARLSON: Time for final exam. Katie Pavlich won four weeks in a row. Can she make it to five? A new study shows conclusively that people live longer if they regularly drink which hot beverage? Katie.

PAVLICH: Coffee.

CARLSON: Coffee? I thought it stunted your growth. Is it coffee?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A large study that followed people over a 10-year period found that those who drank coffee were up to 15 percent less likely to die than those who didn't. The benefit was the same for those who drank two or three cups or even eight cups a day.


PAVLICH: It has anti-oxidants in it. Doesn't everybody know that?

CORKE: Then you tell me (ph) good health, but I'm losing that, so.


CARLSON: Our defending champion is, of course, Katie Pavlich of Townhall. She has killed opponent after opponent. This week, her challenger Guy Benson.

Online shopping has of course caused many brick-and-mortar stores to close. As of this week, which popular business from the ‘80s and ‘90s has exactly one store left in the U.S.? Is it, A, Tower Records? Is it, B, Blockbuster Video? Is it, C, Circuit City?

GUY BENSON, TOWNHALL, EDITOR: I'm not going to risk to losing a point here. I don't know.

CARLSON: Katie Pavlich.


CARLSON: Blockbuster?

PAVLICH: Blockbuster.

CARLSON: Is it - you're just guessing.


CARLSON: Will she be rewarded for rolling the dice? To the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Alaska's final two Blockbuster Video stores will rent out their last movies and close up shop. The two closures in Anchorage and Fairbanks will leave the Blockbuster in Bend, Oregon as the last store standing.

CARLSON: Fortune favors the bold. Knowing that you could have wound up with a negative one, you did it anyway.

PAVLICH: I risked it.

CARLSON: Earlier this week, a United States senator had to reassure the public that he was still alive. Reports from Google and Wikipedia suggested otherwise; they said that he had died last year. Which senator was it?

PAVLICH: Senator Orrin Hatch.

CARLSON: Katie Pavlich.

PAVLICH: Senator Orrin Hatch.

CARLSON: Orrin Hatch of Utah, standing upright. Is it Orrin Hatch?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Staffers for Senator Orrin Hatch tweeting, "Hi, Google, we might need to talk," with a screenshot of Google search results which claimed he passed away last year. His team then posting a series of photos proving the senator is very much alive.


CARLSON: Oh! And you are correct, doing excellent (ph), Katie Pavlich of Townhall is back, defending champion. Here are all the opponents that she has beaten. She has won seven times in a row; that puts her just two wins behind her all-time board leader Shannon Bream.

Which singer, who once publicly admitted to wanting to blow up the White House, turns 60 years old today?

PAVLICH: Madonna.

CARLSON: Madonna says Katie Pavlich. Is it Madonna?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Happy birthday to Madonna, turning 60.

MADONNA CICCONE, SINGER-SONGWRITER: Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.


CARLSON: Happy birthday, Madonna. Katie Pavlich, another victory for you.


CARLSON: Richard, by the way, you should not feel bad. You join a long line of people with the best intentions.

PAVLICH: Thank you.

CARLSON: .and deep knowledge who were bulldozed by this unstoppable force, Katie Pavlich.


CARLSON: We're really glad to have you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ken Jenny (ph) has moved on.

CARLSON: Nonetheless.


CARLSON: Ken Jenny (ph) has moved on. And by the way, Katie, yes, you get another -- another Eric Wemple mug to add to your collection.

PAVLICH: I'm very excited.

CARLSON: And someday soon, you'll be facing off in the battle of champions with Shannon Bream. An epic spine-tingling showdown between Katie Pavlich and Shannon Bream later in tonight's show, stay tuned for that. But first, we trust our meteorologists to tell us the weather, warn us about deadly storms, but how much do the weather professionals know about other matters -- Kim Kardashian's say or baby sharks? To find out, we invited Janice Dean and Adam Klotz on to final exam. Here's what happened next.

Question one, during his show Monday Night, Jimmy Kimmel tried to goad a celebrity guest into going after the president. This reality star refused to do that and said, she had no complaints with Donald Trump. Who was it? Adam.


CARLSON: Kim Kardashian? Okay. Was it Kim Kardashian? Roll tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know that you're not necessarily a Trump supporter. I know your husband Kanye seems to like him a lot. Do you guys argue about that? Is that something, do you talk politics and like have debates about.

KIM KARDASHIAN, ENTREPRENEUR AND SOCIALITE: You know what, no, I have nothing bad to say about the president.


KLOTZ: Is that her? I've never seen her before.

CARLSON: It was indeed Kim Kardashian. One for Adam. Congratulations, Adam.

JANICE DEAN, METEOROLOGIST: I knew it. I knew it. You're just quicker on the buzzer.

CARLSON: I know (ph), it's a question of getting there. Okay, question two. You can redeem yourself, Janice. Which Supreme Court Justice has liberals rejoicing after this person said, he or she plan to stay on the court at least five more years? Janice Dean.

DEAN: Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

CARLSON: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, RBG. Is it Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Roll tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

KLOTZ: I gave you this for drama.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: them all. Announcing she plans to retire from the Supreme Court three years into President Trump's second term.

RUTH BADER GINSBURG, SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE JUSTICE: I am 84-years-old and everyone wants to take a picture with me.


KLOTZ: I just wanted to get close (ph), that's it.

CARLSON: And you were right. Janice Dean setting up, (inaudible) one to one. Moving into question three. It will not be tied by the end of this. Here's the question.

Over the past weekend, Barack and Michelle Obama were caught on tape dancing at a concert. Who was performing? Janice Dean.

DEAN: Jay-Z and Beyonce.

CARLSON: Jay-Z and Beyonce says the former Canadian DJ Janice Dean. Was it Jay-Z and/or Beyonce? Roll tape.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The former president and first lady caught on camera at this weekend's Beyonce and Jay-Z concert, dancing and waving their hands in the air.

KLOTZ: I can't take her dancing any more. It's humiliating.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And of course, about a thousand people spoke to the moment to social media (inaudible) the Obamas are living their best lives. And why not?


CARLSON: Oh, Adam, she's a force of nature, I warned you. Okay, so it's two to one. Now, we are going to question four. I'm just going to warn you, this is a legitimately tough question. I had no idea of the answer.

DEAN: Okay.

CARLSON: So, I'm going to throw it at you. Question four is multiple choice. San Antonio Aquarium is the scene of the story. Three people arrested there this week when they were caught on tape using a baby stroller to steal what kind of animal? Was it, A, a penguin; B, a tortoise; C, a shark?

KLOTZ: They did this so we can run overtime (ph).


KLOTZ: It is, C, a shark.


CARLSON: You can't put a shark in a baby stroller. Was it indeed a shark? Says Adam, roll tape.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Three brazen fish nappers seen here on surveillance camera grabbed the shark by the tail, wrapped her in a wet blanket, placed her in a bucket, then tucked the bucket into this stroller. Within hours, the stolen shark was allegedly put up for sale on Facebook.


CARLSON: Holy smokes, I can't believe you knew that. I never would have guessed, I would have said penguin or tortoise, but what do I know about it.

DEAN: Me too.

CARLSON: Okay, so now we are really in the ideal situation, sudden death overtime. Final question, this will determine the winner of tonight's Final Exam, okay.

This is a weather related question for our two meteorologists, and it is this. A cloud in Texas is wowing the Internet at this very moment because it has a very unusual shape. What does that cloud resemble?

Janice Dean.

DEAN: An angel.

CARLSON: An angel says Janice Dean.

KLOTZ: That's not right.

CARLSON: I know that you're such a good person that you would guess angel no matter what it is. Were you right?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Take a look at the stunning image, a driver capturing a cloud formation that looks just like an angel. Look at that, what do you think?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It looks just like an angel. And a man taking the picture, while driving down in Texas highway, posting it online calling it an angel cloud.


CARLSON: Janice Dean, I got to say Adam congratulations for getting as far as you did. Very few people could have stood up to the force that is Janice and got two points and you did, and you get credit for that.

Janice Dean, congratulations.

Our Final Exam Christmas special continues in just a moment. Some of these contests go right down to the wire. Up next, our Sudden Death battle between Bret Baier and Ed Henry. We'll be right back.


ANNA KOOIMAN, CO-HOST, FOX & FRIENDS: Hi everyone. Merry Christmas and live from America's News Headquarters, I'm Anna Kooiman. The merriment continues tonight as people around the globe celebrate one of the most joyous days of the year.

But at the Vatican, Pope Francis reminded thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square about the true meaning of this holiday. He pleaded for fraternity among people of all races and faiths. The pontiff also urged world leaders to put aside their political differences and find a solution to wars in Syria and Yemen and conflicts in Ukraine and the Korean peninsula.

President Donald Trump spent part of today wishing American troops stationed around the country and the world a Merry Christmas.

Speaking by videoconference to members of all five branches of the military, Mr. Trump acknowledged the great sacrifices our men and women in uniform make, far from home and away from their loved ones. The President spent a rare Christmas in Washington because of the ongoing budget stalemate with Congress.

And Christmas celebrations traditionally filled with laughter and uplifting music were replaced by somber prayers for tsunami victims in an area slammed by waves that hit without warning, killing more than 420 people and leaving thousands homeless in Indonesia.

The pastor of a Pentecostal church in the disaster zone says of the subdued holiday, our celebration is full of grief. Let's all count our blessings on this Christmas night.

I'm Anna Kooiman, now back to Tucker Carlson Tonight. Merry Christmas, everybody.

CARLSON: Welcome back to our annual Tucker Carlson Tonight Christmas special. We're going to take a look at some of our greatest Final Exam battles over the last year. You know how the game works. Five questions, five answers, but just one winner. Sometimes though, five questions is not enough.

Our match between Bret Baier and Ed Henry could not be decided on points, it was a tie, leaving just one option, Sudden Death.


CARLSON: Question one, the oldest sitting Senator in America is having problems with the re-election campaign. The Democratic Party in her state refuses to support her. Who is it?

Bret Baier.

BAIER: Dianne Feinstein of California.

CARLSON: Dianne Feinstein of California, says the anchor of Special Report. To the tape.


SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN, D-CALIF.: This is not an easy time to run for office.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The California Democratic Party slamming the door on Senator Dianne Feinstein. Party activists denying the state's senior Senator an endorsement in her bid for re-election.


CARLSON: So the next question is fair balanced and filled with bloodbath (ph).


Just kidding, just kidding. You knew that one, you are unafraid to answer that, okay.

Question two, multiple choice. Did you know that you can clone your pets? Indeed you can. Barbra Streisand reveals this week that she did, she cloned her favorite dog, who was named Samantha. What is the going rate for dog cloning, is it $50,000, $500,000 or $1 million?

Ed Henry?

HENRY: $50,000 said Ed, the would-be dog cloner. To the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She cloned her dogs, two of her dogs, Miss Violet and Miss Scarlet are clones of the late dog Samantha who passed on last year at about $50,000 a puppy.


HENRY: I didn't hear of Kilmeade, but I heard Laura Ingraham talk about it.

CARLSON: If you've got a pet cloning question, Ed Henry.


CARLSON: Question three, Oprah says a 2020 Presidential run could be possible, but she's waiting for a certain someone to give her the explicit go-ahead. Who is she waiting to hear from?

BAIER: Oh wait.


BAIER: Wait, wait, wait. Was it premature?

CARLSON: Hold on. Here's the question, and only our vote -- only our judges, because (inaudible) somebody can really determine this. Did both of them click in early?

Oh Ed clicked in early.

HENRY: Early?

BAIER: This is like the NFL--

CARLSON: Okay, hold on. No, no, I'm sorry, this is (inaudible) at this point and I am not going to be the NFL Commissioner, so I'm just going to go right to the judges who say we're going to have a re-click, okay.

BAIER: Of the same question?

CARLSON: Same question.


Here we go. We haven't finished it. Who - are you ready?


CARLSON: She's waiting for a certain someone to give her the go-ahead. Who is she waiting to hear from?

Ed Henry.

BAIER: Oh come on.

HENRY: The Almighty God.

CARLSON: The Almighty God, says Ed Henry. To the tape.


OPRAH WINFREY, TALK SHOW HOST: Billionaires calling me up and saying I can get you $1 billion, I can run your campaign, and I actually went into prayer about it, like God if you think I'm supposed to run, you got to tell me, and it has to be so clear that not even I could miss it.


BAIER: Don't tell Joy Behar.


CARLSON: When you are Oprah, only God can be your campaign manager, like there's nobody adequate to that.

BAIER: That was controversial.

CARLSON: Trust me, it was, and some of the great moments in reports are.

BAIER: Okay.

CARLSON: Question four, the Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is accused of spending over $30,000 on unnecessary furniture. What kind of furniture was it?

Bret Baier.

HENRY: I was early.

BAIER: Dining set.

CARLSON: Dining set. I don't have a dining set. Okay, we'll find out in the tape, is it a dining set?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Carson reportedly spent $31,000 taxpayer dollars on a new dining set for his private dining room in D.C. Now, a high official is quoted as saying that a career staffer was behind the decision to buy the dining set, not Secretary Carson.


CARLSON: Wow, okay so I was a humanities major, so I'm going to check the judges for the math. Where are we now? Two to two, so this is it, this is the tiebreaker. Final question, it's multiple choice.

There is a man currently running for Congress in the State of Arkansas. He shares a name with a rock and roll legend. Is he named, A, Elvis Presley, B, Bruce Springsteen, or C, Mick Jagger?

Ed Henry?

HENRY: Elvis Presley.

CARLSON: Elvis Presley. Is that his name?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Arkansas is about to get all shook up. D. Presley, there he is, is running for Congress.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit photo?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is legit people.



CARLSON: Wow, that was very intensive and you now win the coveted Erik Wemple mug that shows Washington Post columnist--

HENRY: I thought it was a Tucker Carlson mug.

CARLSON: Well I'm on the back.


BAIER: That's very nice.

HENRY: That's a good one.

CARLSON: Bret Baier, thank you.


CARLSON: That was controversial, but I felt it was--

BAIER: I felt better than when Shannon Bream beat me.


She just annihilated me. At least I hung in there.

HENRY: You are not the only one she annihilated, trust me.

CARLSON: Two years ago Corey Lewandowski and Dave Bossie were key figures in Donald Trump's Presidential campaign. Now, they are writing books together and coming on our show. How'd they fare when they competed against one another on Final Exam; that's next as our Christmas special continues.


CARLSON: Welcome back to our annual Tucker Carlson Tonight Christmas special. We're visiting some of our favorite moments from Final Exam over the past year. Corey Lewandowski and Dave Bossie, both you'll remember were top figures in Donald Trump's Presidential campaign.

But with that race long over, were they still paying attention to the news? How much do they know about giant Australian cows or Melania's White House decorations? We decided to find out.

I cannot believe you agreed to do this.

LEWANDOWSKI: We are ready.

BOSSIE: We're excited.

CARLSON: We're not about stunt casting this segment, that's exactly what we're doing tonight.


All right. I'm not even going to bet there is a kind of line in the studio on who's going to win, but I'm not going to tell you who's favored. I am going to read you the rules though, so you know. That's right, and no cheating, okay.

BOSSIE: Then he's out.


LEWANDOWSKI: What was that?

BOSSIE: It's not going to work.


CARLSON: We'll watch him carefully.

Okay, hands on buzzers. I ask the questions, the first one to buzz in gets to answer the question. This is key, you have to wait until I finish asking before you answer. You can answer once I acknowledge you by saying your name.

Each correct answer worth one point, each incorrect answer detracts a point from your total, so it's a very fluid scoring system. Best of five wins. You ready?

LEWANDOWSKI: That's one point for you. You can't count that out.

CARLSON: I know he may have the voice advantage, but we'll see, we'll see who's faster.

Question one, by order of the National Game Show Commission, we have to begin with an animal question, that's the law. So here we go. The Internet has gone crazy for a very unusual four-legged farm animal in Australia. This animal weighs over 3,000 pounds. It is as tall as Michael Jordan.

He is so different from all the other farm animals that they follow him around as if he were a deity. What kind of animal is he?

Corey Lewandowski.

LEWANDOWSKI: Moo hoo, cow.

CARLSON: I thought you'd say moose.


BOSSIE: He did say moose.

CARLSON: Is it a cow, there's no way a cow can be 3,000 pounds and 6 feet tall. Is it a cow?


BRIAN KILMEADE, CO-HOST, FOX & FRIENDS: 6 foot 4 inches, that's the size of the utterly giant cow. Its name is Knickers, and he's now the laughing stock, weighing in 3,000 pounds.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You will not find Knickers on your plate just to be clear here. He's too big to process, says the owner, so he's going to live happily ever after.


CARLSON: Can we just pause and appreciate Kilmeade for a second, he said it's udderly.


Of course, just want to appreciate that.

All right question two, Forbes is out with its annual list of the highest- paid television stars. Topping the list is not me, it's a woman from Brooklyn who has made nearly $150 million in the past year.

Her show has been on television since 1996. Who is she?



CARLSON: Man, you are fast.

BOSSIE: This is ridiculous.

CARLSON: $150 million a year for Judge Judy?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who's the highest paid TV host of all and here's the answer; lady on the left Judge Judy. Wait for the number, $147 million in the past year. Ellen DeGeneres number two, $87 million, Dr. Phil $77 million, Ryan Seacrest $74 million, and Steve Harvey $44 million.


CARLSON: So what are we doing wrong here? By the way, our judges just said that they've checked the circuitry in the buzzing devices.

LEWANDOWSKI: This is working.

CARLSON: And that both of you buzzed in, you were just slightly faster.

LEWANDOWSKI: Story of my life.


BOSSIE: Well, that's so true.

CARLSON: My God, just stop rubbing it in.

Question three, at a rally in Mississippi, the President of the United States told the crowd that as a young man, people told him he looked like which famous American icon?

Dave, you blew it.

BOSSIE: At least it works.

LEWANDOWSKI: Robert Redford.

CARLSON: It sounded like the question ended, say our judges. See I'm not in charge of making these rules. They are giving you a pass because they say it sounded like I finished the question, so you get to answer it.

BOSSIE: Elvis.

CARLSON: Elvis? Man, you guys are a hair-trigger. Is it Elvis?


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Other than the blond hair, when I was growing up, they said I looked like Elvis, do you see that?


I always considered that a great compliment.


CARLSON: You guys have spent a lot of time on the President, ever heard him saying?


BOSSIE: Not even for a second.

CARLSON: Not even for a second, all right.



All right, question four, and it's two to one by the way. This is a multiple choice, multiple choice about the weirdest video of the week. An American tourist had a near-death experience high above the Swiss Alps after somebody forgot to buckle his safety harness and left them holding on for dear life. Which activity was the man doing at the time? Was it A, hang gliding, B, bungee jumping, C, skydive?


LEWANDOWSKI: Hang gliding, with the Creepy Porn Lawyer.

CARLSON: Seriously? CPL was there?



CARLSON: We're not going to hold you to that. Was it hang gliding, as Corey said?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A first time hang glider holding on for dear life as his safety harness was not connecting. He was left clinging to the pilot. The pilot was trying to land somewhere quickly but he had trouble controlling that glider because he was steering with one hand while he was holding on to the passenger.



CARLSON: All right, as our producer just said, Creepy Porn Lawyer can't even hold on to his clients, much less a hang glider.

All right, final question, this one also multiple choice. First Lady Melania Trump has unveiled the Christmas decorations at the White House. They feature tens of thousands of red ornaments. What is this year's theme? Is it, A, winter wonderland, B, blessings from the heartland, or C, American Treasures? Corey?

LEWANDOWSKI: American Treasures.

CARLSON: Is it -- okay let me just say you're a savage animal, can I just say that?

LEWANDOWSKI: That's true, that's true.

CARLSON: It's unbelievable. Is it C, American Treasures.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: American Treasures, each room inside the White House highlights different American cities, Presidents, and (inaudible) red ornaments hanging from 29 trees this year, and there's a gingerbread house.



LEWANDOWSKI: Hey Tucker, I never get tired of winning.

CARLSON: You know you are, and by the way, I'm looking -- we have a mug, it's our Eric Wemple, and I don't know where it is. So, they're backordered, so we're going to give you the golden retriever mug instead, which I hope - yes, so I hope--

LEWANDOWSKI: Can I come back and defend my title?

CARLSON: Yes, you can defend your title any time. And Mr. Bossie, I hope you will come back too. I know that you let him win.

LEWANDOWSKI: You are a better loser.

CARLSON: Because he's your co-author.

BOSSIE: You know what, he needs to feel a little better about himself, so I let him win.

CARLSON: Yes, you are still splitting the royalties 50/50.


Gentlemen, thank you, it was great to see you.

We do our best to keep it clean and fair on Final Exam, but sometimes the unexpected happens. What do you do when the buzzers break, a dilemma we faced, we will show it to you as our special continues.


ANNA KOOIMAN, CO-HOST, FOX & FRIENDS: Good evening and Merry Christmas. Live from America's News Headquarters, I'm Anna Kooiman. It is Christmas day and day four of the partial government shutdown.

President Donald Trump says things will remain that way until Democrats agree to build a wall among the U.S.-Mexico border. The President made the announcement during the appearance with reporters at the Oval Office.

Senate Democrats have not given in to the President, who wants more than $5 billion for border security. More than 800,000 federal employees are being impacted.

Meantime, back at the border, U.S. officials say another young child has died. The 8-year-old boy from Guatemala was in custody in New Mexico with his father. Customs and Border officials say the child was taken into the hospital on Monday night after showing "signs of potential illness."

The boy was diagnosed with a fever, given medicine and released. But a short time later, he was readmitted and died early this morning. A 7-year- old boy - or rather a 7-year-old girl rather from the same country died at the border earlier this month.

GoFundMe refunds more than $400,000 after a campaign meant to help a homeless veteran turned out to be a scam. More than 14,000 people donated after a New Jersey couple set up the page. They claimed the veteran from Philadelphia gave his last $20 when they ran out of gas.

Prosecutors say the viral--

CARLSON: Welcome back to our annual Tucker Carlson Tonight Christmas special. You may remember our Final Exam matchup between bitter rivals Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld, for the questions about bananas going extinct.

We remember that match for the difficulties the contestants had with their buzzers. What did they do when they broke? Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have a little bit of a problem, we got to be honest with our audience, we do not lie to our audience. We are supposed to do an exam in which the first person to hit the buzzer gets the light and they gets the chance to talk and answer the question, but what happened?


PERINO: Technical difficulties.


PERINO: The lights are not working.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We could quit, but if we were anything but great Americans-- GUTFELD: No.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: --we would have quit. Bulgarians would have given up.

GUTFELD: We're doing this for the people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And what should we do for the people, what have we decided to do?

PERINO: We are going to raise our hands.

GUTFELD: Raise our hands.


GUTFELD: First hand up, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Gets the question.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If there's a problem with noticing, if it's a tie, we go to Caitlyn, who's interning this year.


PERINO: Her entire career is based on this moment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are so many different ways to spell Caitlyn by the way, it is out of control.

Are we ready for the first question?


PERINO: Ready.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Hopefully this is number one, let's start with number one, here we go. This week, Starbucks announced that, in an effort to go green, they will phase out what product from their stores? Dana?

PERINO: Straws.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is it straws? Let's go to the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Starbucks plans to scrap plastic straws globally by the year 2020 to be more environmentally friendly. This move will eliminate more than a billion plastic straws per year from Starbucks stores.


GUTFELD: That'll do no good.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So far, we have a score, it is one-nothing, Dana leads Greg. Caitlyn is that right?




Caitlyn, you are fantastic.

PERINO: Good job Caitlyn.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let's move on to, where were we-- GUTFELD: Question two.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you. During a recent trip to a Texas protest, which liberal mayor broke the law - you have to wait until I finish the question -- by illegally crossing into the border into Mexico?


GUTFELD: de Blasio.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The name, full name and title.

GUTFELD: What, is it Bill de Blasio, Mayor Bill de Blasio? Jesus.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just trying to make my job more fun.

GUTFELD: You're not Alex Trebek, all right, get over yourself. My God!


LAURA INGRAHAM- HOST: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio tried to get in touch with his inner illegal alien earlier this month. de Blasio illegally crossed into the United States. He went over the U.S.-Mexican border while protesting family separations, so he allegedly violated both U.S. and Mexican law; nice going Bill.


GUTFELD: I've met her. She's quite--

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you are right, can we check the score again? One- one, thank you.

Let's move on to question number three. Scientists all over the world are racing to eradicate something called Panama disease. It's a fungal infection that could soon make which fruit go extinct?

PERINO: (LAUGHTER) I don't know. I was watching the straw (ph) hearing, I don't know, that's my only excuse.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Grows on trees. Greg?

GUTFELD: Melons.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is it melons, roll the tape.

PERINO: They don't grow on trees.


Melons don't grow on trees.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What might be called a warning for banana lovers, your fruits may be in danger of going extinct. Scientists scrambling to save the world's banana crop from a devastating fungus.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You now lose -- we should have told you ahead of time.

GUTFELD: Wait, I didn't know that. (inaudible)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I blame Caitlyn. I blame Caitlyn.

GUTFELD: Caitlyn, you are fired.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Caitlyn, you are out, go.

GUTFELD: That's so unfair.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You are not getting credit for this semester.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dana, thanks for showing great sportsmanship and wisdom.


GUTFELD: I was thinking about melons for other reason.


GUTFELD: I cannot stand walking by trees and get hit in the head with a melon when they fall out.


Guys I meant to say coconut.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Question number four, citing concerns about the environment, Hawaii has become the first state in the nation to ban what popular item from its beaches, it is A, plastic beach balls, B, sunscreen, C, speedos? Greg?

GUTFELD: It was sunscreen. I was there when it happened.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't know until we roll the tape.

GUTFELD: Now back to one.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's about that time when we'll be lathering up the sunscreen. But Hawaii's saying not so fast. Lawmakers there believe sunscreen containing two chemicals, oxybenzone and octinoxate are killing their coral reefs.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am dying to go on vacation.

PERINO: Better get skin cancer.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (inaudible) on any of those things. All right, it's now - we are in Sudden Death, this has never been done before--

GUTFELD: Very violent.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: --except for last week and the week prior.


Final question, again playing themselves, Dana and Greg, sit up straight.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can roll back the question to the beginning, because I didn't memorize the first three words, thank you.


This one could either be really tough or really easy. You may have noticed there's a soccer tournament going on right now, it's called the World Cup. Which two countries will face off in the final match this weekend? Caitlyn?

PERINO: Caitlyn?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh my goodness, I think it was Dana.


PERINO: It was.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dana, who's in the finals?

PERINO: France and Croatia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: France and Croatia, let's check the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Croatia beating England in extra time, advancing to the final against France, a relief for their biggest fans who have missed out on past celebrations.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ladies and gentlemen, there's only can be one winner, but I see two champs. Greg Gutfeld, you have other things to look forward to, just not a victory parade. You have lost.

Dana Perino, you are the new champion.

PERINO: I don't think I won.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm giving you the win. Two-one and Sudden Death.


PERINO: Oh okay, great. Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Congratulations.

GUTFELD: I think you come back next week.


CARLSON: We saved the best for the last. Time now for the year's ultimate Final Exam clash. After the break, we'll show you our matchup between two nine-time champions Katie Pavlich versus Shannon Bream. Who won the champion of champions crown, after the break.


CARLSON: There's a champion every week on Final Exam, of course. Champions come, champions go. But over the years, two contenders have stood out; Shannon Bream and Katie Pavlich. Each won nine matches in a row on Final Exam.

And in September, the inevitable happened. These two intellectual juggernauts, these two masters of news trivia faced off against one another in a battle for the ages to determine who is the supreme champion.

Here's what happened.


CARLSON: Last year, Fox News @ Night host Shannon Bream pulled off a full Brady Bunch. She beat nine opponents in a row. Now Townhall's Katie Pavlich has matched that feat. So naturally, as Pavlich goes for win number 10, the challenger is Shannon Bream, and what would be crowned the ultimate final exam champion.

And by the way, since that segment has done so well, we've upped our budget, our own Vanna White (ph) Emily Lynn joins us now with glasses of vodka or sparkling side or whatever to toast tonight's contest, before we get started.


BREAM: Thank you. This is very fancy.

PAVLICH: This is very--

CARLSON: We are on Final Exam - why thank you, Emily. These are our Final Exam glasses, that's right.

PAVLICH: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: I'm the Ryan Seacrest, okay. Are you all ready? Best of five wins. Dim the lights.


BREAM: Where's the theme music?

CARLSON: It's implied. So there it is.

BREAM: Okay, there it is, okay all right.


CARLSON: Question one. The Emmys aired on Monday night. It was the same boring awards show, it always is, except with one exception. Upon accepting his Emmy, director Glenn Weiss did something unusual on stage, what was it? Shannon Bream.

BREAM: He proposed to his girlfriend.

CARLSON: On the air?

BREAM: On the TVs.

CARLSON: You guys should have watched. Did he propose to his girlfriend, roll tape please.


GLENN WEISS, AMERICAN DIRECTOR: You are the sunshine in my life. You wonder why I don't like to call you my girlfriend, because I want to call you my wife.


Will you marry me?



BREAM: Tucker, even you got teared up.

CARLSON: I was going to say I've never watched the Emmys, but if they do that, I'm going to watch them, because I like that.

BREAM: Okay, fair enough.

CARLSON: Question two, a cyclist in the Commonwealth of Virginia, who did something very rude to President Trump's motorcade that passed by her last year, is now running for office. She lost her job as a result of the original incident. What did she do to the President's motorcade?

Something rude to the President's motorcade. Katie?

PAVLICH: She flipped him off.

CARLSON: Flipped him off, the bird, the finger. Did she flip them off?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Made headlines after this photo capturing her giving the President's motorcade the bird. That woman now is running for office.

JULI BRISKMAN, CANDIDATE FOR LOUDOUN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: I got really motivated. The first thing I did was sign up to volunteer at the polls the next week at the 2017 election.


BREAM: I thought it was (inaudible).

PAVLICH: Yes, I was really not sure, but--


CARLSON: You must've gotten double 800s in the SAT because you're the best guesser I've ever--

PAVLICH: Oh no, I failed the SAT.

CARLSON: Oh well, should have been--


PAVLICH: I'm sorry mom and dad.

BREAM: Those are no good, those tests are no good.

CARLSON: One to one going to question three. The question may offend vegan, vegetarians and to anyone who works at PETA, so turn off your TV if you're in those categories. Chefs at a seafood restaurant in the State of Maine say they want to show compassion to the lobsters they're about to boil.

Before going into the pot, the lobsters are given what to relax? Shannon Bream.

BREAM: Marijuana smoke.

CARLSON: No way.

BREAM: I mean I hope it's true, but then what happens to the lobster. Can you eat it or are you in trouble?

PAVLICH: It's like a brownie.

CARLSON: Okay, marijuana -- it's Maine, you never know - is it marijuana smoke on the lobsters?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A seafood restaurant in Maine is now getting lobsters stoned to kill them in a more humane way. Yes, instead of being freaked out by boiling water, the lobsters now OD on Chex party mix.


BREAM: Chex party mix for the lobsters.

CARLSON: There's something kind of even sadder about that.

BREAM: I know, but are they happy when they go bye-bye?

PAVLICH: You know, they don't know what's happening.

CARLSON: I don't know, yes, they are certainly more passive.

Question four, this one's multiple choice. There was a lot of rain in New York City recently and that caused some subway stations to flood. Now there's a video on the Internet of an animal protecting itself from rising water on the train platform. The animal has been given a nickname.

Is it Rain Raccoon, Flood Rat or Puddle Pigeon? Shannon Bream.

BREAM: Flood rats.

CARLSON: Flood rat.

BREAM: I think.

CARLSON: Is it flood rat?

BREAM: Probably.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In New York, a rat has become famous. The rodent has taken the Internet by storm, dubbed Flood Rat, after he was caught on video shielding himself, he is at the bottom of the screens there, on a subway platform. We just had to show it to you, you can just make him out right there.


BREAM: I kind of get scared.


PAVLICH: You should Shannon, it's a rodent.

CARLSON: I see you are both such nice people. You know I need to feel sorry for the rats in the subway.


CARLSON: All right, final question. An Arby's restaurant in the State of California just announced it will give you a free sandwich for life if you show your dedication to the restaurant in what very permanent way?

Katie Pavlich.

PAVLICH: If you get a tattoo.

CARLSON: An Arby's tattoo?

PAVLICH: Yes, an Arby's tattoo.

CARLSON: A high price for a sandwich.


CARLSON: Is it an Arby's tattoo?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Arby's has announced they'll be giving a free Arby's tattoos in California this weekend to the most dedicated fans.

Oh no, what did I do last night!


CARLSON: This really was the battle of champions. With one point.

PAVLICH: Congratulations Shannon.

CARLSON: Nice game Katie. Shannon Bream, you are now and forever the champion.

BREAM: Thank you my friends. Listen, no one in this network can beat the two of us.

PAVLICH: That's true.

BREAM: I mean, we combine our forces--

CARLSON: I want to ask our Vanna White's, this is Louis and Emily.

PAVLICH: Shannon is the only one worthy of wearing a crown.

CARLSON: You get the sash. Oh and not the first in your life either.


And there you go, Emily has the crown, you are our winner, Shannon Bream. Wear that.

PAVLICH: We need some music, some Miss America.


PAVLICH: Congratulations.

BREAM: Thank you.

CARLSON: And let that be an inspiration to you at home to follow the news more closely every week and come back next week to score as well as Shannon and Katie.


CARLSON: That's it for tonight's annual Christmas edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight. Our regular show resumes tomorrow 8:00 p.m., a show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. Again, Merry Christmas. Good night from Washington.

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