
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on December 7, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Here is something all of us need to begin to internalize. Just because something seems farfetched or it seems crazy or it seems totally destructive to core American interests doesn't mean the U.S. government won't do it. That's the main lesson of the moment we are leaving in.

So with that in mind, do not discount no matter how farfetched it may seem a hot war with Russia. Yes, that is a lunatic idea. There is nothing we could possibly gain from a military confrontation with Vladimir Putin and there is very much we could lose, including of course many thousands of American lives, but that doesn't mean Joe Biden won't do it.

Biden is unpopular. He is incompetent and he is desperate, but more than anything Joe Biden is weak. He is a pawn of his staff and the hard-eyed ideologues who surround him. Russia is currently involved in a border dispute with neighboring Ukraine, and many of Biden's closest aides are pushing the United States to get involved militarily.

Now among the many, many ironies here is that the Ukraine crisis was largely created by Joe Biden's own aides and many people like them throughout all levels of the U.S. government.

So here is the Russian position. For Russia, the core question is NATO. NATO is the post-war military alliance created in 1949 to keep the Soviets from invading Western Europe, and it worked pretty well for about 40 years. But the Soviet Union has not existed in more than three decades. It is part of history now, and yet NATO very much lives on, better funded than ever. It is an Army without a purpose.

So at this point, NATO exists primarily to torment Vladimir Putin who whatever his many faults has no intention of invading Western Europe. Vladimir Putin does not want Belgium, he just wants to keep his western border secure, that's why he doesn't want Ukraine to join NATO and that makes sense. Imagine how we would feel if Mexico and Canada became satellites of China, we wouldn't like that at all.

In Russia's case, this is an existential question. A NATO takeover of Ukraine would compromise Russia's access to its Sebastopol Naval Base. That's the site of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and one of the country's only connections to international waters.

In the words of Russia's scholar, Richard Sakwa, if Russia lost the Sevastopol Naval Base, it would be quote, "The biggest military geopolitical defeat of Russia in the last thousand years." So for Vladimir Putin, that's unacceptable, it is a disaster. He cannot let it happen, he will not let it happen.

But for the United States and this is the main point here, there would be no benefit either. The United States would gain precisely nothing from taking over Ukraine. Why would we want to do that?

At best, we'd be driving Russia and we are in fact deeper into the arms of the government of China, and that would be a disaster for the United States and a disaster for the world. So why are we doing this? Why is the U.S. government pushing Ukraine to join NATO?

Well, God knows why. But we are doing this, both parties are doing this. The neocons around Joe Biden are for it of course as they are for every sinister and stupid idea, but so is former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a smart man, so is Ohio Senator Rob Portman, so are many Republicans. So, this is a bipartisan sort of insanity.

The question is, can Joe Biden stand up to it? And the answer is: Come on, Biden has always been more lobbyist than leader. He says what he is told to say.

Once it was the credit card companies in Delaware that wrote his scripts; now, it is the neocons of the State Department. It is the same idea.

Biden spoke today with Vladimir Putin by video call and according to the White House, he informed the Russian leader that the United States plans to control Ukraine no matter what. The Secretary of State and struggling pop musician, Tony Blinken repeated that message. He threatened to send American troops there.

Here is Tony Blinken's spokesman.


NED PRICE, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON: If Russia chooses to fail to de- escalate, if Russia chooses to move forward with any plans it may have developed to continue its military aggression or to aggress militarily upon Ukraine, to violate Ukraine's sovereignty, its independence, its territorial integrity, we, and our allies would be prepared to act. We would be prepared to act resolutely.


CARLSON: These are such children. Ukraine's territorial integrity -- that's the concern. That's what this is really about, they are telling us, because if there is one thing the Biden White House cares about, it is secure borders, at least in Eastern Europe where borders are not racist.

Ukraine's borders must be defended. It would be immoral to open those borders to the world and allow say tens of thousands of unemployed Haitians to pour across. We can't allow that. In fact, we will send American troops to Ukraine to prevent that.

Open borders are only permitted in Texas, Arizona, and California, and anywhere else the potential Democratic voters might arrive uninvited from the third world, but Ukraine, no. Ukraine is a God-given right to territorial integrity and American soldiers will die to defend that territorial integrity. That's our official position as a country.

Now, according to CNN, we must stop these Russian attacks on the sacred borders of Ukraine because if we don't stop them, what we could have here is what CNN is calling a dire security situation.

Now, that phrase apparently comes from Joe Biden's Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, who according to CNN gave a quote, "gloomy briefing" to U.S. Senators last night.

Victoria Nuland is strongly in favor of war with Russia. What's amazing is that anyone, anywhere is still listening to her. No serious person could take Victoria Nuland seriously. She is a joke.

Not only is she obviously unimpressive as a person, ask anyone who knows her, and she is not especially pro-American by the way, she was one of the architects of the disaster in Iraq. So why is Victoria Nuland still talking about foreign policy? Is the guy who designed Chernobyl still building nuclear reactors? Probably not.

Only in Washington where failure is assiduously rewarded could someone like Victoria Nuland still wield power which she absolutely does. It's scary when you think about it.

Victoria Nuland is driving our Ukraine policy, which of course is being justified by our broader support for quote "democracy." Now keep that in mind as you listen to this. This is the same -- the same Victoria Nuland who was caught on tape several years ago scheming about how to end democracy in Ukraine.

Here is Nuland in a leaked audio recording plotting the overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected President. Listen as Nuland rattles off a list of potential puppets to install in place of the democratically elected President.


VICTORIA NULAND, UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR POLITICAL AFFAIRS OF THE UNITED STATES: I think Yats is the guy who's got the economic experience, the governing experience. He is the -- you know, what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week, you know.

I just think Klitsch going in, he is going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk. It's just not going to work.

GEOFFREY PYATT, FORMER AMBASSADOR TO UKRAINE: Yes, no. I think that's -- I think that's right. Okay.


CARLSON: "It's just not going to work." What about the voters of Ukraine who thought they were engaged in democracy? Nope, there is Tori Nuland working to overthrow democracy.

Keep in mind, if they'll do it there, they will do it here.

You're hearing the same State Department goon who worked to organize a coup in Ukraine telling us we need to go to war with Russia to preserve democracy in Ukraine. These people have no shame.

So the question is, what is this really about? Of course, it is not about democracy, for which they have zero respect. Well, in part, it is a hangover from the lunatic Russia hoax that absorbed Washington for three years. Everything about Vladimir Putin is bad, therefore, let's have a war with him. A lot of people think that.

But there is also a deeper cause here that's rarely noted.

For years, Ukrainian interests have pumped millions of lobbying dollars into Washington, D.C. to change American foreign policy in the region. At one point, as you may have heard, they employed the President's own son to repeat their talking points. So tens of thousands of dollars a month to tell us that Russia is bad and we need to stand with Ukraine because democracy even as we work to overthrow democracy in Ukraine.

So with that in mind, now that you know that, maybe you were not so surprised when Joe Biden concluded that Vladimir Putin doesn't possess a soul.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS HOST: You said you know he doesn't have a soul.

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Well, I did say that to him, yes. And to -- and his response was, we understand one another.

I wasn't being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office, that's how it came about. It was when President Bush had said, I've looked in his eyes and saw a soul. I said, I looked in your eyes and I don't think you have a soul, and looked -- and he said, we understand each other.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you know Vladimir Putin, you think he's a killer?

BIDEN: Yes. I do.


CARLSON: These people are children. Again, children pretending to be leaders. Vladimir Putin is a killer, presumably unlike every other head of state on Earth through all human history. But honestly, that is not the relevant question. Vladimir Putin's soul? Who cares? We can leave that to his priest, assuming he has one.

The only question that matters, the only question is how does intervening in Ukraine help the core interests of the United States? And of course, that is the one question no one in Washington is asking.

Watch The Pentagon's obedient little flack, a man with so little dignity he'll say whatever he is told to say, brag about how much military equipment we are now sending to Ukraine and notice as you watch this tape that he never even thinks about explaining why we would be sending that military equipment.


REAR ADMIRAL JOHN KIRBY (RET.) PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: We have provided millions of dollars' worth of lethal and non-lethal assistance to Ukraine in just the last, you know 10 months or 11 months.

Nothing has changed about our commitment to making sure that Ukraine has what it needs to defend itself.


CARLSON: So, say what you will about Donald Trump and his Twitter account, maybe you liked him, maybe you're appalled by his personal style, but in retrospect, if there is one thing that Donald Trump deserves eternal credit for is keeping idiots like that in their box for four years. There were no pointless wars under Donald Trump.

That is not a small thing in recent American history, in fact, it's rarely happened over the past century, but through unwavering determination for which he has not gotten credit, if there's one thing he deserves credit for, it's this -- Donald Trump pulled that off. He resisted again and again when Members of Congress and guys from Raytheon, when all the interested parties pushed him to go to war here, there, and everywhere, Donald Trump resisted that.

And in Washington, above all, they hated him for that. In the end, they impeached him for it.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): As one witness put it during our Impeachment Inquiry, the United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there and we don't have to fight Russia here.


CARLSON: Really? We're going to fight Russia here, are we, Adam Schiff? Adam Schiff, of course, a dumb person and a partisan Democrat.

But what is so interesting and it ought to make you sit up and pay attention is suddenly, partisan Republicans are making identical noises.

Just this afternoon, Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi -- not a genius, famously, but still a sitting Republican senator went on FOX News to say, we may need to send American troops to Ukraine and possibly because this isn't insane or anything, think about the use of nuclear weapons. Got that in our back pocket. Nuclear weapons.

Roger Wicker, sitting U.S. Senator. No one in Washington laughed at Roger Wicker. This is so crazy that no one seems aware of how crazy it is. They're all just sitting back and listening to Victoria Nuland tell them what we need to do.

How much has this penetrated the psyche of Washington, D.C.? Well, here is a sad piece of tape. This is Joni Ernst who is totally affable, nice Republican, sort of reasonable in most things from the Midwest suddenly sounding like a bloodthirsty warmonger, sounding a lot like actually, Adam Schiff when she talks about that dastardly Vladimir Putin.


SEN. JONI ERNST (R-IA): He needs to say to Vladimir Putin that we are no longer going to allow you to continue with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. We need you to know and understand that we will defend Ukraine and we will provide them assistance. He needs to make that very clear.


CARLSON: Putin is so bad we're going to cut off natural gas to Western Europe in retaliation against him in December. We're going to freeze Germany and Luxembourg and that's going to teach Vladimir Putin.

Again, what you just saw there is a child who has no idea what she is talking about, but keeps talking anyway. "We will defend Ukraine," says Joni Ernst. Remember this is a Senator from Iowa. So what happens if we don't defend Ukraine, Joni Ernst? Will kids in Des Moines grow up to speak Russian?

No one asked her that question. She has never thought about it, for a moment, but all is reading from the same talking points from Adam Schiff to Roger Wicker to Joni Ernst. It turns out that foreign lobbying campaigns work pretty well and that's what the Ukrainians pay for when in Washington.

So where is all of this going exactly? What can we expect over the next month or two?

Colonel Douglas Macgregor has thought a lot about it. He has lived a lot of this stuff. He joins us now to assess.

Doug, thanks so much for coming on. Where is this going do you think?

COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR (RET), U.S. ARMY: Well, based upon your monologue, it is hard to tell right now, but certainly the destination is the land of the stupid.

You know, what is really disturbing is that this is the eve of the 80th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor, an event that dragged us into a two-front war for which we were completely unprepared and listening to the comments by Wicker and others, it strikes me that Joe Biden has lots of friends on the Hill, all of which are living with him in the early 1990s.

They seem to think that Russia is prostrate, that Russia has no alternative, but to submit to whatever we tell it to do, which of course is ridiculous.

If we challenge Russia on its doorstep -- and by doorstep, I mean Eastern Ukraine -- militarily, we will be defeated. That's not an if, that's a certainty. And if we are stupid enough to consider the use of nuclear weapons to rescue our conventional failure, well then, we're courting the destruction of the known world, frankly and that's something we should avoid.

We have really only one interest. You asked the key question, what is our interest in Ukraine or Russia in that area for that matter? We have one interest, Tucker, that is to prevent a war from breaking out between Ukraine and Russia, a bloody war with implications involving refugees and millions of people being displaced from their homes, moving west into Europe. We have an interest in preventing that.

We have an interest in preventing a war in that region that could spread rapidly across the Black Sea involve Turkey, involve Iran. We don't know. So we have an interest in doing that, and we know that if we can prevent it, we have to compromise and compromise is the way to ensure that Ukrainians, the majority of them, who are Ukrainian will live in a free and independent Ukraine.

We're not doing any of those things. We are bent on some sort of revenge mission, which makes no sense to humiliate and harm Russia. Why? It is beyond me.

This is not the Soviet Union, this is Russia. A Russian state that rests on the foundation of Orthodox Christianity. It is back to what it has been for a thousand years, we should celebrate that, not try to destroy it.

CARLSON: Maybe that's one of the reasons we are trying to destroy it.

MACGREGOR: It could be.

CARLSON: It could be. Douglas Macgregor, a wise man. I wish you were in charge. Thank you so much for joining us tonight for that analysis.

MACGREGOR: Thank you.

CARLSON: So all of a sudden, biological men are competing in women's sports. That was a theory, it seemed kind of radical a few years ago, now, it is the state of play so to speak. So what is the result of that?

Well, in one case, a biological male swimmer dominates the field completely as a woman. Not everyone thinks that is fair, very few are brave enough to say it out loud. Kara Dansky joins us after the break with her view.


CARLSON: So, remember a few years ago they started telling us that actually sex differences weren't real, and you thought to yourself, well, I took Biology I know that men and women are physical categories, and I am one, so I kind of know it is true and they said, relax, it is only about being sensitive to a small percentage of the population who are different, you don't want to judge them. You're not a bigot, are you? And you think yourself, no, I'm kind of liberal-minded. I don't want to bother other people live how they want to live.

It's not like it's going to affect my life. Oh, but it is going to affect your life. In fact, it's going to reorder society completely.

Here is the latest example of it. At the University of Pennsylvania, a biological man has decided to say that he's a woman. He's a swimmer. And he has destroyed the women's swimming records. Of course, because he is a man actually.

The swimmer goes by name of Leah Thomas, competed for three years as a man before he decided to identify as a woman. And in a recent women's competition, he just won a 500-yard freestyle by a full 14 seconds.

Now, if you swim or have ever been to a swimming meet -- 14 seconds? That's tough enough to get a beer and come back like there is no 14-second difference between swimmers. But there are now. Thomas's closest rival in the longer freestyle race was 38 seconds behind. That's a different country.

So one person who actually did predict this at great personal cost, she is really hated for saying it but she was right, is Kara Dansky, the author of "The Abolition of Sex," the President of the U.S. Chapter of the Women's Human Rights Campaign, longtime card carrying member of the American left, but a very brave person. Kara Dansky joins us tonight.

Kara, thanks so much for coming on. You must feel a little vindicated because when we first started having these conversations years ago, you predicted things like this and people attacked you for being crazy.

KARA DANSKY, AUTHOR, "THE ABOLITION OF SEX": Thank you so much for having me. And, yes, I mean, a lot of us saw this coming down the pike. There is a woman named Beth Stelzer, who founded an organization called Save Women's Sports several years ago. She is going to be speaking with your colleague, Laura Ingraham later tonight.

Many of us saw this coming, and it is just very important that we all understand that situations like what we are seeing in Pennsylvania at the University of Pennsylvania are not anomalous. This is happening all over the country, as I know you know.

CARLSON: Well, it is just amazing that people put up with it. I mean, if you've been a swimmer, had kids who swim, 38 seconds, it doesn't happen in competitive swimming. That is not even -- that's a different sport.

So this has totally upended a sport that we've had for, you know, over a hundred years in this country. Where are all the parents, the coaches, the swimmers? Like why isn't anybody saying anything?

DANSKY: A lot of people are saying things, a lot of parents are speaking out. I think a lot of students are very scared of speaking out because saying, look, this isn't appropriate. We shouldn't have men competing in women's sports. It is a very unpopular thing to say.

The other thing I just want to say is very often, this is framed as having so-called transgender athletes participating in women's sports, and I really want us to get away from that language. The truth of the matter is that he is a man and he's been allowed to compete in women's sports.

Part of the problem is that a lot of this is happening because of the series of orders that the Biden administration issued over the course of the first six months of the administration impacting Title IX among other Federal administrative laws, and it essentially says that throughout Federal administrative law, the word "Sex" has to be redefined to include the words "gender identity," and that is a disaster for women and girls including the women who are on the UPenn Women's Swimming Team.

CARLSON: Yes, well, it just eliminates women and girls as a meaningful category, like they don't exist anymore.

So how can anyone do this? I mean, let's be honest, you cover this stuff. I am from Washington, like you change something like that, no one ever changes it back, right?

DANSKY: Well, so there is currently a lawsuit pending that was filed by 20 states and I am proud to say that the U.S. Chapter of the Women's Human Rights Campaign submitted a brief in that case, arguing that redefining sex to include the nebulous, nonsensical concept of gender identity also constitutes sex discrimination, and so I am very happy to be involved in that lawsuit.

But I also just want to note that what I unpack in the book shows that this goes far beyond sports, so we are seeing for example -- and we have talked about this before, too. States like California, Washington and other states across the country are allowing convicted male rapists and murderers to be housed in women's prisons on the basis of their so-called gender identity.

We are seeing the total invasion of women's spaces, prisons, bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms and sports by men on the basis of their so- called female gender identity, and what I really want everyone to understand is that words like "gender identity" don't have any meaning. They really don't. I mean, they are defined variously inconsistently and vaguely in ways that don't make any sense.

Every single human being is either a male person or a female person, everything else is a lie.

CARLSON: Man, if you ever have an hour, I'd love to sit down and just hear what your life has been like since you started saying obvious truths like that on television, I think you have had a big cost to it, and I'd love to hear about it. It's important.

Anyway, in the meantime, thank you, Kara Dansky.

DANSKY; Well, if I can just make one plea?


DANSKY: I have -- can I make one plea to your viewers?

CARLSON: Of course.

DANSKY: Okay. So I have one plea to make which is this. As Tucker knows, I am a registered Democrat, as he said in my introduction. I have made common cause with many Republicans who are fighting back against so-called gender identity ideology.

One thing that has frustrated me is that across the political spectrum, people still seem to be of the view that the phrase, "transgender people," the phrase, "transgender athlete," the phrase "transgender student," the phrase, "transgender prisoner" has some sort of coherent meaning. It doesn't.


DANSKY: And so my plea to your viewers, in particular. I know that it is Republicans who are holding the line. I don't like it, but I know it is true. Republicans are holding the line on material reality, all of that goes out the window when you use the word like "transgender." It just doesn't exist.

CARLSON: You're totally right.

DANSKY: And I am begging viewers to stop using it. Thank you so much.

CARLSON: That's so smart. The language matters. Kara Dansky, thank you so much.

So if you live in a city, you know things have gotten pretty dangerous actually and a lot really dangerous in a lot of cities, but people like AOC who is surrounded by Federal bodyguards during therapy from January 6 telling you you're imagining it. It's not real. That's straight ahead.


CARLSON: Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi says let's use nuclear weapons to defend Ukraine's borders. Senator Joni Ernst says, "That's a good idea. We must defend Ukraine."

Meanwhile in this country, have you been to a city recently? There have never been more criminals on the street in our lifetimes than there are right now and that's the result of government policy that the rest of us set back and allowed to happen. Not all those criminals are adults by the way, families have fallen apart -- a lot of them are kids.

They know they're not going to face any consequences for what they do. Here is a tape from Chicago, dozens of young people surround a bus driver and beat him for no apparent reason.


CARLSON: Too bad it is not happening in Ukraine, maybe people would care, at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, worst attack since the Civil War. Been to our country recently?

Just days ago, a student at Temple University in Philadelphia was murdered during a carjacking. He was bringing his mom's car home. They shot him. Why? No reason.

Wrong kind of guy. He is the latest victim of violent crime in Philadelphia which is about to set an all-time record for murders. Now why is this happening? One man, his name is Larry Krasner. He is the DA. He got the job with the help of George Soros and he is pretending, not surprisingly that none of this is actually happening.


LARRY KRASNER, PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT ATTORNEY: The notion that there's some kind of a big spike in crime, there isn't. There is not a big spike in crime. That is not true. There is also not a big spike in violent crime. Neither one of these things is true.

Basically we don't have a crisis of lawlessness. We don't have a crisis of crime. We don't have a crisis of violence and that is a category that includes gun violence.


CARLSON: Stop with the air quotes, Soros puppet.

Meanwhile, Sandy Cortez who commands disproportionate attention probably because who knows why, but she is surrounded by federally funded bodyguards that you're paying for. She is still in therapy for the trauma she experienced on January 6. She wasn't even there.

She is telling you that the fact your city is decaying and you can get shot to death going to Walgreens is not a big problem because there really is no crime problem, really.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): We have to talk about the specifics because for example we are actually seeing a lot of these allegations of organized retail theft, they're not actually panning out, like when -- like these -- I believe, it's a Walgreens in California cited it, but the data didn't back it up.


CARLSON: Just another out-of-touch puppet of the ruling class. If you were actually a revolutionary, Sandy Cortez, you'd be in the side of the people who are the victims of this crime which is people unlike you who have no power.

Rafael Mangual spends a lot of time thinking about those people. He is a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, one of the world's experts on what is actually happening in our cities. He joins us tonight.

Rafael, thanks so much for coming on.

So when you hear people like Krasner or Sandy Cortez tell us that we are imagining this crime spike, how do you respond to that?

RAFAEL MANGUAL, SENIOR FELLOW, MANHATTAN INSTITUTE: Yes, I mean it really is just a mind-boggling exercise in gaslighting the American people. It is an insult to our intelligence really because, you know anyone who has even glanced at the data would know that the crime spike is painfully obvious from what we see and you know, what I would want to say about what Krasner said, which was just absolutely appalling is that when he took office in 2018, if you just look at 2018 to 2020, one hundred and twelve additional people every year died in that city compared to the three years prior to him taking office. And this year, as you noted, the city just broke its all-time homicide record.

So, you know, it really is frustrating to someone who follows this data, who watches, you know these trends to see two really prominent figures in the public square come out and just, you know, tell the American people to not believe their lying eyes.

And you know, I'm starting to think that this is just going to be one of the sort of main tactics that people who are nervous about, you know, mainstream American voters connecting the dots here and seeing the bad policy has led to this and what they are trying to do is basically tell us that this is all you know, a figment of our imagination.

CARLSON: Yes, ignoring the bodies. Really quickly, since you are immersed in these data, murder statistics are the one government statistic you can kind of believe, right, because you either have a body or you don't.

MANGUAL: That's exactly right. I mean, one of the reasons that criminologists focus so heavily on homicide data is that it is really hard to manipulate those statistics because, I mean, a dead body is a dead body. If it's got holes in it, then you know, you've got a homicide on your hands.

And one of the things that we see is that, you know, 2020 showed the single largest one-year spike in homicides in American recorded history. You know, a 30 percent year-over-year increase in homicides. This has never happened before.

Now, a lot of people will try to tell you that this isn't a big idea, a big problem because, you know, if you go back to the 1990s, well we had a much higher murder rate back then, and this is another tactic that they like to use in addition to just simply denying reality.

And what I would say to that is that you know, that represents an aggregation of you know all the country's homicides and weighted against the entire population.

The problem with that is that we don't live in the aggregate and there are growing -- there is a growing list of cities that have that have surpassed their 1990s highs, including Philadelphia.

CARLSON: We should take Sandy Cortez's federally funded bodyguards away tonight, I would say. Just my view. Rafael, great to see you tonight. Thank you for your work.

MANGUAL: Thank you.

CARLSON: So just a few days of Bill de Blasio running New York City, he is burning the place down on the way out. Now, he says everybody needs to get some experimental medicine they don't want.

Will that hold up in Court? Do Courts even matter?

Our favorite attorney, Harmeet Dhillon, the famed Civil Rights lawyer would know. She joins us now. Harmeet, thanks so much for coming on. Can this guy with days left in his tenure of destroying our biggest city force people to get medicine they don't want?

HARMEET DHILLON, LAWYER, CENTER FOR AMERICAN LIBERTY: Well, the answer, Tucker, is that he shouldn't be able to get away with it, but the Courts have been extremely deferential to local types of ordinances and rules like this.

And so a lot of people have been asking me this question because I'm leading "The Daily Wire's" litigation against the Federal OSHA mandate, but the analysis is very different. So under State and local laws, if there are emergency powers that are granted to a local mayor like this, Courts have been very reluctant including this mayor and this order himself.

Just in October, he survived a challenge by business owners including many African-American and Latino business owners who challenged the mandate for vaccination to eat in the restaurants and to work in the restaurants on the basis of the racial disparities, because a lot of people of color in our country based on their history have decided to hold off on vaccination and the Court rejected that challenge and allowed his dictatorial decree to stand.

And so, what is scary about this policy, Tucker, and there may be one aspect of it that may be challenged, which is that he is saying that even children as young as five as of December 14th must be vaccinated in order to enjoy the entertainment venues in New York, and then a week later, children have to be vaccinated in public and private schools to enjoy any of the fun stuff, the so-called high-risk extracurricular activities.

That part I think with respect to private schools there may be a little bit of a place where you could challenge that. I did win a case that went up, you know at the United States Supreme Court, our nonprofit won a case there that said that -- sorry, at the Ninth Circuit that said that the private school parents have a right to control what is happening in the private schools.

But for public school parents, they are kind of out of luck and so, you know, this is going to be -- this this only goes into effect fully on December 27th, so it may never end up being enforced at all.

CARLSON: Civil disobedience, I would say. Harmeet Dhillon, thank you for leading the charge to preserve our Civil Rights. I appreciate it.

DHILLON: My pleasure.

CARLSON: So the Biden White House doesn't think they are getting fawning enough coverage, they live in another universe, of course, so apparently they sat down with media companies to plan more favorable coverage of a declining economy. That actually happened. Brit Hume will assess what it means.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: Jussie Smollett was back on the stand today trying to pretend his fake hate crime was real. Our own Matt Finn was in Court for that. No cameras, but Matt Finn -- and he is here to tell us what he saw. Hey, Matt.

MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Tucker, I asked Jussie Smollett how he felt walking out of the courthouse today. He did not respond, but he did put up his fist in the air.

Closing arguments are scheduled for tomorrow. On the stand today, Jussie Smollett testified under oath that he has a scar under one eye and a permanent bruise under another from the alleged attack. So, the prosecutor, Dan Webb pushed back asking Smollett if he watched back his own "Good Morning, America" interview a short while after the incident implying Smollett's face looked just fine, Smollett shot back that he was given Hollywood makeup and lighting.

Also a tense moment today, Smollett interrupted Webb as Webb was reading Smollett's messages that had the N-word in it. Smollett asked Webb to spell the N-word aloud out of respect for African-Americans in the room. Webb quickly complied and asked Jussie Smollett to read his own messages with the N-word in it aloud -- Tucker.

CARLSON: If the glove fits, you must have acquit. Matt Finn, thanks so much for reporting that out for us. Appreciate it.

So inflation is absolutely real. You know it if you buy anything. People do not like inflation because it means they are getting poorer, so the Biden administration is thinking hard about inflation. They haven't done anything to fix it. What they are doing is trying to change the coverage.

So according to CNN, quote: "Senior White House and administration officials have been holding briefings with major newsrooms over the past week as they try to reshape economic coverage." Well, over at the ever obedient "Washington Post," one of "The Post's" columnists, a thoroughly dishonest dwarfish man called Dana Milbank concludes that the real problem facing the Biden administration is not incompetence, mismanagement, inflation. No, no, no, it's an unfair and hostile media.

He just wrote a piece saying the media treats Joe Biden worse than it treated Donald Trump. What planet?

Brit Hume is FOX News's senior political analyst who has been watching this stuff for many years longer than we have been alive, so do you think -- and I'm asking you a straightforward question with a straight face, do you think the media are tougher on Joe Biden than they were on Donald Trump?

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: No, they're tougher on Joe Biden than I thought they would be.


HUME: But they are nowhere near as tough as they were on Donald Trump who was hated with a passion from the beginning of the election campaign in 2016 right through the end of his presidency and through until today. I've never seen anything like it.

Look, Trump is a flamboyant character and worthy of a lot of the dislike that he has. He can't see past himself and all the rest of it, but to compare the coverage that Biden has got and bad moments in Afghanistan, the outbreak of inflation, the lawlessness in the streets and so on, with what Trump got is absurd. It was done by some cockamamie artificial intelligence program that they ran data through and proceeded to argue that proof had been a deuce that Biden was getting rougher treatment, he is not.

CARLSON: It's insane. So you ran news organizations. You ran FOX News's news gathering. You ran the Washington Bureau, and I just wonder if an administration -- White House sat down with you on a subject like inflation, which is measurable because we know what a two by four cost three years ago, we know what it costs now, and they said to you, the real problem, Brit Hume, is your reporters aren't being fair to us. You would see yourself as being spun, wouldn't you?

HUME: Well, yes, I mean you wouldn't expect -- look, there is nothing unusual about White House people trying to convince reporters to see it their way.

CARLSON: Right, of course.

HUME: It's just spinning, it goes on all the time. It is part of what Washington runs on. It is not unusual and it probably won't make much difference. I hope it doesn't because while the administration has a story to tell, it says, look jobs are being created, the economy is growing and the stock market is going to the moon every day, you know we're living in good times.

The inflation -- the fact of inflation affects so much of that. I mean, if people are earning more -- it doesn't help if you're earning more and it's paying for less and that's what everybody knows and it is just what you're pointing out.

CARLSON: Exactly.

HUME: it's politically one of the most injurious things that can happen to an administration is to have an outbreak of inflation and the administration says, you know, the thing we need to do now to get it under control is to pass another gazillion dollar spending bill, which is economic glossolalia, speaking in unknown tongues.

And you know, I trust and hope that the members of the media will see it that way.

CARLSON: Economic glossolalia. I love that. I'm stealing that. I hope no one is watching, so I can use this.

HUME: It's a big word.

CARLSON: Brit Hume, thank you.

HUME: You bet.

CARLSON: Great to see you. Economic glossolalia.

Okay, this is a remarkable new study that you will think we are making up, but we are not. Alzheimer's disease, one of the worst things that can happen is growing in the number of people, the percentage of population who have it, and tonight, there might be a drug scientists have isolated that can cut your risk for Alzheimer's by nearly 70 percent, not clear there's ever been a drug like that.

It turns out, it is Viagra. Are we making that up? No. Dr. Siegel joins us in just a moment to explain.

Plus, the show has designed a 2021 Christmas ornament, we believe in Christmas, the "Don't Fauci my Christmas." You can get that shipped straight to your home by going to tuckercarlson.com and clicking "Shop." No amazon involved.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: Getting Alzheimer's disease is one of the cruelest fates that can befall a human being. If you've seen it, you know that very well. It's really one of the ongoing tragedies in this country and scientists have been working a long time to figure out how to prevent it.

An amazing new study in the Cleveland Clinic says that Viagra, the little blue pill everyone' is embarrassed of, may cut the risk of getting Alzheimer's by almost 70 percent. Can that be true? If so, it's amazing.

Dr. Marc Siegel is a name we go to first to ask, is it true? Doctor, thanks for joining us. Is this true?

DR. MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Tucker, I think it's true. I'll take you back to the 1990s when this drug, sildenafil or Viagra, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor was first developed. We developed it for high blood pressure.

And in studying it, nurses noticed a very unexpected finding, which led to its current use. But you know then, it was used for lungs, to treat lung disease. And now it's being used in study to treat heart disease. It has more and more uses because it dilates blood vessels. It improves blood flow.

And a couple of years ago in Britain, they studied it in mice and found that it had improved brain function in mice, Viagra did, and then Harvard studied it last year and found that in fish -- zebrafish -- it improved brain function, it improved getting rid of waste in the brain. It improved overall brain function.

Along comes Cleveland Clinic. They give it to over seven million people, they monitor seven million people, I should say, who are getting it and they found a 69 percent decrease in Alzheimer's disease over just six years. Incredible numbers, over seven million people, 69 percent decrease.

Tucker, you know, critics have said well, wait a minute, when people are on the verge of Alzheimer's, they decrease interest in sexual activity. They don't want sex. They're not going to ask for Viagra. So it's a prejudice study.

I don't agree. Tucker, I think these are big numbers and Cleveland Clinic is going to go ahead and prove it to give it a lot more people going forward to see if it works if you don't develop Alzheimer's.

There is every reason to believe that this might work. It works directly on the brain.

But I'll tell you one thing, even if I'm wrong, people are going to have a really good time finding out -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, that's exactly right. Celibacy is a chronic condition, we have been arguing that for years. It's true. It's all connected. It is a life force.

Dr. Marc Siegel, it is great to see you tonight. Thank you for that wonderful and hope-filled segment. Thank you

SIEGEL: I think it works. Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Of course, Viagra cures everything. We could have known that.

We will back, 8:00 PM, the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Have a wonderful night with the ones you love.

Here is Sean Hannity.

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