
This is a rush transcript from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” October 16, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST:  There's a Trump rally going on right now in fact, in Macon, Georgia. You just saw a second of it. The President does not look like a man who just walked out of Walter Reed recovering from COVID at all. Amazing. 

We will bring any developments, any news that comes out of that rally, and some may. Plus, tonight, we've got several more e-mails that expose Hunter Biden's connection to the Chinese Communist Party, and we've got confirmation tonight that that laptop is real -- conclusive. We'll show you those in a moment. 

Good evening. Welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. If you flipped the during our show last night, you may have seen the President and his challenger making their respective cases to voters. 

But Trump and Biden weren't debating each other as we've long been promised they would, they were not on the same stage, and they were not even on the same network. That would have been too risky. 

There's a massive public health crisis underway you may have heard, so to avoid what Doomsday hobbyists on Twitter like to call a super spreader event, Trump and Biden held separate indoor Town Halls surrounded by people. They talked to partisan moderators instead of each other. 

That might seem like a loss to the country three weeks before a presidential election, but unfortunately, the science on this question is clear. Nothing could be more dangerous to America than a televised in- person debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. 

So the so-called Debate Commission made certain a debate couldn't happen.

Who benefited from that decision? Well, not voters. America has held regularly scheduled presidential debates for decades and we have them for a reason. The more information voters can get directly from the candidates rather than the media, the better our democracy functions. Not that anyone is interested in democracy anymore. 

Joe Biden doesn't care either way, he just didn't want to talk about Burisma. That's the scandal that vividly illustrates how as Vice President, Biden subverted this country's foreign policy in order to enrich his own family. 

The good news for Biden last night was that he didn't have to talk about it. No one from ABC News asked him, not one word about that scandal for the entire 90 minutes. 

As we've been telling you this week, "The New York Post" and few other news outlets including this show have published e-mails taken from Hunter Biden's personal laptop. They show that Hunter Biden was paid by foreign actors to change American foreign policy using access to his father, then the Vice President. 

This is a big story. It is also a real story. 

This afternoon, we received nonpublic information that proves conclusively, this was indeed Hunter Biden's laptop. Period. There are materials on the hard drive of that computer that no one but Hunter Biden could have known about or have replicated. This is not a Russian hoax. 

Again, we're saying this definitively. We're not speculating. The laptop in question is real. It belonged to Hunter Biden. 

So there's no excuse for not asking you about it. None. But they didn't ask about it. It was a cover up in real time. 

No matter what happens in the election next month, the American media will never be the same after this. It cannot continue this way. It is too dishonest. 

Nevertheless, we did learn a few things last night, anyway. It's hard not to learn when you watch Joe Biden try and speak for an hour and a half. 

At one point, an activist told Joe Biden that she has got an eight-year-old transgender daughter, eight years old, and a second grader. She asked Joe Biden what he thought about that. Here is how he responded. 


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  The idea that an eight-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, you know, I decide I want to be transgender. That's what I think I'd like to be. It would make my life a lot easier. 

There should be zero discrimination. And what's happening is, too many transgender women of color are being murdered. They're being murdered. I mean, I think it's up to now 17, don't hold me to that number. 


CARLSON:  Okay, so if an eight-year-old biological boy decides one day that he is really a girl, that's final, and you'd have to be a bigot, to pause and say, wait a minute, you're eight years old. You're a small child. Maybe let's think about this for a minute. That's what a normal person who has kids would say. People with kids know that children grow and change. They change their minds about a lot of things, including themselves. That's the reality of it. 

But if you're a crazed ideologue, you don't care about reality. So you would tell the rest of us that an eight-year-old is entitled to hormone therapy on demand and permanent life altering surgery if he/she demands it.

That's what Biden is telling us. 

It doesn't matter how fashionable talk like this is right now and it is very fashionable. It is crazy and it's destructive, and it is having a profound effect. No one wants to say it, but it's true. 

We know that between 2016 and 2017, the number of gender surgeries for biological females in this country quadrupled in one year. We also know that many people who get those surgeries regret them later, deeply regret them. 

We have a lot more data on that, but universities are actively punishing researchers who follow that line of inquiry, so much for science. 

In the end, mania like this will end. The left is at war with nature.

Inevitably, they will lose that war because nature always prevails. But in the meantime, so much damage, so many children are being hurt irreparably. 

Biden doesn't care, it's the new thing. And so he is for it, whatever it takes. 

Biden is now busy rewriting his entire life story to pretend that he has been woke for 60 years. Last night, he told us he became a gay rights supporter in the Kennedy administration, sometime around 1962 when he and his father saw two gay men kissing. That was the same year by the way, he met Corn Pop. Here is how Biden described the scene. 


BIDEN:  We were getting out to get an application to be a lifeguard in the African-American community because there was a big swimming pool complex.

And these two men well-dressed, leaned up and hug one and kissed one another. 

I'm getting out of the car at the light, and I turned to my dad. My dad looked at me, he said, Joey, it's simple. They love each other. 


CARLSON:  Do you want to hear the freaky thing? One of those, quote, "well- dressed men" was Corn Pop. That's right. Taking a walk on the wild side generations before it was cool. Seriously? What are the odds of that? 

The whole Corn Pop saga coming together in a neat little morality tale live in an ABC Town Hall. Amazing. 

Actually, odds are higher than you would think. When you're writing narrative fiction, you've got the luxury of tying up all the loose ends in the final scene of your story. In fact, you can also rewrite other people's stories. 

Asked last night about police brutality, the former Vice President speculated that maybe people like George Floyd would be alive today if the police had just shot him in the leg a few times. 


BIDEN:  There's a lot of things we've learned, and it takes time, but we can do this. You can ban chokeholds, you can -- but beyond that, you have to teach people how to deescalate circumstances -- deescalate. 

So instead of anybody coming at you, and the first thing you do is shoot to kill, just shoot him in the leg. 


CARLSON:  They did that to Corn Pop after they chased him and his boyfriend down the road. More on that later. But as to the question of shooting people in the leg, replacing chokeholds with leg shooting. Wow. 

How much would you have to know about firearms or human biology to wonder if maybe there could be some unintended consequences there? People do have arteries in their legs after all. In fact, sometimes bullets do miss their targets. So why did no one last night point out that's demented? 

Well, today we got some clarity on the question of why no one pointed it out. It turns out the moderator at last night's ABC Town Hall was not the only political operative in the room. One supposedly uncommitted voter was in fact a former Obama administration speechwriter called Nathan Osborn. 

Osborn repeated Biden campaign talking points to the letter faithfully, of course. At one point, he referred to court packing as a quote, "safeguard"

that will ensure a long-term balance on the Supreme Court. Watch. 


NATHAN OSBORN, FORMER OBAMA SPEECHWRITER:  Merrick Garland didn't get a hearing for all of 2016 and Amy Coney Barrett is being pushed through at the last minute, even though millions have already voted. 

So what do you think about ideas from people like Pete Buttigieg and others to put in place safeguards that will help ensure more long term balance and stability? 

And what do you say to LGBTQ Americans and others who are very worried right now about erosion of their rights and our democracy as a whole? 


CARLSON:  How do you handle a question that tough? If you're Joe Biden and someone who used to work for you takes the microphone and just savages you like you just saw? How do you deal with it? 

Well, if you're a man who has faced down Corn Pop, and maybe his boyfriend, too, with a chain, you're not even fazed. 

Joe Biden kept his composure under the grueling cross examination, and here is how he responded. 


BIDEN:  I have not been a fan of court packing because I think it just generates what will happen -- I mean, whoever wins, it just keeps moving in a way that is inconsistent with what is going to be manageable. 

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS HOST:  So you're still not a fan? 

BIDEN:  Well, I'm not a fan. I didn't say -- it depends on how this turns out, now how he wins, but how it is handled -- how it is handled. But there's a number of things that are going to be coming up, and there's going to be a lot of discussion about other alternatives as well. 


CARLSON:  So we did learn something new last night despite their efforts to keep us from learning anything, Joe Biden isn't a fan of court packing. You see court packing has had a few off years and Joe Biden started to lose his faith and had even sold his court packing jersey, but at the end of the day, Joe Biden is still open to court packing. He can get back on the court packing bandwagon depending on how things are handled. Got it? 

Biden was allowed to answer non-questions like this because he was surrounded by sycophants and former employees of his party. 

Over at NBC by contrast, the sitting President didn't have that luxury to put it mildly. And by the way, it's not good for you to be sucked up to too much. It's good to get smacked around a little bit. It makes you sharper. 

At the NBC Town Hall, the President's biggest fan was a nodding woman seen right behind him and the media made certain to dox her immediately. How dare she nod? We've got to find out who she is, and they did. 

During the President's one hour event, the moderator asked him dozens more questions than the voters in the room got to ask, and when Trump began speaking, the moderator interrupted him over and over again. 


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  But as the President, I have to be out there. I also know -- 

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC NEWS ANCHOR:  But there is no one that says you can't be out there, but it's just about wearing masks and having, for example, your rallies. 

TRUMP:  Well, I know this. 

GUTHRIE:  Your rallies don't require masks. 

TRUMP:  I wouldn't be able to get the word out. 

GUTHRIE:  The word is false. 

TRUMP:  And the word is? Military balance from our great military. And they are dumped in garbage cans. 

GUTHRIE:  That is a handful. We could go all night, which we won't. We could go all night. 

TRUMP:  No, it is happening every day. 

GUTHRIE:  One by one. 

TRUMP:  I want the money go to directly to people. 

GUTHRIE:  The Senate Republicans with you, they are going to go big. 

TRUMP:  They'll go -- yes. 

GUTHRIE:  A big whole number. 

TRUMP:  They'll go. Yes, they'll go. They are going to be very happy. 

GUTHRIE:  So far, they have not said they would. 

TRUMP:  That's because I haven't asked them to. 

We will always protect people with preexisting conditions. 

GUTHRIE:  If you're successful in court -- 

TRUMP:  And here is the thing -- 

GUTHRIE:  In November, those preexisting conditions -- that promise is gone. 

TRUMP:  If we don't succeed -- 


CARLSON:  So Joe Biden wasn't there so the moderator played stand in for Joe Biden. The good news about all of this is it's so bad and so transparent that it can't continue, all of their stupid little morning shows and their dumb Sunday shows and their even dumber cable shows. All of that is going away. 

When the smoke clears from this election, there will be a massive realignment in the media, no matter who wins because they've showed who they are and it is so unappealing. It's so far from journalism that it can't continue. 

Meanwhile, back on ABC, Joe Biden skated by without answering any questions of substance about his son or Antifa, or BLM. The moderator over on NBC pushed Donald Trump to condemn QAnon and white supremacy, the most important issues in this nation, and he did it, dutifully, but it wasn't enough. 

The point of demanding performative disavowals isn't to get the disavowal, it's to smear the person you're asking to disavow the group by association with the group. And that's exactly what happened last night. 


GUTHRIE:  You were asked point blank to denounce white supremacy. In the moment, you didn't. You ask then follow up questions, who specifically? A couple of days later on a different show, you denounced white supremacists? 

TRUMP:  Oh, you always do this. No, you always do this. 

GUTHRIE:  My question to you is -- 

TRUMP:  You've done this to me and everybody -- 

GUTHRIE:  Why does it seem like -- 

TRUMP:  I denounce white supremacy, okay. 

GUTHRIE:  You did two days later. 

TRUMP:  I denounced white supremacy for years. But you always do it. You always start off with a question. You didn't ask Joe Biden whether or not he denounces Antifa. I watched him on the same basic show with Lester Holt, and he was asking questions like Biden was a child. 

GUTHRIE:  Well, so this is a little bit of a dodge. 

TRUMP:  So are you ready -- are you listening? I denounce white supremacy. 

GUTHRIE:  Okay. 

TRUMP:  What's your next question? 


CARLSON:  Why doesn't anyone ever define white supremacy? What is white supremacy? It's America's biggest problem. The F.B.I. has said that's the biggest problem we face. Not China. White supremacy, but what is it exactly? 

White supremacy is not voting for Joe Biden. That's the functional definition. But the President denounced it anyway. I denounce white supremacy. Okay. Well, it sounds like a dodge, says the moderator. 

In her defense, NBC was under a lot of pressure from Democrats to make last night's Town Hall look like this with 19 days to go until the election, just like Facebook and Twitter delivered earlier this week, NBC delivered, too. 

But what is that up to? Steve Krakauer watched carefully. He is the host of the "Fourth Watch" podcast. We're happy to have him on tonight. Steve, thanks so much for coming on. 

I have to say, I cannot get past the fact that ABC News with air quotes, bitterly ironic air quotes, never asked about the most significant policy story in the country right now, which is the revelations about Burisma and the Chinese government that pertains to Joe Biden, how could they not ask that? 

STEVE KRAKAUER, HOST, "FOURTH WATCH" PODCAST:  Well, I think you don't ask that because of two reasons. One, guilt. You know, I think that a lot of journalists really take the idea that Donald Trump won in 2016 personally.

They believe that they were responsible for it, you know, whether it's the Hillary e-mail story they get yelled at on Twitter about incessantly, or whether it's, you know, it is giving Donald Trump a platform for his speeches. 

They really feel personal guilt about it and they're like I'm not making that mistake again. But I also think it is fear. 

CARLSON:  Can I just pause and say to our viewers who aren't in journalism, what you just said is absolutely true. It's a really smart point. It's not said enough. I think it's exactly right. They feel guilty about it. It is very sick, but you're right. I just had to add that. Excuse me. 

KRAKAUER:  Yes. No, no, I think that they actually believe that to their core, and then I also do think that there's a lot of fear to it. 

You know, the idea of -- you know, we saw what happened on Wednesday, when you know, Maggie Haberman of "The New York Times" dared to send a link to "The New York Post," you get -- you know, it got completely destroyed. It was trending, it was called MAGA Haberman, because she dared to at least just send a link to "The New York Post" where she used to work. It's completely insane. 

And there's a fear now, I completely think that George Stephanopoulos, if he even dared to approach that topic, would have been pilloried on Twitter and among his friends in New York City and in the D.C. elite, and that brings a lot of fear. 

Now, that is completely misplaced. It's such a small minority of people, but they've got a lot of power and between the guilt and the fear, you're just not going to go there. Why risk it? 

CARLSON:  Well, because isn't the point of journalism, courage? I mean, you're going to say what you think is true. You're going to tell your readers and your viewers what you think they need to know. You're paid to make these decisions, and you're going to tell them no matter what, like, that's the whole point of having constitutional protections in the First Amendment. How have we forgotten that? It's the whole thing. 

KRAKAUER:  Right. I mean, Tucker, honestly, you played both of those, you know, the clips, and we got to really see this split screen of the way the media treats both candidates. 

But I have to say, if I'm teaching a journalism class, I'm pointing them at least in the direction of Savannah Guthrie. 

CARLSON:  I agree. 

KRAKAUER:  I mean, she asked tough questions. I mean, look, she is asking questions that no one really cares about except people in New York City and D.C. 

CARLSON:  They are stupid questions. Right. 

KRAKAUER:  Yes. But at least she asked tough questions, and you're not trying to placate to the politicians. You know, you should have an antagonistic relationship between the media and the press. 

So at least on that scale, okay, Savannah Guthrie is at least pointing in the right direction. George Stephanopoulos sat back, you know, barely nudged Joe Biden, you know, occasionally whispered some sort of like pushback, and then it was over to, you know, as you talk about a person who worked for Joe Biden asking questions in a Town Hall. 

CARLSON:  Such a good point. If you're going to err on one side, you want a press that's aggressive with the people in power, even if you like those people, even if you voted for them, but to suck up to people in power, whether it's Big Tech or China or Joe Biden. It is totally unforgivable, I agree with that. 

Steve Krakauer, great to see you. 

KRAKAUER:  Thanks, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  Well, new e-mails published tonight reveal how Hunter Biden and his business partners helped the Chinese Communist Party gain access to the Obama White House. This is real. The exclusive reporting straight ahead. 


CARLSON:  Well, the laptop that now was famously dropped off at a Delaware computer repair store last year contained thousands and thousands of Hunter Biden's e-mails and texts and tens of thousands of pictures and many videos. We're still discovering more tonight. 

But just hours ago, the site,Breibart, reported on new documents that did not come from Hunter Biden's laptop. Instead they came from a former business associate of Hunter Biden's, directly to Breitbart. 

The documents show that Hunter Biden and his business partners helped rich Chinese investors and members of the Chinese Communist Party obtain meetings with then Vice President Joe Biden. We know hunter Biden, and possibly Joe Biden himself went on to make a lot of money with the help of those Chinese officials. 

Why isn't anyone else in the media talking about this? This isn't some made up nonsense. It's not an October surprise. This is China, our main global rival that is overtaking us. 

But back to the story. On October 19, 2011, at 2:08 p.m., an intermediary e-mailed an associate of Hunter Biden with a pitch on behalf of something called the China Entrepreneur Club or CEC. It's comprised of senior members the Chinese Communist Party and other wealthy officials from China. 

In the e-mail, the intermediary referred to the CEC as quote "China Inc."

He made it very clear that China Inc. wanted high level access to the Obama White House, quote, "A group like this does not come along every day. A tour of the White House and a meeting with a member of the Chief of Staff's office and John Kerry would be great." 

The e-mail went on this way, quote, "Not sure if one has to be registered to do this." In other words, we're not sure if it's legal. 

Was it legal? It doesn't sound it, but that didn't slow down Hunter Biden or his associates. 

The e-mail was quickly forwarded to Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner on November 5th, 2011. On November 11th of that year, Archer wrote to Hunter Biden to tell him he had a meeting with the intermediary and that it was quote, "good." Archer added that it quote, "Seems like there was a lot to do together down the line." 

In a separate e-mail that same day, Archer wrote this, quote, "Couldn't confirm this with Hunter on the line, but we got him his meeting at the White House Monday for the Chinese folks." We got him his meeting on Monday with the Chinese folks at the White House. Okay. 

It turns out White House records show that the CEC indeed got the chance to visit the White House on November 14th, just like they asked. But the White House records from that day don't indicate that they met with the Vice President. 

Today, though, Breitbart did a little reporting and found an obscure document from the CEC accessible online that confirms the group did have a meeting with Joe Biden. 

So why wasn't this meeting with the sitting Vice President part of the public record? You'll remember, the Obama White House used to brag about how it was the most transparent administration in history. Every visit was logged, unless national security would be compromised. But this visit wasn't logged and yet it happened. 

So Hunter Biden delivered. What did he get in return? We know that Hunter Biden went on to make a lot of money with the help of the Chinese investors he helped out. He and Devon Archer formed an investment fund backed by the Chinese government that was closely linked to the CEC. It's not clear whether Joe Biden also profited from that venture. But other text messages obtained from Hunter Biden's laptop suggest he may have. 

"The New York Post," for example, found an e-mail showing that Hunter Biden may have reserved 10 percent of his equity stake in a Chinese company for, quote, "the big guy." Another Hunter Biden text message suggests that his father was forcing him to turn over half of his salary. 

More documents like this are coming. We know that. We also know and we said this before tonight, this was Hunter Biden's laptop, and anyone who tells you otherwise is either ignorant or lying, or both. 

What we don't know is when Joe Biden and Hunter Biden will have to answer questions about any of this? They won't come on this show. 

For now, our media is content to harass the laptop repair shop owner in Wilmington. It's always the little guy they crush. It's the beat cop. It's the woman who owns the hair salon in San Francisco that Nancy Pelosi went to maskless. 

It's never the hedge fund manager. It's never the heads of Google. It's never the F.B.I. It's always the little guy. So they're hassling the guy, threatening the guy who owns the computer repair shop. 

But it's not clear that the hard drive he turned over to the F.B.I. It is now clear is genuine, and that is a huge problem for people who have spent this week pretending it is Russian propaganda. It's not. It's real. 

Miranda Devine is a columnist for "The New York Post." She has been on the story since the very first day, and so for the third night in a row, we're happy to have her back on. 

Miranda, what have we learned today from this cache of e-mails? 

MIRANDA DEVINE, COLUMNIST, "THE NEW YORK POST":  Well, it's more evidence to show that Joe Biden was aware of his family's cash for influence scheme with shady companies overseas in China, Ukraine and elsewhere. But what we also know now is that he was actively participating in that scheme by having meetings that assisted his family's activities. 

And you just mentioned some with regard to China. We've reported this week, others with respect to other places, for instance, we have published an e- mail showing that Hunter Biden organized a meeting between Joe Biden and the number three guy at the corrupt energy company in Ukraine, Burisma, which was at that point, paying Hunter Biden up to $83,000.00 a month for the five years that he was on that Board. 

So what we see is that Joe Biden is an active participant. But even more disturbing is there is evidence that that this had an impact. It warped America's foreign policy. And we know that happened in China and Ukraine. 

And in China, you know, basically, Joe Biden was a point man for Obama, for America. He went easy on China. He went easy on China militarizing the South China Sea. He went easy on China ripping off America's intellectual property. 

In every way, China did well, America lost out and the Biden family enriched themselves to the tune of millions and millions of dollars. 

CARLSON:  That is the nicest summation I have heard, and that's what the stakes were. This is not just a sleazy lobbying scheme. We see so many of those in Washington, they're all wrong. But this was more profound than that. This was a selling out of the country. 

Miranda Devine, I appreciate your coming on and summing it up for us as you did. 

DEVINE:  Thanks. 

CARLSON:  Well, you heard a lot about the Roe v. Wade decision, in fact, all week during the confirmation hearings of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. 

In a minute, we're going to talk to someone called Julia Holcomb, the former fiancee of singer Steven Tyler. 

The couple had an abortion. Julia is now a pro-life activist. Now, she is reacting to the attacks on Amy Coney Barrett and that's straight ahead. 


CARLSON:  Amy Coney Barrett got hammered all week by Democrats on the Roe v. Wade decision. Here is part of it. 


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  The right to a safe and legal abortion is at stake. 

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT):  And sadly, it's not just the Affordable Care Act that's at stake. It's a woman's right to decide when and how to have a family. 

SEN. PATRICK LEAHY (D-VT):  They're scared that the clock will be turned back to a time when women had no right to control their own bodies. 

SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ):  And that without Roe v. Wade, our country looks like people being denied the ability to make decisions about their own bodies, not just while they're pregnant, but being stripped of the right to plan for their futures. 


CARLSON:  You heard a lot from childless ideologues like Cory Booker this week about abortion, you heard very little from people who have actually had abortions, and so tonight, we thought we would speak with one. 

Julia Holcomb was once the fiancee of musician, Steven Tyler. At that time, she had an abortion. She watched the hearings this week, and we thought we'd hear her response to them. Julia, thanks so much for coming on tonight. Appreciate it. 

So what did you think as you as you watch this? 

JULIA HOLCOMB, FORMER FIANCEE OF STEVEN TYLER:  Thank you, Tucker. Well, I was thrilled that she was there as a candidate for the Supreme Court. I thought that she was a great potential Justice, and I'm happy that she was nominated. 

I think that the left likes to portray abortion as pro-woman, and my story is a very personal example of how abortion damages women and how coercive it is. 

So I met Steven when I was just 16 years old, and he became my legal guardian. I was his ward. And I became pregnant while I was still a teenager. 

I can remember coming to him and telling him that I was expecting a baby, and he reassured me that everything would be all right. That we would get married. And, you know, not to worry that he would take care of me. 

I asked to see a doctor and set up a prenatal visit and he refused. He said, no, you can't go to a doctor. They would ask questions about how old you are and how you became pregnant and who the father is. So you know, you can't -- you can't go to the doctor. 

And so that was really the first moment where I began to worry. Along the way, Steven had a change of heart and he made the decision that he wanted me to have an abortion. He came to me, he told me that his lawyers had set up the doctor. 

This was very early after Roe v. Wade had been decided, so there hadn't been many abortions, and I was pretty far along because I thought I was going to be able to keep my baby. I was at least five months along, but I don't know for sure because I had not been allowed to see a doctor. 

And he came to me and told me that I was going to have to have an abortion, and it didn't really matter how I begged to keep my baby. That decision really wasn't going to be in my hands. It came down to I can have the abortion or I could hit the street. 

Now I had dropped out of high school to live with Steven. I had never been taught to drive. I had no car and no money. I was completely dependent upon Steven in every way. So I was terrified. And I just caved in out of fear. 

And I went through a horrific late-term saline abortion. That was just traumatizing. It took years to recover from that experience. 

You know, sometimes, we can think that coerced abortions only happened somewhere like China, where women are forced to undergo abortions against their will, but the truth is that coerced abortions happen everywhere abortion is legal. 

And a woman can become pregnant, and the first thing she has to do is defend her baby's right to be born. She has to defend her right to become a mother, and this is not a position of strength for any woman to be in. 

I look at Amy Coney Barrett and I see a woman who is very strong. She has a family. She has a career. She has a husband, a successful marriage and home and she is a gift to her community and to the country. 

CARLSON:  What you're describing doesn't sound like liberation to me at all. 

HOLCOMB:  No. No, I'll tell you, I've traveled around the country speaking at pro-life events, and after I've given my talk, sometimes I'll get to visit with people that are there and women have come up to me and shared their stories. 

There are so many women out there who have been through traumatic abortions and it stays with them, that grief. 

CARLSON:  I've got to ask you, Julia, since you brought up Steven Tyler, you've named him and we put his picture on the screen. What does he think of this now? 

HOLCOMB:  Well, even Steven experienced the regret after having gone through the ordeal of my abortion. He wrote in his book, his reaction was, "Jesus. What have I done?" 

And certainly, that is an illustration of how traumatic it was even for Steven and he is not exactly a tender-hearted, sensitive person. He is a heavy metal rocker, and that was his reaction. 

CARLSON:  I think a lot of people feel that way. I appreciate your coming on tonight, Julia. That's a moving story and a perspective that we don't hear enough because there are many perspectives on this and you have a legitimate one, I think. 

Great to see you. Thank you. 

HOLCOMB:  Thank you. 

CARLSON:  So, two forces are killing a lot of Americans right now. There are many, but two big ones. 

One is the coronavirus and two are fentanyl ODs and they have one thing in common. Both came from China. Illicit fentanyl is often produced in China and shipped directly to this country or its component parts are. 

What should we take from this? And why does no one ever say this? Gordon Chang is a Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute. He may have noticed that connection as well. We're happy to have him on tonight. 

So I'm not alleging any kind of conspiracy, I suppose. But just the plain facts of it, fentanyl and COVID both came from China. China is our main rival. They are benefiting from the deaths of many thousands of Americans.

Why isn't this something we discuss? 

GORDON CHANG, SENIOR FELLOW, GATESTONE INSTITUTE:  Well, I think because it's just so evil, what's going on. It is difficult for people in democracies to understand this. But we've got to remember that Mao Zedong, the founder of Communist China, he created this kill or be killed society, and it is just absolutely vicious. 

Now, the Chinese leaders are absolutely obsessed about the notion of comprehensive national power. It is a meticulously defined metric. And Chinese leaders look at China's CNP as they call it, and the way to increase it is to first of all strengthen China, but also to weaken other countries, and that's the connection between coronavirus and fentanyl. 

CARLSON:  I'm thinking and a lot of Americans think, well, as China rises and the U.S. declines, we can have some sort of peaceful coexistence where they leave us alone. It doesn't sound like that's possible in your view. 

CHANG:  No, I don't think that it is. You know, so for instance, fentanyl.

The gangs that produce and distribute fentanyl are large. They're international. And in China's total surveillance state, they can't operate without the party state knowing about it and approving what they do. 

So you know, last year 36,500 Americans died from fentanyl. Also, probably the statistics is even higher when you include those who have died from cocaine and fentanyl combination cocktails. 

CARLSON:  Right. 

CHANG:  So we're dealing with a situation where China is really happy about this because they're not doing anything to stop it. 

CARLSON:  Maybe someone at the Town Halls could have asked about it. Gordon Chang, I'm glad that you brought this to our attention. Great to see tonight. 

CHANG:  Thanks, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  So no single person, no single policymaker in this country made decisions that killed more people from COVID than the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo. And today, he has got a new book out bragging about how he responded to the coronavirus. We're going to talk to our Janice Dean who knows a lot about this subject unfortunately, about his book next. 


CARLSON:  Because absolutely anything is possible in the year 2020, the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo is coming out with a new book bragging about how he responded to the coronavirus. 

Well, joining us now is Janice Dean. She is our senior meteorologist here at FOX News. Sadly, her in-laws died in nursing homes in New York State because of the policies that Andrew Cuomo backed. We should also say that Janice Dean is one of the most honest people we know, and therefore one of our favorite guest. Happy to have her on tonight. 

Janice, thanks for coming on. I'm just going to throw it to you. What's your response to this book? 

JANICE DEAN, FOX NEWS SENIOR METEOROLOGIST:  I couldn't believe it when I found out just a couple of months ago that he had time to write a book in the middle of a pandemic. I mean, what governor would have time to do that. 

CARLSON:  Exactly. 

DEAN:  I mean, it's incredible. I actually thought it was a satire from the "Babylon Bee" when I saw that he was writing a book about his leadership, taking a victory lap for flattening the curve, the curve that had my in- laws on it. 

He has lost more people in New York from coronavirus on his watch than any other state, over 33,000 people have died and including my in-laws, we still don't have the actual total number of deaths from seniors getting COVID in their assisted living facilities or their elder care facilities because his representative, his nursing home representative, his health commissioner will not give us the accurate totals of those that died in hospitals like my mother-in-law. 

So there are all of these unanswered questions that we have about his leadership that he has not answered in his so-called book. 

CARLSON:  Did you expect him to apologize? Sincere question. 

DEAN:  I'm not sure. Up until this point, he hasn't apologized. 

I think in the very beginning, Tucker, if he had taken some accountability and said, I was trying to save some of the hospital beds for the patients that we needed, and that's why I made that mistake of putting COVID positive patients into nursing homes for 46 days, by the way. 

CARLSON:  Right. 

DEAN:  If he had done at the very beginning, but he never has, and by the way, he has blamed everyone else except the person that signed the Executive Order, Andrew Cuomo. It was in effect for 46 days. 

He has blamed God and Mother Nature and the President and the C.D.C. and "The New York Post" and FOX News. He has blamed everyone, except the person that signed the mandate, the order putting those COVID positive patients into nursing homes. That's what gets my blood boiling. He still refuses to acknowledge that. 

CARLSON:  Exactly. 

DEAN:  The other day, in one of the interviews, he actually said, we didn't need to put COVID positive patients into nursing homes and I screamed. It just makes our grief even worse, Tucker. 

CARLSON:  I couldn't agree more. No, all of us make mistakes. We've made mistakes on this show. But you know a man's character by the reaction next.

People who blame others and don't apologize for their mistakes, it is the lowest, and I'm sorry that you had to suffer the consequences and your family. 

Janice Dean, thank you for joining us tonight. I appreciate it. 

DEAN:  Thank you, Tucker. Thank you for having me on. 

CARLSON:  Of course. 

Well, our next guest is literally the niece of Osama bin Laden. It's a controversial last name, but she says supporting Donald Trump for President has caused her more problems. She tells her story after the break. 


CARLSON:  Noor bin Ladin is the niece of deceased international terror mastermind, Osama bin Laden. She is also a supporter of Donald Trump and has been for the last five years. Right now, she is living in Switzerland.

She says she has received more hate and abuse for backing Donald Trump for President than she has for being related to Osama bin Laden. Amazing as that sounds. 

Noor bin Ladin joins us tonight. We're happy to have her. Thanks so much for coming on. 


CARLSON:  What a remarkable -- what a remarkable thing to say. Is that -- I want to hear you say this. Is that true? You've received more abuse for backing Donald Trump than for being the niece of Osama bin Laden? 

BIN LADIN:  Well, Tucker, as you can imagine, there are a few challenges that come with carrying this name and not least, you know, on a personal level being associated to a man whose values and beliefs are so diametrically opposed to my own. 

But yes, as I mentioned, in my piece for "The Spectator," I find it quite interesting that in certain elitist circles, I've encountered that I've faced so much arrogance and vulgarity for stating my beliefs, my support for the President, and it's unlike anything I've experienced before. 

That being said, you know, while there is no justification for such behavior, you know, I've been mocked and yelled at dinner tables and insulted and as I say, there's no justification for it. But I see why. You know, their understanding is limited because 99 percent of the media over here in Europe, believe it or not, it's even worse than in the U.S., but they are based on the fake news in the U.S. and the six conglomerates that own these outlets. So that explains part of it. 

CARLSON:  Well, good for "The Spectator" of London for publishing your piece, despite that environment over there. 

Very quickly, why do you support Donald Trump? What is it about the President that you like? 

BIN LADIN:  Well, as I wrote in my letter to America, which I published last month, when I decided, you know, to speak up for the President, the list that I wrote is very, very long. But there is one particular aspect from my perspective, which stands out and it's his foreign policy. 

And when you look at everything he has done in terms of taking on and fighting the scourge that is Islamic terrorism, it is such a relief, you know, coming from eight years of the previous administration to see a 180. 

And Obama during his time in the White House has done so many things to make the world a much more dangerous place, and it explains you know, it explains many, many things you know, in terms of why Obama tried to tell President-elect Trump not to hire General Flynn when General Flynn -- 

CARLSON:  Noor bin, I wish we had more time. We are out of time. We appreciate your coming on tonight. 

We will see you Monday. 

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