This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on August 13, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: Good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. This is a bewildering moment as we often note, what exactly is going on? There is a pattern.

If you look around for a moment, you may notice things that add up. Gas lines, inflation, spiraling crime, collapsing cities.

If you're over 40, it could look familiar. It's the 1970s, but without the free speech and Brezhnev running our government, and as if it couldn't get more perfect, now we have another Fall of Saigon. Remember the Fall of Saigon?

If you're watching television of April of 1975, April 30th, you'll remember it well. It was the single most humiliating day in the history of the United States abroad. American officials fleeing in terror as a peasant army swept through the capital city, desperate civilians clinging to the struts of helicopters as they took off from the roof of the U.S. Embassy, it was a complete disaster. It was total ignominious defeat.

We've spent more than a decade in Vietnam and in the end, we lost. So, no matter how you felt about that war, it was painful to see it happen and nobody wants to see it again.

Last month, Joe Biden promised we never will see it again. Watch.


QUESTION: Some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam with some people feeling --

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy, six, if I'm not mistaken.

The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese Army. They're not -- they're not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There is going to be no circumstance where you're going to see people being lifted off the roof of an Embassy of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.


CARLSON: Yes, it's not comparable. The difference, Joe Biden told us, is that in Afghanistan, we can rely on the Afghan Security Forces to keep the savages at bay. These are crack troops. They've gotten billions in U.S. tax dollars over 20 years, and by the way, they were trained by Mark Milley. He is now the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so we're good. Don't worry.

Last month, Mark Milley himself lent his personal stamp of approval to the Afghan Security Forces. Watch.


GEN. MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: The Afghan Security Forces have the capacity to sufficiently fight and defend their country, and we will continue to support the Afghan Security Forces where necessary in accordance with the guidance from the President and the Secretary of Defense.

The future of Afghanistan is squarely in the hands of the Afghan people, and there are a range of possible outcomes in Afghanistan, and I want to emphasize repeatedly and I've said this before, a negative outcome, a Taliban automatic military takeover is not a foregone conclusion.


CARLSON: "It's not a foregone conclusion," actually at this point, a military takeover by the Taliban is starting to look like a foregone conclusion. Taliban fighters now have control over a majority of the country, including the second largest city tonight, Kandahar.

The government meanwhile controls just about 15 percent of the districts in Afghanistan. The Taliban have now isolated the capital, Kabul, at this point they are 30 miles away.

Analysts say Kabul could fall within days. Right now, thousands of American troops are on their way there to evacuate the U.S. Embassy. Our helicopters flew into the city just this afternoon. They're not on the roof yet, but it's early.

The funny thing is, Mark Milley didn't seem to see any of this coming. His real expertise, as he explained recently to Congress is something called "white rage." The Taliban by contrast are slightly tanner, so they didn't seem as dangerous than say, the January 6th protesters. Now, the Taliban voted for Donald Trump so Mark Milley naturally underestimated them.

But others saw very clearly what was coming. Three years ago, the Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction found that the Afghan government controlled or had influence over just half the country. That's it. In other words, Afghanistan has been unstable for a very long time, always, actually, and yet, The Pentagon repeatedly told us otherwise.

"We're on the right track now," said Jim Mattis in 2010. Four years later, another General, quote, "The Afghan National Security Forces are winning." 

So, based on those confident assessments, officials in Washington spent more than $130 billion on nation building there. For some perspective, that's more than we spent on the entire Marshal Plan in Europe after the world was destroyed in 1945.

So, you've got to ask yourself, where did all that money go? The Pentagon, of course, isn't really sure where all that money went, but internal documents suggest it was wasted. The Afghan Papers, you remember those? 

They make it clear that a lot of that money went to the most corrupt people in the country.

Those documents show that only about two in ten Afghan recruits in the fabled Security Forces could read or write. That meant among other things, they could not reliably follow orders, and apparently they haven't been.

For years, meanwhile, Afghan Commanders have routinely pocketed taxpayer money from the United States with so-called ghost soldiers, those are troops who appeared on the payroll, but didn't actually exist.

One recent assessment found that between 50 and 70 percent of police positions in some Afghan provinces weren't really alive, they weren't people. They existed only on paper. Did Mark Milley know this?

The troops who did exist sometimes used their weapons to commit crimes and shoot American troops or officials. One Norwegian observer estimated that more than 30 percent of Afghan Police recruits would take their guns and quote, "set up their own private checkpoints to extort travelers."

Between 2007 and 2013, insider attacks from Afghan Forces killed or injured hundreds of coalition troops. These were signs of a major problem. Other soldiers, again, with money that we sent them began to sexually abuse children. According to a piece in "The New York Times," quote: "Rampant sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan, particularly among armed Commanders who dominate much of the rural landscape and can bully the population. The practice is called Bacha Bazi, literally boy play and American soldiers and marines have been instructed not to intervene, in some cases not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases."

So, all of this was going on -- sex abuse on our American military bases, but The Pentagon maintained publicly that everything was going just according to plan. You can see why this comes as quite a surprise to those of us who took those assurances at face value.

In fact, it was just a couple of days ago, in fact it was two days ago on Wednesday that the top flack at The Pentagon, the increasingly ridiculous John Kirby insisted that the U.S. military has turned Afghanistan into a kind of progressive utopia. It is Santa Monica in the mountains.


REAR ADMIRAL JOHN KIRBY (RET.) PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY And then watching this from a very early period, right after the President gave us the order to draw down, we certainly have been watching what the Taliban is doing.

We have noted and we have noted with great concern the speed with which they have been moving and the lack of resistance that they have faced and we have been nothing, but honest about that, and I think I'll leave it there.


CARLSON: So today, John Kirby called on the people of Afghanistan to rise up and fight for the social justice that we have brought them, the women's rights victories the Afghan government has secured, right. Meanwhile, the actual country quite apart from our social engineering projects is collapsing at high speed. You're seeing pictures on your screen right now from Kunduz Air Base, the Taliban now controls it.

So, that's tens of millions of dollars, maybe hundreds of millions worth of mine-resistant vehicles, Humvees, drones that The Pentagon left behind in Afghanistan, and all of it now belongs to the Taliban. Yet somehow, the Biden administration is still pretending that we have no choice that they're in charge.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul just sent out this tweet, quote: "We're hearing additional reports of Taliban executions of surrendering Afghan troops. 

Deeply disturbing and could constitute war crimes."

War crimes. Hilarious.

So when will the tribunal start? Who is going to run the tribunals? We may need to invade Afghanistan again. But instead, here is another idea. Let's figure out how this happened? How did we spend 20 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives, to end up with absolutely nothing, but more humiliation?

Pashtun tribesmen shooting at us with our guns as we run away. That is the definition of disaster.

So rather than just complain about it, let us hold somebody accountable for it, for once. Half the Biden State Department had a hand in our failed Afghanistan policy, yet they are still employed there. Why is that? The Pentagon was supposed to build a functional national army in Afghanistan to protect the government, which we installed, but they didn't do that.

So, people didn't do their jobs and then lied about not doing their jobs, but they are still wearing the uniform of our country? Why is that? Good question.

So, for the first time in a long time, maybe we could hold our own leaders to account for the calamities they have caused. That's not simply a matter of justice, though it definitely is that. It is the only way to prevent disasters like this from happening again.

Erik Prince knows a lot more about Afghanistan than a lot of the people in charge of our Afghanistan policy. He is a former Navy SEAL. He is the founder of BlackWater and we're happy to have him join us now.

Erik Prince, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: Before I ask you what we should do, I just cannot resist asking you why is it that for almost 20 years, not just under Biden, but under previous administrations, the State Department and The Pentagon felt a need to use American power for some kind of social experiment, to rearrange the traditional society in Afghanistan. How is that in our national interest? 

Why would we do that?

PRINCE: It is the same collection of national security elites in Washington that have failed for that entire 20 years. They took what was a brilliant victory by Special Operations in the C.I.A. in the first six months after

9/11 and turned it into a massive failed nation building exercise, and it has largely been like a "Star Trek" cosplay convention where they just sit and talk to each other and delude themselves into thinking they are making progress, and it's been the same nonsense and they've refused to think about any other ways to solve this problem.

And they took -- Afghanistan was never really a country and they ignored that and tried to make this central government nirvana based in Kabul, ignoring any kind of central or local governance based on whatever their social experiment is, and the U.S. military replicated itself.

I mean, the U.S. military, the most expensive military in the world replicated itself in Afghanistan with a lot of expensive capability and we've been beaten by weapons that were designed in the 1940s carried by largely illiterate goat herders.


PRINCE: It is -- if there is any shame in Washington, there should be a lot of people resigning and if not they should be fired. This is a wholesale --

CARLSON: But they are going to get away with it -- I'm sorry to say this. I mean, it must frustrate you more than anyone since you spent a lot of your life there and thinking about Afghanistan, no people died there, but like -

- but they're going to get away with it. The people who did this who made these decisions, lied about it on TV, they are going to move on to the next country to wreck.

PRINCE: The really disgusting thing is the people that made those decisions in the comfort of their beltway offices don't have to live with the lost limbs, lives, marriages, the real damage, and on top of that -- I mean you know, just today in Bagram what used to be the U.S.'s biggest base, the prison was opened and all the al-Qaeda and ISIS prisoners were released.

So, the ones that were released from Guantanamo brought to Afghanistan are now free and open on the range again, okay.


PRINCE: Unleashing terror -- they will unleash terrorism and we will live with these consequences for years to come. When the U.S. totally failed in Vietnam, there was 30 million people who died in Southeast Asia as a secondary effect of that.

Trust me, this problem will spread to the region. The Taliban never disavowed al-Qaeda. The cosplay diplomacy that's been going on in the United States, thinking they were going to make a deal with the with the Taliban, look whether it's the Trump administration, the Biden administration or the Obama administration, the same knuckleheads giving really bad advice at the national security level have gotten away with the same failed approach.

CARLSON: Yes, I mean, if I'm a heavy equipment operator -- if I tip over my crane on a construction site and killed people, I don't get a promotion in a bigger crane. I mean, why is it that only Victoria Nuland, who is like a moron and has a hand in every bad decision this country has made in the past 20 years is like -- has power again? Like how can this happen?

PRINCE: We've gone through 18 Generals in charge of Afghanistan. The only -

- no one -- none of them resigned in disgust because they were restrained from not fighting or from carrying out the operations the way they wanted, so they have no excuse. None of them resigned.

One was fired for embarrassing Obama, but none of them have been fired for failing to deliver victory. The taxpayers have done their part, Lord knows we've spent a lot of money. The rank and file soldiers have done their part. They have fought well. But when you have failed leadership and allowed lawyers to become what Zampolitz were, the political officers in the Soviet Union fighting with half measures, it makes it all a waste.

And so, I am truly sad for the veterans that see this go, we have lost

60,000 veterans to suicide in the global war on terror. That's more than we lost in Vietnam from despair, from seeing it done poorly. Why do I sacrifice myself? Why do I hang it out there with my buddies every day to see it pissed away by half-baked politicians in Washington? It's disgusting.

CARLSON: I almost didn't want to do the segment because it was so sad and it was even sadder than I thought it was going to be, but it's also true, and it's necessary. And I appreciate your coming on tonight, Erik Prince, thank you.

PRINCE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So, the D.H.S. Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas said in a press conference yesterday that the Biden administration's border strategy is working. Of course, it's working. Two million people coming in the country illegally.

But privately, even Alejandro Mayorkas knows that's a lie. FOX News has just obtained this audio of the D.H.S. Secretary admitting that the situation is out of control. Listen.




is unsustainable. These numbers cannot continue. We cannot get to a point where we were a couple of weeks ago, and we're going to make sure that doesn't happen. We're looking at the policy options.


CARLSON: Julio Rosas is a senior writer at "Townhall," I don't know how long he's been on our southern border, but a long time, he is still there. 

He joins us from there tonight.

Julio, thanks so much for coming on. So, you've actually covered this unlike virtually everyone else commenting on it, including me. How do you compare what the administration is saying in public with what you're seeing?

JULIO ROSAS, SENIOR WRITER, TOWNHALL.COM: I mean it's quite simple and it's the fact that they're lying. I mean, I don't know how this is not a bigger deal. Here, we have the D.H.S. Secretary admitting what most of the rest of the country already knows that the current crisis at the border is not sustainable.

I mean we have -- I mean just today, the Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief tweeted out that in one day, they encountered 4,000 immigrants. I mean that's absurd and we're in August now, and it gets a hundred degrees down there on a consistent basis.


ROSAS: Instead, what we're seeing -- we have the defenders of the administration in the media focusing on racist Republicans being concerned about COVID that some of these immigrants bring when they get released by Border Patrol, completely ignoring the fact the high positivity rates, but also ignoring the Democrats who are at the border.

Just yesterday, they had a press conference. The Hidalgo County Judge, a Latino, Democrat; the Webb County Judge, Latino, Democrat; the Mayor of Laredo, Latino, Democrat; congressman Henry Cuellar, Latino, Democrat -- they were all expressing concern because they have these migrants, some of them have COVID and they don't have the ability to take care of them, and so they have to spend money to send them elsewhere because or else then there'd be a problem with COVID there.

And so, I mean this whole thing is just so maddening especially as someone who has been down there for multiple weeks just this year and seeing the human misery. I mean, heck, I've been called a racist for highlighting the human misery that these open border policies bring, but I mean that's fine because the truth is on my side.

CARLSON: And it's just so funny, I mean, for people who are doing this to win elections and get cheap domestic help to call you a racist because you're pointing out the suffering of migrants from Guatemala is like peak insanity and I'm just glad you're not intimidated by it, at all, clearly.

Julio, thank you for joining us. Good to see you.

ROSAS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So, we know very well that Tony Fauci is strongly in favor of ghoulish experiments on bats, but those aren't the only experiments on animals he has endorsed, including experiments on dogs. Ghoulish experiments on dogs.

We have the details straight ahead.


CARLSON: We don't want to scare you, but it's our duty to inform you of something that epidemiologists call a super spreader event in this country. 

It began last weekend on a $20 million oceanfront estate on Martha's Vineyard. The property, we checked is owned by a Netflix producer by the name of Barry Soetoro.

At the time, Mr. Soetoro was hosting a 60th Birthday Party under the name Barack Obama. The party was for himself. We were told that the crowd was going to be both vaccinated and more importantly, sophisticated, which would keep them immune from COVID. But apparently, the crowd was not sophisticated enough. We now know that 63 COVID cases have been confirmed on the island of Martha's Vineyard. That's the most cases on that island since April. Is there a connection? We think so.

Well, in addition to funding bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, we're now learning that Anthony Fauci conducted research on other animals, too -- dogs. Not just to study them, but to kill them.

According to documents obtained by the White Coat Waste Project, last year, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- that's the place that Fauci runs and has for many years paid 400 grand a year to run it -- gave money to the University of Georgia to infect 28 beagles with parasites. They allowed the dogs to develop infections for months and then they killed them.

Kathy Guillermo is a Senior VP at PETA and we are happy to have her on tonight.

Kathy, thanks so much for coming on.


ANIMALS: My pleasure.

CARLSON: What's -- you know hurting dogs under any circumstances, I think is deeply upsetting to most normal people, certainly to me. You could probably make a case, you know, if they're going to save your child's life, okay? It doesn't sound like this research was essential, was it?

GUILLERMO: It wasn't essential. The most, we will probably see out of it is a published paper that will get a little status for the experimenter, but this is unfortunately the case with all experiments on animals and this is why PETA is saying that the leadership at N.I.H., Fauci and his boss, N.I.H. Director Francis Collins have to go.

They continue to back this failed paradigm of animal experiments and we know that the 60,000 dogs who are in laboratories now and the 110 million animals who will die by the end of this year in laboratories will fail to lead to anything to help humans 90 percent of the time.

CARLSON: So, you can just take 28 beagles because you have a research grant. You don't have to prove that their deaths are necessary you're going to improve human life dramatically, you just, because you have the grant, you just get to kill the beagles?

GUILLERMO: That's exactly what's going on. N.I.H. has a budget of $40 billion and about half of that is going to animal experiments, even though we know and N.I.H. has published itself that 95 of new medications and new vaccines that were developed using animals fail in humans.

So why are we throwing half of this budget away on animal experiments? 

There are better ways to do it. PETA has got a plan. We call it the Research Modernization Deal and it's a very commonsense straightforward way to get us out of this quagmire that has been in place for the last 70 years that N.I.H. continues to support.

CARLSON: I read that people like Fauci prefer beagles be not because their physiology is different, but because they're more compliant and easy to please. It made me emotional reading that. Is that true? Is that true?

GUILLERMO: Yes. It's absolutely true. We know of a breeding facility in Virginia that we have been trying to get closed down where they have 5,000 beagles in cages and they sell them to laboratories all across the world. 

And I think, you know most people we know from surveys are opposed to the use of animals in experiments for any reason, but if everybody knew that they are an utter failure and that while we wait for cures for Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease and a plethora of other diseases, we're not spending our research dollars where they belong.

And the 60,000 dogs in the laboratories in this country right at this moment are not going to lead to cures for human beings.

CARLSON: They're choosing the dogs specifically because they're sweet and they want to please you. Yes, that tells you a lot.

GUILLERMO: That's right.

CARLSON: A lot about them. Kathy, I appreciate your coming on tonight. 

Thank you very much.

So, we listen to Democrats talk out loud for a living. We draw obvious conclusions from what they say. A couple of months ago, we told you they would like to change the demographics of this country so they can have permanent political control because that's what they've told us. When we said that out loud, they attacked us.

But now, the data are in, the country is changing. We have the numbers to prove that, but it's their reaction to that change that tells you the most. 

We'll have that next.

I've got a new book out called "The Long Slide." You can get a copy at


CARLSON: It seems like just the other day that America's self-described moral leaders were denouncing us for pointing out the obvious. Democrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country for political advantage, so rather than convince people to vote for them, that's called democracy, they are counting on brand new voters. That's what we said on this show.

Immediately after we said that, they became completely hysterical. They tried to pull us off the air. They said we were espousing something called the Great Replacement Theory, a well-known racist fantasy. Right.

In other words, shut up.

And then this week, the new census numbers came out. Here is what those numbers show. The number, not the proportion, the absolute number of Americans who describe themselves as white has dropped for the first time in our history since the census began back in 1890.

The total decline is around five million people. Now that is huge.

Experts who study demographics for a living were shocked by it, they'd never seen anything like this. Why did this happen? Where did all these people go? And why? They are Americans. Remember.

Well as leading Democrats put it, again and again, who cares? Fewer white people in America is a great thing and we should celebrate.


BAKARI SELLERS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Right now, Stephen Miller and Donald Trump are at Mar-a-Lago and they're throwing up because this is not the America they want to see.

ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I was at the White House the other day and guess who's got Stephen Miller's old office? Her name is Susan Rice, and she's one of us, and guess who is in Ivanka Trump's old office? 

Julie Rodriguez.


NAVARRO: She is -- 

SELLERS: Oh, I love Julie.

NAVARRO: She is Chavez's daughter.


CARLSON: Did you hear that? "Her name is Susan Rice. She is one of us." 

Meaning she's a Democrat, no, it means she's not white. Us is the non-white people cheering the extinction of white people. That was on television. 

Think about that for a minute. It's hard to think about it actually because it's that evil.

And if you wanted to encourage permanent racial division, maybe even violence in America, that is exactly how you would talk on television. 

These people are completely out of control. They are dangerous.

And it's not just CNN analysts who are talking this way. By the way, once again, there is no more divisive thing that you could say on television. 

There is no way you could more quickly and more permanently wreck the country than to encourage people to gloat over the decline of a race. 


Imagine any other race people talking like that. It's nuts, actually.

But again, Members of Congress are talking that way or even fake ones. Here is Eleanor Holmes Norton who pretends to serve in Congress.


REP. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON (D-D.C.): Look at where the population is and that's how we win or have to try to win in the census numbers because the population growth has been in the cities and in the suburbs among minorities, and that's what gives us some leverage.


CARLSON: Got that? Democrats win when we have fewer white people in the country and that's why they are celebrating the new census number. She just said that out loud. You should never say anything like that out loud, but they are.

At "The Washington Post," columnist Jennifer Rubin joined the cheering. 

Fewer white people -- she wrote -- you can look it up is quote. " ... 

fabulous news. Now we need to prevent minority white rule."

Minority white rule? Do you recognize that phrase? Oh South Africa. That's what she wants. South Africa. She said it, we didn't. We would never say something like that.

But wait a second, you ask, what about the numbers? What happened to all those white people who are now missing from the census? Well, it turns out many of them perished in the opioid epidemic, hundreds of thousands of young Americans mostly from rural communities dead from drug overdoses.

A columnist from "The Washington Post" is cheering that, their deaths are fabulous, she says.

It's hard even to know how to respond to that, so we're going to pull back and let Pedro Gonzalez assess. He is Associate Editor at "Chronicles" 

Magazine and we're happy to have him join us now.

Pedro, thanks so much for coming on. Boy, if you wanted to wreck the United States and cause actual conflict, you would talk like Jen Rubin. Why are they talking this way?

PEDRO GONZALEZ ASSESS, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, "CHRONICLES" MAGAZINE: Because this is about power and control and the funny thing about the Rubin narrative is basically, white people are being marginalized, but you're not allowed to notice. You're not even allowed to talk about it, and if you disagree with them being marginalized, you're a racist.

It's racist, of course, because supposedly white people are the villains of human history. That is an absurd calumny. The truth is that the specter of white supremacy is used to fuel the growth of a corrupt political order and whites are in fact the victims in the system.

If you look at things like wages and life expectancy, those have fallen for the white working class while they've risen for all other groups. If you look at our culture of affirmative action, we disadvantage white people in this country in jobs and schooling and we do it by lowering expectations and standards for everyone else.

Deaths related to suicide and as you noted, drug overdoses, alcohol related illnesses, these things have soared for middle-aged white men and women in the last 20 years and people like Jennifer Rubin can do little and say, "You deserve it. I'm going to spit on your grave and you're not allowed to notice or do anything about it."

All of this is the result of deliberate policy choices, not from the Democratic Party. It's also a Republican Party problem. The uniparty is a real thing. The ruling class in this country has deconstructed the nation it was entrusted to govern. It invited millions of people into this country and told them that any disparity in outcome, you just point to a white person and say it's your fault, it's psychotic, but historically, this is what imperial and colonial governments do. They encourage division between groups, in other words making people hate each other is the point.

The neo-liberal politics of racial grievances of demographic deconstruction are about poisoning the moral character of Americans and making them so hateful toward each other that they don't notice people like Rubin and they don't notice people like the uniparty are actively trying to destroy their lives.

CARLSON: I think we need to stop talking about race entirely in this country and just talk about Americans. I mean hundreds of thousands of Americans leaving aside their color have died of opioid ODs and the only one anyone in Washington notices is George Floyd. So how do you think Americans feel about that? If your nephew or your son just died at 22 of an opioid OD and Jennifer Rubin says that's great news, like you're going to get something horrible if you keep acting that way, aren't you?

GONZALEZ: That's right. Yes. No, it's fundamentally dehumanizing. You're completely stripping people of the thing that makes them human and basically just reducing them to points on a board.

A fewer white people in this country like you said is a good thing, and again, if you're a white person and you hear this, what is your reaction going to be? And you're basically stoking -- I mean there's no there's no way to put this nicely, right? You're ginning up racial hatred between different groups in this country that might otherwise get along and you're doing it for either cynical or ideological reasons.

I'm not sure which is worse, whether you really believe in this stuff or it's just a means to an end. In either case, it is anti-civilizational. If this -- if you want to destroy a society, this is how you do it.

CARLSON: Exactly and they're going to make people super radical and it's going to be Jen Rubin's fault. There is no doubt about that.

Pedro Gonzalez, I appreciate it. Thank you so much.

GONZALEZ: Thanks for having me.

CARLSON: So, Andrew Cuomo is on his way out. We are told that's a good thing, he harassed women. No mention of the old people he killed.

One of the few people who actually read the Attorney General's report indicting effectively Andrew Cuomo is a reporter called Michael Tracey. He doesn't like Andrew Cuomo, but he thinks it's worth pausing and asking what this means for the rest of us? He joins us straight ahead.


CARLSON: So the Attorney General of New York wants to be Governor of New York, so she did a report on Andrew Cuomo, who by the way is not worth defending because he's a loathsome person, and a terrible governor, but still it's worth knowing the details of what happened.

So, once the report came out, the Democratic Party immediately decided Andrew Cuomo had to go and make way for a more left-wing leader. They cut off his ability to raise funds, they started to impeach him.

Wait a second. What is going on? Nobody asked that question.

Michael Tracey, one of the very few who did, that's because he's an independent journalist, he doesn't work for "The Washington Post." He is on "Substack."

We talked to him, he's not a fan of Andrew Cuomo's by the way, but it's worth knowing what happened. We just talked to him for an episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." Here is part of that really interesting conversation.


MICHAEL TRACEY, INDEPENDENT JOURNALIST: I have no affinity for Andrew Cuomo. I've disdained him for years going back when I covered different campaigns of his.


TRACEY: 2014 et cetera, so I don't view Andrew Cuomo as somebody who needs defending; however, I view manufactured consensus as something that needs rebutting.

CARLSON: I totally agree. I'm going to -- sorry, I just have to interject one second.


CARLSON: I don't know what you're about to say, but I suspect I'm going to agree with you. I don't -- I know Andrew Cuomo. I've known him for more than 20 years, I knew since he was H.U.D. Secretary.


CARLSON: In the Clinton administration. He is a totally weird guy with authoritarian impulses.

TRACEY: Megalomaniacal.

CARLSON: Totally, super insecure, kind of crazy, not stupid, I will say, but -- and I think there are a lot of things you could criticize about his tenure as Governor, which has been long and you know, not good in my view.

But what they're attacking him for? There is BS at the core of it. Anyway, I would just pause --

TRACEY: Right. And you might be able to ascertain that there was at least some BS at the core of the basis for these attacks. If you actually read the report that was put out that was supposed to be this bombshell, you know, revelation. I read it.

I don't think anybody else read it. This was an Attorney General.

CARLSON: You're the only one, man.

TRACEY: I mean, granted you have to have sort of a weird temperament to want to read an Attorney General report that painstakingly goes through all the purported sexual wrongdoing committed by Andrew Cuomo, so I accept that, but then again, you know I'm getting -- like I get paid to do this.

CARLSON: That's your job.

TRACEY: Right. It is my job, so I did it and like okay, so accuser number two, right, and I don't want to spit a whole tangent on Andrew Cuomo.

CARLSON: But it's interesting.


CARLSON: Because I want to hear what you say.

TRACEY: Okay, so accuser number two is arguably the most significant Cuomo accuser because when she came out with her claims, it gave the impression that it was this mounting scandal, like a snowball effect, right? Because you know once you have more than one person coming out in public and making allegations, it kind of gives credence supposedly to what's being alleged, right?

Accuser number two's central claim is that as a professional adult political operative who worked in the Governor's Office she was quote, "groomed" by Cuomo. Her interpretation of Cuomo's overtures or conduct toward her was such that she later says she came to believe that she was being groomed by him.

Now, grooming is a concept ordinarily that gets applied to adults preying on children to kind of habituate them into becoming receptive to sexual advances.


TRACEY: This is an adult appropriating the kind of nomenclature of rooming to apply to Cuomo.

CARLSON: Well, you're taking language seriously.

TRACEY: Well, I mean -- I would think that we should be a little bit specific or a little bit discerning when we're dealing with allegations like this because, guess what? It gets enshrined as precedent down the line so it could affect somebody else you might hold in higher esteem than Cuomo.


TRACEY: And so like, so now that he has resigned, it's almost going to be taken as an article of faith that we are compelled hereby to just believe anybody, any adult, who says they were groomed by a political figure. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. She wasn't even alleging any illicit physical conduct necessarily. She was just giving her interpretation as this activist inclined, you know progressive operative who ended up in the Governor's close orbit.

And it is just -- look, I know that it could be gratifying to come out and say, yes, sure, we cheer for the downfall of Cuomo and maybe that is, you know, there is some gratification there, if you have pent up resentment towards him.


TRACEY: But, I am more interested in probing logical incongruities, and the basis for or the false consensus that ends up such that we're all kind of ensnared by these new moral -- just new moral totems around us that seem to have been erected overnight.


CARLSON: So when you don't work for "The New York Times," you can think clearly, that may be the lesson of Michael Tracey.

The full interview is on "Tucker Carlson Today." It's on FOX Nation right now.

We've shown you stories of parents fighting back against masked mandates for their kids, which is child abuse. Our friend Matt Walsh just let his school board know what he thinks of them, he joins us next.


CARLSON: Forcing students to wear a mask at school doesn't save anyone not get COVID and it hurts students themselves. It is child abuse. More and more parents have figured that out and they are telling the school boards, and that would include our friend, Matt Walsh who recently said this.


MATT WALSH, HOST, "THE MATT WALSH SHOW": COVID poses almost no risk to our kids at all, 4.2 million children have tested positive for COVID, a total of 0.008 percent of them have died. What about the flu? The C.D.C. 

estimates that 480 kids died from the flu in the 2018-2019 season. That's more than have died from COVID in a year and a half.

Now, did anyone on this board suggest at any point that year that kids wear masks? Did anyone in this room suggest that at any point, anyone wear masks for a flu, which again is more dangerous to kids than COVID?


CARLSON: Matt Walsh, animal, good for him. Host of "The Matt Walsh Show," 

one of our favorite guest joins us now.

Matt Walsh, there is something so inspiring, I mean, you talk for a living, but to see you do it in that context to stand up for your own children in the community you live is just a wonderful thing to watch.

What kind of response did you get to what you said?

WALSH: Well, it was interesting in that room, it was pretty well split, of course, the pro-maskers, I'm sure they were scowling at me, but the good thing is they were wearing masks so I couldn't see it, which there is something to that when you wear the mask, it makes you -- it turns you into this sort of like faceless, expressionless set of floating eyes, just sort of sitting there, which is what the government wants us all to be.

But I think when I am in the room there, it was pretty illuminating. I was glad that I went not just to speak, but to see it and experience it because what I saw and felt was so much fear. Now, there is the totally justified fear of the so-called anti-maskers who really were pro-freedom and pro- sanity, I think, but on the other side of it, you've got these parents who really believe -- they really believe that if another child breathes near their kid, their kid is going to die.

In fact, a child with his nose and mouth showing is a threat to murder their children. That's really what they believe in because it's what they've been told. There is no data for this at all.


WALSH: In fact, this is one of the things that we have not -- one of the only things we've known about this virus from the beginning that has remained true and the data has supported all along is that this virus poses very little threat to children and that's a really good thing. There are a lot of horrible things about the coronavirus, obviously. But one thing we can be grateful for is this doesn't affect children that much.

But I think the powers that be realize that a lot of us are tired of this and if you really want to manipulate some portion of the population, what you've got to start telling us that it's coming for our kids even if it is not true, I think that's been a devastating and devious, but really effective tactic for a lot of parents.

CARLSON: So, you are just making an ideological case, this is a free country and let's live like we're free. You were making a fact-based, a data heavy case with the numbers and we've played a couple of them here. 

How did they respond to that? Do they throw their set of numbers back at you? Like, what was their reaction? Their answer?

WALSH: They did not throw any numbers at all. They didn't have them. What they threw was anecdotes. You know, well, I know someone who knows someone who has a kid that supposedly died of COVID. They threw their own emotions and how afraid they were and all of that because they don't have the data.

All the data is on the side of the equation. This point about the flu, I know I'm not the first person to make it, I won't be the last, it's a really important point, it is true. The flu kills more children in a single season than COVID kills in a year and a half and if you didn't call for a masking and have never called for masking during flu season, why is that? 

You can't -- what? Did you not know that they existed? Did you not know how masks worked?

No, you knew masks were there, you knew how they worked, but you knew that it would be unreasonable to force kids to wear masks. If you've change your mind now, it's only because you've been -- because of the fear tactic. It is only because of the propaganda because you've been afraid, you've been made to be afraid and you've abandoned your better powers of reason because that's the only reason.

CARLSON: I am just so grateful that you turned your considerable powers, your awesome powers in the direction of protecting your own kids in the town where you live in. I hope you inspire a lot of other people.

Matt Walsh, thank you very much.

WALSH: Thank you. Appreciate it.

CARLSON: A brand-new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today" with Michael Tracey is on

We are back Monday. Have the best evening and a happy relaxing weekend with the ones you love away from the insanity.

We will see you Monday.

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