
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 4, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: The president and congressional Republicans scored a major victory today as the House of Representatives voted to repeal and replace major parts of ObamaCare by a vote of 217 to 213. Undoing the Affordable Care Act has been a major goal for Republicans ever since President Obama signed a law over seven years ago. According to the FOX News brain room, there have been over 60 other votes to repeal ObamaCare but with Obama out of the White House and Republicans owning a majority in the Senate, the end of ObamaCare is in President Trump's sites.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We're going to get this passed through the Senate I feel so confident. This is a repeal and a replace of ObamaCare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake. And I think most importantly, yes, premiums will be coming down, yes, deductibles will be coming down. But very importantly, it's a great plan, and ultimately that's what it's all about.


GUILFOYLE: Democrats trashed the bill and said that it would soon become a political liability for the GOP.


HOUSE MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: This vote will be tattooed to them, as I also said, they will glow-in-the-dark. They were duped into walking the plank for a bill that will not become law.

HOUSE MINORITY WHIP STENY HOYER, D-MD.: They are going down to celebrate something that comes way, way, way short of what the president looked at the American public in the eye and said he was going to deliver, insurance for everybody at less cost and higher quality.


GUILFOYLE: OK Greg, so, obviously the Democrats and none too happy with this today.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: You know on average every day, 6,700 people die in the United States. You can bet the Democrats are going to blame every single one of those on this vote. And nothing will change their minds, conveniently ignoring all the suffering and death created by decades of liberal policies in inner cities, the war on poverty, you name it, they've destroyed lives. But to this bill, this is what you call progress.

It was a positive trajectory and it shows how kind of Trump works that the first bill didn't fly. So, he didn't scrap it. He said I'm going to try it again. He's a true salesman, you know, he's trying to sell you a car. He wears you down.

So in this case, he wore everybody down and so people thought, you know, maybe he'll let it go and move on to something else, no. But still I believe the solution is to get this out of the hands of the bureaucrats. Every time the government gets involved in something this large, it is never the same. If government had invented the wheel it would have been square and made of snakes.

GUILFOYLE: Alarming and terrifying at the same time, but you bring up a great point Greg.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Jesse, I'm going to go to you on this, because the president had to use his leadership skills, his art of the deal to negotiate and be able to pull votes to be able to secure this. He didn't give up on it. And for all the reporting on it, they said listen, he went in and was dealing with people one-on-one until he could to secure it and get them in his pocket.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Yes, he was on the ropes big time and we've seen the president on the ropes many times in the past when he was down big in August and then came back to tie it on election day. He came big -- that big. And then I remember he was down and then he gave this great press conference and just told everybody they were very fake news.

He seems to be able to catapult himself back into contention when everybody thinks he's down, and he did it today. He's a big winner. Obviously he's going to take this one (INAUDIBLE) and try to get tax cuts through the summer. Paul Ryan saved his job today.

The Freedom Caucus made this bill more conservative and I think this really unites Republicans going into the summer which is a good thing. You know, they destroyed Obama's legacy, this is the beginning of that, goodbye. And, you know, it did some very important things. It gets rid of the individual mandate and all the taxes and the regulations. It does not allow buying insurance across state lines, maybe they can fit that --

GUILFOYLE: And so it's like a phase two.

WATTERS: Yes, who cares? I can't even keep track of the phase.

GUILFOYLE: But it's important to get that.

WATTERS: Very important to get that. And you know, it takes away the power of the federal government. It makes it state base so they have flexibility with Medicare and things like that. So there are a lot of good things in the bill and they'll probably make it a little bit better in the Senate.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, Meghan, your reflection.

MEGHAN MCCAIN, GUEST CO-HOST: Yes. I'm not saying this isn't a win today because obviously it is. The Freedom Caucus has been validated by the fact that they can bring moderates to the other side. They sort of played a game of chicken with moderates and said we're not going on this bill and moderates ended up being the people that Donald -- President Trump, excuse me -- were able to turn over.

This isn't going to be final. They still have to go to the Senate and I wouldn't take this bill as is because the same fight we just saw between moderates and members of the Freedom Caucus and more extreme fiscal (ph) conservatives, it's going -- the exact same thing is going to happen in the Senate and it's not going to be a day at the beach.

But, I look forward to seeing President Trump put pressure on people one way or the other who would get in the way of getting this repealed and replaced because midterm elections are coming and if you say I promise to repeal and replace Obamacare and boom, I did it, I mean, the elections are going to be a pretty easy slam dunk.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, some of those people are playing little chicken with it saying, well, if you know you need the votes but you don't have it then I'll come forward. If not, I may stand back, you know, to cover their butts. He's going to remember who those people are, that's a bad, perilous position to be in. Juan.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I hope it covers mental illness because we're seeing a lot of it at the table tonight.



GUTFELD: Nicely done.

GUILFOYLE: Come on Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh, this is great. This is a victory for Trump. Let a dose of reality (INAUDIBLE) the doctor's prescription. This is a fraud it. This is a guy who didn't get anything done, no legislative accomplishment of the first 100 days, desperate for something that he can call a victory. He gets pressure on everybody from the Heritage Foundation --

MCCAIN: Then why are Democrats so hysterical today if nothing happened?

WILLIAMS: -- to the Senate, all the way to Paul Ryan and said you must do this. Reince Priebus pushing this like it's his life depending on it.

GUILFOYLE: Because it is.

WILLIAMS: But here are the details you have not heard about America -- uninsured, more uninsured people. Oh, I'm going to give you something that covers everybody. Better, oh no --

WATTERS: Better those who are people that don't want to sign up for insurance. If you're young and healthy you don't have to buy it because you're not mandated.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say it --

WATTERS: That's the truth --

WILLIAMS: What about this? If you're a senior in this country, so many older people voted for President Trump, guess what, now, you can be charged five times more for your medical coverage.

MCCAIN: What about my home state of --


WATTERS: What about the seniors who paid 116 percent more for their premiums --


WILLIAMS: What about Medicare? Medicare in hospitals now --

MCCAIN: Honestly, how dare you? My home state has been hit the hardest by far. No --

WILLIALMS: Hospitals are going to pay more for Medicare. What about before (ph), paying more for premiums and the doctor --

MCCAIN: I want Juan to go to Arizona. No, I want you to go to Arizona and say this.


MCCAIN: I want Juan to go to Arizona and talk to people that I know that are paying more than their mortgage for Obamacare premiums, a 126 percent, promised to take it out -- there were one insurance company in every county except one in my home state of Arizona. It's a disaster, why are you freaking out so much like nothing happened?

WILLIAMS: I'll tell you why. I'm just telling you this is a lie.

MCCAIN: You're freaking out and Democrats are freaking out because we know --


GUTFELD: Alright, everybody, deep breath. Everybody think of like a green pass through --

GUILFOYLE: All right.

GUTFELD: -- and frolicking with goats.

MCCAIN: It's my fault.

GUILFOYLE: Let me say something. Don't mess with McCain. I've told you once before, I told you again. Directly ahead, President Trump signs an executive order protecting religious liberty and the left is not happy about it, you saw Juan right. We'll have the details when we come right back.


WILLIAMS: As "The Five" previewed yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order today protecting religious liberties for Americans.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied, or silenced anymore. And we will never, ever stand for religious discrimination, never, ever. No American should be forced to choose between the dictates of the federal government and the tenets of their faith. This executive order directs the IRS not to unfairly target churches and religious organizations for political speech.


WILLIAMS: Strong words from the president. But guess what? Some on the right, the right, are criticizing the order for not going far enough and then of course some on the left are upset too. The ACLU saying they are monitoring the implementation of the order reserving the right to file a lawsuit.

Meghan, I'm surprised at the reaction from some on the right and the religious community. I was looking at "National Review." They said these directives are respectively meaningless, dangerous, and meaningless. I mean, I guess they wanted to drive home the point. Why is the right upset?

MCCAIN: I think cases like Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters of the Poor it shows that an executive order can only go so far. But you know, topics like these can be taken to court, it can actually go to the Supreme Court if it would get that far. And in the case of Little Sisters of the Poor, they actually ended up losing. So I think the argument from people that this is their number one issue is that this just doesn't go far enough.

I will (INAUDIBLE) tangled a bit in the last segment. I will say one thing that I don't like about this is, Republicans were very hard on President Obama for governing by executive order as a whole. And I think we're getting to a place where President Trump is doing a lot of executive orders and I don't necessarily like the president because I like governing by legislation and getting bipartisan support. But for his hard core supporters on the right that this is their number one issue, this is a victory for them.

WILLIAMS: So Jesse, a lot of people know about the Johnson Amendment because President Trump spoke so effectively against it during the campaign, that amendment or law basically says that a church cannot become involved in political activity, can't endorse a candidate. But this doesn't undo that.

MCCAIN: Or contribute.

WATTERS: I don't know if it completely doesn't undo it. What I think happened here is these people that support Donald Trump on the religious right they have very noble and genuine feelings about the government's role and how it should not be too intrusive in the church's life. Do I feel that President Trump is the most devout Christian president we've ever had? Absently not.

I don't want to see the president get bogged down and dragged into these social issue fights on abortion and on gay rights because he's not a traditional Republican politician. He's not an ideologue. He's kind --

MCCAIN: Like Mike Pence is.

WATTERS: Yes, Mike Pence. And what I think happened here is that that people came to Pence, and say hey, Pence, you know, it's National (INAUDIBLE) Day, let's go to the president out there and do something. He does it, signs the executive order. It might get tied up for a while in the court, who knows?

It's a good thing, we want a president that respects Christianity and religion, but you know, I don't know if the president's hearts truly in this one. He looks like he's there to create jobs.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think you're giving them enough credit. I think this is something for an even conversation I've had with him that he wanted to do, that he said he was committed to do. He's following through on it. So, I think he's checked a very important box here.

And this is significant because this prevents the IRS from selectively enforcing the Johnson Amendment and this is a big issue for religious liberty and freedom because before it was very arbitrary and capricious in terms of who was being chosen and pinpointed depending on their political ideology.

WILLIAMS: I don't think there are very many cases of that at all, Kimberly. I don't think of a case where a minister has been prosecuted on this front (ph).

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, prosecuted, targeted or investigated.

WILLIAMS: I don't see it.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's just wrong, that's incorrect.

WILLIAMS: I think that's right.

GUILFOYLE: Based on the basis of their political speech, and you shouldn't have that.

WILLIAMS: Well, it's against the law to endorse or contribute from the pulpit to any candidate but, Greg, I'm just going a point that the polls show -- I think it's like two-thirds of Americans think that churches, religious institutions shouldn't be involved in politics.

GUTFELD: This is -- symbolism and sentiment is very confusing to me because this doesn't do anything. It doesn't repeal or overturn the Johnson Amendment. It doesn't have any effect on regulations on the books. A church still cannot support a candidate, and if it does you lose your tax exempt status. So you have a choice.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it targets contraception mandate.

GUTFELD: Well, that's not going to have -- it's not going to have an effect. If you violate a law, you violate a law. The point is this, you either have your tax exempt status and don't talk politics or you talk politics and you don't have your tax exempt status. It's as clear as that.

And remember, he also mentions imams as well. So remember, it is all religions that are protected. So you have to ask yourself, are there certain practices and certain behavioral prohibitions that you don't like and that all of a sudden when you say it's OK for your religious leader to talk about politics, so can they.

And if you don't like their politics and not -- you may not want women to drive, you know. They may want burqas. They may want the things that you don't want. What are you going to do then? You've got to keep this stuff separate, that's the point.

GUILFOYLE: But you have to do what he did and you also then have to let HHS repeal the mandate. That's the best way to do it in terms --

GUTFELD: Yes, that's what is symbolic.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, contraception coverage, et cetera.

GUTFELD: Nothing else.

WILLIAMS: This is symbolic? Well, you know what, I think this one may end up biting someone on the keister. Up next, some celebrities are blaming President Trump for their health problems. My man Greg will tell you what that's all about, straight ahead.


GUTFELD: It's true, there's another man in your marriage: It's President Trump. A Wakefield Research surveys finds that 22 percent of Americans know a couple whose relationship was harmed by President Trump's election. Something tells me that there might have been other things wrong before Trump came along. But why not blame him? We blame him for everything else -- take our celebrities.

Some have gained weight, others have lost it and some are losing their teeth because of Trump. Chrissy Teigen, a famous person, just tweeted that she needed to have a tooth shaved down from grinding due to anxiety caused by Trump. She also got Botox injected into her jaw -- much like a Jesse.

Now, I commend her for her honesty and I believe her. See, for many people, "Trump hate" is an all or nothing proposition. He's either a monster or you're wrong about him being a monster, which creates unnecessary certainty in your brain. It's also such an emotional commitment to carry around -- so much anger and so much bitter baggage. It takes up a lot of space in your head to hate someone.

It's why the best prescription to reduce anxiety is to reject extreme positions. Nothing is as bad as you think, nothing is as great either. Life is usually right in the middle pleasing you and disappointing you at the same time.

So we all need to lighten up. This "Trump effect" can be debilitating. I may list is as a pre-existing condition.

WATTERS: We have one minute for everybody total, total, total. Kimberly married to a Democrat, clearly was --

GUILFOYLE: Well, not anymore.



GUILFOYLE: I am here. Can't you tell?

GUTFELD: People get to put politics in a box and put it under the bed when they're dealing with life and love.

GUILFOYLE: Whatever you need to put under the bed.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's OK. You can have people with different opinions and it actually opens your mind. This is the people that freak out and wants safe spaces on college campuses. Handle a little diversity and perhaps even a little adversity in your life.

GUTFELD: Alright, we got to lighten up. Right Meghan, and isn't that the lesson. We all should lighten up.

MCCAIN: Oh no, I like that celebrities are grinding their teeth and having anxiety, that's payback baby, have fun. You know how I felt on the Obama years.

GUTFELD: There you go. Jesse.

WATTERS: I mean I love how the left reacts. I mean, they moved to Canada, they burn things and riot, they seek safe spaces. What I find funny is that when multimillionaire celebrities say they are stressed out. You know what stress is to real people? You know, losing your job, not being able to afford food, so let's keep perspective.


WILLIAMS: I hear that people are stopping dating across political lines I think that's crazy.


WILLIAMS: But they're doing it. And of course, Greg, you said may be a pre-existing condition, tonight you are in tough luck, buddy.


GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: And you produce --

GUTFELD: "One More Thing" everybody, up next.


WATTERS: Alright, it's time now for "One More Thing." KG.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you. It's time for Kimberly's fashion reviews. Oh yes, we're working on that. OK, so this may out do the dirty jeans. Remember the dirty pants were supposedly it's cool to come in fashion and have these dirty jeans with mud on would pay a lot of money, those are $425. Well, for $1,425 you can own a pair of destroyed sneakers and look like Big Bird because they're yellow.

Maison Margiela is currently selling them. They're called "Destroyed Sneakers" literally at Neiman Marcus. They called it the future destroyed high top sneakers. It's very fancy. It comes with torn pieces of leather that your dog could eat for cheaper at home, so I don't know. Are you into it, Greg? I think --

GUTFELD: I could live in that.

WATTERS: Way to go Greg.

GUTFELD: I lived in a shoe. Let's go.

GUILFOYLE: Perfect size for you.

GUTFELD: Greg's Sheep and Cat news featuring the latest news in sheep and cats. It's a battle for the ages America, in a barn. Two of the most hated rivals, a goat and a cat, I'm sorry, I sheep and the cat. The sheep being bullied constantly by the cat, constantly he doesn't know what to do. It's a tiny black animal. He doesn't understand it. Why is it up there? This goes on for hours. We had to edit it.

GUILFOYLE: Filmed in Afghanistan

GUTFELD: I have no idea.

WILLIAMS: He got him.

GUTFELD: You don't mess with the sheep. That's always been my motto when I've been at the farm. They'll hit you.

WATTERS: No, we don't need to know that.


GUTFELD: You guys make me sick.

WATTERS: What happens at the farm, stats at the farm.

GUTFELD: I'm out of here.

WATTERS: All right, "Star Wars" day was today.

GUILFOYLE: Get a lawyer.

WATTERS: I don't know why but for some reasons. So, I went to a "Star Wars" convention, here's a sneak peek.


WATTERS: What are we going to do about Vladimir Putin?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let him be him. We need to deal with us. We have problems here before we can deal with other people's problems.

WATTERS: America first.


WATTERS: The Syria situation is getting pretty messy. What do you think we should do about that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Seriously. What was your question?


WATTERS: What do you think we should do about Syria?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not my part of the galaxy.


WATTERS: Alright, see that at "Watters World" 8:00, Saturday night. What do we have Juan?

WILLIAMS: So, guess what? I took a trip down memory lane. I went back to my high school this week, Oakwood Friends in Poughkeepsie, New York. Forty- five years ago I graduated under that tree, president of the student body. Here I am in the gym where I played. I was the captain of our '72 championship basketball team.

And also, I was in Washington this week with the Urban League. I spoke at their Washington meeting. Here I am speaking. I was with Mark Morreale, the president of the Urban League. I was especially thrilled at this event because they had all three African-American sitting senators, Cory Booker from New Jersey, Camilla Harris, California, Tim Scott, California.

WATTERS: Alright Meghan.

MCCAIN: OK, mine, there is a cute little video on the internet of a little girl who had her leg amputated as a child and she is showing off to her friends her new blade leg that she can dance to. She lives in Birmingham, England. It's a feel-good story on the internet today.

WILLIAMS: Tim Scott, South Carolina.

WATTERS: I say if you want to never miss an episode of "The Five," don't forget to set your DVR. "Hannity" is next.

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