
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 23, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And welcome to "Hannity." And tonight, Donald Trump reshapes for the White House with a blistering speech exposing rival Hillary Clinton's numerous ongoing scandals.

Now, here are some of the highlights from Donald Trump's major address.


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the United States.  She ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund, doing favors for oppressive regimes, and many others, and really many, many others in exchange for cash, pure and simple, folks. Hillary Clinton -- and as you know she -- most people know she's a world class liar.

She believes she's entitled to the office. Her campaign slogan is "I'm with her." You know what my response is to that? I'm with you, the American people.



HANNITY: Joining us now is 2016 presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump. Mr. Trump, welcome back. Good to see you.

TRUMP: Thank you very much, Sean.

HANNITY: Hard-hitting speech, "personal hedge fund, "may be the corrupt person ever to seek the office of the presidency," "world class liar" -- you went case and point by point. The reaction has been very positive among those that say, finally, a Republican candidate is willing to say this about the Clintons.

What's the feedback you've gotten?

TRUMP: Well, we had great reviews. It's been amazing, actually. I've done a lot of speeches and I've gotten some very good reviews, but this one got very -- really great reviews. People liked it. I think they liked the tone. They liked a lot of things about it. They liked what I said, and they know it's true.

Although, CNN, as you know, you probably saw they got caught trying to say that a couple points weren't correct, but it turned out that they very correct, in fact, more correct than I even knew. So that was pretty embarrassing for CNN right now. They have egg on their face.

But you people covered it very accurately.

HANNITY: Yes, you know, you did also -- we've talked a lot about immigration and the refugee crisis. You were even correct in saying Hillary Clinton wants a 550 percent increase in the number of refugees coming into the country. The list has had now gotten longer. Our CIA director, our FBI director, our assistant FBI director, our former envoy to defeat ISIS, our national director of intelligence, our House Homeland Security Chairman have all said ISIS will literally infiltrate that population. We saw it in Paris and we saw it in Belgium.

Why is Hillary willing to gamble with the lives of the American people, and do you think this will be at the forefront of voters' minds in November?

TRUMP: Well, number one, it's a question you have to ask her, why somebody would do this. It's the Trojan horse. And frankly, these people are coming in, and some of them are bad. We have no idea where they come from, who they are. They're not properly vetted.

You know, a lot of the people that are on your show and a lot of other shows, and you know, a lot of newspapers -- I'm reading all over the place, is you really can't vet them. I mean, they don't know anything about them.  They have no paperwork, in some cases. And they're pouring into the country. We have no idea.

So you see what happened last weekend, how disastrous that was, and you see the -- in Orlando. And you see what's going on, and that was one person.  We have thousands of people coming in.

And boy, I'll tell you what. We're being set up for something that's not going to be good. It's not going to end well, that I can tell you.

HANNITY: Well, I don't think it's going to end well. And the people that are allowing this to happen, in the end, if somebody's killed, I would argue would have blood on their hands because they're not listening to our intelligence officials. You clearly are.

I want to ask you about this. All this money -- you mentioned $153 million giving speeches to lobbyists, CEOs, foreign governments. By the way, over a thousand foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and elsewhere.

Here's my question. When she gives a speech to a Wall Street firm or a big bank or a financial institution, insurance company, or a foreign government, do you think she's compromised at that point?

TRUMP: She's compromised, and in fact, she's totally compromised. And I can imagine what the speeches say. But for some reason -- you know, Bernie Sanders has been trying to get these speeches now for six months. He can't get them. And she for some reason won't let them out. I don't know what's in those speeches that can be so bad, but she won't let them out.

We'll probably shame her in letting them out. Just like, you know, when I was hitting her on radical Islamic terror and talking about the term "radical Islam," she said, all of a sudden, I guess you saw it two or three weeks ago, I will mention it, I will mention it. I don't think she's mentioned it yet, but she will. We shamed her into that. I think we're probably shame her into giving whatever she said, but for whatever reason, she doesn't want to give those speeches.

And I don't know. There's something going on there because Bernie Sanders could not over a long period of time get her to give the speeches. And he wanted them very badly.

But she made a fortune with this stuff. And what's the purpose of it?  What are people getting for it? And you look at it, and there's something very strange. The whole thing is very strange. Frankly, she's very strange.


HANNITY: OK. And I don't disagree with you, but let me ask you this question. One of the things that came out this week by the Media Research Center is they actually compared the media coverage of both you and Hillary Clinton. There's tremendous bias that they've been able to document.

One of the things you brought up in your speech, you said her decisions have spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched. And then you pointed out since 2009, since she was sworn in, it's a very different world. Then you talked about Libya. You talked about Iran.

TRUMP: Right.

HANNITY: You talked about Iraq. You talked about pretty much every corner of the world, the Russian reset, China. Can you point to a single instance where you would say she is successful? Is there anything that you could point to?

TRUMP: No. Well, they say Usama bin Laden, but if you were sitting there, or if a 10-year-old were sitting in the chair, frankly, and they said, We have a chance to get him -- you know, the military did a good job, and then went in there and they got him. And you know, I mean, that's about the only thing they can talk about.

And frankly, anybody would have made the same decision. Who wouldn't have made the decision? They walk in, they say they have him. Now, the question is, do you bomb him out, or do you go in and get him. I guess the third is leave him alone. So nobody's going to say that.

So it's a question of one of the two. So I think it's -- you know, look, I just give them credit for that, but I can't give them much because I think anybody sitting in that position would have said it. And maybe you would have had him a long time ago.

You know, he was in Pakistan. We give tremendous amounts of money to Pakistan. Why is he in Pakistan? They certainly knew about it. Why aren't they telling us about the fact that he's been there probably for many years? Why don't they tell us?

So you know, you could say, why didn't we get him a long time ago? But that would be the only thing.

I think she's done nothing well, and certainly, the president has done very little well. I mean, you look at the Iran deal. You look at where we are.  Look at the world today. The Middle East is just a mess, what's happened over there. And...

HANNITY: Well, let me focus on...

TRUMP: And he may not have started it, but boy, did he did a poor job of trying to get out of Iraq, you know, by not leaving some behind.

HANNITY: But we...

TRUMP: I didn't even want to go into Iraq in the first place, but by not leaving some behind, just to keep it a little bit stable -- it's a mess anyway, but the way he got out of there, Sean, was disgraceful.

HANNITY: Well, I mean, we did have Mosul and Ramadi and Fallujah and Tikrit under control. And George W. Bush warned, Don't leave too early, you're going to lose it. It created a vacuum for ISIS to take control with the financial resources of oil.

The last number of nights on the program, I've been really focused in on the money she has been taking. Now, she claims she's the great champion of women's rights. She's the great champion of gay and lesbian rights, LGBT rights. She claims that she's for religious freedom.

But I'll put up on the side screen here, if you look at Saudi Arabia, where gays can be executed and women are told what to wear and they can't drive a car and men decide if they go to school or work, well, up to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, $10 million to the Clinton library. And then you've got Kuwait, and the UAE, and you've got Brunei and you got Qatar and you got Oman.

What is your reaction -- she seems to have -- with her policies with oil, she certainly is not making America energy independent. She doesn't want coal. She doesn't want fracking. She doesn't want drilling.

And secondly, she's never criticized these countries that have given her all of this money that oppress women, gays, lesbian, Christians and Jews.  You can't build a temple or a Christian church there.

What is your reaction to that, and what do you say to women's groups and those that have attacked you on the issue of women, for supporting her for taking this money?

TRUMP: First of all, she should give the money back. It's tens of millions of dollars. She should give the money back. She shouldn't be allowed to take the money. It's ridiculous.

And then as far as women, some of these countries -- you know, they literally call it -- they enslave women. I mean, they want to enslave women. And the LGBT community and the gay community is -- I mean, they kill gays. They kill them. They push them off buildings. They throw them off the roofs of buildings, and she's taking money from them.

Not only that, but she's letting them come into our country, OK? You know, it's a double. She taking massive amounts of money, they but come into our country at a rate that's far greater Obama is allowing them. You know, she wants many more to come into than Obama's allow, and he's already breaking records.

So we have a situation that is going to end in a very, very disastrous way, in my opinion. She should give back the money. And how can women endorse somebody that's not only taking money, but also allowing people to come into our country from these various places that believe in sharia, that -- that you know, believe in what they believe over there...

HANNITY: But don't you believe...

TRUMP: ... because what's happening now -- go ahead.

HANNITY: If you grow up under sharia, aren't those the values the antithesis of our great republic? In other words, if you grow up thinking you can tell women how to dress and that they can't drive a car -- you know, how do we ascertain -- is it even possible to ascertain whether or you come here because you want freedom and you want to leave oppression, or do you want to come here and proselytize and indoctrinate and create a theocracy here? How do you ever ascertain that?

TRUMP: Well, I said in my speech yesterday we want to take people in this country, and we do. I want people to come and I want people to come in in tremendous ways, but they have to come in legally. But they have to love our country. They have to really just love what we stand for and what we represent.

And a lot of the people coming in -- I mean, if they're into the world of sharia, you're talking about from a different planet. Now, the way they feel about women, the way they feel about gays, the way they feel about what we stand for -- and we're taking in thousands and thousands of people -- not a good situation.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this. We saw the tragedy, the terror attack in Orlando. We saw San Bernardino. We saw Brussels. We saw Paris. We saw Chattanooga. We saw what happened in Boston.

So there's been this mysterious reluctance and resistance to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" by both the president and Hillary Clinton. So my question to you is this -- so now we have this attack. They put out the 911 transcripts, and it's, I pledge allegiance to redacted, I pledge allegiance to redacted, may God -- and I would bet any amount of money it really said Allah -- protect them on behalf of redacted.

And then our attorney general's answer is, Well, our most effective response to terror and to hatred is unity, compassion and love. Is that the answer to radical Islam?

TRUMP: Well, that was a whole big thing. Now, as you know, they were forced to put it out because the public went wild on this one and they were forced to put out, I guess, whatever he said.

Look, this is a maniac. This is somebody that comes from a different planet, as far as we're concerned. It's a shame there wasn't somebody in there, a guard or somebody, maybe an employee, that had a gun so they could have done something he killed all these people, and wounded so badly so many people. But it's really too bad that an employee, a guard, or somebody didn't have a gun, where they could -- you know, the bullets could have gone the other way.

But what a horrible situation. And you know, to think -- to think that we're living in a time like this, where people can't go to a club or they can't get into an airplane or they can't do anything like it used to be -- but we're going to bring back strength. We're going to bring back toughness. We're going to bring back vigilance.

You know, I'm saying we're going to make America great again, Sean. That's what we have to do. This is horrible, the way we're all living. And this is a worldwide problem that's being unleashed by weak leadership.

HANNITY: All right, stay right there. We'll have more with Mr. Trump right after the break.

And then later -- Hillary Clinton should be pretty rattled after Donald Trump's speech yesterday. Peter Johnson, Jr., Judge Jeanine Pirro -- they're here tonight with reaction.

And also tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No fly, no buy! No fly, no buy!


HANNITY: We'll ask Donald Trump and Louie Gohmert about Louie's confrontation with Democrats during their politically motivated sit-in last night.

We'll talk more about that and more tonight as "Hannity" continues.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The chair wishes to make an announcement regarding the decorum in the House chamber. The chair appreciates that members will differ on matters of policy and will seek to express those differences.  But the chair would hope that the business of the House could be conducted in a fashion that respects (sic) positively on the dignity and the decorum of this institution to which we all belong.


HANNITY: All right, that was madness on the House floor last night. We'll have more with Louie Gohmert in just a few minutes

But we continue now with 2016 Republican presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Did you watch that last night? And if you did, your thoughts.

TRUMP: I did. Oh, it's a shame. I've never seen anything like it in this country. I've never seen anything like what I saw last night.

And you know, they got to go out and win elections. Right now, they're not winning the elections, so they figure we'll protest. It's too bad. I think it's a shame. It's a shame there's not more unity.

And you remember and I remember not so long ago, when Democrats and Republicans sort of got together a little bit at least, right? And in some cases a lot. Reagan...



TRUMP: ... President Reagan, and -- you know, they got along, the president and Tip O'Neill and they got along and they could get things done. Today, it's not that way. But that's a shame, when you see that, very sad.

HANNITY: Yes. Four-four Supreme Court decision, a defining issue for you, which is immigration, upholds a lower court ruling that the president acted illegally, unconstitutionally with executive order, something he himself said he didn't have the authority to do. He said it some 20-some-odd times.

It also was part of your speech yesterday. You talked about a letter from a mother of a slain policeman. We actually have pictures of this guy. You were criticized when you first said that people crossed the borders, they were guilty of rape and murder, some of them. You said not all of them.

Does this highlight the need for that border wall? And do you think you can get this done with Republicans?

TRUMP: Oh, I do, absolutely. I think that it was a great victory, really, for the Constitution, if you look at what happened. I mean, this was an amazing day for the Constitution. It was certainly a bad day for Obama.  And we'll see how it all plays out.

But it just shows you how important the election is because if the wrong person gets in, the wrong person's going to put the wrong justice of the Supreme Court in there, and you're going to have -- a 4-4's going to go to a 5-4 decision against. And this is just one. This is on immigration, and this was really -- I mean, he had an open-door policy, just walk across, do whatever you want, stay and enjoy your life.

And our country is in trouble. I mean, this is costing us a fortune. The whole immigration mess is costing us a fortune as a country. And we want to be good to people, but we want people to come into our country legally, not just walk across and they're here. Welcome to the United States. We can't do that.

So we owe $19 trillion, going to $21 trillion very shortly because of the budgets that were passed. And we can't let this happen. This was a big victory today. And it really is going to highlight how important the presidential election coming up is going to be.

HANNITY: Where are you in the process and in terms of vetting people for high positions, should you win the presidency, especially vice president?

TRUMP: Well, I think I'm pretty -- I think I'm pretty far down the line.  I've got some wonderful people for wonderful positions that I think about that I know like it. Many, many people want to be vice president. It's very interesting. I'm getting calls from people, I want to be, I want to be, you know, top-of-the-line people, people that are on your show a lot.  We're getting calls from a lot of people.

We have some terrific potential candidates for vice president. The only people that say that don't want it are the people that were never asked.  They're always saying, Well, we've decided to turn it down, but there's nothing to turn down because they were never asked.

But we have many people that want that position. And I will say we have some incredibly talented people that will be put in cabinet positions and other positions. You'll be very proud of it.

HANNITY: All right, let me ask -- this is a pretty interesting Bloomberg poll, that only 55 percent of Bernie supporters will support Hillary, 22 percent will go to you. As you look at -- look, we could look at the national polls until we're blue in the face, but it's really going to come down to -- and right now, the polls have you very even in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, but it also means North Carolina, Virginia, maybe a state like New Jersey, maybe Michigan, maybe Wisconsin, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada.

It always seems to come down to that. And it seems that it's much harder for a Republican to get those electoral votes because -- look at the big prize, for example, in California. As you look at the map, you keep saying you're going to run a 50-state campaign. Does that mean you're going to try and win all 50 states?

TRUMP: No. We're going to run a campaign that a lot of states that were never traditionally in play for a Republican are going to be -- I think we have a chance to get them, including Connecticut. Look at the polls in Connecticut. They look very good. And no Republican would go there and campaign. I love Connecticut. I've lived in Connecticut. And it's a great place. And it's got big problems.

So I mean, we're going to run a campaign that a lot of states are going to be in play that would not be in play for other people that we've beaten in the primaries. I will say, as an example, Michigan. I'm doing very well in Michigan. We're doing very well in New Jersey. The polls in New Jersey look fantastic. You saw today North Carolina. I'm up 2 in North Carolina.

And that's being hammered by the press. I mean, I've been hammered by the press very unfairly for weeks. And they are just hammering Trump. I mean, you look at CNN today, where they put out false reports, and...

HANNITY: By the way, that's not unusual. Just a side note.

TRUMP: No, it's not. No, no. I've heard this for years. I never thought it would be as dishonest as it is. I mean, the mainstream media just hammers me, you know, as...


HANNITY: They actually aired a tape of how many breaths you took this morning. I'm, like, really? That's -- you know, are they going to do that to Hillary? Are they going to look into Hillary's, you know, money that she took from all these countries and didn't criticize them, that have atrocious human rights works? I don't see a lot of investigative work over there on that side of the aisle.

TRUMP: No, it's very unfair. I mean, I'm just telling you. Look, I don't mind -- if I do something wrong, let me have it. But you know, to be -- I'll have days which are so good, and I'll say, I look forward to seeing what happens tomorrow because that should be a very good day, and they will take things that are so good and they'll skew them and turn them, like CNN did with its -- you know, with its reporting from yesterday, where facts were skewed the wrong way by them.


TRUMP: And you know, I will tell you, we're doing so well in the polls.  You see even the national polls, we're very close. But in these key states, and in certain states that really weren't -- and forget about even the key states, we're doing well there, but states that are never in play for Republicans, we're really doing unbelievably well there.

So I think we're going to have a very, very good time of it. I think we're going to do well in November and I think we're going to win in November.  But we will see what happens, but I think we're going to do really well.

HANNITY: All right, Mr. Trump. Thank you for being with us. Appreciate it.

TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you.

HANNITY: When we come back, we'll have reaction to our interview with Donald Trump. Peter Johnson, Jr., Judge Jeanine Pirro -- they'll join us.

And also later tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you always told the truth?


We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video.


HANNITY: The Trump campaign rolls out a new attack ad on their brand-new Web site about LyingcrookedHillary.com. Geraldo Rivera, Bo Dietl will way in.

And also tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No fly, no buy! No fly, no buy! No fly, no buy!

HANNITY: Republican congressman Louie Gohmert confronts radical Democrats on the House floor during their publicity stunt last night. The Texas congressman will check in with us and much more straight ahead.


HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." So it's clear that Donald Trump is resetting, refocusing his campaign. Joining us now with reaction, FOX News legal analyst Peter Johnson, Jr., the host of "Justice," Judge Jeanine Pirro. How are you?

Two things came out this week that I think are transformative for the campaign. They started a rapid response. All of a sudden, all these e- mails about Hillary started coming in, and also defending the facts in the speech, which turned out to be accurate, although other networks have portrayed it otherwise. Also very disciplined speech that he gave. How important is this for him as he moves forward?

JEANINE PIRRO, "JUSTICE" HOST: It's crucial, Sean, now that he's in a general election mode. Look, Donald was Donald, and he got in the primaries. He is the presumed nominee. But right now, people, especially those in the middle, want to know that this is a man who is different from the way Hillary is identifying him.

And so what you see now is a more sophisticated campaign. You see a calmer Donald Trump. You know, I've known him, you know that. He's a hoot. But at this point...

HANNITY: I loved the pitch, the tone, the tenor, the cadence of that speech.

PIRRO: Everything about that -- everything about that, presidential.

HANNITY: It's obvious, Peter, what the Democratic strategy is. They don't want to run on issues. Hillary can't run on her record of supporting Obama on everything. I can't -- I don't think there's one foreign policy success she can point to. So it's -- the only thing she has is the temperament.  Oh, Donald Trump doesn't have the temperament. He can't fall into that trap, can he.

PETER JOHNSON, JR., FOX LEGAL ANALYST: No, he cannot. They want to run on conspiracy and they want to run on phony character attacks. And what we saw out of Trump was a refreshing speech and really well received. He was disciplined. He was on message. He was funny at times in terms of being witty.

HANNITY: Hard-hitting.

JOHNSON: But it was articulate. It was hard-hitting. It was fact-based that will be deconstructed by the mainstream media, but very fact-based.  So in some ways, a new Trump.

He's got to keep the old Trump to some extent with big rallies, with going out and meeting the folks and being with the people and saying, as he said the other day, The difference is, I'm with you.

HANNITY: But he advanced his narrative. His narrative is Hillary is crooked. Hillary is corrupt.

PIRRO: And you know what he did, Sean? It was like a criminal case.  Here's my conclusion. This is what I'm going to prove to you. Whether he's -- first of all, he established that the woman has no credibility, that she is, as he called it, a world class liar. And then he went to every point -- security, immigration, the economy.

And you know what I love? He talked about the infrastructure, how our roads are rotten, the infrastructure is a mess, the bridges. And then you compare it to what happened with Obama and the shovel-ready jobs. He's as specific now, backing up his claims. And I think if they criticize this they're looking for something other than --

HANNITY: If you break it down, I would say it this way, he also -- while he was deconstructing, he also was -- this is becoming a choice election.  Wall, no wall. Conservative justices, liberal justices. Some discipline to the economy, lower taxes, energy independence, education back to the states. How to deal with ISIS, identify the enemy for who they are, not taking refugees if you can't vet them. There's so much --

PETER JOHNSON JR., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: And it's going to require another pivot. He's pivoted one way. It's going to retire another pivot.

HANNITY: What's that?

JOHNSON: He will overcome this character and conspiracy nonsense that's going to be thrown at him, but at the same time he's going to articulate a message of positive change.

HANNITY: But didn't he do that?

JOHNSON: He has, but I think he'll do it with more specifics going forward. He's saying, OK, let's get Hillary out of the way in terms of who she is and who I am. And now the next step is, I'm going to tell you based on who I am what I can do. That's not the Clinton that --

HANNITY: And then in the end, Peter, it becomes not only a choice election, but it becomes about jobs. It becomes about the economy, peace and prosperity.

PIRRO: You know what, when she ran for Senate in New York, the first thing she said was I'm bringing back to 200,000 to upstate New York. None of that happened. In that case, they were net loss after she became a senator. And $6 billion is missing from the State Department during her term. No one is talking about it. The woman is corrupt. And he has to keep hitting that but also talking about his successes. And they can say whatever they want, the man is a success.

HANNITY: What states does he put in play, Peter, that maybe other Republican candidates could not have --

JOHNSON: He mentioned Connecticut. I thought that was an interesting state that he mentioned. I agree with him. I think he might do better in New York than some people might suspect.

HANNITY: Wouldn't New Jersey be easier?

JOHNSON: New Jersey absolutely with Chris Christie and with a lot people who like him naturally. And what we saw in Congress yesterday with the chaos, the bedlam, the disrespect for the rule of law, that is playing into Trump's hands, because a lot of the American people are saying we don't need this John Lennon, Yoko Ono love in in Congress. We don't need a street rally.

HANNITY: That's the Democratic Party of Obama and Hillary. It's been radicalized.

PIRRO: They love that sit-in stuff. A man on the street today, they were in love with it.

HANNITY: Good to see you both.

JOHNSON: Good to see you, thank you.

HANNITY: And coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity" --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you always told the truth?

CLINTON: I've always tried to.

(MUSIC)  CLINTON: We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video.


HANNITY: The Trump campaign unveils a brand-new ad on their brand-new Web site LyingCrookedHillary.com. Geraldo and Bo Dietl coming up next.

And later tonight --




HANNITY: Speaking of the bedlam and the chaos on the House floor last night, Congressman Louie Gohmert, he unloaded on Democrats during that stunt last night. He will join us coming up later, and we'll talk to him straight ahead.


PATRICIA STARK, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: This is a Fox News alert. I'm Patricia Stark.

The world is anxiously awaiting to learn the fate of the United Kingdom.  Right now it's still too early to know whether folks in the U.K. have voted to pull out of the European Union, but the first tally show the remain and leave sides locked in a virtual tie. According to our sister station Sky News, the leave camp is holding on to a razor thin lead.   The historic referendum has created a bitter divide within the country, one that could cost British Prime Minister David Cameron his job. Cameron has led the charge to stay in the EU and some say if he loses he'll be forced to step down. But now we're learning that dozens of lawmakers who voted to leave signed a letter urging Cameron to remain at his post regardless of which side wins.   Stick with us here on the Fox News Channel for continuing coverage of the U.K. Referendum. I'm Patricia Stark. And now back to "Hannity."

HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So the Trump campaign unveiled its' brand new website LyingCrookedHillarycam.com, and is not rolling out a series of videos that exposed Clinton's scandals. Here's the first one on Benghazi. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you always told the truth?

CLINTON: I've always tried to.


CLINTON: We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The next day, within 24 hours you had a conversation with the Egyptian prime minister. You told him this, "We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack."

TRUMP: And to think she has a shot at being our president, crooked Hillary Clinton, we can't let it happen.


HANNITY: Here with reaction are former NYPD detective, Fox News contributor, Bo Dietl, Fox News senior correspondent Geraldo Rivera. This is devastating because simultaneously she's telling us that it's a YouTube video and spontaneous, but she's telling her own daughter, the Libyan president, the Egyptian prime minister it's terror. She's just a liar.

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Before I give you my take on that, I have to say, Bo and I were honored to be there last night, Building Homes for Heroes. You were the man of the year, the honoree.

HANNITY: Thank you, guys, for coming out.

BO DIETL, FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE: A lot of people don't know what Sean does.

RIVERA: Extremely generous man.

DIETL: A very generous man.

RIVERA: Extremely generous man.

HANNITY: I hate this part. Let's go to the --

RIVERA: I think, and I mean this out of love, Trump is like a shark. He's got to keep moving or he sinks. What happened with that speech is he was moving and at his best, because he was taking the attention off himself.  And he had a terrible couple of weeks leading up to yesterday and he put it on Hillary Clinton. Now, you can quibble with the substance of that Benghazi ad, but --

HANNITY: Not with the substance. The substance is accurate.

RIVERA: The substance maybe, but I, as you know, prefer an attack rather on the fact that she lost the Middle East to the west. She fractured Middle Eastern society by uprooting Gadhafi and being in support of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. I prefer the big picture. But clearly there is vulnerability on Benghazi. But my point is that the tactic of attacking Hillary Clinton is the only way Donald wins the White House.

DIETL: And again, there's another part of the ad there that we didn't see.  The other part was when she's speaking to the family of one of the loved ones who died in Benghazi and she's lying right to their face. My whole thing with this also, with Libya now is, that's the heart of ISIS right now. And the things that she did, every turn she did was wrong, even what would happen with Russia. Russia got stronger because of things she did.  The bottom line is, it's for people to watch all the facts. You don't like Donald Trump -- one thing about Donald Trump is he'll say a lot of things, but you got to listen to what he's got to say, because he's very successful in a lot of things --

HANNITY: But that speech when he said her decisions have spread death, destruction, terrorism everywhere she touches. And then he laid it out.  Libya, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. Iraq. Iran. Syria.

DIETL: Every aspect -- I talked to him on Tuesday night. I was with him at la cirque Tuesday night and we had a little fast talk together. He said wait till morning, Bo, listen to my speech. And I tell you what, the best speech he's done since he ran.

HANNITY: I think if he kept this speech -- I got a copy right here -- as his narrative and maybe just fine tuned a few things, especially his positive agenda and solutions --

DIETL: You've also got to clear up also the thing with Mexico. You've got to let Mexicans understand --

HANNITY: You're about to set him off. Here we go.

RIVERA: I'm in, I'm in. You asked me last night, when am I going to come out for Donald. I think you ask me every time we're together and we're together a lot. My wife said she likes our bromance, the three of us, and the tall tales we tell.

But my point is he has to stay on the attack on Hillary, and on these other issues. It is unnecessary and I think he's already started to modify his position on the Muslim ban. At my suggestion, it's not the religion that's being banned, it's the region.


HANNITY: It's sharia that should be banned.

DIETL: Wait a second. It's very simple. When you say something like what he said, we should ban everybody until we know who the hell is coming into the country.


DIETL: You could have terrorists coming from Paris. I'm saying ban everyone till we know.


HANNITY: If you grow under sharia, it's contrary to our democratic republic values.

RIVERA: Now what happened in the United States Supreme Court today? The United States Supreme Court refused to reverse the fifth circuit decision saying that President Obama exceeded his executive authority on immigration. Now is the time for Trump to say "As president I will be humane, I will be compassionate, and of course I didn't mean" --

DIETL: You don't know Donald Trump that well.


DIETL: Donald Trump, he's like -- when did you ever Obama say, I'm sorry or I said something wrong?

RIVERA: He doesn't have to apologize. He has to modify --

DIETL: Come to the good side, Geraldo.

HANNITY: I tell you what we're going to do.

RIVERA: You'll be fewer and a loser.

HANNITY: Somebody last night suggested Bo and I go on tour, the BS tour.  (LAUGHTER)

HANNITY: The BSG tour. We've got to take this show on the road.

DIETL: The way you golf, you got a dirty ball --

HANNITY: OK, you're the only person that gets a 12 on a par three and says "Put me down for a five."


DIETL: And when you hit the ball it's in the cabbage patch.



HANNITY: When we come back, this is next on "Hannity."




HANNITY: Congressman Louie Gohmert late last night getting in a heated debate with Democrats and their political stunt. It's sort of like Occupy Democratic Party on the House floor. The Texas congressman is next to talk about it straight ahead.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The chair wishes to make an announcement regarding the decorum in the House chamber. The chair appreciates that members will differ on matters of policy and will seek to express those differences.  But the chair would hope that the business of the House to be conducted in a fashion that respects positively on the dignity and decorum of this institution to which we all belong.



HANNITY: All right, that was the Occupy Wall Street House Democrats creating chaos on the House floor last night. Joining us now is the man you just saw, Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert. Doesn't this really represent, though, the new Democratic Party, the Obama party of Frank Marshall Davis, Alinsky, ACORN, Reverend Wright, Ayers and Dohrn, and Hillary Clinton? Is there any moderate Democrat that exists or is that now an extinct species?

REP. LOUIE GOHMERT, R-TEXAS: Actually there are some. They get put under rather immense pressure, but actually one who is a friend, a Democrat, actually, Debbie Dingell, John Dingell's wife. She and I disagree on many issues. Some we agree on, but she put her arm around my back and said come on, Louie. And she encouraged me, just walk away.

But there are, it was insane, though, Sean. When I was saying "Radical Islam killed these innocent victims," Frank Pallone of New Jersey was saying you're a racist. I said he was a radical Islamist. He said, well, you're a racist. I said he said himself he was pledging allegiance to the Islamic State. He said, so you're a racist.

HANNITY: You were right. But let me ask you this. I thought it was good that you confronted him, because that is what the truth is. And they're trying to make it about guns as the president and Hillary are trying to make it about guns. But I guess the real question is, what does this say about this party? What does it say about how far left Obama and Hillary have taken the party and how out of the mainstream they now are?

GOHMERT: It says that they're willing go into unprecedented area. The Congress should be. It's fine to yell, you know, to disagree and have rancorous disagreements within the rules. Equal time to both sides --

HANNITY: This ever happened that you know of before?

GOHMERT: No. No. And some people have said when you guys took over the House floor in 2008, there was only one rule violated when we did that. I know because I started that. It was violated by Pelosi when she cut off the mics and we had signed up to do five-minute speeches each under the rule and she shuttered down. And so we stayed on the floor and gave speeches anyway. We were adjourned. We were out of session. We didn't disrupt anything. But we took a stand and America appreciated it.

HANNITY: Basically, it's Occupy Wall Street on the House floor. What is the next thing? We'll have fist fights down there? Who knows? But Louie, thank you. It's pretty insane.

Coming up, we need your help, a very important question of the day, straight ahead.


HANNITY: It's time for our "Question of the Day." So what do you think of the Occupy Wall Street Democratic Party and their publicity stunt on the House floor last night? Just go to Facebook.com/SeanHannity, @SeanHannity on Twitter, let us know what you think.

Quick programming note. Tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern, we have a special edition of HANNITY. And for the hours we're going to highlight the Clinton scandals that the rest of the media ignores. Tomorrow night, right here, 10:00 eastern, we hope you'll join us.

Thanks for being with us. We'll see you back here tomorrow night.

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