
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," April 5, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Andrew Kissel was not a well-liked man. He had fraud charges pending in two Manhattan courts, a mountain of debt, and he was in the middle of a divorce but did any of his enemies hate him enough to kill him?

Joining us in Stanford, Connecticut is Howard Graber, Andrew Kissel's divorce attorney, welcome Howard.


VAN SUSTEREN: Howard, when did you first become involved in this divorce case?

GRABER: Andrew Kissel retained my office on or about March 1st of this year.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you weren't the first lawyer in this divorce is that right?

GRABER: No, I believe at first it was Deserio, Martin and Castiglione (ph) and then attorney Phil Russell also played a part in the divorce case.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, that's always sort of a signal when someone has had a number of lawyers that maybe the person has trouble, you know, working with the lawyers and with the case. Was he a difficult person to work with?

GRABER: Well, I don't believe that's why he ended up with me, Greta. It appears that the divorce case was filed in March of 2005 and the parties were able to live together amicably in the Derry Road residence for approximately a year.

Then on February 28th, Hayley Kissel filed a motion for exclusive possession of the residence. At that point, I believe that the attorneys that were involved imagined that the case was going to turn a little bit nastier. It was heating up a bit and they felt that Mr. Kissel needed someone who specialized in divorce litigation.

VAN SUSTEREN: OK, I get it. Now here's what I also don't understand and I hate to keep firing these questions at you so bluntly, but he was asking for alimony in some sort of response is that right?

GRABER: That was filed I believe on February 23rd by a predecessor attorney of mine, Attorney Russell, which may have led to Mrs. Kissel filing the motion to boot him out of the house for lack of a better word.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right I guess that's what I was leading up to the fact that she filed on the 28th is because he had previously sent a shot across her bow. I guess I don't understand why he was looking for alimony because he also was expecting to plead guilty to some rather serious offenses in the next few days or weeks or something.

GRABER: Well, when I met with Mr. Kissel I believe the content of our meeting led me to believe he was solely seeking enough money to satisfy his support through his incarceration, which would have been from April 1st, the day after he had to vacate the Derry Road residence, through whatever the date of incarceration would be, which he anticipated would be sometime at the end of April.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he have enemies? I mean I guess there's someone. He had at least one enemy we know about. But in sort of, you know, I realize you've only been on this case about a month but did he indicate to you he had any fear of anyone?

GRABER: When Mr. Kissel first visited my office he seemed very anxious, which I originally thought was simply due to the fact that he was facing approximately ten years in prison and I didn't find that odd. But in hindsight, it appeared that he might have been a little more anxious than the typical individual who is facing incarceration. And, as of today, I've wondered whether or not he knew someone was after him.

VAN SUSTEREN: But he didn't say anything to you at the time that sort of now as you're revisiting your memory that stands out?

GRABER: Not really, not really.

VAN SUSTEREN: Anything else stand out about him? I know that, you know, you probably have a lot of clients but anything else stick out about him?

GRABER: Well, I could tell you that in the brief time that I knew him in the few meetings we had he did not exhibit the hatred that is so often attached to a nasty divorce, which I heard you mention earlier tonight. So, I did not get that impression from Mr. Kissel.

I didn't get the impression that he either hated his wife or was not still a very strong father figure. He knew what he had done. He knew what was upcoming in the next few months of his life. I really have to say that I didn't feel the hatred that I usually feel emanating in a room during a divorce case.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right well maybe that was, you know, a mischaracterization and we just took it from the fact that there's sort of this volley of pleadings all of a sudden and she's trying to evict him. It suddenly didn't look like an amicable divorce or a happy one at that point, not that anyone particularly is I guess.

GRABER: I guess not.

VAN SUSTEREN: I guess not. Howard, thank you.

GRABER: Thank you, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Let's bring in former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman. Mark, a guy is found in a wealthy area of Greenwich, Connecticut, rented house, no forced entry, blood, where do you start?

MARK FUHRMAN, FORMER LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well you've got a lot of suspects, Greta, and you start with the wife. Who knew that he was there alone? Who knew that he was going to be there that weekend?

And then, of course, all these possible suspects, the people he's conned out of money, the people he's angered, the people that knew he was living in Greenwich, the people that the wife talked to, the wife herself just exactly can they account for their time?

Who did he talk to between the time that the wife left that Saturday night and he was found dead that morning by the moving crew? So, did he talk to anybody? Did anybody show up? Are there any foreign fingerprints in there? Did the suspect stay with the victim? Did they know him?

Obviously there is either access, a key or he knew the suspect. Was the weapon acquired there? I would say not since somebody brought flex cuffs to tie him up. This is where you start, Greta and you start with the...

VAN SUSTEREN: What do the flex cuffs mean? I mean that doesn't sound like, you know, you get mad at someone and you stab someone. That sounds like more like you planned it.

FUHRMAN: It does. It's absolutely a plan. Now I can't imagine most homes having these large flex cuffs that, you know, you use them in automotive, electrical, large electrical, you know, things that you need to use these for is where they're accessible. I can't see in a mansion like this that being there. So, somebody brought them and if they brought that, they probably brought the murder weapon.

VAN SUSTEREN: But does it seem, I mean obviously a lot of this is speculation but, you know, I mean that's how you start these investigations. You have flex cuffs but you don't have a gunshot, which you think more of as sort of an execution type hit, knifing does that seem like a hit?

FUHRMAN: Well, hey you know when somebody uses multiple stab wounds it's usually a connection between the victim and the suspect. It's very violent. It's rage based. It's payback. It's overkill. And when you have this situation we don't know if the victim actually partied with, used drugs, alcohol with the person they knew and then they found themselves in this position.

But to say that he paid somebody, a hit man, to give money to his kids which in turn would be controlled to the wife he's in a bitter divorce with, sounds like the work of somebody spinning this called an attorney. That's just crazy that somebody would pay a hit man to torture them and stab them multiple times where he could live for minutes maybe hours.

VAN SUSTEREN: I know. There's a lot, still a lot to be done and even like time of death. That may even have been much earlier than when the body was found on Monday. He was seen Sunday afternoon. It could have been Sunday night. We have a lot of questions. Mark, thank you.

FUHRMAN: Thank you.

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