
This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," September 22, 2005, that was edited for clarity.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: A Florida businessman thinks he has a way to stop Hurricane Rita in her tracks.

Peter Cordani wants to fly 10 747s into the hurricane filled with something called Dyn-O-Gel. The substance, used in diapers, absorbs water and turns it into a gel, which would fall into the Gulf Coast. Now, Cordani says it could slow down and maybe even stop the hurricane.

How much is Peter asking from the governor for all this? Let's ask him. He is the guy with the gel.

All right. Good to have you. How will this work?

PETER CORDANI, CEO, DYN-O-MAT: It is a super-absorbent product. It is designed to absorb moisture on contact.

And through testing, we found out it had an endothermic feature and it will cool the storm down up to 20 degrees. So, those are two really important parts of the storm, being that it is built by moisture and heat.

CAVUTO: So, how would you get this into the hurricane? You would take some planes over it and just dump into it? Is that it?


Well, we have a system worked out where we have a triangle piece, sort of like a pie shape. And we feel, if we go in by the eye and hit that pie-shaped piece with the 10 aircraft, it will break that section up and it will use its own energy to diminish itself.

And we are talking about just slowing the storm down, taking the devastating punch out. We are not going to stop a storm at all. We know how important the rains are to us. So, we are just talking slowing it down by 10 to 15 miles per hour. And that will take out almost 60 percent of the caused damage. That is why it is so important.

CAVUTO: All right, so, slowing down a storm at 160 miles an hour would bring it to 145 miles per hour. So, it is still pretty severe, but it's not as severe, right?

CORDANI: Correct. Yes. We are just taking the devastating punch, because we definitely realize what hurricanes are. They're to release the heat. So, we just want to leave them and tamper with them as minimal as possible.

CAVUTO: I did have a chance to see what some government experts think. And they think you are nuts. What do you say?

CORDANI: Well, I don't know what they are working on. I mean, I worked with Dr. Hugh Willoughby from NOAA on the project. They thought it was the greatest thing since the wheel when we first started. And, after I cleared radar, they parted themselves from me.


CORDANI: And the product, we are working on the eye of the storm. We are not working, draping over nautical 300 miles of a storm.

CAVUTO: OK. That's what you would be looking at.

Well, Peter, I wish we had more time. We will see what happens with this. But, you know, everyone can offer ideas, not a bad one. So, Peter Cordani, thank you very much, the guy behind Dyn-O-Mat.

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