
To watch "The Talking Points Memo" in the Screening Room click here.

Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly.  Thanks for watching us tonight.

The Supreme Court says no to the sex police.  That's the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.

As we predicted last December, the Supreme Court struck down the Texas sodomy law, six this three, basically saying Americans have a right to privacy and the law has no business invading a person's bedroom.

A few weeks ago, a billoreilly.com poll overwhelmingly showed that Americans don't want a sex police.  Now we posted this question on billoreilly.com.  Was the Supreme Court ruling striking down the Texas sodomy law correct?  Yes or no?

Now I believe it was because the Fourth Amendment clearly states that "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated."

Consenting adults in the privacy of their homes should not have sexual activity monitored.  And that's what the court decided today.

In dissent, Clarence Thomas actually said he finds no general right  of privacy in the Constitution.  Wow.  Justice Scalia also dissented, but based his arguments on history and states rights.  Said Scalia, "sodomy was a criminal offense at common law and was forbidden by the laws of the original 13 states when they ratified the Bill of Rights."  Scalia when on to opine, "Let me be clear that I have nothing against homosexuals, or any other group, promoting their agenda through normal democratic means.  I  would no more require a state to criminalize homosexual acts than I would forbid it to do so."

But it is not the homosexual act that's in play.  If you do any sexual  act in public, you're breaking the law.  It is the right of citizens to engage in personal behavior in private that the court was considering.

Scalia is right that early on in America, many perceived sins were turned into laws by the States.  That's why prostitution is illegal.  But the Constitution clearly states that the violation of privacy that the Texas sodomy law entails, that is arresting consenting adults in a private  residence for having sex, is not allowed.

So then, why do we need the sex police anyway?  We need to police the borders, not liberace.  But, and here comes the no spin, this ruling  should not give militant gays the right to flaunt their alternative lifestyle in the faces of American children.

Most American homosexuals are responsible, good people, but as with any group, the fanatics flaunt their lifestyle, demanding universal approval.  And that's not going to happen.  Americans have a perfect right to disapprove of homosexuality and consider it immoral.  That is freedom of thought and in some cases, religion.

Talking Points continues to advise all Americans to shut up about your sexual preference.  It's nobody's business.  And now the Supreme Court agrees.

And that's The Memo.

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Time now for "The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day"...

As we predicted, sales for Hillary Clinton's book have fallen off after the first week, down more than 50 percent, but she's still selling a ton of books.

Nowhere near what Harry Potter is selling.  They just sold out in many places.

And speaking of sold out, "The Spin Stops Here!" doormats -- oh!  Look -- look at that thing of beauty.  Sold out in hours twice.  Now we have a third shipment on hand.

So, if you want it, order it on billoreilly.com, billoreilly.com, and make a statement.  You can also walk on it.  Paint my picture on it.  It may be ridiculous to do that, however.

going to sell 20 million copies...