
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," April 4, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham and this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

Race clowns Rush in. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Now, liberals today think that Americans, especially white Americans, are pretty much the worst thing out there. In other words, anyone who doesn't sign on to the view that America is fundamentally racist and evil, expect them to be called a white supremacist, and then publicly vilified.

For example, according to a new book, "Biden assessed Fox News as one of the most destructive forces in the United States. And reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns write that, Biden was even more critical of Fox Corp patriarch Rupert Murdoch, telling an unnamed associate last year that Murdoch was the most dangerous man in the world."

Think about that. Think about what that really means. More dangerous than Putin, more dangerous than Xi, more dangerous than Kim Jong-un. OK.

And as the 'Angle' has told you many times, today's Democrat Party believes that conservatives are a far bigger threat to America than the most powerful dictators in the world. We warned you about this. And remember, more evil than the dictators who have nuclear weapons pointed at the United States. Well, and we were right.

Now - but some people require more direct proof. Now, let's take the case of Andrew Sullivan. The supremely talented writer and well-known commentator who wrote the seminal book for gay marriage and is vehemently anti-Trump. Perhaps he thought that his withering criticism of Trump would have earned him fair treatment as a guest on a show hosted by the ever snarky Jon Stewart.

But he was wrong. Instead for merely insisting that the story of America is not one of irredeemable evil, he was annihilated. Here's how it all started. Jon Stewart paying homage to the race gods of the BLM Movement.


JON STEWART, HOST OF "THE PROBLEM WITH JON STEWART": The problem with white people. For however sincerely we want to reckon and listen, the truth is, America has always prioritized white comfort over black survival.

Black people have had to fight so hard for equality that they've been irreparably set back in the pursuit of equity. And any real attempt to repair a ton of that damage, reparations, sets off white people's they're coming for our *** alarm.


INGRAHAM: Now, the panelists onset nodded along and they themselves hit all the hot buttons, arguing that white supremacy is alive and well in the United States. Well, Andrew Sullivan hit back and defended America.


ANDREW SULLIVAN, "THE WEEKLY DISH" BLOGGER: It's very hard to agree with some of the very premises that are being expressed tonight. As if everything is already settled. We know this country is, for example, a white supremacy. Well, I don't believe that.

I think it's possibly the most absurd hyperbole I've ever heard. I come from - I'm an immigrant. So I have a slightly different view of this. I can tell you, America, in 2022 is the most multiracial, multicultural, tolerant, diverse melting pot that has ever existed on planet Earth, and there is no other place on Earth even like it. That's why 86 percent of our immigrants are non-white.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me ask you a question though, Andrew, because--


SULLIVAN: --this country.


INGRAHAM: Now, reasonable points all well expressed. But not to the other panelist, a woman named Lisa Bond, who makes a living lecturing other white woman about how racist they are.

She was deeply offended that a white man would try to argue that the U.S. is not systemically racist.


LISA BOND, RACE2DINNER RESIDENT WHITE WOMAN: This is what happens when you don't talk about it. This is what happens when white people don't talk about it, is you have racist dog whistle tropes like this, that actually perpetuate and perpetuate and perpetuate.

So I am - and I did not come on this show to sit here and argue with another white man. That's one of the reasons that we don't even engage with white men at Race2Dinner. So - because quite honestly, if white men were going to do something about racism, you had 400 years. OK. So I just--

SULLIVAN: I'm 58 years old.

BOND: No, I'm shutting you down right now.

SULLIVAN: I'm not responsible for anything before me.

BOND: So the point is--


INGRAHAM: Oh, he said, I'm not responsible for anyone before me. That is a trigger warning.


STEWART: We have an awful history. Its remnants are still felt today.

SULLIVAN: We also have a great history, Jon.

STEWART: Say it again.

SULLIVAN: We also have a great history.

STEWART: But I think you're minimizing it, because of--

SULLIVAN: I think like calling today white supremacy, you are minimizing actual white supremacy.

STEWART: Andrew, you're not living on the same f***ing planet we are, honestly. I really don't think you are.

SULLIVAN: I think you are not living in the planet most Americans are, which is why this kind of extremism, this anti-white extremism is losing popular support, is creating a backlash, is going to reelect Republicans and undo a lot of the good you think you're doing.


INGRAHAM: Now, Sullivan is right. He might have asked Stewart, a graduate of William & Mary, if Stewart had burned his old diploma on his soccer jerseys. After all, the college was built in part by slave labor, and some of its Presidents own slaves.


BOND: I don't care if we say, we're progressive. I don't care if you're literally members of the KKK. Every single white person upholds the systems and structures of white supremacy and we have got to talk about it.

STEWART: I could finger snap - I would finger snap right now. Let's remove- -


SULLIVAN: --by calling me a racist, Jon.

STEWART: Let's - you're - you've been doing a pretty good job with it yourself there. So.


INGRAHAM: Yes. So that's where we are in America. That woman is passed off as some type of expert in anything. And you're a white supremacist or a racist, if you don't agree with Jon Stewart, that immigrants shouldn't be blamed for slavery. This is the ongoing scam of the anti-racism movement.

Ibram Kendi, Nicole Hannah-Jones, they get paid handsome sums to tell corporate and academic audiences how awful to the core they all are. And they now have thousands of acolytes across the country, who are also eager to cash in as well; or who, like, Stewart just enjoy the moral superiority they feel by calling everyone else a racist.

So if you refuse to buy into the allyship, don't you love that word, and the privilege lingo? If you refuse to say that you support reparations, you are as despicable as any slave holder from the early 1800s. That is what they believe. You think I'm exaggerating?

Well, check out what Jon Stewart's team posted on his own show's Twitter feed.


LYNAE VANEE, SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER: The problem with white people is everything. The problem with white people is the inherent defense mechanisms that pop up to protect privilege anytime race, equity, or racist systems come up.

I eat. I never own slaves. I think the real problem with white people is how deeply entrenched privilege exists in their everyday lives, and how terrified they are to lose it.


INGRAHAM: The only thing funny about Jon Stewart these days is how blissfully self unaware he is. Now, this guy was so afraid of debating Andrew Sullivan one-on-one that he needed to have the whole situation be like a three against one. Then he tagged him as a white supremacist.

And he's the same sneering prig, who 18 years ago, lectured the host of Crossfire on CNN about the need for more respectful, more informed discourse. Well, today, he's just another race activist, desperate for credibility in an America that, as Andrew said, is the most multicultural, multi-ethnic that it's ever been.

He and almost the entire Democrat Party, radicalized by the fringes rail against the old pernicious practice of redlining, while they essentially hope to redline their political opponents. Instead of trying to win over America First populists or independents like Sullivan or someone, let's say, like a Glenn Greenwald. They try to destroy them, or make them so toxic that they can't even make a living in any mainstream setting.

Again, these people see no logical inconsistency in the fact that the CCP is still active on Twitter, while Trump, maybe someone like Sullivan, is banned. In fact, they're fine with that. They have to ban Trump. They have to investigate him. They have to hope to prosecute him, put him in jail, anything. Anything but debate him, and try to defend their abysmally horrible record running our schools, our cities and the country. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty. Harmeet, great to see you tonight. Is there anything, first of all, that you want to own up to as yourself? A first generation immigrant to the United States, so that Jon Stewart and other race clowns don't come after you, Harmeet. I know there's something you must have to say to the audience.

HARMEET DHILLON, CEO, CENTER FOR AMERICAN LIBERTY: Well, you don't have to be a white to be, I think, pilloried as white adjacent in today's America. And so I suspect they'd probably call me names as well.

But like you say, in California, we're debating reparations in our state for the descendants of slaves. And that would affect me as a taxpayer, the daughter of a refugee from British partition and India. And so it makes no sense, Laura.

But this is not a coherent framework in which to view American history. I think Andrew Sullivan was exactly right. The history of our country includes slavery, but it also includes well-meaning people of all different backgrounds coming together to eliminate that shame from our country. And it happened a long time ago.

And so, Laura, though some of the people who are watching this, may be surprised to see this extreme example of race hucksterism and demagoguing white people, but it's actually been the case in America in corporations for a long time now. We've seen American corporations starting in Silicon Valley and to the boardrooms of New York and finance, explicitly shame and degrade white people and white men specifically, and then also Asians, because they are overrepresented in the population of successful corporations.

And so people have silently nodded and had had to swallow this for a long time. That's why you see a whole audience of people clapping at an obviously absurd debate between four white people talking about racism in America.

INGRAHAM: Now this Lisa Bond character, who's part of this group that goes around and gets paid to host these dinners for only white women, that's why she said, I'm not even - I'm shutting you down. Typical - she's really at least honest about the fact that she just doesn't even want to hear another point of view.

But this is more from her, one of the Stewart panelists.


BOND: This system of white supremacy has done such a good job of teaching us as white people that racism is bad. I know I'm not bad. I think I'm a good person. I think I'm a nice person. And I know that I am racist. And I know that I'm racist, because I every single day uphold the systems and the structures of racism.


INGRAHAM: Harmeet, your response to that. I mean, she gets paid quite a bit of money, her group to go around saying these like circular logic, condemning herself and then trying to hold her self condemnation up as some type of moral badge of self reckoning, I guess. Most people are just like, are you literally out of your mind?

DHILLON: Well, Laura, there's a very simple explanation for this gibberish coming out of this woman's mouth and it is green, the color is green. It is money.

It is because these race hucksters of no matter what their race is, are getting paid tons of money, be it Robin DiAngelo and her book White Fragility, which I first learned about during a lawsuit I filed against Google, to the this woman and her partner (inaudible), who charged white women $2,500 for dinner, to hear themselves shamed and degraded and humiliated. It's a new form of kink.

And by the way, the only consumers of this are rich white people. So there's no amount of money that can legitimize this, Laura. And so it's really a spectacle. It's kind of sad to see Jon Stewart give this batty, batty chick a platform. But we are hearing it in boardrooms in America. (inaudible) to stand. It is not ok to hear this.

INGRAHAM: No, it's not ok for all these men, our sons, our brothers, our uncles, our fathers, for them to be treated this way. You don't want any person of color to be treated this way. You don't want any person who's a non-minority treated this way. And everyone's got to say, this is ridiculous, you must stop and we will not submit to this any longer.

Harmeet, since I have you, I got to turn to the Supreme Court. Mitt Romney, big shock, joined two other Republicans today, Senators Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, to support judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination. Writing in a statement, "Jackson's well-qualified. She more than meets the standard of excellence and integrity."

Harmeet, nevertheless, the people of Utah know that Mitt Romney voted against her court of appeals appointment last year. So what changed? And isn't it pretty obvious that when it comes to the Second Amendment, religious liberty, she's going to be voting with Sotomayor and the left. And is that what Utah, Maine and Alaska really want? Bye-bye gun rights so they get their way.

DHILLON: The only thing that changed, Laura, is that we know a lot more horrifying things about the background of this judge. And for anybody to double down and say, she wasn't qualified to be on the DC Circuit, but she is qualified to be on the highest court in the land for decades.

It's truly shocking and a repudiation of the voters of Utah. And so he is up for election in 2024. And I hope that a good Republican stands up, or many stand up to run against him, so that the voters of Utah are finally represented by somebody who shares their values, not this carpetbagger, who's imposing his woke ideology on the people of Utah.

INGRAHAM: No. Can you believe he was a Republican nominee in 2012? And I supported him. I stand by reckoning--

DHILLON: I supported him. I went out there and campaigned for him. I'm embarrassed about it.

INGRAHAM: Yes, we did. All right, Harmeet. We got to roll. Great to see you tonight.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Title 42 is still in effect for now. And still illegal crossings are non-stop and they are happening in broad daylight. This is video we shot in Del Rio sector over the weekend, where we repeatedly witnessed massive illegal crossings and the sector is seeing a huge surge in activity.

Just on Saturday alone, DHS sources telling us the Del Rio sector had more than 1600 illegal crossings, including a 45-minute span where they had more than 200 people cross illegally.

We are told the Del Rio sector's numbers have now reached more than 200,000 since October 1. That represents a 179 percent increase over the same time last year.


INGRAHAM: And my next guest, delighted he's with us, Don McLaughlin, Mayor of Uvalde, Texas.

Mayor, really good to see you. In addition to that ridiculous increase and illegal crossings, we're now learning about this new ICE memo that Buzzfeed News got its hands on. It's allowing prosecutors to now outright dismiss certain cases if the migrant didn't cross "recently". Whatever the heck that means.

You're a town of, what, about 17,000 people and you - I know from reading what's happening there, you guys are being absolutely overrun by these migrants in your town. But your reaction to all of this tonight?

DON MCLAUGHLIN, MAYOR OF UVALDE, TEXAS: Well, this administration is - I mean, I don't know, (inaudible) I mean, you and I have to obey the rule of law. If we break the law, they're going to come arrest us. We're going to be punished.

But yet, we're going to reward all these migrants that are coming across the border and these that have been here and broke the law. Now, we're going to drop the cases and let them run free. Are we going to do the same for American citizens that are on the same types of charges, let them go free? If it's good enough for the migrants, it ought to be good enough for American citizens.

It's ridiculous that we - this administration put illegal immigrants cross our border illegally. They have greater rights than American citizens.

INGRAHAM: Well, I think that's a - lot of people are wondering that today. I mean, is it - what's the point of having American citizenship, if indeed people who - the first decision they make is to violate our laws, get a free bus ticket. They get a monthly stipend. They get all sorts of help from Catholic Relief Services and Lutheran Services. And meanwhile, parents are trying to figure out how to be able to send their kids to school, and afford fuel and food these days.

And I know you're also dealing with this surge of drop offs in Uvalde, which I read about just a few days ago. At 8am and 4pm, you guys are getting busloads of people dropped off from the border area. Tell me why that's happening, Mayor?

MCLAUGHLIN: Well, I mean, it's a simple reason. We were fortunate they haven't dropped any off since y'all pick it up on the news today, been hearing about it. News cameras came here to film it. They haven't been so - ready to drop them off here.

But why it's happening, because there's so many people at the border. They're overwhelmed. The border patrol is - these agents are good, hard- working men. This administration is pulling them out of the field. They're having to go in and process these people, and they have no place to put them.

So they want to send them to places like Uvalde, or Crystal City, or (ph) Crazy Springs. And we're not equipped to handle these people.

INGRAHAM: Are you going to file a lawsuit, Mayor? Because I know you were considering that at one point.

MCLAUGHLIN: We're looking at every option that we can. I mean, we're being forced on with a public safety problem here. A public health problem, and then a humanitarian crisis. And this administration does nothing about it.

I mean, I had to take money - the county judge and I had to take money from our citizens and hire buses to haul these people from Uvalde, because there's no public transportation here for them.

INGRAHAM: And where are you taking them? Where are the migrants going, to San Antonio?

MCLAUGHLIN: They're going to San Antonio. And in our conference call today with San Antonio, they don't want - they said they can't handle more than 600 at a time. And then the federal government, we asked them on that same conference call, what are your plans? They don't have one.

INGRAHAM: This is just criminal - Mayor McLaughlin, I hope you file a lawsuit. I hope you get help to do that. You should talk to Harmeet, because her group might be able to help. Great to see you tonight.

Now, a staggering percentage of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. That story might be part of it. Newt Gingrich is here. He's going to tell us what this means in November for the Democrats.

Plus, Biden's Chief of Staff Ron Klain, claimed that none of Hunter Biden's transgressions involve the President. Jonathan Turley says, that ignores considerable evidence to the contrary. He's here to tell us why, next.


INGRAHAM: OK. You want to know how bad things are for the Democrats? According to the RealClearPolitics average, just 27 percent of Americans think the country is headed in the right direction. Who are those 27? Like, Jeff Bezos maybe. He's made a lot of money.

Joining me now is Newt Gingrich, Fox News contributor and former Speaker of the House. I'm also going to ask him about this new theory about Mitt Romney and what he might be up to leading into 2024, given his vote for Judge Jackson.

Newt, before we get to that, the reaction to this entire deal with what Biden is trying to do with the country, the Democrats' plans, is to just go full steam ahead. There's no recognition that maybe it's time to tack to the middle, or work with Republicans on some of these issues, like the border that we just talked about. It's just full steam ahead on leftism.

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER: Well, look, I mean, I think if you regard what we're seeing as basically a secular religion, they don't have any room to negotiate. They can - what they're doing, they think of is sort of divinely inspired by their own brains. They can't back off. They warned about this back in 1972, when he said that the liberal ideology had become a liberal theology. It's 1972. It's all gotten worse. It's all gotten sicker.

Donald Trump was exactly right in Michigan the other day to point out that their position on transgender is virtually insane, that they would have children doing things that might be not reversible. They would have - they clearly placed transgender above women. They're destroying Title IX and women's sports.

They have policies on the border, policies on inflation. (ph) Peter Basham of the Democracy Institute, just did a survey, in which he asked a question, which would do more to help America, Biden leaving office or Putin leaving office? And by 52 to 43, the American people said Biden leaving office was better for America's future than Putin leaving office.

Now, I would think if you were a Democrat that number would be very, very sobering. But it doesn't seem to have any effect.

INGRAHAM: Now - and yesterday, Newt, Hillary Clinton had a fascinating insight about the midterms.


HILLARY CLINTON, 67TH UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: I've always thought that the best politics is doing the best job you can do. And there's a lot that Democrats can talk about in this upcoming midterms.

I'm well aware that midterms are obviously always difficult for the party in power. But we've got a great story to tell and we need to get out there and do a better job of telling it.


INGRAHAM: Newt, you just do better storytelling, Newt, that's going to make everyone feel like they have more money in their pocket.

GINGRICH: Look - oh, yes, look, you want to - I would challenge Hillary, why doesn't she go and stand at a gas station and tell people her better story? Why doesn't go to a grocery store and tell people her better story?

It's just that kind of nonsense. Why doesn't she go and talk to some of the women athletes who are currently seeing themselves being crowded out by transgender men, who clearly have unfair advantages. I think that Hillary is just totally out of touch with reality.

I mean, the choice is between a cognitively challenged Joe Biden and a reality challenged hidden Hillary Clinton. And that's sort of the modern Democratic Party.

INGRAHAM: Newt, finally, Mitt Romney announced - probably not surprising to you, that he was going to support Judge Jackson, leading myself and a few others to speculate that 2024 may be his final revenge. She's going to be in trouble in Utah after this vote, given what it's going to mean perhaps for the Second Amendment, religious liberty, and the state of Utah, Alaska, Maine.

But do you see someone like Mitt Romney, perhaps running as a third-party candidate, especially if President Trump is in the race to win it again in 2024? Because clearly, he's just possessed by Trump as so many of these people are. And like Liz Cheney seems to be--

GINGRICH: I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised to see Mitt run in the Republican primaries. I think he's more likely to run for president than to run for reelection to the Senate.

And it's a free country. I think he has every right to do what he thinks is best. But I think you clearly see Massachusetts' values in a Utah senator. And I think that that's probably not sustainable. He probably can't get reelected, when you got to come down to it. So he's probably better off to go out in a blaze of glory, running for the president one more time.

INGRAHAM: Good. We'll be happy to see that. Newt, great to see you. Thank you.

And last week, we told you about a stunning new Hunter Biden report, detailing how he was paid millions by a Chinese energy company. This weekend, the White House started pushing a new narrative.


RON KLAIN, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: The president is confident his family did the right thing. But, again, I want to just be really clear. These are actions by Hunter and his brother. They are private matters. They don't involve the president, and they certainly are something that no one at the White House is involved in.


INGRAHAM: Joining us now is Jonathan Turley, George Washington University law professor, FOX News contributor. Jonathan, you claim that this ignores considerable evidence to the contrary. Explain.

JONATHAN TURLEY, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW PROFESSOR: First of all, one could take considerable umbrage at the statement that they're confident that he has done nothing wrong. That's something that the president has stated over and over again since the campaign.

No matter what happens in the Delaware grand jury, there's no question that what Hunter Biden did was wrong. He was engaged in influence-peddling, perhaps one of the largest influence-peddling schemes we've seen in Washington, which is considerably a long list of examples. But influence- peddling can be done legally, but it is corrupt. It is perhaps the most damaging form of corruption in Washington. This is how you influence influential people in Washington. You give money to their siblings, their spouses, their children. And that's what happened here.

Now, the question is, is there more? Does this violate the criminal code? Clearly, the U.S. attorney's office thinks it might have. There's a long line of people still going into the grand jury. Now, the statement that this has nothing to do with the president simply ignores reality. The president is referred to in many of these e-mails.

And while the press has agreed that the laptop is legitimate, they have really tried to avoid talking about what's on the laptop. And those e-mails refer to the president under code names like "Celtic" and "the big guy." In one e-mail, a person is told not to use the president's name.

But there are plenty of details there involving money that may have gone to the president to pay for expenses, an office that was allegedly being arranged for his use and the first lady's use. Those are all connections. But the biggest connection is that this was an influenced-peddling scheme, and he was the object. He was the reason people were giving millions to these various firms to his son. And so it's bizarre to claim that this was an influence-peddling scheme where the object was entirely irrelevant.

INGRAHAM: At the very least, and I mean the very least, is an obscene appearance of impropriety and a conflict of interest, correct? At the very least, flying on the government plane, 10 days later getting the business license. Just on its fact, prima facia evidence of a conflict, again, at the very least. Jonathan, really quick.

TURLEY: What I'm baffled by is how Attorney General Garland can continue to deny the need of a special council. You cannot investigate this without stumbling over the president repeatedly in these references. That's not saying that the Delaware U.S. attorney won't do an aggressive and independent job, but I've never seen a better case for a special council.

INGRAHAM: Professor Turley, great to see you, thank you.

And a member of the Biden family speaks out on Joe Biden's run in 2024, and Zelenskyy crashes the Grammys. We have it all, "Seen and Unseen" with Raymond Arroyo, next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, we hear a lot about Hunter Biden, we were just talking about him, but the president's sister, Valerie, I understand she's making the rounds.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, well, she has a new book, Laura, called "Growing Up Biden." You'll remember the first sister ran Biden's multiple Senate campaigns, everything but the 2020 campaign, for which she has been paid handsomely over the years. Valerie Biden Owens now runs the Biden Institute in the University of Delaware, which, interestingly, does not disclose its funding sources or executive salaries. We checked. When asked about Biden's gaffes, including his call for Putin to be removed from power, she defended her brother this way.


VALERIE BIDEN OWENS, PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN'S SISTER: First of all, when anybody says Joe is a gaffe, a gaffe is he speaks the truth.


ARROYO: Did she hear the president this weekend, Laura?


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm deeply proud of the work she is doing as first lady with joining forces initially. She started with Michelle Obama when she was vice president and now carries on.


ARROYO: Michelle Obama still vice president in his head, Laura. Maybe he's confused because Obama is coming to the White House tomorrow. Maybe that's what it is.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, Valerie, when I first looked up, she looked like Nancy Pelosi with short hair. There was something in the eyes. I don't know what it was, but they look very similar. She had that weird hand gesture thinking that Nancy Pelosi does. She looks like Nancy Pelosi.

ARROYO: She does favor Nancy Pelosi. And Valerie Biden also chimed in on the prospects of Joe Biden's re-election. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you want Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024?

VALERIE BIDEN OWENS, PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN'S SISTER: Yes. I think he's the right person at the right time for the right job, so watch us. He'll be in his 80's. Watch him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He has the stamina to do that?

OWENS: Yes, he does, yes. He's good.


ARROYO: He's good.

INGRAHAM: She doesn't even believe it.

ARROYO: Laura, this is the president today, OK, looking a little less than vigorous, and sounding, well, you'll see.





BIDEN: Programs allow inspiring drivers to learn while -- earn while they learn. An awful lot of well-known people also. The idea -- I remember I'm going to digress for one second. I got a commercial license.


ARROYO: Laura, if this is good, I would hate to see mediocre or bad. There's a reason these poll numbers are cratering, and it's not just the gas prices.

INGRAHAM: Was it me or did Pete Buttigieg look a little too eager, eager leave it to beaver, standing next to him, like salivating, ok, gramps, it's my turn next.

ARROYO: He's testing out the podium.


ARROYO: At last night's Grammys, Laura, I have to mention this, my New Orleans homie, Jon Batiste took home five Grammys, including best album. But the most surprising performance may have come from the president of Ukraine.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: Our musicians wear body armor instead of tuxedos. They sing to the wounded in hospitals, even to those who can't hear them. But the music will break through anyway. I have a dream of them leaving and free, free like you on the Grammy stage.


ARROYO: Free like you on the Grammy stage. I spoke to a lot of people today, Laura, about this, who while they sympathize with the Ukrainians, they thought in the middle of the war this ran the risk of trivializing what was happening. It was almost like a performance, and trying to connect it to the Grammys, bridging genocide and Doja Cat, that's a bit far to me. Your reaction?

INGRAHAM: It never seems to -- all the video and pictures coming out, -- it's so -- heartbreaking is not the word. It's horrific.

ARROYO: Horrendous.

INGRAHAM: Horrific, awful. And it seemed, I guess, trying to reach anyone who -- I can't really blame him. He wants to reach as many people as he wants. But he did -- his voice did remind me of someone else's, and I'm trying to remember, but he does have a very -- he was also an actor, so he has that very impressive delivery.

ARROYO: Yes, well, and it reminds you of that -- yes, yes, it reminds you of that in a time when we should be all focused on what is happening there and the reality there.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, the Lady Gaga tribute, though, to Tony Bennett, that was nice.

ARROYO: It was nice. And look, she should be congratulated for her kindness to Tony Bennett. And I noticed she has adopted this frenetic staccato, almost side-crooning style, when she sings the great American songbook. This is from last night, watch.




ARROYO: You see what I mean, it's an odd approach. It's an odd -- it's almost like a spoof of the style. It reminded me a bit of the Martin Short character, Jackie Rogers Jr. Do you remember that character?




INGRAHAM: I don't think it looks anything like that.

Raymond, we have a big announcement. Wahlberg and Mel Gibson, that's coming up.

ARROYO: Mel Gibson, we'll be together exclusively here on Wednesday. Set your DVRs.

INGRAHAM: We're looking forward to seeing that, and Lady Gaga, good for highlighting someone with real, real talent. Raymond, thank you.

Conservatives have never been a party of boycotts, but when it comes to Disney, Dr. Ben Carson isn't sure where else to go from there. Carson is here next on Disney's attempt to radically sexualized our small children.



MARK ROBINSON, (R) LT. GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA: Ain't but wo genders. Two genders. Ain't nothing but men and women. You can't transcend God's creation. I don't care how hard you try. We're dragging our kids down into the pit of hell trying to teach them that mess in our school. Tell you like this, that ain't got no place at no school. Two plus two don't equal transgender. It equals four. We need get back to teaching them how to read instead of teaching them how to get to hell.


INGRAHAM: That video of North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson went viral over the weekend, and it's not hard to understand why. Most American's don't like the idea of teaching young children as young as five about transgenderism or any other sexual orientations. But that didn't stop Disney, ostensibly in the business of entertaining children, families, from putting the full weight of their company behind trashing a bill out of Florida, putting a stop to this.

Joining me now is Ben Carson, neurosurgeon, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Trump. Dr. Carson, what can be done here?

DR. BEN CARSON, FORMER HUD SECRETARY: Well, this is very disturbing development. Disney used to be really oriented toward family learning and entertainment. And I'm hoping that historians will look back that the president and say that they temporarily lost their minds.

We don't teach kindergarten, first, second, third graders calculus. There's a reason we don't do that. They're not ready for that yet. We have to lay foundation for that. And the same thing when it comes to sexualizing individuals. These children are not ready for that. They need to learn their basics, their ABC's, and they need to learn some of the basic socialization processes, not confusion about gender and things that make absolutely no sense for a youngster. And our society -- go ahead.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Carson, sorry to interrupt, but I want to get your thoughts on what Maryland's very liberal governor Larry Hogan, nominally a Republican, he obviously didn't read the Florida bill, but he weighed in nonetheless. Watch.


GOV. LARRY HOGAN, (R) MARYLAND: I didn't really, actually see the details of the legislation, but the whole thing seems like just a crazy fight.

Once they criticized Disney for expressing how they feel about that bill, they have every right to. we have the thing called freedom of speech. They can come out and say what they think. I think the bill was kind of absurd, and not something that would have happened in our state.


INGRAHAM: The state of Maryland. He's probably right about that, but he doesn't obviously know what's in the bill. He's mischaracterizing it by implication.

CARSON: Well, the whole thing has been mischaracterized. They called it the "don't say gay" bill. It has nothing to do with don't say gay. It has to do with presenting to -- or preventing people from presenting complex sociological material to children who aren't ready for it. And I think anybody really looks at it and reads it carefully would agree with that. But so often people take things and they distort it. They use different words to describe it. And those who have not studied the issue are easily deceived thereby.

INGRAHAM: what about African American voters across the country, they're seeing their prices for everything go up. Unemployment was lowest under trump. Obviously, life was pretty good financially for more people under trump. What are your views on this?

CARSON: Well, ones I've talked to, African Americans are not stupid. And they are recognizing that their children are being corrupted by some of these things, and some of these policies. And you see a lot more African Americans at various conservative rallies now. I used to go and I would be the only one. Now I see plenty. And that means people are waking up all over the place. And we need to look at what our American values are.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Carson, it's great to see you tonight. You have some bad throat. I hope you get some tea and honey tonight before you go to bed. It's great to see you. Come back soon.

And shockingly, Joe Biden didn't have the most awkward moment in television today. So who did? The Last Bite will tell you, so just hold on.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's national hug a newsperson day.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So give each other hugs. Hug it out right now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh. Oh. I didn't know that. Wow!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn't know we could still hug on TV like that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, that is true. And if you see us in the street, don't come hug us.


INGRAHAM: That was very genuine, I think, national hug a newsperson day. Ok. Didn't know that was a thing.

Remember, get your USA made Freedom Matters gear at LauraIngraham.com. All the proceeds for the month will be donated to the Special Ops Warrior Foundation, amazing, amazing organization.

Gutfeld is next.


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