
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 4, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Hi, everyone. Happy birthday, America. I'm Juan Williams along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino, and my pal, Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

Welcome to our Independence Day special. We'll have a very fun show here on The Five. We're answering all of your fan mail questions from social media on this Fourth of July. So, let's not waste any more time and get right to it. Our very first question, it comes from Ronald Buckbowers, and it says if you could go back to the first Independence Day, which founding father would you hang out with, Kimberly?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Well, let's see. I don't know. I guess one of my favorites always is John Adams.


GUILFOYLE: Well, because, I think, he's just historically very significant. I think that, you know, people more recently have come to understand his value, his influence and how important he was in American political history, some of his ideals, and also his wife. I think they were quite a powerful pair.

WILLIAMS: The wife?

GUILFOYLE: Of John Adams.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, it's true. And also, I think, there're two Adams presidents, right?


WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's pretty cool. Jesse?

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: I thought you're going to say Sam Adams.


GUILFOYLE: No, that's your choice.


WATTERS: I would say Ben Franklin because I'm a Philly guy and he's a big influence out in Philadelphia. He's laid to rest there, also a real renaissance man, like myself. A musician, a prolific writer, discovered electricity, so we've had a lot in common on that front. And then, poor Richard's almanac, very inspiring quotes about work and life and I enjoy that. I'd like to hang with Ben.

WILLIAMS: That's cool. And I bet you share humility.

WATTERS: Thanks, Juan.


WATTERS: I'm used to the sarcasm there.


WILLIAMS: Dana, where would you be hanging out?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I like George Washington. I've always admired him. Plus, he wrote rules of civility. Remember all of those rules you have to follow.

GUILFOYLE: Good choice.

PERINO: Yeah. I'm going to ask about that cherry tree.

WILLIAMS: You know what's interesting about your answer, I don't think he was married, right? Not for the longest time. Martha comes along, but for the longest time.

PERINO: I don't know when he got married, but they were married.

WATTERS: Are you saying she wants to hang out with.


WILLIAMS: . the father of our country because he wasn't preoccupied with a lot of family.

PERINO: Well, he's a busy guy. Lot on his mind. Lot on his mind.

WILLIAMS: Indeed. Our founding father at this very table, Greg.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I'd have to say Bob Lutz. He's the unknown founding father. Nobody talks about Bob, but he was there every step of the way. Bob Lutz. You don't know Bob Lutz?

WILLIAMS: No, I don't.

GUTFELD: I rest my case. Actually, I have to say, I find this whole question sexist. Aren't we done with the whole idea of founding fathers? What about founding mothers? What about the founding mothers?

PERINO: What about founding founders?

GUTFELD: Founding founders. And why are we recognizing gender anyway with our founding fathers? Disgusting. It's so heteronormative.

GUILFOYLE: Are you going back to the purple penguin thing?


WILLIAMS: Well, I think I'd hang out with you, guys, with Ben and you.


WILLIAMS: Because, I mean, Ben is in the newspaper business, you know?


WILLIAMS: Right. So, I would like that.

GUTFELD: He was a partier. He had two beds in his bedroom because he gets tired when the bed was warm, and so he'd get up and move to the other bed because it was cool.

GUILFOYLE: It sounds like you.

GUTFELD: Yes, definitely.

PERINO: He needed one of those beds with the temperature control.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

WATTERS: You need a king size.


(LAUGHTER) WILLIAMS: Wow. OK. Let's do another question. It says here -- this comes from Patricia Hazelton. How do you like to celebrate the Fourth of July? Jesse?

WATTERS: Beer, barbecue, and fireworks.

WILLIAMS: Fireworks. Dana?

PERINO: Well, I'm going to say dogs. No, I don't know. I like hanging out being with everybody. I like to go to the parade. Wherever I am, I like a small town parade, big town parade, but usually small time parade is really good. And, lately, because Peter has the Harley with the sidecar and then Jasper can get in it and all the kids love that. So, I like the morning of the Fourth of July, even better than fireworks.

WILLIAMS: Wow. Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, I don't like fireworks. I'm like a dog. They scare me. And I don't like parades because I'm short and I can't see over people. But I'm going to be honest with.

GUILFOYLE: You can get on my shoulders

GUTFELD: I know, I know. People will talk. I'm going to be honest, I'm actually not here. I'm not here. I'm celebrating the Fourth of July the way I would like to. Right now, I'm sitting on an island. I'm not going to tell you what island, but I'm sitting on an island right now. This is a taped show.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, excellent. Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, I'm like Dana, I love a good parade. I also really enjoy Dana's Fourth of July posts and pictures.

PERINO: They're pretty good lately.

GUILFOYLE: They've been very strong, so I love it. Really just like celebrating our nation, our independence, our liberty, our freedom, and I think it's great when people come together and go into parade. I'm in to that, the whole deal to commemorate it and, you know, take a moment because all have such busy lives to never forget, you know, the sacrifices that people made so that we can sit here today and have this show and speak our minds, and it's fantastic. It's amazing, most wonderful country in the world.

WILLIAMS: So, my favorite is to find a high spot in Washington D.C. to watch the fireworks. But the one I remember most is being in Boston, and watching the Boston Pops play as the fireworks were going off over Boston. I thought that was spectacular. Who's that? Arthur -- I forget the name of the famous conductor. Anyway.

GUTFELD: Fiedler.

WILLIAMS: Arthur Fiedler.

GUTFELD: Thank you very much.

WILLIAMS: It was unbelievable. And the other thing I like about the Fourth of July is just -- it's an opportunity to do fireworks. And, so, fireworks, when I was a kid, mostly illegal, but everybody would bring on these trash cans and these big boom, boom, boom. I love that stuff.

GUTFELD: Best place to see fireworks right now? My hot tub.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute, I thought you were on an island.




GUILFOYLE: No, I'm in.

WILLIAMS: You're in, you're in.


WILLIAMS: How about out west, they do fireworks out in the rain? PERINO: They do well -- some years, because it's so dry out there that they like to have fireworks in case -- starts a wild fire. So, sometimes we would just get those little snakes, the sparklers that's usually the extent of the fireworks.

WATTERS: That's really lame.


WATTERS: Weakest type of fireworks. You've got to get the roman candles. Those are the way to go, or the M-80's.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, man.

GUTFELD: I'm against roman candles. Cultural appropriation.


WILLIAMS: All right. Here's the third question from Cindy, Carol, Allan, Carly, what traditions did you have for the Fourth of July when you were children? So let's go back this way. Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, sure. Well, my brother and I used to really love to do the fireworks, and so it was a big -- it was really fun to be able to go and shop for the -- what?

GUTFELD: Never mind.

GUILFOYLE: We did. We've love it. And then -- ignore him. Spoiler alert. And so, I loved that. So we would do that and go pick up the fireworks. So it was like a family tradition to go and get them ahead of time. We do a whole thing on the block to, you know, do the fireworks to invite everybody to come. And then, my dad had to sweep up the streets after to clean up the fireworks. And then my brother would stockpile them and the fire department came and we got in trouble.

WILLIAMS: Oh, that's a rarity for you as a kid to get in trouble.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it was mostly due to my brother.



WATTERS: I did the same thing, fireworks were illegal in Philadelphia, so we'd have to go to Chinatown, or way across state lines, somewhere else, and then bring them across and then light them. And I'd do it with my dad, and I still have all my fingers, so safety first.

WILLIAMS: Safety first. I'm glad to hear that. I think there's a New York Times football player who could have used that lesson.

PERINO: I remember that we would do a family baseball game or a softball game and have a picnic, but that was always a big deal.

GUILFOYLE: What position would you play?

PERINO: I don't really remember. It was more like -- they were kind of serious about it, the adults.

WATTERS: They'd probably stick you out in right field.


GUILFOYLE: That's a ditch, just so you know.


GUTFELD: We use to do something called fireworks. You guys heard about that? Yeah, we go and get some fireworks. You know what's always the best part it was going shopping because you would always have to go to these stands by your school and you'd either have to buy, like, you wanted the big box, and the big box had all that stuff in it, but you weren't sure if you had all the right stuff, so then you'd fight and all of a sudden it just got ban.

WATTERS: Do they have fireworks in California or is it too patriotic?

GUTFELD: No, no, no. It's -- we used to have them and then they took them away. Like they've taken.

WATTERS: Global warming, probably.


WILLIAMS: Well, I've got to tell you, for me, when I was a kid, I think -- the idea was, in my mind, I thought everybody else was having a picnic, but I grew up in a big city and I -- my parents weren't doing that. So, I always thought it would be great to go on a picnic. That would be Americana. The other thing is though -- so when I got married, I got married on July 1st, and so on July 4th, we didn't go on our honeymoon but we're walking around Washington waiting for the fireworks. And I've got to tell you it was great because the crowd comes, people are happy. You talk about a moment of American unity. Everybody celebrates the Fourth of July. I don't care where you are.

WATTERS: Unity goes away of the fifth.

WILLIAMS: All right. Question six, here we go, this comes from Nancy Coburn, if we travel back to 1776, what would your occupation be? Greg Gutfeld?

GUTFELD: I think I'd be a time travel agent because if there were people coming back home I would have to be in charge of making their plans.


WATTERS: You get commission on that.


WILLIAMS: Yeah. I wonder what the commission would be on that. OK, Dana?

PERINO: Well, I would like -- Because if I'm being realistic, what job would they have given a woman in 1776 at that time? Probably not -- We're not probably to get to be a scout. I would like to be a scout. I don't know. Probably -- I would hope I would be able to do some sort of writing or teaching or something.

GUTFELD: You can do public relations. They've had public relations back then.


WILLIAMS: But they didn't have women doing.

GUILFOYLE: I love it. I would be a lawyer. I'm just going to say that I would just force my way in to it, somehow, someway.

WILLIAMS: To be a lawyer.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Maybe if I had to like disguise myself, then I would do it. Yeah. That little white wig thing that you put on, and then I would just like.

(CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: That'd be cruel.


WILLIAMS: All right. Jesse, I have something in mind for you.


WILLIAMS: I think that you should go and fight against the British. I think you should be a soldier.

WATTERS: I probably would have been on the British side, though, because those were my people. I would have been a red coat, Juan.


WATTERS: Yeah. And if I was on the British side, we probably would have won. I would be the difference maker. I wanted to think about what I want to do. I wanted to be one of the midnight riders that road with Paul Revere that warned that the British were coming. I think I'd be really good at just yelling on the top of a horse.

GUILFOYLE: Just like Watters' World.


GUTFELD: I want to be a cobbler.


PERINO: You like to touch people's shoes?

GUTFELD: I don't know. It just seems that it would be fun to sit around and just hammer on people's feet. Be a cobbler.



WILLIAMS: On their feet. I think on the shoes is what you meant.

GUTFELD: Feet, shoes, can't tell back then.


GUTFELD: Very leathery.

WILLIAMS: Well, if the founding fathers are watching via space or psych something, don't be offended. Greg didn't mean it. Coming up, if The Five could solve any mystery, which one would we choose? We're going to tell you next.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: On this Fourth of July, the president and his wife are hosting a barbecue for some military families at the White House. Let's listen in.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: By gunnery sergeant, Sarah Sheffield, from the president's own United States marine band.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: O say, can you see by the dawn's early light. What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, or the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave, or the land of the free and the home of the brave.

(APPLAUSE) UNINDENTIFIED MALE: The marine corp. band is providing the music at the White House this evening as the president and first lady welcome military families. Let's listen now to the president's remarks.



TRUMP: Melania and I are honored to celebrate American independence with the heroes who protect American independence, the men, the women of the United States military. These are our finest. Thank you very much.


TRUMP: Joining us today are two of your biggest fans and strongest supporters, our great Vice President Mike Pence, and his incredible wife, Karen Pence. Thank you, Karen, Mike. We're also honored to be joined by members of my cabinet, secretaries, Alex Azar, Ben Carson, Elaine Chao, Kirstjen Nielsen, Acting Secretary Peter O'Rourke, Administrator Scott Pruitt, and Ambassador Bob Lighthizer. Thank you for being here.


TRUMP: Two hundred and forty two years ago on July 4th, 1776, America's founders adopted the Declaration of Independence and change the course of human history. But our freedom exists only because there are brave Americans willing to give their lives to defend it and defend our great country. American liberty has been earned through the blood, sweat, and sacrifice of American patriots. The immortal story of the American warrior is written in the fields of Gettysburg, the sands of Iwo Jima, the mountains of Afghanistan, and the snow of Valley Forge. It is the story of courage, honor, duty, loyalty, and love. Today, we are honored to recognize a few of the incredible men and women who serve our country and defend our great American flag.

From the army, we have retired Captain Jason Pack. Jason is a West Point graduate who was injured in Afghanistan while proudly serving with the second infantry division. Also with us today is Jason's dad, young K, who is also a West Point graduate. And his mom, young A. What an inspiring family. I met them right behind the stage, and I want to tell you their story is an incredible one. Thank you all for your service and thank you for your incredible work for our military and for our country. Thank you very much, Jason. Thank you.


TRUMP: Thank you. Representing the navy, we have petty officer first class, Steve Swift. He is a master explosive ordinance disposal technician, and that's a tough job and a dangerous job, also known as the bomb squad. He is a very good technician and has done just incredible work, recently earning distinction as sailor of the quarter for his unit. Joining him are his wife, Crystal, his daughters, Caitlyn and Gwen, and his parents, Catherine and Steven senior. Thank you, Steve, and thank you to everyone serving America in our incredible navy. Thank you. Thank you very much.


TRUMP: From the coast guard, we have Lieutenant Ryan McCue. He is a helicopter pilot who protects all of us here in the capital. One of Ryan's most important jobs is to intercept aircraft that fly where they are not supposed to be flying in and around the capital area. Ryan is assigned to air station Atlantic City, but is temporarily assigned here, away from his wife, Shannon, and son, Colin. They miss him. Ryan, thank you and your family for what you have done and continue to do for all of us. Thank you. Thank you very much, Ryan.


TRUMP: The men and women of the United States coast guard are doing a phenomenal job keeping America safe from drugs, crime, and terrorism, and we are incredibly grateful to each of you. And I have to say that during the hurricanes, the coast guard saved 16,000 lives. It's an incredible achievement. Incredible. From the air force, we have Captain Brooke Peel. As a weather officer, he leads deployable weather forecasting teams to make it possible for American aviators to own the skies anywhere we fly. He also helped lead the air national guard's response to Hurricane Maria. He did an incredible job. And because of his exceptional leadership, he was named weather company great officer of the year for 2017. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Incredible.


TRUMP: And we have the air force, and by the way, I might add, we very well may soon have the space force. You've been hearing about that.


TRUMP: Everyone is very excited about that. I'm also told that Brooke happens to be the reigning champion of his fantasy football league. His sister, Sharla, is with him today, and I want to thank you, Brooke, and I want to thank everybody from the United States air force. Great people and very talented people. Finally, from the marine corps, we have Staff Sergeant Jonathan Grace here with us with his wife, Sidney, and his son, William. A senior analyst for the cyber incident response team, he is one of the very talented people who protect our nation from cyberattacks. And he is very, very good at his craft. In fact, he's done such a great job that they not only asked him to develop a new curriculum on cyber warfare. They also asked him to teach the first class of the newly established cyberspace marines. So, to Jonathan and every American who wears the marine corp. uniform, we are truly grateful. Thank you very much. Thank you.


TRUMP: Thank you. To every service member here today and stationed around the world, they're all watching. And to your incredible families, these are truly unbelievable people. Thank you for keeping America safe, strong, proud, mighty, and free. God bless you. God bless our military, and God bless America. Happy Fourth of July. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Thank you.

(APPLAUSE) UNINDENTIFIED MALE: You heard the cheers from the assembled -- you've heard the cheers from the assembled crowd there on the south lawn of the White House, President Trump and the first lady welcoming members of the military there for a Fourth of July celebration. The party is in full swing. Hamburgers and hotdogs being served on tables there on the south lawn, and they will be watching the fireworks display over the national mall a bit later on in 9 PM hour, eastern, when it gets dark. President expressing his appreciation for all of the branches of the service, and many members who have been injured in the line of duty. Very hot day in Washington. It's cooled off just a little bit over the last couple of days, but it is tremendously hot and humid in the city. The marine corp. band entertaining there.

In the meantime, the minority whip of the House of Representatives is in the hospital. Steny Hoyer has pneumonia. He is expected to recover. Now, we want to take you to New York City where a protester apparently has climbed the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. You can see there, agents trying to get her down. That's the woman there on the right-hand side of the base of the statue right beneath the heel of the statue's foot. There were other protesters who hung a banner on the statue that said abolish ICE, we assume that this woman is part of that protest group, but that has not been absolutely determined at this point. She climbed the base of the statue, which is quite illegal, as you can imagine. And she's just sitting there as authorities are trying to talk her down or bring her down. You can imagine they have evacuated Liberty Island as a result of that. And a number of people who've been waiting for months, perhaps years to have their chance to see the statue up close and personal and have their vacation plans destroyed as a result of this act.

A couple of groups or a couple of members of some kind of anti-ICE group hung a abolish ICE banner on the pedestal of the statue just before this woman climbed onto the statue itself. They're continuing to try to coax the woman down, but not using a great deal of force to do so at this point, apparently, just hoping to wait her out. So, again, this appears to be connected to the protest of the moment which began really just last week when a candidate for congress won a significant primary in the state of New York asking that ICE, the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency, be abolished. That mean has caught fire among the left and this group is protesting.

Some other headlines, a wildfire burning in Southern Colorado has destroyed more than 100 homes. The spring fire has burned through nearly 100,000 acres making it the third largest wildfire in state history. It is just 5 percent contained. And Ohio congressman, Jim Jordan, is once again denying claims he knew about sexual abuse allegations against a team doctor at the Ohio State University where he was once an assistant coach. Jordan told reporters at a Fourth of July event in Fremont, Ohio, that things some former athletes claim he knew are just not true. Stay with us. We'll be back at the top of the hour with all your headlines on Special Report.

WATTERS: Welcome back to The Five. We have a lot of great questions, so let's get to it. Josh Palmer, Facebook, what is your favorite memory of being on The Five? Dana?

PERINO: Well, I think the buzz trip was probably right up there. There are a lot of memories along that way. But we're trying to figure out -- there's a -- you and I had a situation where we laughed so hard that we cried. That's happened before too. Like early on, especially, Greg would make me laugh so hard and I could not even talk anymore. So, there're very rare instances that work where you get to crack up that much and not get fired.

WATTERS: Yeah, we've got paid for laughing.

PERINO: Yeah, it was good.


GUTFELD: Remember the fire?


GUTFELD: You had passed out. But I rescued -- I basically rescued all of you and carried you out of studio when we were in Studio D, out into the street. You were unconscious. You probably don't remember this.

WATTERS: I blacked out.

GUTFELD: Yes, you did. Well, you were blackout drunk when it happened.

WATTERS: I think I started it.

Kimberly. Guilfoyle catches Watters. How many times have I heard that?

GUILFOYLE: This is so nuts. But I have caught on fire three times. It was not good. Not for the hair.

The thing is, I think the favorite memory, I agree with Dana, the bus tour was pretty spectacular. It was great memories, going to the zoo and doing everything like that was super fun.

I don't know. There's just so --

PERINO: Sledding.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, sledding. Oh, you were -- what a ringer, man. She's like an Olympic sledder. Unbelievable.

PERINO: I lost, though.

GUILFOYLE: Like Jamaican bobsled team to victory.

WATTERS: Was it a toboggan? What kind of sled was it?


WATTERS: Just plastic?

GUILFOYLE: I got sabotaged in that my pants were too big, and I was trying to like -- remember?

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes.

GUILFOYLE: I was trying to pull them up.

WATTERS: That's your excuse? Your pants? Wardrobe malfunction?


WATTERS: I'm not going to give it to you.

Juan, what is your favorite?

WILLIAMS: My favorite moment?

WATTERS: On "The Five," Juan.

WILLIAMS: You know -- you know what I think? It's in between the breaks.


WILLIAMS: Because so many things get said in the breaks. And I think the audience knows this, by the way.


WILLIAMS: I think they know that there's conversations. But in the break --

GUILFOYLE: Maybe we should start recording them on our phone and putting them out on Twitter.

WILLIAMS: Exactly. It would be great. Yes.


WILLIAMS: But I think sometimes things get said in the break, and you're like, "Wow. Whoa, I guess we shouldn't say that." But sometimes we come back, and people are laughing. And then we say, if you only knew what happened in the break.

GUILFOYLE: That's a very good answer, actually.

WATTERS: We'd have to bleep a lot of that stuff in the breaks.

My favorite moment? When I gave Greg a Thighmaster, and it exploded and almost took his face off.

GUTFELD: That was -- that was incredible. I almost ended up in a major lawsuit.

WATTERS: You almost sued the pants off me.

PERINO: But the scissors were pointing towards my eyes.

GUTFELD: I was holding a pair of scissors when that thing -- and the scissors, you could've taken out two hosts.

WATTERS: Two for one.



GUTFELD: You have any more? You'd have Diamond and Silk here instead.

PERINO: I think when you got your red leather jacket was pretty good.

WATTERS: That was a great moment.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, that -- you were really excited

WATTERS: Also, when Beckel gave me the finger.

All right.

GUILFOYLE: Trump supporter.

WATTERS: Next question, from Twitter, "If granted a foreign citizenship, which country would you choose?" Kimberly Guilfoyle.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I already have Ireland, though. Let's see.

WATTERS: Ireland?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean, I don't know. Like, what I want anything else? Maybe Spain.

WATTERS: Spain? That could be nice.


WATTERS: Iberian. You are a little Iberian.

Juan, what about you?

WILLIAMS: This is going to sound like I'm putting on, but it's the truth. I'm so American. When you go overseas, you know, if you're black, you always think, "Well, I'm in the minority." But then you go overseas, and people are, like, quick to say, you know, "You're an American, aren't you?"

WATTERS: You really strike me as a real American.


WATTERS: All right. Dana.

PERINO: I think, even though I'm only 2.2 percent Italian --


PERINO: -- that I would go with Italy.

GUILFOYLE: I feel like you'd get a nice olive complexion. You tan beautifully.

WATTERS: Yes, you are very tan right now.

PERINO: But I was 100 percent, but only 2.2 percent Italian.

WATTERS: Wow, you really bragging about your heritage.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: I would pick Vermont. Vermont. It's a different place out there.


WATTERS: -- Vermont.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. And I'm tired of having to bring my passport, so it will be nice to, you know, have the citizenship.

WATTERS: I was going to say Mexico, but then I realized I would have to pay for the wall, so I'm going to go with Britain. They still have all the colonies and the pirates. So it might make traveling a lot easier.

Next question from Facebook: "If you could have back something you lost, what would it be?" Besides your dignity, Greg, what would it be?

GUTFELD: Actually, I have a great answer to this, for once. I had a baseball card of Joe DiMaggio --


GUTFELD: No, when he was with the San Francisco Seals --


GUTFELD: -- which is a minor league ball club --


GUTFELD: -- in San Francisco. I had -- it was my dad's. I had it in my wallet, and I lost my wallet in college.

GUILFOYLE: How much would that be worth?

GUTFELD: It wasn't in great quality. But it would have been something.



WATTERS: It's a big one. I like that one. Dana, what about you?

GUILFOYLE: That was a big one.

PERINO: I think I haven't completely lost it. I think it is somewhere. But it was my great-grandmother's wedding band, and I got married in it. It's simple gold wedding band.

GUILFOYLE: Where is it?

PERINO: It's in what -- it's in a box in a trunk somewhere. I mean, we've moved so many times that I don't think I've lost it.

GUILFOYLE: Are you anxious about this?

PERINO: Yes, it just started up again.

GUILFOYLE: You're making me feel anxious about it. But I'd be afraid to almost go look and check the trunk, because if it's not there, you'd be very upset. It's almost better to believe it's there and not somewhere --

PERINO: That's what I'm saying. I think it's there.

WATTERS: Have Peter look into it.

Kimberly, what about you? What have you lost?

GUILFOYLE: What do I want back? Well --

WATTERS: What do you want back?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. So two things, actually. Can I just say, I actually think about this. And I thought about it the other day.

I had this little ball. It was so cute. And it had all these stars and stuff on it. And I used to play with it all the time. And I was playing out in the street, played with my friends, and then it went, it rolled down the gutter in the sewer, the grate thing or whatever. And I was, like, looking at it in there, and I was like, crying. My dad had come home from work and, like, tried to lift the thing out to get it. It was, like, a whole situation.

WATTERS: That was from the movie "It," Kimberly. Really.

GUILFOYLE: Was it really? That was real.

And then the other thing, which I talked about on the show, and then someone sent me a beautiful Winnie the Pooh doll, because I had it. It was what my mom gave it to me before she passed away at, and then my dad gave away all my stuffed animals. And Winnie the Pooh was in it.

WATTERS: That's very sentimental. You've got to get that back. Put a Pooh alert out there.

WILLIAMS: I don't know, it's -- I don't know who has it.

WATTERS: We'll look into it. Maybe it's in a box with the ring.

PERINO: FOX News alert.

WATTERS: Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: I think I'd take my hair back.

WATTERS: Me, too.

WILLIAMS: You know, because I'm balding in the back. I'm, like, nobody -- people say to me, what are you getting uptight about? I just don't know. Imagine, when I was a kid, I had a fro, man.

WATTERS: We need to see pictures of that.

WILLIAMS: And I mean, when I went off to school, people would say, you know, you look like, you know, a daisy or something with this fro. You know, what do they call those flowers?

GUTFELD: Dandelions.

WILLIAMS: Dandelion, I'd look like a dandelion, because I would have on purple cons (ph) and a fro. Skinny as a rail.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but you -- you have very good hair.

WATTERS: We need those pictures stat.

GUILFOYLE: You look very young. The pictures of you even 20 years ago, you look the same.

WILLIAMS: You're very kind.

WATTERS: Way to butter him up, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it is true.

WATTERS: All right. Next question. If you could have any other job. All right. You know what? We're going to save that for the next Fourth of July.

There's nothing better than a good summer anthem.

Up next, our favorite songs.


PERINO: Welcome back to "The Five" Fourth of July fan mail special. Time to answer more of your questions.

All right. These are from Facebook. Is there a song that reminds you of summer whenever you hear it? I have one, but I'll save mine till last. Jesse.

WATTERS: Gutfeld is going to make fun of me. I'm going to go with Don Henley, "Boys of Summer." Is that too --


WATTERS: -- easy.

GUTFELD: You're terrible.

WATTERS: I know, but it's obvious, and I love it.

PERINO: Did it come out in the summertime?

WATTERS: I don't know. But it's -- you know. How does it go again?

(SINGING) "I can see you brown skin shining in the sun."

GUTFELD: That's confusing.

WATTERS: I just lost about 1,000 viewers.

PERINO: Pretty good, pretty good.

Kimberly, do you have a song that you remember? Kimberly's song.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I love the Will Smith song, what is it? Like, "Summertime."

WATTERS (singing): "Summertime, Summertime."


WILLIAMS: I mean, I've got to keep up with these guys. So "Summertime," "Porgy and Bess." That's a pretty good song.

PERINO: That's true.

WILLIAMS: But you know what I really like for just driving down the street is James Brown, "Living in America." Super highway --


PERINO: Yes, those are fun.


PERINO: OK, I'm going to say it's more -- The Outfield. And they had a song called, "I Don't Want to Lose Your Love Tonight."

WATTERS: I love that song.

(singing): I don't want to lose your love tonight.

PERINO: It must have been -- I was 16 and I had a car, a driver's license. My birthdays in May, so I had a car for the whole summer. And my sister and I would turn it up, and I would listen to that. Ever since, anytime I hear that song, even if it's in the middle of winter, I think of summer.

WATTERS: Great song.

PERINO: Your turn.

GUTFELD: That's a different way of looking at it. It doesn't have to have the word "summer" in it. You know, because if I picked the -- I would have to say AC/DC, "Highway to Hell." Because there was a summertime where, when we would go through San Mateo to Santa Cruz to the beach, and we'd all be packed in the car and we'd just be listening to that album, "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC --

GUILFOYLE: That's the perfect atheist summer song.

GUTFELD: I guess it had to be '81 or '82. But that was -- that was the album. No, I'm talking about high school friends, yes.

PERINO: So you would just play it over and over?

GUTFELD: Yes. And then the Sex Pistols on the way back. Because you know, you had to have both.

PERINO: You absolutely did.

All right. So then, let me ask you this. What is your favorite Fourth of July movie? Do you have one, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Well, yes, I do. I would say "Top Gun." I really like that. I think it's very patriotic. Love the military. Love dudes playing volleyball.

PERINO: That was pretty good. And they're remaking it, too. "Top Gun 2" is coming out soon.

Jesse, do you have a movie?

WATTERS: I was going to say "Last of the Mohicans." I like the music. Good score. Good score on that one. But also very patriotic there. Daniel Day-Lewis.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, I appreciate that on behalf of my people.


GUILFOYLE: Six percent.

WATTERS: That's right, six percent.

WILLIAMS: Six percent. It's easy for me, "Independence Day." Because, you know, they're going off and the president is leading American military as we're shooting down the aliens that are coming to invade the planet Earth. And so the U.S. takes the lead. No isolationism. No unilateral --

WATTERS: Was Will Smith president?

WILLIAMS: No, I don't think so.

PERINO: I'm trying to remember the one. If they build it, they will come. If you build it, they will come. "Field of Dreams."

GUILFOYLE: "Field of Dreams," Kevin Costner.

PERINO: I went to see it on the Fourth of July.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's cool.

PERINO: Greg, movie.

GUTFELD: Jeez. I guess the big favorite for July 4th at the Gutfeld house was "It's a Wonderful Life."

PERINO: Yes. Play it all year long.


PERINO: Do you leave your lights up, too, all year?


PERINO: All right. Rose wine is a popular summer drink. No.


PERINO: Rose wine is a popular summer drink, but what's our cocktail of choice? That's up next when July 4th's fan mail special continues.


GUILFOYLE: So welcome back to "The Five." We're answering more of your fan mail questions on this Independence Day.

All right. So first question, Instagram from @MomsCoffee. "What is your favorite summertime cocktail," folks.

All right. Greg, we'll start with you.

GUTFELD: I don't have a favorite. I don't have a favorite.

PERINO: I thought you had, like, the Moscow Mule or something.

GUTFELD: No, I don't like that, because I like Dark and Stormy. But you know, I don't like to play favorites. They're all equally wonderful in my book.

GUILFOYLE: You do like a good Dark and Stormy.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.

GUILFOYLE: You tend to get a little inebriated quickly on that. I think you have better pacing with red wine, with pinot noir. Just my observation. Thank you.

OK, Dana.

PERINO: I don't really drink any hard liquor, but I like -- if I have a rose or a white wine spritzer. A lot of ice.

GUILFOYLE: By the way, that's a good idea.

GUTFELD: You know how to take risks.

PERINO: Slow it down. I slow it way down.

GUILFOYLE: She's a risk taker, all right.

GUTFELD: Last call, last call. Spritzer for the lady.

GUILFOYLE: Living on the wild side.

GUTFELD: Yes. I remember what happened. The port, oh, my God.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's because you had been drinking and then you finished off with port at the end of the night, and that did you in.

PERINO: Don't ever do that.

GUILFOYLE: She was not well. Five a.m. in the morning. It was not good.

All right. Jesse.

WATTERS: Last summer was Moscow Mules. This summer is gin and tonic. Hendrick's gin, of course.

GUILFOYLE: Indeed, indeed. That's very popular.

PERINO: Very sophisticated of you.

WATTERS: That's what people think of when they look at me.

GUILFOYLE: Gin drinkers love Hendrick's.

WATTERS: Yes, they do.

WILLIAMS: It has a wonderful bouquet. I would say I like gin and tonics, but summertime is pina colada time.

WATTERS: Ooh, I change mine now. I love pina drinks by the pool.

WILLIAMS: Yes, really.

GUILFOYLE: Great song. We should have picked that one.

WATTERS: Got to have an umbrella in the cup.

WATTERS: Only the best for me, Greg. Keep them coming. The girlier the better.

GUILFOYLE: OK, so let's see. I think just -- for me, I love anything with, like, you know, tequila in it. A really good margarita or just tequila soda. I think it's, like, crisp and clean. A little bit of -- mmm-mm.

WATTERS: Frozen margarita or regular?

GUILFOYLE: I tend to go margarita, rocks, no salt.

WATTERS: No salt?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, because I get my salt in my chips and salsa.

WATTERS: Yes, you've got it all figured out.

GUILFOYLE: I really do. And I have, you know, a way to execute this, and it's really worked out well for me. Jesse.

WATTERS: I'm going to go gym teacher, and we played Dodgeball to the Death. Old-school. It sure has.

GUILFOYLE: OK, fine. Facebook question from Terry L., "If you could be a teacher in high school for one day, what subject would you teach and why?"

Mr. Williams.

WILLIAMS: English. I love it. You know, it's interesting, because I was a philosophy major in college, and I sometimes look back and I think "Why didn't I do political science? Why didn't I do history? Things like that?

GUILFOYLE: What about history?

WILLIAMS: yes. I think English is so much fun. You can get into all kinds of stories and books and take people to different worlds. I love it.

GUILFOYLE: That was a nice answer and you had a lot of enthusiasm. Jesse.

WATTERS: I'm going to go with gym teacher. And we'd play dodgeball to the death. Old school.

GUILFOYLE: This is so predictable. You know people are upset with that.

WATTERS: Until they cry. Head shots allowed.

PERINO: I'd do life skills.

GUILFOYLE: What a freak.

PERINO: For one day in a high school, life skills.

GUILFOYLE: Minute mentoring.

PERINO: Absolutely.

WATTERS: That's probably -- that's useful.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Greg. Quick.

GUTFELD: Obviously, it would be Gutfeld 101. And the books would be "The Gutfeld Monologues."

WATTERS: There it is.

GUTFELD: It's available at Amazon.com. It will be out soon, but order it now, because supplies are limited. Then you'd have "The Joy of Hate." You'd have "Not Cool." You'd have all my books. "The Bible of Unspeakable Truths." Any books I left out?

GUILFOYLE: Unbelievable self-promoter.

GUTFELD: "How to Be Right."

GUILFOYLE: All right. Enough of you. I would love to -- I taught high school, but I was probably too young to be teaching high school. So that was a little bit interesting. But I loved teaching and working with special needs kids. And that's what my mom did, and I did that, as well. And so -- I would do that in high school and just work with them. It was very rewarding.

All right. One more question next on "The Five."


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. It's time for one last question. This is from Instagram, @pamela.dowdy.75 asks: "What do you think makes America a great country?"

Let's start with the patriot, Jesse Watters.

WATTERS: I would say the American spirit. The way we're always renewing ourselves and reinventing ourselves and pushing further and further the limits. Also our geography. The fact that we're separated by two oceans, and just gives us such a natural advantage over our enemies. And all the natural resources we have, the diversity of them really makes us the greatest nation ever.


WATTERS: In the history of the world.

WILLIAMS: There we go. To our first lady.

GUILFOYLE: So I would say our American military. I really feel very patriotic about the military, and the men and women that serve and so that we can all enjoy our freedoms. And they also help out in times of need and distress. Like, Marines going out and helping with people, in terms of humanitarian efforts in rebuilding areas that have been ravaged through tragedy and suffering. So you see some of the kind effects done by the United States military overseas and with children and everything. It's very sweet.

WILLIAMS: And our own Betsy Ross.

PERINO: I would say the founding principles. So the Constitution, and the whole principle of how our country came together. Our Founding Fathers were so wise, and they were very young, actually. They were sort of, like, in their mid-30s, and they wrote a Constitution that has held up over these 200-odd years. And so I think that the fact that it's based on liberty, which is everyone's natural state of being, the desire to be free, that you actually get to have that here.

WILLIAMS: And now for a dissenting point, King George.

GUTFELD: I'd have to say the shopping. The shopping in America is great. You can get just about anything you want and at a decent price, and you can have it delivered to you almost at any time of the day. America, it's where the world shops.

GUILFOYLE: You like that with food, too. You're always ordering.

GUTFELD: Definitely.

WATTERS: Never have to leave your apartment.

GUTFELD: Never have to leave your apartment.

WATTERS: And your apartment is bigger than anybody else's.

WILLIAMS: Well, so --


WILLIAMS: You know what? Your answers are so ordinary to me. Because literally, as an immigrant kid, I've got to tell you, the United States is special and wonderful because it's stable. Right?


WILLIAMS: I mean, you have political freedoms. For now. I thought you liked Trump. What's going on here?

But I mean, political freedoms. Economic stability, economic opportunity. Wow, I think this is a great country. I mean, like, fireworks. They should have fireworks to celebrate this country.

GUILFOYLE: It's just getting better.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I think we're on our way. I think so.

WATTERS: Juan thinks it's a great country. I want everybody to know this was July 4, 2018. Juan said it. We're going to hold you to that now, Juan.

WILLIAMS: You can hold to me any day of the year.

WATTERS: All right, good.

WILLIAMS: I actually think it is a great country.

WATTERS: All right.

WILLIAMS: Although I think there are some people who are up to sneaky business.

WATTERS: Yes, like Strzok and page.


WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh. You know, we never stop with the fireworks.

That's it for this special edition of "The Five." You know, we hope all of you have a wonderful Independence Day. We're going to see you back here tomorrow. Don't miss it. And guess what? "Special Report" up next.

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