
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 15, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Melissa Francis, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

The showdown over Russia's alleged meddling in our country's election intensifies. Yesterday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest charged that president-elect Trump knew before the election that Russia was behind the series of hacks on Democrats during the campaign. That claim was later dismissed by Mr. Trump's team.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, SENIOR ADVISER FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT TRUMP: What is incredibly disappointing to hear from the podium, the White House press secretary because he is -- he basically -- he essentially stated that the president-elect had knowledge of this, maybe even fanned the flames. It's incredibly irresponsible and I wonder if his boss, President Obama, agrees.


GUILFOYLE: Earnest fired back at the press briefing earlier.


JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The Republican nominee for president was encouraging Russia to hack his opponent. Mr. Trump obviously knew that Russia was engaged in malicious cyber activity that was helping him and hurting Secretary Clinton's campaign. It might be time to not attack the intelligence community but actually be supportive of a thorough, transparent, rigorous, non-political investigation into what exactly happened.


GUILFOYLE: All right, so this intensifies the discussion about it and the allegations it seems that are wholly without merit.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So, a couple of very, very important things happened. Now the CIA -- we're going to have a Peter King shot in a minute -- but the CIA refuse to provide someone to House Intel Committee meeting that was going to take place tomorrow so they cancelled the meeting. What that means is it was behind closed doors. It was on the record but the House committee -- the Intel committee wanted to know what evidence the CIA had to prove that the claim that they're hacking or whatever -- the Russian hacking affected the election.

And they didn't put someone forward so they canceled that meeting. It's important because now there's more and more questions being raised if the CIA does have this evidence, show us especially when we have 50 or 55 electors who may want to see some of this evidence. But apparently CIA doesn't want to do it. Look, first it was Robby Mook and John Podesta that caused the Hillary Clinton loss, then it was James Comey, then it was voter fraud, now it's the Russians.

They're just scraping the bottom of the barrel for excuses. They lost because Hillary Clinton was a flawed candidate. She came up with deplorables. And by the way, Obamacare happened at exactly the wrong time, they're raising the premiums.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Melissa, welcome to this table.

MELISSA FRANCIS, GUEST CO-HOST: Thank you. My question is, I mean, so if the Russians did it then what do we do about it? I mean you know, you're sitting there, they have the same evidence they did before. They said themselves that there's nothing new. They just sort of put it all together and looked at it and feel like, yes, you know probably Russia was behind this. Not everyone agrees with that.

But we've come to so many conclusions in the past eight years of things that people have done and we continue to do nothing about it, which is kind of how we saw the pylon (ph). I mean if you go back to President Obama mocking Mitt Romney in the last set of debates saying the '80s called and they want their foreign policy back because Mitt Romney said that Vladimir Putin was a real threat around the world.

They haven't been taking Russia seriously from the beginning. Now all of a sudden, Russia is the worst enemy in the world. I mean, get in line. There's a whole bunch of really bad guys out there including Russia that we have let walk all over us.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Greg, our Russian expert?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yes. I love it when people walk all over me. Totally good for your back.

GUILFOYLE: That's different.

GUTFELD: OK, the best part about this story is how it all began. It began as a vendetta against Putin. I mean Putin was ticked off at Hillary because Hillary questioned the legitimacy of his election. So what does he do? He undermines ours. And the lesson here is, you don't mess with Putin. It's like if you -- his response is so out of proportion to the slight. She says this thing and what does he do? He does this.

It's like if you eat his lunch from the work fridge, he will poison your family. That's what we know from Putin. But to your point, like what does America do? America has to respond to this the same way that they respond to terror which is the greater goal is to prevent subversion of the system.

You can't look at this as a partisan thing because, you know, it hurt Hillary or it helped Trump. You have to look as it as an American thing. And the best thing we could do is a bipartisan investigation and increase our efforts in cyber security. We have to -- if we publically pick at this scab that helps Russia.

If we eat each other, cannibalize each other, have these internal fights, that benefits Russia and Putin. The better thing is for us to work together and figure out what happened and move on from there.

GUILFOYLE: But how about the fact that it's really irresponsible, echo Kellyanne Conway comments for the Obama administration to say that president-elect Trump knew specifically ahead of time that the Russians were hacking and this was going on? It's a pretty serious allegation, unfounded.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: How is it irresponsible Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: It's irresponsible because it lacks any factual basis.

WILLIAMS: Can I offer a fact? I personally saw president-elect Trump say, Russia, go ahead, hack Hillary Clinton. That's what he said, isn't it.

GUILFOYLE: I mean that is in fact not what he --

BOLLING: It's not exactly what he said.

WILLIAMS: That's exactly what he said.

BOLLING: It's close to what he said.

WILLIAMS: That's exactly what he said.

BOLLING: I wonder if we can get --

FRANCIS: Those 33,000 e-mails.

GUILFOYLE: Deleted e-mails, yes.


WILLIAM: Look, he clearly -- I don't know what you're trying to do here, but he was clearly in touch with the idea Russia was about hacking so, I mean, I don't know.

BOLLING: But here's the thing, do we know they hacked?

WILLIAMS: Look, here's what we know, OK. So in the last week, "The Washington Post" and the "New York Times" have said the hacking was done to swing the election to Trump.

BOLLING: Based on what?

WILLIAMS: Secondly -- hang on, can I finish please?

GUILFOYLE: With no evidence of voter fraud.

WILLIAMS: Secondly, NBC and ABC are now saying that they have sources with direct access to the information that indicate that with a high level of confidence Vladimir Putin was involved. Now, what you're saying about the congressional committee Devin Nunes on House Intel -- Devin Nunes has been told by the director of National Intelligence, we're still finishing up our report. We're not going to give you an interim report while things are not fully formed. We are going to wait until the end.

BOLLING: That's not accurate Juan.

WILLIAMS: But you have sources --

BOLLING: What you're claiming is not accurate. The DNI is doing an oversight on what the CIA claims they have.

WILLIAMS: You're right, it's more than CIA. Its 17 intel agencies.

BOLLING: That no one has produced one bit of evidence, a shred of evidence yet.

GUILFOYLE: Right. This is what (inaudible) attempts to. It's an attempt to undermine the election.

WILLAIM: You are talking about something that you are trying to say here is hard and fast. What you're stating is --

BOLLING: They're not (inaudible). The house intel committee would like to see it.

WILLIAMS: Look, what you got here is an overwhelming amount of audience -- amount of conclusions. That's what you're up against.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, because this is an attempt to try to undermine the election --

WILLIAM: That is to try to politicize it, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: -- and also (inaudible) factual basis. Let's wait and see, OK. Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill --

GUTFELD: Well, Putin definitely trying to undermine it.

WILLIAM: That's what I think.

GUILFIYLE: -- are fuming after the heads of the CIA, the FBI and the director of National Intelligence refuse to provide the latest information to Congress about the alleged hacking. Here is congressman Peter King.


REP. PETER KING (R), NEW YORK: This is absolutely disgraceful. All we've heard from the intelligence community over the last several months is that they could not say that there was any attempt to undermine Hillary Clinton to help Donald Trump. The consensus was that there was an attempt by the Russians to put a cloud over the election.

Well that's what happening right now. I don't think there's any conclusion that they're attempting to favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. When they say the CIA has made this conclusion, who? There is someone there who is leaking this out. Why didn't they tell the House Intelligence Committee? That's their obligation.



FRANCIS: I mean he said that a cloud over this election. I don't know if you guys remembered, but there were a ton of clouds over this election coming from every different direction. All those e-mails that came out were e-mails that were actually written. And then they were put out there in the public. OK, that is not a good thing.

But Juan, I don't understand what you want do about it. I mean, if we're seated right here right now, OK, someone who was -- who hated Hillary Clinton and was sympathetic to Russia hacked these e-mails and released them to try and influence the election. What do you want to do, bomb Russia? Like what do you want to do? We're already trying to protect ourselves against -- Russia is hacking everything they can. So is Korea. So is China.

I mean, all of our enemies are desperately trying to get into all of our computers all the time. Can we move on to a solution?

WILLIAMS: To things I'll say Melissa. I'm glad you said it because I want to come to a point where I really agree with you on something about here. But let me just say that what's become clear in recent days is that Russia was able to hack into the RNC, did not do it, right. According to Reince Priebus, they never actually penetrated, but had the capacity. And then chose to go ahead, hack into DNC --

FRANCIS: So what do you want do about it?

WILLIAMS: -- as the spread that information out a little bit at a time will.

BOLLING: The evidence --

WILLIAMS: No, wait a second. Hang on. You say --

BOLLING: You just can't make a claim like that without any evidence.

WILLIAMS: Listen. There is -- if I was doing it of my own, you know, you'd be so right. But it's not me. It's the intelligence community of our U.S.A. and the idea that you would say, oh suddenly this comes from the Trump camp. Oh, they're saying people that said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. What kind of a tactic --

BOLLING: You're jumping to conclusions.

WILLIAMS: There is no jumping. I'm simply telling you what --

BOLLING: Of course you are. There's not one shred of evidence tying Russia to a hacking into the DNC.

WILLIAMS: OK, I'm just telling you that that's what's coming. But I want to get back to Melissa. So the point to you Melissa is that right now, the question is what do we do about it? Because I think it was clear that they were going after Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. And I wish that President Obama had been more effective and willing to stand up and point to the Russians during this election and punish them.

FRANCIS: So what are you going to do about it now?


GUILFOYLE: Because they don't like the outcome and they had a horrible, corrupt candidate that was basically rejected by the majority of the country.

WILLIAMS: There's not true. The majority of the country voted for Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: President-elect Trump got 200 counties that Barack Obama did and he outperformed the last two presidential --

WILLIAMS: And how many millions of votes did Clinton get?

GUILFOYLE: -- candidates and there is zero evidence of voter fraud in this last U.S. presidential election. Facts.

WILLIAMS: How many millions of votes (inaudible) Clinton get?

GUTFELD: Can we just cut --

GUILFOYLE: What? In New York and California.

WILLIAMS: -- this is all team sport politics. Is it a coincidence that the people that are mad that Trump won are screaming about this and the people that are happy Trump won just want to move on? That what we're watching for the last 10 minutes. People that are happy Trump won are upset about a investigation.

People who want Trump to lose want an investigation. But what I love about this is watching how -- what happened to all the liberals who were so, you know, they were anti-communist. They were the fellow travelers, the old communist of the last 40 years. Are they all now closet (inaudible).

They're all so anti-Russian. It's so bizarre. We've switched sides. Now the right embraces the Russians and the left are condemning them. My whole head is going to explode of what's left of it.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well it's very little less of it there so please hold on to it. And let's deal with facts, Greg. Don't over simplify by assuming that the statements made at this table are not ones that are based on facts.

GUTFELD: I'm just going by experience.

GUILFOYLE: Facts and specifics.

GUTFELD: I'm going by experience.

GUILFOYLE: Facts and specifics and my CIA sources. We'll see. Coming up, how is president-elect Trump scoring with American voters so far. We'll reveal the results of the newest Fox News polls since the election, next.


WILLIAMS: Some fresh new Fox New polls out today show a majority of American voters have low expectations for president-elect Donald Trump. Just 11 percent say he would be one of our country's greatest presidents. Thirty one percent say he will be one of the worst. By a 10 percent margin more voters see the president-elect as "divider" than a "uniter." And views on his cabinet pick, they're mixed. Forty-four percent approve, 46 percent disapprove.

Seems like bad news but could it be an opportunity for the president-elect to prove everyone wrong once again and get things done. Can he surpass expectations, Kimberly?

WILIAMS: Well of course he has because he's repeatedly done it over and over again. He was up against 16 people and it came down to him as the choice and everybody said that he couldn't beat Hillary Clinton and he did just that. So, I would fully expect for him to exceed these low expectations that I think are not in keeping with what we've already seen the president-elect do.

He is somebody who has jobs experience, want to boost the economy, wants to get the military back in the strong position, wants to repeal and replace Obamacare. A lot of things that he wants to do including an immigration that the voters actually said they want to see happen. So, yes, I think he's going to exceed expectations. He already started to with his cabinet mix.

WILLIAMS: Eric, this is the biggest hole a president-elect has been and in recent memory you go back not only to Obama but look back at President Bush, George W. Bush. Look back at President Clinton. How do you explain it? How do you understand what's going on here?

BOLLING: Well, they always start in the hole and most of them end up at their highest approval rating as they're about to leave the White House. That's usually what happens.

WILLIAMS: That's not true.

BOLLING: Well, Bush did and also Clinton --

WILLIAMS: Bush? Bush was way down when he was leaving.

BOLLING: Because of the economic conditions, but Obama is going out near the highest.

WILLIAMS: He took out (ph) 57 of them all.

BOLLING: So, president-elect Donald Trump has already gained nine percent since the election on approval ratings and it's probably because what's going on in the economy. They see the job -- people see jobs staying here. IBM announcing 25,000 jobs. Other companies saying they're staying. And I'll tell you what's going to happen in I guess maybe what, two weeks, two and a half weeks.

People are going to open up their year-end summary of their 401K and they'll say wow. This is the best that's been in a really, really long time. So I think over time, I think Donald Trump, you know, don't forget Hillary Clinton was in just about the same disapproval of her approval rating situation as well. I think either one of them are going to improve - -

WILLIAMS: Well, usually what you seem what I say is that the person who's just been elected has a honeymoon and everybody just kind of rallying around him and there's a feel good, you know, jump on the bandwagon effect but its good.

FRANCIS: Yes, not this time. Not this time. To me this is a little bit like when I have to leave the room and I leave the 6 year-old in charge of my baby and if I come back and she's like in one piece I'm ready to throw a parade. The 6 year-old is like a huge victory. Low expectations are a total gift. Being underestimated is a complete gift because unless you really screw up and lose the baby, then you have, you know, it looks like you've done a really great thing.

So, I don't know. I think this is a gift to him. I thought it was pretty funny when you look through so everybody obviously voted for multiple terms because up about at 50 percent or in the high 30's -- hopeful, relieved, embarrassed, excited, empowered, I mean that's quite a mix of emotions for people to be having about an incoming president.

WILLIAMS: Well, what you see Greg, is usually in the honeymoon period, things get higher and then the tradition maybe standard approval rating once they take off scraps about 10 points and starts to go down. Now in this case, the hole is so deep, you know, where is he going to go?

FRANCIS: Low expectations.

WILLIAMS: Deep holes are great holes. I always say this because everything great in life begins with low expectations. Think about "Rocky." No one expected that movie to be any good or aspirin. Aspirin is great for everything. What about indoor plumbing? People go nuts. That will never work. And lo and behold, indoor plumbing it's almost everywhere including here.

BOLLING: And the other one?

GUTFELD: "The Five."

BOLLING: "The Five.

GUTFELD: "The Five."


GUTFELD: The reviews. The reviews for "The Five" were I give it six weeks. Remember "Inside Cable News" said that. I give it six weeks, what happened to that guy? He's homeless. I don't know that. But anyway, you know what helps Trump also is the THD, Trump hysteria disorder. If you are constantly saying that something is evil and evil and evil, it's impossible for it to be actually that evil. So it can only be a pleasant surprise. And I told this to my liberal friends, he is a centrist. You're going to be pleasantly surprised.

BOLLING: It's like the dentist. You worry about it until you --

GUTFELD: And he gives you the laughing gas.

BOLLING: And then after you feel so much better.

GUILFOYLE: It's a great position for him to be in.

FRANCIS: Like a trip to the dentist.

WILLIAMS: Are you telling me this is like a trip to the dentist?

BOLLING: Well, it's never as bad as you think it's going to be.

GUILFOYLE: Juan is like "Chicken Little" of "The Five." The sky is falling --

WILLIAMS: I think if Greg's head is going to explode, I just want to go to bed. I want to put the pillow over my head for the next four years.

GUTFELD: A lot of people do.

WILLIAMS: Yes. Up next, an update --

GUILFOYLE: There's a big line at the deli for that one.

WILLIAMS: Oh my God. (Inaudible). A dire situation in Syria. Thousands being evacuated from Aleppo. Who is to blame for the humanitarian disaster there? More on that when we return.


FRANCIS: Now an update on the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Evacuations have begun as thousands of trapped civilians and fighters try to leave the war torn city of Aleppo. A cease-fire appears to be holding for now, but much of the eastern Aleppo has been reduced to rubble. Children from the only orphanage left standing in the ravaged city recorded this heart wrenching video message pleading for help. Local residents also share their heartbreaking stories.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I moved to here because that will be safer to me and I can live as free person and help my people. Unlike my last days -- my last three days.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Active militias of maybe 300 meters away. No place now to go. It's the last days. I hope you can do something for Aleppo people or my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To everyone who can hear me. We are here exposed to a genocide in the vicinity of Aleppo. This may be my last video. With no safe zone, no lights, every bomb is a new massacre.


FRANCIS: Samantha Powers, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. slammed Syria's president for creating this dire situation.


SAMANTHA POWERS, U.S. AMBASSADOR, UNITED NATIONS: To the Assad regime, Russia and Iran, your forces and proxies are carrying out these crimes. Your barrel bombs and mortars and air strikes have allowed the militia in Aleppo to encircle tens of thousands of civilians in your ever tightening noose. It is your noose. Are you truly incapable of shame? Is there literally nothing that can shame you?


FRANCIS: Juan, I'll start with you. I mean it's just -- it's amazing to watch. I mean, it's heartbreaking. A lot of talk in every direction. No one doing anything.

WILLIAMS: Right. I think the "L.A. Times" got it right. They had an editorial this morning. It said it's a stain on the world's conscience. But I think it's particularly a stain on America's conscience because of our inaction. We have not been key players here. Now the contrary response is, yes, Russia and Iran have been the key players because they see a military interest.

The United States, you know, I mean there's so many moments at which I thought we could have taken a stand and failed to do so. Now, I just want to say one last thing Eric before you go, that in this Christmas season to see these videos of the children, there's one where a child is talking about being trapped in an underground orphanage and says I just want to live like every other child. It's just heartbreaking.

BOLLING: Absolutely heartbreaking, stunning pictures and video coming out of there. However, I will say Juan I don't agree with you. I think if you believe that what you just said, President Obama is the cause then, is the reason some of the pictures we are seeing what we see, he is the one who drew the chemical red line. They were the ones who violated the chemical red line.

That was the opportunity to take action against Syria and Russia wouldn't have been able to do what they are doing right now. I don't believe that. That's not my world. I would say that would be a response to you. I believe Samantha Power is right. Diplomatic pressure. I think sanctions are right. I think humanitarian aid is right. I'm just not in the camp that says we need to send military aid there.

WILLIAMS: I agree with that.

BOLLING: Well, you just said we had a chance.

WILLIAMS: No, we had a chance to take -- let Greg talk.

GUTFELD: I think itis Obama's fault. I think his foreign policy was legacy. This is all about the Iran deal. He didn't want to screw up the Iran deal, right?

FRANCIS: That's true.

GUTFELD: He didn't want to get -- he didn't want to put any bodies in there and I think, I mean I believe that if you believe in human rights, you got to walk the walk. You can't say, oh, poor, poor people, but we can't help you. We got to help you.

But I do believe that this is part and parcel, a single minded obsession with legacy that prevented our action. And we look at this now but it's like we just sit there and we go, well, lucky it ain't us, we were born here.

GUILFOYLE: Well listen, this is a stain on President Obama's legacy. This has his DNA all over it. He had a choice and a chance to make a difference, to prevent this horrible humanitarian crisis.

This is an example that you are looking at right there of his feckless foreign policy, his inability to act that has resulted in needless, senseless humanitarian violations and genocide and nobody should feel comfortable as you look at those images and you see those videos of what's happening there in Aleppo and the loss of life and children being massacred and murdered and orphanages being hit.

It is really shameful what's happened here and we could have and should have done something about it. He cares more there about doing deals with state sponsors of terrorism like Iran than he cares about --


FRANCIS: So what do we do now?

BOLLING: -- we should, you know, basically start to get involved in another war?

WILLIAMS: No. I agree with you on that by the way.

FRANCIS: -- stood up and said everybody is willing to come to the table in Geneva except for Assad. I mean, that was his address today from the State Department, saying that during the cease-fire he's trying to get everyone together to sit down for the first time in five years. And the international community has to put pressure on everyone involved to get together and sit down at one table. And this cease-fire could turn into the end of the whole thing.

GUTFELD: You know, Dana is not here today, but you know exactly what she would say. She would say we didn't solve it at the source which causes the migration chaos which is destroying Europe. So we are dealing -- we are, in the long -- we are going to deal with this problem, whether we like it or not.

WILLIAMS: We deal with the humanitarian.

GUILFOYLE: It was our problem, and it still is. You see it manifesting throughout Europe and the problems they're having. Just ask Angela Merkel and the rest of them that are suffering from this migrant problem.

FRANCIS: There you go. That was uplifting.

Coming up, new details about that story of a Muslim teen who says she was attacked by a group of Trump supporters. There's a major update that has Greg very fired up. Stay tuned.



VIVIAN LEE, NY1 ANCHOR: The NYPD hate crimes unit is asking New Yorkers for help in finding a group of men they say harassed a Muslim woman on the subway. Investigators say three men followed the victim on the 6 Train at 23rd Street at around 10 o'clock Thursday evening. They allegedly started taunting her by saying, "You don't belong here" and saying Donald Trump's name. Police say they tried to yank the hijab off of her head before she got off at the 42nd Street Grand Central Station. People we spoke with said they were disgusted by the story.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think everyone's religious beliefs, colors should all be respected, no matter where you come from. And especially in New York being such a diverse city. This should never happen.


GUTFELD: Don't worry, dude, it didn't happen. The whole thing was a hoax.

Initially, 18-year-old Yasmin Seweid claimed she was attacked by those evil male Trump supporters who called her a terrorist and threatened her. It was so bad, she had to write about it on Facebook. But it reeked of B.S., because it was.

So check out the latest BuzzFeed headline: "Woman Arrested for Allegedly Making Up Story of NY Subway Attack by Trump Supporters." Now let's compare that to the first BuzzFeed headline of the incident: "Drunk Men Yelling 'Donald Trump' Attempt to Remove Woman's Hijab on NYC Subway." So do you notice what's missing there? No "allegedly" in the original headline.

BuzzFeed was among many who bought this story, hook, line and stinker, because they wanted their myth to be true that Trump voters gleefully attack innocent Muslims wherever they go. So they suspended skepticism and they enabled a lie.

But what's even worse, Yasmin claimed there were so many witnesses, but none of them helped. So she didn't just waste valuable police time, she smeared an entire city. How stupid must a reporter be to not even question that lie, that no one helped or even took pictures with their camera phone?

So we at Fox, we chased this story. We called the cops. We checked it out. Shame on you jackasses for not doing the same thing.

As for Yasmin, everybody's going to say she has issues. But so does the media, who make these hoaxes an easy path for attention. Even now when reporting this lie, they still claim it's an exception among real attacks, which is another lie. But that's our media, who takes fiction as fact because it fits their ghoulish assumptions. It's a hate crime against all of us.

You know what drives me nuts?


BOLLING: We don't have time.

GUILFOYLE: Every day, the list is getting long.

GUTFELD: I take the subway every morning. People would have acted up. That was the -- that was the tell that it was false.

FRANCIS: Well, people would have taken videos.


FRANCIS: I mean, because that's what we do. We don't necessarily help or get out there or do anything. You just immediately get out your camera and start taking videos.

Look, you saw in one of the pictures that showed her, though, her head is shaved now.


FRANCIS: And she says that her family shaved her head because of what she had done.


FRANCIS: And where she had actually been -- you didn't see that in the article?


FRANCIS: And you know, I mean, I don't know. Who knows what's going on in this girl -- woman's house, teenage girl?

GUTFELD: No, that's assault. If your parents shave your head, that's Muslim on Muslim crime. And that's what she's just calling attention to. Not Trump supporter crime. But if her parents forcibly shaved her head, that's actually a hate crime.

GUILFOYLE: OK. I mean, we don't know what the truth is with any of this.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

GUILFOYLE: So now she's not wearing the hijab. She's showing her shaved head. We don't know. This may be a woman with some serious psychological problems.

What we do know is the other side of the spectrum has serious psychological problems, is the dishonest media, who is putting forward a story like this, when this woman said that this happened to her--

FRANCIS: Without checking it.

GUILFOYLE: -- because they want--

GUTFELD: That this is true.

GUILFOYLE: -- this is the story that they want to be put forward.

BOLLING: Fits their narrative.

GUILFOYLE: This is, like, comports with what they believe and what they want to put forward. And they've been very consistent doing this over and over and over again. That's why you have to check your facts.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know, Eric, I know that technically, when you're 18, you're a teen. But I think that if she was doing something else that was - - if she wasn't a victim, they would describe her as a young woman. But because she's a victim of Trump supporters, she's a teen.

BOLLING: Yes. The bias even in that. But again, fits the narrative, fits the narrative, fits the narrative. Think of "Rolling Stone."


BOLLING: Remember that?


BOLLING: It fit the narrative so perfectly that they didn't even fact check whether or not these students were being raped or not or these accusations. So here it is again. If it fits the narrative, apparently, the fact checking -- you go a little easier on the fact checking.

GUTFELD: Yes, and Juan, you know why it is? It's like even if -- this is the argument. Even if one of them is false, if one of these stories is false, it's got to be true somewhere. So that's OK.

WILLIAMS: Well, here's the thing. I think -- you know, you said before, people are going to say she's just troubled, and that's the problem. I mean, Kimberly even said she looks like she's got some issues.


WILLIAMS: Then I saw in the paper--

GUILFOYLE: I'm saying perhaps.


GUTFELD: I have issues.

WILLIAMS: No, but you're one of us. And then I saw in the paper, it said here that her older brother also made up an incident a while back.

GUTFELD: And her sister is vehemently anti-Trump.

WILLIAMS: What is going on? But I will say this to you. I disagree about the larger pattern here. Because I saw a video, to pick up on Melissa's point, that people will take out their cameras. Where a guy on an airplane -- I think it was a Delta Airplane is screaming nasty stuff.

GUTFELD: Saw that. He was drunk, and he didn't hurt a single person.

WILLIAMS: I don't know if he was drunk. But I'm telling -- well, he's calling names, standing up and calling people, Clinton all this.

GUTFELD: There are drunk people on planes all the time, Juan. I am one of them.

WILLIAMS: I have not seen you stand up and--

GUILFOYLE: You're compromised in more than one way. I sat next to you.

WILLIAMS: But also, according to article, law enforcement agencies say there has been a spike in anti-Muslim violence.

GUTFELD: There it is. There it is.

BOLLING: Exactly what you said.

GUTFELD: Yes. Like, it doesn't matter if this is false.

BOLLING: If this is fake. Somewhere it's happen. It's happening.

WILLIAMS: I don't get your point.

BOLLING: The point was, because--

WILLIAMS: Because this one is fake all are fake?

BOLLING; Well, when you get nailed on having a story that you didn't fact check and is, in fact, wrong they back off and say, "Well, you know, this could be happening, probably."

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

GUILFOYLE: And there's a spike.

WILLIAMS: It's not probably. This is what the numbers show.

GUTFELD: The Southern Poverty Law Center statistics, and they are not being questioned by the media. They aren't. They're just going, "But wait, over here, look at all of this." And nobody looks at it.

WILLIAMS: But law enforcement agencies across the country tally -- that's what this story says. It's law enforcement.

GUTFELD: No, but they don't investigate. When they investigate, this is what happens.

GUILFOYLE: But, but they won't even call it out now. You just read in your monologue, they're saying "allegedly who made it up." Come on, now. We already know; the truth is out. She faked it.

GUTFELD: All right. Don't go anywhere. "The Fastest Seven" up next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for--


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: -- "The Fastest Seven Minutes on Television." Three alluring stories, seven alacritous minutes, one ardent host.

First up, winning? We're going to win so much your head is going to spin. We're going to get so tired of winning, we're going to win so much. Donald Trump is a fan of winning. But some Hollywood celebrities want to stop him from doing it.


MARTIN SHEEN, ACTOR: As you know, our Founding Fathers built the Electoral College to safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demagogue and to ensure that the presidency only goes to someone who is, to an eminent degree, endowed with the requisite qualifications.

DEBRA MESSING, ACTRESS: An eminent degree. Someone who is highly qualified for the job.


NOAH WYLE, ACTOR: -- and just 36 our conscientious Republican electors can make a difference.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: By voting your conscience on December 19.


BOLLING: OK, Gregory, wouldn't the eminent degree required qualifications be the votes?

GUTFELD: Yes. Getting political advice from Martin Sheen is like getting STD advise from his son.

Look, celebrity videos, I call them opposite influencers. If you want to cement a Trump presidency, continue to do this. You are only helping him. Because people hear this, and it turns them off.

BOLLING: Melissa, you're part of that world. Former part of the world.

FRANCIS: You know what? Martin Sheen played my dad in a movie once.

BOLLING: Did he?

FRANCIS: He is a lovely human being.

GUTFELD: He's a great guy.

FRANCIS: I don't want to say anything mean against him.

GUTFELD: Very liberal.

FRANCIS: But celebrities didn't convince the voters the first time around, so I don't know if it's going to work this time. But he's lovely.

BOLLING: Juanito

WILLIAMS: Well, they have fewer people to convince. I think -- what is it, 538? That's the number of electors.

BOLLING: Five hundred thirty-eight electors.

WILLIAMS: Right. And the question is -- they've got some electors now who are called, by the way, the Hamilton group or whatever, after Alexander Hamilton, who are trying to lead this. But they're both Democrats.

BOLLING: I think they have one Republican so far.

K.G., your thoughts on this one?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, you know, if it makes them feel better, and it feels like you can sleep better at night, you know, enjoy yourself.

BOLLING: Stay right there, K.G., because this one is good. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the new chairman of the boardroom over at NBC's "Celebrity Apprentice." Since he won't be able to use Trump's tagline, "You're fired," what will Arnold use to fire celebrity apprentices?


ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, NEW HOST, "CELEBRITY APPRENTICE": Well, it could be, "You're terminated." Or "Hasta la vista, baby," or "Hit the road," or "Consider this a divorce" or "Get to the chopper!" You know. It could be -- it could be any of those things.


BOLLING: OK, K.G. Which one is your favorite?

GUILFOYLE: I love Arnold. Yes, I'm really looking forward to watching this. This is a great show. I think he's going to do a superb job. You know, it was a very good choice. And big shoes to fill. You know, so let's see how he kind of like, reinvents it and keeps the brand going forward.

BOLLING: Which one do you like?

WILLIAMS: I like "Hasta la vista."

GUILFOYLE: Me, too. That's cute.

WILLIAMS: That's cute. But you know, knowing about Arnold Schwarzenegger -- I don't know him personally -- but the idea that he said the divorce one, I think, gosh, he's been through some--

BOLLING: That was a rough one.

WILLIAMS: Is that what you want said? I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: I think he should stay away from that one.

FRANCIS: "Hasta la vista," yes, I love that one.

GUILFOYLE: A crowd favorite.

BOLLING: Do you have another one? Do you have anything else?

GUTFELD: I was trying to think of one. I just kind of wish he had, like, Linda Hamilton on as one of the celebrities. It could be a whole "Terminator" theme. They could all be Sarah Connors, and you have to run through the city.

GUILFOYLE: You think I'm Sarah Connor all the time when you have those weird dreams.

GUTFELD: I think -- I think you are. But I'm actually looking forward to this.

BOLLING: OK. How about this one? Finally, the story we've covered here over and over. Driverless cars.


BOLLING: And yesterday, Uber launched a self-driving service in San Francisco.


BOLLING: But as you can see from this next tape, it didn't go as planned.

WILLIAMS: Which one is the driver.

BOLLING: OK. Take a look. The Volvo on the right was caught jumping a red light--


BOLLING: -- and almost hit a pedestrian. But get this: Uber blamed the incident on human error, claiming the operator was driving. So Greg, technically not driverless cars.

GUTFELD: It is definitely human error. Machines are far better drivers and will eliminate the 38,000 -- there were 38,000 deaths in 2015, 8 percent increase.

So what we're doing right now -- the irony is we're going to report on, like, little things. But we don't report on the 38,000 deaths. And the 38,000 deaths, they're going to be reduced because of this. So we're going to have to deal with the little flaws here and there. But it's that giant arrow's fault.

BOLLING: Yes. And -- the giant arrow.

K.G., there will be some deaths associated with driverless cars. We know this. It's a testing period. But as Greg points out aptly that far fewer will happen with driverless cars than with drivers.

GUILFOYLE: So we should expect collateral damage in the form of roadkill? I don't know. I actually feel safer in a New York City cab.

GUTFELD: You are crazy. You are nuts.

WILLIAMS: So you know -- you know how -- you know when the family -- when somebody gets elderly, and you say, "I've got to take away the car keys"?

GUTFELD: Driver's license.

WILLIAMS: Yes. I've got to get Paul to drive. And they refuse, because they want control.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: They want to know that they are able to steer and manipulate. And they think they're just great. But the fact is, they're not. And so I -- you know, emotionally, I'm just not -- I don't want to be in a driverless car. I'll feel like I'm out of control. I feel like I'm out of control in elevators.

GUTFELD: That's a good comparison. Elevators.

BOLLING: Can I ask a business question? If you have a driverless car driving around, do you have to pay car insurance?

FRANCIS: I don't -- you know, that's a really interesting question. The owner of the car, I think, still has to pay car insurance. They talked about who would be liable if there was an accident. And it was still the person who owned the car. We asked a lot of these questions.

Somebody got pulled over in a driverless car. And they came because the car was going too slow, and they came up to give the driverless car a ticket. That happened in San Francisco.

I don't know. For me, it would be an improvement. Turns out the data indicates I'm not a great driver. I left my car at home this week because of an accident.

GUTFELD: What Juan said, though, is, you've stumbled blindly into the truth.

WILLIAMS: That's so rare for me.

GUTFELD: People were so scared of taking elevators, that that's why they had -- they would have somebody in the elevator doing nothing, because it made people feel better.

BOLLING: Imagine being a cop.

FRANCIS: GUILFOYLE: You can't collide with other elevators. There's nobody walking underneath.

WILLIAMS: No, but it can -- Melissa--

GUILFOYLE: Electric cars freak me out.

WILLIAMS: But I've got to tell you, elevators can fall.

GUILFOYLE: Keyless cars freak me out.

WILLIAMS: Elevators fall. By the way, though--

GUILFOYLE: I got locked in an elevator.

WILLIAMS: -- on Eric's question to you, so if I'm this Christmas season, you know, having a few extra eggnogs, get in the back of a driverless car--

FRANCIS: You're not liable.

GUTFELD: There's going to be more drunks. More drunks, because you--

WILLIAMS: But then they say that you're supposed to take over.

BOLLING: They'll be fighting in the back of the car.

"One More Thing" next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." And it's also time for Kimberly's--


GUILFOYLE: -- Dating Tips.


GUILFOYLE: So sorry, sir, you are not part of that announcement.

OK. So this is very interesting. Let's talk about science, shall we, Greg?


GUILFOYLE: Let's talk about healthy relationships and what can make you healthier and happier at home. For this, we don't go to this country for some reason. I don't know why. We're going to the researchers in London. From the London School of Economics and 200,000 people around the world that they asked about different life events.

They had them rank their changes in happiness on a scale of one through ten. So here's what didn't make people happy. Doubling in salary, it only boosted happiness by the tiniest bit. Having a partner raised happiness by nearly a full point, Greg, so I don't know why you're not happier. While losing a partner reduced happiness by the same amount, showing that I think money can't buy you love and/or happiness. What do you think about that? Good, right?

GUTFELD: It can buy you love by the hour.

GUILFOYLE: Once again, ruining my "One More Thing." I mean, OK. Wow.

GUTFELD: Thank you for that.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks for that personal experience.

BOLLING: I'm just going to drink my coffee.

WILLIAMS: I don't have anything to say about this.

GUTFELD: That was an echo callback. I made that joke once.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Greg, I think you've used up your time, as well.

GUTFELD: All right. Quickly then--




GUTFELD: Robot News.


GUTFELD: OK. As you know about robots, they're not going to just take over the world by being ugly and mean. They're going to be adorable. They're going to be really cute. This came from Peggy Newack (ph), sent it to me.

FRANCIS: I love it.

GUTFELD: You turn it on. But see how cute it is? You're going to have it at home. And it's going to be, like, just around the house. And it's just going to fall over. That's me usually. But anyway--

GUILFOYLE: You don't even know how to work this.

GUTFELD: Tell me about it. The robot, as well.

FRANCIS: There we go.

GUTFELD: My point is, these are going to end up in all of your homes. And then what happens is, they're going to download all your information. Then they're going to join together and destroy you. Of course he runs to Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, this is what happens.

BOLLING: Does it have a camera?

GUTFELD: Yes, it has a camera. You can take that home, by the way.

GUILFOYLE: Does it really -- oh, you want a kiss?

GUTFELD: Thank you, Peggy.

GUILFOYLE: There you go. He doesn't want to go back to you. I tried to push him -- let me -- let me restart his robot heart.

GUTFELD: That's not how it works.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Whatever. Eric.

BOLLING: All right, I'll go very quickly. Going to try something new. I just posted a question on Twitter. And I'll be on Twitter for the next ten minutes answering. But I also pulled some of your responses. And the question today is, who do you think lost the election for Hillary? Was it the Russians? Or was it Hillary herself? Just take your -- for air tomorrow. So if you put it on here, you might be on air tomorrow.


WILLIAMS: Well, as you know, mailboxes flood with Christmas cards this time of year. But one caught my eye. Check it out.

GUTFELD: Check it out.

WILLIAMS: Now, here's the back story. Ashley Sistrunk is in Colorado Springs with her four children. Her husband, Brandon, in the Air Force, deployed in Iraq. So Ashley came up with a great idea. She Photoshopped Brandon into the family Christmas card, creating a group shot. So he got a friend to take a picture in Iraq. Ashley's mom took pictures of her and the kids in Colorado. And voila--

GUILFOYLE: I love this.

WILLIAMS: -- what you see, a group shot. By the way, Brandon, he gets to come home in January. God bless.

GUILFOYLE: And thank him and his family for the service.

OK, Melissa.

FRANCIS: Really quick, it's almost Christmas and you always open up a gift that you didn't really want, and you sit there and you're kind of smiling and you're trying to make the best of it. Well, Burger King has solved that problem. You can swap it for a Whopper. This is genius. It is in Miami Beach, Florida. You can also take a picture and hashtag it, and they'll give you a ticket for a new burger.

GUTFELD: What if your gift is two Whoppers?

FRANCIS: This is fabulous. I don't know.

BOLLING: You lose.

GUILFOYLE: Set your DVRs. Never miss a -- whatever. "Special Report" is next.

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