
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 14, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and the brother I never wanted, Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

President Obama proudly announced a nuke deal with Iran this morning that he claims will make the world safer and more secure.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Because America negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region. This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction.


PERINO: Israel's prime minister has a very different assessment.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday. What a stunning historic mistake. And Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran because Iran continues to seek our destruction. We will always defend ourselves.


PERINO: The president found Bibi Netanyahu earlier to reiterate America's commitment to Israel security. Meanwhile, Iran's leader maintains his country never sought to build the bomb.


HASSAN ROUHANI, IRANIAN PRESIDENT (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Making an atomic bomb is wrong, inhumane and forbidden. Iran has never pursued an atomic bomb and will never pursue that.


PERINO: OK. So this is the day that, I think many people were dreading including Netanyahu and others around the country. We'll gonna hear from some of them. I want to actually just play one more sound bite from NBC's Richard Engel before we take it around the table here. Talking about what it means in the region and if today, actually started in Middle East arms race.


RICHARD ENGEL, NBC NEWS CHIEF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT: There is a possibility that this agreement could just be adding more fuel to the sectarian fire that it will embolden groups like ISIS, which we now see Iran and the U.S. in collusion. That it will cause Saudi Arabia to become even more nervous that it is being surrounded by Iranian expansionism. So an arms race is possible and a worsening of the active regional conflicts, the region is also possible.


PERINO: All right, Greg, let's get your take on it first. What do you think?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, we didn't kick the can down the road. We kicked Tehran down the road. Thank you very much. Iran always reveals kind of like the big flaw of this administration which is, it's an administration in need of adult supervision. Whenever you look at any elements of negotiation, it's like we said Winnie the Pooh to the world series of poker. And for regimes like Iran, 5 to 10 years that's a drop in the bucket. Regimes like that are always playing the long con. They're happy with this. And the biggest case in point is that everybody is worried about our congress hating this new truce or whatever you want to call it, but nobody is worried about the Ayatollah because they know that they are pleased and that people are pleased. They know he's not going to veto it. So what does that tell you? They got a great deal.

PERINO: There's a lot of commentary on it. In fact, today, I was disappointed, Eric because I read The Washington Post editorial board everyday and I think on foreign policy, I usually agree with them. And today's editorial is so wrapped in bubble wrap to protect the White House when they say that, it's actually a terrible deal or a questionable deal for the long term, but preferable in the short term. But isn't the long term what matters?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I think any term matters, a short term and long term. Here's what I'm trying to figure out. So I spent a career doing deals. In a deal you give something up and you get something. I'm still trying to figure out what we get. No one has outlined exactly what we get. What they get, they get a bomb. They have a pathway to the bomb. They get to trade arms again within five years. They get ballistic missile capability right away or the next couple of years. And this one, they get to sell oil again. They will now increase their oil production by 2 million barrels per day. The world has been pushing back or the free world has been pushing back on that oil. They can now increase by 2 million a day at $50 a barrel, that's $100 million per day, additional revenue that's going to finance their terror or whatever the heck they're doing with their money. And think of this, in a very short period of time there will be in our gas tanks, in U.S. -- on our highways. There will be Iranian oil, crude oil in our gas tanks in the very short period of time. That's what they get.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I think you're right.

BOLLING: I don't know what we get.

PERINO: Can I ask you out of things on this report? You go to Kimberly. I want to ask you about up on the sanctions piece because one of the deals going up to this moment was that there might be snap sanctions. So that if Iran doesn't hold up its end of the deal, then all of a sudden these world powers would be willing to put the sanctions back on. I think we have to be clear. That is never going to happen.

BOLLING: No. First of all, the idea of the accountability, the inspections, there's a 14-day period where they say we want to go to that, we want to look at that site, it's not part of the original site is we want to know what you're doing over there and they have 14 days to refute it and it goes to some sort of panel. There is no such thing as verifiable right now anywhere right -- anywhere, anytime. So they can hide stuff. They can move stuff. We have tens of billions of dollars frozen of their assets. We're going to turn it back over to them. We're gonna say, you know what, as part of this deal here's 10 or 15 or whatever it is, $50 billion of your assets. We'll gonna give it back to you again. What do we get? Just name one thing.


PERINO: Kimberly, I was eavesdropping on a conversation you were having earlier -- in a good way.


PERINO: When you were talking about this snap inspections, that how actually, if a mother actually said that to a child, they've like, oh, yeah, I'm going to clean my room.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, this is a joke. Like you have like, you know, wow, teenagers gone wild. You like, listen, knock it off. I'm gonna come check your room in 14 days and there better not be anything in there, so be trouble in this house. Come on. I mean, they're like, OK. Loosen your bag packs.

PERINO: And the Russians and the Chinese get a say, whether you get actually got to go in the room ultimate.

GUILFOYLE: And Iran, according to what is like to gets to decide which sites. And in fact, which military sites are given access to. So can you -- what is this? This is meaningless. There is no threat there. There is no investigatory or ability to be able to impose sanctions like, et cetera because they're going to get away with. We're not getting to be able to catch them doing anything because this agreement, basically puts the hands behind the back of the United States to just get boom, boom slapped, if you know what I'm saying, repeatedly across the face.

PERINO: So, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: You should know.

PERINO: President Obama, I think goes into this thinking that he wants to help solve a situation. He wants to help ameliorate a problem that he sees in the region and he thinks that is the possible best way to go. One of the people -- one people -- person you know very well, Mike Gerson, at the Washington Post wrote an editorial today or column, that posted and he said, "The president -- he think is making a very questionable deal because he is counting on the regime to actually change its very nature by giving them all of these carrots." Do you think President Obama thinks that that risk is worth it if he can actually get something down the road that makes it look like he had a good decision here?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Of course. If it's -- if this brings us some stability in the Middle East, it answers Eric's question that what did we get out of this? We've really here -- we've limited what they call the breakout time for Iran to get a nuclear weapon. Right now, its two to three months, that is what people think. But you know what, we're not even sure if it's that long right now, currently. So under this deal, everyone agrees it's more like a year for them to have breakout to have nuclear potential. So even though it may seem like --

GUILFOYLE: And it's like that we know about.

WILLIAMS: You know Greg says I'm Winnie the Pooh, but Winnie the Pooh, guess what, it's a pretty popular guy. You know why? People love him. And I think people.


WILLIAMS: Yeah, people love Winnie the Pooh.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, I'm sorry. Were you eating those special snacks in the green room?

WILLIAMS: No, but what I'm saying, I think Greg had it because Greg said, oh, you know Obama, he's a silly teddy bear of a guy and he thinks he's doing something and he's as silly as Winnie the Pooh for. And that's what Dana is after here with her point. But I think that guess what, Winnie the Pooh might win.

GUTFELD: All right. Well, you know, but the thing is.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Or at least Winnie the Pooh had a purpose. He wanted to get the honey.

GUTFELD: That's.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, buddy. And that's what he did. That's what.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I don't know.

WILLIAMS: Look, he had -- that was Eric's question about the honey, right?

PERINO: That's only analysis you could get on The Five.

GUTFELD: The question.


GUTFELD: How do you monitor a clandestine pursuit? You don't give a heads- up. It reminds me of you know, the wives at home. If your husband ever calls, you would asks where you are and like, how -- hey, what time are you going to be home? And your wife goes, oh, I'm at the gym, it'll be 45 minutes. Oh, cool. He does that for a reason.


GUTFELD: So he can take care of things when you are not around.




GUTFELD: No, I'm just saying like, maybe he has to get rid of some stuffs.

GUILFOYLE: You've been taking those special vitamins again, haven't you?

GUTFELD: If he has to get rid of a couple of bottles or wine or has to do some things. Weigh people to do -- if you give a heads-up.


GUTFELD: Then allow for clandestine pursuit.


GUILFOYLE: And if you also limit the place that you can inspect like.


GUILFOYLE: Whatever you do, don't check my sock drawer.


GUILFOYLE: But you can go in the bedside table. That's all do.

GUTFELD: I move everything around.

GUTFELD: I know of that.

BOLLING: There's also another thing in play here. So there's a group of nations that have decided to do this deal with Iran, right. Now, I know why China is doing the deal. They want to do the deal.

PERINO: Money.

BOLLING: They want to buy Iranian oil. They need oil, they don't produce anything. They need a lot of oil. That's more oil for them. Anyway, Russia is doing it because they want to sell Iran arms. That's what they do. They sell arms. Iran was or is one of their biggest arms clients and I know why the EU always wants to do it because they want a combination of to be able to deal with Iran in financial arenas, but they also want the oil, as well. What do we get out of it? We don't need their oil. We are on our path to being self-sufficient with oil. We don't need any of that.

GUILFOYLE: Energy (inaudible).

BOLLING: What do we get?

WILLIAMS: OK. So let me answer.

BOLLING: Tell me what we get.

WILLIAMS: Allow me a moment just to answer your question. But one, you've made a great point. The United States, President Obama managed to get these people. Russia, China, much of the Europeans to say, you know what, we are going to participate in a sanctions effort since 2013, with the intent of getting the Iranians to negotiate a deal, and that's what we've done.

BOLLING: But they get stuff.

WILLIAMS: OK. No. And then let me just say.

BOLLING: I know what we do.

WILLIAMS: I said to Kimberly, what we get here is we are getting Iran now as a partner, under pressure from some of their economic allies in trying to bring peace and stability to the Middle East.

BOLLING: You think this is going to bring peace and stability?


WILLIAMS: This has the potential.


BOLLING: What about Saudi Arabia?

WILLIAMS: Let me, let me.

BOLLING: What about Egypt? Don't you think they are all.

PERINO: And Syria.

BOLLING: Syria -- aren't they all going to want the bomb now?

PERINO: The Iran is basically funding Syria. Then they just gave them a whole bunch more money. What about Hezbollah and Hamas.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say.

PERINO: I don't think how it's like.


PERINO: Alleviates it.

WILLIAMS: All right. You guys want to give hatred and war and more chaos and terrorism a chance, but let me just say.

PERINO: I'm not the one who said death to America.

WILLIAMS: No. OK, but let me just say. So what are the options? What are the -- since I'm --


WILLIAMS: By the way, what are your options, war?

GUTFELD: I love this point.


GUTFELD: I love this point.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, go right ahead.

GUTFELD: So they're making a bad deal and they go, well, what's your alternative?


GUTFELD: And so.

PERINO: Always.

GUTFELD: As so the critic.


GUTFELD: The critic. It's the critic's responsibility to come up with an alternative.

GUILFOYLE: Unbelievable.

GUTFELD: For your miserable actions.

PERINO: Like Obamacare.

GUTFELD: And meanwhile, it's always great to see liberals. They are so great at explaining bad ideas. They are so willing to sell disaster as salvation to their very constituency. They're telling America, this is good for you. It's not -- as Eric said, it's only good for everybody else.

WILLIAMS: I don't think so. Look, what would you say then, Greg?


WILLIAMS: More sanctions?




WILLIAMS: Oh, more sanctions to what end?

BOLLING: Is it working.


WILLIAMS: And guess what, and your point was those Europeans, those Chinese, those Russians, no -- those sanctions would unravel.


BOLLING: All right, Juan. So let them deal with them.


BOLLING: Let them cut a deal with the devil.


BOLLING: Why do we have to cut a deal with the devil?

WILLIAMS: So in other words, let them have.


WILLIAMS: Let them have nuclear weapons then.

GUTFELD: Well then. Then what you do with your point is.

BOLLING: No. No, no, no. I didn't say that.

WILLIAMS: That's what you said.

PERINO: And we just did.

GUTFELD: But Juan.

WILLIAMS: That's what you said.

PERINO: That's what we just did. Actually, allow them to have nuclear weapons.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but nobody is.

PERINO: We paved the way.

BOLLING: Not letting them get it.

GUTFELD: What he is offing is -- what Juan is saying is that essentially, we pay for protection. We just exchange the mob for mullahs. You know.


GUTFELD: If we pay them money, they won't build the bombs. That's essentially extortion.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. It's not we're paying. We're given -- we froze their money as Eric said earlier.

GUTFELD: What they say.

WILLIAMS: But we unfroze it.


PERINO: Unfroze it.

WILLIAMS: Unfreezing is part of the deal.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, do you what it means like read about this?


GUILFOYLE: You just have to play the video. One side is dancing in the streets, celebrating dance and shaking it out.


BOLLING: That's in America.

GUILFOYLE: It's a cool and the gang like, yeah, party tonight, the other side is not.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say that even if you go back to the prior administration, republican, President Bush, what you get is Bob Gates, secretary of defense saying, if we went to war with these folks, catastrophic, catastrophic.


WILLIAMS: Mike Hayden, a former CIA director says, you know what, if we don't make a deal it's going to guarantee that they have nukes. You got people like Nick Burns saying, it's a difficult deal but we had to make it a deal.


PERINO: Mike Hayden didn't call me.

BOLLING: So how did that the deal.


PERINO: I don't think he said that.

BOLLING: The deal we made with North Korea turn out. How did that one turn out because it was a sum of that?

WILLIAMS: This is -- no, it wasn't. This is much more specific than the North Korean deal.

BOLLING: Oh, but they cheated also and they find a way.

WILLIAMS: People cheat. I would agree with that.

BOLLING: And they're gonna cheat too, Juan.


BOLLING: They will cheat. And now they'll cheat with hundreds of billions of dollars on top of getting the nuke.

WILLIAMS: Boy, if you'd been around.


WILLIAMS: When Nixon went to China.

GUILFOYLE: We just release the cash, so they could fund their nuclear program.

WILLIAMS: Nixon would never have went around (ph) to China.

GUILFOYLE: That's what just happened.

WILLIAMS: What happened?

GUILFOYLE: I said we just released the cash to let them fund their nuclear program. That's what just happened.

PERINO: There you go.

GUTFELD: Well, maybe Juan is right. Maybe Iran could be just as really awesome ally and we're totally missing it here.


GUTFELD: They could be like our best friend. All of a sudden we'll be walking on the beach with the mullahs holding hands.

WILLIAMS: No. I don't think. But it's much better than having them as your archenemy and talking about death to America.

PERINO: That's what they said today.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's what they say all the time.

PERINO: OK. I mentioned The Washington Post editorial that I didn't like, but I really like The Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens video, that he did. You go to opinionjournaltv.com or something like that. Just Google it, you can find it there. Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal columnist. And that was my final word.


PERINO: The family of a woman murdered by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco still has not heard from anyone in the Obama administration. Why is that? You'll gonna hear from Kate Steinle's brother, when The Five returns.

GUILFOYLE: You know why.


GUILFOYLE: Last night, Kate Steinle's brother fought back tears in an exclusive interview on The Kelly File, while talking about the murder of his sister by an illegal immigrant.


BRAD STEINLE, SISTER MURDERED BY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT: There is no person that could tell me that that individual deserved to be walking around San Francisco. With the ability to obtain a gun and shoot and murder the most beautiful person he could find walking around that day. No father should hold their daughter while they take their last breath. And no brother should feel like I feel he loss of their sister and their best friend. And no mother should bury their child.


GUILFOYLE: Brad Steinle says San Francisco sanctuary system failed his sister, but a red carpet was rolled out for a convicted felon. He also said his family hasn't heard a word from the Obama administration, who may not even know who they are.


JEH JOHNSON, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: Has the administration reached out to the Steinle family to your knowledge?


JOHNSON: To the family of the woman who was brutally murdered by this individual who had committed seven different felonies and four different states. In my understanding, who had been deported, kept coming back and -- is the administration reached out to that family?

(UNIDENTIFIED MALE): I'm sorry. I don't know the answer to that question, sir.


GUILFOYLE: Unbelievable. The president has been silent about Kate's death, but has certainly made public remarks on others.


OBAMA: My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon. The Justice Department has opened an independent federal civil rights investigation into the death of Michael Brown. As Americans, we got to use this moment to seek out our shared humanities, that's been laid bare by this moment. Obviously, out thoughts continue to be with the family of Freddie Gray. Understandably, they want answers and DOJ has opened an investigation.


GUILFOYLE: There really are no words. What is the justification? What possible excuse could you come up with to ignore the murder of this young woman while you choose to highlight and point out others throughout the country? I mean it's really indefensible. Is it now because they don't want to be embarrassed to do the right thing? And Dana, the comments by Jeh Johnson, didn't even know the last name of this young woman or family.

PERINO: I had a chance to be on Megyn Kelly's show and I follow that interview, which was not easy to do because it was so emotional. And this is the brother, Brad Steinle is calm, he's heartbroken. They don't seek political revenge. In these other cases when you -- when we show President Obama commenting on individual crimes, OK. There at least on the -- let's just take the Trayvon Martin one. There was no federal nexus there, but President Obama made a choice and presidents are allowed to do that. But once you decide to comment on something like that where there's no federal nexus, then you open yourself up to questions that well why not calling this one, why not calling that one. That is fair to ask the administration that. What I cannot believe is that today, Secretary Johnson who is the head of the Department of Homeland Security is being prepped for to his hearing by staff, assume -- I don't assume that Jeh Johnson has time to watch television all day to monitor social media. But this is not a surprise that this would have come up at a hearing today. And how callus of him not to have at least been able to handle it. He could have addressed the family right there. If they feel like they can't pick up the phone to call a family just to say, you know our hearts go out to you. We're gonna be looking into it. There is a problem between the federal government and local government not being able to work together on these issues. That actually would have been the easiest thing for them to do. The fact that today, there was just willful disregard for this family by the secretary of Homeland Security in front of congress is unconscionable. On his part and also by the staff that totally failed him.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, shame on Jeh Johnson. That was awful and the administration because they had an opportunity here to grow and do the right thing and reach out and they chose not to. And this is a very important issue and it does involve federal policy. So it certainly would have been appropriate for them to make a comment.

PERINO: And would have ended it for them. The family would stop talking about it. They would not be at -- they would say, yes. They called us and we appreciated the call. End of the story.

GUILFOYLE: Well, now it's become you know, part of the story which is the problem. You know -- what do you think, Greg? What should have been done?

GUTFELD: Well, there's an interesting hypocrisy here. There are people that are claiming that such crimes like these are, but a small number in the largest team of crime. But are they smaller than the number of police incidents? That the media has used to smear an entire profession? No.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: They are much larger. And race is another question, what is a story? If you notice other networks doing the immigration issue, they prefer to trump angle over the hard truth of this homicide.


GUTFELD: Why is that? Because the hard truth of that homicide reveals the consequences of certain beliefs that they actually share. Whereas the Trump story provides a sanctuary for attacks on people that they disagree with. You're kind of in a weird, you're seeing. When someone disagrees with you, they will -- they're less likely to actually do your story. So we've called this the Fox News avoidance theory. Where at Fox News is covering a story, strongly, you're less likely to see the White House get interested in it for an ego reason. They don't want to look like they're responding to these people who are concerned. When they should just swallow it.


GUTFELD: And say, this is a big deal. This is bigger than Donald Trump. This is about a dead woman.


GUTFELD: Who should have lived.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, really mature. Really -- good job, moral compass to do the right thing. I'm missing. So, Eric, this is you know sanctuary city debate that is going across this country now. There are very key issues at play. People are concerned about borders. They are concerned about national security. They're concerned about public safety, about recidivism with criminals like this that are allowed to re-enter the country at will.

BOLLING: So we have three sound bites in the setup. Number one, the brother, Brad Steinle, I lost a sister a couple of years ago to cancer and I know the sting to have someone lose someone that close to you with something that was so senseless and so preventable, it's just heartbreaking to watch that. On Jeh Johnson, Jeh Johnson oversees 216,000 federal employees. He has a $55 billion budget. He oversees immigration and customs of ICE. He oversees U.S. border enforcement. He also oversees the secret service and FEMA. For him not to know or pretend he does -- I'm not sure if he's just that uninformed or just was avoiding it because he's been told to. It's ridiculous, 55 billion tax dollars he oversees and this is the biggest story on all the cable networks not just Fox. And as for President Obama, I agree with Greg. But I think it's for a different reason. I think he avoided it, not necessarily because of Fox. I think he's avoiding making this comment to the Steinle family because it was preventable and under his policies is --


BOLLING: We can.

GUILFOYLE: Blood on hands.

PERINO: And there's not going to be a policy change.

BOLLING: And there's not going to be a policy change.

PERINO: Right. So like if you call and then presumes that you're actually going to do something about it.


PERINO: But it's not.

GUILFOYLE: You're right. You're exactly right because what happened with Ferguson and all the other places -- oh, we're going to have a Department of Justice investigation. We're going to do something about police officers running wild. Wreaking havoc in communities, not treating minority communities properly. They can't say anything. They would have to say, we made a mistake. There's blood on our hands because we have people tell people not to follow the law.

BOLLING: And there is a gaping hole in the law. That's what they end up having to say. Here's what we found, sanctuary cities violate federal law and we don't know what to do about it.

GUILFOYLE: Right. OK, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Boy, I don't know what you guys are talking -- blood on whose hands? Wow.

GUILFOYLE: On the hands of the administration and the feds.

WILLIAMS: That is rude. Look, let me just say --

GUILFOYLE: Because they are engaging in malfeasance.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. Oh, they now --


WILLIAMS: They pulled the trigger Kimberly? Come on.


WILLIAMS: Let me just say. This is a horrible thing.


WILLIAMS: Look, I was on O'Reilly last night, when the family was there talking about it. It's a tragedy. Any time your child is killed, I mean that's your heart, man. But what I'm saying is this is not like Trayvon Martin. This is not like Freddie Gray. I mean, what we're talking about there is things that led to national riots, huge consequences of racial.

PERINO: Why didn't this lead to a national riot?

GUTFELD: And why did it lead?

WILLIAMS: Why did it lead?

GUTFELD: And why did it lead?

WILLIAMS: Because we have.


WILLIAMS: Pretention in this country between poor black communities and the police, Greg.

GUTFELD: So there's.

WILLIAMS: And so all of this like, you guys act like, oh, no, this is just like that. No, it's not just like that.


PERINO: That's not what we said, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Not what we said.

WILLIAMS: That still it is. That's not -- and you know, I think what you ignore here is we have a national crisis in some levels and you want to make it just like this what I suspect is because of Trump. And trump has put republicans into a corner.


GUILFOYLE: That's you know -- what can I say, Juan? Why are you being silly?

WILLIAMS: You know me.

GUILFOYLE: It's ridiculous.


GUILFOYLE: Ridiculous. You're (inaudible).

FSU quarterback caught on tape, punching a woman at the bar. It's his first TV interview since being kicked off the team. Why did he do it? Is he sorry? You're going to hear from De'Andre Johnson coming up next in the Fastest 7.


BOLLING: Welcome back, time for -- exactly K.G. The fastest six and a half minutes on television. Three simulating story, seven spirited minutes, one supportive host.

First up, FSU football star and girl puncher De'Andre Johnson appeared on GMA this morning with former NFL player and star Michael Strahan to plead his case in the court of public opinion. Strahan tossed a few deflated footballs his way. Johnson says he's sorry.


DE'ANDRE JOHNSON, FORMER QUARTERBACK, FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY: I totally should have walked away. I'm sorry. If I could do it all over again, I would.

MICHAEL STRAHAN, FORMER NFL PLAYER: Who do you think you let down the most?

JOHNSON: My mother. She didn't raise me this way. You know, she didn't raise me this way. She -- it kills me inside to know that I hurt her heart.

STRAHAN: Have you ever been violent toward women.

JOHNSON: I've never been violent towards a woman.



STRAHAN: Now, do you believe you deserve a second chance?

JOHNSON: Yes, sir, without a doubt. What you saw on that video is not who I am.


BOLLING: We'll bring it around, not exactly really tough questioning there.

GUTFELD: Well, and what did you expect him to say, you know what, I don't think I hit her enough.


GUTFELD: So this is the thing -- this is what you do. You bring your mother out because your mother is awesome. And you sit with her and then you enter a faith-based program that focuses on issue of substance abuse and also, so I guess women's --

BOLLING: Battered women.

GUTFELD: Battered women and then you go through rehabilitation and he'll be on a team in six months.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. He'll be on community service, answer calls at a domestic violence shelter. Do something like that. But you know what? You can really -- you made your poor mom come and sit next to you. I hate when defendants do that to court that they put their poor mom on the stand.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, to like, oh, mom, is an alibi witness and mom is this and that's -- like come on, man. Be a man. Grow up. Stand by yourself and face the music.

BOLLING: Why doesn't the NCAA get involved? Why can't they get involved, because it was off the plane field? They have -- they must have some sort of morality clause to play for NCAA.

WILLIAMS: I don't know. That's a good question. I don't know. I don't know what the rule is.

BOLLING: I don't have the answer either.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I mean, you know I think football in this country, though, the kind of things that are tolerated, the excuses made for star athletes is beyond the pale. I just think it's you know, beyond what we as human beings should tolerate. And women -- good God, what that guy did was offensive.

BOLLING: And Dana, and we wonder why some of these star athletes when they become professional athletes, end up on tape doing the same type of thing.

PERINO: Yeah, then Kimberly talked about that in terms of repetitive behavior and there's probably maybe even something in the background. But I hope that there's a consequence for this because maybe he could be an example for others like, don't hit people. Don't hit women in particular.

BOLLING: All right. Let's do this one. El Chapo's (SPEAKING IN SPANISH).


BOLLING: Yesterday, photos.


BOLLING: From the son of the Mexican drug lord surfaced online showing what appears to be the world's most wanted man, relaxing with a cerveza and flying in his private airplane. Malcolm Beith who has written a book on El Chapo said the billionaire drug kingpin is always a step ahead of the authorities.


MALCOLM BEITH, AUTHOR OF THE LAST NARCO: Everything was planned to perfection it sounds like. I mean, and the question is how he got away with it, was it corruption? Was it exploiting? The problem with people like El Chapo Guzman is -- look, these are criminal who are 10 steps ahead of the game.


BOLLING: Yeah, K.G. Apparently, there was a whole structure. Literally, it will removed tons and tons of dirt to tunnel through them.

GUILFOYLE: Because obviously, there's a tremendous amount of corruption.


GUILFOYLE: This is what happens when you don't give the bad guy the United States, to put them in a proper maximum security prison. By the way, the agents and stuff I talked to this morning, they say that's not him. That's not him in the photo. That's a total hoax situation because in fact, right before he was out his head was shaved and everything in the prison. So what do you like? Instagrow (ph), like (inaudible) his hair in five seconds.

BOLLING: I don't know. You think he's thumbing his nose act -- I mean, wouldn't be crazy. Wouldn't crazy, but.

PERINO: Wouldn't be crazy. Obviously, he's very brazen. He's also really smart. Imagine if you put that to like good use. I also noted that the United States is offering $3.8 million in an award to anybody that could lead -- but how do they get to $3.8 million?

WILLIAMS: I think that was the Mexican government.

PERINO: No, I think it was us.


PERINO: I believe.

BOLLING: I don't know which one. Who cares?

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.


PERINO: How do you get to 3.8 million?

BOLLING: Literally, the amount of drugs that this guy brings into the United States is.


BOLLING: Like in the tens of billions of dollars.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That's more like.

PERINO: Doesn't sound like -- like I said, it's not worth it for you life.

GUILFOYLE: Like round it up.

BOLLING: Greg, he said he wants to go after Donald Trump.

GUTFELD: Yeah. El Chapo. That's what I call myself after a long run in tight shorts. You know what I'm talking about, Dana?



GUILFOYLE: No. That's when you go spinning.



PERINO: Shorty.


GUTFELD: Yeah, he's actually one of us.

GUILFOYLE: He's one of your people.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. That's what you are after a long run with short.

GUTFELD: Prison, the problem with prison it's the ideal place to plot a prison escape. It's like when you get there, what are you going to do? You figure out how to get out of there. You got all the time in the world.

GUILFOYLE: You two could.

GUTFELD: That's exactly what I would do.

GUILFOYLE: He does the thing. You two could escape together.


GUILFOYLE: Because he got the shorts on that end at the table and the tall is over here.


BOLLING: Quick thought on this, Juan, before we go to the last one.

WILLIAMS: Well, Donald -- the thing with Donald Trump is curious. Why is he busy with Donald Trump?

GUTFELD: Yes, he at.

PERINO: He knows how to get on the news.

WILLIAMS: And I guess will.

BOLLING: All right. We have to go after the Donald. All right, a couple of weeks ago we told you about the mystery surrounding Jimmy Fallon. His severed finger, the thing he tweeted and a sudden and unexplained absence from the Tonight Show. Well, last night Fallon returned to the Tonight Show and explained the whole ordeal.


JIMMY FALLON, COMEDIAN AND TELEVISION HOST: I tripped and fell in my kitchen trying to -- braided rug that my wife loves and I can't wait to burn it to the ground.


FALLON: So I'm getting up and my finger is sideways. This happens a lot and the odds are not. Usually, they just gonna cut your finger off. So I was going to lose my finger and I was like, wow. So this guy did surgery for like six hours, its microsurgery. And he did it. And he saved my finger.


BOLLING: The two of these two in -- there are a lot of sound bite. He always said the same thing. You want to say at same time -- one, two, three.

PERINO: Blame the wife.

GUILFOYLE: Blame the wife.


PERINO: For the braided rug.


PERINO: They were right under the.


GUILFOYLE: It doesn't matter. He had to work that in. It's like to imply.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: It's like, oh, the braided rug. In a while, I'm gonna burn it. It's like really?

PERINO: I'm not a clumsy.

GUILFOYLE: Is it still there -- yeah.

GUTFELD: I don't believe this for a second. There's a whole other story going on here and I'm going to find out.


WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah.

GUTFELD: I know exactly what.

WILLIAMS: But wait, you already said it.


WILLIAMS: One of the two of you said.

PERINO: Nobody said it. No one said it.

GUTFELD: Don't say it.

WILLIAMS: Nobody said it?

PERINO: No, no, no.

WILLIAMS: Wait, no that there may have been a little tipsy action.

BOLLING: Oh yeah, but that was reported, though.

WILLIAMS: That's what you said.


BOLLING: In some restaurants and bars having a few cocktails.

WILLIAMS: But let me just say. I just think.

BOLLING: But still doesn't excuse the wife putting the braided rug right in the middle of it.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. You're going to get in trouble.

GUTFELD: Like you braided her.


BOLLING: All right. New York City's embattle mayor -- liberal mayor is under fire for letting the greatest city in the world fall apart. Greg explains, next.


GUTFELD: So as progressives chip away at New York's quality of life, The New York Post captures a transient making Broadway his bathroom. The Post is now being hammered for this, but if The Post hadn't done it, who would? Consider that a bill decriminalizing such acts is now on the table here. If we didn't have a tabloid to keeping tabs on our idiot politicians, this city would become an outhouse. For Bill de Blasio, one Post headline may be the only thing that actually scares him and it makes you wonder how a tabloid could help other cities that are in bad shape.

There are more homeless in New York City, now than they were in the Great Depression -- or since the Great Depression -- and many are mentally ill. Thanks to shows exposing derelict mental institutions, rather than fixing these asylums we now play catch and release with mad men. Leftists blame homelessness on pricey housing. That logic assumes that if monthly rents were to drop, a sick man would suddenly be renovating a midtown flat. It doesn't work. The rents are high because New York is safer thanks to Giuliani and Bloomberg. But maybe de Blasio wants to change that. Is that his plan? If streets get uglier and messier, then perhaps the rents will drop.

But the real solution: We have to get these poor people the real help that they need. Pretending that living on the street is a sane choice is a coward's copout. Let's resurrect asylums and create places for people who are a danger to themselves and others.

If you disagree with me, it's only because you haven't experienced this. But one day you will and when you do, it will be on you -- in more ways than one.

OK, so Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it. I just knew it. I try to look down. I was avoiding your eye contact.

GUTFELD: They're even in this building.


GUTFELD: There are people that are upset with The Post for doing this. They think it's somehow attacking the homeless.

GUILFOYLE: No it's not.

GUTFELD: In fact, in my opinion, it's exposing a sick person who needs help.

GUILFOYLE: Obviously. I mean if you can see past it, so you want to like hide it, sweep it under the rug, no. This is what's happening. This is what's going on. Wake up. Take a look -- and how about de Blasio accepting some responsibility.


GUILFOYLE: That is not compassionate or understanding to allow people to be on the streets suffering, cold, wet, tired, hungry, sick, not getting the proper medication and care that they need. When did New York City in the greatest cities in the entire world become this?


GUILFOYLE: That to me is cruel and unusual punishment.

GUTFELD: When we elected de Blasio or.

GUILFOYLE: Condoleezza, love her?



GUTFELD: We were -- are we returning, Juan, to a pre-Giuliani era? Where quality of life issues are secondary to Tolerance?

GUILFOYLE: Squeegee man.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know it's interesting because I think de Blasio has said he's all for broken windows which is.

GUTFELD: After this happened.

WILLIAMS: After -- OK. But I'm saying, so he has said he's for it. But I must tell you that this -- I think it's the city council chairwoman.

GUTFELD: Melissa Mark-Viverito.

WILLIAMS: She is the one that you should be pointing the finger at.


WILLIAMS: And I think that she is of the opinion that there's so many of these small infractions, everything from drinking on the street.


WILLIAMS: To sitting on your stoop. That is gives the police an opportunity to pick on people who are not upper income politically active people. So that's their thinking.



GUTFELD: Public urination, should -- we just look the other way.

WILLIAMS: No. I -- look, I can't tell you. I mean, I think that nasty.

GUILFOYLE: No, watch where you step.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, really.

PERINO: Watch where you live.

GUTFELD: Yeah. But what do you think.

BOLLING: And it is so -- it strikes me as -- because the rents are so high. In the past there have been places that literally.

GUILFOYLE: Jimmy McMillan.

BOLLING: You can walk in and you somebody is.



BOLLING: That's -- those people are being squeezed out. They're developing. Times Square is completely developed now. I don't know. Maybe if you do a free market solution to this and put some public -- not public, some restrooms, some business restrooms where you pay a dollar to go in and it won't help the homeless people.

GUTFELD: They will not pay a dollar.

BOLLING: But maybe, you can give them free passes to the.

GUTFELD: There you go.

BOLLING: Poor profit restroom. I don't know. I have nothing.

GUILFOYLE: Wait a second.

GUTFELD: I get it. I want to bring this thing because we -- and everybody makes fun of tabloids because of their sensational atmosphere -- they are just sensational. But what if the Post -- what if tabloids like in The New York Post in other cities that were able to call on certain outrages before they became tragic if there was a San Francisco Port, a Chicago Post.

PERINO: Well, the decline of newspapers in local markets has actually hurt every city that has lost one. I would say that Denver, Colorado suffers from that in particular -- not as bad as New York but, the other thing that she wants to do, Greg, it's not just the public urination issue. She wants also -- I'm just gonna mention two things. She wants to decriminalize being in the park after dark. This is Central Park which is there is a reason that that law was put into place because in the park, after dark where there is -- that is the most dangerous place to be.


PERINO: Even under Giuliani's best days. I still wouldn't have gone in there by myself.

GUTFELD: I no longer walk my imaginary dog there at midnight.

PERINO: Do you need a real dog?


PERINO: I could let you borrow one.

GUTFELD: No, that's OK.

WILLIAMS: Frito-Lay? What was that?

GUTFELD: We have to go now.

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait. What is this Frito-Lay?

GUILFOYLE: A potato chip.

WILLIAMS: That's the name of the dog?

GUILFOYLE: He didn't have a real dog.



GUTFELD: Would -- did I cut you off?

PERINO: No. And the other thing is they want to criminalize jumping the subway turnstiles.

GUTFELD: Yup, right.

PERINO: Like, you have to pay to go on the subway because that's how we pay for the system.

BOLLING: Stealing a service.

GUILFOYLE: Everybody goes to the bathrooms in Starbucks -- next segment.

PERINO: And also.


PERINO: At Penn station which is a national disgrace.

GUTFELD: I know that it -- it's now a village, all right. OK. Success tips from Warren Buffett that could make you a zillionaire. Yes. That's a totally accurate tease.


WILLIAMS: He's rich, a self-made multibillionaire. So Warren Buffett knows a lot about success. Luckily, he's sharing some of his secrets with America's youth. Among them, investing in yourself before anything, also change bad habits as soon as you can, find work you love and face down your fears. So I was looking at this list, and I thought, hmm, what about The Five? For example, I thought, Dana, what do you think about this? He said that you should know how to be a good speaker.

PERINO: Absolutely. Everyone should join the speech and debate team, especially young girls. Get them on the speech and debate team in middle school.

GUILFOYLE: Powerful.


GUILFOYLE: We're both on, Juan.


GUTFELD: And look at us.


WILLIAMS: Eric, here is another thing about it says. Spend time with people you admire and whose qualities you aspire to emulate.

BOLLING: That's great, yes. If they're willing to do that, that's one of the smartest things to do. Talk to your boss. Take your boss out to lunch. Just give a few minute off of the out the normal routine. Very quickly, number four. Never risk something you need, to get something you don't need. Now I think that bodes true with everything.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, all right. And Kimberly, he said this.


WILLIAMS: Success is about getting what you want, but happiness is about wanting what you get. Do you agree?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I don't know.


PERINO: It's not what is like.

GUILFOYLE: No. But I like this one. Find work you love.


GUILFOYLE: I think this is very true. You've got to feel passionate about what you do. When you go to bed at night, when you wake up in the morning. Are you following your bliss? There's something that you are excited about. And I do believe that if you're passionate about something that you can find a way to monetize it if you're creative and persistent.

WILLIAMS: And Gregory, here's my one for you.


WILLIAMS: Break bad habits quickly, especially when you're young because when you get older, you don't even -- there's no chance you're gonna break a bad habit.

GUTFELD: It's so true. I still regret.

GUILFOYLE: Breaking Bad.

GUTFELD: I still regret those amateur films I made in Germany.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, right.

GUTFELD: You can still get them online and that -- I was a different person back then.

WILLIAMS: Was your mom -- did your mom sit next to you? Anyway, one more thing.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh. What's wrong with you?



PERINO: Time now for One More THING, Greg?

GUTFELD: Here's a new segment.


GUTFELD: Greg's Duck Cleaning News. As you know, cleaning a duck can be quite difficult. I have some tips. Let's roll this. The best way to clean your duck is always have a car vacuum at the ready, to gently run it up and down the belly, to get rid of any dirt or so. They also happen to like it. It's quite pleasureful (ph). You can get all the little bugs, you get all the dirt. We have a -- by the way, that's crusty web master, my duck. We had big plans that night. I want to make.

GUILFOYLE: That is really.

GUTFELD: Got three year anniversary.

GUILFOYLE: That is really inappropriate.

GUTFELD: Yeah, (inaudible).

GUILFOYLE: It's like --


GUILFOYLE: It's like animal -- that's like animal abuse.


GUILFOYLE: Where's the duck.

PERINO: I'm taking it over from here.

GUILFOYLE: Where are those duck's private parts? That is a very.

PERINO: Last night, Taylor Swift was in Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. And the weatherman from Fox 5, D.C. local Mike Thomas, decided to take a shot at giving the weather, just like she would.


MIKE THOMAS, I got some good news, it might make you fearless. This rain keeps cruising. Can't stop, won't stop moving. Give me a little bit of time to explain here. I'll let you know if it's going to rain forever or if the concert it's gonna down in flame. It'll be a great night to dress up like hipsters and make fun of our exes, aha. If it does rain, just shake, shake, shake all that rain off and go tight back to dancing like you're 22.


PERINO: I love local news. I love local weather. I love you, Mike.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.

PERINO: And Taylor Swift actually tweeted him and said, never change.


PERINO: Thank you. Who's next? Kimmy?

GUILFOYLE: Kimmy G is on the block, baby. Sports Illustrated, putting all the women of U.S., soccer champions on the cover, one at a time, how cool is this? They decided to give each one of them their own individual cover, including the coach. You're going to start to see this on the news stand on Wednesday. Sports Illustrated called the plan unprecedented. I think it's very cool that they're doing this, to celebrate their world cup win for America.

PERINO: All right, Eric?

BOLLING: Very nice. OK, couple of records we found that about today.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.

BOLLING: The government took in a record $2,446,920,000,000 for the first nine months of the fiscal year. That's a record up $178 billion from last year. Also, 48 months in a row of 45 million or more people on food stamps. Congratulations. Juan, couple more.

GUILFOYLE: That does kill nicely with the bizarre.

PERINO: Pray for us.

GUILFOYLE: Duck cleaning segment.

PERINO: Juan, you could go ask. Wrap it up.

WILLIAMS: Oh, here we go. Well, no criminal charges, I know Americans have been waiting, but no criminal charges against Arianna Grande for licking doughnut. Wolfee Donuts has declined to press charges. But here's the kicker. The health department has lowered Wolfee Donuts sanitation rating.


GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.

WILLIAMS: From A to B because they left the doughnut out for Ariana to lick.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

PERINO: Oh, is that terrible.

WILLIAMS: Greg tried to get me to lick his doughnut. No, no.

GUILFOYLE: And what did you I do. I ate it.

WILLIAMS: You ate the doughnut.

GUILFOYLE: I've been feeling really strong ever since.

PERINO: OK. That's it for us.


PERINO: Special Report is next. And that's all for "The Five."

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