
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 29, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Lisa Boothe, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and a Skittle (ph) is her bowling ball, Dana Perino -- "Le Five."

Chuck Schumer -- AKA Faucet-Face -- said the Dems will block all funding for more immigration agents and for the wall too. That's about as surprising as Dana posting a dog picture. It's the same old schtick: Take a good idea like improving the border and then recast it widespread intolerance. Here's a game for everyone: When Schumer speaks, can you count the lies?


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, D-N.Y.: The president's immigration policies are destroying local economies, causing chaos and panic in families and communities who have done nothing, nothing, nothing wrong. By using racial profiling and fearmongering to target law-abiding immigrants, the Trump administration is putting people with a traffic ticket or a status violation in the same category as serious violent criminals.


GUTFELD: All right, Chuckles, that was quite a lie-fecta. Trump's policies are destroying economies? He's employing racial profiling? He's targeting legal immigrants? There were more there, but I couldn't keep up. He should change his name to up-Chuck given all the lies he throws up. The economy is fine, unemployment is down, as for profiling and harassing legal immigrants, by conflating illegal with legal immigration, it's Schroomer who is the real guilty party here. But he's not done:


SCHUMER: Immigrants are an integral part of this country. Democrats will be vigilant and strong in our commitment to upholding the promise of America and shielding immigrants from President Trump's policies. Senate Democrats are prepared to fight this all the way. My message to all of you: keep organizing, keep calling, keep marching.


GUTFELD: Once again, lumping illegal with legal blurring the path to citizenship. Why would he confuse such things? To gin up fear and hysteria perhaps? When do Democrats ever do that? Oh, yes, all the time. If Democrats got panic to rely on they'd have nothing but folksongs and kale to keep them warm. But they know fear works when you're out of ideas. But guess what, Juan, you could be pro-immigration while wanting a process that guarantees that it's safe and legal. Safe and legal -- isn't that what the Democrats always say they want?

Anyway, what's great about being a conservative, you can hold two ideas in your head at once. With Chuck, in the limited overhead compartment that is his brain, there's barely room for one.

Eric, do you think he might supply evidence to back up one of those claims?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: -- you're doing to that sound bite. No, no, no. So yes, it is the fearmongering, but clearly on the left, the mayors that we talked about are going to get together and they're going to push back. Attorney General Jeff Sessions says they're debating talking about holding back funding to the sanctuary states and cities that declare themselves that and for what? To use it in places like, I don't know, transportation, how about the wall maybe? Who knows?

Again, I'm a conservative who is pro-immigration. I'm pro-legal immigration. And again, float this idea. Every state has what, 10 to 15 DMV's in their state. Create the DMV as an embassy where if you walk in there as an illegal, you're not going to get arrested or deported, but you're going put your name down and you're going to go on the list. Back of the list but you're at least documented, not a pathway to citizenship but pathway to legality at the end of the list. And you don't have to leave. So again, I think we should increase immigration that way.

GUTFELD: Only problem is, boy, the DMV, that line is going to get longer.


DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: You can renew your driver's license online now.

GUTFELD: Not in New York City.

PERINO: Yes you can --

GUTFELD: No, because I was -- I let it expire.

PERINO: Oh, no, well, if you are a responsible adult and you don't let it expire, you can do it because I'm doing that right now. I have to go get an eye test.

GUTFELD: Just perfect. Everything you could do online. Anyway, Dana, since you've already started talking. Politics seems like an arena where supplying proof is no longer a requirement for success. That he can just say that and no reporter questions him.

PERINO: It's like its fake news.

GUTFELD: Yes, fake news.

PERINO: Nobody cares. We're like oh, OK. The one I really didn't understand was destroying local economies. To Eric's one more thing yesterday show that consumer confidence is the highest it's been in 16 years. I would like -- if he has evidence of that, I would definitely like to see it. I agree there could be economic harm if we curtail immigration too much and I like Eric's idea of bringing in more legal immigrants or providing some way for people to get right with the system.

But the other way that they're going to do it and as Senator Schumer did not allude to this, that we know it's happening. It could be happening as we speak because the mayor of Seattle is going to give a press conference about all of this -- its lawsuits. So they try to tie all of President Trump's policies up in the courts so it means that nothing gets solved for anybody for many years.

GUTFELD: Yes. And that's how they win. That's how they beat us Lisa. It's not fair. I think -- the thing that I keep thinking about is it's almost impossible to enforce assimilation. So you kind of have to start with the border, right. I mean isn't that where you begin. I don't know.

BOOTHE, CO-HOST: Obviously, that's important but if you're looking for a permanent name for him, I think I like faucet faced better than up-Chuck just for the record. Let the record state. But if you're Senator Chuck Schumer and you're worried about sowing chaos and you're worried about, you know, people being upset, being concerned, you think that you would maybe tone down the hyperbole.

Obviously what you just said there clearly, he is stroking fear and doing exactly what he's concerned about happening. But the irony of if too is Senator Chuck Schumer is saying that he's not going to support the funding for the border wall. He actually voted for the legislation that President Trump is using to try to build the wall. That was a 2006 Secure Fence Act, so did Senator Dianne Feinstein, so did Hillary Clinton, so did President Obama. And Senator Feinstein at the time said that the border security was a very, very important. It's incredibly important and that they were -- Democrats were behind the border fence.

GUTFELD: Juan, what do you make of this? Why must Chuck Schumer make up lies like that? He's a lying liar full of lies.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: You know sometimes I miss you, but then I come back and I realized oh no, this is an alternate reality.

GUTFELD: Just going to make dinner tonight awkward.

WILLIAMS: It's going to, you know what, because I sent you that text. It's not, you know. Don't think anything about it.

BOOTHE: It's just thinner.


WILLIAMS: But I will say, you know, you don't understand, but the mayor of Philadelphia just came out and said, you know, immigrants, legal and illegal have revived entire sections of our city. You can see that here in New York, entire sections of the city. You start to spread fear, it's not Chuck Schumer. It's Donald Trump who's spreading fear.

GUTFELD: But I mean -- no but you said legal and illegal. Why would legal be in fear?

WILLIAMS: No, I said legal and illegal revived communities. Let me explain why legal and illegal would be in fear and this is not something that's being created here or somehow fabricated by Chuck Schumer. It's real on the streets of our nation, and the reality is that you have people who think my family, my grandmother is going to be thrown out any second.

BOOTHE: But where would we --

WILLIAMS: We have a tape -- hang on just a second -- there was a tape of a young woman in her car being driven to school by her dad. The dad is pulled over and suddenly she's making a little video with her cell phone of her dad being taken away and she has to go to school. That's real fear, Greg. That's not something -- that's just not games. And you know, a lot of this is tied to the idea, oh, these illegal immigrants they're so criminal. We've had several studies come out in the last few weeks that say, no! In fact, lower levels in people who are citizens in the country.

BOOTHE: But Juan --


BOLLING: -- study that shows higher level.

BOOTHE: And where were these people and where was Senator Chuck Schumer when President Obama was deporting illegal aliens at a higher rate higher than any previous president? Or more than the total sum of all presidents in the 20th century.

WILLIAMS: Well I thought that's what -- the whole idea -- the whole idea Lisa was let's take this off the table. Let's get immigration reform. Let's get Republicans behind the board.

BOOTHE: But where was the overcharge rhetoric from people like Senator Chcuck Schumer?

WILLIAMS: Remember, they said Obama was the deporter-in-chief.

BOOTHE: I don't remember hearing Senator Chuck Schumer saying anything like that.

WILLIAMS: Oh my god, they went -- oh, they sure did. They went off on Obama and said that he was being compliant to try to make good or make friends with the Republicans on a very difficult issue and sacrificing Hispanic voters.

GUTFELD: Well, anyway, I want to get Dana. The border wall bids are in today. Did you put in a bid?

PERINO: I did not put in a bid but I can imagine that there are a lot of companies that would like to try to get in on that.

GUTFELD: First phase costing $600 million, right? Something like that.

BOLLING: I think they're looking for $12 billion for like 72 miles. But it's phase one. I mean there are so many ways to pay for it and Mexico will pay for it in the long run. There are many ways to do that as well. But of note, that the Mexican government had said that anyone that offers to work on that wall is almost treasonous in Mexico.

GUTFELD: Yes. Do you think -- what happens if they block the funding? What happens? How do you do that?

PERINO: Well, they had to explain -- I think President Trump has explained and his voters and supporters understand what he's talking about and will support it but as they found out last week, I mean you have to -- this isn't like going to a negotiation where you're just like, OK, you're good? I'm good. Excellent. You got a little something, I got a little something.

You have 535 members of Congress. You have all these different groups that are going to file lawsuits especially watch the environmentalists. They will make sure to try to gum up the works that way. So, the funding is important. Without it, you can't actually really start, but watch the other things, those other big issues like the, some of the Border States members are like, I don't think I'm for this. I mean, it's not as easy as flipping a switch.

BOLLING: Juan, can I ask you? President Obama actually did this and we've been talking about this the last couple of days. Under president Obama, he was earmarking some funds that were going to sanctuary states, the ones that weren't complying with federal law, taking some of those funds back from their education --


BOLLING: I mean, it's not about --

WILLIAMS: I don't know that. I'm not confirming that. I'm believing what you're telling me, I'm just saying OK, but what's your point there.?

BOLLING: My point is, it's not new to Donald Trump. So the left is pointing --

WILLIAMS: -- that Donald Trump --

BOLLING: -- he's so evil, he's so awful to immigrant families. Meanwhile, this program was very, very alive under President Obama.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think just last night I saw on Bill O'Reilly show you had a member of the state legislature in Texas where the governor has taken money away from Austin and the money is being taken away, guess what, not from the police department but being taken away from social services, education services in the city of Austin.

BOLLING: That's Obama's program.

WILLIAMS: I don't know that but I'm saying -- I'll take your word, but it seems to me that is not a productive way of going about this. And let me just add that we have a Fox News poll. I mean, Fox polls says most Americans are opposed to taking money away as a way -- as a means to punish sanctuary cities. It's not popular.

BOOTHE: I think you're also going to have for a lot of these guys like if you're Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, you're going to stake your political ground and putting up a fight against President Obama -- oh President Trump rather. I mean there is also a political element in trying to resist and push back on President Trump because you're trying to set yourself up to run for governor, run for senate, congress, or whatever sort of the next path is for you. And so, you know, if you put your stake in the ground and say I'm the person that stood up against President Trump that helps them early that they perceive that it's helping them politically as well.

BOLLING: And there is that feeling among conservatives and Republicans who feel that the reason there's such a big push on the left for illegal immigrants to gain citizenship and statuses so that once they do, get the vote, they will never vote for a Republican again. They'll always vote for the party that got them, earned them that vote, right.

WILLIAMS: I think this is very interest because to me, you know, if I was a conservative Republican I would say, boy, given the way the country is changing the demographics and the like, I am going to make a big outreach to those Latino voters because, boy, they are family people. They are business people. They have values that are conservative, that go with our agenda and yet --

BOOTHE: But also, yes --

GUTFELD: You're assuming that people that waited in line want us to treat the people who aren't waiting in line the same way. No, they actually probably are for the right process.

WILLIAMS: No, I'm all for immigration reform and enforcing those laws, but that's not what I'm saying but I think the wall is a waste.

BOOTHE: Well the issue that Hispanics care about it seems as any other Americans is jobs and the economy. Education and immigration reform is not even on the top three issues even for Hispanics in this --

WILLIAMS: I would agree with you Lisa but why then do you see conservatives vilifying, demonizing immigrants especially illegal immigrants --


GUTFELD: You did it again. The fact is maybe we appreciate citizenship and believe there's a difference between citizenship and residency. Maybe that's it.

WILLIAMS: No, no, I agree.

GUTFELD: That's why we love immigration. We're not crazy about illegal immigrants.

WILLIAMS: I'm all for it, but I'm --

GUTFELD: You say that but then you say what about -- why are you so hard on immigrants and especially illegal immigrants? There's a little shift there.

WILLIAMS: No, no. My point to you is -- let me put it to you this way Greg. Rudy Giuliani, tough on crime, mayor of New York, he was the one who established New York City as a sanctuary city and said that it worked. It made our city safer.

GUTFELD: But maybe Rudy wasn't right all the time.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

GUTFELD: Rudy, exhale.

WILLIAMS: Now you're going to attack Rudy. Go right at it.

GUTFELD: All right. I attacked him?


GUTFELD: Anyway, last word, Dana.

PERINO: I just want to say that --

GUTFELD: Is it a good one?

PERINO: I wish that we could have been a fly on the wall in the meeting today that General, I'm sorry, Secretary Kelly had at the Department Of Homeland Security because you had mayors and law enforcement all in the same room that are actually arguing on the merits if they're for it or they're against it rather than just arguing the politics of it which we're doing here.

GUTFELD: Literally you could be a fly on the wall.

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh.


GUTFELD: Do you feel a little Dana up on the wall?

PERINO: They fly.

GUTFELD: Yes, but, well no. All right, let's fly. Ahead, the senate gave its first public debate on its investigation into Russia's involvement in our election today. What have lawmakers found so far? Stay tuned.


PERINO: All right, there was a whole lot of controversy surrounding the House Intel Committee investigations in Russia's meddling in the election. It has stalled after embattled chairman, Devin Nunes, canceled the hearing in which former acting attorney general Sally Yates was supposed to testify. The Senate intel committee is also investigating in it separate. We've got an update on that probe just a short while ago.


SEN. RICHARD BURR (R), NORTH CAROLINA: It would be crazy to try to draw conclusions from where we are in the investigation. I think Mark and I have committed to let this process go through before we form any opinions and I would hope that that's you would like us to do.

This was one of the biggest investigations the any has seen in my tenure.

SEN. MARK WARNER (D), VIRGINIA: It's important for us at least and I think all of us here to remember to not lose sight about what this investigation is about. And outside foreign adversary effectively sought to hijack our most critical Democratic process.

When we started this and we saw the scope and was what involved, I said it was the most important thing I had ever taken on in my public life. I believe that more firmly now than even when we started.


PERINO: The two senators also took questions from reporters.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there anything that you've seen, either of you or your staff that would raise any direct links to the president himself to what happened last year?

BURR: Again, we won't take a snapshot in time and make any observations on it, but we know that our challenge is to answer that question for the American people in our conclusions to this investigation.


PERINO: OK, so Juan, that was a little different than you've seen from the House intel committee the last couple of weeks where the two chairman are battling each other on the cable stations and leaking against each other and all of that. Now you have these two senators, Warner from Virginia and Burr from North Carolina, who at least in public look like they're able to communicate and work together and sort of calmed everything down.

WILLIAMS: They sure has and I remember that when this committee, the senate committee as you point out Dana, separate from the House. This is a separate investigation, when they started out, Mark Warner, who was standing there next to Senator Burr threatened to leave because he was upset.

But that has all gone away. And if there's anything standing in the way of a special prosecutor now, it's this senate committee because people can have some level of trust. I don't think there's any trust left and what's going on in the house. I mean that's a circus at this point. It's unbelievable.

PERINO: It is amazing, Eric, how many people are actually working on this because we know the FBI is investigating then you have the senate who said they had 20 staffers, no, seven full-time staffers working on it. And then you know there's stuff going on in the house. You have people at the White House who are working on it. I mean it's taking up a lot of time and energy in Washington.

BOLLING: Three separate investigations. The House we talked about with Devin Nunes, the senate investigation, the ongoing federal investigation. I thought a very comforting that at one point, a reporter asked the question to Burr, "Senator, can you be impartial? Can we trust you to be impartial to running the Senate investigation knowing that you were a Trump surrogate or a supporter at one point?" And he said he could but more comforting was Senator Warner stepping in and saying, "I have full confidence in Senator Burr being able to handle this investigation."

So I think they are actually going to get to the bottom of it. The reason why Yates didn't -- the house committee hearing was canceled before Yates, Clapper, and Brennan is because Devin Nunes wanted to hear from James Comey and Mike Rogers prior to that. That was offered but Comey and Roger said they were going to show up and that was supposed to happen on Monday so, that all got pushed back.

Now, there are some news that Adam Housley broke last night that I think is very, very important, that Chuck Grassley is looking into what degree the FBI was involved in paying for the dossier that we know about on Trump and whether they have knowledge just received the information but were they actually --

PPERINO: Paid for it?

BOLLY: -- paid for it. And Grassley is allegedly looking into whether or not there was a payment going that way. And again, the dossier was put together by Trump opposition research team so, it gets really, really sticky.

WILLIAMS: It's not really (ph) illegal --

PERINO: Let me get Greg in here, you said that you had watched today. Did you feel reassured?

GUTFELD: It's called a joint pressure because you need one to be high to follow that thing. I was just like, no, the more people talk -- the more people talk about this, the less we know. So you definitely need like an independent investigation. I nominate Jack Reacher. I think he can get to the bottom of this, but I go back -- Here's my prediction.

PERINO: -- we'll call it Dr. Childs (ph).

GUTGELD: Yes, very good. My prediction is, look, you have the hypothesis, Russians meddled with the election. The opposite hypothesis is no, this is baloney generated by sore loser Democrats. The synthesis of the two is going to be correct which is that there was some meddling. There's nothing -- I mean, and I'm predicting this. I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just predicting.

They're going to find some meddling but that's all they're going to find, I think. But you're going to hear about it for four years because whenever somebody is in power, the other side latches on to an issue and will run that issue for -- remember we did this. Republicans did it with Benghazi. But Benghazi was real.


GUTFEDL: It was.

WILLIAMS: You should be embarrassed.

GUTFELD: No, you should be embarrassed.

PERINO: It was real. Let me add -- one thing I thought was surprising --

GUTFELD: How dare you.

PERINO: -- to Greg's point about how long this could go on, and Senator Warner was asked a question and he said, "Yes, I do think that we'll be able to get this done before the 2018 midterm elections. That's another year and a half from now.

BOOTHE: Yes, I mean, I think too the difference between what we've seen from the Senate and the House is sort of reflective of the various bodies of Congress, right. I mean the Senate is a more deliberative body which is why I think it's important just real quick regarding the Gorsuch stuff to keep the Senate rules in place because I think it's important the Senate is much different than the House in keeping, you know, sort of the deliberation and just being a more thoughtful body of Congress.

But look, I mean there are just so many questions. I think this is going to go on for a long time because there's not been any hard evidence of collusion but the fact that you have an FBI investigation, you can't outrun that. You can't ignore it. That is very, very important. So the problem is when there continues to be information that surface, it's very difficult to turn a blind eye based on the fact that we know that there's this ongoing FBI investigation. So, I think this is just going to be a very prolonged, but it's important to see, you know, two different --

PERINO: Well, you know, because it's going to take so long from a White House communication standpoint. I think they should appoint one communicator that is the point person on this who knows everything about it and so that Sean Spicer, at the White House podium, can say thank you for the question. You're going to have to call John Doe, who's working on that.

GUTFELD: Jack Reacher.

PERINO: You know, that Jack Reacher is going to return your call in that way they can actually focus on the issues at hand that the president wants to focus on. In that way the press gets answers and they can actually find some space in the briefing room. That's my two cents for what that's worth. All right, ahead, Al Gore isn't giving up his fight to convince us all that the world is warming. He's back with a really inconvenient truth. We have the first trailer for his new sequel starring President Trump, that's next.


BOLLING: A decade ago, Al Gore warned the world of global warming would destroy us all in his dramatic documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth" We're still here 10 freezing cold winters later, but the man who claims he invented the internet still insists the planet still in grave peril in the "An Inconvenient Sequel" called, "Truth to Power." Here's the first trailer.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It is time to put America first. That includes the promise to cancel billions in climate change spending.

Our plan will end the EPA.

AL GORE (D), FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The next generation would be justified in looking back at us and asking, "What were you thinking? Couldn't you hear what the scientists were saying? Couldn't you hear what Mother Nature was screaming at you?"

It is right to save humanity. It is wrong to pollute this earth. It is right to give hope to the future generations.

Don't let anybody tell you that we're going to get on rocket ships and live on Mars. This is our home.


BOLLING: Wow, dramatic. The trailer came out yesterday, the same day President Trump signed an executive order to rollback President Obama's initiatives to address climate change.

BOOTHE: Imagine that.

BOLLING: Dana, the messaging and the timing.

PERINO: What's interesting is that I was remembering back. I think it was 2004. I was working at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. And it was the coldest day in a decade in January of 2004, and the same thing happens. The sequel [SIC] to the first "Inconvenient Truth" actually ran on that very day.

So I don't know about the timing of this. I would imagine they had the trailer ready to go and probably were able to make into the news cycle.

BOLLING: All right, Greg, does this mean all conservatives, we're all, you know, against clean air...


BOLLING: ... and clean water, and we don't believe in any sort of global issues with temperature?

GUTFELD: We hate the Earth. You can quote me on that.

You know it is amazing about this story? Do you know who proved Al Gore wrong? Al Gore. Because he said 11 years ago that in ten years, the planet, we were in this planetary emergency and, if you didn't listen to him, the world was going to implode. And now 11 years later, he has a sequel. He proved himself wrong.

You know what else he was wrong about? The polar bears. Said the polar bears were drowning because of missing ice. We have now more polar bears than ever. And get this: they're overweight. I almost swore there for a moment there. I had to catch myself.

He said we'd have -- he lied about catastrophic weather damage from climate change. But the losses from national disasters are now worse, are -- I mean less -- actually declining. And most scientists agree that there's no link between extreme weather and climate change. He was wrong on that.

There was another really hilarious thing that he was wrong on. He said hurricanes were getting stronger due to global warming. Not true. No category four or five. Since 2005. He lied about everything. He's a big fat liar.

BOLLING: And he took credit for the Internet.

Now Juan, one thing he did do, though, is he somehow went from a lawmaker to a very wealthy man on the heels of some of these things, "The Inconvenient Truth."

PERINO: Bought (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and everything.

BOLLING: Yes. Climate change. Yes, yes. Exactly. Also sold his TV network for $500 million. It's a good business for him, climate change.

WILLIAMS: Wait, what does that have to do with climate change, that he sold his network?

BOLLING: It was on the back of his...

GUTFELD: That's the green he cares about.

WILLIAMS: So every rich man is a bad guy? I can't believe I'm sitting here with Republicans. I thought you guys liked the rich.

BOLLING: Listen, I'm not complaining that he made money. I'm saying it's on the basis of what is his very, very disputable evidence.

WILLIAMS: It is not. He didn't...

GUTFELD: Dishonest.

WILLIAMS: ... sell it on the basis of climate change or whatever.

BOLLING: You don't think all the hysteria that he created...

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

BOLLING: ... helped him get some grants and loans and...


BOLLING: ... book deals and movie deals?

WILLIAMS: No, he made movie deals. That's not the money. The money we're talking about was I think he sold to Al-Jazeera.

GUTFELD: Al-Jazeera.

BOLLING: It takes money to buy...

WILLIAMS: This is so far afield.

GUTFELD: Which "Al" is worse?

WILLIAMS: Let me just say, here's -- you know what? You guys have such trouble, because you want -- you want to beat up on Al Gore, but the reality is, I was just -- you know...

GUTFELD: I feel sorry for him.

WILLIAMS: A world meteorological organization, record warm temperatures.


WILLIAMS: A drop in arctic sea levels.


WILLIAMS: Severe -- severe drought.

GUTFELD: He predicted ice-free Arctic Ocean by 2014.

WILLIAMS: So all of a sudden, oh, no, let's ignore that. It's easy to pick on Al Gore.

BOOTHE: Al Gore is clearly trying to take advantage of the type of rhetoric about Donald Trump to -- President Trump to try to make money. Look, it's a smart marketing ploy. He even had Nelly's song, "Hot in Here," when he came on the stage. He's really making, you know, a grand spectacle of it.

Look, I think it's a positive thing that President Trump is rolling back some of these egregious overreach that we saw under President Obama's EPA. For instance, the Clean Power Plan, which the Supreme Court blocked. President Obama did not get his cap and trade bill passed through Congress. So the EPA essentially moved forward unilaterally, trying to write the Clean Air Act, which is the reason why it was rejected by the Supreme Court, because it was an egregious overreach.

These sort of overreaches in these rules and regulations cost Americans jobs. You can certainly have a balance, but when you're pushing saying, essentially trying to write legislation, as the EPA tried to do that are going to cost Americans jobs, that is wrong. So good for President Trump for trying to roll that back and be responsible, because that's the responsible thing to do .

WILLIAMS: Lisa -- Lisa, this is so unpopular with the American people. The American people want to be able to go to the beach this summer.

BOOTHE: Tomorrow, Juan.

GUTFELD: The beaches are going to be gone tomorrow! The beaches are going to be gone.

WILLIAMS: You guys want to grill everyone.

BOOTHE: Is Juan making an appearance in the Al Gore movie? He's going to get a cut, pushing the propaganda.

WILLIAMS: If you want to talk about -- if you want to talk about somebody who's playing the suckers, how about Donald Trump putting coal workers...

BOOTHE: How about Al Gore who we're talking about right now?

WILLIAMS: That's what you said. I want to tell you...

BOOTHE: He's making that money.

WILLIAMS: ... the one putting on a show...

BOOTHE: He's making that green.

WILLIAMS: ... that's hurting people is President Trump having coal miners behind him.

BOOTHE: Because he wants to help Americans?

WILLIAMS: No, because guess what?

BOOTHE: Because he wants to help coal miners who have been hit hard...

WILLIAMS: He's not going to get any jobs back.

BOOTHE: ... under President Obama.

WILLIAMS: No, you know what?

BOLLING: Guys, can you do this during the break? They're wrapping me. They're wrapping me.

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you, it's automation...

BOLLING: I've got you. I've got you.

BOOTHE: It's also egregious regulations.

WILLIAMS: ... and it's the fact that...


BOLLING: A note to everyone out there: Juan says you're not going to be able to go to the beach this summer unless you believe in global warming.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING: Up next, Al's pal Hillary Clinton has reemerged from the woods to get -- to try to get women to rise up against President Trump. Her sharpest political remarks since her devastating defeat coming up.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. We don't see very much of Hillary Clinton anymore.


WILLIAMS: But she reemerged -- yes, Gregory, yes -- last night in San Francisco at a conference for businesswomen. She poked some fun at herself, but she also took jabs at her former opponent, now President Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: I am thrilled to be out of the woods. There is no place I would rather be then here with you, other than the White House.

Let me let you in on a little secret. The other side never quits. Sooner or later, they'll try again. We will need to fight back twice as hard.

Resist, insist, persist, enlist.

Sure, the last few months haven't been exactly what I envisioned, although I do know what I'm still fighting for. I'm fighting for a fairer, bighearted, inclusive America.


WILLIAMS: Wow. Resist, insist, persist, enlist.

GUTFELD: And Bill was in the back, going, "Where's your sis?"

WILLIAMS: That was good; that was good.

GUTFELD: It rhymed.

WILLIAMS: So what do you think? What do you think, Greg? Do you think she's making a statement here?

GUTFELD: I think the out of the woods joke is getting a little old, but I dig the look. It's like an HBO or Netflix comedy special. You know, you've got the leather going.

Bu tthe best idea for her is a reality show, "Hill-Billy." You know, Hill and Bill, a cabin in the woods. Next door you've got Huma and Anthony Wiener, and they've got to, like, live there for six months, with no running water.

BOOTHE: Would anybody watch that, though?


BOOTHE: Would anyone watch that?

GUTFELD: Are you kidding me?

PERINO: Greg would watch that in half a second.


BOOTHE: It would just be Greg.

GUTFELD: Bill keeps bringing home hitchhikers. It would be hilarious.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, yes. I can see that. I can see that.

BOOTHE: Really enthused.

WILLIAMS: So what do you think? Do you like Hillary Clinton making an appeal to American women. I was out and saw a lot of T-shirts recently that said "And still, she persists," which I guess is picking up on McConnell and...

BOOTHE: Oh, yes. Elizabeth Warren knew exactly what she was doing. And there was also an announcement that she had a forthcoming book, I think, on the same day that she did that.

But look, who cares what Hillary Clinton thinks? I am so over her, and I'm so over the fact of her using her sex, as she did during the election to try to get votes or try to get women to think that they have to vote for her.

But look, the reality is she wants to be critical of President Trump and some of the rhetoric that he used. But the problem for Hillary Clinton is she was a candidate devoid of a message. She never had a message that resonated with Americans.

And she was also a horrible candidate, which is something people don't talk about enough. She ran a horrible campaign, not stepping foot in a state like Wisconsin. She spent more -- had more television advertising pursuing one Electoral College vote in Omaha, Nebraska, during the closing weeks than she did in Wisconsin and Michigan combined, which would have brought her 26 Electoral College votes.

WILLIAMS: OK, OK, the election is over. The election is over. No. But I think now she stands as one of the leaders of the Democratic Party.

GUTFELD: That's sad.

BOLLING: I'm not sure about that. Look, not a fan of Hillary Clinton, but that Hillary Clinton right there is much better than the candidate Hillary Clinton that we saw last year.

WILLIAMS: And why is that?

BOLLING: She's more relaxed. She's more herself. Look at her. It's not the, you know, the -- whatever, the things she was doing onstage. She was being so stern. And like -- this is a relaxed Hillary Clinton.

And her message, frankly, was good to people who buy into that message. That would be a far more desirable candidate to me than the one that we had.

Can I say one quick thing before we go? Clinton Foundation donations are down 37 percent since she lost the election, which begs the question, so were these people philanthropic that were donating to the Clintons' foundation?

WILLIAMS: Oh, come on. Come on.

BOLLING: Or were they doing it for access.

WILLIAMS: All right. So Dana, one of the things that Hillary Clinton did was to defend April Ryan, a reporter in the White House briefing room who got into it with Sean Spicer. And Spicer was telling April Ryan, "Stop shaking your head" and all the rest. Do you think that has some power for American women?

PERINO: Well, I think it did because it became a really big issue immediately. As soon as it happened in the briefing room, it was like, oh, my gosh, did he really do that?

And I think Sean even recognized it, because today he gave her the first question in the briefing. So trying to smooth things over in the briefing room.

But yes, people are paying attention. And I don't think it's right to say that it wasn't persuasive to the American people. She did win the popular vote by over 3 million. She was not a good campaigner, and she had a terrible tactic of never going to Wisconsin.

But there's even worse news for the Democrats. And Nate Cohen of The New York Times' Upshot has a great piece that I recommend to everybody. It's called "Turnout Wasn't the Driver of Clinton's Defeat." The turnout wasn't the problem. It actually -- what they found in looking at all the voter rolls is that it was persuasion. So Donald Trump was more persuasive to white voters who had voted for Obama.

And so the answer wasn't necessarily Hillary Clinton. It probably was Joe Biden. And do they learn that lesson or not? With her at the helm, if she's going to be the leader, which I don't think she is, because President Obama will come back from French Polynesia at some point, but if she's going to be the leader, they're not going to ever learn that lesson.

GUTFELD: Do you know who -- do you know who predicted that? Scott Adams. The guy from "Dilbert." The guy who made "Dilbert" said the No. 1 factor in all of this is persuasion. And he predicted Trump's win from, like, the beginning.

WILLIAMS: All right.

BOOTHE: But part of persuasion is having a good message.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's right. But I do think the election is over, and I think you guys are going to see more and more of Hillary Clinton.

Coming up, first lady Melania Trump, she's giving a -- she gave a rare speech today in Washington to honor women around the world. We'll show you the highlights. Plus, her husband's optimistic prediction for health care reform just days after his party's failed bid in the House.


BOOTHE: President Trump took office in January with no political experience under his belt. He learned a lot about politics since, especially after Friday's health-care bill fiasco. He sounded very optimistic on the subject last night while delivering remarks to a bipartisan group of senators.


TRUMP: Nobody ever told me that politics was going to be so much fun. I know that we're all going to make a deal on health care. That's such an easy one. And hopefully it will start being bipartisan, because everybody really wants the same thing. We want greatness for this country that we love. So I think we're going to have some very good relationships.

Right, Chuck? I see Chuck. Hello, Chuck. And I really think that will happen.


BOOTHE: At least -- at least he has a good sense of humor about it. Last night was a bipartisan event. As he mentioned, his friend, Chuck, was in attendance. He's hoping for some bipartisanship. Do you think it happens, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I don't think he's been playing a bipartisan game so far. But I mean, he could change his tune, and I think people, especially on things like infrastructure spending, the Democrats would support it. But I think if the breakdown is anywhere, at least, it would come from Republicans concerned about deficit spending.

And when it comes to health care, he says, "Oh, that's easy." That reminds me of the same guy who said, "Huh, health care is a little more complicated than anybody knew. Who knew?"

I mean, so a lot of this is he's just a wonderful salesman.

BOOTHE: Dana, so President Trump talked about health care. Clearly, they had some problems in the House trying to get it done. The Senate is even tougher, which senators were in attendance last night. Do you think this gets done? Does health care get done?

PERINO: I don't -- I don't know how they're going to do it. Speaker Ryan said they were going to do it.

And I think that President Trump actually does look like he's having fun. I mean, he's joking around with them. He's in his element there. He's hosting a wonderful dinner at the White House. But I do think it's hard to reach out to Democrats. You know, in many of their districts, he'll probably be at a 20 percent approval rating, maybe lower. And you look at what Hillary Clinton just said. Resist, persist, like do not -- whatever -- enlist, whatever all of it was. And so do you want to be labeled the Trump turncoat?

BOOTHE: Eric, what do you think?

BOLLING: I think health care can happen, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. I think Paul Ryan said that it's going to -- it's on the docket, and it's going to happen. I don't think so. I don't think Donald Trump...

PERINO: I read somewhere they're going to take a vote next week. On what?

BOLLING: Here's the thing. And I don't think anyone really talked about this. There were -- there were probably 25 Freedom Caucus members who were against it. But the total number against, we reported -- people were reporting around 30. I heard the number was closer to 60, which means a lot of moderates were against it, too. They have a tall hill to climb with health care. But I do think infrastructure and taxes can go simultaneous and should go next.

BOOTHE: Yes, there were moderates, as well.

Greg, what do you think? Does health care get done?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I think, you know, Trump has the advantage. He has that diversified portfolio.

PERINO: Very smart.

GUTFELD: Yes, he does.

PERINO: Strategy.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's that, you know, the -- my health care stock isn't doing that well, but I've got -- you know, I've got EPA over here, looks pretty good. And I've got the jobs thing is happening over here. And I check out the taxes and the wall.

PERINO: A little sanctuary city.

GUTFELD: Sanctuary cities. So he's kind of like -- that's why -- the key to having fun is to have five or six things, five or six pots going at the same time, so if something doesn't work out, you've always got the other stuff to work with. That's how I run my life and why I'm so happy.

PERINO: And wealthy.


BOOTHE: It sounds -- it sounds diverse. But all right. "One More Thing" coming up next, which I'm sure will be diverse, as well.


GUTFELD: It's time for "One More Thing." I'm going to begin it by telling you my podcast is out today. It's called "The One." It's awesome. We talk about artificial intelligence. We talk about leggings and, of course, we talk about robots. It's awesome. You go to FOX News -- radio.FOXNews.com/podcast/TheOne. If you can make it any harder to find a podcast, I don't know if you could.

Let's go to this.


GUTFELD: Greg's Robot News


GUTFELD: All right. Here's an adorable little moment when a young girl thinks she fell in love with a robot. But it turns out it was just a water heater.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, robot. Hi, robot. Hi, robot. I love you, robot. I love you, robot.


GUTFELD: Yes. If only the robots would love us back. But unfortunately, I hate to tell that young girl it's coming, and it's not going to be good. It's not going to be good. You think they're adorable now, but they're not happening.

If you keep yelling at me to keep going, I'm going to keep talking. All right?


WILLIAMS: Gee, I don't want to interrupt you. So you know, everybody was worried about the cherry blossoms after that recent cold snap and the snow. So on Monday, my wife, Delise, and I went down to the tidal basin to take a look. And there she is. I took some pictures on the iPhone. Cherry blossoms were out. And believe me, still heavenly and beautiful.

National Park Service says they're -- they've reached their peak bloom last weekend. My advice, hurry up and go. It is still unbelievably thrilling to see such beauty.


BOLLING: OK, very quickly, last night, Greg and I, all of us, we had an interesting debate about privacy versus security. So I went on Facebook and Twitter. On Twitter, I put up a poll. We got 7,700 responses so far. Take a look. And I'm going to go walk over to the window over here, because everyone is hanging out, watching the show. But it was about 60- 40; 7,700 voted. Sixty-40 in favor of privacy versus security if you had to choose one as most important.

GUTFELD: You're not supposed to choose one.

BOLLING: And all -- well, that's true, Greg. And a lot of people were conflicted. Patty said, "Voted, but you have to mention many of us are extremely conflicted." So they all -- a lot of people agreed with you.

Meanwhile, say hi to everyone.



PERINO: All right. I will give up my "One More Thing" so that Lisa can go. I was going to give a shout-out to the U.S. Women's hockey team, who fought back, got paid. They deserve a lot of credit.


PERINO: Over to Lisa.

WILLIAMS: God bless them.

BOOTHE: As you might have heard, first lady Melania Trump gave a speech this morning regarding women's empowerment. She honored 12 women at the 2017 secretary of state's International Women of Courage Award. Here she is.


MELANIA TRUMP, FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: We must continue once again to shine the light on the horrendous atrocities taking place in neighborhoods around the corner and around the globe. Together we must declare that the era of allowing the brutality against women and children is over, while affirming that the time for empowering women around the world is now.


PERINO: ... agenda uncovered?

BOOTHE: That's all I've got for you.

BOLLING: There you go.

WILLIAMS: I noticed when Hillary Clinton does something like that, you flip out.

GUTFELD: Set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is up next.

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