This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 5, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld, with Katie Pavlich, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and a dragonfly is her jet ski, Dana Perino -- "The Five." Well, that's over with for now. So you've heard the definition of crazy, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well, the Democrats invented a new kind of crazy, knowing the outcome of an event well in advance and still expecting a different result.

That's impeachment. The worst planned adventure since the Donner Party. The Dems blew all their energy on a losers bet, one that made the Iowa mess possible. Instead of wowing America, they fell flat on their faces because they were distracted. A return to Greg's Rule, Republicans run things, Democrats ruin them. The difference is one letter, which stands for impeachment.

So once again, the losers return to their hallucinations. The snakes on the wall, they're real if you are Adam Schiff, because now Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election.


GUTFELD: Adam is so nutty he farts trail mix. But it beats moving to Mar- A-Lago.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Or decide to move to Mar-A-Lago permanently and let Jared Kushner run the country.


GUTFELD: So why claim to these crazy predictions? Because they don't exist, which means you can't disprove them. And the response will always be, well, you just wait. They are like imaginary mice and Schiff's the crazy cook on the table screaming. But those mad ravings had us waiting for the stock market crash, a tyranny, World War III, IV, and V, all paranoid nightmares that never came.

Instead, all we got were stock market highs, trade deals, dead tariffs, and jobs. And since those successes are under Trump, the delusions only deepen. Without a real vision beyond anger, they cling to these mental phantoms. Look, early on, we told the Dems impeachment was a dead fish. We said don't follow Adam. He is selling you drugs that only end in bad trips.

But did they listen? Nope. To them, bad drugs are better than no drugs, which is why they will be back at the lab coming up with a new paranoia pill. But we know not to gulp them. Let them have them all, because we saw it coming, but they have it coming. All right, where to start, Jesse, big fat waste of time. The only winner in this whole thing, us. The network is pulling in millions of eyeballs. God knows what the ad money is.


GUTFELD: My second home is buying a third home.

WATTERS: And I don't even have a second home.

GUTFELD: I have a fourth home on top of my third home.

WATTERS: OK, I mean, stop bragging, damn it. I'm really jealous.

GUTFELD: My sixth home is dating my seventh home.

WATTERS: OK. When I am your age, maybe I will have a second home.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Oh, very good.

WATTERS: Juan, when I got on the set, you asked me are you pumped. And I said about what? And you said about the acquittal. And I thought to myself we knew this was going to happen. This is like when your wife or your husband makes you go out to dinner to another couple's house who you hate. You have to go.


WATTERS: Their food is terrible. You know you're going to have a bad time. Eventually, it's going to be over and you're going to be back in bed and you're going to say I told you, honey.

PERINO: Was that the one at my House?

WATTERS: Yes, it was.


GUTFELD: He's talking about the queso night.


WATTERS: And then just to say something, to have a Trump impeachment, and you don't have any sex. You don't even have a dead body. You don't have a suitcase full of cash in the freezer. This is the lamest impeachment ever. Also, to your point about what you said in the monologue, these crazy predictions. It's the same thing with global warming.

In 20 years, Miami is going to be underwater. And if you say I don't think that is possible. They say, oh, you've got to believe me. And by the way, you got to give me all your money. That's the same thing. It's a stickup scam. I didn't fall for it because I told you the whole time what was going to happen. You didn't listen, Juan. Are you happy, Juan? Are you happy because it looks like it backfired?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Why do you say it backfired?

WATTERS: I'm just saying because Biden got damaged.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah.

WATTERS: You're not going to retake the Senate. Trump's at 49 percent approval. And what did we learn? There was a phone call and the transcripts came out. I learned I was right, but I knew that before hand.

WILLIAMS: Right. You're always right.


WILLIAMS: But I will say I think impeachment led most of the American people now to understand that this is a corrupt president. But they said, in essence, and this was the Republican line. Even if he did it, we don't think it is quite impeachable. Wait until the election, as if the forefathers didn't think about elections.

So you have now -- I'm just going to give you a few -- Senator Rubio, Senator Portman, Senator Toomey, Senator Collins, Senator Murkowski, and of course, Senator Romney, who voted to convict. All saying the president did something wrong, embarrassing, inappropriate, all of it.

GUTFELD: We saw that trick there, Juan. You just grouped Romney with people who didn't vote to impeach.

WILLIAMS: No. I'm just telling you that's what they said. They said that the House managers made a convincing case but were not going to convict. I mean, I think Romney should be honored as a man of principle in this case, because at least he voted with his heart, not about power or avoiding Trump's tweets. I mean, to me, what you get here is this is what Republicans in the Senate say.

And then they -- you know what, they just said, you know, boy, we don't want Donald Trump saying nasty things about us.

GUTFELD: Yeah. That's good mind-reading. That is what we are all thinking. Katie, what do you think?

KATIE PAVLICH, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, I was a little bit surprised at the vote with Joe Manchin. I thought he would maybe vote to acquit the president on at least one of the articles, considering in West Virginia the president is very popular. And it would've been politically safe for him to do so. But he voted with Democrats.

This was predicted as a bipartisan acquittal. It did not end up being that way. But there is obviously going to be a lot made of Mitt Romney's vote. I don't think that it really matters, because the president has a 95 percent approval in the GOP. The American people have given him an approval rating at the highest he's seen throughout his presidency.

Throughout this trial, Adam Schiff was trying to say that he is going to cheat and steal and that you can't trust the American people to make decisions in the next election. I think people probably took that pretty personally. And so moving forward, I don't think that his vote really matters when it comes to the numbers. And the president has had a lot of wins.

And as soon as Mitt Romney does something the Democrats disapprove of, he will no longer be the moral clarity that they are claiming today. And I would like to go back to the election against Barack Obama when they were calling him a racist. They were calling him an animal abuser. And of course, he was waging a war on women. So, you know, maybe some of those people can take back some of the things that they said about him at that point.

GUTFELD: Yeah, the women in the binders.

PAVLICH: Yeah, the binders full of women.

GUTFELD: Dana, what are your thoughts on Democratic fatalism?

PERINO: Well, I think that -- partly -- Pelosi -- did you write that down?


PERINO: I haven't even read this article yet. The -- it was written by John Ellis, I'm sure it's very good. Nancy Pelosi was also telling them for months don't do this. It's going to backfire. It is not a good idea. And then -- but she did feel pushed by the progressives.


PERINO: And where else do you see being pushed by progressives? Well, you could look at after 2016, what did Bernie Sanders do? He got the DNC to change everything, and how is that working out for them?


PERINO: And so I think her frustration last night was not only just at the president but also at her caucus. Looking at them, thinking, you know I told you this was going to happen. And now, they are in a fix. And the president looks like he is just going to waltz right back into the White House for a second term. Obviously, it's not going to be that easy, but right now it feels that way.

GUTFELD: Yeah. It hasn't gotten any worse for him, and it's gotten better since then. I think we have some sound on tape of Mitchell McConnell smiling.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Speaker of the House, as she refuses to accept this acquittal, whatever that means. Perhaps she will tear up the verdict like she tore up the state of the union address. There is no sign this attack on her institutions will end here. Whatever policy differences we may have, we should all agree this is precisely the kind of recklessness, the kind of recklessness the Senate was created to stop.


GUTFELD: What do you make of that, Jesse?

WATTERS: Well, I think he did a very good job as majority leader in the Senate, and he deserves a lot of credit for guiding this through. I think that Nancy tried to bully him. And Mitchell McConnell is not a man to be bullied, and that is very clear. This was not a closed vote. They were 20 votes short of conviction. It's not even in, like, the realm of possibility.

GUTFELD: It was a partisan vote, which is the whole point of the two- thirds.

WATTERS: They needed 67. They got 20 votes less than that. And you look at the Mueller investigation and now this impeachment trial. Trump is clean. Trump is an innocent man. He has been found guilty of zero crimes. And Juan, you said now that the American people are completely convinced this is a corrupt president. I would say this.

I think the American people aren't going to believe any accusation by the Democrats against the president anymore, especially if it comes from an anonymous intelligence official like the last two hoaxes have come from. And that is your fault, because you didn't do it in the sunlight. You did it behind closed doors, and that is not the way you take out the president.

WILLIAMS: You can keep arguing the process. I think -- the reason I asked if you were pumped was the man basically has got away with it. This is the man on Fifth Avenue shooting someone, as he's bragged, and his followers saying nothing. And after Mueller, where there was all this evidence again, he says I was exonerated. It's unbelievable.

And we can expect to hear that. I hear he's going to give a statement tomorrow. I expect he will do that and he'll play to the base again.


WILLIAMS: I want to finish here. He says basically what Republicans said today is Donald Trump, if you want to do this again, if you want to reach out to the Russians, to the Chinese, if you want to blame Ukrainians --


WATTERS: Sell Alaska.

WILLIAMS: Do whatever you want, because you, Donald Trump -- you know the best term I heard today?

WATTERS: What's that?

WILLIAMS: Dershowitz-ian, which is basically --

PERINO: Dershowitz-ian.


WILLIAMS: I was, like, Dershowitz-ian which means anything that anytime the president acts -- as long as he thinks it helps his election and he thinks his election is best for the country, it's OK.


WILLIAMS: That's a fact.


WILLIAMS: Go read the quote.


WILLIAMS: You know what the president says? Read the transcript.

GUTFELD: No, I read it.


GUTFELD: In the interest of the country, then it obviously helps him in re-election. It's easy.

WILLIAMS: Because you've got to re-elect Donald Trump --


GUTFELD: You're adding that. You're mind reading. You're adding a second part.

WILLIAMS: He said if the president believes his re-election is in the best interest of the country, then fine, go for it.


GUTFELD: If you are investigating corruption or if you're trying to make a Middle East peace deal, that will actually help -- it just happens to help you get elected. That doesn't negate it.

WATTERS: It's called a mixed motive. But I want to ask Juan a quick question, because I really want to hear his answer.


WATTERS: It is Trump innocent until proven guilty?

WILLIAMS: Everybody is innocent until proven --

WATTERS: Thank you. Trump is innocent.

WILLIAMS: But that is not a trial. This was impeachment.

PAVLICH: I would argue that Juan keeps talking about the process --


PAVLICH: It really shouldn't matter the Republicans focusing on it is a distraction. But in America, the process is everything. And the reason why Democrats are in the position that they are now is because they didn't go through the process in the House to make sure that they had a solid case that was ready to send to the Senate, which is exactly why Nancy Pelosi was steamrolled by her caucus from the beginning on this impeachment process.

But we are moving on to more of Nancy Pelosi's behavior in just a minute. But President Trump just tweeted about the vote this afternoon. He said, quote, "I will be making a public statement tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. from the White House to discuss our country's victory on the impeachment hoax," end quote. Also note in the media and Democrats told us it was a rock-solid case but that has fallen flat.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have a very rock-solid case. I think the case we have, if presented to a jury, would be a guilty verdict in about three minutes flat.

JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He has, in fact, committed an impeachable offense.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president committed the offenses, charged in the first article of impeachment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Congress now knows that the president has committed impeachable offenses.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president is guilty. He is guilty of committing impeachable offenses.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president is guilty. Every fact shows that the president is guilty of these impeachable offenses.


PAVLICH: And Democrats might not be done. Here's what House impeachment manager Jerry Nadler said earlier.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Talking about everything, everything. And remember our investigations on the Mueller report that we never finished because we didn't get the witnesses. We will get those. We will continue with that.


PAVLICH: Dana, is this ever going to end?

PERINO: Well, Mitchell McConnell has said several times, which is there is nothing more you can learn from the second kick of a mule. And it's like touching the hot stove, gosh, don't ever do that again. You do it once when you're a kid and then you are cautious. I -- again, I still think that Nancy Pelosi's -- part of her frustration has to be that she got pushed into it.

Now, they all have to say the same thing. They are all trying to say the same thing. Everybody is in their corners. But the president is actually come out on top. And all these numbers that are improving, it doesn't happen overnight but it's been pretty quickly. This has been going on for six months. And the country has been paying attention.

Americans are smart. And they figured out how they feel about it. And they think that, one, they want to move on. And second, they think that they can fight this out at the ballot box. Six months is a long time, especially right before an election, and now we are just nine months before. You can have a baby between now and then.

GUTFELD: Are you telling us something?

PERINO: I said you could have a baby.

GUTFELD: I do not have a womb, Dana. You know what? Maybe they should keep impeaching him because it makes them feel good. It occupies the Democrats' headspace. And it does -- let's be honest. It does make Trump better because he loves a good fight. It's like better than a Flintstones multivitamin. It gets him going. And it makes -- this is the other thing, makes him more sympathetic. It does.

WILLIAMS: Is that right?

WATTERS: Trump is the victim, Juan.


WATTERS: He's been victimized by millions of Democrats and all of your investigators for many, many years. And that is why everybody feels sorry for the man.


WATTERS: -- only he could put up with that much.

WILLIAMS: What a man, what a man. He is your hero. But I must say Mitt Romney. I thought you said, oh, I believe it was a bipartisan vote.


WILLIAMS: I said Mitt Romney, right? What happened to Republican unity on that front?


WILLIAMS: I don't see that -- Kristen Sinema, right?

PAVLICH: Democrat?

WILLIAMS: Doug Jones, what happened?


PAVLICH: Doug Jones doesn't have to worry about it.


WILLIAMS: But what happened to Joe Manchin? Remember -- people don't vote on principle. Just vote to retain your power.


GUTFELD: First, it was a bipartisan.

WILLIAMS: They voted from the heart as opposed to politics.


WATTERS: Why would a Democrat vote guilty? That's from the heart. When a Republican votes acquit, that's political. What's the difference?

WILLIAMS: Because I'm going to tell you what Republicans said, Rubio, Portman, Toomey, Collins, Murkowski, and Romney all said his actions were inappropriate and embarrassing.

PAVLICH: Dana, I would like to hear from you.

PERINO: Juan, they are not the only ones that have said that. Like, there are people like Ana (ph) McCarthy from the very beginning was like, well, the House should just do the censure vote. They should walk away, because otherwise they will walk right into impeachment. There's a lot of Republicans who have said all of those things, but don't think it was impeachable.

I don't think that that is so out of the realm. I think overstating the Romney factor of the one person that decided to vote on one of the articles to convict and saying that that basically shattered Republican unity is a little bit --


WILLIAMS: I don't think shattered. No, I just said it's a fact. In other words, there is a fact there's a Republican who voted --


WILLIAMS: Judge Napolitano, you know right here at Fox News has been saying all along. This guy committed impeachable offenses.

GUTFELD: He was wrong. I hate to say it.

WILLIAMS: It's the power equation. Get elected. Protect yourself.


WATTERS: What are you guys going to talk about after the trial?

WILLIAMS: After the trial?

WATTERS: Yeah, now that this is over? What are you guys going to complain about?

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm not complaining.


WILLIAMS: Why would I complain?

WATTERS: You're going to have to focus on the Democrats. And you don't want to do that because that is a mess over there. You in the media are now going to be forced to focus on the Democrat primary. You don't have this impeachment anymore. You don't have another Trump scandal right now that you're cooking up. You have to focus on the Democrat primary, and that is going to be a nightmare.

PAVLICH: Jesse, do you really think that they are not going to try and come up with some other scandal?

WATTERS: Well, they've got to come up with something quick, Katie.

WILLIAMS: I mean, look. It's still a fact. Half the American people think this guy should have been impeached.

PERINO: But they did before -- impeachment was even started.

WILLIAMS: No, that is what pushed Pelosi and the moderate Democrats to back impeachment.

PAVLICH: None of this has been --


PAVLICH: -- from the beginning. She had to go back on her word and say impeachment had to be bipartisan from the beginning. Democrats joined Republicans in the House to vote against it. And here we are now without the results that you think that you should have based on what you think the American people want.

But it was political from the beginning. And the reflection of the impeachment polls reflects exactly how people come down, what they're voting on, and the momentum on this has been towards the president from the start. I mean, the poll numbers, the bipartisanship from the front end. I mean, that's been on his side. People have gone to that. Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, I think, you know when I was watching the end of this vote. They all started to getting all friendly again. Did you see that? They started thanking people. They should thank the American people for putting up and sitting through this circus, and thank us for being so cogent in our analysis and seeing through this and being right all along. I didn't hear a thank you from them. I didn't hear it, and I am personally offended.

WATTERS: I actually do want to say I was right all along. We told you from the very beginning that this was a phone call. These were weak articles. And there was going to be an acquittal. But all you did was whine the whole time. And you didn't listen to all we said, and the fact that Mitt Romney listened to a brilliant legal presentation, and he is a smart guy, and he came down on the side of guilty.

Makes me think I don't think he was really open to hearing the legal analysis, because why would you vote for more witnesses if you were still open-minded and thinking about, oh, maybe this isn't a closed case? And then you get no witnesses and then you vote to convict. It doesn't add up.

WILLIAMS: It was a strong case but -- the fact is you have John Bolton sitting out there. If you have documents, even today -- more documents coming out that indicate the president was intent on using this influence for his political and personal gain. Why not?


PAVLICH: -- the accusation will never end. You're continuing it. You're saying John Bolton, maybe, if. I don't know.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. I just think that he's sit -- John Bolton is sitting out there, right?



WILLIAMS: -- he has direct knowledge.

WATTERS: You know who else is sitting out there?

WILLIAMS: Who's that?

WATTERS: The whistle-blower.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, so?

WATTERS: Dems are going to call him.

WILLIAMS: Oh my, gosh.

WATTERS: We're going to hear from him.

PAVLICH: And Hunter Biden, too. But we are going to move on. We're going to keep an eye on impeachment and we will let you know if there are any big updates. In the meantime, the other big story we are talking about, Nancy Pelosi shreds her copy of Trump's state of the union speech, up next.


WATTERS: Negative Nancy Pelosi making a big scene at the state of the union, even after hearing all that good economic news and stories about war heroes from President Trump. Nancy actually ripped up the speech and she continued to trash Trump while walking out of the capital.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why did you rip the speech up, Madam Speaker?

NANCY PELOSI, HOUSE SPEAKER: Because it was the courteous thing to do, considering the alternatives.


WATTERS: OK. Dana, what do you think motivated Speaker Pelosi to do that?

PERINO: Three possibilities. One is obviously -- Chris Wallace reported yesterday that in the lunch he had with the Democrats before the speech, Pelosi and Trump have not spoken since October when they had that falling out. And so that relationship is quite broken, and I think that is part of it.

WATTERS: Is that when she called him an impostor?

PERINO: And he called her a third-rate politician.

WATTERS: Got it.

PERINO: Right. So it's like -- they both said things -- I don't know if they regret them but they both said things and so they're not talking. She left the door open, though, on lowering drug prices and infrastructure, though, in that lunch, though. The second possibility is that she is really, really frustrated with her caucus.

As I said in April, I think that in a way, if she did it spontaneously, it's like, she just -- you know, sometimes you do get so mad and frustrated you want to rip something. Break a pen. I actually don't know if I could do that, break a pen. Or the third thing is it was planned all along. And she knew she was going to do it. And she did it on purpose so that the cameras could catch it, and she wanted to make a statement.

WATTERS: What do you think that statement was, Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, I don't know. I think she -- I think it was a perfect ending. You have -- it's like the climax of a movie where the villain gets beaten and throws her hat on the ground. It's like she tore up a betting slip that she bet her house on. And I think it -- for me, personally, it affected me and that it made me realize the speech was way better and more powerful than I thought.

Because you could see the frustration build up in her, and I thought it was a pretty good speech. Then I go, well, maybe it really hit her where it hurts. On the other hand, we lead this segment talking about that, so she gets a win by focusing attention on this act. You take the attention away from the substance of the speech.

That's why I wouldn't put too much emotion in it, even though I thought it was cheap. I mean, I think the bigger problem for me is, you know, I get it. You hate Trump. But can't you be happy for people who got jobs, who got welfare or not clapping for an African-American girl getting a scholarship? I mean, if a Republican didn't clap for that, my god.

And the numbers for women employment, no applause from white women wearing white, I mean can't you say, yeah, I can't stand the guy but damn. He is doing good for them.

WATTERS: Yeah. Katie, my theory was that she wanted to show AOC and that wing that she hated Trump just as much as they did, and she wanted a little street cred.


WATTERS: And to say, you know, I'm one of you.

PAVLICH: Which, again, she's getting totally steamrolled by the left of her party, which does not play well across the country. And by her doing that, she is trying to one up President Trump by taking attention away from him. But he -- she essentially wrote a campaign ad for him and a campaign ad for every single Republican running in the House to take back the power from her --


PAVLICH: Right, proving that, you know, she cannot be trusted to just be a fair speaker who respects the process. But I think not standing for people who have school choice or for clapping at appropriate times when it comes to unemployment shows the Democrats really are interested in power. They're not necessarily interested in all these issues that they claim to care about.

And also, you know the optics on this. You know, when Kayla Muller's parents were there, the young girl who was captured by ISIS, abused, raped, and murdered by Al-Baghdadi when they're talking -- when he is talking about that, and then Nancy Pelosi's back there shuffling her papers behind him and not paying attention to that.

The optics there are not good. And so Nancy Pelosi can try and tell her left wing of the party and try to, you know, coddle them and make sure that they know she's doing all the right things for them. But overall, the country is looking at that and they can see that she has really played her hand poorly last night in a long line of things that have not gone well for her over the last six months.

WATTERS: How would you react to that, Juan, if you were delivering commentary, and then I grabbed your nose and did that?

WILLIAMS: I'm glad you haven't done that yet, but I expect any day.

WATTERS: I would never.

WILLIAMS: But I would say that if you're Nancy Pelosi and you were sitting there, I think it's easy to understand. You listen to this stuff for an hour and you get hugely frustrated. And I must say that this morning, she got a standing ovation from her Democratic caucus.

WATTERS: That's why I think she was doing it for her base.

WILLIAMS: No. I think she did it. I don't know if it was planned or whatever, but it was a successful gesture. And I will say this. When you look at the reality of what the President was doing, when he -- first, let's just -- I don't know about the handshake. Did he not see her hand out there, or did he, you know, snub her? I don't know. But clearly, they got an issue between the two of them.

But I will say when the president says stuff like, oh, yes, we're doing more than anybody for pre-existing conditions -- and you just know this is not true. I'll let you decide if you want to call it a lie, but it's just not true. And when he does stuff like, oh, yes, I care so much about giving this scholarship to this little black girl, but I'm going to give the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh and then I'm going to do it like a reality show and have Mrs. Trump put it around his neck. You think to yourself, oh is Oprah giving away cars here today?

PERINO: I think I think they were also frustrated because they are bested by him because he is a producer and a showman, and he knows how to talk on your -- I think that the whole speech, the great American comeback could have just been -- it was a great idea to build a theme, to build a speech around, and he could have just done all of the guests on the room, maybe edit a few more, and then said, I want to bring you more stories like this. I'm going to continue to work hard. I'd like to do this for the next four years.

Can I say one thing about Nancy Pelosi? I'm not making this the strongest of predictions. But I think the other thing that could have been is that I think she knows that that's probably her last State of the Union that where she sits there, because one, like there's an election, so you never know what could happen. Like the Republicans come back then she wouldn't be the speaker.

But I also think, remember, in 2018, when she won, she basically -- there was a wink and a nod that she would not run again. And so, her final act as a speaker at the State of the Union was to rip up the President's speech. I think it'll be like the second paragraph in the legend -- all the literature that's written about her in the future.

WILLIAMS: Yes, people underestimate Nancy Pelosi. How's that worked out for you, Republicans?

PERINO: I'm not underestimating her.

WATTERS: What do you mean? I think Trump should ground her next flight. That's what I think. President Trump touts the booming economy and smacks down socialism in a must-see State of the Union moment. That's next.


PERINO: President Trump using his State of the Union speech to highlight major gains, as we've said so far in the show on the economy, but also delivered a very sharp takedown of socialism. Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Socialism destroys nations, but always remember, freedom unifies the soul. 132 lawmakers in this room have endorsed legislation to impose a socialist takeover of our healthcare system, wiping out the private health insurance plans of 180 million very happy Americans.

To those watching it home tonight, I want you to know, we will never let socialism destroy American healthcare.


PERINO: And Jesse, that was a call back to the 2019 State of the Union where he had the line that was the line of the night, I think, where you said social -- America will never be a socialist country. And so now he's getting more specific about healthcare.

WATTERS: He is and he needs to. The story was the great American comeback blue-collar boom. And really, I think put the democrats on the defensive because he's rattling off these great economic achievements for the American people and the Democrats are sitting on their hands.

He marginalized them on healthcare saying 130 of you in the House voted to take away 130 million Americans private healthcare. And by the way, they want to give it to illegal immigrants. That's a very extreme position. He had stuff for the base. He had stuff on guns, on pro-life, on immigration, the wall update, and then laid really sharp traps with these guests he had where he wells up the chamber with enthusiasm and emotion for these guests.

And then he goes, oh, and by the way, this was the person whose husband died from a roadside bomb planted by Soleimani that I killed, and that was very effective. And then he had some bipartisanship too. He think he offered his hand on drug prices, the Mars mission infrastructure, a trillion trees.

And at the end, it was a great show, well-produced drama. But the flourish at the end when he's talking about the American pioneer, the settlers, this adventure that we're all on, and this is a country with a very young spirit. The best is yet to come was a great quote.

PERINO: And one of my favorite lines, they were just able to cut this sound for me. Of course, you know -- you know my feelings on terrorism and everything. Listen to this part right here about terrorism.


TRUMP: Soleimani was the Iranian regime's most ruthless butcher, a monster who murders or wounded thousands of American service members in Iraq. Then, the U.S. military executed a flawless precision strike that killed Soleimani.

Our message to the terrorist is clear, you will never escape American justice. If you attack our citizens, you forfeit your life.


PERINO: So that was what you were saying, Jesse, I'll go to you, Katie next. So he gets everybody applauding because you're feeling for the man who lost his brother, and then you find out oh, there's a policy out here too, which is that I'm saying that this is where America is going to stand.

PAVLICH: And it goes to -- you know, he's really done a good job of balancing not getting America into another war as he promised, but also going after terrorism in a very real way. Last week, we killed al-Qaeda leader in Yemen, Baghdadi. He has a whole list of accomplishments.

PERINO: He got the other guy in Arizona too.

PAVLICH: And that guy too, the Iraqi police -- the Iraqi who came to America somehow and he had killed an Iraqi police officer, so they did get him. But yeah, he's able to stand up and have a record on that and say I'm going to take care of Americans and protect them. We're going use our tools to do it.

And the thing about the Soleimani strike is that everyone was questioning when he would respond. Like why isn't the president responding to Iranian aggression? And that patience paid off with him with that victory for the - -

PERINO: There was also a lot of outreach to Americans like broadening -- I think he was trying to broaden beyond the base. Listen to Van Jones over at CNN. Greg, we'll get your take.


VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: What he was saying to African- Americans can be effective. You may not like it, but he mentioned HBCUs, our black colleges have been struggling for a long time, a bunch of them have gone under. He threw a lifeline to them in real life, in this budget. He talked about that. He talked about the criminal justice reform. He talked about opportunity zones.


PERINO: That stood out to you too?

GUTFELD: Trump is doing something that I think the Republicans haven't done in a while and Van Jones is seeing this for what it is and his -- some of his co-hosts failed to see it. It used to be that if you don't help minorities, you were called racist. Now if you help minorities, the left to say you're racist too, because you're trying to cover up the fact that you're racist.

So if you promise you'll even be more helpful than you probably in the KKK, what Van Jones is saying essentially is that Trump is making it clear that he's putting Blacks first, while Democrats see Blacks as a group that competes among a bevy of other groups, because it's such an identity, obsessive party, that you're just a pocket. You have the best numbers for minorities in women.

And in an even interesting thing, Trump is like one of the best liberal presidents we've seen. I mean, he's a better Democrat than most Democrats. You talk about prison reform, you talk about drug pricing, you talk about a trillion trees, you talk about black colleges, I mean, he's out Obama-ing Obama. And I think that's what Van Jones is getting at. Like, listen to the guy.

PERINO: Juan, do you want to comment on that?

WATTERS: Is it triangulation?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

WATTERS: Trump triangulation?

GUTFELD: That means something else.

PERINO: Anyway, Juan, what do you think about any or all of that?

WILLIAMS: You know, I'm just sad. I got to tell you something. Sometimes you just feel despondent these days in American politics. You just think, am I crazy or are they crazy? Because when you talk about, for example, the drug pricing. You have people there in the chamber last night, if you believe this, if you say you will sign it, well then, sign HR-3 which is the Elijah Cummings bill to pull down. But no, he says it, and David Axelrod said this last night on T.V. He was very much a showman like speech. And Trump is great at putting reality T.V. together.

Let the fact-checkers check after because most Americans just see the speech, and all these fact trackers, they're whining, they're just going on.

PERINO: That's true with all speeches.

WILLIAMS: And then -- so people will listen to this falsehood, this is the greatest economy? The economy -- the GDP is two. It's less than Trump promised.

PAVLICH: Trump is also really going to say --

WILLIAMS: Where is the wall? Where is the healthcare? Where is the bringing -- remember he said he's going to bring troops home? We're sending troops out. He gets away with this.

PERINO: All right. OK, we have more to come because we're going to talk about the Democrats Iowa Caucuses catastrophe. It continues. You won't believe this. We have it next. And why Joe Biden should be pretty worried. The latest next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. More caucus chaos in Iowa. Poll results are still not in. Can you believe that? Right now, what we have is 86 percent of the total -- what was it, two days after? Pete Buttigieg now is holding a very narrow lead over Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden stuck in a disappointing fourth place. Here's the former vice president reacting today.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I am not going to sugarcoat it. We took a gut punch in Iowa. The whole process took a gut punch. But look, this isn't the first time in my life I've been knocked down.


WILLIAMS: Meanwhile, former Clinton advisor James Carville, he's out with a major warning for the Democrats.


JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: It matters who the candidate is, it matters what a party chooses to talk about. I mean, I'm 75 years old. Why am I here doing this? Because I am scared to death. That's why. This party needs to wake up and make sure that we talk about things that are relevant to people.

We're like talking about people voting from jail cells. All right, we're talking about not having a border. I mean, come on people.


WILLIAMS: Wow. So Katie, what you --

PAVLICH: He said, come on people.

WILLIAMS: Come on people. So Katie, when you hear James Carville who, you know, is really I think in touch with Democratic Party politics, that he's scared of Bernie Sanders. How do you as a Republican hear that?

PAVLICH: Well, I'm a conservative and I'm not a registered Republican.


PAVLICH: But I will say, I think that he's more in touch with the rest of the country. And if you look at the polling on Bernie Sanders' policies, people do not like the socialism aspect of this. And Joe Biden coming out of Iowa, while his communications director is still questioning the validity of the results, Joe Biden is taking the L essentially, and also going after Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg pretty hard, and said today, look, if Bernie Sanders wins the nomination, every single Democrat running for any kind of office will have the label of socialists over their head, and we're going to have to explain that.

And that's not going to work when it comes to Democrats who feel like the party has gotten far too left for their liking when it comes to issues like health care and other economic factors.

WILLIAMS: You know, one other factor Jesse, Biden is low on cash right now, very low, so he's got to do a lot of fundraising. I don't know. What do you think when you hear people who are dyed in the wool Democrats say that Sanders' brand of populism may be detrimental to the Democratic cause in November?

WATTERS: I would agree with them. And that's what I've been saying.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. I thought you guys were -- especially that guy over there was pumping up --

GUTFELD: Who, me?

WILLIAMS: Pumping up --

WATTERS: He thinks -- he thinks Bernie is like the second coming of Trump. I think he's overthinking it. With respect, because you never overthinking it. With respect. I think Biden comes out of Iowa zero delegates.


WATTERS: I think Bernie is going to win New Hampshire. Biden maybe gets second, maybe third. Maybe Pete gets second. He might not come out with any delegates at New Hampshire. And right now, it's a dead heat in Nevada, Bernie or Biden. Biden could go O and three going into South Carolina. I just don't think it's going to happen. I do not think he's going to get the nomination.

Everyone that's saying Bernie is this big threat to Trump, I would just have to disagree. Everyone over 50 years old hates Bernie Sanders, only very liberal and very young Americans like Bernie Sanders. He's going to go in there, as Carville said, saying the Boston bombers should be allowed to vote in the election, and he'll probably vote for Bernie, and I'm going to take away your health care and give it to an illegal immigrant.

The guy's a communist sympathizer. He's been in the Senate for decades, never done a damn thing. He's not photogenic. Hillary hates him. The powers (INAUDIBLE) hate him. It's only going to cause chaos. It's not going to be a good thing for Bernie or the Democrats are. And that's why I want Bernie to win.

WILLIAMS: I know. But anyway, I'm short on time, but I want to get the two of you in. The idea that the establishment, the Democratic Party establishment like Carville is now in a fright --

PERINO: They're raising -- right so they should -- they let Bernie Sanders take over a lot of the responsibilities of the DNC. The DNC is basically kind of powerless, they've kept -- they've basically had to bend to him. He has all of this support out there. Biden might be short on cash. Let me just tell you quickly. I think that what could help him quickly is if Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, maybe some of the other -- maybe Michael Bennett, he's real low in the polls, if they could all get behind and say we are coalescing behind Biden, that might inspire some confidence.

WILLIAMS: What -- is this like what the Republican saw with Trump?

GUTFELD: Perhaps. But I love that Liz Warren came in fifth in Pocahontas County, Iowa. If you can't win a county that was named after you, you got no chance in America if you can't win in Pocahontas County. Anyway, I wanted them to only release half the caucus results so I could say the Dems left Iowa halfcocked.

WATTERS: Well done.

PERINO: Well, the Dems also left Iowa on private jets including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. So green new deal for you, but not for them.

WILLIAMS: Oh boy. "ONE MORE THING" coming up next. They're just for fun.


GUTFELD: Time for "ONE MORE THING." I'm going first. It's time for Greg's Plugs. Pretending that that's my real hair. It is. All right, so live show, the Gutfeld Monologues will be in Memphis March 21st, and then Nashville March 22nd. We got some surprise special guests showing up. Go to to buy tickets. It's going to be amazing.

Also, my podcast is up. It's with Dr. Marc Siegel. And we get to the bottom of the coronovirus or coronavirus and separate fact from fiction. That's Fox News Now it's time for Jessie.

WATTERS: You need to update your tour full screen with your new haircut.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

WATTERS: I don't even know who that guy is anymore.

GUTFELD: Yes, that guy, he's dead. To me he's dead.

WATTERS: All right, scary moment at the Chiefs championship parade in Kansas City. Kansas City, Missouri, Juan, or Kansas -- who knows where it is?


WATTERS: There's a highspeed chase in the parade route. And they had the pole, the old pit maneuver. There it is.


WATTERS: So they had two guys pulled over, arrested, and they were under the influence as expected. Surprise, surprise.


PERINO: And that should still be a felony.

GUTFELD: That'll be on -- you'll see that footage for the next 10 years on cable. All right, where am I, Dana?

PERINO: I haven't something also Kansas City related. So this is -- they won 31 to 20, was that the score? And Derrick Nnadi, he started his celebration by making snow angels with confetti on the field. Of course, that's pretty fun. But he also said he would help animals as well. So in partnership with KC Pet Project, Nnadi paid up the adoption fees for every single dog in all of the shelters locations.

So that's nearly 80 pets. They've already left the shelters with new families and more are expected to head home today. He's been working with KC Pet Project for quite a while even before they got into the playoffs. And he would cover the cost of a different dog's adoption each time. So he's pretty amazing guy and congratulations to the Chiefs. And congrats to all the new dog family members.

WATTERS: She's a fan now, aren't you?

GUTFELD: Pound for pound.

PERINO: Oh, yes, I'm big time.


WILLIAMS: Well, I was a nice thing to do. Anyway, you never know where you're going to find genius. So how about the sixth grade? Well, take a look at this group of sixth-graders from McClintock Middle School in Charlotte. They devised a way to help a toddler with a rare genetic disorder. Children with Kabuki Syndrome needed daily help in the form of an oxygen tank. But you know, how do you get around with an oxygen tank if you're a little guy?

That's where the sixth graders entered. They came up with a device that allows Emmett Hightshoe to easily move around with her oxygen tank. Emmett's mom said this project by the sixth graders is life-changing not only for the child, but for the family, and of course lots of other families with the same disorder. Way to go sixth graders.

GUTFELD: That's why math and science matter to people.


PAVLICH: And they'll become engineers and they will do even more good for the rest of the world. All right, so dogs sometimes get themselves in trouble. So this little puppy named Kahuna was exploring his home when something happened. Take a listen.

So you see, the nine-month-old pooch was sniffing something on top of an ironing board when it tipped over. And then the items fell down on a heater grate, and an hour later or later, everything erupted into flames. But the two dogs who were in the house at the time were evacuated and firefighters were able to put out the fire and there was limited damage to the house.

WATTERS: I put my dog up for adoption if he do that.

GUTFELD: And that would pay for the adoption.

WATTERS: Yes. And Nnadi would pay for it.


WILLIAMS: That's after you win the Super Bowl.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: It's scary.

WATTERS: Bad dog.

PERINO: It's scary.

GUTFELD: Everybody has -- no dogs can get away with anything because you have cameras everywhere.

WILLIAMS: That's what I noticed. There was a camera. How did they get a camera in there?

WATTERS: All right. "Special Report" is up next.

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