
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," March 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

INGRAHAM: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Senator Ted Cruz and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows are going to be here in moments. They'll respond to my ANGLE and a whole lot more.

And another stiletto drops tonight against Governor Andrew Cuomo. And this time, there's photographic evidence. The man who ran against him and may yet again, has been warning about him for years. He's here to respond. And Joe Biden's visiting angel comes to his rescue again. Raymond Arroyo explains it in Seen and Unseen. But first, exposing themselves. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

INGRAHAM: Now, day-by-day, Democrats are revealing themselves, they're anti-freedom, anti-science, anti-religion, anti-family, anti-gun, anti-law enforcement and anti-history. They've closed and militarized Washington, and yet they've left our borders wide open. They insist our country is systemically racist as they give China a pass on genocide.

With the pace of destructive change happening to our country, I know things may seem overwhelming. Well, this ANGLE is for you. For some perspective, we need to step back a little bit. Now for most of the time, think about this. since Reagan left office, the bipartisan establishment in Washington has been obsessed with five really bad ideas.

Number one, they believe that we have a labor shortage here in the United States. So, they want the borders as wide open as possible. Now, even now, as the border is buckling under a surge of illegals. The Biden Administration's biggest concern isn't protecting Americans. It's facilitating more mass migration.


ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: All I can do is communicate both to the American public and to the individuals seeking protection, they need to wait, we are not saying don't come, we are saying don't come now, because we will be able to deliver safe and orderly process to them as quickly as possible.


INGRAHAM: An orderly process. Number two, they believe that the CCP will evolve and eventually become more free. Meanwhile, they'll make a ton of money over there. So, it was fine to help China become richer and more powerful. Well, now we have a president who welcomed a rising China and now thinks what most of us call genocide. It's just a different cultural norm.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Culturally, there are different norms in each country, and their leaders are expected to follow.


INGRAHAM: Well, number three, the establishment has long believed that the future belongs to social liberalism. So, they want a Supreme Court that would lean in that direction. Well, now Democrats are emboldened enough to think that they can ram through radical legislation to erase protections for religious freedom, and then they think they'll get the High Court to go along with it.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): I love talking about the Equality Act. We had for a long time, a series for things that we were going to do. Our fourth was not our doing with the court towards marriage equality. And the courts took care of that for us. So, the piece that was remaining of the four that we set out to do a number of years ago, is the - now the Equality Act.


INGRAHAM: Does she realize that moving her hands around doesn't make her any more logical in her presentation. She needs actually a scroll underneath her, because of the mask. She loves talking about the Equality Act.

Number four, they believe that we should bring democracy to the Middle East. They want a permanent troop presence in that part of the world. Now, just last week without congressional approval, Joe Biden, Mr. Peacenik himself authorized airstrikes against Iranian backed forces in Syria.


BIDEN: You can't act with impunity. Be careful.


INGRAHAM: Be careful. Liz Cheney and a handful of other GOP war hawks were fine with this, of course. They welcomed it.

Number five, the old bipartisan cabal believes that trades should never be restrained, never. So, they do everything possible to make it easier for companies to shift jobs offshore. So, does Joe Biden have any regrets about playing a key role in that travesty? Of course not.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think in retrospect that you were naive about China?

BIDEN: No, here's the thing.


INGRAHAM: Here's the thing. All of these policies, of course, a total disaster for most Americans, but they were very popular with the donors who funded both parties. And so, for decades, voters who disagreed with those policies, they really didn't have anyone speaking for them. They had very few advocates. After eight years, George W. Bush with his endless wars, flat wages and non-stop catch and release at the border, a lot of us on the Right decided we had to go in a different direction, even we like President Bush personally.

At first, we were known as the tea party and our movement grew, more people started using the term populist as well. And after we coalesced around Donald Trump, we had a leader who took our ideas into the White House. In less than a decade, we had beaten the leadership of both parties. It's one of the most successful political movements in American history. They'll take you by surprise, the Empire struck back. They impeach President Trump not once, but twice.

They censored us online and drove many into hiding into the canceled culture. They called us fascists and racists and still do. They even changed the voting rules in some states. And then they politicize the pandemic in their pursuit of power.

A few months ago, I think they thought that they were on the verge of crushing us for good. But their landslide, it never happened. The GOP gained seats in the House and in state legislatures. We gained support with Hispanic Hispanics and African American working-class voters as well. For the establishment press, who've never been honest about our movement, CPAC, of course, was just an excuse to bring out their old fearmongering and Trump hatred.

But if you saw any of it, you know how upbeat about the future pretty much everyone who was speaking there was. President Trump was defiant. And he vowed to support strong populist candidates in 2022. And Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is showing how our principles can work in a dynamic state like Florida was another star.


RON DESANTIS (R) FLORIDA GOVERNOR: Now anyone can spout conservative rhetoric, we can sit around and have academic debates about conservative policy, but I'm not saying you don't do any of that. But the question is, when the Klieg lights get hot, when the Left comes after you, will you stay strong? Or will you fold, but when you do and you engage in the battles ahead, hold the line, stand your ground, and don't ever, ever back down. Thank you. God bless you.


INGRAHAM: You know, the establishment is going to try to kneecap him politically, they already kind of have tried, just like they did with President Trump. They fear DeSantis. It's funny because the same forces don't fear the CCP, they see China as their business partner. What they fear though is seeing power go into the hands of the middle class, hardworking Americans who know their rights and who refuse to be cheated or manipulated and who insist on fair wages for their work. This explains why they're doing everything possible to sow hatred and division against and between us.

But we should relish this fight. Democrats are exposing themselves as frauds across the board. Governors Cuomo in New York, Newsom in California, Pritzker in Illinois and Whitmer in Michigan, love locking down everyone except criminals and illegal immigrants, and a bully like Cuomo. Well, he actually believed he deserved his good press. But now even the Democrats are abandoning him.

Newsom is scrambling to try to get schools to reopen in a state only because he's facing a recall. 41 years ago, the conservatives led by Ronald Reagan took over the White House and save this country from an era of decline and despair. This generation of conservatives now has the organization and policies that can do the same again. Our ideas are already making life better for millions in the Red states. But we're not going to stop there. This must be a 50-state movement devoted to uplifting the whole country. And we're not going to stop until our mission is complete. And that's THE ANGLE.

Joining me now is Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Senator, you have become as well a popular target of the Left. They're trying to decouple any Republican who has a connection to the base, and the intellectual chops to actually make a coherent argument across the board.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, look the Left, Right now, they feel resurgent. And for them, it's about power, they want to hold on to power they want to expand power, and when they have their power, they want to ram through their socialist vision for this country.

I was listening to your opening monologue, and I think it is exactly right. You look at the Left, and far too many in the Republican party also. And for a long time, they have been on board with, essentially what I'd call America last, standing with our enemies, standing with the Chinese Communist government, standing with unlimited open borders, and standing against the working men and women. And I think the most significant political change of the last decade has been that the heart and soul of the Republican Party, we are a working-class party now, we are a blue-collar party. That's what we should have been and that's what we are.

And if we're standing with the men and women who want to work. Right now, look at the Democratic Party, they want to close your businesses, they want your kids to stay home, they closed the schools, open borders, abolish the police, make your life less safe, your kids less safe, your family less safe. They side with our enemies, and they abandon our friends. It's all completely backwards.

But the good news is also what you just said, they're revealing exactly who they are. What does it say the governor of New York and the governor of California are both in freefall, their ideas don't work? And we're going to sadly going to see that play out more and more over the next two years. I think that's going to lead us to a very good 2022 and a very good 2024.

INGRAHAM: Yes, we need a 50-state movement again. It can't be cobbling together things with Texas. They're going to try to exploit the power grid failure in Texas, obviously, that's going to happen. We've got to have a 50-state movement. This hodgepodge of a few Rust Belt states and turn around three times and hope you're going to win the majority. It's just - I think it's got to be much broader.

But senator, the new DHS secretary, he was out there today, he was asked whether he thought there was a crisis at our southern border. Watch.


MAYORKAS: I think that the answer is no. I think there is a challenge at the border, it is a stressful challenge. We are not only in addressing the urgency of the challenge, but also in building the capacity to manage it. And to meet our humanitarian aspirations in execution of the President's vision.


INGRAHAM: Senator Cruz building the capacity to manage the flow that he is personally encouraging, as I showed in THE ANGLE.

CRUZ: Well, the Democrats are magicians. You remember we had four years of news stories about kids in cages? Well, those cages are being expanded, they're being reopened now that Biden's running them, they're simply safe humanitarian locations. Of course, Obama built the cages. And the reason we have little boys and little girls being brought in by human traffickers is because of Obama's amnesty program that served as a magnet to begin with.

But when the DHS secretary says there isn't a crisis at the border, from his perspective, he believes that because there's an old joke that the term illegal alien is no longer politically correct. The new term is undocumented Democrat. From his perspective, every person coming here illegally is another perspective voter and the Democratic Party has abandoned the working-class men and women, the millions of people who are out of jobs, who are seeing their wages pulled down, who are competing to provide for their families with people coming illegally. That's not who the Democratic Party represents anymore.

They don't represent unions anymore. They don't represent construction workers or truck drivers or working men and women anymore. The Democratic Party today is the party of wealthy elites on both coasts, it's the party of big tech and big business. It's the party of universities, and from their perspective, the more cheap labor that flows in particularly if they vote Democrat, the better.

INGRAHAM: Perfect.

CRUZ: We need to be standing with Americans, we need to be standing for jobs. And you were talking about a 50-state movement. I want to point out the Democrats agenda is truly radical. What does it say even California is recalling Gavin Newsom? When you shut down schools, do you know, 40 percent of kids K through 12, right now are going to in-person school. 60 percent are not - that's a generation of kids being left behind.

INGRAHAM: Senator.

CRUZ: A significant chunk of whom are black or Hispanic and the Democrats are abandoning them. This is an opportunity for common sense, and I think that's what we ought to be fighting now.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Senator, real quick one. Yes, or no. Should we boycott the 2022 Beijing games?

CRUZ: To be honest, I haven't thought about that question. I'm generally not a fan of boycotting things like - like boycotting the Olympics.

INGRAHAM: They're committing genocide. Senator, aren't they committing genocide, ongoing genocide.

CRUZ: Look, they are committing genocide.

INGRAHAM: So, why should we give Xi - sorry to interrupt, but why should we give Xi a big propaganda coup by sending our people over there to be in a packed stadium after they inadvertently or purposely released a virus and they're committing ongoing genocide? How do we, as a country countenance that?

CRUZ: Because we shouldn't punish American athletes. I think we should go over there, call them out, be absolutely explicit. I've introduced legislation to sanction the officials responsible for the genocide, to fight them and call them out directly. But when Jimmy Carter boycotted the Olympics, I didn't think it was a very good policy. I think hurting American athletes is a policy of weakness.

But the answer we shouldn't do is to do what a lot - all the democrats and a lot of Republicans will want to do, which is go over there and kiss Xi's behind. We need to speak the truth and call them out unequivocally.

INGRAHAM: You and I part ways there. But I appreciate your answering the question. Senator, thank you so much for coming on tonight.

And if you've watched President Biden speak on TV lately, one thing is clear. He's not in complete control. So, who is? Well, the Hill is reporting that Senate Republicans are attacking White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, as the guy behind the curtain and Prime Minister Klain, they're calling him. The GOP blames Klain for Biden's refusal to negotiate the price of his $1.9 trillion COVID relief package.

Here with me now is Mark Meadows, former White House Chief of Staff to President Trump. Mark, this was obviously never a concern in the Trump administration that you were running things, was it? Is this even plausible? could Klain be running the show on big decisions for Biden?

MARK MEADOWS, FORMER TRUMP WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, obviously, somebody is running the show, because moderate Joe has gone missing. In fact, if anything, moderate Joe has gone into hiding, because we're seeing progressive Joe, we're seeing a $1.9 trillion COVID package that is a progressive wish list. And so, somebody is pulling the strings, whether it's Chief of Staff Ron Klain, or someone else there.

The results are horrifying, Laura. When we look at this, is not only what you were talking about at the border, but it's our policy in terms of opening schools, it's our policies in terms of China.

We're shipping jobs to China, instead of shipping them to Texas, and Ohio and Pennsylvania. We're energy dominant, and yet we're wanting to move that over to China and give them the advantage. So, it's time that somebody gets control. And hopefully it's somewhat different than Ron Klain and the others in the White House right now.

INGRAHAM: Mark, have you talked to the President about the Beijing Olympics, there is a growing movement. And I'm one of the people, I think leading it is to boycott the Beijing games, given the ongoing genocide, given everything that they have done, not been transparent about the virus.

MEADOWS: There is a growing movement there. And really what it's about, is not just the ongoing genocide, that is horrific, and should be condemned and addressed. But it's even further than that. We have this China virus that has been upon us, and yet no one has still held China accountable. We need to make sure they're held accountable. What do we find from the Biden administration, they're running back into the W.H.O., which basically the World Health Organization who apologizes for actually being the front man for the Chinese government?

So, we've got to hold them accountable. And I think at this point to give them a win for the 2022 Olympics is not something we should be doing.

INGRAHAM: Have you spoken to former President Trump about this and what are his thoughts?

MEADOWS: As you know, I spent some time with the former President Trump yesterday. We spent a good deal of time together. We have not talked about the Olympics; we have talked about a number of things. we talked about the attack on oil and natural gas.

Really, when you start talking about green energy, you're looking at a subsidy to China, instead of actually allowing things to happen. We're also looking to attack, really on the hard-working men and women of America, men, and women of America, when we look at what we're seeing is a total sellout by this administration. But I'm sure he'll have something to say about the Olympics in the coming weeks and months.

INGRAHAM: And breaking moments ago, Acting House Sergeant at Arms tells the Capitol - says everyone that Capitol community significance of March 4th, as true Inauguration Day has reportedly declined among various groups in recent days. I don't know what that is. But I guess it's about this deal with people thinking March 4th was a - some kind of significant day and they had to use that to justify, in part all that fencing around the Capitol.

Mark, was there any intelligence--

MEADOWS: No, there's no intelligence that would suggest that this fencing should be - listen, this fencing that is all for show. Speaker Pelosi continues to want to have razor wire around the Capitol. it's indicative of the type of representation they have. Keep the American people at bay. And even as you go around Washington, D.C., even Democrats are starting to say this is a little bit ridiculous. It serves no - really function and there's no intelligence that would suggest that we should have it.

INGRAHAM: And Mark, it looks like the razor wire might be coming down. But apparently, the fencing that seems higher than that what I saw at the border, not the Trump fence, but the other old fence. That's still going to be up there, along with the thousands and thousands of National Guard troops. It's unbelievable. No Republican should vote to fund this ever.

Mark, great to see you tonight. And we look forward to seeing President Trump out and about again soon.

And coming up, does the party of women secretly hate them? Lara Logan explains the Left shell game in moments. Plus, when everyone else was turning a blind eye to Andrew Cuomo's corruption. His 2014 opponent made it a staple of his campaign. That man will be here next.


INGRAHAM: It's never been about the principles for them. Democrats merely claimed to be champions of women as a shield or way to pander to voters. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has mastered this act.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Have there been any conversations with the SEC about how to proceed?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, I'm also happy to repeat that we have the first female treasury secretary and a team that's surrounding her.

What is President Biden doing for my small business? First and foremost, he nominated a woman to lead the Small Business Administration.


INGRAHAM: You see what I mean. Meanwhile, the policies championed by the Biden Administration lockdown, school closures, targeting small businesses, they forced millions of women out of the workforce and their schools on Zoom. All right. Joining us now is Lara Logan, host of Lara Logan Has No Agenda on Fox Nation. Lara, you say there's a particular type of woman being targeted. Explain.

LARA LOGAN, HOST, LARA LOGAN HAS NO AGENDA: Yes, I mean, women who are independent, and who are independent minded and won't take any surrender to this kind of, I mean, people are basically trying to terrorize and silence and intimidate us, and to break out will.

Strong, independent women who think for themselves. And if we weren't going to be, kept down by men all these years, we're certainly not going to be kept down by the politics of division and hatred. And what's interesting Laura, in that comment there, in that video you just played, it reminded me of Benazir Bhutto, because I remember being so shocked as a journalist on the ground in Pakistan, to discover that around 80 percent of Pakistani women couldn't read or write. They were illiterate. And guess who was the leader of Pakistan at the time? Yes, Benazir Bhutto, a woman.

So, just because you have a woman appointed to a position of power doesn't necessarily mean anything. It's actions that count, right, real actions. And you know that as well as I do, and I'm really glad that you're covering this topic, because, I have a lot of feelings about it as a journalist and as a professional. But obviously, I'm a white woman. So, it's also personal. And these people aren't going to break my will. They're not going to force me into hatred and prejudice. And we all know that united we stand and divided we fall, right? It's very, very simple. that's been true since the beginning of time.

And as you know, many people know, I was gang raped and sodomized and beaten almost to death by a gang, a mob of two to 300 men in Egypt many years ago when I was working, and they couldn't break my will. And I can tell you, these people, they can't break my will. And it's not just me. I mean, I really am speaking on behalf of all women, women of all races, and especially young women. I want them to know, because they haven't been around long enough like you and I, right. They haven't had enough experience to know how they're being bullied and intimidated into self- censorship.

And I want them to note, you don't have to fall for this. You don't have to play into their hands.

INGRAHAM: Lara, you know what I say--

LOGAN: Millions of Americans, actually--

INGRAHAM: You know what I say to young women, when they say I'm afraid to speak out in class or, I don't want to lose all my friends. And I said well, just look at your friends, and say I love you, I don't agree with you. But just say this is my truth. Turn around and say, look, I love you, honey, I love you, but this is my truth. I have every right to speak out.

I have every right to believe in my faith or my facts. So Lara, thank you so much. And you are incredibly brave and an incredible testament to courage and fortitude, and, you bet, independent thinking. We needed to hear that tonight, thank you.

And speaking of Democrat treatment of women, just hours ago a third female accuser came forward against Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, telling "The New York Times" the governor aggressively grabbed her cheeks and asked if he could kiss her during a wedding reception in 2019. And she has the photos, apparently. This comes after two former staffers accused the love- gov of sexual harassment. But is it all that surprising, especially when the Democrats in New York and media elites have long known that Cuomo at least is kind of a repugnant bully?

My next guest called Cuomo's contemptible behavior seven years ago when he was running against him for governor. He joins me now, Rob Astorino, former New York gubernatorial candidate. Rob, I'm not going to condemn Andrew Cuomo because of accusations. I don't know what happened when, and the photo about the cheeks, I don't know. But we did know at the very least that Andrew Cuomo was a bully who didn't lead his own blame get in the way of giving himself accolades.

ROB ASTORINO, FORMER WESTCHESTER COUNTY EXECUTIVE: That's true. And Laura, I agree with you. I think we all say and should stand by the Constitution, our criminal justice system, due process, all of the things that of course Andrew Cuomo and the Democrats didn't afford the likes of Brett Kavanaugh and others. But that doesn't mean it's not to be had for him. We should let justice play out, the investigations play out.

But the deck of cards are really starting to fall on Andrew Cuomo. This is the tip of the iceberg. I honestly believe he has been corrupt since day one, and I did point that out in our debate in 2014. But this goes back a long time. When he was attorney general, he signed off on a settlement that let off the hook a sexual predator in the New York state assembly, Sheldon Silver's top aide, accused of sexual assault by many, many women. It was hush money that the governor signed off on.

Then he becomes governor, and he does all these pay-to-play deals, like this Buffalo Billion, which was not the way to rebuild a beautiful city like Buffalo. It was all pay-to-play. It was all corruption. You had scandals upon scandals upon scandals. The Moreland Commission, which, believe it or not, in New York was set up as the anticorruption commission. And only in New York could the anti-corruption commission have been corrupted, and it was. And once the breadcrumbs started leading to Cuomo and his office, he shut it down unilaterally.

So this is well-known in New York. Unfortunately, there's been way too many enablers, including the press, including Democrats and Republicans who have played footsie with him --

INGRAHAM: But Rob, for everyone who forgot --

ASTORINO: -- it all has to come to an end.

INGRAHAM: Rob, sorry to interrupt. We've only got about a minute left. But everybody knows, they say we all knew that. But then New York elected him, he has a famous last name. There's a lot of political nepotism, especially in New York, but everywhere, frankly. You won Westchester County with a very commonsense, practical campaign. Are you going to perhaps run again? Will you challenge this Democrat stranglehold on the state again?

ASTORINO: I think what you and Senator Cruz were talking about earlier is so important. We have to have a 50-state strategy in America right now with the Republican Party. We should do what I did in Westchester, which is a two-to-one Democratic county, and I won it twice because I did talk to everyone. I did go to African-American neighborhoods. I did walk through Hispanic communities and tell what we need to do. Education choice we should be talking about as schools are locked down in New York. Businesses, reducing taxes. I was just down in Florida recently. I get off the plane, it's like welcome to adulthood. I come back, and the National Guard greets me, and contact tracers calling me every day, are you home? This is what's happening. And that's why people are fleeing the state. But I do think he can be beaten, or obviously if he has to step down, we can't replace him with someone who smiles as a lefty and does the same thing. So I do think we need to be bold, and I do think the Republicans can win it.

INGRAHAM: Rob, thank you so much. I've been just dying to talk to you. I really appreciate it, thank you.

And remember, it's the 11,000 senior citizens who are lost during COVID as a result of these policies toward the senior care centers and sending COVID patients back there. That is the real huge story. We will see how the other stuff plays out.

And up next, "Freestylin' Biden" gets rescued by his visiting angel. Raymond Arroyo explains it, "Seen and Unseen," in moments.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. And for that we turn to author of "The Thief Who Stole Heaven," FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo. All right, Ray, Biden went down to Texas. It was a bit bumpy.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: You're being charitable, Ingraham. There were times where the president was totally lost, Laura, like when he tried to introduce those joining him. People like Sheila Jackson Lee. It's tonight "Freestylin' Biden."


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Joe, where are you? Come here.


BIDEN: And Representatives Shirley (ph) Jackson Lee, Al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Pannilli (ph). Excuse me, Pannill. And what am I doing here? I'm going to lose track here. And Mayor Turner, Judge Hidalgo, thank you all for welcoming us.


ARROYO: Welcome to the 25th Amendment, Laura. This is why they're not releasing the visitor logs, why there's no press conferences, why his daily schedule is not posted. He's obviously in some kind of decline. They' got to take a look at him. They just have to.

INGRAHAM: He squints. It's almost like there's a flashlight in his eyes. He's doing this. If he weren't doing such damage to the country, I would be feeling really, really sorry for him.

ARROYO: When you can't read a prompter or a note, Laura, it troublesome. And there was an interview with Univision, you may not have seen this, where Biden was asked if he could confirm whether his administration was opening tent cities for immigrant kids along the border. He needed some assistance even with that answer.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I can confirm is there's over -- right now there's thousands of immigrants -- thousands of un accompanied children coming across the border. We've been able to place a significant number of them in licensed facilities throughout the country.


BIDEN: Shelters throughout the country.

In Texas they opened up one, one that was a farmer of one used in the administration, the last administration.

JILL BIDEN: This administration is doing it in the humane way, and that's really important.


ARROYO: And that humane co-interview, Laura, continued from there.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It brings back memories from the kids in cages, and how is it different from it?

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It's much different in terms of we have people there helping them. We have people that are in those facilities taking care of them.


ARROYO: Laura, we went down to the border. Was that "Lord of the Flies" for these children during the Trump administration?

INGRAHAM: No. In fact, I interviewed a number of Border Patrol officials, and they had diapers and formula. They spent their own money to buy children's clothing and brought clothing from their own homes to give to these kids. So that is a slander on our Border Patrol. I don't like that at all. We personally witnessed it.

Ray, the Golden Globes aired last night, but the bicoastal part live, part virtual event didn't work? I don't think.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Normally this room is full of celebrities. But tonight, our audience on both coasts is made up of smoking hot first responders and essential workers.

We are so grateful that you are here so that the celebrities can stay safely at home.


ARROYO: Laura, we've got to keep those celebrities safe. The audience was safely at home as well, watching something else. There was a 60 percent decline in ratings from last year's Golden Globes, and it's no wonder since aside from "The Crown" or "Mandalorian," most people saw none of these films and they didn't know who these actors were awkwardly reacting from home.

And I've got to tell you, nothing screams elitism like getting first responders to become COVID manikins so the celebs can enjoy their couches in the hills of Hollywood.

INGRAHAM: "The Queen's Gambit," that won, right? That was well-acted.

ARROYO: It did. It did.

INGRAHAM: That was incredibly well-acted.

ARROYO: And Gillian Anderson for her great lady Thatcher in "The Crown." That was the one thing I could point to that was a bright light. But when "Borat" wins best picture, America turns away. That's what happened.

INGRAHAM: You mean, Bore-at. Yes, he's talented. He's talented. It's a tall order. Raymond, thank you so much. I'm glad I missed and you watched.

As COVID cases and the deaths plummet, the health officials who have dominated your lives see their influence waning, maybe fewer television appearances. Could they just be getting lonely if COVID gets away? They're not ready to give it up just yet. Victor Davis Hanson is here next on the craven messaging games being played by Fauci and friends.


INGRAHAM: Over just the last two weeks we've seen COVID cases collapse 26 percent, now deaths drop 21 percent, hospitalizations hit their lowest point since October. But instead of celebrating, even if cautiously, the Biden administration and the medical cartel supporting it, are trying to psychologically break your spirit. How else can you explain statements from Biden's CDC director like this?


DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY, DIRECTOR, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL: I remain deeply concerned about the potential shift in the trajectory of the pandemic. The lead to CDC data continue to suggest that recent declines in cases have leveled off.

These variants are a very real threat to our people and our progress. Now is not the time to relax the critical safeguards that we know can stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.


INGRAHAM: Fifteen days to slow the spread. Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution senior fellow, Victor, don't you get the sense it's not even going to be 15 years to slow the spread? There can never be another bit of virus anywhere in the world before we get our freedom back if these people have their way. Your reaction?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTION: I'm reminded of General George S. Patton admonition that Americans should never be captive of their fears. We can think of all sorts of bad things, but you're right, the science shows we've had a dramatic increase in vaccinations. We're going to be up to 80 million. We probably have 100 million people that haven't been tested, but modeled that they do have antibodies. We have 30 million proven cases. We're get closer and closer.

And these are scientists, so they have an obligation to tell us that, because were on pretty thin ice, Laura. We've had public officials who have been hypocritical about the application of the quarantine. We've had Dr. Fauci's noble lie theory that he sort of lied about the utility of masks so we wouldn't go out and drain the supply of them, or on herd immunity so we wouldn't let down our guard. Any time you have the hypocrisies and lies, you destroy the credibility.

If I was a cynic, I would say that we have a lot of functionaries and bureaucrats that have had a moment of enormous publicity and influence. And when the virus wanes, they're not going to have that opportunity. Maybe they rue that.

Finally, the pessimist, Laura, is always right, because if you forecast the disaster, then it doesn't happen, he said it only didn't happen because people made the adjustments I warned about. And if it does happen, he says I told you so. Whereas the optimist, if it does happen, they say you are a murderer. And if it doesn't, they say, it didn't happen only because of my warnings. So it's a lose-lose situation for optimists, and that's why we have very few bureaucrats that want to be optimistic.

INGRAHAM: VDH, I have --

HANSON: But there are really scientific grounds to be optimistic.

INGRAHAM: Absolutely, but there's always going to be a reason to take our freedom away, whether it's climate change or racism or another health emergency. There's always a reason to have a lockdown in some way, shape, or form. But I wanted to ask you about what I started the show with in part, I asked Ted Cruz this. Given China's role in not being transparent with the virus, given everything they've done, genocide, trade, all of it, should we be sending our delegations to the Beijing Games next year for the Winter Games, Victor?

HANSON: I don't know if I'm qualified to answer that, but personally I would say no. But I think we are going to do it, and I'm a cynic here again, Laura, because so many of our elites are compromised with business academic investment interest with China, including Hunter Biden and the Biden family. So I don't want to be cynical, but I don't know that we're going to be able to stop it. There is going to be enormous pressure from Europe, and China ha their tentacles over so many governments through financial joint ventures, et cetera. It's just a matter of truth, and we should face it.

INGRAHAM: So you can commit ongoing genocide, and we just repeat a mistake we made in 1936. Unbelievable. Victor, thank you so much.

And CNN's Chris Cuomo has utter contempt for his viewers. The Last Bite explains next.


INGRAHAM: Earlier tonight, CNN's Chris Cuomo broke his silence on the many scandals enveloping his brother.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Obviously, I'm aware of what's going on with my brother. And obviously I cannot cover it because he is my brother.

I have always cared very deeply about these issues, and profoundly so. I just wanted to tell you that. There's a lot of news going on that matters also, so let's get after that.

This convention over the weekend was more like a coven.


INGRAHAM: So you can't cover your bro when things are going bad, but you could do the double box thing and have your little pat-a-cake sessions with him when he was considered this COVID hero. I get how it works. That's how it always works. Keep it in the family.

That's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" take it all from here.

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