
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," February 8, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Now, the two murdered American teens attended a private school in El Paso. One was a sophomore at Cathedral High School, and the other left the school to study in Mexico. The school's principal, Brother Nick Gonzalez, joins us. Brother Gonzalez, tell me, did you know these two boys?

BROTHER NICK GONZALEZ, PRINCIPAL, CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL: No, I didn't. I took over just a month ago, and so one hasn't attended this year and the other I didn't really know personally.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know if they lived in Mexico or whether they crossed over to attend your school?

GONZALEZ: I can only comment on Carlos Gonzalez. And I believe that his family had residences in both places. They had a home in -- they have a home in Juarez and were renting an apartment in El Paso, were spending much of the week in El Paso. And then on weekends, Carlos was going back to Juarez to spend time with his family -- his extended family there.

VAN SUSTEREN: To what extent does the drug cartel and the violence in Mexico spill over, have an impact on your students? Or how much do they talk about it? How much fear is there?

GONZALEZ: I think there's always concern. The majority of our students, regardless of whether American, regardless of which side of the border they happen to live on, I think, have been impacted in a negative way by the violence on the Juarez side, which is largely contained on the Juarez side. I think people are very careful about who they talk to about those things. I think it's kept close to the vest because it's never clear who you can trust and you can't trust, who might be associated with somebody else.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, it's so stunning. I mean, the other day, last week, it was that woman missionary and we were all horrified. Now there are three young teens, young boys, two of which -- one was at your school, one attended your school. It seems like every single day, there are more and more stories. And it's hard for me to understand why more of the violence hasn't spilled over from Mexico right across into El Paso. Do you have a theory?

GONZALEZ: You know, I don't. I do know for a fact that El Paso was just recently rated one of the safest cities of our size. I think there's a fear of an international incident, which I think would end up causing the U.S. to have a bigger response. And I think that wouldn't benefit the cartels in Juarez.

VAN SUSTEREN: Brother Nick, thank you very much. Terribly sorry about the two students from your school, as well as the third -- third young boy who was murdered. Thank you, Brother Nick.

GONZALEZ: I appreciate that. Thank you.