This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 31, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Jedediah Bila, Geraldo Rivera, Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."
It's a week full of outrageous and over the line comments on the hills of Roseanne Barr's hit show being cancelled for her racist tweets. Comedian Samantha Bee is facing backlash for saying this.
SAMANTHA BEE, COMEDIAN: Ivanka Trump who works at the White House chose to post the second most oblivious tweet we've seen this week. You know Ivanka that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices you feckless (BLEEP). He listens to you. Put on something tight and low cut and tell your father to (BLEEP) stop it. Tell him it was an Obama thing and see how it goes, OK?
PERINO: The White House responding calling those remarks vile and vicious. Bee has since apologized saying her comments were inexcusable and that she crossed the line. Despite the backlash celebrities are standing by Bee, Michael Moore is calling it a brilliant rant. And Sally Fields is showing support with a vulgar tweet of her own. There's also comedian Kathy Griffin, she's going after White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders for this response to the Roseanne controversy.
SARAH SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The president pointed to the hypocrisy in the media saying that the most horrible things about this president and nobody addresses it. Where was the apology for Kathy Griffin going on a profane rant against the president on The View after a photo showed her holding President Trump's decapitated head?
PERINO: Griffin tweeting, B, with lots of asterisk, do not come for me. I did not call you and for F, lots of asterisk, sake, take a cold reading class maybe you won't stumble so much. And, if that's not enough for you there is heavy metal band --
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: It's a punk band.
PERINO: Punk band. Punk band, now effect, which has been dropped from a music festival for joking about the victims of the Las Vegas shooting.
UNINDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, that's suck, but at least they were country fans.
PERINO: OK. So, it's Thursday, so it's TGIF tomorrow. It's been quite a week for all of these types of things. Greg, let me just turn it over to you before some --
PERINO: Some semblance of sense, like bring us back to earth. What's going on?
GUTFELD: Well, OK, it feels like we're on an outrage super highway.
GUTFELD: And it's all driven by emotion which creates these moments where people say thing. And then those moments becomes opportunities for scalps, right? And the scalps are then -- because if I don't like your politics, I'm going to get your scalps and vice versa. That lead to companies reacting in fear, firing people, suspending people, because they see the pitchforks amassing as a mob. But, here's the thing, I -- you know, Samantha Bee apologized and I believe you should always accept an apology, even though I know no one is gonna return the favor to me.
GUTFELD: I mean, I will say this for everybody here at the table, there are people coming after you and waiting for you to slip up at any moment. There're organizations that are paid millions, that have sponsors, that just wait for us to screw up so they can go after your advertisers, go after your livelihood, your career. So -- but we don't do that. Like, I would not say that to Samantha Bee. I would not say it. She apologized and that's fine. But, I know that there's an industry of knives waiting for all of us. And I realize the only solution is that we have to do it back to them, so it becomes this mutually assured destruction, but I don't want to do that. Why can't we just stop doing this?
JEDEDIAH BILA, GUEST CO-HOST: When you say all of us, you mean conservatives --
BILA: -- on the right --
GUTFELD: Yes, everybody on Fox News.
BILA: That is true. There're people are paid to monitor Fox News all day long, they just sit there and they wait for to you say something -- I think that's probably true.
RIVERA: I mean, my goodness, Greg. The C-word is the gender equivalent of the N-word. It is extreme and it is disgusting. I mean, you're talking about looking for a person to slip up here or there -- this wasn't a slip up.
GUTFELD: I think it is my point though.
RIVERA: -- full frontal assault --
GUTFELD: I know.
RIVERA: -- on President Trump.
GUTFELD: You're missing my point. When I'm talking about -- I'm saying that I'm willing to accept an apology even though no one will ever, ever accept ours, as we see. PERINO: I would say the way we're all raised, like, that's the right thing to do.
RIVERA: Yeah, accept an apology.
PERINO: Yeah, accept an apology. But let me ask you Geraldo about this, so when Roseanne Barr did her tweet and her apology that it was just a joke. And then, later on said, well, actually, I was on Ambien and tried to blame that. This actually was something -- I don't know if Samantha Bee intended or wrote into the script the C-word. But --
RIVERA: It sounded like it was scripted.
PERINO: And it got a reaction from the crowd.
RIVERA: The crowd loved it.
PERINO: Right. Which is -- is that why people keep doing this?
RIVERA: I guess. You know, Greg and I were saying before the show, and he suggested that maybe she pre-meditated this because her ratings have been lagging. I asked about her ratings. But, to me, this is it a larger, larger problem. I think that -- particularly about Ivanka. I think that to attack Ivanka for the purported sins of her father is extremely unfair. And you remember from your tenure in the White House, you know, the kids -- OK, now, this is not a kid. This is a fully mature woman, an entrepreneur --
PERINO: And she's working at the White House.
RIVERA: -- fully accomplish. And she's working for -- no pay, as is Jared Kushner her husband for no pay. I think that they're both brilliant. I think they're the most underestimated people in Washington. And I think they are easy marks for people like Samantha Bee to be snotty too, and to attack and to try to tear down. And I think that this was an absolutely pre-meditated. How do I -- number one because I buy to Greg's point partially that this was pre-meditated as the ratings -- look at me, look at me. But, number two, to use something this vicious, she knew -- I mean the C-word. It's just like -- it's like Roseanne. It's like there's some places you just can't go anymore. We've evolved past that.
PERINO: Jesse, there were very quick, then decisive consequences for Roseanne, and it doesn't look so much like that would be the case for Samantha Bee.
JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: No, they'll apologize and put out a statement, and the media say let's moved on, she apologize, and on to the next mark. Could be Greg, we're all waiting for it.
GUTFELD: I think you're first. I think it's you.
WATTERS: I think you're probably right.
WATTERS: But, I disagree with Geraldo, I don't think the C-word is the equivalent to the N-word. I think it's maybe down a notch. Not to say it's not bad. But, I wouldn't equate what Roseanne said to Samantha.
RIVERA: The gender equivalent, I say.
WATTERS: Maybe the gender equivalent --
RIVERA: It's category.
WATTERS: I don't know how you can slice or dice it. It's ugly. It's just not as ugly as the N-word. I agree, she's looking for attention. It's almost like a cry for help. The ratings aren't good. She's not a talented comedian. She's not on the level of a Colbert or John Stewart. It's Samantha Bee list, people call her. So, she's trying to make waves. And the only way she can do that is by being filthy. And I ask the brain room, these people at Fox News that do all of the number crunching thing for us.
WATTERS: Right. I say, give me a list of other nasty stuff she said. I have three pages of some of the most derogatory sexual slurs she used against members of the Trump family. Some of these things I can't even say about the president. Almost every single one of them would --
GUTFELD: But don't be a tease. Give us something.
WATTERS: I mean, it's all bad. And, you know, some of the worst stuff she reserved for the women, Kellyanne Conway the B-word, F.U. Hope Hicks, effing evil Sarah Sanders. It's funny how these female comedians whether it's a Chelsea Handler or a Samantha Bee. They save the worst for the women in the Trump world whether it's Melania, or Ivanka, or Sarah Sanders, because they, I think, have more license as liberal feminists. So, just go nuts on these people.
PERINO: Jedediah, you know a little something about that.
BILA: Well, they're also really mad because their girl didn't win.
BILA: I feel like these comedians have gone from being funny to just being angry. And I like your word, you use of the word snotty, because we're watching just adult mean girls all the time. And I -- I think comedians have a hard job in this day and age because you have to walk a fine line. You want to be funny, but you can't be too un-politically correct or then you'll risk, you know, did I say something to offend someone here or there. So, they do a tough job, but comedy should primarily be funny. This isn't funny. This is just someone who has a problem with someone, and it's turning into a mean girl before seeing what she can get away with saying. I do happen to think that this had to be scripted -- people heard it. This was a network decision to release this. I mean, I don't understand how something like this -- this isn't an off the cuff --
WATTERS: Not a live show.
WATTERS: Everybody all the way up to the top brass I'm sure knows --
BILA: Yeah. And I think networks have to make a decision about how they're going to handle this stuff, because what you don't want to look like is that there's selective outrage and selective consequences, because then people jump and say, is there an ideological reason why some people get fired and some people don't? So, if you're going to take a hard stance on people and say we live in a day and age where we'll not tolerate insulting, mean, nasty stuff that's not funny and it's just meant to make people feel bad, or be racist, or whatever. Then, you have to do that across the board. Otherwise, you'll like you're being selective.
WATTERS: I think she's not going to be canned because CBS doesn't think they're going to lose audience. If you saw the reaction, everybody cheered. She may actually gain viewers after something like that.
WATTERS: Like Roseanne, I think people would turn that off.
BILA: Yeah. See, I would be inclined to accept the apology, but then it has to be is somebody apologizes across the board. There has to be a policy here that it's not like -- well, one person said something heinous and disgusting and they lose their job. And another person at another network said something heinous and disgusting and they somehow keep their job and potentially get promoted --
BILA: -- that doesn't make sense.
GUTFELD: This is how you make sense of this, why there's selective outrage. Goes back to what -- I believe Charles Krauthammer said in the '80s the difference between left and right. The right thinks you're wrong, the left things you're evil. So, that defines the selective outrage, meaning that someone can get away with saying something heinous about you because you're evil.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: But, if I say something equally as disgusting about -- I don't know, any liberal they'll go, like, how can you do that? That's disgusting. You're a terrible person. So, it's that divide the -- they think you're evil, we think they're wrong, that creates this culture, that green light --
WATTERS: They can make excuses --
WATTERS: -- for the discussion.
GUTFELD: You're such a bad person.
WATTERS: Right. And because their mission, their political agenda, is so righteous --
WATTERS: -- that they can allow for gaps and things like this to happen in the goal for --
PERINO: What happen, also, to self-policing of your own side?
GUTFELD: You mentioned the bad -- no affects. They've made a joke about the shooting of these people and they said, ah, well, at least they were country music fans.
RIVERA: Fifty-nine dead people.
GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. You know why they did that? Because the assumption is that country music fans to that liberal band are nothing but racist red necks, so the joke is OK because they are bad people. You see the point.
RIVERA: I think there's another point and it has to do with timing. I have made my share of gaffes, and some of them I look at and say, my God, what was I thinking. The timing of your apology is, to me, very critical. For example, if you apologize as Samantha Bee and Roseanne did hours after you talk to your P.R. first, and you talk to your management, you talk to your executive producer, you've seen the audience reaction, you know, I give that very little credit. And I don't, in any way, that doesn't absolve the sin. If you do it almost immediately, if you say, oh, my god, did I screw up? You hit the send button -- oh, gee, I wish I didn't do that. I can't get that back. I think if there's a spontaneous apology where it comes from the soul, where you're your own policemen, your own monitor, and you're responding to your own misdeed or misfeasance, then I say OK.
PERINO: Right.
RIVERA: Cut them some slack. But if it's a day later, oh, come on, it's not --
PERINO: All right. We're going to move on. Stunned, shell shocked and distraught, those are just some of the words being used to describe President Obama's reaction to the election of Donald Trump, details next.
WATTERS: Stunning new revelations about President Obama's reactions to Donald Trump winning the White House, the 44th president blindsided by the election outcome, that according to a new book by former White House advisor Ben Rhodes. According to excerpts, Obama questioned the American people's choice, send quote, maybe this is what people want. I've got the economy set up well for him. No facts. No consequences. They can just have a cartoon. Former president also wondered if Democrats missed the mark with their strategy, quote, what if we were wrong? Maybe we pushed too far, maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe. And the biggest confession of them all, Rhodes admits said he missed sign that Hillary Clinton was vulnerable because she's part of a corrupt establishment that can't be trusted to bring change. Greg, one of the things that jumped out of me is the president -- former president, when he said, you know, maybe we pushed too far. And I agree. I think he moved the country so far left -- you know, the war on police, racial polarization, happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas, Obamacare, they're just weren't ready for that drastic change.
GUTFELD: Yeah. I think he sees it more like they weren't ready for this progressive, forward thinking leader.
GUTFELD: And what we're saying is no, you just went too far left. My favorite part of the book is when Obama tries to comfort Ben Rhodes, and he says to Ben Rhodes, I can send him a message. There are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on the earth. That's like something a high school junior would put in a yearbook to blow her grab -- his or her grab photo. I mean, that's our president -- a Hallmark card. He's a Hallmark card.
GUTFELD: How did he know? The other thing, I have to defend Ben Rhodes because everybody was in shock. Let's face it. I only knew three people on this planet, Terry Shaffer, my brother-in-law, and Nick who runs the steak house --
PERINO: West Side Steak House.
GUTFELD: People I know who knew Trump was going to win. Maybe Geraldo, maybe you did, but --
WATTERS: I called it and I think it's on tape. Check Watters' World weekend before the election.
GUTFELD: We film two episodes where he say he's going to lose anyway.
WATTERS: Yes, never seen ever. It's in the vault. No offense, Geraldo. The one thing that also we've talked about at the beginning was the fact that he said, oh, you know, I have the economy set up so well. I don't think the American people in the last election thought everything was going great on Main Street.
PERINO: Well, that's true. I think a couple of things -- I think it's normal for a president to sort of feel this way after losing. And, it is very common, almost happens every time, a president that gets two terms, usually the opposing party then wins that next time around. So, the other thing is, President Obama has been relatively quiet since he left. So, this is kind of the first time we're getting an insight into what it was like right afterwards, and we've just had these excepts, so we're not exactly sure.
On the economy, I think they have some room to say, look, it takes a while to pull up out of that hole and they were doing that. But what President Trump did is he unleashed the monsters in the market to say, OK, we're hungry, we're going to do some more. So, the tax cut in particular, the deregulation, and everyone felt like, OK, we are going to be able to use this capital, build capital, move forward. If that continues, I guess we'll see. But, I think that what was probably what he was talking about.
RIVERA: Yeah. I thought he was talking about race?
PERINO: Well, he asked me about the economy.
WATTERS: Well, right, the tribal thing. He said they fell back into their tribes.
RIVERA: I remember when President Obama left office he said that race relations in the country had never been better. And I was wondering what country he was talking about.
RIVERA: He had Trayvon Martin, Fergusson, you had, you know, Charleston, you had so many awful things that had happened, you know, and that were racial. And to continue the storm, I know this is very controversial, sensitive territory I'm about to step on, but I think that many black people were relieved when President Obama, and I think that's what he was talking about, when he was out of office, because they saw how in the minds of many, my black friends, and I think you could generalize, they saw in the way people were responding to President Obama. Like when John Brewer got him on the tarmac and he's scolding him like he's some boy. Or when -- what's his name? Wilson at the State of the Union said you lie, you know.
I think, in terms of race consciousness, in terms of how people were responding, black and white, I think that the Obama presidency will be noted -- I think he was absolutely right, 10, 20 years too soon. The country wasn't ready for it. I think that part of the backlash against Hillary Clinton was she's not a white guy, and, you know, just like Obama wasn't a white guy. When you think about the whole President Trump, then candidate or pre-candidate Trump, and Apaio with that whole -- he was born in Kenya, birther non-sense. I think that race really took a battering. Race relations took a battering. I don't think they've been this bad in quite a while, I think that Obama's presidency. And, by the way, Obama was also right -- he propped up the economy -- he set up the economy for President Trump to continue unleashing the lines --
WATTERS: Well, I wouldn't necessarily agree with the perfect set up. Not the best alley-oop, Geraldo. What do you think?
BILA: I just can't believe that they underestimated how much people didn't trust Hillary Clinton. I mean, it's unbelievable to me to see them say they were blindsided. That's why people say that people like that spent too much time in the ideological bubble of New York City and D.C., because if you talk to people around the country, I didn't know that they're going to come out and vote for Donald Trump, but I knew they're going to stay home and not vote for Hillary Clinton, because they couldn't vote for someone that had lied repeatedly. I don't know why it's hard to wrap your head around that you don't want to vote for someone who put a server in a bath room closest and thought that was a good idea. Let's send some national security information.
I mean, that's what was going on, and people saw rising Obamacare cost. They wanted to hold on for more of their money. I didn't know if they were going to vote for Trump. But I knew they weren't inspired by the former administration. And I think it's really hard for President Obama to look at a guy who's very, very different from him in delivery, in experience in everything, and try to figure out was this a complete rejection of my whole approach to the system. Did they view me as an insider? Did they reject everything that I brought to the table? And, in a sense, they did. So --
WATTERS: He definitely comes across as snobby when he says, you know, I was trying to drag all these bigger -- bitter clingers across the threshold --
PERINO: In a few months, in four months, we're going to have his book, so we'll hear directly from him.
GUTFELD: And, I would not read it, but I will still discuss it. I think - - the Trump election was a reaction to the subversion of things we took for granted as being safe, law and order, foreign policy, national defense and borders. That's all it's about. I don't think it had anything to do with race, Geraldo. I think it had to do with the feeling that there was subversion going on, and the things --
RIVERA: I did not have to do with race to the extent that President Obama was an insufferable elitist snob.
BILA: But he got elected twice.
WATTERS: All right, you heard it here first and I didn't say it. One of the most outrageous examples of media hypocrisy, CNN's Jim Acosta gets called out for slamming Kim Kardashian's trip to the White House, details next.
GUTFELD: See, that's how you say feckless.
As you know, yesterday, Kim Kardashian visited President Trump to talk prison reform, instantly incurring the wrath of that perpetual scowl known as Jim Acosta. Here's CNN's "frown prince" lamenting our president lack of seriousness:
JIM ACOSTA, CNN: Forget about the fact that Kim Kardashian is here at the White House today, and what planet that is anything resembling normal because it's not. She shouldn't be here talking about prison reform. It's very nice that she is here, but that's not a serious thing to have happened here at the White House.
GUTFELD: Oh, Mr. Sophisticated. Does this guy ever have any fun? Something tells me he would complain about freshly laundered pajamas. It's the only good thing I could think of. I get it though: Kim is not an important celebrity that kind of showed up when President Obama was in charge. I mean, she's no John Legend, am I right, Jimmy?
JOHN LEGEND, SINGER: I'm going to push the president to get more -- get more involved in criminal justice reform.
ACOSTA: You change your mind about running for office, give CNN the scoop.
LEGEND: I will. I will.
ACOSTA: John Legend --
LEGEND: Don't hold your breath.
ACOSTA: Don't hold your breath. We might, just a little bit.
GUTFELD: Oh, Jimmy.
The fact is, a lot of celebrities visited Obama: John Legend, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Beyonce, Seinfeld, Timberlake. But that never bothered Jim. So the real story is that there are those in the media who still can't step outside their own bias. Even when Trump does something good or something they agree with or something other presidents have done many times before, they act as though it's a horrible first and it's most certainly awful.
So Trump hears out a celebrity over a case involving a woman who served 20 years of a life sentence for a first-time, non-violent drug crime. Don't you think maybe Acosta would find that a bit refreshing? But it isn't about the prisoner or Kim. It's about Trump. And for the next six and a half years, it will always be about Trump. Seems like Jim is stuck in a prison of his own making.
RIVERA: Whoa, what a metaphor.
GUTFELD: I wrapped it up in a nice little package, and I hand it over to you, Jesse. Clearly a product of bias. There was one variable, is Trump, and the whole story changes.
WATTERS: Well done, Gutfeld.
Take a lap, Acosta. You got crushed.
And, you know, it's great that now you have this Internet. It's like an encyclopedia of hypocrisy.
WATTERS: You go back. I think he told a late-night show the other day, "I was just as tough on Obama as I am on Trump." And then if you look on the Internet, it's him just giving Obama wet kisses at all these press conferences.
I don't mind Acosta. I think it's fine that he does what he does. But own it. You are in the tank for the left; you hate Donald Trump. Don't hide behind CNN. It's -- you know, you're biased. Just come to terms with it. If you were on the right and you were harassing and lobbing loaded questions at Obama, I'm sure you'd have people lauding you. That's fine.
GUTFELD: Jesse would be one.
WATTERS: I'd be, like, "Hell of a job. This guy has got a real -- real, you know, stomach for this."
But I just have to correct one thing. They're calling this woman who Kim Kardashian is lobbying for, this first-time nonviolent drug offender. According to the A.P., at the time she was arrested, she was running a multi-million-dollar cocaine ring with South American drug lords and laundering millions of dollars.
RIVERA: Get life without parole?
WATTERS: Listen, maybe it was a little too harsh. But let's not characterize her as maybe she sold a dime bag on the street once. This is massive amounts of cocaine for many, many years.
GUTFELD: Yes, yes.
RIVERA: Well, there was a lot of drug dealers who've sold much more damaging drugs who have done far less time, and they get parole.
Let's talk about Acosta. I mean, I'm proud of him, because, you know, I have an affiliation in the sense that his dad was a Cuban refugee, and he liked to see the American dream come true. And Latin pride and all that.
WATTERS: Latin pride?
RIVERA: He is -- he is uptight and inconsistent at times. And I think he is very disrespectful of President Trump.
But I think Kim Kardashian going to the White House is -- it's fabulous. If that's what it takes for them to talk about prison reform and sentencing reform and issues like --
WATTERS: Yes, it's a boring topic. You need a little pizzazz to get people excited about it.
RIVERA: You've got to have something to get to the president's -- I mean, there are so many catastrophes competing for center stage on the world platform there that you need someone like her to push it over.
And I am delighted, now that you mentioned it, that President Trump has pardoned Dinesh D'Souza.
GUTFELD: Dinesh D'Souza.
RIVERA: I want him to use this pardon power a lot more. I think that he hinted that Rod Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois, would be pardoned. He got 18 years for saying, "Oh, man, I can't wait to get something for this seat." I mean, so -- and it wasn't a crime at all.
I think Peter Fitzgerald, who is on -- Jim Comey's best friend on the team defending Comey. He was the prosecutor there in Illinois. It was terrible, of Blagojevich.
Martha Stewart. I mean, she didn't even -- she was in the clear, and then she lied to a fed. She didn't know that you couldn't tell a mistruth when you didn't --
WATTERS: I would like to preemptively lobby for a pardon from the president, just in case.
GUTFELD: I want a pardon for Jedediah and Dana so they have time to speak.
Jed, go ahead.
BILA: Yes, I was just going to say that it's funny because of the issue at hand: prison reform. And you know that Acosta agrees with this likely.
BILA: It's very likely. So he had to -- even though he believes on the issue, he has to twist and contort himself, because it's Trump, that he has to oppose, that he has to have a problem with it. And I think that's when it's interesting.
Because when it's an issue that, you know, they oppose, it's one thing. And probably supports and many people do and you have to nail just because it is Trump, that make it so funny for the audience, I think.
PERINO: Well, I'll talk about the celebrity angle, which is that I don't really care what their political views are, and I don't want to read them on Twitter, necessarily. I don't take much stock in them. They're free to do it, but it just doesn't persuade me at all.
But I will say that somebody like Angelina Jolie, when she decided to become a U.N. ambassador, to talk about the plight of children and refugees around the world, that was effective.
PERINO: So if you have a platform, and you want to do good with it, I think that that's to be admired.
I would say on the pardon front, that was not the pardon I was expecting today. I mean, we talked a couple of days about Matthew Charles, who is back in -- actually back in jail. It was a government error. I hear that it is being kicked around at the White House that his sentence would be commuted or that he would get a pardon, possibly even this week. And I think that's much more warranted and urgent than rewarding political allies and celebrities.
GUTFELD: But he did do jack Johnson, which is pretty great.
PERINO: Again, that is great. It's also posthumous. This is a guy who was actually being sent back to prison unnecessarily.
GUTFELD: All right. Big new developments in talks with North Korea, that's next.
RIVERA: It must be Kim week at the White House. Yesterday, as we discussed previously, Kim Kardashian. Tomorrow it will be Kim Yong Chul. He is the formerly ruthless right-hand man for Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader of North Korea. FOX News confirming North Korea's vice chairman, the aforementioned Yul [SIC] is planning on meeting with President Trump tomorrow at the White House -- I hope they frisk him -- to hand deliver a letter from his boss, the formerly reclusive North Korean dictator.
This is a very exciting development. This letter being delivered to the president. And it comes as our new highly-effective secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has wrapped up two intense days of meetings with the North Koreans here in New York. It's happening.
MIKE POMPEO, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: We've made real progress in the last 72 hours towards setting the conditions. The conditions are putting President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un in a place where we think there could be real progress made by the two of them meeting.
RIVERA: President Trump also optimistic, but he is not committing yet to the previously scheduled, then cancelled, then maybe born again summit in Singapore on or around Tuesday, June 12. That's less than two weeks from today.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The meetings have been very positive. We'll see what happens. It is a process. It's all a process and we'll see.
RIVERA: It's a process, Dana. What would you consider a victory, an achievement?
PERINO: Well, I think it is too early to say, and the White House is correct to set expectations lower.
And Secretary Pompeo, as a communication person, watching him today handling questions from the press in such a calm manner. He's been there 30 days. Of course, he was at the CIA beforehand, so he's extremely well versed in this.
And I really hope that he is keeping some sort of a log or diary so that we can read about this history later on, because it's been a whirlwind of activity. He said it's been 72 hours' worth of progress. He sounded optimistic but not like he had, you know, stars in his eyes that this was going to be absolutely amazing. He again said today, "We know who we're dealing with." Like, "We get it."
So I think that they're all going into it very clear-eyed.
RIVERA: The State Department, Greg, seems -- when you compare to Rex Tillerson, where it was not only dysfunctional but almost invisible, I mean, it really seems to be perking along now.
GUTFELD: Well, the interesting thing about this is that it does seem to be pretty transparent and determined action. Like, it seems to be moving forward. And you know Trump understands this terrain. The guy could negotiate a bird off a bird feeder. I mean, this is what he does.
And there's -- by the way, Kim Guilfoyle is not here.
RIVERA: Another Kim.
GUTFELD: That's another Kim. Maybe she's over there.
By the way, there's a lot of criticism about, like, it's a mistake in meeting - a lot of conservatives say this -- in meeting these North Koreans, because you're elevating bad people to the world stage. But that's the only option you have in diplomacy is meeting them. The other option is killing them. So the fact that you have -- at a certain point, you're going to have to elevate somebody so you can sit down and talk to them. And -- and that might be -- that might be the breakthrough.
RIVERA: Do you ever get a vibe, I mean, from people your age that this is --
WATTERS: I get a lot of vibes. All coming in all the time.
RIVERA: Can you filter out the others and just focus on this? On NoKo? Like, does your generation know what NoKo stands for?
WATTERS: Yes, they think it's an alcoholic beverage.
I think what's happening is -- and I did a real deep dive in The New York Post a couple days ago. I think there's a great think piece by Benny Avni, and he really talks about Trump's ability to keep his opponents off- balance. And he does that through slaps to the face, and then he extends the hand.
And he's really kept Kim off-balance for the last year and a half through tough rhetoric and military exercises and then these random fig leaves. So he cancels this thing preemptively to show him who's boss and then make this guy's head spin. And then they have to send their right-hand man, this killer, over here to get wined and dined. And apparently, the president wants to eventually sit down around the boardroom table and have hamburgers with Little Rocket Man. And that's how they're going to do their diplomacy.
Like the president said, we'll see what happens.
GUTFELD: A think piece in The Post, eh?
WATTERS: Our parent company owns The Post, Greg. What are you getting at?
RIVERA: What -- what Jesse was referring to, this thug. Isn't he the one that used a cannon to assassinate -- to kill one of Kim's enemies? He put a cannon. And he -- how do you feel? How do conservatives feel -- I ask you to generalize -- about this opening? Is it as skeptical as Greg portrays?
BILL: Well, Obama took a lot of heat, remember, for meeting people without preconditions and all that. I think the way that he's played his cards here, President Trump, is pretty good. I think they know that he's serious. I think they not that -- they've said many times -- the Trump administration has said many times they want complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization.
I think that North Korea wants these sanctions lifted. So I think that he has played these cards from a place of strength. With that being said, I think when he comes out and he says, "Let's see what happens," that's the perfect way to handle it, because you really don't know if anything's going to come out of this. Nothing may happen. We may get nowhere.
And I think -- I think you have to be willing to sit at the table from a position of strength, which is something that President Obama did not always do. It's something that he is doing right now, which I think is a good move.
RIVERA: So you're OK with him negotiating with this killer guy?
BILA: Going in to meet with Kim Jong-un?
BILA: I'm OK with him going to the table and saying --
RIVERA: No, I mean, tomorrow, he's meeting a guy who was, you know, he was sanctioned. Wasn't he sanctioned just ten minutes ago? I get it.
BILA: You're asking me, if I were president, would I have done that?
BILA: No. But I would be OK with going in to talk to Kim Jong-un.
RIVERA: I think that President Trump is playing this brilliantly.
Scientific proof I am smarter than many of those. The details next.
BILA: If you're not blessed with 20/20 vision, like me, here is something eye-opening. A brand-new study puts in focus what many have questioned for years. People who wear glasses are smarter than those who don't.
Scottish researchers at the University of Edinburgh say people with higher intelligence are almost 30 percent more likely to wear specs or contacts.
So, who here at the table. Look, everybody put their glasses on, including me, for this segment. I can never read the prompter. Typically, they have to bump the prompter up to, like, three times the size, but I figure this segment is about glasses. I wear glasses.
Are those real glasses?
WATTERS: They are, and they're so real I have my contacts in and now I'm getting dizzy. Because you're not supposed to do that.
BILA: You guys wear -- you wear glasses.
GUTFELD: Yes, I do. And the reason why -- let's go back to the study. People with poor eyesight are smaller, because the flaw requires that your brain power be more. It's like -- poor vision is like peacock feathers.
RIVERA: That's not in the study.
GUTFELD: And I want to make another point. Do you know that glasses used to be called medical devices, and they were socially humiliating? And you know what changed all that?
GUTFELD: Fashion. They turned a medical device into an accessory, so now the stigmatism is no longer a stigma.
BILA: You know what I think it is? Like, when you're in school, and you can't see -- I remember in college when I started to need glasses. You can't see the blackboard, so you're forced to pay attention more. You've got to move to pay attention, because you're struggling.
GUTFELD: That's a good point.
BILA: So I think it makes you more -- I think -- I got Lasik surgery, and I still can't see anything, so I must be the most brilliant person at this able. Do you wear glass?
PERINO: I don't. I did for a while. I got Lasik surgery in 2003. And lucky for me, it's worked very well. Thank goodness.
I do have my young friend Macy English. She lives in Savannah, Georgia. She's worn glasses ever since she was a really young child. She's about to be 14, and I think she is probably the smartest kid I know.
BILA: I wonder if you're smarter or if you actually seem smarter.
RIVERA: I could get used to that (ph). The study says you are smarter.
PERINO: It says you are.
BILA: But how do you -- how do you measure that?
RIVERA: It's lower risk of cancer, lower risk of cardiovascular, lower risk of mental health defects.
PERINO: Well, I'm just going to start wearing glasses.
RIVERA: Longevity also. But here, take a shot. Am I smart and now I'm not smart?
WATTERS: Yes, you don't look smart without them.
RIVERA: I know I don't.
BILA: Well, it does add a natty (ph) charm.
RIVERA: I think I look old and tire without them.
WATTERS: How about me? How about me? Smart?
PERINO: You look like the guy from "Revenge of the Nerds."
RIVERA: Goofy. You look goofy.
BILA: Nerdy.
I think people who wear glasses generally look smarter.
WATTERS: Smart and handsome.
BILA: I do. I think you generally -- and you know what they also found, by the way? That if you wear fake glasses, you're more more likely to be dishonest in general.
RIVERA: Is that right?
BILA: So if you put them on --
RIVERA: Uh-oh. What about just the frame so you can stick your finger through. It?
BILA: I don't know about that one, Geraldo.
All right. "One More Thing" is coming up next.
PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." I was going to say Dana, Jesse, Greg, Jedediah, Geraldo, but that's the order.
GUTFELD: All right.
PERINO: In which we go. OK. American Airlines passenger Delilah Cassidy, she just returned from Europe, and she was having trouble, because she had an oversized, or overweight piece of luggage. And she needed to pay for it, but all of her credit cards were being declined.
The airline told her she would have to miss her flights when a stranger approached her and offered to pay for her bag, 50 bucks. And everyone was surprised by this act of kindness. She took a picture with him, didn't think too much else of it. She was really grateful.
But it turns out that the kind stranger was Arizona Cardinals tight-end Jermaine Gresham.
PERINO: Thank you to him. Nice way to share the wealth.
GUTFELD: She didn't learn a lesson!
GUTFELD: She should have learned a lesson about the packing!
PERINO: She had just come back from Europe. Maybe she bought some gifts.
OK, Jesse.
WATTERS: A goose is on the loose, people. at a Major League Baseball game. Check out this video.
Tigers-Angels in Detroit Wednesday. They delayed it when a Canadian goose took the field, didn't want to leave. They tried to chase the bird out of harm's way. Oh!
PERINO: And then he got hurt.
BILA: Oh, no.
WATTERS: Yes. They ended up rescuing the goose. The woman that threw out the first pitch happened to be a doctor, saved the goose's life.
PERINO: Aww, the poor little goose. Anyway.
WATTERS: It's OK. No animals were harmed during the filming of this.
PERINO: All right, Greg.
GUTFELD: All right. It's time for -- All right, maybe it's not time for it.
GRAPHIC: Greg's Happy Birthday
GUTFELD: "Greg's Happy Birthday." Well, you know what? My favorite little baby turned three today. "The Greg Gutfeld Show" is three years old today. This is from the first episode.
And look, I haven't aged that much at all. And I have some of my favorite scenes. Oh, look, there's Tucker. But this is from our first episode.
And then, of course, we have a lot of cameos including -- don't ask. There's Lou, used to pick me up at the end of the show to drive me home. And then there's Bill Hemmer, once dropped me off dressed as a Viking. And we had a long conversation. Yes?
And then this is my favorite, when Lou Dobbs dropped me off at work and would always bring me supplies for the show.
RIVERA: Are you this weird in real life?
PERINO: You have a lot of friends. You have a lot of friends.
GUTFELD: I also -- I also have aged a bit.
WATTERS: You look good.
PERINO: Just a little bit. You look good.
GUTFELD: Yes. Happy birthday!
PERINO: Happy birthday, Greg!
GUTFELD: Great staff, as well. Great staff.
PERINO: Indeed.
All right. Jedediah.
BILA: All right. Well, I don't know about all of you, but I like a cat that lifts. And if you do, meet Buff Cat.
PERINO: Oh, I saw this.
BILA: In Montreal, Canada. Check him out. He has 14.7 -- 14,700 followers on Twitter. He is a phenomenon.
Now some might argue this cat is fat. He is not. He may actually have a muscle disorder. Very sad. But the cat, you know, is in good shape, and just as a contrast, I want to show you.
GUTFELD: "FOX Host Mocks Cat."
BILA: This is my parent's cat that -- Mrs. Darcy. This is what an actual fat cat that has no muscle tone would look like.
PERINO: Nothing on my sister's.
BILA: My dad would argue that the cat is big-boned. I don't know. You guys can be the judge of that.
PERINO: My sister's cat, Tora, has diabetes.
BILA: Really?
PERINO: That's a fat cat.
RIVERA: Go Cavs. The NBA finals start tonight. I live in Cleveland. I love the Cavs. I just want to make an argument. On your left, the great Michael Jordon. On your right, LeBron James.
This will be his eighth straight finals. It's the fourth time these two teams have faced off against each other. But I maintain that LeBron James is not only the greatest basketball player of all times; he is the greatest athletes of all time.
PERINO: All time? Wow! All right!
WATTERS: Fake news, everybody. Fake news.
PERINO: We're going to leave you on that one. Set your DVR. Never miss an episode. "Special Report" is next.
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