
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 28, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yesterday, actress Lena Dunham tweeted, "Happy Memorial Day!" followed by the boast that she had already peed in two Starbucks.

The righty blogs went off on her. But I refuse to get that worked up about it. Unlike her detractors, I don't believe she was mocking the dead. She was reflecting on her banality, the banality of current celebrity culture and she could see the vacuousness of her own tweets.

For Lena understands this culture, it's one so disconnected from values from the past that things like patriotism and honor seem like hieroglyphics for squares. Crud that old people yuk about before we ship them off to homes.

Nobody could really want to die for their country these days. Not when you have "Game on Thrones" on HBO, good weed on every street corner and free birth control for anyone who can't or can afford it.

In sum, Dunham didn't mean anything by her tweets, because she doesn't mean anything, period. And that's her true gift, reflecting the ambivalence of whatever cult, where true reverence is express only for tolerance and everything else must be flushed like much of what Dunham produced on Memorial Day.

So, I have -- I am done with Dunham. Dana, I want to talk about a different woman, 90-year-old Laura Mae Burlingame.

This is an amazing story. She went to a World War II museum in New Orleans. She came across a diary.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Yes, this is amazing. She is 90 years old. She did not know the soldier that she loved who was killed by a Japanese sniper. His name was Corporal Thomas Cotton Jones. That he had written his diary and in it, he written about her very often, and he had asked that his last life request be somebody get this diary to her.

Well, it didn't make it to her. She had to go to this museum, and she finds it there. This was her long lost love, and she didn't know about it, but it really gave everybody goose bumps, a great reminder of what Memorial Day was all about.

GUTFELD: Not Lena Dunham. Yes, it's a great story. I was in Boston for Memorial Day. My wife took this amazing picture.

This is every flag there in the Boston Commons represents Bostonian that gave his life. I think there is 40,000 flag there has. It's an impressive picture, I have to say.

Let me go, who is next here, I can't -- Andrea, what did you do on Memorial Day?

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Well, I did a special Memorial Day radio show where I honor the troops and talked a little bit about the meaning of Memorial Day and how it started. I was at Jersey Shore proving that I was stronger than the storm.

So, we rode bikes. That's my friend and her husband, they came down to visit, my beau and I. I love riding my bike and I love eating ice cream. I love Memorial Day, because it is sort of the unofficial kickoff to summer. Yes.


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Well, I went to the Jersey shore, too. We did our Memorial Day special.

I ran this picture on Memorial Day, but a lot of people really wanted to see it again. I thought I would do it today. Upper right, that's my father John Bolling. He's U.S. Navy, deceased. Lower right, my uncle, Eric Bolling, killed in action over the South Pacific, U.S. Navy aviator World War II. Upper left, that's my nephew Colton Echeverria, who leaves for Oklahoma boot camp tomorrow. And lower left, Jeremiah Rosales, who was stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.



BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: First of all, I wanted to congratulate on that brilliant idea of Chinese floated their currency. That's exactly the right to do.

What I did was in Washington, I came back here and went sailing yesterday. But I was in Washington for the Rolling Thunder tour. That is when they have almost hundred thousand accounts in Washington. They started at the Pentagon and go across to the Vietnam Memorial.

The ground shakes when they move. It is an amazing impression (ph). They're mostly Vietnam veterans. It's really something to see.

Fox has been great in covering it. Most of the networks don't. But Fox, I'm very proud of you doing that.

GUTFELD: You've often been called Rolling Thunder.

BECKEL: Yes, I have, as they've been rolling me out of bars.

PERINO: We talked about "Honor Flight" on our show on Memorial Day. And one of the things -- a lot of the World War II veterans, if you want to apply, you can. What we didn't mention, that we should, that Korean veterans, the Korean War veterans are also eligible to go on this trip and they get to see the World War II Memorial and Korean Memorial on the same day. So, you can apply at honorflight.com.

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