
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: And welcome to HANNITY this Monday night.

Tonight, less than a week after federal investigators raided the apartment and the office of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, well, now, America's mayor is now claiming that the feds are trying to frame him because of his work as President Trump's personal attorney.

Now, Mayor Giuliani will join us in just a moment with an exclusive TV interview.

But first, trillions and trillions of your hard-earned money in new spending, trillions of new tax hikes. The Biden administration's new proposals that would cripple American -- every American taxpayer, every one of you are going to be paying more.

But the costs of his radical policies are already being felt nationwide. Look at this. Gas prices, they are now skyrocketing. The cost of heating your home, cooling your home, that's way up. Energy prices across the border are all way out.

And, of course, the price of goods and services, they are also on the rise. Look at this today. Procter & Gamble announcing a nationwide price hike on nearly all of its products. We all buy Procter & Gamble, right?

General Mills also announcing plans to raise prices on everything from cereal to snack bars. Coca-Cola, they are raising prices. Yep, Kimberly- Clark, yep, she's doing a great job at raising prices up pretty much everything.

The cost of timber and paper products, by the way, if you can even find them, they're going through the roof.

It's your money. It's your paycheck. It's your income. And it is now becoming less valuable with every passing day.

Now, the reason for this is obvious. Joe Biden decided to limit our supply of oil and gas in his very first week in office. This is simple economics. This is not something you have to go to MIT and get a degree in and that a supply and demand. They crisscross. And that will dictate price.

When you artificially lower the supply, guess what, the demand remains the same. You pay more for that product.

Now, think about it -- everything that we all buy, all of us, is transported in a truck. Every good, every service, yeah, we need trucking involved. And many of those goods and services are produced using machines that run on oil and gas. Every business relies on energy to keep the lights on. It is the lifeblood of our economy and the world's economy.

Corporations, well, I know they like to say we are raising taxes on corporations. We have told you often on this program -- corporations pass the tax costs onto us, onto you and your family. You, the consumer.

So, that's right, everything you buy is getting and will be getting more expensive. And it will only get worse if Joe Biden's massive corporate tax hike gets signed into law. Yet, on top of the capital gains tax.

But according to Joe, your president and the radical left, you know, the new green deal socialist left, well, the ends will justify the means. They want some kind of eco-socialist Green New Deal government where no one uses oil and gas and everyone is dependent upon the government.

Look at this one number. It's never been like this in the country. We now have a record, a whopping 34 percent of personal income is coming to Americans via handouts from the federal government.

That would be called a redistribution of wealth. That is called socialism. Socialism never works. I have a whole chapter in my last book. "Live Free or Die". Socialism, its history of failure.

That number has now doubled in less than a year and with $6 trillion, Joe Biden has plans for so much more. By the way, we only take in, well, less than $4 trillion a year. Joe says it's not going to impact the deficits, too. Now, in addition to the corporate tax hike, the capital gains tax height, the Biden administration is also planning a tax hike on individuals making over $200,000 a year.

Now, they keep saying it is $400,000 year, but that is because Joe is weak and frail, confused, and struggling cognitively. And he can't seem to keep numbers straight or lies, depending on which point of view you may have, straight. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The reason I am bothering to do this is I keep hearing on the press, Biden is going to raise your taxes. Anybody making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes and we will not increase the deficit either.


HANNITY: It's not just taxes. Joe was also seemingly confused about COVID- 19. Now, despite carrying around his little cheat sheet in his pocket that he reads and he mumbles and he bumbles and he messes up all the time with all his numbers and stats, well, Joe doesn't seem to know is just how many Americans have actually been fully vaccinated.

So, we're fact-checking Joe. Joe has been wrong. Here's what Joe has been saying. Take a look.


BIDEN: When I got elected, I said in the first 100 days, we get 100 million people vaccinated. I was wrong. We got 230 million people vaccinated.


HANNITY: Sorry, Joe, it's 105 million. Now maybe you are lying or maybe you are just typically confused because the numbers we gave our coming from your CDC.

But don't worry, either way, the journalists of "The Washington Post," they have now decided to shut down the presidential fact-checking database, because according to them, Joe always tells the truth. There's no reason to fact-check Joe. Joe never lies. Only Donald Trump lied.

And, of course, much of the time, no one can really decipher what Joe is trying to say. Now, we'll give a prize to anybody that can decipher this mess from Joe Biden. You decide.


BIDEN: If you think about it when we were -- when I was vice president with Barack, he allowed me to put together a budget for Amtrak and it had money for high-speed rail at 200 miles an hour from Char -- excuse me, from Charlotte, another line going from -- in Florida down to Tampa, another line -- we had moved, Gov, we'd that tunnel fixed in New York now, the money was there to get it done.


HANNITY: Come on, man. Are you a junkie? We hold these truths to be self- evident. All men are created equal endowed by -- oh, the thing. You know, the thing.

As you can see, Joe at times barely can put out a coherent sentence. Now he is not running the show. But we do have the radical socialist, the Green New Deal socialist. They are the ones in charge. They are bragging about how they control Joe and they are setting the agenda, and all of us come of the entire country is paying the price.

All right. We're going to have a lot more coming up on this. But, first, let's turn to America's mayor, Rudy Giuliani. He is now facing off against Joe Biden's Department of Justice.

Now, last Wednesday at around 6:00 a.m., Giuliani's Manhattan apartment and office, they were raided by dozens of federal investigators.

Now, Mayor Giuliani is apparently under investigation for a potential FARA violation. To give you some reference, most violations involve an American not registering foreign work appropriately with the U.S. federal government. In other words, not filling out the proper paperwork.

By the way, most violations are resolved with something called a fine, not your home raided, predawn raid, 6:00 a.m.

Now, recently, Mayor Giuliani told FOX News that he never committed a FARA violation and he was shocked because he had offered to discuss all the allegations with the U.S. attorney's office in New York. But apparently, they never agreed and instead, they decided for a predawn raid of his office and his home.

The only thing that was missing, like in the case of Roger Stone, CNN cameras weren't tipped off. Wow. What a change of pace. Remember, these were all process crimes.

Mayor Giuliani is claiming that the fed's motivations are political. He said, quote: The only lawyers they raid are lawyers for Donald Trump. I can't think of another lawyer that has been raided other than lawyers for Trump.

And the mayor is also accusing the feds of illegally tapping into his privilege messages with his top client. That, of course, being President Trump himself. Take a look.


RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER NYC MAYOR: The reality is that that warrant is completely illegal. The only way that you can get a search warrant is if you can show that there is some evidence that the person is going to destroy the evidence or is going to run away with the evidence. I've had it for two years and I haven't destroyed it.

And they also got it from the iCloud in the middle of the impeachment defense. They invaded without tell me my iCloud. They took documents that are privileged and then they unilaterally decided what they could read and not read. So, the prosecutors from the Justice Department spied on me.


HANNITY: Now, we're going to continue to ask an obvious and very important question. Is Rudy Giuliani's FARA investigation, does it have political motives, and if it does, we all need to have equal justice application of our laws.

And that raises the question about zero experience Hunter Biden. Is he going to be held accountable for anything? Did he violate any FARA laws in any way? We need an investigation. We do know that he lied on a gun permit application for which he has never been tried.

Why do I think if I did that, they'll lock me up and throw away the key?

We know that his foreign income is, well, extremely questionable at best. We read to you on air the Grassley-Johnson Senate report laid out in great detail. Zero experience Hunter, Imagine, when it all of you like this deal? He made millions of dollars from Burisma. That is the Ukrainian oil and gas giant.

It's owned by a sketchy Ukrainian oligarch. He received three and a half million dollars in a wire transfer to his company from a Russian oligarch known as the first lady in Moscow. The Grassley-Johnson report pointed out $5 million from a state-backed Chinese company. Another $100,000 for a shopping spree compliments of a prominent Chinese national. Why are we all so lucky?

A hundred grand from a Kazakhstan oligarch, earmarked for a brand-new car. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Remember, hunter Biden had zero experience in oil, in gas, or finance, or zero experience in any of these countries that we're talking about. And they were paying him for what? His connection to his father?

Something even Hunter Biden admitted during what was a disastrous "Good Morning America" interview. Take a look.


HUNTER BIDEN, SON OF PRESIDENT BIDEN: There has been a lot of misinformation about me, not about my dad. Nobody buys that, buys this idea that I wasn't qualified to be on the board.

INTERVIEWER: What were your qualifications to be on the board of Burisma?

H. BIDEN: Well, I was vice chairman of the board of Amtrak for 5 years. I was chairman of the board of the U.N. World Programme. I was a lawyer for Boies, Schiller, Flexner, one of the most prestigious law firms in the world.

INTERVIEWER: You didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or Ukraine itself.

H. BIDEN: No, but I think I had as much knowledge as anyone else that was on the board, if not more.

INTERVIEWER: In the list you gave me of the reasons why you're on that board, you did not list the fact that you are the son of the vice president --

H. BIDEN: Of course, yeah. No.

INTERVIEWER: What role do you think that played?

H. BIDEN: I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards as I just mentioned without saying that I am the son of the vice president of the United States.

INTERVIEWER: If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Burisma?

H. BIDEN: I don't know. I don't know. Probably not. I don't think there's a lot of things that would have been happened in my life that if my last name wasn't Biden.


HANNITY: No, no experience, energy, oil, gas. No, why did you get the job? I don't know. Maybe because your dad? Probably.

As it turns out, the millions that Hunter collected from Burisma's oligarch really paid it off, as vice president in charge of U.S. Ukraine policy, Joe Biden leveraged 1 billion U.S. tax dollars, your money to force the country of Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating zero experience Hunter Biden and the company known as Burisma holdings.

Joe actually bragged about leveraging your tax dollars.

Now, why would a vice president of the president America in charge of policy with Ukraine, why would he want some prosecutor fired? Look for yourself.


J. BIDEN: And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn't - - they were walking out to a press conference. I said, no, I'm not going to -- we're not going to give you the billion dollars.

They said, you have no authority. You're not the president. The president said -- I said, call him. I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars.

I said you're not getting the billion -- I would be leaving here, and I think it was, what, six hours, and I looked at them and said, I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.

Well, son of a (EXPLETIVE DELETED). He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid.


HANNITY: There is Joe Biden bragging about a quid, and a pro, and a quo on tape, all while his son, the self-proclaimed crack addict raking in millions from Ukraine, from Russia, Kazakhstan, China, other foreign entities. So, where is the Department of Justice? Where's the FBI? Where is John Durham? Has anyone seen John Durham?

Remember, Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, General Flynn, Paul Manafort, yeah, they all had the book thrown at them for most cases, processed crimes over the Russian lie, conspiracy theory and hoax. Now, America's mayor, well, has his home and office raided by the feds. Zero experience Hunter can fly around the world, raking in millions with no experience. From the sketchiest foreign nationals while his own dad is vice president of the USA.

Now, in fact, during the Giuliani raid, the feds weren't even interested in the copy of Hunter's infamous drive. Oh, what would happen, imagine for a second, what if it was Vice President Donald J. Trump? Donald J. Trump leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor in Ukraine fired that was investigating, let's say, Don Jr. or Eric Trump. What would happen if any Trump supporter lied on a gun purchase permit like Hunter Biden appears to have done?

And what else is on Hunter's laptop? Now that Hunter's lawyers kind of admitted that it is his, don't we have the right to see it? And why would investigators allow Mayor Giuliani to keep that electronic device? Okay, they were there to recover every electronic device. Why didn't they recover this one?

There is something deeply wrong with America's Department of Justice. We cannot live in a country with a dual justice system. We can't live in a country that does not have equal application of our laws. There is not equal justice under law.

Here to respond first, before we get to Rudy, Kayleigh McEnany is with us.

I have never understood the whole issue with President Trump and Ukraine was about one thing. Okay, his call with President Zelensky. There were, what, 20 people on that phone call. We have a transcript of that phone call.

OK. So, we have an anonymous whistle-blower, that says something nefarious happen. Then we have the transcript. There was no quid pro quo.

We have out of all of the witnesses who testified in that impeachment, they were either opinion witnesses or hearsay witnesses. And the only one fact witness, Kayleigh McEnany, in that case said, yeah, he said I don't want anything. I don't want a quid pro quo. I just want them to be honest and do things the right way.

So how does this get ignored?

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, FOX NEWS ANALYST: Yeah, of course, it gets ignored because it was favorable to President Trump and they wanted to impeach him. Going as far back as the election of president Trump and an Obama official went on the airwaves and said we've got to impeach this guy before he even took office. That was always their design.

And the fact that they hid and concealed the Hunter Biden story, we now know that Hunter Biden was under federal investigation. We now know in Hunter's lawyer that the laptop was probably his. He says it could have been his but we know it was. There were hundreds of pictures of him on it, correspondences with his father.

All of this would have been material evidence in that impeachment trial. But it was concealed. It was kept from us.

Of course, it was kept from us because they had one design. Impeach Donald Trump. Get rid of him. Remove him from office. Get him out of the White House. That was their one and only goal, which is why they impeach him not once but twice.

HANNITY: So the question here is now that we know how is it possible? We've had these tapes for a long time. I can't imagine Donald Trump. I can't imagine anybody with a Trump last name on elected official leveraging a million dollars and then benefitting -- can you imagine if any of the children of Donald J. Trump, President Trump had millions of dollars with no experience whatsoever?

MCENANY: Yeah. Yeah, no. I can only imagine.

It's funny. I had someone say recently on the airwaves, oh, well, this just goes to show why children of elected official shouldn't be involved in governing, or shouldn't get special treatment. Let me tell you something. There is a big difference between Hunter Biden who did something worthy of federal investigation and someone like Jared Kushner who just went around the world solving Middle East peace, something no one has been able to do, but Jared has and Ivanka did incredible work as well.

There is a massive difference there. And you're right. If they had even the slightest shred of integrity or filling out paperwork the wrong way, they would be sought after. But Hunter Biden is coddled like the little baby son that is not worthy of investigating. Not worthy of scrutiny, not worthy of any media coverage for the misdeeds he has in his past.

HANNITY: You know, the whole thing, the idea that now this impacts the election as well, because we had "The New York Post." That's America's fourth largest newspaper, and they have this big story. The picture of Hunter Biden asleep with a crack pipe, that story.

"The Daily Mail" has since published more information on the laptop. We're told that there might even be more damning information on the laptop. I would like to get ahold of it. My own lawyer say I'm not allowed to take possession of it, which renders a lot of questions in my brain about that.

Now my question is, is that big tech protected Joe Biden heading into the 2020 election. And if that's not a factor in how -- the perception of the American people, I don't know what is.

MCENANY: There is simply no doubt about it. And now, Jack Dorsey, just to back up, not only did he ban "The New York Post." He banned me as one of the president's chief spokespeople, because I posted "The New York Post" story.

We now know "The New York Post" story was true. Hunter is not denying it. Joe Biden never denied it. But they said it was an unverified laptop, whatever that means.

They undoubtedly influenced the election. And Jack Dorsey now says he regrets that. That's not enough to say you regret it.

And just to compare the way Hunter Biden was treated, who has things worthy of looking into versus someone like Michael Flynn, who was said that you can't bring an attorney one federal investigators are interrogating you. The justice department saying I should have known about this questioning. They entrap him. He was innocent.

That is targeting up someone. That is what happens to someone in the Trump administration in the conservative world versus someone like Hunter Biden who escaped free, no scrutiny unless it is "The New York Post" or few other publications with a little bit of integrity.

HANNITY: All right. Kayleigh McEnany, thank you for being with us.

Earlier tonight, about an hour an a half ago, I spoke to New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Here's that interview.


HANNITY: Former New York City mayor and former federal prosecutor, and attorney to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani.

Mr. Mayor, let's a lot to unpack here.


HANNITY: Now, my understanding is a FARA violation is very specific. At the time when we had the impeachment of the president over a phone call, that the infamous phone call of hearsay, anonymous whistle-blower, you were investigating the issues involving Joe Biden, leveraging a billion taxpayer dollars, and his son Hunter and the firing of this prosecutor.

Was that the only reason you were investigating Ukraine and involved with Ukrainians?

GIULIANI: One hundred percent. I was -- this was two years before the election. It had nothing to do with the election. I was brought into it when the allegations of corruption in the Ukraine were given to me, which included corruption by Joe Biden, as well as a tremendous amount of dirt that was dug up on the Trumps, which Hillary paid for.

And in the course of that, I was told by the Ukrainians, you know, he got a -- Biden made a big bribe here.

He pushed the president of Ukraine to get rid of the case on one of the crookedest (ph) guys in Ukraine, Zlochevsky (ph), and he made a big score. So this money for Hunter Biden is not for Hunter Biden.

HANNITY: We -- we got that tape of Joe. You heard Hunter on "Good Morning America." Do you think you deserve the millions from all these countries with no experience?

GIULIANIJ: Yeah. Yeah. But they want me out because I'm the one who uncovered and brought it to life. And I came on your show and I talked about it.

And also, the hard drive was given to me because the guy didn't trust anybody else. He didn't trust the FBI because the FBI had it for almost a year and did nothing with it.

HANNITY: So, I want to get to the very question. That was my question. You did nothing that would all trigger any FARA violation whatsoever --

GIULIANI: Absolutely not.

HANNITY: -- and that your work, an investigative work, had to do with Burisma, Joe Biden withholding a billion dollars, the prosecutor, and Hunter's lack of experience?

GIULIANI: One hundred percent. In fact, in the course of my career, I have turned down multiple opportunities to lobby, to do FARA. And when I do do contracts, I very often, if there's any issue, I put in -- I put in a clause saying I will not do it.

I was -- I was representing the president of the United States. The whole world knew that. The whole world knew. And this is -- I mean, this is totally done because they want to destroy my credibility because I have that entire hard drive. I have the whole thing. I put it out to "The New York Post."

And since then, they have been persecuting me. They have been threatening me. They have done everything they can to destroy every business relationship I have. They have put out all kinds of false stories, the most recent of which was the ridiculous story that I was briefed by the FBI, a total lie by three newspapers who spent most of the time lying.

If they are lying about that, isn't it obvious they are lying about everything else? The FBI is lying to them about briefing me. Well, don't you think the FBI is --

HANNITY: Let me ask you --

GIULIANI: -- lying about the rest of it?


HANNITY: I want to go to this issue about prosecutors accessing your iCloud account in early 2019. This is leading right up into the impeachment if I'm not mistaken. And Professor Dershowitz talked about it this weekend and was very outspoken. And he said in banana republic, saying Castro's Cuba, when a candidate loses the presidency, they go after the candidate. They go after his lawyers. They go after his friends.

And speaking directly about your case, a search warrant on a lawyer, doctor, priest, you don't use search warrants. You don't use them when people have privileged information on cellphones and computers. You use a subpoena.

And he believes you have -- you and your attorney were told that the surveillance of you happened in 2019?

GIULIANI: Yeah, here's what I was told. I'll try to repeat it exactly. My attorney, Robert Costello, was told that they obtained a covert warrant and the date of the warrant was for May 1st, 2018 until November 4th, 2019. They took everything on my iCloud from that period of time.

Now, interestingly, May 1st is when I started representing Donald Trump. They wanted nothing on me before that. So you can't say that their main interest wasn't Donald Trump.

So, a day -- just about the day that I began representing him is the day they go invade my iCloud. So, try telling somebody that it wasn't to get material on Donald Trump. And then they have a year and a half of material all through my representation of him during the complete fraud of a collusion thing.

And then all during my representation of him during (AUDIO GAP) up until November 4th. They have had that for a year and a half and haven't been able to produce a single allegation against me. They had it for a year and a half.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this.

GIULIANI: Meanwhile -- go ahead.

HANNITY: Let me ask you. We just played Joe Biden bragging about leveraging a billion dollars. I went through the series of monies that Hunter Biden made. By his own admission, he had no experience.

Why has nothing happened in this case? And are there things on that hard drive that the public has not heard yet that you as a former federal prosecutor would deem highly illegal?

GIULIANI: Absolutely. Yes. Yes. I mean, even the thing we talked about before.

I mean, many people don't realize that that was published way back when because it was hidden so much, and that is Hunter describes the RICO scheme in detail. This is a 30-year sale of Joe Biden's office by his brother, his son, his sister-in-law.

And if you consider the fact that this guy Hunter was a drug addict from the time he was 20, it's disgusting that his father used him this way. His father is a complete crook and it is galling to be pursued by probably the most crooked man in the White House.

And I know it. I've got the proof of it and I am being persecuted because I brought it out. I have it here --


HANNITY: And you're saying that there's more illegal activity that we haven't heard about. I want to -- I want to ask a quick last question. You're saying that there is other stuff we will learn likely in the future that --

GIULIANI: Yes, if -- yes, sir. If you would like to -- if you would like to get a preview, go to my early podcast. One through eight, where I put the evidence out.

I'll give you an example. There is a clear money laundering violation involving the Biden family. It's on paper from Ukraine to Latvia, to Cyprus, to a hidden bank account.

HANNITY: Last question. I only -- I would keep you on longer if I have the time. "The New York Times," "Washington Post," and NBC, I believe, they had to retract stories about you. Your reaction?

GIULIANI: My reaction as a -- headline of "The Washington Post": Giuliani briefed on Russian connection. They've been trying to make me a Russian agent for about three years, which is totally nuts.

I'm probably the biggest anti-communist you've ever met. There is no way that I am a Russian agent or anybody's agent.

I was a lawyer who was representing a client who was innocent. The biggest burden a lawyer can have is to represent an innocent man and I did it damn well, and I have exposed that our president is one of the biggest criminals in the history of the country.

HANNITY: Thank you.


HANNITY: All right. For more reaction to all of this, Miranda Devine and FOX News legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett.

Gregg, let's go at this from a legal point of view. Your reaction to that interview.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Well, you know, instead of looking at Rudy Giuliani under a phony FARA violation, they ought to be looking at Hunter Biden.

You played the clip of his father bragging about it. It's a crime for a public official to confer benefit, a billion dollars, on a foreign country in exchange for something of value to himself or an immediate relative, his son, millions of dollars from Ukraine, not to mention China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania. The list goes on and on.

Instead of focusing on Rudy Giuliani, it is foolhardy and vindictive and folly to go after a lawyer not representing Ukrainian interests and getting paid for it, but representing the president of the United States. He is duty-bound to engage in what he did, fact-finding, the gathering of evidence, the collection of information and passing it along to his client, the president, in addition to the Department of Justice.

Moreover, you know, he's an advocate. He is defending the president and was doing so at the direction and at the behest of the president of the United States. That means he doesn't fall under FARA as a foreign lobbyist.

No more than a member of Congress would be if he or she traveled to Turkey and spoke with President Erdogan and came back and began advocating a pro- Turkish position. That's not foreign lobbying. That's their job.

You know, it's silly and reckless to accuse a lawyer of doing this. Just ask Greg Craig who two years ago he was charged with a FARA-related violation. The jury acquitted him in a nanosecond. Why? Because they realized immediately he was acting as a lawyer, not as a lobbyist. So, this is against Rudy Giuliani a political persecution masquerading as a potential criminal prosecution. It's dumb.

HANNITY: You know, Miranda, I look at this and I think Gregg brings up all the legal aspects that are key to this case. And I look at the fact that this is in 2019 when they are going into Rudy Giuliani's iCloud. There is something called an executive privilege, client-attorney privilege.

And they could have subpoenaed all these things but they did not. And they are doing it in the middle of an impeachment.

When you compare that to what we learned with the Russia hoax and you compare that with what we played with Hunter and Joe Biden and you compared -- we now have three people that signed FISA applications. Jim Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, knowing what we know now, yeah, we wouldn't have signed those FISA warrants that says that the top of the warrant, verified. They were in to the court, to spy on a president.

And in spite of referrals by the inspector general, Michael Horowitz, nobody has ever been held accountable. And I am worried that we're now living in a country or we don't have equal justice or application of our laws.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it certainly looks like that. I think it's very disturbing that they had to send 7 FBI agents with blazers that are emblazoned with FBI at dawn to raid Rudy Giuliani's apartment when his lawyer has been offering for 18 months for him to come in for questioning because there were so many leaks out of that investigation into Rudy Giuliani's alleged lobbying in Ukraine.

And, you know, there is no reason for them to have been so heavy-handed. And in addition, what is incredibly disturbing is the fact that they were spying on the president's lawyer, on Rudy Giuliani. They took all his documents and emails from the iCloud in November of 2019. That was right before the impeachment.

That was exactly one the Democrats were gathering dirt, as much as they could find, on the president. What better way to do that than to spy on the president and his lawyer.

Now, they may have had a perfectly good reason. They got a search warrant. But the optics are shocking. And they only told Rudy Giuliani's lawyer, Robert Costello, about that after they raided his apartment.

So why you would treat a 76-year-old hero of New York, the mayor who saved New York, and it is a bitter irony that right now when New York is going down the tubes as far as crime and grime and disorder goes, the man who saved New York the last time this happened is being treated so shabbily.

HANNITY: You know, I look at this and people for the longest time, Gregg, and you were part of our ensemble, for three years that we were unpeeling every layer of every onion to get to the bottom of the Russia hoax. And this is what we discovered. Incontrovertible evidence confirmed most of it by Inspector General Horowitz that we had premeditated fraud committed on the FISA court to spy on a president, a transition team, and a presidential candidate.

It was based on a phony dossier from Russia, bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. None of those people were held accountable. We seem to live in America now that if you have one political point of view and you lied to Congress because the Horowitz report, they have referrals for top FBI officials that lied to Congress, but yet no predawn raids, no guns blazing, no CNN cameras, and no charges whatsoever.

And God only knows what happened to Mr. Durham.

JARRETT: Yeah. It makes you wonder, not just about a double standard, but actual corruption within the federal government, specifically the Department of Justice and the FBI. It's as if James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok never left. The thuggish tactics now continue.

But part of the problem with these inveterate lies, these prodigious lies is that the media drives them. The media drives the narrative. And the media got it wrong during four years of the Russia hoax.

They treated the dossier as if it were Scripture. The anonymous sources leaking phony false information, that was treated as gospel because journalists abandoned the old rules, the standard of fairness and objectivity and solid sourcing. Instead of verifying the first information, corroborating it, making sure that it was truthful and accurate, they just run with it. They did several days ago against Rudy Giuliani and were forced to retract their story. "The Washington Post", "The New York Times" and NBC News.

Is any wonder when the head of "NBC Nightly News", Lester Holt, delivers a speech and says fairness is overrated. He encouraged journalists to ditch objectivity. And what you get are lies and the credibility of the media has been destroyed. And that is their only currency -- trust and credibility.

HANNITY: You know, and this is the problem. If we have a Justice Department, if you are -- Miranda, tell me if I am wrong. That if you are a conservative, why do I feel like if you spit on the sidewalk or you jaywalk, you've got to probably have your house raided.

But all of these issues -- oh, knowing what I know now, I would not sign the FISA warrant. Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein and Jim Comey, we have less than a minute. You get the last word.

DEVINE: Well, you're right. There are definitely two standards of justice. And conservatives, Republicans, Trump voters are being demonized and hounded. And especially the closer they are to Donald Trump, like his personal lawyer, they are being -- the law is being used and it seems in a punitive unfair way. When you look at the rioters from all of last year who got away, the Antifa people, no -- they are not still languishing in jail like the Capitol rioters.

HANNITY: All right. We'll be watching your columns.

Gregg, that's why you sold two number-one bestsellers.

All right. When we come back, a lot more to get to. Kristi Noem, South Dakota, is here with reaction.


HANNITY: This past weekend, massive victory for the GOP in the special election for Texas' sixth district, now where both candidates name Susan Wright and Jake Ellzey, who are advancing now to the runoff. You see both of them are Republicans.

And here's the interesting thing. The GOP combined for nearly 70 percent of the vote in a district that President Trump only won by three points in 2020.

And that's not all, because a never Trump candidate that was backed by swamp creature, Adam Kinzinger, well, completely failed, embarrassed himself, grabbing just under 3 percent of the vote.

So, Republicans of Washington hear loud and clear that the Make America Great agenda in the country still alive and well and not the party of the establishment, the swamp, or special interests, or others. Don't take my word for it.

Well, this is Mitt Romney in his home state of Utah at their GOP convention. Take a look.


SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R-UT): You know me as a person who says what he thinks. And I don't hide the fact that I wasn't a fan of our last president's character issues. And I'm also no fan --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please, thank you. Show respect.


ROMNEY: So, yeah, I understand that I have a folks a few folks who don't like me very much. But I'm sorry about that, but I expressed my mind is I believe is right and I follow my conscience is I believe is right.


HANNITY: Remember, Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats, they are clinging to the slimmest majority in the House and 2022 has the makings to deliver a strong rebuke of the destructive power-grabbing Democratic, Biden Green New Deal socialist agenda.

Here with reaction, with us, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is with us.

Governor, I'm glad you're here.

You know, it's very interesting how your state has handled corona, how red states have handled it versus blue states. And it seems that the agenda that Donald Trump proposed is the Republican Party. But I think there are some people that think the Republican Party would go back to the good old establishment days. I don't see it. Do you?

GOV. KRISTI NOEM (R), SOUTH DAKOTA: No, I don't see it either, Sean. President Trump did everything he promised to do. And that's what I loved about working with him, is that he followed through on the promises that he made in the campaign in 2016.

Now, we kicked off today in South Dakota, National Travel and Tourism Week. And South Dakota right now is number one in tourism in the nation. We had millions of people come to our state largely because they heard the story of how we embraced freedom. We talked about Mount Rushmore last Independence Day.

And people came here. They didn't just come to visit. They're moving here. Their businesses are moving here.

It's because we have embraced what Republicans say they believe in, we actually did it.

HANNITY: So, the Fourth of July, you went through every hoop, every environmental regulation. You did everything that was asked of you and they won't grant you a permit for fireworks on the Fourth of July.

And the other thing that was fascinating to me is, you saw 200 police officers laid off in Seattle and said, please come to South Dakota. We want to hire you. We respect you. We won't defund you, and we'll let you be able to do your job professionally.

NOEM: Yeah, you know, we had a memorandum of agreement already signed with the federal government, with the National Park Service, the Department of Interior to have a celebration at Mount Rushmore again this year to celebrate our nation's independence. And the Biden administration refused to give us the permits we needed to do so.

So, I filed litigation and lawsuits against them to get them because I think there wasn't any reason for denying us the permits. It appears to be political and punitive. And so, I'm going to fight this in court and hopefully win.

But listen, Sean, we are supporting law enforcement officers. We're supporting the men in that mountain because of our history.

We saw last year riots and protests in cities all across this country still seeing them today, the violence on our streets that is endangering so many people. We did a national campaign of law enforcement officers, asked them that if they wanted to live in a state where they were respected to come to South Dakota.

HANNITY: Thank you for coming on as usual. Thank you for being with us.

All right. When we come back, Democrats continue to play the race card as a cover for their failed policies. We'll bring you the latest examples. We'll check in with Pastor Darrell Scott, Leo 2.0 Terrell, all straight ahead.

Thanks for being with us.


HANNITY: Now, after Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina exposed the Democrats' moral hypocrisy and their feigned and phony pleas for racial healing, the left-wing's smear tactics are as vicious as they have ever been.

For example, you have a Democratic Party leader in Texas. His name is Gary O'Connor, he's facing now calls tonight to resign after calling a senator, Senator Scott a, quote, "Oreo."

Wow. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, well, she is as unhinged as ever, now claiming that, quote, every day, we have seen this nation get more racist.

Here with reaction is civil rights attorney, FOX News contributor, Leo 2.0 Terrell, along with Pastor Darrell Scott.

Pastor Scott, I'm getting a little sick and tired of the repulsive name- calling of African-Americans that happen to have conservative political viewpoints. It seems in this woke cancel culture, the one area where, you know, it's no holds barred, you can smear, slander, attack, and say anything you pretty much anything you want no matter how racial in its context.

PASTOR DARRELL SCOTT, CEO, UNITED COUNCIL FOR COMMUNITY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT: Yeah, absolutely right. I mean, the Democratic Party touts itself to be the party of tolerance, racial sensitivity. They have an entire country walking around on egg shells in the name of social political correctness. They have no problem hurling slurs and attacking a man simply because his viewpoint does not align with theirs.

I wonder where they have to say about Kamala Harris, because Kamala Harris got on and basically said the same thing that Senator Tim Scott said.

HANNITY: And Joe Biden said.

DARRELL: That it's not a racist country. And Joe Biden said it.

But they want to single him out because of what he said. And once again, this guy down there, this party rector (ph), this kind of guy, he ought to know better. First of all, when he did that archaic word out from, nobody has used that word in decades. That shows that that's something that he has down on the inside of him that needs to be rooted out.

And he used it so liberally against Tim Scott, but he won't use it against Kamala Harris. It's a party of hypocrisy and the party of identity politics that used race to enrage or inflame the passions of the black community in order to have the black community voting feelings over facts. It is a political ploy. That's all it is.

HANNITY: So if you are African-American, Leo 2.0, and you are a conservative and you believe, let's see, in law and order, and safety, and security in your town and city.


HANNITY: If you believe in school choice, believe in lower taxes, if you believe in the Constitution, the First and Second Amendment, if you believe that we need laws to secure our borders, somehow it's open season. You can get called every repulsive name in the book?

TERRELL: I'll tell you, Sean, the key here is this. There is a disconnect between all of the areas that you have articulated in black America and Democratic leadership. There is a total disconnect.

The Democratic leadership sees the race card as a profitable business. They can't, they don't want any type of resolution to it because it will have no Democratic Party. There would be no black voters within the Democratic Party.

This guy who made that comment, Gary O'Connor. I don't want him to resign. He is the poster board of the Democratic Party, the poster boy that represents bigotry, the Klan, and racism.

And Maxine Waters, she is living in 1950. She has been playing the race card for 30 years. She passed no legislation. But in order to make herself relevant, she will keep talking the race card because that is the only way she can get attention. She is not a legislator. She is just there yelling and playing the race card. That is all she is there for.

HANNITY: All right. I want to thank you both.

Pastor, good to have you back. It's been a while. Good to see you. Thank you.

Leo 2.0, thank you.

When we come back, more HANNITY, and an announcement right after this.


HANNITY: All right. Before we go, special programming note. Wednesday will be a beautiful, sunny Southern California, to interview Caitlin Jenner about her run for California governor. Can the state, blue state of California go red? You don't want to miss it.

Now, unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. Please set your DVR. Never miss an episode.

But let not your heart be troubled. The news continues, why? Laura Ingraham is next. We'll see you back here tomorrow night.

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