
And now the most telling two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine ...

Passive Patriot Act?

An investigation by the Justice Department has found no abuses related to the Patriot Act. A newly released report on the investigation says that of 1,266 recent complaints made to the Justice Department -- including claims that the government is interpreting Americans' dreams -- 720 were found to be unrelated to civil liberties or civil rights.

The investigation, however, did find two instances of mistreatment. In one, a prison guard verbally abused a Muslim inmate. In the other, an immigration agent checked government databases for information on an Arab American gas station attendant who wouldn't give the agent paper towels because the station didn't have any.

Where Are The Deaniacs?

Despite expectations, and as we noted earlier, Howard Dean is by no means dominating among younger voters in New Hampshire. This after results from the Iowa caucuses show Dean having lost the younger vote to John Kerry in Iowa.

Meanwhile, a new national poll shows that a majority of young voters approve of President Bush's job performance. Even more -- 60 percent -- approve of his decision to go to war in Iraq. However, a majority of young voters say the war in Iraq and the war on terror have asked too much from them and relatively too little from older Americans.

Return to Iowa?

One week after the presidential candidates left Iowa for New Hampshire, at least one man may be hoping Howard Dean soon returns to Iowa. Scott Hoffman -- owner of Brown Bag Deli -- says Dean's campaign owes his deli $963.

Three days before the Iowa caucuses, staffers at Dean Headquarters in Des Moines ordered 200 turkey, roast beef, ham and veggie sandwiches... for delivery. But, Hoffman tells WHO TV, when he arrived with the grub, the place was in utter chaos and he couldn't find anyone to pay him.

After 20 minutes, he just left the food, assuming Dean's campaign would pay in good faith. That has yet to happen.

Addressing the Address

A front-page article in the New York Times last week said the president had, in last year's State of the Union address, -- "laid out his case against [Saddam] Hussein citing what later turned out to be sharply disputed British intelligence that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from Niger, in West Africa."

But in that State of the Union address, President Bush never mentioned Niger at all. The Times today issued a correction, saying that in fact -- "the president said Iraq had been seeking to buy uranium in Africa," not specifically Niger. But that's not exactly true either -- the president mentioned that British Intelligence had reported the attempted purchase in Africa.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report