This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 19, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST:  Hello, everybody. I am Jesse Watters along with Katie P., Juan Williams, Dana P., and Greg. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Radical members of the squad slamming Israel just moments ago. This comes as top Democrats reportedly threatened to retaliate after Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were banned from entering the country. The White House firing back against House Democrats plans to punish the U.S. and Israeli ambassadors with legislative action.

Tlaib and Omar were denied access to Israel over their support of a boycott movement. Israel later granted Tlaib access on humanitarian grounds but she turned it down. Omar also taking a swipe at President Trump.


REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN):  We know Donald Trump would love nothing more than to use this issue to pit Muslims and Jewish-Americans against each other. 
The Muslim community and the Jewish community are being othered and made in to the bogeyman by this administration.


WATTERS:  Tlaib and Omar also under fire for sharing a controversial cartoon on social media by an anti-Semitic artist. This is President Trump blasting the pair as radical Dems saying, "They have such disdain for Israel."

All right, Dana, the Democratic Party again on its heels over anti-Semitism and again looks like the face of the party as the squad, is this what Nancy Pelosi wants?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST:  I was -- I probably shouldn't have been surprised that they had a press conference today, but I'm slightly surprised because I think that they could have turned the page, get it behind them, move on and to do something else.

But by having the press conference today and try to showcase that they just ensured, the White House is probably going to respond again.


PERINO:  Every Democratic candidate on the campaign trail is going to have to answer it and the president's going say something and then we'll talk -- you know, we could go another week talking about this and I don't -- if -- my gut instinct is that they are not winning this argument. They might think they are winning the argument. It doesn't feel like it.

WATTERS:  What does it say, Greg, that they do think they are winning the argument?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST:  Well, I think they have learned in this Trump era that conflict creates the news. So they are, I mean, we carried this press conference. We wouldn't probably carried a press conference like that a couple of years ago. I don't think we would, would we?

You know, some minor politicians in Minnesota become national news and they love it. It's great for their brand. I think the left is in a fit though because how many people who never knew what the BDS movement was now know about it.

It sounds like a medical disorder that's advertised on cable. But it's like now, like, I watch the media when they talk about the BDS movement. They have to look down and they go the BDS movement stands for uh, what does it stand for?

PERINO:  Something divestments --


GUTFELD:  Boycott, divestment, sanction. So it's like -- it's actually, again, in the Trump era, we are learning about stuff that we probably didn't learn about before and I don't think it helps them because once people learn about the BDS movement, they see its largely --

PERINO:  Right.

GUTFELD:  -- its origins are anti-Semitic, much like the cartoon.

By the way, the cartoon wasn't very good --


GUTFELD:  -- but the guy was a contestant in a holocaust denial contest. 
That's not a good book for the squad. But I go back -- can I go back to the one point about the new rules of engagement? Before Trump, this was a one- way street.

The far left factions, anti-Semitic factions, could wage war on Israel and you have to grin and bear it, right? You just have to take it. Now there's pushback and when you push back, they accuse you of being the bully.

WATTERS:  And you know what, it's not just conservatives pushing back. Bill Maher himself, pretty liberal guy, Juan, he came out and said the BDS movement was garbage and took a pretty hard position against the squad. And then Rashida Tlaib came back and said maybe we should boycott Bill Maher.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST:  Yes. Well, first, let me just say that they are winning this argument.

WATERS:  You think so.

WILLIAMS:  I think so. And just to, you know, --

WATTERS:  What evidence is there that they're winning?

WILLIAMS:  Oh, I don't think there's any question there's been a backlash. 
You see Republicans as well as Democrats, Jewish people as well as Muslims, all saying Israel should've let them in and don't forget, Netanyahu said he wanted to let them in until President Trump tweeted at him and asked.

WATTERS:  So Pelosi is happy with this, you think?

WILLIAMS:  I think very happy --

WATTERS:  really?

WILLIAMS:  -- because I think continuing this conversation to just double down on Greg's point, it makes more people aware of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement than ever before --

WATTERS:  And that's a good thing?

WILLIAMS:  -- and I disagree with it but I must say, suddenly, everybody's talking about it. But I'll say this to you as well. I think this is killing the D.C. consensus of support for Israel. I think it's now becoming politically polarized, like so much.

You know, I remember when people were upset that Benjamin Netanyahu was invited by the Republicans to come to Congress and criticized President Obama. But, you know what, it went by. Now, this has been doubled down by Trump so that now everything is so political about Israel.

And, you know, Democrats and Republicans for the longest time, look at our financial support, military support, pro-Israel. And now Netanyahu at Trump's behest is dividing that. There's going to be --

GUTFELD:  Calling it an occupation is kind of a divisional.

WILLIAMS:  -- in the White House and they're going to, you know, put in a position --

WATTERS:  And so the Israeli prime minister, he is the one that's being divisive, not the squad?

PAVLICH:  Well, I will agree with Juan on one thing. And that is, this does push the Democratic Party further away from Israel because Democrats are taking the side of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar instead of a long-standing ally.

And you could say, well, they are Americans, they are congresswomen, that is why we are doing it. But if you look at the record and why they were not allowed into the country, the group they are going with celebrate suicide bombers who not only kill Israelis but also Americans.

They glorify terrorists who kill children. So, that's one reason that they are left out. And during their press conference, and this is exactly what they are going for, they are talking about so much misinformation, right?

They are acting like this is about Benjamin Netanyahu when it's about BDS which is a movement that's been around for far longer than one political party either in the U.S. or in Israel. And it's about not allowing the country to exist.

Rashida Tlaib talks about the walls in Israel not being effective. 
Actually, they are at keeping suicide bombers out of Israel. And so there's a lot of things that they're putting on the table that they don't want to talk about in terms of human rights that don't jive with the leftist narrative.

Just today, the Palestinian authority banned all LGBTQ activity in the West Bank, while Israel has one of the largest gay rights parades in the world.

So they're going to have to figure out, Democrats, whether they actually support real human rights in the Middle East which come with Israel, including for Arab-Israelis, or whether they support two congresswomen who are associated with group who celebrate suicide bombings against American citizens.

WATTERS:  And wasn't this whole thing exposed as a stunt, Greg, when the Israeli government let Tlaib come in to visit her grandmother on humanitarian grounds and then she said no.

GUTFELD:  Who uses their grandmother as a prop? She wrote in a letter this may be the last time I see my grandmother, then she decides not to see her grandmother. And then -- but she finds time to post this other cartoon.

I'm going to say I don't trust her. I don't trust anybody that would use their grandmother in such a manner. She should apologize to her grandmother, Dana, right?

PERINO:  Well, also, the two of them could've gone on the trip the week before with 51 members of Congress -- 30 Republicans, 21 Democrats.

GUTFELD:  Right.

PERINO:  They could've all gone together and then -- and from what I heard from that trip, all views were expressed and these views could have been expressed --

WILLIAMS:  Well, that's not what Kevin McCarthy says. Kevin McCarthy, Republican, leader of the Republicans in the House says, "Yes, they should've been let in. Everybody should go. But this is --

PERINO:  No, but I was saying they should've gone with the whole group.

WILLIAMS:  No, I don't think they have to go by anybody's --

GUTFELD:  But aren't we paying for it?

WILLIAMS:  -- members of the United States Congress.

GUTFELD:  Aren't we paying for it, Juan?

PERINO:  Should they go with a group?

GUTFELD:  Aren't we paying for them so it would be cheaper as a group.

WILLIAMS:  No, no, no.

PERINO:  -- with this group.


PAVLICH:  Juan, should they go with the group that says anti-terrorism?

WILLIAMS:  -- members of Congress have always been allowed to go --

GUTFELD:  Right.

WILLIAMS:  -- without our president telling another nation's president --

PAVLICH:  But not with this group.

WILLIAMS:  -- oh no, don't let my political opponents in. That to me is -- and now, this effort to say something about the ambassadors, they are just proxies for Netanyahu and Trump.

PAVLICH:  Can I just say one more thing about the aid point that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were making. They're saying well, we give Israel $3 billion in aid every year. Aid to Israel is actually an investment because in return for that they give us technology, they give us counterterrorism operations.

They stop dozens of terrorist attacks last year in 20 different countries. 
The Palestinians use our aid, our taxpayer money to pay terrorists and their families to kill Americans and Israelis. So, that's the difference. 
What's the return on investment when it comes to Israel? We get a lot in return for the aid that we're giving them.

WATTERS:  And maybe they didn't go to Israel with the other delegation. 
Maybe they had an appointment that they couldn't change. Those things, you know, there are sometimes conflicts.


WILLIAMS:  -- Netanyahu just had to comment and criticized an American president in our country. Maybe we should have kept him out.

WATTERS:  I think Obama had denied entry to --


WATTERS:  -- someone from Israel. I think it was in 2012, Juan.

WILLIAMS:  Oh, stop.

WATTERS:  So, it goes both ways. Elizabeth Warren's DNA debacle is back and she's forced to apologize again for lying about her Cherokee heritage. See that, next.


PERINO:  Elizabeth Warren seeing a surge in the polls but an old controversy continues to haunt her on the campaign trail. The 2020 Democratic hopeful apologizing again for to Native-Americans for her previous Cherokee heritage claims.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA), PRESDIENTIAL CANDIDATE:  Like anyone who has been honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes. I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened and I have learned a lot. And I am grateful for the many conversations that we've had together. It is a great honor to be able to partner with Indian Country, and that's what I've tried to do as a senator, and that's what I promise I will do as president.


PERINO:  All right, that was her today at a big event, Jesse. Now, a contrary view could be that this speaks to the strength of her campaign that she went to this event knowing that she would have to do this even, you know, she could've had a scheduling conflict. Who knows when is a scheduling conflict, like a dentist appointment you can't change.

WATTERS:  That's right. I think it was a whitewash. The moderator of the event endorsed her. And then they agreed ahead of time that she would not be asked about her fake heritage claims. And then on the eve of the event, she scrubbed the video where she released her DNA results from her campaign website.

So, she's got terrible political instincts and she's a phony. And what she did to Native Americans was -- some people say a lot worse than what Trump has done to minorities. If you think about what she did, she stole their identity. Then she use that fake identity to suppress the minorities' 
access to higher education jobs.

And then she profited from the fake identity. And then when she got busted on it, when President Trump mocked her, she said "Oh, that's an ethnic slur, Pocahontas." That's about as an ethnic slur as Fredo. It doesn't even make any sense.

What's happening now is she is up in the polls because she's getting some Bernie boroughs (ph) behind her. But she's got a very irritating demeanor. 
Black Americans don't really love her that much. Wall Street hates her. So, I think she's just -- it's another landslide victory for the president if she gets the nomination.

PERINO:  So, one thing is, that the president said the other night in his rally that he had hit her hard on the issue, but now she's coming back so she's going to have to do it again. But because it's so competitive on the Democratic side, why do you think that none of the other Democrats go after her about it?

GUTFELD:  Well, I will tell you, as a black lesbian, I believe that it is important that she reach out to them to get this past her. Here's the problem though. What is she apologizing for? Like, I'm not sure. Because that amazing video that you mentioned scrubbed, vindicated her, right?

She was 1/17000 Native American and she played that up, so. Is she apologizing for perpetuating the lie? Is she apologizing for the impersonation, the exaggeration or the exploitation?

Remember, she used this to get ahead and the law school used her lie to get ahead by saying like, we have the first female minority lawyer. Was it Harvard, I believe? So, that's why I don't give anymore money to that school.

But anyway, and the media, like Jesse said, will pay this as some kind of, like calling her fauxcahontas or whatever. It's like calling a dumb person Einstein, right? It's like -- so I just think that I'm confused, as you could tell. I don't know what she's apologizing for. Is she admitting she lied or -- she said she's Native American?

PERINO:  In the Jonathan Martin "New York Times" piece last week, Juan, they said it was a story about her poll numbers better. And at the very end, they interviewed somebody who had gone to one of her events and they said, "She's so smart. She really has a plan."

And the last line was, it's just that Pocahontas thing. And that was how he ended it. Is that on the minds in regards to electability against President Trump?

WILLIAMS:  I think people realize that this is what Trump has when it comes to Liz Warren. I mean, that's why he's back attacking her. She's rising in the polls. He goes after Sleepy Joe, who is Joe Biden, who's really on his mind and he's the most attacked by the president.

But now, she's back in the picture and again because she is a strong candidate and a rising -- she has momentum. I mean, the fact that she went to this forum, that she was invited to this forum, indicates in the words of the man who hosted the forum, that this is a trivial issue for Native Americans.

They don't think it's a big deal. But what you get is a situation where, you know what, she has big ideas, Dana, and she has ideas, policy ideas.  
So for the Native Americans, what they say is this Pocahontas thing is Trump's agenda. That's the way he puts people down. And it's trivial to us.

What's important to us, her -- Elizabeth Warren's top issues; health care, education, helping young people get ahead, pay for that big tuition debt. 
And, you know what, saying to the very rich people in this country, hey, no more protections. No more too big to fail. You got to pay your taxes and deal with (inaudible). People are reacting to her as a passionate advocate, including Native Americans.

PERINO:  One thing about her that's different to Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton never apologized for the e-mail scandal. And Elizabeth Warren has apologized a few times for this even though people aren't really sure what she apologized for.


PAVLICH:  But she has never admitted that she's not Native American. She's never said she's not Cherokee. She has parsed this line between I've caused all this pain --


PAVLICH:  -- I'm sorry for that, but she's never said I'm sorry for using the 1/1024th may be Cherokee argument to put on my bar card in Texas that I was Native American or to get that first status as the first woman of color at Harvard Law School.

So, I'm not clear on what she's apologizing for either. And I think if she had not gone to the forum, it probably would have looked worse --

PERINO:  Right.

PAVLICH:  -- because she would have been avoiding the issue. So, she was in a little bit, a little loose (ph)

PERINO:  So, it might be a sign of strength, I guess, for her and within the Democratic Party that she went, yes.

WATTERS:  Also, in other Native American news, "The Washington Post" did a poll among Native Americans and they asked, what was the number one emotion that you felt when you saw the Washington Redskin mascot? And you know what the top one was?

PERINO:  Pride.

WATTERS:  Pride. They like it.

WILLIAMS:  Do you know my number one reaction is?


WILLIAMS:  Disgust.

PERINO:  Oh, boy.

WATTERS:  Because they're going to go 0-16?

WILLIAMS:  And guess what --

WATTERS:  Because the Eagles are going to beat them twice.

WILLIAMS:  No, no, we got to tell the audience. That's my team. I just don't like that name. I don't like it at all.

GUTFELD:  How do you think I feel about the San Francisco Giants? I am a below average height person. My favorite baseball team is the Giants, Dana. 
Everyday I wake up and I go, I have to root for a team that towers over my diminutive stance.

PERINO:  That you could never achieve.

GUTFELD:  I could never achieve.

PERINO:  I mean, this is --

GUTFELD:  How do you think I feel?

PERINO:  You know what, it's out of reach.

GUTFELD:  I am not a protected class, Juan.

WATTERS:  I though you were a black lesbian.

GUTFELD:  All right, that's true. I'm a short one.

PERINO:  All right, President Trump and conservatives are furious over a leaked transcript from "The New York Times" staff meeting. We're going to tell you what it says, next.


PAVLICH:  All right. "The New York Times" being blasted for bias after a leaked transcript revealed its new plan to go after President Trump. The paper's executive editor forced to hold a crisis town hall meeting last week after liberal backlash for changing a headline about recent shootings.

From "Trump Urges Unity Versus Racism" To "Assailing Hate But Not Guns." In the leaked transcript, the editor, Dean Baquet, is quoted as saying, "We build our newsroom to cover one story. We did truly well."

But after Russia collusion fell apart, the editor says his paper is focusing on a new narrative, race. Here's a quote -- "Now, we have to regroup and shift resources and emphasis to take on a different story." So, Jesse, this transcript is revealing but it also I think solidified a lot of what we already knew.

WATTERS:  Right. Well, it was revealing in a sense that they admitted that they were unable to take out Trump. They have admitted that they are not as influential as they think they are. And they admitted they are not journalists, that they are partisan activists.

Because a real journalist would go back the last two years and look, how did this Russia hoax actually come into being? But they are spending no time looking back. They have turned a blind eye to it and then are now just looking at what else can take out Trump.

Race, I don't believe will have the same type of effect against the president as the Russia thing did. You could see the rating for the cables that pushed that hoax, are not rebounding as they pivot to race. And approval for Donald Trump among Hispanics and Black Americans since January has actually gone up.

So, it's also not a very inspiring message to say that the country is founded on racism, it's a racist nation, and we need to destroy it and institute socialism in order to heal it.

That type of messaging to this country is racist and that Trump is racist that all Trump voters are racist are going to turn off the very voters that the Democrats are going to need to recapture those rust belt districts in order to win back the White House because race isn't going to work. It's got to be health care, education, as Juan said, and jobs.

PAVLICH:  Juan, you look like you have something to say in response to that.

WILLIAMS:  Well, I do your honor. And I just want to see my time to Mr. 
Watters because I think he is indicting himself and I just want more of his testimony. Russia hoax?


WILLIAMS:  Did you miss the entire Mueller report that said Russia interfered in the 2016 --

WATTERS:  The hoax was there. It's collusion Trump.

WILLIAMS:  -- to help Donald Trump.

PERINO:  All right.


WATTERS:  That was the hoax.

WILLIAMS:  -- it was -- this is what -- there was no finding of any collusion, no investigation. It was an investigation to conspiracy and they didn't find a conspiracy.


WILLIAMS:  Let's just move on.

PAVLICH:  Juan, as a journalist, do you think this type of conversation about activism --

GUTFELD:  Let's just move on after he --

WILLIAMS:  No, no, because I said I would see the point to Jesse because I think he is indicting himself, but go ahead.

PAVLICH:  Well, as a journalist for many years --


PAVLICH:  -- do you think that these conversations about the activism are appropriate?

WILLIAMS:  Well look, I think -- look, I just think you look at the numbers. We had a poll here at Fox last week -- it said two-thirds of Americans think he's tearing the country apart. And that includes by the way, more than 60 percent of white Americans.

So, something is going on in terms of the social fabric. And if you're a journalist, how could you not pay attention to it. But to my mind, you know, it's like this is not a new topic for the "Times." "The Times" have been covering it.

I think yesterday they had a magazine dedicated to slavery. So, this is something that they need to do. And I think that what you hear from Dean Baquet is look, we put a lot of effort into covering Mueller and the conspiracy argument, Jesse, and I think they did a pretty good job.

They were way ahead of other people saying that they didn't think that Mueller was coming --

WATTERS:  They didn't do a very good job, Juan.

WILLIAMS:  I think they -- in fact, I think they were ahead of saying, certainly, ahead of all those people who were over at the other channels feeding this conspiracy. They were not in that camp.

WATTERS:  Wait, the other channels follow everything that's written in "The Times."

WILLIAM:  I think they may, but they didn't do it.

GUTFELD:  All right. The conspiracy is that they are creating a framework to shape the news to lay out a blueprint so you can just slot in all the stories about race. Whether the polls say that they think Trump is tearing the country apart is irrelevant because it's the media that is creating the narrative that people hear about.

The fact is the curtain is now pulled back. We see this and we are surprised. The rest of the media smirks because it's been this way all along, the problem. So why are they doing this? It's because racism is a quantity where in the media, the demand exceeds the supply.

So they're going to have to keep creating this. They're going to have to keep doing this. And to your point, that slave story, the slave article was probably -- I didn't read it, but I'm assuming it was probably well- researched. It was probably well done, but I didn't read it.

But now, my assumptions are this is all part of a greater narrative to paint Donald Trump as racist. So I'm going to look at everything they do as somehow artificially constructed to demonize somebody, and it's not going to stop. It's going to get worse.

And we have to admit, this country overtime gets less racist. Do you think we're more racist now than we were in the 60's or the 50's or the 1860's? 
It's getting better, but they don't like that story. Things are going so well that they need to demonize everybody.

So, right now, the Gray Lady is - this is bigger than Watergate. Gray Lady is Nixon and drag at this point.
WILLIAMS: But you know, you're right. I think things are getting better in terms of race.

PAVLICH: Of course, they are.

WILLIAMS: In terms of like if I compare where my father was to where I am. 
I don't think there is any question. But I will say this look--

GUTFELD: End there, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Anybody - I'm sorry?

GUTFELD: End your point there that you agree.

WILLIAMS: OK. Well, I know I was confirming something, but I think that anybody who has covered Trump as a real journalist knows that he has had trouble with the race issue all along. Federal suits about housing discrimination. The birther movement. Mexicans rape.

I mean just I could go on Central Park Five. I wrote a book about this a year ago. That has nothing to do with somehow, it's suddenly discovered, we're going to make something out this. No, that's just been an issue with Trump.
GUTFELD: If you take each one of those separately, they add up to very little. So that's why you have to list them.


PERINO: I think on the Russia thing, a lot of people that work in news, you had invested a lot of time to read all of their pieces and it was a lot of time and a lot of it was always hinting that Trump was behind it. And so, all the podcasts, all the things that they did. And I'm just like reporting the news.

But I think one of the things that's happened is there is this generational change in the newsroom. So, like Dean Baquet, I don't think that he - I don't know exactly - I'm not going to try to put words in his mouth, but there is this generational change where now I think it's partly because of the way universities, trained journalists now that they're activists and just reporting the news.

Like news organizations used to be worried that they might make their advertisers mad. You worked in magazines, right. They're not going to like to see that article next to their picture.


PERINO: They're great product. That was their worry before. Now, they're worried about their own reporters. And I'm just trying to like just to report the news. Plus bashing the media is now a bipartisan sport. Whereas Bernie Sanders like figure out a way to get his base energized by bashing the media.

GUTFELD: But to your point, New York Times is no different than Media Matters. Right.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Yes. Because they're both pushing an agenda, a political ideological agenda.
WILLIAMS: That's not true.

GUTFELD: And I'm glad you said that, Dana.

WILLIAMS: That's not true at all.

GUTFELD: I'm glad you said that, Dana.

WILLIAMS: That's not true, Greg.

GUTFELD: Dana said that New York Times is no different than the Media Matters. She did.

PAVLICH: All right. Fact-check. Not true.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

PAVLICH: Is President Trump eying some new real estate.

GUTFELD: It's true.

PAVLICH: What he's saying about buying Greenland when we come back.

WILLIAMS: Welcome back. It turns out President Trump isn't joking. He wants to buy Greenland. He's confirming a report we told you about on Friday. The White House has looked into the possibility of purchasing the island nation. Watch this.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Well, Greenland, I don't know it got released somehow. It's just something we talked about. 
Essentially, it's a large real estate deal. A lot of things could be done. 
It's hurting Denmark very badly because they're losing almost $700 million a year carrying it. And strategically for the United States, it would be nice.

WILLIAMS: Wow. But the Prime Minister of Denmark, the country that officially controls Greenland, they're smacking down Trump's big real estate idea.

METTE FREDERIKSEN, PRIME MINISTER OF DENMARK: Greenland is not for sale. By the way, Greenland is not Danish. Greenland is Greenlandic.


PAVLICH: Greenlandic. I did not know that.
WILLIAMS: So, Katie, I was thinking to myself, wait a second, this is going to cost a lot. It's going to be a bigger purchase. We already have a ballooning deficit. So, why is he focusing on real estate instead of focusing on us.
PAVLICH: I think that's why--

GUTFELD: Because we're doing great.

PAVLICH: Right. We have all the money. No, we are $22 trillion in debt. 
That is true, but this would be a foreign policy geopolitical decision that's being painted as a real estate deal. So, China is interested in the waters around Greenland, Russia is of course interested, and this is all about China because Greenland has a lot of resources, rare earth that we cannot get anywhere but China. So, we'd be able to get them there.

I just want to say I think this is going to happen. Anybody who's in denial, it's going to happen. Manifest destiny Greenland is going to happen and I just--

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. You giggled. Are you serious? Are you joking?

PAVLICH: I'm mostly serious, very serious.

WATTERS: Mostly serious.

WILLIAMS: Mostly serious.

PAVLICH: Harry Truman tried to buy it for $100 million back in the day. So, maybe for $1 billion, they would take it.
WILLIAMS: What do you say, Jesse? You know I mean you're our resident historian here. Louisiana Purchase.


WILLIAMS: I think we bought. Did we buy the Virgin Islands from Denmark? I think that's right.
WATTERS: Well, I think he's just carrying out Polk's expansionist legacy.


WATTERS: And I'm mostly serious about this. I've like a piece of Greenland too. I don't care if it's for sale. We might have to annex it, or some would say annex, you know it's like a tomato-tomato thing, Emily. Also, we don't have to add the start of the flag. That way you know you get to keep
50 and everybody's flag stays intact. But like you said, vast mineral wealth and that's a buffer against the Russians and the Chinese. I think if you don't like this, you're not truly an American patriot.
WILLIAMS: Is that right?


WILLIAMS: Go for it.

WATTERS: And I'm mostly serious about that.

WILLIAMS: Did you hear that, he is mostly.


PERINO: Mostly.

WILLIAMS: OK. Dana, what about Mexico paying for it?

PERINO: For Greenland.

PERINO: Well, I would rather have them work on their border stuff beforehand, if they're going to invest. I can imagine that what happened is in a National Security Council meeting. They're talking about the possible problems in the Arctic with China and Russia as competitors and a president would say, so what could we do. What do you have? And he goes around the table and somebody says, you could try to buy Greenland. That's actually a great idea. So that, I think how this all came up. It's not the wildest idea since Truman also tried to do it.
WILLIAMS: You know that saying about Greenland that Iceland is mostly green, and Greenland is mostly ice.


WILLIAMS: So, like, I think they got like 50,000 people, maybe less.

PAVLICH: 56,000.

WATTERS: The ice is supposed to melt, right Juan. So, then it's going to be inhabitable.

WILLIAMS: That's interesting. You mean like this - he has some foresight.

GUTFELD: There is a great reality show, it's called Flip This Country, it's basically if you look at Greenland, it's a fixer upper. Right. It's like the neighborhood, it's not that great. It's kind of far. It's got a big yard for the kids and the pets. You got 360 degree views all around. It's not really close to town though. So, it's a long walk to Canada.

So, it has its pluses and minuses. I think as a sound real estate developer could probably get this thing together in a few months. But the great thing about this story is the way we respond to it is a proof of sound mental health. Like if you hear this story and you are immediately kind of grinning and you find it funny. And you don't react like oh god, this boorish Trump. This is just another Trump. You're healthy. Like this is a healthy thing.

PERINO: Yes, I'm feeling pretty healthy

GUTFELD: I'm feeling pretty, but if you're freaking out over this then you've got to take a break. Go to Greenland.
PAVLICH: There are lots of opportunities for tourism in Greenland, they have whales there. They have all kinds of other animals. They have glaciers.

GUTFELD: I'd rather buy a country than bomb it.

WATTERS: That's a good one, Greg.

PERINO: That'd be a great slogan.

GUTFELD: I think that's going to be my slogan 2020.

PERINO: Marianne.

GUTFELD: Me and Marianne of running together. Right, Marianne?

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute, did she call you?

GUTFELD: She called me. Marianne called me; we're getting together. She's going to do my show.


GUTFELD: All because she watches THE FIVE.

PERINO: Hi, Marianne.

WILLIAMS: Maybe she is in Trump Tower, Greenland. Watch it. All right, up next, we all know someone guilty of this. Why you might want to think twice about posting to social media while under the influence of intoxicants. 
Next on THE FIVE.

GUTFELD: A new study by New York University finds that a third of people who get high post on social media while under the influence, and a large portion said, they regretted their intoxicated actions. Now I like this study because I am this study. How many times I would tweet something rude after that third glass of wine and the next day, regret the tweet, not the wine.

I learned that overtime I had to cut back on one or the other. So, out went the wine. And in came the vodka, but we're missing the good news. The study isn't about the destruction caused behind the wheel of a car. It's about the embarrassment caused in front of your smartphone screen. Wikipedia told me that between 1991 and 2017, the rate of drunk driving fatalities decreased 46 percent nationally and 68 percent under people 21, age 21.

So, we find ourselves no longer steering into lampposts, instead we steer humiliating posts about our stupid thoughts, activities and selves into a ravenous public who happily seek another opportunity to dance on our shame, Pete O-Rourke once called booze liquid idiot. But our tweets are digital dumb, which is better because nobody ever drove a tweet into oncoming traffic and wiped out a family of five.

So, consider it progress that more people are dying from embarrassment than internal injuries. If more high people are wrecking themselves online than on the road that's a win for all of us. We should all drink to that in moderation of course and certainly not your tweeter, Twitter, tweeter.

So, I did--

PERINO: This is not where I thought that was going.

GUTFELD: Where do you think it was going?

PERINO: I thought you're going to say, it was dumb to post when you're drunk.

GUTFELD: I did some research this weekend on this and I tweeted twice at Geraldo. So that was from - so it's like I probably wouldn't have tweeted twice at Geraldo, if I hadn't had a few pops.

WATTERS: All right, Greg, I would agree that you are the case study.


WATTERS: Drunk posting and I have the pictures to prove it.

GUTFELD: Oh! Really?


PAVLICH: Is this safe?

WATTERS: Item one, here is Greg. That is probably cocaine.

GUTFELD: Where am I? I mean in Rome. I don't know where that is, cocaine.

WATTERS: OK. I will look at the next one here. Here we have him here.


WATTERS: That is either alcohol or ecstasy.

GUTFELD: I was at--

WATTERS: Yes. You don't need to explain yourself.

GUTFELD: Yes, that was at the--

WATTERS: And then finally, I think we all know what happened here. You posted this picture. I believe this was Angel Dust that you were on. Greg, you are a mess.

GUTFELD: Yes. That was when I was a little drunk, I posted about 100 pictures from a horror movie book.

WATTERS: Yes, you did.

GUTFELD: Everybody still complains about that.

WATTERS: Yes, you did.
PERINO: Yes, I remember that day very well.
GUTFELD: Well, I guess I should be leaving now.

WILLIAMS: No, don't do that.

GUTFELD: What do you think, Juan, did you ever do this stuff?

WILLIAMS: I don't do this stuff, but I think that one thing is people have been doing dumb things while intoxicated for a long time.



WILLIAMS: So that's not new, but what's changed and what I've picked up on from young people is the permanence that when you do something stupid now and you text it, hey guess what, you can't erase it. You can't go back and say, Jesse, you know man we were at the bar last night, I shouldn't have said that stuff about your hair.


WILLIAMS: You can't do that. You got it now, an employer will see that oh, so this what you say.

GUTFELD: It's bad.

PERINO: Especially at the Bachelorette parties.

WILLIAMS: Is that right?


PERINO: Because people get drunk and then they post things and you think, wow that doesn't really scream to me, a new Vice President of whatever.

WILLIAMS: Correct.

WATTERS: Of Greenland.

GUTFELD: Katie, it's true though it's like people - every time you go on social media drunk or sober, you're risking a lot that you shouldn't risk, because it's like going to the - you're going to the world's largest town square and saying something that can't go away.

PAVLICH: That's permanent. Yes.


PAVLICH: It is the largest town square and you can ruin your career or your life by tweeting sober. So, my advice is just put your phone in a lockbox when you're having a night out. Keep the pictures at bay. You have to Snapchat everything, Instagram--

PERINO: Get a Polaroid.

GUTFELD: You know what's good?

PAVLICH: You can burn those later if you really want to.

GUTFELD: They've got to create a phone that mimics Twitter, so you put it on, and it just goes right into the garbage can, when you tweet. Tweet, and it just goes right into the--

PERINO: Drunk Twitter.

GUTFELD: Drunk Twitter. Yes, it's called Drunk Twitter.
WILLIAMS: Wait. Last week, we had that Facebook question that was an invention that you saw before they did. You just did it.

GUTFELD: That's it.

WILLIAMS: That's a great invention.

GUTFELD: It's called Trash Twitter--

PAVLICH: But it won't be real trash.

WATTERS: What was your throat lotion?

PERINO: Oh! God.

GUTFELD: Throat lotion is what leads--

PERINO: I can't believe you actually said that Jesse.

WATTERS: Yes, nice try.

PERINO: Who would have come up with something like that.

WATTERS: Nice try.

GUTFELD: Throat lotion leads to Drunk Twitter.

PERINO: You guys. Embarrass all weekend.

GUTFELD: You never do any - you never get on social media buzz, do you?

PAVLICH: No, I don't really get buzzed.

WATTERS: Don't get buzzed.

GUTFELD: I've seen you drunk.


GUTFELD: So, you don't remember it?

WATTERS: She blacked out.
GUTFELD: Oh! My God.

PERINO: I was reading about it.

WILLIAMS: But when Katie does it, I mean it's about adventure. I've seen pictures of sharks and all that stuff.

PAVLICH: But I wasn't drunk.

WILLIAMS: No, but I'm saying that's much better to me, because it's about adventure even though I'm envious of it.


WILLIAMS: It's bad adventure.

PAVLICH: Tweet about your adventures, don't tweet while you're wasted.

GUTFELD: I apologize to Geraldo. I don't know if I was mean to him, I just laughed at something he wrote but I can't remember what it was anyway. And he was wearing his shirt. So, all-in-all, it was bad. One More Thing is up next.


WATTERS: Time now for One More Thing. Greg.

GUTFELD: All right, it's time for this. OK. Yes, it's called the Cat Off. 
All right. You know the rules of the cat off, three videos, you guys - we watch it. You guys vote and we decide which one wins. OK. Let's go to the first video. What do you call a group of kids, do you guys know what a group of kittens is called? It's called a clowder, a clowder of kittens and these have serious cattitude.

All right let's go to the second video; you're going to love this one. 
Check out, Ludwig van Cathoven (ph). Listen, play and strumming the koto, it's not a wind instrument although I am. It's a string instruments, look at that, that's amazing.

And then finally third video, cat on a paw meal. There's this - you've got a treadmill; you've got a bike over there and he's exercising with it. 
Isn't that beautiful and wonderful? That's alternative energy gets a zillion cats in a factory and you could just power plant the whole city with a bunch of miserable cats. Let's vote. Katie?

PAVLICH: Number two.

GUTFELD: Number two. Juan?

WILLIAMS: Number one.

GUTFELD: Number one.

WATTERS: Number one, because I learned something.

GUTFELD: Great and that's rare for Jesse. Dana.

PERINO: Number three, because I was inspired to exercise.

GUTFELD: I don't know I'm going to go with two. So, I think it's what number one, number two won?


GUTFELD: Number two won. That's it.

WATTERS: All right, Dana.
PERINO: OK. There was a trip to the theater last week, but it wasn't with people, it was with dogs. Watch these dogs. These are service dogs and they were there. These are mostly poodles and golden retrievers. They're in Canada. They're watching the production of Billy Elliot. And basically, what they're trying to do is they're trying to learn how to become the dogs that will sit there calmly.

GUTFELD: Interesting.

PERINO: When they go with their future person that they're going to be helping so that they can be very good dogs during the performance. And apparently, they were excellent, they did a very good job. They all passed and graduated and the cast of course love seeing them.

GUTFELD: That's hilarious.

PERINO: So, that's kind of an interesting thing, right that they have to go and do that. Then they got a little group picture afterwards.
WILLIAMS: Wow. Imagine being an actor in that play.


WATTERS: All right. Greg, do you know what a smash and grab is?

WATTERS: Why are you looking at me like that?

GUTFELD: Because I'm wondering if you know what I did this weekend.
WATTERS: All right. Well, this is hopefully not you. This happened out in California. A smash and grab gone wrong. Boom, smashes the glass with the hammer, tries to grab jewelry. They're not having any of it. He tries to get these guys out, actually got hit back with a hammer, tosses both of them out of the store and saves himself a ton of cash.

You know what the name of the store was called heist jewelry.


WATTERS: In Santa Monica, maybe change the name.


WATTERS: Maybe it's not inviting.

GUTFELD: I like the guy took a sweater. That's--

WATTERS: That's right. Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: All right. So, it was a baseball weekend for me. Here I am with my wife and Nationals Coach and Relief Pitcher to fan day event. But there was baseball action all over. Let's start in Atlanta, Braves outfielder Ronald Acuna Jr. He was pulled from the game yesterday against the Dodgers. 
Why? He was disciplined for showboating after he hit what he thought was a home run, but because he was showboating, it was only a single.

So, the manager sent the young star a message about hustling.


WILLIAMS: When he shouldn't have - when he was showing off. All right. Now let's go to the little league world series. There is more. How about this for a small strike zone. Yes. That guy is almost sitting on the ground in the batter's box during Saturday's game. Venezuela versus Australia. The pitcher who he was trying to freak out didn't care. The pitcher threw a strike, take that you vagrant.

GUTFELD: Little kids doing that.
WATTERS: That's like Greg's batting stand.

GUTFELD: Such an obvious joke, Jesse.

WATTERS: Sorry. It makes too easy. Katie.

PAVLICH: All right. Well, MS is a disease that is terrible that affects a lot of people, it affects your spinal cord, your nervous system but there are so many people who have it - who won't let it slow them down. So, here's a woman named Laura DC. She's an Australian power lifter. And she can't walk when she - her body heats up. But she went over, during a competition and she ended up squatting 260 pounds. Even though she has MS. 
And then she went on to bench a 130 pounds and deadlifted 320 pound. This is only her second powerlifting competition.
PERINO: Wow. Good for her.

PAVLICH: And she came in third. So, I thought this was a very inspirational story for everybody who has been diagnosed with that disease that the sky's the limit even if you have some obstacles in the way.


PERINO: Good for her.

WILLIAMS: How old is she?
PAVLICH: I'm not sure how old she is.

WILLIAMS: She looks young. That's so sad.

WATTERS: What's your max squat, Katie?

PAVLICH: It used to be like 200. But not anymore.

WATTERS: Really. Dana what's yours?

PERINO: Round about 220.

WATTERS: 220, Greg.

GUTFELD: Well, I don't squat weight, Jesse. I squat the human body.
WATTERS: Greg, you always know how to put a finishing touch on this. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next with Bret.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Never know what you're going to get. Thanks, Jesse.

WATTERS: That's true.

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