
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," July 9, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Bad news for pop super star Ariana Grande. She got caught on camera. Now, California police are inspecting surveillance video apparently showing the singer licking doughnuts and saying that she hates America. Watch this.


ARIANA GRANDE, AMERICAN SINGER AND ACTRESS: I hate Americans. I hate America. That's disgusting.


Country music star Lee Greenwood and author of the brand new children's book, "Proud To Be An American", joins us. Lee, proud to be an American, you are. What about Ariana Grande? What do you think about her?

LEE GREENWOOD, 'PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN' AUTHOR: Well, you know, we have all said things we regretted. I think that's something you have to really be cautious. This is just another lesson of what you can't do in public and make sure that no one is going to film you doing it. You know, I'm a fan of hers. I think she has already said she was sorry. She said that -- that's what is first and most important. But you have really got to be careful what you say about the country. There are a lot of people who would die for our freedom and you can't insult the country.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, she did apologize, say she was sorry. She is only 22 years old. People at age 22 can say some really dopey things.



VAN SUSTEREN: Even people older ages can be dopey. But you know what? I think she can do more. I think she should go out and do some volunteer work, and do something to sort of -- to try and restore her image. It's not just enough to say you are sorry. Because people often times say they are sorry when they get caught.

GREENWOOD: That's a good point. Maybe she should do a concert or maybe go to a military base and show her support for the military. That would be a good thing.

VAN SUSTEREN: That would be a smart thing to do. What about your -- what about your children's book?

GREENWOOD: I'm excited about it because America is embracing it. I wrote this book just so that we have the next generation be proud of who they are. And know what the word patriot means, because the people who signed the Declaration of Independence were not military. They were citizens who put their lives on the line. So it takes all of us to remember that the next generation may not know military people. They just know that the country is free. So we need to teach them that lesson.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think though -- I mean, that's for children. I mean, Ariana is 22. Do you think she has got the message?

GREENWOOD: I don't know. I don't know if there is any military people in her family. I would have to investigate that, but I think -- I think she has got the message now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why are you such a patriot?

GREENWOOD: I don't know. I'm a farm boy from Sacramento, California. I'm in high cotton most of the time. I traveled and walked in the footsteps of presidents. It's just really fun for me to go around and spread the message of patriotism. In all my shows, when I sing, as you know, in New York, right after 2001, I sang at the Memorial, and it was so moving to know we had done something so good for all those people that paid such a heavy price on a sneak attack. That's the second time we got sucker punched by somebody. I just hope America stays united.

VAN SUSTEREN: Maybe she ought to sing "God Bless the U.S.A." You ought to give her the rights to sing it a little bit. That may be a good lesson for her.

GREENWOOD: Greta, I will give her the chance.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Maybe she -- tell her she can sing it for free without paying the copyright. Anyway, Lee, thank you very much for joining us.

GREENWOOD: You are welcome, Greta. Thank you.