
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 11, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello everyone, I'm Dana Perino along with Kennedy, Mo Elleithee, Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld, it's 9:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."

From fire and fury to locked and loaded, President Trump sending more alarms today that warn Kim Jong-un, if he launches an attack, his country will face dire consequences. He tweeted this morning. "Military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act unwisely." He followed up this afternoon with this.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I hope that they are going to fully understand the gravity of what I said and what I said is what I mean. So hopefully, they will understand, Peter, exactly what I said and the meaning of those words. Those words are very, very easy to understand.


PERINO: And then he elaborated.


TRUMP: And this man will not get away with what he's doing, believe me. And if he utters one threat in the form of an overt threat, which by the way, he's been uttering for years and his family has been uttering for years or if he does anything with respect to Guam or anyplace else that's an American territory or an American ally, he will truly regret it and he will regret it fast.


PERINO: A few hours later, the president addressed the threat again from his New Jersey home alongside his top advisors.


TRUMP: Nobody loves a peaceful solution better than President Trump, that I can tell you. Hopefully it will work out. But this has been going on for many years. It would have been a lot easier to solve this years ago before they were in the position that they were in. But we will see what happens. We think that a lot of good things happen. And we can also have a bad solution. But we think lots of good things happen. If anything happens to Guam, there is going to be big, big trouble in North Korea.


PERINO: All right. So, I just asked Greg, what are the good things that are going to happen? You said, there's going to be good things.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, first of all, fire and fury, locked and loaded, those are basically Chuck Norris's safe words.


And I think that, you know, Donald Trump is using our language, which not political language but our language, it's blunt, it's hard. He's negotiating. He's in a different position. And I feel like every president has -- North Korea has always been part of the employee orientation. It's like every time you become a president, are you going to go through the North Korean thing. And then you get past it.

PERINO: Set it aside.

GUTFELD: Yes. Like he's doing it in a different way, because I think he's seeing a different way of doing it, i.e., you know, getting the sanctions agreed upon by three different factions, was a plus. And he's basically, he's speaking to North Korea in a language, their survivalist language which is bluffing.


GUTFELD: They're bluffing. And so, he's calling their bluff. It is something I don't -- bottom line -- we aren't going to do anything until they do something, so are they going to do something? I think we just sit and -- be calm about Guam.

PERINO: And there's nothing else we can do.


PERINO: Earlier today, we talked to The Wall Street Journal bureau chief in Seoul. And I said, what is the mood there? He's like, well, people pretty much have lived with this for a couple of decades. So, they're not really that worried. And I think that there's multiple -- as the communication going on. Back channels, front channels. You say this. You say that. Bad cop. Good cop.

But one of the things he said today, that was interesting Jesse is, he was asked a question about -- somebody said, well, what about when Kim Jong-un says this, and President Trump who had just come from a briefing with his top advisers said, "I don't think it was he that said that." Like he is very specific. Like Kim Jong-un hasn't said anything in three days. So, until I hear him actually say it, I am not going to react. I thought that that was an interesting thing, maybe a signal to Kim Jong-un that there's an opening.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Trump takes this North Korea situation personally. He believes that Kim Jong-un has disrespected Trump, he's disrespected America, he's disrespected our allies in the region and Donald Trump, if anything, he's big into respect. I don't think he's doing anything differently than any other U.S. commander-in-chief would do to protect our allies and our territories. He's just saying it a little differently. He's using more colorful language. And you don't want to bluff the ultimate bluffer.


WATTERS: This is Trump's game. I mean, he's a real estate tycoon in Manhattan. This is what they do. This is how they price things out. This is how they evict people. This is how you negotiate contracts. I don't think that Kim knows what he's getting into. And he's doing what is very smart is saying, you are not going to not only threaten San Francisco or California. You are not going to threaten Guam. No one knows anything about Guam. But the fact that -- in America -- the fact that Guam is being protected as if it was a state and if it was our core ally in the region, draws a line so far in the sand.

LISA KENNEDY, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK HOST: -- because it's so much closer to North Korea.

WATTERS: Exactly. It's a forward-operating base and that's where we have all the B-52s. But no one in America knows where Guam is.

KENNEDY: Rich Snyder hasn't been seen all week.

GUTFELD: Are you insulting all of America? You've done too many "Watters' Worlds."

PERINO: There was a woman --

WATTERS: You go in the street and ask where Guam is. They think it's a dinner.


PERINO: Well, actually, and there's a woman at the Washington Post named Michelle, I think it's Lee and she did, all the questions you ever want us to know about Guam because she grew up there. And also, I didn't know, you call them Guamanians, in case you were wondering.

WATTERS: I think I need to do a "Watters' World" in Guam. I will be back in about a week.

PERINO: You know what? Why don't you do that --

GUTFELD: I do know people that would like you to go there. Somewhere around the time of mid-August.

WATTERS: Like half the country?

PERINO: Prearranged trip.

PERINO: Can I say one thing about diplomacy?


PERINO: I do think that there's been some successes beyond the Saturday Security Council vote that was 15 to zero. Because today, China said that it will not get involved with North Korea but basically it would stay neutral and that is something that was really a signal I think to the North Koreans. Again, I think the administration talking to all of these different players on a different path than maybe you've seen before. So I think that there's more diplomacy going on than meets the eye when you see the President make comments like that.

MO ELLEITHEE, FOX NEWS POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. And I think China stepping up in that way was significant. I hope Kim listened to what you just said. Because I think -- I also agree that the president is -- this is his game. This is how he talks. He talks big and the hopes that he can intimidate or persuade depending on your vantage point. Right? The problem is, I just don't know that Kim knows that. Right?

I don't know that Kim sees it that way. We talked about this a little bit last night. That he's the kind of guy who you come back at him with the same kind of language he uses, and it might escalate his own actions.

WATTERS: Does Kim want to find out? That's the calculation he has to make.

KENNEDY: No. And also, you know, the way the president have talked, using the exact same language, just slightly different terms, slightly softened terms, but essentially saying the same thing. President Obama did it. You know, peace-loving, hippie President Obama said that if North Korea acts, they essentially will be annihilated with our military arsenal.

PERINO: Though, an attack was not imminent. And the Intel now shows that this is all like coming to a head.

KENNEDY: And North Korea said, it's coming to a head because they've given us a time and a place and I think that the President is sort of surmising this and with more psychological strategy than we've see presidents do in the past. And I actually think the people should have a little bit more strategic patients in this country and see if that might work. Because we're also hearing today in the aftermath of this that there are diplomatic back channels and that there is some sort of a dialogue and I think that's the most interesting thing and to get back to something that you said at the beginning of the show, Greg, you're absolutely right.

That you said that this is the part of the presidential orientation that every administration despises. I would say, like North Korea, unfortunately, is part of the three failures. And that is peace in the Middle East --


KENNEDY: Some sort of a friendly relationship with Russia and disarming a nuclear North Korea.


KENNEDY: And every administration tries to do the same thing with all three in slightly different ways and so far they've all failed.

WATTERS: But you are saying Trump cannot beat North Korea, bring peace to the Middle East, and cozy up to Russia? Like Kushner is going over there next week. We have everything taken care of.

PERINO: And number three --


GUTFELD: And number four, fix health care.



KENNEDY: No, Obama actually, he messed it up so badly --

PERINO: Don't forget, balance the budget.

GUTFELD: Yes. There you go. There you go.

PERINO: Can we play for you Greg, a sound bite from Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North about sanction?

GUTFELD: I'm not sure.


LT. COL. OLIVER NORTH, FORMER U.S. MARINE CORPS: The problem with sanctions is, they take too damn long. I mean, the bottom-line of it is, this is something that needs to be shut down in days, not weeks or months and certainly not in years.


PERINO: President Trump said today at the press conference that they are considering more sanctions at a higher level.

GUTFELD: Sanctioning who?

PERINO: Well, he didn't say. I would imagine as, maybe possibly more with Kim because apparently, one of the things he likes to do to keep everybody around him happy is give them gifts, like lavish gifts, and then if you cut off his ability to do that, maybe the people in the military will start to get antsy and turn on him.

GUTFELD: Yes. I think, you know, you have to sanction and hit everybody including and I said this before -- the North Korea is bad, but so are its parents, its foster parents who neglected and deprived it and so, I think you have to hit China.


GUTFELD: You got to grow up to the banks, do all of that stuff. I think the easiest reflex is to attribute irrationality to North Korea. And we've done it too. And I said, this guy is nuts and we always make fun of this nutty, crazy character. Maybe that's true. Maybe that's not. But embracing the assumption that he's irrational writes off any of these options. It's like, none of this stuff is going to work because he is going to starve his people, he's a crazy person. But there's a rationality behind this bluffing.

KENNEDY: Yes. And also, it speaks to his control and his authoritarian control over the country where he uses propaganda and starvation and prison camps in order to keep his society in line.


KENNEDY: But it's interesting because, you know, you look at other regimes like this who had totalitarian dictators in the past, and they have sort of this hegemonic goal that they want a big land mass.


KENNEDY: Even Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Like he wants a caliphate. He wants more and more land and Kim Jong-un doesn't operate in the same way.


KENNEDY: You know, he wants unification of Korea on his terms, so South Korea becomes part of North Korea. But I think that's one of the biggest things. There are two things here that makes this time in our history with North Korea very different. And one is what you said. And then, you know, we have to put pressure on China and we realize that in a way that wasn't as evident in past administrations.

WATTERS: He does like his liquor and he like his videogames and he likes his movies.

PERINO: And Dennis Rodman.

WATTERS: So, it's more about survival for him and I think the North Korean economy is about $20 billion and sanctions' deal is about $1 billion. So it's a bite, but not a big bite. So, we'll see how it goes. I'm sure there will be another round. They're going to stop --

PERINO: You know what? We haven't really talked about and I think remaining calm is really good. But there is also a huge international event happening in just six months.


PERINO: And that's the winter Olympics that will take place in Seoul in February, Mo.

ELLEITHEE: Yes. I mean, that's -- it is going to be fascinating to see how the next couple of months play out. You know, the Olympics takes place. You get all of these athletes from around the world who come there, those that do go. Right?

WATTERS: Well, you cannot allow the North Korean teams to participate, correct?

ELLEITHEE: Well, you cannot allow North Korea to do anything that would suddenly put all of these athletes behind some sort of a, you know, scepter of danger. Yes. And that would be the bigger concern.

GUTFELD: Cancel the Olympics. And here's why. It's too much. Every two years.

WATTERS: Come on!

GUTFELD: No, just every two years. I liked it when they were both every four years because then I looked forward to it. Every two years, I get exhausted by it. It also hurts our ratings.

PERINO: The Greek will never do that.

WATTERS: That's the real reason.

PERINO: The Greeks would have waited for four years.

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes. You have to appreciate it. Like I think Christmas should be every other year, but that's just me.

PERINO: All right. We have more to come. The president had some words today for those who say, he's talking too tough on North Korea, as we've been telling you. Stay tuned for more of that. Ahead.


PERINO: Back now to President Trump's new stern warnings for North Korea. The president's been receiving pushback from some critics like former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who don't like this tough talk aimed at Kim Jong-un.


SUSAN RICE, FORMER OBAMA NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: Preemptive war, if one were actually thinking of executing that would be catastrophic. President Trump's initial threat was tied to not an attack on the United States, which of course we need to be very clear about. But Kim Jong-un making another provocative statement or threat which is almost inevitable. So, we need to be very measured, very careful, very planned in our rhetoric.


WATTERS: Mr. Trump had this to say to her and others.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If somebody else uttered the exact same words that I uttered, they would say, what a great statement, what a wonderful statement. They're only doing it. But I will tell you, we have tens of millions of people in this country that are so happy with what I'm saying because they're saying, finally, we have a president that's sticking up for our nation and, frankly, sticking up for our friends and our allies.


WATTERS: And Rush Limbaugh certainly supports that.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Now members of Congress are worried that his blunt and provocative warning to North Korea could lead to war. What does this mean? It means that wimpism has taken over the Washington establishment, that wussism and wimpism and pajama-boyism has taken over. North Korea is a zit on the butt of a pig. And there's no reason to be afraid of it. We would run around acting afraid of a zit on a pig?



WATTERS: Colorful language from Rush Limbaugh, Gutfeld. So, let's just game plan this out. If President Obama had threatened North Korea with fire and fury, I bet pajama-boy would have leapt off the couch and say, it's the greatest statement ever by an American commander-in-chief.

GUTFELD: It's possible. But first, I want to address the thousands of people on Twitter asking me about my glasses. I have pink eye. I had it last night. I have to wear glasses for seven days. Okay? You kids on Twitter. Now, stop making fun of my beautiful glasses. By the way, my wife picked them up. I think they're lovely.

PERINO: I like them.

WATTERS: They're very nice.

GUTFELD: Okay. Now to the serious stuff. I get the sense that the media fears Trump more than North Korea and they also fear Donald Trump being right. I think it bothers them that at times that like they would have to go, maybe that was a little harsh. Susan Rice wrote a piece in The New York Times in which she described Kim Jong-un's language as "colorful" but Trump's as "dangerous."


GUTFELD: So, it's an interesting thing. They have to settle down and get used to the fact that this is how he operates. And this is how he negotiates. And this is the language that he uses and relax. And Rush is right. You are talking about 25 people in a dark prison. That's North Korea. It's a very tiny --

KENNEDY: Yes, actually it's 180,000 people, they have to make the prison camps. Can I say one thing quickly about that?

WATTERS: Yes, go ahead.

KENNEDY: Susan Rice and James Clapper and John Brennan can go away. They can absolutely go away. They're no longer in power. Their opinions are no longer required. They can go away. They're not helping. How would President Obama like it if Louis Freeh and John Ashcroft were floating around, their bungee happy ideas, and slapping out diplomatic tunes on Sunday talk shows? Come on. Go away.

WATTERS: Well, address that, because the Obama people did not have a lot of success all over the world specifically with North Korea. And then for Susan Rice, who has very little credibility at this point to come out and criticize President Trump for mishandling a threat that her administration dumped in his lap is a little irresponsible.

ELLEITHEE: You know, everyone has the right to their opinion.




GUTFELD: I disagree, Mo.

ELLEITHEE: I don't think that there are a lot of people who didn't support President Obama who were clear about their opinion while he was in office. And so, she has the right to voice hers. I have mine, right? And my opinion is that this president with the way he is escalating the rhetoric, makes me a little bit nervous.


ELLEITHEE: I disagree with Rush. North Korea is a zit on a pig that has a nuclear weapon now. Right? We can talk about how --

PERINO: Or maybe 60 of them.

ELLEITHEE: Or maybe 60 of them. We can talk about how we got there, right? And I think every administration leading up to this one bears responsibility for that, Democrat and Republican, 100 percent. But escalating a war of words with a person who thrives on that, I just don't know if that's the right way. I hope there's a multifaceted strategy here. Right? I believe that some of the people that he's surrounded himself with in the National Security apparatus, people like Nikki Haley are proving themselves to be quite good, right? The way she navigated the Security Council, what we saw out of China today.

WATTERS: Uh-huh.

ELLEITHEE: All of that is very helpful. But when the President continues to escalate the rhetoric the way he did not only with North Korea, but tossing out their cavalierly today the notion of military action against Venezuela --

GUTFELD: I loved that. Can I tell you why? Sorry, Dana.

PERINO: It's okay.

GUTFELD: There are two things that are -- you hear the phrase, good cop, bad cop. In this case, you have a lot of good cops and a bad cop. You have Trump and you have Haley, Kelly, Pence, Mattis. So, he's, you know, this is a strategic way of talking. The Venezuela thing is to say to the world that we can handle North Korea with one hand and do stuff on the other. It is saying that --

WATTERS: Walk and chew gum at the same time.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's saying that North Korea is a priority, but we have other stuff to deal with. I think it's a psychological trick, it's a persuasive trick.

WATTERS: All right.

GUTFELD: To say, don't worry about it. We got it covered.

WATTERS: Closing argument, Miss Perino.

PERINO: Well, I will talk about Venezuela then because if the regime in Venezuela gets nervous and backs off hurting innocent people, that would not necessarily be a bad thing. I don't think for a second that the president is actually contemplating military action in Venezuela. But if they're worried that he would, that's fine. However, should he, and look, because I have that label, right? The neocon label, but I was criticized for that so heavily during the campaign by Trump supporters.


PERINO: When now, I'm like, oh, I'm for that. And so when you become president, things look a lot different on the inside. You get those briefings. And the reason I think that he -- we're just going to have to trust him. He's the President that we have. The concern about rhetoric, he's the one that you have. And so, he does not want nuclear war. He knows his ultimate responsibility, the most solemn obligation, is to protect the United States of America and its citizens. And he's doing that. And he will do that in his own way.

He is surrounded by really good people that have been dealing with crises their entire life. Maybe not one just quite like this and perhaps why you have this poll that says, 82 percent of Americans fear, nuclear war with North Korea. I think that is a healthy fear, as long as it doesn't get in the way of your daily life. We're going to have to trust the president. And I think that he hasn't given us any reason to not to.

WATTERS: And the president spoke to the leader of Guam today and we have some new tape for you. Let's hear that.


TRUMP: Good morning. It's great to speak to you. And I just wanted to pay my respects and we're with you 1,000 percent. You are safe. We're with you 1,000 percent. And I wanted to call you and say hello. How are you?

GOV. EDDIE BAZA CALVO, GUAM: Mr. President, as the governor of Guam representing the people of Guam and as an American citizen, I've never felt more safe or so confident with you at the helm. So, with all the criticism going on over there, from a guy that's being targeted, we need a president like you, so I'm just so thankful and I'm glad you are holding the helm, sir.


WATTERS: All right.

PERINO: They will not going to have to leak that transcript.


WATTERS: Yes, it is. All right.

PERINO: They'll show you.

WATTERS: Well, next, we delve into yet another pc controversy. We'll tell you about that drama when "The Five" returns.


KENNEDY: Sammy Hagar, not my choice.


National movement to change the names of sports team or buildings or landmark teams. Offensive to some. He's now reached a school district on my hometown or Portland, Oregon, so proud. The centennial school board this week voted to change the names of three elementary schools with the name "Lynch" in the title, the name Lynch in response to growing concern about the world's racial connotation.

PERINO: Oh, Jesus!

KENNEDY: Lynch Ville, Lynch Wood, and Lynch Meadows, were named for the Lynch family who donated the land for the schools over a century ago.

GUTFELD: Oh my God!

KENNEDY: Here's the school board chair.


SHARLENE GIARD, CENTENNIAL SCHOOL CHAIRWOMAN: We are doing what we believe is right for our children. We have children of color and other cultures and we want to make sure that they are able to cross the threshold of those pre-schools and be comfortable within their surroundings.


KENNEDY: So, Greg, do you think it's really doing the greatest service to children to not teach them to differentiate between a verb and a noun?


GUTFELD: That's -- you know, what? I don't think it should stop there. They should go after Loretta Lynch, Merrill Lynch, lynch pins, Jane Lynch. Look. Who does this satisfy? This satisfies people, outrage addicts who are looking for a cause. They're operated to the false belief that somehow these words are personally attacking them. It's fake outrage syndrome.

It makes them feel good. I believe it's an actual sickness to feel strongly about something like this. Meanwhile, Portland, they're upset about words. And what is happening in Portland right now? It's a hotbed of violence and going after people. So instead of going after the people beating up peaceful protesters, which happened last week, you are going after benign words that you seem to be confusing with a different connotation. It's sad. It's pathetic. You should be teaching kids.

KENNEDY: Absolutely and there's a high school in Portland called Benson High School. Benson was a sitcom in the '80s. I think that (INAUDIBLE) people who are sadden by his passing or Reed College. Think about the people who had been so upset about an American teenager decades ago being caned with a reed.

PERINO: That is another word that we can after.

KENNEDY: Absolutely, should spell it with a k and a c. And there's hanging rock state park in North Carolina.

PERINO: This is how countries fall. It's the beginning of the end. If you are out in Portland and you are feeling rebellious because young people are going -- like the teens of today are going to be way more conservative than their parents, go to iTunes and download everything from Dustin Lynch, country music singer. It's a rebellious act you can do, highly recommended.

GUTFELD: You leaded back the country.

WATTERS: If I was black and I went to Lynch school, maybe I would think about it, like oh, my gosh, this is little upsetting, but I would be thinking, what's for desert? What are we doing at recess? These kids are in elementary school. They're not worried about the connotations of Lin Ching in the 19th century. It's crazy. My mother is a child psychologist. She had to make up for what happened to me.


KENNEDY: Overcompensation.

WATTERS: She said one of the key to a successful child and successful adulthood is resiliency, if you can withstand drama and withstand uncomfortable things. No one wants children to be uncomfortable anymore. No one wants people to feel anything other than perfect happiness. If you feel uncomfortable or feel unsafe or a thought, a negative thought, you try to protect people from negative thinking, and that is where the term snowflake comes from. It's an overused word but I think it's apt here because people melt at the slightest bit of temperature.

KENNEDY: Yes everyone is unique and they melt quickly. Tell me you are going to defend this.

ELLEITHEE: Three points, I'm a proud liberal. I as person of color, I'm totally hyped up on racial insensitivity issues. This is ridiculous.

WATTERS: Case closed. We don't need to hear the second.


ELLEITHEE: Number two, the outrage is also a little overhyped. They changed the name of one school from Lynch View School to Patrick Lynch.

GUTFELD: The other two are -

ELLEITHEE: They just haven't renamed them yet, so whatever. But the third point I would make, respectfully to my conservative friends, for all the talk about, here we are sitting around a table in New York City talking about what a school in Portland, Oregon, should or shouldn't do, right, it's a local issue. Let them decide it. If they're getting the kind of pushback from the community it appears they're getting, then great.

KENNEDY: But it's almost like legal practice, if there are cultural precedents that we are allowed to pour over so we can examine what is going on in our lives and make appropriate remedies so we don't all fall prey to that political hysteria.

WATTERS: Dana said this is how the nation crumbles. It's the first block that we'll hear falling, Lynch. Shots fired.

KENNEDY: Jesse, be careful what you say.

WATTERS: I am sorry. Was that offensive?


KENNEDY: Coming up. Former President Obama's been living it up in retirement. What a great time he is having. There is word that he could be coming out of it pretty soon to help save his stinking party. They're in dire straight. That is next.



BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I have one question for you, New Hampshire. Are you ready to go? Fired up? Ready to go? Fired up? Ready to go? Let's go finish what we started.


ELLEITHEE: President Obama's effort to help Democrats keep the White House in November fell short, but he is apparently he is fired up and ready to go again to help save the Democratic Party. There are reports that he will re-emerge into the national political scene to help Democrats rebuild. Dana, you worked for a President at the end of his term. Is there anything wrong with the president?

PERINO: I think everybody gets to make their own choice. And what President Bush said from the beginning of his second term is, when it's over, I will not seek this life. He moved on and created the center down in Dallas and he rarely speaks out on anything political. The only time he was about to is when President Obama did not defend the CIA interrogators, but then Vice President Cheney went and did that. To I think in some ways, President Bush has just chosen a different path.

ELLEITHEE: He did go out on the trail, right, for candidates later on?

PERINO: Yes, but quietly, senate races and things like that. He was an unpopular President when he left. It's not like John McCain wanted him campaigning with him. In fact, John McCain made sure that President Bush didn't go to the last GOP Convention.


KENNEDY: It's interesting, because I think there's a difference between a past presidents and keeping his party together, which I think is wholly appropriate, especially when we're seeing civil wars in both parties, so you have the Sanders' wing which is once again gaining momentum as we see single-payer unfortunately on the horizon. So there's a lot of worry for establishment Democrats that the Sanders' wing is going to eclipse and actually cost them more elections. Because while it's popular with a vocal minority, which happens to be Millennials and younger voters, it's not necessarily something that resonates with the critical part of the country that is still economically hurting and response to populism and it is pretty centrist. So I think if President Obama comes in, you will see the Democratic Party that has time to remake itself before 2018.

ELLEITHEE: You see a map that is very difficult for my party, with a lot of defensive seats they have to take care of. You also see a former president, who is fairly popular right now. How do you see that dynamic playing out?

GUTFELD: I think it was his fault or the party's fault. The fact is he was their only star and they didn't go to the trouble to build a bench. There was no bench behind him. That is how Sanders was able to pop in because they didn't have anybody else. So the Party kind of cruised on his charisma. And now you are seeing a glaring lack of vision and new ideas. The Democratic Party sounds old and stale, because they have old and stale candidates. I would love to stop talking about President Obama, but he is there because it's all they got. We played Van Halen with Sammy Hagar singing lead. That is the problem. Barack Obama is the David Lee Roth of the Democratic Party. And he cannot be replaced because they didn't find a replacement, David Lee Roth, Van Halen the true Van Halen.

KENNEDY: Hillary Clinton is the Gary Sharone.

GUTFELD: Nicely done, beautiful.

WATTERS: Obama is the guy that steals your girlfriend and tries to give you relationship advice. What are you doing? You destroyed the Party. You lost 1,000 seats in the last couple of years. They don't have the House, the senate, the White House, the governorships, state legislator, it's been destroyed. Great analogy, cruise on his charisma. It's exactly right. It's exactly right, Gutfeld. The guy had it all. He won re-election not on his accomplishments he won reelections because people thought he was a decent man and they didn't like Mitt Romney, but policies he enacted all failed, foreign and domestic. And now they're left holding nothing. And he will come back and be a punching bag for Donald Trump. Trump will love Obama coming back, first Hillary and then Obama.

ELLEITHEE: The Democratic numbers are higher than Donald Trump, and the Republican Party, but it will not be enough because the Democratic Party still needs to articulate what it will be moving forward.

Stay right there, "Facebook Friday" is up next.


GUTFELD: One of the greatest movies ever, the first "Evil Dead 2." "Facebook Friday," one of my favorite things in the world, that was Kennedy by the way, anyway this is from Michael G. I think I will go to you first, "who was the first famous person you met in person." great question.

PERINO: Hmm. I have a great one.

KENNEDY: I have two - I mean three. Terry Porter, the Portland Trail Blazer, Dan Reed from the Dan Reed network, very popular band in Portland when I was growing up and especially in high school and then MC Hammer in a parking garage at the Marriott hotel right on Broadway when I was in high school and made a theater trip to the great white way to take in some Broadway.

GUTFELD: You have the best celebrity story of all time involving Michael Jordan.

KENNEDY: I do, playing dice on the men's room floor.

GUTFELD: Let's skip the rest of the story.

KENNEDY: Fortunately, I won the game.


ELLEITHEE: Quentin Marcellus. I went to see his jazz show when I was 18. He sang happy birthday to me.


WATTERS: I met Dr. J at a Sixer's game, Julius Erving, for those of you that don't know.

GUTFELD: Not a real doctor.

WATTERS: He gave me a checkup, Dana.


And then I got his autograph and then I lost it. I've done that.

GUTFELD: What about you?

PERINO: I grew up in Wyoming and Colorado and there are not that many celebrities, but I think I met John Elway when I was a kid. He was the quarterback for the Denver Broncos. It might not have been. Sammy winder, I remember, I think he was a wide receiver or a running back, I met him.


I would say me, because I saw my -- I met myself early. No, no. We used to go to car shows. My dad would take me to car shows. Kent McCord and Martin Milner, come on, people, "Adam 12." I got autographs of both of them.

WATTERS: No idea who that is.

GUTFELD: You were like minus 10 when "Adam 12" was on. Second question, this is a good one. A lot of TV stuff, famous stuff, I will start with you Dana, from Bill J., "what was your favorite childhood television show and who was your favorite character? "And do not say "Little House on the Prairie."

PERINO: Why? It was my favorite show.

I liked -- Laura was the older one and what was the middle one's name. Melissa Gilbert played --

GUTFELD: Wow, it was your favorite show.

PERINO: I would get dropped off from the bus at 3:40 and the show started at 4:00, but it was like a 20-minute walk, so I would run from the bus stop and it was a big hill. I would turn it on just in time because we didn't have DVR's.


WATTERS: Wyoming sounds really fun.


Sorry Dana. "Dukes of Hazard." Bo and Luke were one of my favorites and I had Uncle Jesse in there too.

Boss hog.


ELLEITHEE: "Dukes of hazard" and "A-team, Mr. T."

GUTFELD: Kennedy?

KENNEDY: Obviously "Different strokes," and I loved Gary Coleman and "Dallas," J.R. Ewing. Ewing I loved the villain. My mom would let me stay up late on Friday nights and we would watch "Dallas" together.

WATTERS: "Falcon Crest?"

PERINO: Or "Knots Landing."

GUTFELD: Mind is a tie it's (INAUDIBLE) the Riddler or the Joker in the original batman and also Don Rickles.

PERINO: And I liked "WKRP in Cincinnati."

GUTFELD: That was a great show. "What fictional character Jesse would you like to meet?" this is from TCL.


WATTERS: I will go with the hobbit.

GUTFELD: It's a fictional character. I could get in big trouble if I say mine.

KENNEDY: Frodo or Gollum?

WATTERS: Wait, wait, no. Gollum was not the hobbit.

KENNEDY: No. He had the ring and lost it.

WATTERS: But the hobbit took the ring.


WATTERS: That is the movie. I didn't see the movie. I read the books.

KENNEDY: That is a great question. I think I would like to meet Jane Eyre.

WATTERS: You are so smart.

GUTFELD: Nice. Mo?

ELLEITHEE: I'm reading Harry Potter with my daughter right now so I'm all in on Hagrid.

WATTERS: Fantastic.


PERINO: Gosh, this is tough. I would love to meet the Flintstones.


In South Dakota, there was a Flintstones park, it was life-sized. And you could drive the cars and go into the houses.

WATTERS: Yabba-dabba-doo, Dana.

GUTFELD: Do you know who I met? I met Homer Simpson. I did a show on Fox. Judith Regan had a show. And the guy sitting next to me is Dan Castoletta. When you ask people to do voices, they don't like doing it, except for him. I would say, could you be Homer Simpson and he was Homer Simpson the entire time and you had Goosebumps, because you were listening to him and looking at him. You were with Homer Simpson. It was the freakiest experience of my life, all right one more thing is up next.


PERINO: It's time for one more thing. Greg?

GUTFELD: I was texting a friend of mine about dinner. People are saying why do you wear glasses with pink eye? Because I always wear contacts and you can't wear contacts with pink eye. My show tomorrow night will be a great one. That is Nick Searcy from "Justified" and "Fugitive." that is Mike Baker. It will be a barn-burner, as they say. Metaphorically, we're not going to burn an actual barn.

PERINO: No. Mo, we were talking about that there is no bench for the Democrats, but there is hope. In Kansas, there is a very fresh face running for governor. He is 16 years old. Apparently in Kansas there are laws that -- that is Jack Ferguson and his running mate is Alexander Klein. They're 16 and 17 years old. They're Democrats. And under the rules they are allowed to run and so the national governor's association said, a-ok. Democrats ought to get behind the kids.

ELLEITHEE: Good for them. Get in the arena. Jesse?

WATTERS: Those kids will be on "Watters World" next Saturday night, but this Saturday night, we have this guy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is the hot sauce on my ribs.


She is the bacon grease in my collard greens. She is the fuse that sets off dynamite!


WATTERS: That is Jimmy Walker from "Good times." He is a big Trump supporter now. He is going to tell a lot of Trump joke also.

PERINO: Was that a clip from your interview when he is talking about Ann Coulter?



We also have professional cuddlers, who are now cuddling people who have anxiety about the Trump presidency. And they will show us how to cuddle on set.

PERINO: That is a shameless attempt for ratings. Kennedy you are next.

KENNEDY: In the new-fangled offices, it's an open floor plan. People don't have offices, so Harvard business school did a survey of 2,000 workers at a tech company who had offices in Europe and the U.S. and they found that if you move your chair closer to the high performer you will actually increase your own output.

PERINO: I believe it. And everybody wanted to sit next to me in school.

WATTERS: I want to sit next to you here. Everybody was trying to move their chairs closer during the break.

PERINO: One time somebody copied my spelling test but also copied my name. And I got in trouble. Ok, Mo?

ELLEITHEE: Retired Navy Chief Steward Andy Mill, 102 years old, right there on your screen, a hero of the battle of midway, just received an honor that is incredibly rare for living veterans. The navy just memorialized him 75 years after midway by naming a building, a barracks at Coronado after him. Chief Stewart, we all salutes you.

PERINO: Congratulations and the oldest World War II veteran tonight is in the hospital, it has pneumonia, let us all say a prayer for him and he is from West Virginia. All right set your DVR's and never miss an episode of "The Five." Have a great weekend.


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