This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 7, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Dagen McDowell, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

President Trump turning the tables on the Democrats over impeachment demanding Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff be thrown out of office over their handling of the Ukraine whistleblower. The president also set to send a letter to Congress demanding Democrats holding formal vote on the inquiry.

That's all happening while a second whistleblower has come forward claiming to have firsthand knowledge of the allegations. Here's the president moments ago.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The impeachment inquiry is a scam. The conversation that I had with the Ukrainian President Zelensky was a very good -- it was very cordial, very good conversation. The mistake they made, the opponents, the opposition, the Democrats, the radical left, deep state, whatever you want to call them, they came out with a whistleblower report before they saw the conversation.

Have they waited one day, Nancy Pelosi wouldn't have made a fool out of herself.

He defrauded the American people. He defrauded Congress. He defrauded himself and his family. He made a speech -- a horrible speech. I've said what is this -- what's going on here. I think he's having some kind of a breakdown.


PERINO: The president just a few moments ago, he was speaking in the Roosevelt room. Jesse, where are we today on impeachment in keeping track of all of the twists and turns?

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: I have. And it looks like they're trying to impeach the president in private. I mean, they're all doing this behind closed doors. They don't let Republicans subpoena. They don't let them cross-examine. They won't release the full transcript, and they won't put it to a floor vote. And now you have the whistleblower who has been found out to have lied when he filled out the whistleblower complaint.

There's a little box, did you have any contact with Congress? He didn't check that. He lied about that. And we know Adam Schiff lied. His team had contact with the whistleblower. He lied to the American people about it, and he withheld that from the committee. What are they hiding? I mean, these are the same people that investigated the Trump campaign using secret warrants, using foreign powers, and we still don't know what the bottom of that was.

So, over the weekend I did a little deep dive into the deep state --


WATTERS: -- and have some new information that I like to share. We now know that Joe Biden has lied twice about talking to his son about his business dealings. And the picture, look at the photograph with Devon Archer who was the Burisma official, he visited the Obama White House at least twice. We know now. I'd like to know what he talked about there.

Also, when the Obama-Biden people installed their handpicked investigators over -- in Ukraine after the revolution, they pressured the Ukrainians to investigate Paul Manafort. And as a matter of fact, the DNC paid one of their contractors $70,000 to work with the Ukrainian embassy to get dirt on Manafort. And who did they link that deep state dirt to? Michael Isikoff.

And that guy was the same guy who was the recipient of the Christopher Steele fake dossier. And that's how it got push into the bloodstream.

Also, interestingly enough, the Wall Street Journal has a little rundown on the Clinton Foundation. It turns out the Ukrainians gave the most top dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation over the years --

PERINO: By a lot.

WATTERS: -- $10 million. You know, there's just a lot of stuff that we're looking at here, and that is why the Democrats are so nervous about this, because Trump is finally dialing in on the corruption and the collusion of the last administration.

PERINO: You know on this chart that stuck out to me, Bosnia with $1 million. I mean, what was that for?

WATTERS: A lot of money from Bosnia.

PERINO: Listen, Juan, if you would, to an MSNBC guest. She has this whole idea of how to impeach, and the nod, and Pelosi becomes president, or something like that. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You could impeach Pence first. The problem is that Donald Trump then has to name his replacement. But I think that maybe a deal could be struck where he was told if you don't make a replacement then Nancy Pelosi does become president. And so, you are going to be impeached and convicted. You need to make this replacement so that the proper party remains in power.


PERINO: Juan, do you think that's a serious consideration or is that just filler for the cable program?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I think the latter is true.


WILLIAMS: I think that's all fantasy. I mean, obviously, it is the case that the Speaker of the House is the third in line to be president. So that if you impeach both the president and vice-president, then Nancy -- but that's all, you know, silliness, I think --

GUTFELD: Juan, her name is Wine-Banks. Do you think she hit one?

WILLIAMS: I knew you would pick --


PERINO: I'd like to have an account there.

WILLIAMS: Wine-Banks. So, but -- you know, the thing is that, in fact, Vice President Pence and his aides are now being subpoenaed. It's very much in this impeachment inquiry a target. And I think what's -- you know, so another fantasy, Dana, is this -- President Trump saying somehow Schiff and Pelosi should be impeached.

Now, Jill Wine-Banks is on TV filling time, but he's the President of the United States saying something that's just not possible. You can't impeach the Speaker. You can't impeach a member of the House. That's just not the way our political system works.

What's real is that there's a second whistleblower, apparently, with some firsthand knowledge of what took place. What's real is that Trump is throwing his energy secretary, Rick Perry, under the bus saying, oh, Rick Perry told me to make this call. Just unbelievable. What real is there was no administration official on any of the Sunday shows. Apparently, not willing to go out there --

PERINO: But sometimes you take -- sometimes you give the Sunday shows a break. Just having --


WILLIAMS: I think they're in the middle of trying to fight this. And if they have people -- and the other thing that's very real is you have people like Andy Carr, George W. Bush's chief of staff saying, yeah, let's have an inquiry. He doesn't know about impeachment -- let's have an inquiry.

You have people like Colin Powell saying that Republicans need to get a grip that, you know, you can't just let this stuff slide.

PERINO: Can I play this for Dagen? There's somebody else who thinks Republicans need to get a grip or a spine. Here's Maxine Waters on Republican senators and what she thinks about them.


REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): I am disgusted with those spineless members of the Senate who don't have the guts to stand up for this country. Many of them have defined themselves as patriotic. They're not patriotic. They are spineless. And they're not willing to step up.


PERINO: Dagen, this is becoming a drum beat from the left against the right.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, CO-HOST: Here's my quaky idea. This is why you don't put people from the administration on the Sunday talk shows because these voices are louder, and they sound -- well, out somewhere in space.

It's just off the charts crazy-town. I want to point out, let me quote the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland because this is what it's starting to feel like. No, no, sentence first, verdict afterward. Stuff and nonsense said to Alice. The idea of having the sentence first, that's where we are with these Democrats.

Impeachment and the removal of a duly elected president by fiat, by decree with the two hearings so far that the Democrats have had were -- not just - - but in a skiff. So in a -- basically, a secured facility. This is why people -- the more you highlight this craziness and the more that you try to sound reasonable and sound, that's where the Republicans will win --

PERINO: But there was, Greg, a former Obama official, Mr. Brennan, who was out talking about all of this as well. Do we have Mr. Brennan for Greg to react to?


JOHN BRENNAN, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: We look at it as a very corrupt government that is under the sway right now of this powerful individual who has been able to just corrupt the institutions and the laws of that country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What would you say about the stability, the democracy?

BRENNAN: I think it's no longer, you know, a democracy if an autocrat is - - has it in his hands.


PERINO: No longer a democracy.


PERINO: What's the world going on?

GUTFELD: Is still interviewing John Brennan after 3 years of humiliating himself and being wrong on just about everything. Look, the media remind me of that guy that keep -- trying to keep plates in the air at the carnival. You know he's doing this on the boardwalk, the beach boardwalk.

They're breaking their backs on this story. They're like -- and the reason is because for the past, like, 8 years before Trump, they were like an abstinent priest and now they're in the red light district under Trump and they're humping the lamp posts. They can't get enough.

I am so sick of the phrase whistleblower because they're really aren't whistleblowers. As my friend Walter said, Brennan's the whistleblower.

They're the whistle answerers. They're all coming -- they're coming to help support this kind -- I would call it like a legal slow rolling coup, because they're aren't really whistleblowers because they're not going against the establishment. The establishment is supporting them. They aren't taking really any risks. They're getting pats on the back.

So this idea that somehow these are legitimate whistleblower. No, it's just a lineup of people they have to see which one works. And you know the story is waning and that it's actually getting fun kind of, because now the media is no longer covering impeachment. They're covering Dems continue to apply pressure on impeachment. That's now far remove they are from this story now. It's like saying I'm applying pressure, you know, to keep a horse in my apartment. It's not gonna happen.

PERINO: Their wives are not gonna go for that.

GUTFELD: No, they're not. They're already got -- they got buyer remorse.

They're still on that carousel playground where they keep the story going around and around. Do you ever notice they keep interviewing the same guests? They keep interviewing the same guests who keep saying the same thing. Keeps going around and around. Every week they keep saying the same old crap, but the media is pushing it. They're asking you to jump on.

But they're the ones propelling the story.

WATTERS: And the fact that we have a second whistleblower kind of remind me of the second Kavanaugh accuser.


WATTERS: Remember when it didn't work the first time, then you just pile it on, and on, and on.

GUTFELD: I think I'm going to be a whistleblower. I'm going to be a whistleblower.


GUTFELD: Yeah --

PERINO: Go into hiding?

GUTFELD: Yeah, I'm going to go into hiding.

PERINO: It's perfect for you.

GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly.


PERINO: You never have to leave your apartment, and you could have a horse there. Maybe that would work.

GUTFELD: One of those tiny little ponies.

PERINO: Well, that would be the horse for you.


WILLIAMS: You know where you should go?


WILLIAMS: The Wine-Bank.


GUTFELD: Bringing it around.

PERINO: Full circle. Coming up, newly surfaced video shows Elizabeth Warren caught in another contradiction.


WATTERS: Elizabeth Warren caught in another massive lie. First, she fib to the world that she was a Cherokee Indian, and then had to take a DNA test which completely backfired, showing she had essentially no native- American ancestry. Now a newly surfaced video contradicts her campaign tale story about why she got fired from a teaching job. Here's what she's been saying.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): My first teaching position was as a special needs teacher. By the end of the first school year I was quite visibly pregnant.

And the principal did what principals did in those days.

Wished me luck and hired someone else for the job.


WATTERS: But, Liz Warren told a much different story back in 2007.


WARREN: I, actually, didn't have the education courses, so I was on an emergency certificate, it was called. And I went back to graduate school and took a couple of courses in education and said I don't think this is going to work out for me. I had a baby and stayed home for a couple of years. And I was really casting about. Thinking what am I going to do?


WATTERS: Do we believe here, Dana Perino?

PERINO: Well, she'll probably have to answer which was right. Was she telling the truth in 2007, which sounds reasonable, and a lot of women that -- as soon as they have children, like, oh, gosh, what should I do? A lot of women go through that, so I think that's quite relatable. It's proven that The Federalist, I think -- or Free Beacon I think just has a piece out showing that the actual school records show that's not what happened there.

So, I think that -- anybody who thinks that the stories of her contradicting herself in her past are over and behind her, such as the fact that -- is indisputable that a period of her adult life she referred to herself as a native-American. She's talked about that. She's admitted -- she even took a test about it and she apologized for it.

And I think that there will be several other Democrats that are -- will be willing to take her on. I don't know that this video surfaced out of the blue, like somebody, definitely, put it out there. But nobody has done it on the record yet. Like, there's no other Democrat been willing to sort of take it straight to her. And --

WATTERS: I'm just going to blame Biden. You know --

PERINO: You can blame Biden.

WATTERS: -- no inside information --


PERINO: You know who else I thought of?


PERINO: Mayor Pete.


PERINO: Because he wants to be a younger alternative. You have her at 70, Biden at 76, Bernie Sanders at 77, and I think that Mayor Pete will try to make a case that the Democrats need a younger candidate in order to try to beat President Trump.

WATTERS: Oh, sneaky Pete. Greg, what do you think about this latest lie?

GUTFELD: Look, at least she didn't say she was fired for carrying a papoose.

WATTERS: What is that?


GUTFELD: You know, here's the thing, everybody in politics lies, and the reason why they lie is they're constantly having to tell stories to keep themselves interesting to the press. So they're constantly adjusting.

Making themselves slightly more heroic, less reticent. I mean, think about Joe Biden and corn pop, like that story has probably more of 800 times to - - now he's like in a knife fight, West Side Story, against, you know, a gang of corn pops. An entire bowl of them.

So she -- you change, you conflate, you exaggerate, you lie to make yourself both, in her case, the victor and the victim. But I do think she's so blatantly phony, that's the problem. But there's a testament to this grim bunch is how so many famous Democrats like the Michael Moore's of the world, and the Bill Marr's are asking for somebody to come in, whether it Oprah, a while ago, Michelle Obama, Hillary, you know, floating around the edges.

It's like you're watching the Bachelorette, you know, looking at her allotment of bachelors and then hooking up with the cameraman.


WATTERS: That actually did happen in one of the episode.

GUTFELD: Exactly why I brought it up.

WATTERS: You know, Greg mentioned the horse race here on some of the betting. Hillary Clinton is now number 3 in most likely to secure the nomination. It just shows how bad things are for the Democrats.

MCDOWELL: Yeah, those are Republicans putting money down --


MCDOWELL: -- bets hopping that she's gonna come it. But I don't understand Elizabeth Warren who has to concoct disadvantages in order to be -- used the word relatable or even likeable. There's a quote, and this is -- Elizabeth Warren said that she would be probably still be teaching today when she was telling that story. Nobody believes that. She has the ego and the brains and the gumption that you know she had her eyes on something much greater for herself. A bigger career, a bigger place on the national stage, and I think that's been pretty clear on that -- she's getting caught in another lie. I can't wait until somebody talks to her, ask her about being a Republican until she was 1996, because, again, that's the biggest stain on your character if you're a left-wing liberal these days.

WATTERS: All right, Juan, when President Trump sees this latest flip flop, what do you think he's going to do with it?

WILLIAMS: There's no flip flop here. I think --


WILLIAMS: -- Greg's right. I mean, look, politicians tell stories and they tell them time and again. And sometimes they emphasize one point or another. I think this is all small ball. This is a distraction. You guys think it's Democrats putting it out. I think it's Donald Trump's campaign putting it out. Why do I think that? Because I think they see Warren as increasingly likely to win the Democratic nomination, and therefore they think, oh, my gosh, we were playing around with her before, now we need to get serious. We really need to discredit her, and make her out to be a bad person --

PERINO: Maybe China did it.


WILLIAMS: And, you know, to me --

GUTFELD: China Philipps.

WILLIAMS: To me, right now, the real news here is you look at the Fox poll, the Fox Poll has Biden beating Trump by 9, Warren beating Trump by 4, Sanders beating Trump by 5, 42 percent of Americans saying impeach and remove Donald trump --



WATTERS: Only in Juan's world is Trump afraid of everybody running for president.

WILLIAMS: He is --


WILLIAMS: Why do you think he's going after Biden?

WATTERS: He's terrified.


He loves Biden.

WATTERS: You know what happens? Biden's toast. Biden's toast now.

WILLIAMS: You know what we should do? Send Rudy over there. Hey, get Bill Barr, send him to Italy. He'll investigate other ridiculous things about Hillary. This is just so unbelievable.

WATTERS: Spy gate wasn't ridiculous, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Very ridiculous.

MCDOWELL: Real quick, Elizabeth Warren was marketed by the Harvard law school as their first woman of color. This is a candidate who does not resonate with black voters. That's gonna hurt her, and it's gonna hurt the party.

WATTERS: All right. Well, media hysteria links the Joker movie to mass murder, a real life killing spree plays out over the weekend which has terrified Greg, and he has the details ahead.


GUTFELD: Once again the media accidentally presents a stark contrast between their phony storytelling and real life that's going on around you.

This weekend the press published stories about the premier of the film the Joker, linking it to white rage. It was as if they've already had these pieces written beforehand by the same CNN intern. While they hallucinated grim narratives, one played out for real on the streets of New York. A madman murdered 4 homeless men just blocks from the mayor's office.

Presumably, the madman haven't seen the Joker. He was young derange transient with 14 priors. This crime was a result of a bureaucracy that washes its hands in both the homeless and the criminal insane, allowing tragedy to follow both.

I haven't seen the film, but I know the plot. The Joker suffers from mental illness, but due to budget cuts the government slashes his treatment. That seems a more relevant plot point than race. And it underscores Saturday night mayhem. In America cities, government idea of treatment is the streets. The Saturday night massacre won't leave the news because the homeless aren't the prettiest victims. And the perp isn't the ideal mustache twirling villain.

But it's not a movie it's today's world run by those who prefer to punish offensive words rather than prevent demonic deeds. So the most desperate are left to suffer until they turn on themselves. It's no story from D.C. Comics, but the other D.C, a reality born from an abdicating of responsibilities by a hopeless bureaucracy, which is maybe why the mayor and the media prefer the comic book.

You know, Dana, there was a new article on the L.A. Times, did actually a good job, reporting that 76 percent of the homeless -- I guess, in L.A. County, 76 percent are afflicted by any -- certain kind of mental illness, and they believe that it's probably under-reported because it was a written survey.

PERINO: I would imagine it is under-reported.

GUTFELD: Yeah. And so these people have no place to go. This guy was kicked out of his house because he was disturbed.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Living in like a hovel in the Bronx.

PERINO: And also, he had a history of unprovoked violence.

GUTFELD: Yeah, he bit a guy in Midtown in the chest.

PERINO: And then the mayor tweets this flies in the face of the values of our city.


PERINO: We are keeping the victims and their loved ones in our hearts today.

GUTFELD: How irrelevant is that?

PERINO: Maybe true, but --

GUTFELD: I think values don't apply to a deranged man. He needed to be institutionalized.

PERINO: And that is -- I mean, we have done the show for 8 years?


PERINO: We've been talking about this -- like, these families that are like -- so the mom and dad of this -- of the killer, they were trying to do something. They couldn't actually get him the help that he needed. And then, they finally -- what are you supposed to do? They had to kick him out.

GUTFELD: Yeah, and then what happens, Jesse?

WATTERS: Yeah. I was almost violently attacked by a homeless man when I was in 8th grade in Philadelphia. I went into China Town to buy some throwing stars and there was this crazy homeless guy on the corner yelling all sort of ridiculous obscene things, and then I got distracted because I saw another homeless guy pulling some 2 by 4 out of an alleyway. And the next time I know, I turned around like this and the guy was on the corner yelling stuff before went like that and went to punch me in the face, but I had such great reflexes at that age, I dodged it like that and escaped, and I was fine. But most homeless are not violent people. But there are some out there that can be violent and you have to keep your head on a swivel.


GUTFELD: I just love your example of violence begins with you buying throwing stars.

WATTERS: Perfectly legal. Perfectly legal.

GUTFELD: But at least you're not violent?

WATTERS: No, I'm not. No, that was just to throw against wood. I wasn't going to throw it against an enemy. But my point is, what you said about the media and the Joker story before. I'm confused because whenever there's a mass shooting in this country, the media will say that Hollywood violence and video games are not responsible. You can't draw that link, remember? It's the NRA's fault.

Then, they predict that people will be influenced by a violent Hollywood movie and start shooting people. So, which one is it? They really don't know.

GUTFELD: You know Juan, I was talking to Dr. Drew earlier, and he said one of the problems was that they got rid of Medicaid to cover institutionalized care. And he says, if the Feds consider this reinstating it that could be the game changer. If Medicaid would cover institutionalization, that would be a big solution for this.

WILLIAMS: Without a doubt. I mean I feel like I've been saying all along, I think a lot of what we see on the streets in terms of the homeless population are people with mental illness, people with drug abuse problems, people who their families can't help because the institutionalization, the cost of treatment. So, I think he's right.

I would be glad to see it and I'm glad to see you know - to my mind, those are very vulnerable people. I think that at times they can be threatening, and they can certainly make me feel uncomfortable. I don't want to deal with the feeling like oh, my God, why is this person laying in the street you know, should I give them money, shouldn't I give them money? Is this person as Jesse said going to attack me?

But that's me. But I mean for a second, let's get away from me and talk about them. That's a sad way to live your life. What a loss of life, right. So, I just think it's really sad for us. And I hope that we can start to have some serious conversations like that one about real steps that we as an American, as a country or as a county, a city, whatever it can take to deal with this problem.

GUTFELD: Dagen, I'm going to try and pronounce a difficult word, I learned today from Dr. Drew, anosognosia, which is that when a person rejects the diagnosis of mental illness and so we make the mistake, bureaucrats and social workers make the mistake of treating that as a conscious decision. So, they're not going to put you away if you say you're fine hence you have schizophrenics on the streets doing terrible things.

MCDOWELL: And there are ways to make sure that people do get treatment. There's Kendra's Law. This is in the state of New York preventing the serious mentally ill from becoming violent. It lets judges put the serious mentally ill with histories of going off treatment into mandatory care.

You have had a reduction of the number of beds for the mentally ill in hospitals and other facilities because of Governor Cuomo and his ilk. The New York Post has written about this extensively, but the people in the mental health industry act like talking about the homeless being mentally ill or drug and alcohol addicted is somehow harmful. No, it's harmful to ignore it. It's harmful to keep talking about throwing more money at a problem when money doesn't work.

The Thrive New York City initiative by the mayor's wife, $850 million and mental health in this city is worse. And also, homelessness, doubling homeless spending to nearly $3 billion. The city's homeless population is still over 60,000 people.

PERINO: Then you wonder then to Dr. Drew's point, if the money that was spent on the homeless activity that didn't work or the $850 billion that didn't work, I don't know how much the Medicaid piece would be, but interesting to see--

GUTFELD: Yes, that's incredible.

PERINO: Because there is a cost benefit analysis to be done.

WILLIAMS: By the way, isn't it the case though that going back to the movie for just a second that there was a shooting like in Colorado, that was a Batman movie?

WATTERS: Aurora.

GUTFELD: Yes, it had nothing to do with the Joker.

WILLIAMS: No, but I'm saying, the guy came in dressed up right.

GUTFELD: Not as a joker.

WILLIAMS: Oh! Dressed up as some other character.

GUTFELD: No, no. Just dyed his hair. There is a myth that he was dressed up as the Joker and that's kind of what fueled a lot of this stuff, I believe.

MCDOWELL: Because the media is lazy, and these narratives work for them because they draw eyeballs rather than having the tough conversation--

WATTERS: We're not lazy, Dagen. We're the hardest working people in the media.

GUTFELD: All right.

MCDOWELL: On that hair.

GUTFELD: 14 priors, they knew who this guy was. Up next, the NBA under fire for caving to China over tweets.


WILLIAMS: The NBA facing backlash from all sides after capitulating to China. Here's how it went down.

The Houston Rockets General Manager tweeted out his support for pro- democracy protesters in Hong Kong. He quickly deleted the tweet, but not before infuriating the mainland Chinese communist regime. Several Chinese businesses reacted by suspending deals with the team.

The Rockets and the NBA responded by quickly apologizing. The move though didn't sit well with politicians in the USA. Both parties now blasting the NBA over the situation.

Jesse, Daryl Morey, who is the Houston Rockets General Manager put this out, stand with Hong Kong. That's what he said. Immediately, the Chinese consulate in Houston said, they wanted steps taken to eliminate any adverse impact, apparently calling for him to be fired or disciplined. Now we know he has not been fired, not disciplined, but the NBA apologized.

WATTERS: I'm not surprised the NBA is not the United Nations. Let's be honest. This is a sports league. This is not you know a human rights advocacy group. Come on, please. And this is all about money obviously and they're no different than any other American company, except I actually have less expectation from the NBA than I have for a company like Google, who rewires their entire search engine for the Chinese communists just so they can make a billion dollars more and have the Chinese spread their propaganda throughout the world.

Why are we all coming down so hard on the NBA? Of course, yes, we should stand with the freedom fighters in Hong Kong. Of course, do these NBA players know that or are they thinking about the Hong Kong freedom rights issues. No, I mean it's a huge market over there for them, for their merchandise, for their broadcasting rights.

The Chinese love Houston Rockets because of Yao Ming. He was their biggest player ever internationally on the world stage. They don't want to do anything to jeopardize that. I understand. But I mean they're just caught in the middle of now like a political debate, which they don't even really belong in.

WILLIAMS: Well, I just wonder if it's a matter of hypocrisy Dagen, because the NBA always positions itself as so attuned to social justice issues and issues in this country. And now here they are saying, oh, well gee, when it comes to this authoritarian regime in China, you know we're - it's not our business especially since the commissioner is going over. We're having pre- season games over there.

Billions of people - I think more people watch the NBA finals last year from that market than in the U.S. market.

MCDOWELL: Pulled out of Charlotte because of the transgender bathroom ban and North Carolina didn't have the All-Star game there. Remember this moment, because Juan was talking and I'm going, yes. So right.

Again, NBA could learn something from Trump, from the President and all the companies that for access to China paid a very high price, having their technology stolen, demanding that their intellectual property and technology were surrendered to the communist government. You're spot on.

The NBA, the champion of social justice here has rolled over and said, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, communist government, please let us do business in your country where you have a million Muslim workers (ph) in concentration camps, where you control the speech and the Internet, use artificial intelligence and facial recognition to track your own people. It is an Orwellian nightmare that the NBA wants to desperately be part of. And it's disgusting. It's not profits over patriotism.

The American.

WATTERS: They should tell the NBA; they don't have transgender bathrooms in Beijing. Maybe they'll change their position.

WILLIAMS: That's pretty good. Maybe they have stars though. Greg, so that's I mean at one level you say, yes, this is putting American companies, NBA, Google, all these people in an awkward situation, because they all want access to that big market. But then President Trump, I think just a few days ago, he got in trouble with other Republicans because he was congratulating the Chinese on their 70th anniversary.

GUTFELD: He is first and foremost the salesman, which means he always comes out with his hand and then he's going to yell at you the next day, which is what he's been doing to China. So, the media just focuses on that first part. They forget about the second part in which he's engaging in a trade war.

How stupid though is the NBA, they could have just led the tweet slide. In this media cycle, would anybody have noticed, no one would have noticed because the next day, their overreaction guaranteed a media response that carries the message much further for and on behalf of Hong Kong.

Right. The problem is, I agree with Jesse that you know the NBA is not a democracy. It's a business. But at the same time this is a company that went off on transgender bathrooms because that was the virtue signal that they felt safe with. But this was going to - the bathrooms wasn't going to cost them a dime. But this was so those greedy jerks decided to acquiesce to a dictatorship but feel really good about the bathrooms.

WILLIAMS: Well, Dana - I'm sorry. Yes, Dana, I want to read you something.


WILLIAMS: This is an official apology from the people, Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Obviously, they had an episode of South Park recently banned because they went after the Chinese censors. Here it goes, "like the NBA, we welcome the Chinese censors into our homes and into our hearts. We too love money more than freedom and democracy. Z doesn't look just like Winnie the Pooh at all. No, tune into our 300th episode this Wednesday at 10. Long live the great Communist Party of China. May this autumn sorghum harvest be bountiful. We good now, China?"

GUTFELD: They banned the whole series.

PERINO: Yes, they banned the whole series, not just this one particular show and I think that South Park continually has the sharpest political commentary and comedy and--



PERINO: You call yourself a comedian.

GUTFELD: Last time you're on our show.

PERINO: You don't call yourself a comedian.

GUTFELD: Run Friday.

WILLIAMS: Imagine how she feels.

PERINO: I sat here for seven minutes, like not able to say anything.

WILLIAMS: She's not going to play in the NBA.

PERINO: I have the best point.

GUTFELD: I know you.

WILLIAMS: Go ahead, make your best point.

PERINO: That's OK. I'm good.

WILLIAMS: Don't do that to us.

PERINO: OK. Now, I'm going to sound that great. OK. That's what I was going to say that our best export is actually our founding ideals and political satire is something that has made this country able to deal with the fact that we are frustrated with our government at times. The fact that we are allowed to have self-expression is something that we should try to promote all around the world and sports diplomacy is one of the best possible ways to do that.

We should want the Chinese to expose to all of this and we should - they should have told them, put a sock in it, Chinese embassy in Houston, don't worry about it. We're good here. Don't give us any problems.

The people of China are now, especially the middle class overeducated. They are underemployed and they are desperate for a way to figure out a way to express themselves. And we should help them do that, not try to basically use our companies to kowtow to them. I don't want any of that.

WILLIAMS: Even for the money?



WATTERS: Second best export, soybeans. Chinese buying a lot of those too.

WILLIAMS: All right. Coming up, you better think twice the next time you want to skip jury duty. I'm telling you folks, because we've got a story for you about how skipping jury duty could land you, you, behind bars on THE FIVE. Coming up.


MCDOWELL: The next story is wild. A man in Florida was supposed to be serving on a jury but ended up in jail. It's all because he overslept and never showed up. The guy was additionally sentenced to 10 days behind bars and given 150 hours of community service.

After facing backlash, the judge did reduce the sentence saying, but the guy had already served the time in jail. Greg, you're shaking your head.

GUTFELD: They didn't punish him enough. It's Florida. Don't you have the death penalty. That would really send a message to the world. Boo. No, you know what, this judge is lucky that this guy in time served didn't kill himself, because if this guy had no experience in the prison world and was just put there for something - this is absolutely absurd. But was put in jail and had a panic attack or killed himself, the judge wouldn't look so clever and cool. It's almost like he did this to get on TV.

MCDOWELL: The young man was 21 living with his elderly grandparents.

PERINO: Right.

MCDOWELL: And overslept and instead of calling somebody, he should have went to his afternoon job.

PERINO: Right. So, I think that the judge wanted to have a teachable moment, scare the kid straight. But went a little bit too far. I think that he could have said, I could put you in jail for 10 days, I could do this. But now what I worry about for him is like I think skipping jury duty. That's a bad thing. You have to be responsible. But if it's - if this is on his permanent record and hurts him in the future of getting a job like that is not good.

GUTFELD: He's already screwed then.

PERINO: Right.


WATTERS: Yes, he should have gotten the Jussie Smollett lawyer deal, the deferred prosecution. That's the way I would have gone about it. I'm going to not name this person, but someone on our staff said that the way to get out of jury duty is when you get the summons where you just tear it up, because they can't prove that you received the jury duty summons unless they physically hand it to you like if they serve you. So, just tear the whole thing up.

I'm not saying, I would do this. I'm saying I was told by someone on the staff. That's the way they do it.

GUTFELD: You can use your throwing - to tear it up.

WILLIAMS: Throw it at the judge. All right.

WATTERS: Or wear a MAGA hat when they call you. That'll get you out.

MCDOWELL: Don't call us when they throw you in the clink. Ignorance is no excuse.

WATTERS: It's not my first call, by the way.

GUTFELD: But is that true?


GUTFELD: What you said true?

WILLIAMS: That's not true. Listen, because believe me they will go get you.


WILLIAMS: But here's just for the audience sake. You should know this guy was called the jury duty, responded to jury duty, was assigned to a jury. And they were going to start this thing because of an auto accident trial and that's when he didn't show up.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: So, it's not that he was--

PERINO: You've got to be responsible.

WILLIAMS: Yes, he was not reneging on his civic duty of performing jury duty. But the thing is the judge way overreacted and I just got to wonder if it has anything to do the fact that he was a young black guy, you know because I mean Chelsea--

GUTFELD: Always race.

WILLIAMS: Chelsea Handler tweeted; he's spending the same amount of time in jail that the parents who committed the college bribery scandal are spending. Why? Because he's black.

GUTFELD: Everything ends with that.

MCDOWELL: I've got to cut you off before you quote, Chelsea Handler again. I didn't want to say that the judge dismissed - rescinded his contempt filing, vacated the probation.


GUTFELD: Happy ending.

MCDOWELL: Happy ending. One More Thing, next.


PERINO: It's time for One More Thing. I'll go first. There is a pizza place that mixed up that resulted in a Canadian fire hall paying it forward to first responders in San Antonio, Texas. So, this Canadian fire service had hosted a talk at his fire hall last week and they wanted to buy their dinner guests and they looked up a local pizzeria on Google, they called it and they wanted Alimo's, but they got some Alamos and they've got a call saying, OK, it's time to pick up your 18 pies, but it turns out those pies were in Texas.

So, the Canadians are really good about it and they said you know what, we'll pay for the $300 in pizza. And they sent him to a local firehouse and shelter down there in Texas. That's a nice little mistake gone right.


PERINO: Jesse.

WATTERS: Lot of mistakes up there in Canada. With the Prime Minister. All right. Happy birthday, Sophie and Ellie. You guys turn eight years old today. We had a great birthday weekend. And there we are at RPM Raceway in Farmingdale, Long Island, where we did some go karting with the girls. Unbelievable. I actually took part in it and didn't injure myself.

PERINO: Mom text.

WATTERS: There they are, racing away. There's mom and dad celebrating the big birthday. You go pretty fast in those - you have to wear a helmet. RPM Speedway in Long Island. So, Happy birthday, girls.

PERINO: Happy birthday. Juan?

WILLIAMS: A few weeks ago, I showed you a video of a man who was just steps away from getting hit by lightning. Well, not everyone is so lucky. Take a look at this video. Yes. Alex Coreas was walking his dogs in Spring, Texas, as you can see lightning hit his feet. It literally knocked off his shoes and socks, his clothes caught on fire.

Two people incredibly, two people from a nearby veterinary clinic ran out to help him. Those good Samaritans found him not breathing, so they performed CPR until he could feel a pulse. As he regained consciousness, they told him I find this kind of funny, they said, it's OK, it's OK Alex, you've got hit by lightning. Coreas is in the hospital. He's in pain but recovering. We wish him well.

And by the way after the accident, Dana is going to want to know this, the police went and retrieved his dogs from a nearby wooded area. The lightning strike did leave a gaping hole in the concrete.

PERINO: My goodness. Gosh, I'm glad he's OK. All right, Greg.

GUTFELD: Are you really?


GUTFELD: One More Thing, oh, Animals Are Great. All right. I love this dog, because he knows how to find his own fun. Check him out, he climbs up the hill and he roll back down. Slides back down the hill. Loves every minute of it, check that out. That's me on a Saturday night. Then you know what, when he's done, which just takes a while. Look at him go. He's still going, gets up. You know what, he knows how to have fun, comes back up to do it all over again.

You don't need to have friends, Dana to have fun. You could be all by yourself with on a hill.

PERINO: You've learned this.

GUTFELD: I've learned this personal experience and I'm done.

WATTERS: Dog sledding.

GUTFELD: Dog sledding.

PERINO: Dagen, your turn.

MCDOWELL: So, when animals aren't so great. If you're getting your haircut on Long Island, take a look at this.


MCDOWELL: Wait for it. There you go. Exit.

GUTFELD: What did he steal?

MCDOWELL: There was - by the way, there was a woman hospitalized with injuries to her head.

PERINO: That's scary. All right. Wow. What a way to start the week. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next.

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