
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 21, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Kimberly, Juan, Dana and Greg. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

President Trump just wrapping up a meeting with FBI Director Chris Wray, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and director of national intelligence Dan Coats at the White House. This comes as the president is demanding answers over a series of reports that an FBI informant was in contact with associates of his campaign. Trump tweeting that the DOJ needs to investigate if his campaign was, quote, infiltrated or surveilled and if the Obama administration was involved. The DOJ is responding by asking its inspector general to look at these allegations. Vice President Mike Pence is reacting to the latest development in a sit down with Martha MacCallum.


VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: The president, I think, is grateful that the Department of Justice is going to have the inspector general look into it and determine and ensure that there was no surveillance done for political purposes against our campaign. I think it would be very troubling to millions of Americans if that took place.


WATTERS: House committee chairman Devin Nunes is saying if this is true, it is a major scandal.


REP. DEVIN NUNES, R-CALIF.: If they ran a spy ring or informant ring and they were paying people within the Trump campaign, if any of that is true, that is an absolute redline. You can do this to political campaigns. I mean, this was done -- according to them this was done in the spring. I mean, before the counterintelligence investigation was even opened. If that's true, we need to know about it.


WATTERS: Meanwhile, former DOJ official Sally Yates is losing it over President Trump's request.


SALLY YATES, FORMER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL: I think what we're seeing here is the president has just taken his all-out assault on the rule of law to a new level. And this time he is ordering up an investigation of the investigators who are examining his own campaign. You know, that's really shocking.


WATTERS: All right. So you'd expect people from the Obama administration to say things like that, former CIA Director John Brennan also lashed out on twitter. But, if this information is correct, Kimberly, how devastating would it be for our intelligence agencies?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: You know it's quite disconcerting isn't it when you think about that. If there's actually an active spy operation within a campaign, you would hope that if they thought that there was something that was at risk, you know, with respect to Russian intelligence, that they would in fact go to candidate Trump at the time or some official within the campaign and say listen we have some information and believe that perhaps your campaign could have an issue and someone could try to get involved or tried to get intelligence from you, et cetera. But that didn't happen. So, it's sort of just really belies the truth and accuracy of it, and then you saw the New York Times sort of preempt, put this out there in advance of the I.G. report, which is expected to be quite damning, right? So they put this out, they say, well, this is why we were doing -- we're looking out for you, we're looking to protect you, but it just doesn't ring true. That it because it just seems why wouldn't you be transparent and tell them instead of sort of trying to catch or entrap or do something like that? The FBI's job is not to spy on, you know, campaigns or play somebody within an organization like that. It's just simply completely out-of-bounds.

WATTERS: Right, Comey said he was suspicious in the spring of 2016, decided not to inform the campaign in the spring that the Russians might be up to something. And then they looked at Papadopoulos I think in July or August, Greg, and they didn't even interview him until January. They waited six months. Why not? If Papadopoulos had heard something, why not just ask him straight up, what's going on?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, first, the more that they keep trying to find collusion, the more they find Democrats. And this scandal, or this pseudo-scandal, whatever it turns out to be, is actually easier to explain to the American public that all of the other collusion stuff. They sent an informant in to trap Trump. IT's easier to explain. I love the media explanation for this. We only sent this informant in there to protect Donald Trump. We were spying on you as a favor. That's like saying I'm stalking you as a favor. I stole your car so no one else would steal your car. It's actually the plot of National Treasure, when Nicolas Cage stole the Declaration of Independence, so Bean -- what's his name -- Sean Bean's gang wouldn't take it. I get that as a movie. But here it's a bit absurd. So why did this happen? Why did Brennan, if it was Brennan, why did they do this set up, why did they set the trap? I believe that they thought they were doing God's work, that they were energized by the frantic alarmist media about Trump, of which, I include myself in it because I was every bit as like worried about Trump as anybody during the campaign. So I have to say that I'm part of that alarmist media. I think if you watch the news, and you're part of the news, and you're part of the government, you convince yourself that if Trump became president the country was in peril, and therefore doing something like this, which was illegal, is actually patriotic.

WATTERS: Well, that's what Strzok himself texted. He said we need to save the country from a Trump.

GUTFELD: But now they're wrong. I admit I was wrong. So they have to admit they're wrong. They might have to go to jail.

WATTERS: Yeah, you're making more money than usual, so thank you, Donald Trump and the prep economy.



WATTERS: Now that the president has asked the DOJ to do this, flipping the script essentially, what will this do to the Mueller investigation? Does this hasten the end of it, does it elongated? How do you see it going now?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I don't know. I saw Chris Christie doing an interview today where he said that he's given President Trump a lot of advice, and that he said -- he tells them there are ways to shorten this investigation and ways to make it longer. So far, President Trump has taken every step to make it longer. So, I don't know. I don't know if -- when Rudy Giuliani said this weekend that Mueller told me it will be wrapped up by September 1st. Like, I don't even know if I would say that, because do you want to hang out this whole summer. And I am willing to believe that the Obama team had done this, right? They were like politically motivated. But, all of these things, if it's true, if it's true, if it's true, reminds me of -- they've wiretapped me up Trump Tower, which turns out not to have been the case. I guess we don't know, I mean, unless may be in the whole investigation we found out that somebody on the campaign did have a wiretap or something.

WATTERS: I think Manafort had an apartment at Trump Tower.

PERINO: Well, maybe they shouldn't hired Manafort. I think that they probably regret that now.


PERINO: I'm one that is willing to wait for the evidence, and I think of the inspector general who everyone seems to admire, at least so far until they says something that he doesn't like, OK, that everyone thinks that he's doing a pretty good job. We're waiting for the report that he has on Hillary Clinton's email. It should come out any day now. Maybe like within the hour. I do think that the Hillary Clinton team has a right to be somewhat mad, that their position is -- you mean to tell me that the FBI was willing to go out on the record with the director to say that I would - - I was being investigated by Hillary Clinton. And meanwhile, they played down New York Times inquiries about the Trump team being under investigation for Russian collusion.

WATTERS: Yeah, I don't think they thought Trump was going to win.

PERINO: Who the FBI or Hillary?

GUTFELD: No, to that point I think Hillary should be upset that the government didn't send a spy into her campaign to protect her. That's sexism.

PERINO: To say you're not going to win Michigan.

GUTFELD: That's so sexism.

GUILFOYLE: To protect her from herself.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WATTERS: According to the media, Greg, it was not a spy, it was just an informant, right, Juan?


WATTERS: Just an informant.

WILLIAMS: It was. And also, I mean, just as -- set the record straight, because Donald Trump, President Trump said embedded. There was nobody embedded in the campaign. This guy is a professor somewhere in Britain, and what he did was he came into contact with three officials, three of whom had already previously been implicated in terms of connections to Russia.

WATTERS: We heard it was four officials.

WILLIAMS: Well, OK. I'll go with three. I'll go with Carter Page. I'll go with George Papadopoulos, right. And who's the other two?

WATTERS: Flynn and Manafort.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, no, there was another one.

WATTERS: OK, either way, embedded and you talk to four campaign people.


WATTERS: Clovis.

WILLIAMS: Sam Clovis, that's the other one. Thank you. No, so -- but the point is nobody was embedded, and so what you have is a legitimate investigation to the idea that Russia is interfering in an American election, and they don't launch, by the way, a criminal investigation. They do a counterintelligence investigation.

WATTERS: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: And so, all they're doing is trying to find out what's going on. Now, the thing that concerns me, and I picked up on this, I think this is what Sally Yates was talking about, is, you know what, we rely on our intelligence people and people who are sources, and if you start outing them, this comes from Christopher Wray, remember Trump's guy at FBI, you do that, you put the American people, you put the American public at great risk if we can't protect our agents.

GUTFELD: Yeah, they made it pretty clear who he was in a number of ways. By the way, if they really did care, if they really did care, they would have been fair about this and they would have dealt with both campaigns. Well, they're saying now, like, oh, the Russians were more interested in Trump, but that's convenient now that everybody finds out that you've been putting spies and informants.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. Everybody has said, right. Everybody from the - - the bipartisan senate committee has said Russia favored, wanted Donald Trump to win. We learned this weekend, the Saudis, the Israelis also were saying, yeah, we have an interest in helping you out, Mr. Trump.

WATTERS: I want to know what the Chinese did with Hillary because they probably.


GUTFELD: Juan, let me ask you a question.


WILLIAMS: It's always Obama, Clinton.

GUTFELD: They've paid the guy 400K. They've paid this guy $400,000.

WATTERS: Here's the fact, Juan, a week after the DNC server was allegedly hacked by the Russians, they open up a counterintelligence investigation to see about Russian hacking. But, Kimberly, they never seized the server. They never looked at the server, ran an investigation on the server, determine whether or not it was indeed hacked. Wouldn't you think that would be the first thing they would do?

GUILFOYLE: You would think.


GUILFOYLE: How about turn over the physical, tangible evidence so they can do a proper forensics examination and see if they can retrieve any deleted files, et cetera. So, it just really just shows the hypocrisy and how disingenuous because when they have evidence of actual malfeasance and things going on, they don't do anything about it. But then they tried to conjure up like evil spirits an idea of collusion and then say just looking out for you, buddy. And they put someone in your campaign, so they're changing the story saying, no, no, no, we're just trying to protect you. But, no, wait, oh, it's an informant but it's not a spy, but -- I mean, it's verbal, you know, gymnastics. You can see through it.

WILLIAMS: None of this, none of this changes anything.



WILLIAMS: You know what, I mean.

WATTERS: You don't think, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I don't think it changes a bit. So, we're still are dealing with the idea that Russians tried to interfere a campaign. We're still waiting to find out what Mueller has. And what we have is the president and his aides throwing this up and everybody said, well, now the president says this.


WATTERS: This was a leak from.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

WATTERS: . people in the intelligence committee, in the New York Times, in the Washington Post to get out ahead of this because it's all coming out. I will tell you why there's suspicion, Juan.


WATTERS: Let me finish.

WILLIAMS: I hereby order my own Justice Department? Now the Justice Department is a political tool.


WATTERS: And there's suspicious, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh, here we go again.

WATTERS: . because under the Obama administration, A.P. reporters and Fox News reporters were looked into. Congress was surveilled. Foreign leaders were surveilled. Now, all of a sudden, an opposing campaign is surveilled and everyone is saying, oh, you know what.


GUILFOYLE: No problem.

WILLIAMS: Let's go back on the record since you bring this up. What was that about? Much to my chagrin, because, I mean, I didn't like it, but you know what they were after? Leaks. Leaks from the White House and the administration, and this is exactly what Trump complains about, leaks. So then, they crackdown on reporters in a way that I don't think is legit, but that's what it was about.

WATTERS: Everything the left has said about this has been wrong. They said McCabe doesn't leak. Comey doesn't leak. No one was surveilled. Hillary didn't pay for the dossier. There was no spying. There was no one in the campaign. Everything turned out to be wrong.

GUTFELD: You know what it is? We're at the last call at the collusion bar and grill, and the media and Democrats are trying to figure out what to do next.

WATTERS: All right, shots, everybody. Here we go. The gun control debate heats up after Friday school shooting in Texas, details up next.


GUTFELD: There's much anger and emotion to be found following Friday shooting -- talking heads on Sunday shows, entertainers at events:


OLIVER NORTH, INCOMING NRA PRESIDENT: You're not going to fix it by taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens. You've got to fix it in a way that hardens the place sufficiently --

If that means five metal detectors in a high school, you get five metal detectors.

CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS: Have you guys done enough in the Senate?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT.: Of course not, but it's like every other issue. The American people are united.


SANDERS: It's a three letter word, it's the NRA.

DAN PATRICK, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF TEXAS: You must control your guns at home and be sure they're locked up.

Number two, Jake, we need to get down to one or two entrances into our schools.

We need armed teachers trained, of course.

KELLY CLARKSON, SINGER: Why don't we not do -- why don't we do moments of action? Why don't we do moments of change? Why don't we change what's happening?


GUTFELD: Now, every location where these opinions were offered was well protected because someone cared enough to protect those people. They cared enough to pay for it. So, again, this is a Laurel and Yanny moment: Some look at Friday and hear, too many guns, others hear we need more armed personnel. People hear other factors to be blame as well. For example, a pop culture that glorifies violence like video games; social networks that expose status inequality; a generation drenched in medications, bullying and nihilism. It's natural to seek causes after a ghastly event.

Meanwhile, according to recent research, shootings involving students have been declining since the '90s. It's weird because of anything it feels like the opposite is the case. It leaves you scratching your head without alleviating any pain for the victim's families. So, the only thing certain is uncertainty except when it comes to us: the media. It's been reported that the killer spared some victims hoping they'd tell his side of the story. So, where would that story be told? Here, by us. As long as we do our part to tell the story with ceaseless coverage featuring the coward's face and name these events will continue.

It's the simplest cause and effect: If someone performs an act for the sake of infamy and you provide him that infamy, mission accomplished. And it's a mission that leads ultimately to another.

K.G., when you see the facts and you hear that mass shootings are in decline, I can understand why that wouldn't matter because if you replace mass shootings with terror, it wouldn't matter to me. I would go, like, you still must be vigilant. But the thing is the statistics fly in the face of what we emotionally believe is correct.

GUILFOYLE: So true, because when you get that it's like an almost -- it's an emotional saturation that's palpable that you feel it. I remember the day with the last shooting we were all just sitting here. You feel heavy with the emotion, the grief of it. When you see that this happen it seems almost like in rapid succession, OK. But you make such a good point. People are saying these things, all well protected because someone is carrying to put the money in and the time to make sure they are safe. What is going on? I feel the frustration of the parents that have had children, that had been injured or maimed or killed because why is it that even one more school shooting is acceptable as a casualty or collateral damage, et cetera?

Why can't -- it's not hard to do. I would have dogs at the school. I would have one point of entry so if there's somebody coming in and there is an attacker, you can just bottle cap him in and secure and prevent additional loss of life throughout the school. You've got to prevent them from being able to go in deeper into the school and having more targets, right? And if you have a metal detector, so what. I'd rather have my son go to school, OK, through a metal detector and maybe have somebody there, you know, armed with the guard and dogs there because I know that he's going to come home that night. So that's how you have to put it. Yes, it's not pleasant but it's reality and you have to deal with it. It's like not treating a disease. Being told you have cancer and refusing to take a medication for it.

GUTFELD: You know, Juan, there was a symbolic suggestion by Obama's former secretary of education, Arne Duncan, I think we might have a tweet up there, but basically the gist of the tweet is students should not go to school until gun laws are changed. That would keep them safe. And he believes this is a brilliant and tragically necessary idea. Do you think this is, more or less, is kind of a powerful message but it's not practical in anyway? Like kids not going to school?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think he even said if it's not done on a large scale, it really doesn't work. But if it's done in the large scale, it's much like what we saw after the events in Parkland where the voice and the power of young people saying I don't feel safe in my school, mom and dad, it really does help to, I think, brace some people and get people to say, hey, we have to think about the fact that children, our children, our future, should be protected. I would say this in response to Kimberly, I think that that school in Texas was given an award for being a hardened target. And Greg and I have been back and forth on this, but we know many of sites where there have been shootings, there were armed guards. The key for me here is.

GUTFELD: I think there were three.


WILLIAMS: I think there's more than that.

GUTFELD: Three, I count it.

WILLIAMS: The point.

GUILFOYLE: Did they have metal detectors and make sure there was one point of entry?

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. But my point is, look, we're all looking for everything, people talking about folks with mental health issues.


WILLIAMS: They talk about, you know, oh, this guy is a bad guy. He was a gang member -- whatever, or he had a grudge or he was stalking. The fact is there's just too many guns in the country, and then you say, oh. But now in media places or government offices, we pay to protect people. Why don't we say, hey, you know, as Americans, boy, more than one gun for every person and this kid gets his dad's gun, or the guy in Connecticut got his mom's gun.

GUTFELD: Juan, you're going so forward to practical solutions, and then you go back to the too many guns thing. That's where you start.

WILLIAMS: You mean it's impractical to talk about guns?

GUTFELD: No, it's impractical to say -- when you just say that there's too many guns, that is a blanket statement that doesn't apply.

PERINO: Imagine if you didn't go to school because there's too many guns.


PERINO: And you'll never go to school again.

GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly.

PERINO: Like all the things that Kimberly suggested -- let's just say that maybe there was a way to have a compromise. What Juan is suggesting is there's just too many guns, we've got to get rid of the guns. But, in the meantime, if you want your children to be safe at school, all the things that Kimberly laid out would make sense.

GUTFELD: Exactly. And there are ways to tag -- civilly tag people who are unstable by teachers and officials, which is actually taking guns away. Jesse.

WATTERS: Yeah. I mean, a lot of deadly school shootings have happened in the last ten years. That's just the truth. But the amount of guns in this country hasn't quadrupled. It's been relatively steady. And there hasn't been a massive deregulation of gun laws. So, what has changed? I think, Greg, you're right. There's a columbine copycat situation. There's the rise of social media and the iPhone. There's the over prescription of psychiatric drugs to teens. They've got the promise program. Cyberbullying, where, you know, they're not trying to criminalize criminal kids. So, look at the polls, the polls say 57 percent of this country thinks it's a mental health issue. Only 20 or so percent believe it's a gun-control issue. And most people do want stricter gun control. But you know the two things they want? They want, number one, stricter background checks, and number two, more money spent on mental health screenings. So, to demonize the NRA is a political solution, but it's not a practical solution because NRA members aren't masked shooters. They usually neutralize masked shooters. And Planned Parenthood and the labor unions they spend much more money lobbying then does the NRA. If the Democrats really wanted to do something about gun control, they have the house and senate for two years under Obama, they didn't do it. And the cities that have the strictest gun control laws, usually run by Democrat mayors, have very high rates of.

WILLIAMS: Why don't the Republicans then take a step from everybody at this table and say, hey, you know what, we agree. Universal background checks, we're going to do better on background checks. We're going to not allow people too young to buy.

GUTFELD: That wouldn't have prevented this though.

(CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: No, no, no. The idea -- you can't say -- you can always say wouldn't have prevented this one, but we can do better.


WATTERS: All the information we have coming in on a student, put it together in a database.

GUTFELD: All right, we've got to move on. Big surprise, Hillary Clinton and other key Democrats get political during commencement addresses this weekend.


PERINO: Prominent Democrats are using commencement addresses that are normally about encouraging graduating students to instead criticize and make fun of President Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I brought a hat too. A Russian hat. No, I'm not over it. I still think about the 2016 election. I still regret the mistakes I've made.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Women, again, and young people are marching for women's health and disability rights. They're marching for education and gun violence prevention.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Marching for dreamers and immigrants. Marching to save our democracy.

JIMMY CARTER, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This is a wonderful crowd. Jerry told me before we came here that it's even bigger -- I hate to say this -- than it was last year. I don't know if President Trump would admit that or not.

AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: As one of his supporters put it on television, he said, "The way I look at it, Donald Trump is chemotherapy for America." Well, in medicine and in science, some experiments are terminated early for ethical reasons.



DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Greg, I want to play Hillary Clinton's one more time and have you tell us what she could've done better to get a more -- to have a better laugh. Let's watch.


CLINTON: I brought a hat too. A Russian hat.

No, I'm not over it. I still think about the 2016 election.


GUTFELD: It would have been a great joke if she didn't say anything and if she just put it on her head. People would have laughed. But she had -- she also has to telegraph the joke.

By the way, you know, this is like when you're on your way out as a student, it's the last time for them to uphold you with liberal garbage. It's like, you know, before you enter the real world, none of the advice we're going to give you is actually going to help, but here's a final scoop of nonsense to carry with you.

Anyway, do you know that Hillary's agony tour right now is entering its second year so it's officially lasted longer than her campaign. Her agony tour is longer than her campaign.

And lastly, I love these addresses, because they complain that the country is under attack and their activism is being suppressed. Their voices are being suppressed. But you've never seen more expression in your life. No one is stopping them. There's been more activism --


GUTFELD: -- and more emotion under Trump than anything. They should be thanking him.

PERINO: I just think it was strange watching Al Gore in that speech. I understand, I guess, you know, he wants to go after President Trump. But in 2000 -- after the 2000 recount, in January 2001, he did not go on a grievance tour in any way.


PERINO: He actually really did help the country, like, calm down and move on.

WATTERS: Yes, it's the only way Gore did help the country, by leaving.

I just feel sorry for the students that had to listen to Al Gore do a commencement. It must have been the most boring thing of all time.


WATTERS: I actually had his running mate, Joe Lieberman, as my speaker, which I thought was boring until I heard Al Gore speak.

Hillary -- breaking news: Hillary, she says she still thinks about the 2016 election and says she's not over it. Wow. We couldn't -- we couldn't realize that already, Hillary?

Nancy Pelosi says we have to save our democracy. Nancy, it's a republic. She fails that. Jimmy Carter, I thought, was actually pretty funny.

But I think the way to do a commencement -- and I am available, I'm much more electric than these has-beens --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: The way to do a commencement is to be short and sweet, because everybody is really hung over, and they just want to get out. And then just say a few -- a story, a few points that people can then take to the real world.

But it's better to graduate in the Trump economy, I would say, than the Obama economy.

PERINO: Juan, when you give commencement speeches, because you're actually the one who gets invited, do you inspire or do you try to use it to, like, make some sort of news point, like to get on the news? You never do that. No one would ever have a speech of you doing that.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I don't know what other people do, but I don't do it. Because I think that the reason that you're there, one, is to congratulate the graduates, their parents, their grandparents. I mean, a lot of people had to --

PERINO: And inspire.

WILLIAMS: Yes, and a lot of people make a great deal of sacrifice to have -- not only pay bills but to encourage those young people. So I really am into that and the whole family aspect of it.


WILLIAMS: But I will say this, Greg, by the way --


WILLIAMS: -- she was making a joke with the hat. She said if you can't beat them, join them. So the idea --

GUTFELD: I mean, she shouldn't have said "the Russian" --

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, but she did say.

PERINO: She did put on the hat.

WILLIAMS: And the second -- the second thing about this business with both Hillary Clinton and then you see these others is they really think this, Greg. I mean, they really think that there is a threat.

PERINO: Which is why we get all this material.


PERINO: One thing interesting, Kimberly, was that when Hillary does these speeches and says, you know, "It's been a year and half, and I'm not over it," I mean, everyone -- you can't win everything. What kind of an example is that?

GUILFOYLE: It's not a winning example, I'll tell you, so much. And then she's obviously not good at the jokes. Poor thing.

But when she put the Russian hat on, all I thought was, like, "Oh, yes. Uranium One. Yes, right?" So the Clintons, more -- you know, and look at the Clinton Foundation. That's, like, going down the tubes. They're not getting any money. So they're just almost out of business, and she's doing these type of things.

It's actually hurting the Democrats. Like, Doug Schoen was on with Barney (ph), and he was, like, listen, they just want her to go away because it's hurting their chances of, like, retaking the House or trying to retake the Oval, you know, going forward. And probably the rest of them that are candidates that want to get their -- line 16 upon the stage for the Democrats, are like --

PERINO: Maybe we can do it tomorrow. But there's a story about Bernie Sanders and how his whole thing is kind of, like, falling apart. Not him but his organization. The revolution, as they call it.

All right. New backlash after a writer's controversial joke about MS-13 gangs and Republicans. Up next.


WILLIAMS: On the heels of some in the media taking President Trump's "animal" comment, supposedly, out of context with regard to MS-13, liberal writer Rob Rousseau is now stirring a new controversy by tweeting, quote, "I would rather my daughter dated a member of MS-13 then a member of the Republican Party," end quote.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: Rousseau says he was joking, and he released this statement to "The Five" saying, quote, "It's interesting and more than a little silly to me that the very people who are so fond of claiming that liberals and leftists are constantly offended, sensitive snowflakes are now so worked up over a tweet, which was very obviously a joke, that it warrants national media coverage. You can be a free speech absolutist who is against political correctness or you can be offended by my tweet, but you can't be both," end quote.

So Dana, I don't know where to start with this. I mean, that's a pretty -- he's making the case.


WILLIAMS: I guess he's firing back --

PERINO: No, I can see. I do think that conservatives have tended to get oversensitive about certain things. But in this case, well, it wasn't -- it was initially about political correctness. And apparently, he doesn't have a daughter. I didn't know that. Greg just informed me of that.

All I was going to say is if you really think it would be better for one of your offspring to date a member of MS-13 then a member of the Republican Party, be careful what you wish for. Because it might just happen.

GUILFOYLE: My goodness.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think it's outrageous. If you actually know and you read any of these crime scene reports or you've seen what's happened, or the photographic evidence, or the suffering, or listened to the witnesses or victims or percipient witnesses testify as it relates to gangs, violence and MS-13, you would never even try to tweet that, because it's disgusting.

Tell it to the parents of people -- of kids who literally were beaten to death with bats with nails on them or chopped up with machetes to the point where they were unrecognizable, or raped and tortured and left to die.

To me, something like this is, like, not funny at all. I don't find it to be satire. And now he's like, "Whoa, that was a big mistake." Any responsible parent would never say something like that. It's, like, akin to child abuse situation if you would even suggest. And so he doesn't have a child, well, there you go. Good, because it makes a lot of sense if he's that reckless.

WILLIAMS: Greg, the president goes to Long Island this week, and he's going to be talking about MS-13.

GUTFELD: That'll be exciting. But I want to talk about this.

He doesn't have a daughter, and I think that actually played a role in this. Because if he had a daughter --

GUILFOYLE: He would never say it.

GUTFELD: -- he would never say it. So that's -- that's probably one of the reasons why.

And he is correct that, you know, there were a lot of people on the right calling people snowflakes. So if you get outraged, who's the snowflake?

But he should not be shocked, when you -- when you're delivering attention- seeking hyperbole, do not be surprised when you --

PERINO: Get it.

GUTFELD: -- get a response of equal power.

And if you meant it, if you honestly meant it, which he didn't, you should actually house an MS-13 thug in your abode. Since you don't have a daughter, you should take one in. Your virtue signaling will become death signaling, as you scream for help as you are massacred.

GUILFOYLE: Good point.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think we all agree he was joking.

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. But behind every joke, Juan, is the truth.

GUILFOYLE: That's the truth.

WILLIAMS: Gosh, it's like stereotypes.

GUILFOYLE: Haven't you sat at the table with this guy enough?

WILLIAMS: So Jesse, I mean, the counter argument and the one I feel to heart is the president often speaks of immigrants as if they're all gang members, all criminals, and making his argument against --

WATTERS: No, he doesn't.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's what I think. That's the way it hits me.

WATTERS: You're wrong.


WATTERS: And the most dangerous person today, I would believe, would be an MS-13 member that's also a Republican. Very, very dangerous on multiple levels. And--

WILLIAMS: I think you've got this right.

WATTERS: I think so.

GUILFOYLE: Look at how happy Juan is now.

WILLIAMS: I thought that was hilarious.

WATTERS: I think he was just joking. I'm not that offended by it.

WILLIAMS: Yes. You sure?

PERINO: He has a high tolerance level.

WATTERS: Yes, it's not that --

GUTFELD: Being Jesse Watters, you have to. Because at some point, it's going to come back to haunt him. He's hoping that these people don't --

PERINO: So it's strategic?

GUTFELD: It's strategic.

WILLIAMS: I wish Trump was joking about rapists, thieves and murderers and all the rest.

GUTFELD: You mean about rapists, thieves and murderers?

WILLIAMS: When he talks about all immigrants in that way.

GUTFELD: He didn't say all immigrants.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no.

WATTERS: Bad people.

GUILFOYLE: Erroneous. Incorrect.

GUTFELD: You heard it wrong.

GUILFOYLE: Heard it wrong.

GUTFELD: That should be the name of your new show.

WILLIAMS: Yes. I agree.

WATTERS: He's getting a show.


GUILFOYLE: Juan's getting a show?

GUTFELD: "You Heard It Wrong" with Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: "Guess What?"

GUTFELD: That's better.

WILLIAMS: Love is in the air for Kimberly and "Kimberly's Royal News."

WATTERS: Breaking news.

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no. Anyway, the royal wedding addition, up next.

GUTFELD: Who wrote that?


GUILFOYLE: And it's time now for "Kimberly's Royal News." Oh, there it is. Fabulous.

Well, the royal wedding was as majestic and magnificent as we all dreamed it would be. The fairy-tale nuptials of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, was also a huge ratings draw. A whopping 29.2 million viewers here in the United States tuned in to watch the couple tie the knot on Saturday morning at Windsor Castle, according to Nielsen. And that's over 6 million more viewers than Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding in 2011.

Now meanwhile, we're seeing brand-new gorgeous portraits of the newlyweds from the big day. And the photos were taken by their official royal wedding photographer.

I'm just proud and happy to say that now I share somebody very special to me that loves the royals. Greg, you watched the wedding in its entirety.

GUTFELD: I had made the mistake of going to bed early Friday, and I woke up at, like, 4:30 in the morning, and I couldn't sleep. So I figured --


GUTFELD: -- what the heck?


GUILFOYLE: You set an alarm.

GUTFELD: I have one positive and one negative. The positive: the cars. I don't know if you were watching. But there's nothing -- they have these big, sleek, curvaceous gas guzzlers. I think they're all Bentleys our Rolls Royces. Bentleys or whatever you call them. If it was an American wedding, they would be arriving in Priuses with "Question Authority" bumper stickers. I mean, they still do it with style.

The only negative thing. You should never take the spotlight away from the bride. I felt like the sermon did that. I felt that the sermon, being highly dramatic, took the spotlight away from the lovely bride.

GUILFOYLE: Meghan Markle. OK. Well --

GUTFELD: That's my criticism. Go to Royals.com for more.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly, exactly. Tweet at Greg. Tweet hashtag "#royalwedding" to Greg. He will just love it.

PERINO: My favorite part during the sermon was watching the faces of the royals.


PERINO: They were, like, in such shock.

GUTFELD: Yes. The little kids, too.

PERINO: They were pretty funny.

GUILFOYLE: They were cute.

PERINO: Yes, I had a hard time, because I don't know how to use the four remotes that we have on the television. My husband was still asleep. And you know, as you know, Peter is British. He did not understand. He pointed out to me today that 80 people million watched "Who shot Jr.?" on "Dallas."

GUILFOYLE: How funny.

PERINO: So yes, he's pretty funny.

And then he didn't even want to watch the wedding. He kept making a smoothie. And he was, like, extra-long use of the blender, so I couldn't hear anything.

GUILFOYLE: Was it deliberate?

PERINO: I think it was deliberate.

GUTFELD: Perfect.

GUILFOYLE: It might be.

PERINO: So I sent him outside to walk Jasper.

GUILFOYLE: Prefect. All right. In exile for not watching the royal wedding.

OK, Jess. Please.

WATTERS: I call B.S. on Greg. I think there's no way he went to bed early by accident on Friday night or any night. I know Greg likes to stay up late. I saw his Instagram. It was all over the place.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my god.

WATTERS: Also, the early ratings are in. "Watters' World" actually eked out a victory over the royal wedding on Saturday. Greg in a third place but nice try.

GUTFELD: Wait, I beat you.

WATTERS: Thirty million, 29 million, 26 million. Better luck next wedding. The other -- I have nothing else to say. I didn't watch it, and I don't care.

GUILFOYLE: You just promoted and congratulated yourself. Somehow he turns it into a "Watters' World" segment.

Juan, you loved it, didn't you?

WILLIAMS: I didn't watch a moment. But I must say, so subsequent to that and much keeping with the ratings that you guys are talking about, everybody was talking about this. And especially, I think, in the black community in this country. There was real --


WILLIAMS: -- interest in the idea that you would have a black princess. And so you get people like Oprah there, Serena. Idris Elba's there. And they played the music. The music, apparently, resonated. My minister yesterday was talking about not only -- I'm an Episcopalian, so Michael Curry, who spoke, the preacher is an Episcopalian, head of the Episcopal Church in the United States. And talked about Dr. King on what Dr. King meant by love. And this resonated greatly. So I'm hearing about this at church.

And then I went to the baseball game yesterday, and I heard about it again at the baseball game. And people were talking about the idea of the music, "Stand by Me" but then reaching out to civil rights moments in this country and especially her mom. That her mom was such a presence, a dignified presence.

GUILFOYLE: Wonderful.

WILLIAMS: And in addition to the House of Windsor. So the House of Windsor, as opposed to some people, especially around here, who are reluctant to embrace the idea of diversity and inclusion.


WATTERS: Way to politicize the --

GUTFELD: You've got to put identity politics into the royal wedding.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.


GUILFOYLE: I'm trying.

WILLIAMS: Identity politics thwarted -- thwarted by somebody who demonstrated the importance of inclusion.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness. All right. I'd like to do a tease. We'll be doing our 23 and Me results coming up soon. And perhaps Kimberly has more in common with the royals and the new duchess then you think.

"One More Thing" next.


WATTERS: Time now for "One More Thing" -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Thank you, Jesse.

Well, Gina Haspel was sworn in to be the first female director of the CIA today, after really, quite a contentious confirmation process last week. And President Trump did attend the ceremony and spoke at the CIA headquarters in Virginia to offer his vote of confidence. He called her a special person who will lead the CIA into its next great chapter.

And she said that she feels tremendous pride at breaking through the glass ceiling, that she stands on the shoulders of heroines who never sought public acclaim for their work with the agency. She pledges to send more officers into the field and strengthen the partnerships abroad and at home.

So I think she showed exceptional grit and determination throughout this whole process. We wish her the best in protecting this country and keeping us safe.

WATTERS: Congratulations, Gina.

All right -- Dana.

PERINO: So last night on Showtime's "The Circus." Where am I looking? Anywhere? OK, there you are. On Showtimes "The Circus," John Heilman was watching "The Daily Briefing." Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Early childhood education. We should talk about how we fund --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The House Freedom Caucus still doing the the president's bidding, trying to undermine the Mueller probe. Do you want to help me pack?


PERINO: Aside from the terrific product placement for the show, I love that he watches with his dog. That's all I got.

GUILFOYLE: Very cool.

WATTERS: Very exciting. Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: All right. So my son Rafi is getting married in just a few weeks, and this weekend he had his bachelor party. There he is with the guys, and they're on their trip to the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky. The guys included his big brother Tony, and they made their first stop at Woodford Reserve. Here are the beautiful brass tanks used to distill the world- famous drink. And here is my son Tony with barrels of bourbon. Here's Rafi and one of the groomsmen walking towards the tasting room at their second stop, the Wild Turkey distillery.

When the guys got back home, we continued the celebration, but this time for Tony's wife, Erica. Look at that cake. It looks like a teddy bear.

PERINO: Oh, it looks real.

WILLIAMS: But it's a delicious frosted confetti cake made by my daughter. The legal eagle. And I just can't believe she made the cake. That was unbelievable to me. I've never seen a cake like that.

GUILFOYLE: So talented.

PERINO: Was mine better than Juan's?

WATTERS: It was a close call. Speaking of bourbon, Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: All right. Time for --


GRAPHIC: Greg's Fashion Tips


GUTFELD: "Greg's Fashion Tips." You know when you're going out for a night on the town, you should dress appropriately. Here I was Saturday night. I went and saw "The Misfits." There's Glenn on the right. That's --

WATTERS: This was Friday night?

GUTFELD: Saturday night. That's Glenn and that's Jerry from the legendary band The Misfits. I, as you can see, am very, very underdressed. But they came to play.

PERINO: I'd say you fit right in.

GUILFOYLE: You guys look like triplets.

GUTFELD: Yes, it was an amazing show, and we had a great time. And Jerry's mother, massive fan of "The Five." She'll be watching right now.

PERINO: Hi, Mom.

GUTFELD: Hi, Jerry's mom.

WATTERS: You must've been tired from being up so early for the wedding.

GUTFELD: That's true. I was. I actually had to bail on the after party. I was, like, a little too drunky-drunk.


GUILFOYLE: Drunky-drunk?

Jesse's turn.

WATTERS: Get ready for this. A baboon is on the loose at San Antonio International Airport. The baboon has escaped from its cage and is now being hunted down by animal life rescue officers. And they think they're going to get it under control pretty soon, but we don't know where the baboon is. We believe it's --

GUILFOYLE: Not there.

WATTERS: -- cornered somewhere. Cornered somewhere. No one has been bitten or wrestled to the ground yet. But we're going to keep you posted.

PERINO: Shep is -- waiting.

GUILFOYLE: Shep will figure this out.

WATTERS: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" up next. Also on the loose in D.C., Bret Baier.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: I'm actually out in California. No baboons here.

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