
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 6, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Jesse Watters. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Before the election, President Obama said this.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm not on the ballot this poll, but make no mistake. These policies are on the ballot, every single one of them.


GUILFOYLE: And on Tuesday, the people spoke. They don't want his policies. The electoral map is now very, very red. The president says he's listening.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) OBAMA: To everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUILFOYLE: But right after that, he said he is gonna go it alone with executive action on immigration.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) OBAMA: Before the end of the year, we're gonna take whatever lawful actions that I can take, that I believe will improve the functioning of our immigration system. What I'm not gonna do is just wait. I've shown a lot of patience, I think that the best way, if folks are serious about getting immigration reform done is going ahead and passing the bill, and getting it to my desk. And then, the executive actions that I take go away.


GUILFOYLE: Well, Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice thinks the president needs to respect the American system.


BRIAN KILMEADE, 'FOX & FRIENDS' CO-HOST: What do you say with the possibility of executive action on immigration?

CONDOLEEZZA RICE, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: We can't have a circumstance in which we are going after a problem. As meddlesome, as potentially divisive, as immigration by executive action only, this has to go through the people's representatives. That's our system, that's the congress.


GUILFOYLE: So the American people voted against Obama, the President's policies. So why is he still at this point, so defiant on an issue that is contentious as immigration?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think that he wants -- if I'm taking him at his word, and if I think he is being sincere that he thinks it is the right thing to do. I think they have done an abysmal job explaining why they think that's the right thing to do. So also, he tries to pretend that he is so above politics on immigration. When actually, all summer long, they would dribble out all pieces of information to possible Democratic voters like, don't worry if you vote for us, we'll gonna be all get this done afterwards, don't worry the president's gonna it by do executive order. Remember that actually happened in August, that they floated the idea that the president would just do this on his own, that actually, I think they thought that was going to help them, and it ended up absolutely hurting them at the polls. If you look at the exit polls 63 percent of people that they did not want the president to take executive actions. So what Condoleezza Rice's saying is that, let's do something, let's do it with the congress. The president has a chance for a clean slate here, it doesn't look like he's gonna take it though.

GUILFOYLE: Does he look like he wanted to -- yes, go ahead.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Let me just get through with it, it's true the 63 percent said they didn't want to do executive action. But 81% percent said they wanted.


BECKEL: Immigration reform. If there ever was one place where they both could actually get some political benefit, Obama -- the Republicans desperately need to do something with this bleed on Republicans, with the exception of Texas, it was same thing, 2-1, Hispanic votes. And that's gets the -- set in motion there, the Republicans are in real trouble down the road. So, they need an immigration reform bill. Obama wants an immigration reform bill, they ought to get one. And I think there's a pathway to do it.

GUILFOYLE: Eric, what should the Republicans do?

ERIC BOLLING,  CO-HOST: I agree, I agree with Bob there should be a sort of immigration reform bill, that they get to the president before -- it may not happen before, his promised by the end of the year or by Christmas he was gonna do something with executive action on immigration. Both Boehner -- yesterday McConnell and today Boehner said, "That would be a big mistake." They highly recommended that he didn't do it by executive fiat. They could bring a bill to him fairly quickly. I'm in favor of it as well as Bob -- the way Bob points out. We talked about this number on Election Day, 66,000 Hispanics turn 18 every single month in America. That means 66,000 who Hispanic voters. The Republicans need to address that, and I've said this year and get beaten up by the far right for saying it, "Reform immigration but do it from the legal immigration stand point." Right now we allow 1 million, about 1 million plus -- 1 percent or so immigrants to come into the country. If we quadruple that, make it triple or quadruple, 3 million or 4 million but make it legal, that would take the pressure off and all of these 66,000 Hispanics, they are now deciding whether to vote Republican or not, would like to vote Republicans, say you know what? They're trying -- I like it. Maybe you earned their trust.

GUILFOYLE: Jesse, are you gonna hit them with the far right?

JESSE WATTERS, GUEST CO-HOST: I don't think there are a lot of middle class voters that really want amnesty. I think the president is a liberal guy.

BOLLING: Didn't say -- didn't say amnesty, Jesse.

WATTERS: But I don't think.

BOLLING: I said legal immigration.

WATTERS: But I think the way the president wants to do it is bring over a massive amount of people like he did a few months ago. And I think that's gonna cause civil war in this country. He's not the type of president.

PERINO: Except for war.

WATTERS: No, no, it's a YouTubeism.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: His not the type of president to listen to the voters and then say, "I'm gonna change my liberal policies." He's the type of president that's gonna import new voters into the country. And the Democrats warned him, "Don't do this."

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: So he put it off, he doesn't care about the Democratic Party.

(CROSSTALK) WATTERS: He lost 70 House seats and almost a dozen Senate seats since he has been elected. I think ultimately what he wants here, what he wants -- he wants a Hispanic wing in the Obama presidential library. That's all he cares about.

BOLLING: But you do understand that you and I are talking two different with apples and oranges. I didn't say --

GUILFOYLE: Amnesty, yeah.

BOLLING: Allow amnesty, for 12 or 20 million how many who are here. I said.

WATTERS: Correct.

BOLLING: Legal immigration, go through the process. Go through the documentation, that doesn't count the people who are here illegally. Last time go through the.

WATTERS: I don't said, I don't said a lot of Republicans in the House of the Senate trust this president. He's violated their trust in the number of levels. And if you're threatening to go around congress at the same time saying, "I want to reach out to you" Is poisons the well.

BECKEL: It's, leverage. I'll tell about protocol leverage. Look, anybody can represent in this country, it's gonna be 25 years before they can cast the vote. There's always talk about, the all new Democrats. Here's the answer I think, there was the bill that was -- before the Senate, and Harry Reid was the one responsible for knocking it off. Which would have, I think satisfied both Democrats and Republicans. And it got knocked away -- remember that strength.

PERINO: In May of 2007.


PERINO: With the help of Senator Barack Obama.

BECKEL: Yeah, that's right. That's right.

PERINO: Because he wanted the issue for his presidential campaign.

BECKEL: I agree, I agree with you completely. But, I'm saying that, that bill, the basis of that bill has in it. I think a structure for having an immigration policy, not amnesty, but a pathway, you have to pay -- you know, fines and fees and you're in the back of the line and all that. And you know the business community for this? Even -- finally labors came around. They were.

PERINO: But, you know what, Bob, the business community, in my opinion has done a terrible job.


PERINO: Of explaining why it makes sense. If there were really isn't good economic case to be made for, why it make sense for you and me to support something like this. They've not done a good enough job for it, and they sit back and they wait for other people to take these tough political decisions. So in speaking of political decisions, their -- the Democrats aren't finished with these elections, actually were all -- none of us are but, Mary Landrieu, the senator from Louisiana, has a runoff on December 6. I would imagine -- she wants to win that race, and she will release that the president would not be helping her if he does executive action on immigration before then. I think that, that would turn out in the Republicans so much as these assure, that they'll cast.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, there's no way.

PERIONO: Senator for Louisiana.

GUILFOYLE: So lose her seat.

WATTERS: If you're a middle class family and you're making $45,000 a year and you're living in Alabama. And you don't have a job and your wages are down and you hear the president and leaders in the Senate saying, "Let's bring over a bunch of low wage, unskilled workers and flood the workplace," I'd be angry. And I think that's the people that voted the midterm elections. I think the Senate has to respect the wishes of these people.

BECKEL: They were not to vote in midterm elections. That Democrat to use that was very low turnout. But, they also don't want these jobs, a lot of these jobs are talking about the Hispanics, you know 25 percent of the wall board hung in America is done by Hispanics, nobody wants that job. But the other thing were gonna keep in mind here is there are millions of talented people we need to bring in to these country.

PERINO: Right.

EBCKEL: that's reason that Silicon Valley is so strong on this. To bring in people who actually could fill some of these jobs that we need.


BECKEL: That supposed to educate some of the China and now Chinese hackings.



GUILFOYLE: It's not yet, let's not digresses about China. Because, let's also talk about, what is this election mean? What is the message? What kind of mandate was sent? Was it about a vote against Barack Obama? Or what it's a political mandate in favor or Republican policy? Here's Rush Limbaugh.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) RUSH LIMBAUGH, CONSERVATIVE RADIO TALK SHOW: It is rare that a political party running for office in a midterm election not standing for anything ends up with a mandate. And they have one, and it is the biggest and perhaps, the most important mandate a political party has had in the recent era, and it is very simple what that mandate is. It is to stop -- Barack Obama.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUILFOYLE: Alright, let's take it around the table. You agree with Rush Limbaugh?

WATTERS: I do agree with Rush. I mean, any Republican that ran on compromising with Obama, did you hear anybody running on the platform of compromising? No. And I remember a years ago the last three years, the media has been telling Republicans you know, you gonna go along, don't be the party of no, you got to do amnesty, you know, don't shut down the government or you guys will never win another election, and guess what? The Republicans won another election. There's no incentive to compromise. You know, I -- people don't trust this president. He's pulled the rug out from under their legs. He embarrassed Paul Ryan, the one time they tried to have some sort of, kumbaya moment with the budget. You know, I don't think it does gonna happen, this guy doesn't even compromise with his own party.

GUILFOYLE: Well, clear this feeling, take it all the way to 2016. Dana.

PERINO: I call it stop, drop and roll. So, stop.

GUILFOYLE: Sounds like an earthquake though.

PERINO: Meaning, this is the way I can remember. So -- I think that's what the voters were saying, "Stop the president from anymore executive action especially on immigration." And I think the small percentage but this is the overall theme, such as a deal with Iran. I think that was the stop. The drop part is drop Obamacare and I don't know how the Republicans necessarily gonna do that, because they know the president won't go along with that, but to drop some part of it -- they might made this employer mandate.

GULFOYLE: What about the roll?

PERINO: Roll is to get the economy rolling. And I don't think that the Republicans can, not be seen to take some of those bills at the House had passed. Get them over the Senate and senators of the president. And if he decides not to sign them, then that would be something that they could actually -- then run on in 2016.

GUILFOYLE: Look, their jobs in there and some tax reform, to I think would be nice, Eric?

BOLLING: So, Bob makes fun of me, but a long time ago I said that Republicans, whoever is running in 2014 should make Obamacare their number one topic. And 100 percent of the Senate seats that were won by Republicans are they were had anti-Obamacare, they had ad -- anti-Obamacare in their political ads. So, it's apparently did work, Bob can still make fun of me for that.


BOLLING: That this is a mandate to -- President Obama said, we will fundamentally transform America and two -- right before he was sworn into office as he was winning an election. And we still -- elected him in and we still reelected him. People didn't realize what that means, I think over the last six years they do realize that the middle class is no better off than they were six years ago. We're probably $10 trillion in debt more. So they said, you know -- Rush is right, enough of that, let's try something new, something --


BOLLING: So I would be, pushing towards something more tax reform and jobs related.

BECKEL: This is where, this is where -- by the way, it is nice to see Rush back on our air. The -- he's wrong about this, that he made sense with they wanted us to stop Obamacare, that is clear. The question is to the Republicans -- and they have to really do some soul-searching here. Nobody likes the congress.


BECKEL: Either the Democrats or Republicans.

GUILFOYLE: It's based on the entry point.

BECKEL: And, and compromise is good politics. And this fill (ph) was finally understand that actually coming up with something --

BOLLING: How it is?


BOLLING: Now you want to compromise.

BECKEL: No, no.



GUILFOYLE: One at a time.

WATTERS: He jammed Obamacare down their throats, he jammed the stimulus down their throats.

BECKEL: Excuse me.

WATTERS: They did the new caption in the Senate. This guy's got no track record.


GUILFOYLE: Then what? Because, tomorrow the President.

BECKEL: Tonight.

GUILFOYLE: Obama is going to sit down with GOP leaders and this is for a post-election meeting. He says he's willing to work with them, but is he really? Now, Martha MacCallum had a great question for the president spokesman today, what took you so long?


MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: The president said, they often play golf to John Boehner, I'll have a drink with Mitch McConnell -- I think that happened a long time ago. Why would the president just now comes to that conclusion?

JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: If there are things the president can do differently to make sure that were getting results from middle class families for the American people. Then he is loaded to change his tactics to do exactly that so, if that means another round of golf with Speaker Bennett, that means sitting down at the table and enjoying some Kentucky bourbon with Mitch McConnell. If that's gonna advance our ability to find common ground among Democrats and Republicans, the president will do that as often as necessary.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUILFOYLE: Why now? Why he wait so long?

BOLLING: He waited -- now because he has never said in the House, it's know nothing -- Harry Reid, he didn't have to veto bills. Because Harry Reid stopped them before it ever got to his desk anyway. So he didn't have it.

GUILFOYLE: Good call back up.

BOLLING: He doesn't have that anymore. Now, the bills are gonna hit his desk, and all of a sudden the Republicans need to compromise, you're out of your mind. The best thing -- best thing for America right now is the Republicans continue to send them pro-job, pro-growth bills, let him get to owe to its desk, let in veto if he doesn't like them, and let them eat it in 2016 going, look, we tried to create jobs, we tried to stimulate the economy, but you and Democrats have a president and an ideology that is anti-growth an then they can lose 2016.


BECKLE: Where you're missing this is the people's view of the Republican Party is terrible.

BOLLING: Not anymore, Bob.

BECKEL: And -- not anymore. You think this, you think for a minute.


BECKEL: This had something -- and by the way, (inaudible) if they could come up with an immigration reform bill, like the Reagan administration did, that some only act. That would be something the American people would applaud. Anything being done --

WATTERS: That was never before.

BECKEL: And they don't want people to be the -- just stop everything? You already got the label of party of no. What, what do you want? You want to just throw a letter on top of it?

PERINO: I'm gonna agree with Bob that, I think that achievement is something to be celebrated. And so, if you work on a good piece of legislation that is pro-jobs, good for the economy, and then you can't sell that back to your constituents as something good you did, that you have a bigger problem. I think that everybody, after the Welfare Reform Bill was sign in the Clinton administration, everyone ran on that as a bipartisan achievement, and they were rewarded for it. So I don't think people should be afraid of accomplishing something big this time around.

WATTERS: And I'm not saying compromise is bad. I'm saying compromise with President Obama is bad. Look at things that he wanted to compromise on, at the news conference. Universal preschool, liberal idea, minimum wage, liberal idea, infrastructure, I mean, he said we're not gonna compromise on Obamacare, because I'm not gonna take away health care plans for millions of American people.

BECKEL: I only this.

WATTERS: You know what? He already did that.

BECKEL: Did you notice that the five states that voted for minimum wage were a lot of red states? Did you notice that?

WATTERS: I did notice that.

BECKEL: Yeah, good back then.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, there you go. And the via scan (ph) actually thinks that the president is even more uber left on this and become more radical. Let's see. Straight ahead on "The Five," would you believe Democrats are still playing the race card after losing election after election with that pitiful strategy? The first African-American female secretary of state is appalled. You'll hear Condoleezza Rice, next. Before we go, we may keep with this, the late night reaction to the dreary election for Democrats.




CONAN O'BRIEN, THE TONIGHT SHOW HOST: President Obama held a news conference today to share his take on the midterm election results. You can tell, the president was not taking it well, because he addressed the White House press corps from inside a pillow fort.


O'BRIEN: Come on out, Mr. President, not gonna do it.

UNIDENTIFEID MALE: Last night the Republicans picked up a dozen seats in the House, to give them their biggest majority since World War II.


UNIDENTIIED MALE: Or they put it, the time to party like of 1939.



BOLLING: Alright, it's 2014 and African-Americans have achieved success across the professional spectrum all the way up to the east, United States, the president of this United States. In fact, despite those realities, some African-American Democrats seem, to want to keep America in the 19th century mindset.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CHARLIE RANGEL, NEW YORK CONGRESSMAN: It is unfortunate America doesn't deal with the problem of racism. They all come from the south and they all have these feelings about superiority, and that's true whether you are picking cotton or whether you're president of the United States. So this racial superiority unfortunately is the disease that a handful of people have, and they were holding back the Republican majority now as the representatives.


BOLLING: And it doesn't stop there. Tim Scott just won an historic election in South Carolina, becoming that state's first elected black senator. Representative James Clyburn, also from South Carolina, doesn't see Scott's election as the step forward saying quote, "If you call progress, electing the person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspiration of 90 percent of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess, that's progress." Well, Tim Scott wasn't about to take those thoughts from Rangel and Clyburn lying down.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) TIM SCOTT, SENATOR ELECT: The south has made so much progress and the best thing that folks like, Mr. Rangel can say is that -- he's gonna hark in back (ph) to something that happened 100 years ago or 70 years ago. Let's talk about tomorrow, the lowest common denominate of fear and race-baiting is something the other party has tried to do and the voter's said, no, they rejected it.


BOLLING: So Bobby -- I mean, wow. You listened to Clyburn, you listened Rangel. BECKEL: Wow.




BECKEL: Wow, I'm appalled by the whole thing.

BOLLING: So, who gonna.

BECKLLE: He said -- just listen. The number you take Charlie Rangel and Clyburn, you put then on, theses are guys whose institutional memory of all this, this is the civil rights movement. The vast majority House members of Senate didn't use the race guard, it's a bogus argument that you guys want to bring up.


BOLLING: It's a bogus argument that we'd bring up. In two congressional black caucus men, who play the race car against Tim Scott.

BECKEL: It's so bogus.

BOLING: African-American senator in South Carolina and play the race car?

BECKEL: It's more bogus that you could possibly imagine.

BOLLING: And what bogus is you -- BECKEL: And what it does is gonna make you -- it makes you nice segment for the show. Alright, that's all

GUILFOYLE: No, but the representatives of your party, and when they gonna step into the future in 2014 instead of always pushing African-Americans minorities down. They don't want to celebrate success.

BECKEL: Wait. Excuse me, excuse me.


BECKEL: They do not represent the Democratic Party.

BOLLING: Well, they kind of represent the --

GUILFOYLE: Yes they do.

BOLLING: The black caucus in the House.


BECKEL: How many of black caucus you guy talk about it? And by the way, the -- any members of the black caucus Democratic side? And how many on the Republican side?


BOLLING: I want to get these guys, but I was waiting for you to do that. You complain when there aren't enough black members in the Senate, in the House.


BECKEL: I'm all for it. It appears too late, but I'm all for it.

BOLLING: Dana, you said that -- you surprised at Clyburn's comments?

PERINO: No, but I do think that just as Democrats look at Republicans and say, "You are going to lose the future generations of Latino voters, because you have not evolved in your thinking and in your approach from your party." I think that words like that from Clyburn and Rangel, it's sounding very tired, right? It's like pass and sells by date, and the new generation doesn't think in black and white terms. Remember, President Obama talked about his daughters, and how much progress in the thinking that he made when he was a kid. So, I hope that this is sort of like the last that we're going to hear of this. Tim Scott's personal story is quite.

GUILFOYLE: Astounding. What he was able?

PERINO: What he was able to achieve, because he had mentors and people who cared about him, much better way to encourage black people than white one.

GUILFOYLE: So inspirational. An amazing guy when you meet him, right? That he is great.

WATTERS: He is great. And it is a not just black Democratic leader that are using this inflammatory, that is rhetoric.

GUILFOYLE: You're right.

BECKEL: Really?

WATTERS: Remember the vice president keep yelled back in chains?


WATTERS: How about that? Is that high enough from the.


WATTERS: People. But he has. BOLLING: Stay on this, because this is post election.


BOLLING: This is in months ago.

WATTERS: I know why they're doing it. I have a feeling I know why. Because, in anything that threatens the Democratic monopoly on the black vote, threatens the entire power structure on the Democratic Party. It threatens any ability to get the White House, it threatens any ability that control urban areas, it threatens money.



WATTERS: They throw these buzz words out and they try to scare blacks into -- not trying to cross the line.


BOLLING: Hang in there guys, I got to get Kim - Kim, in before we move on the next topic. Just go.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I just think that we need to try to move forward, and together as a country. And celebrate the accomplishments and the conversation, the understanding and celebrate what we've seen as tremendous movements from women, from minorities, working in congress together, be proud of that. Don't know why was trying punish American, beat us up as a country, that's the problem.


BECKEL: And we do it right to ourselves to those two people that you're not represent them worth fighting.

BOLLING: Bob, it is not fair.


BECKEL: What it is not fair?

GUILFOYLE: It is unfair, Bob.


WATTERS: Were any white Democrats denouncing the rhetoric? I did hear any.


BOLLING: Rangel has.

BECKEL: I'm good, I've seen. (CROSSTALK)

BOLLING: Bob, Rangel has 21 terms as member of congress. Clyburn has been arise -- he's got a high-ranking position in the white caucus as well, and the black caucus. Stop it, that's not.


BOLLING: Look at this, some refreshing perspective on the issue from two very impressive women. First, listen to Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice absolutely hit the head on the hill.

GUILFOYLE: Hit the nail on that.


CONDOLEEZZA RICE, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: The idea that you would play such a card and try fear mongering among minorities, just because you disagree with Republicans that they're somehow all racists. I find it appalling, I find it insulting and as a black Republican woman from the south, I would say is that really? Is that really the argument that you're gonna make in 2014? I've been black all my life you don't have to tell me how to be black.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: And now listen to my favorite new member of elected office, representative-elect Mia Love, explaining how principles trump skin color.


MIA LOVE, UTAH CONGRESSWOAMN-ELECT: This is historic, I said, but it's not historic because, of the color of my skin. It is historic because Utah has decided to elect the person based on their principles, based on value that we hold dear here. And I think that, you know that? That's a great thing to -- that's a great message to stand out. And I'm, I'm excited.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: K.G., I've short change in the last.

GUILFOYLE: No, I was good, but that -- this is what is exciting to me about government, about this country, right? And I know that how she feels and that tell Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's people love them because of their passion, their patriotism and their energy, they are not being hateful and trying to bring us back in time. That's the problem, so that is why your party, Bob, is in big trouble.


BOLLING: Ladies first.


BOLLING: Ladies first. Dana? (LAUGHTER)

PERINO: No, please Bob. Bob, Bob all yield by time to you because you were shaking your head in disgust on those that Mia Love, I was curious as to why?


EBCKEL: I'm not at her. I think it's -- you look, I think she Condoleezza Rice of always thought Condoleezza Rice was a terrific woman. But, we picked out the four things we could edit for this block.

PERINO: No, we don't.


BECKEL: For this show, so that we could make the Democrats a bunch of races --


BECKEL: Condoleezza Rice said 2016, is their best card to use race card, and that is just bull.


BOLLING: How about Republicans unseating a Democrat in Illinois as governor by winning 20 percent of the black vote, no one saw that coming.

GUILFOYLE: How about that?

BECKEL: In that good? Yeah, you should.

WATTERS: Bob, this is old tired rhetoric. You have Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Lebron James, the black guy in the White House, Oprah Winfrey. The - - once these generations keep going, no one cares about this stuff anymore. It's old news, and you know what it does? It has an effect on white voters. That's why a lot of these Democrat candidates can't win middle class white voters, because if you keep saying, everybody is racist.


WATTERS: It offends people, they don't want to hear it.


BOLLING: Don't move because, we're talk to Greta Van Susteren, next about her exclusive interview tonight with the U.S. marine, finally freed from the Mexican jail credit (ph) minutes away.


PERINO: For seven months, a U.S. Marine who served in the war in Afghanistan was imprisoned in Mexico. His crime: taking a wrong turn with guns in his car. On Friday, Andrew Tahmooressi was finally freed. FOX's Greta van Susteren helped keep Americans informed on his story, and she got the first and only interview with him following his release. And it airs tonight in an hour-long special at 7 p.m. Eastern. Here's a preview.


ANDREW TAHMOORESSI, HELD IN MEXICAN PRISON FOR SEVEN MONTHS: I was handcuffed to a bed, four-point restraints, two arms like this, two legs like this, for about a month.


TAHMOORESSI: Why? Because I wasn't behaving. I wasn't a behaved prisoner. I was lashing out. And -- not lashing out like being disrespectful. I never wanted to come off as disrespectful. But I just couldn't take it all.


PERINO: And Greta van Susteren joins us now.

Greta, you were the one that brought this story to the attention of America and you kept it there. Why -- why did you want to make sure that this story didn't fall off the radar screen?

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I was shocked that it would. I mean, look, in order to meet the threshold to violate the law in Mexico you have to intend to be in Mexico. So if you're accidentally there, even if you have guns, you haven't violated the law.

And I thought it was absolutely ridiculous when someone first told me that he accidentally went into Mexico. I thought that was absurd. Then I went out there, and of course it was the very turn that I would have taken. I understood that it was an accident. And I'm an old-line defense attorney. You don't leave people in prison who shouldn't be there. And you know, I can't do it for everyone, but I knew it, so I couldn't walk away from it.

PERINO: Jesse.

WATTERS: Jesse Watters here. Quick question, I don't know this guy's politics here, but he was really abandoned by the government. Did he harbor any animosity towards the Obama administration? He was in that cell for quite some time.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, Jesse, he is so fragile he can't even get himself up to the point of being angry. He's really -- this -- this young man is in deep trouble. He's very fragile. He is a good man. He is paranoid, though, and he really needs to get -- that's why he was out in San Diego in the first place, to get help for his PTSD that he got in Afghanistan, protecting all of us.

PERINO: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Hi, it's Kimberly. Congratulations again on this interview. And I know your team worked really hard to make sure that this -- this Marine was not left there or forgotten. What do you think now the most important steps for him, in terms of his recovery?

VAN SUSTEREN: You know what I'd do? I'd get a Marine down to talk to him who went to Afghanistan, who was injured himself, has PTSD, in other words has walked in his shoes. Because none of the rest of us has walked in his shoes. His parents haven't. I haven't. Nobody has. He needs to at least talk to someone who at least understands his problem and help him get direction. He wants to call the shots in his life. I understand that. But he needs to have a sounding board.



BOLLING: So Greta, first off, congratulations to you and also Bill O'Reilly, who's featured this quite a bit on his show. So my question is this. Bob claimed there was going to be an October surprise. Tahmooressi was released in the very last night of October, just before the election. Is there -- I mean, I'm a conspiracy theorist, but was there any negotiation between the administration and the Mexican government to let this guy go before the elections?

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you kidding? There's absolutely none. In fact, think about it, Eric, is that you watch a 30-second clip, you know there's something wrong with him. You know he has PTSD. That's what got him out of prison in Mexico. It took Mexico 214 days to figure it out? You can watch a clip, and you know what? You can watch 20 seconds and you know it.

Our government, they knew about it, because he was out in San Diego. They did nothing about it.


VAN SUSTEREN: So the one thing that sprung him was PTSD. Everybody knew about it and looked the other way. So no, this was not some conspiracy. This was -- I don't know what this was. But it certainly wasn't -- it wasn't trying to spring it to help the administration.

BECKEL: Yes. By the way, Eric, if it was a big October surprise, it really did a lot of good, didn't it?

Greta, was there a -- was there a border crossing where this guy was where he went across? I mean, there had to be something there. Right?

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, what it was, Bob -- Bob, he was heading east to go back to San Diego. And so if you're going to go east, you want to turn left and head north, because Mexico is to your right, south. Well, if you turn left to go to San Diego, what you think is to San Diego, you go -- immediately, the road dips down and takes you right into Mexico. And once you execute that turn, you have no choice. You can't cross it over.

So he made the turn you would have made, I would have made. It made the most sense. And he had absolutely no option. He was in Mexico.

PERINO: All right, thank you, Greta. We're going to catch Marine freed, Sergeant Tahmooressi's story tonight at 7 p.m. Eastern.

Ahead, country music stars took some post-election political potshots at the CMA Awards last night. Plus, two words: Dierks Bentley. Next.

GUILFOYLE: He was great.


WATTERS: Pop mixed with country last night at the CMA Awards. That was Miranda Lambert with Meghan Trainor. Also thrown into the mix, some post- election jokes about Democrats and one country singer who's gone pop, Taylor Swift.


BRAD PAISLEY, COUNTRY MUSIC STAR: Why isn't our government doing something about this? I'll be the first one to say it. President Obama does not care about post-partum Taylor Swift disorder.

CARRIE UNDERWOOD, COUNTRY MUSIC STAR: I'm pretty sure that is why the Democrats lost the Senate. But I mean...


WATTERS: Underwood and Paisley also poked fun at the infamous Ebola nurse.


UNDERWOOD (singing): Quarantine, quarantine, quarantine, quarantine. Don't ride your bike. Please don't inspect my man. Quarantine, quarantine, quarantine, quarantine.

PAISLEY (singing): Quarantine, quarantine, quarantine, quarantine.

UNDERWOOD (singing): What part of staying inside don't you understand?


WATTERS: Dana, I know you were watching last night. How big is your crush on Brad Paisley?

PERINO: How much time do we have? Bob took up all the time. Yes.

I love the CMAs. I love all things country music, of course. That starts from an early age. And I think Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood are -- they're American gems, right? Together they have great chemistry. They're really funny. And they're both talented singers, performers. And Carrie Underwood, I think she's probably going to end up being, in her career, a really great actress, as well.

WATTERS: Yes, I tuned in, and I saw her. She was absolutely amazing.

Did you catch any of this, Bolling?

BOLLING: I just caught the highlights. For the record, Brad Paisley is a big fan of Dana Perino.

PERINO: I'm a big fan of his.

BOLLING: I bumped into him...

PERINO: And his dad watches the show.

BOLLING: ... at the White House Correspondents Dinner, I think. He pulled me aside, aside, "I watch '"The Five"' all the time." Huge fan of Dana's. I think we tweeted it out.

PERINO: Well, I mean, really, who isn't? Honestly. Kidding.

BECKEL: Don't get started down that road.

WATTERS: Now, are you a country guy? You don't really strike me...

BECKEL: I like country. I just want to know what she learned at the Senate with Democrats.

BOLLING: What? What did you say?

BECKEL: I'm sure she knew it right away. She followed it closely.

PERINO: Who didn't know that the Democrats lost? That was the shot heard around the world.

BECKEL: Probably some people in that crowd.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, whatever, Bob.

PERINO: Really? You think in Nashville that people didn't know that?

BECKEL: Some people don't have -- losing some dogs from under their porch.

PERINO: They're the most energized voters.

WATTERS: Wow. All right. Offend about half the country. Way to go.

GUILFOYLE: Do us a favor. Sit on your hands for the rest of the show.

BOLLING: Exactly. Be careful, though.

WATTERS: Kimberly, did you tune in last night? Did you pay attention to the CMAs?

GUILFOYLE: Keep us...

PERINO: She watched because she is a friend of mine. She knows I love country music.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I did watch it. I'm like, I'm going to have a good friend conversation with Dana tomorrow. We're going to talk about the CMAs. I did watch the CMAs it, and it was very entertaining. I enjoyed it more than the VMAs.

BECKEL: The VMAs. Where do you get all this time from?

GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about?

BECKEL: You're always watching things all the time.

GUILFOYLE: You watch way more shows than I do.

BECKEL: No, I study the Encyclopedia Britannica every night.

PERINO: It shows.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, right.

WATTERS: Now Tim Tebow was up there.

GUILFOYLE: You don't hold onto much.

WATTERS: You catch him? Tim Tebow made a little appearance.

PERINO: I didn't see that part. I saw Garth Brooks, though.

WATTERS: Some crazy eyeglasses on his face.

PERINO: And Vince Gill, he won a huge award. That was really great.

WATTERS: I don't know who Vince Gill is. Who is this?

PERINO: OK, you -- how did you get this segment?


WATTERS: All I know -- all I know, I went through the songs, and every single song is about drinking, driving, dancing, loving, weather, a weapon or mama. Every single song.


PERINO: But how is that different from any other genre of music?

WATTERS: I don't know. I have no idea.

BECKEL: Jesse, you know something? You know what I do if I come to the rest of you (ph), say, If you can't drink it, drive it...


WATTERS: OK. OK. You're in deep trouble today, Bob.

You're going to want to stay tuned, because up next, Bob's got some important advice for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that might surprise you. Back in a moment.

GUILFOYLE: The most immature behavior.


BECKEL: Democrats got their behinds whupped. I used the other word yesterday. On Tuesday night. I said that yesterday. And I also said we're going to whup Republicans' behinds the next time around.

But in order to do so I think, seriously, there needs to be a change in leadership. And that means that Harry and Nancy, I'm sorry, but it's time for you all to go.

Eric, I know this probably won't break your heart to see them leave, but do you agree with me?

BOLLING: I think it's time for Debbie Wasserman Schultz to go. I think she should step down maybe...

GUILFOYLE: How about now?

BOLLING: ... I don't know, a few days, maybe tomorrow. In fact, how's this? Get rid of both the Schultzes, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Ed Schultz should step away, too. And it would be a better place. America would be a better country tomorrow if they both just resigned. Serious.


BOLLING: I'm not going to apologize for that.

BECKEL: Now, believe it or not -- believe it or not, this is actually true. I'll make a little news here. I -- this Schultz thing is -- she is coming down -- I was asked if I had any interest.

BOLLING: In what?

BECKEL: In chairman of the Democratic National Party. Of which I said...

GUILFOYLE: You know you're making this up.

BECKEL: You know what I said? I said (UNINTELLIGIBLE)

WATTERS: That's bad.

BECKEL: No, go ahead.

Dana, what do you think? Should they step aside? Let's get some serious in this block.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, you know you made that up.

BOLLING: I'm serious.

BECKEL; Would you stop?

GUILFOYLE: You made it up.

BOLLING: I'm being serious.


PERINO: OK. First on Nancy Pelosi, I think her ability to corral that caucus and keep it together and get them to be able to support the president in very difficult votes is unlike anybody else. I mean, she's very good at it, and so they have to make a decision.

I do think that they might want to watch one of her press conferences with a group full of just your average Joe Americans, and to see what other people see when they see one of her press conferences. I don't think it is representing the Democrats in the best possible light.

My point on Harry Reid has been well-known for a while. I think he is an absolutely poisonous person in the United States Senate and politics. And the entire country would be better off, and the Democrats would be much better off...

GUILFOYLE: The world.

PERINO: ... if he were to move on.

But I also think he's extremely powerful, and he's got a big reelection coming up in Nevada.

BECKEL: Yes, he does.

PERINO: And that's going to be a tough race for him, and they're not going to want to diminish him in any way. If they take away his leadership position, he probably will lose.

BECKEL: That's a very -- that's a very good point -- Jesse.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but he doesn't have a lot of support around him.

BECKEL: What do you think?

WATTERS: Reid's team right now is saying, you know, "We weren't responsible for Ebola. We weren't responsible for ISIS, the Obamacare website crashing. We weren't responsible for the V.A. scandal. That was all the White House. That was all the Obama White House. We had to run against all that stuff." So, you know, I'd stick around if I were him.

GUILFOYLE: They're both out. It's done. That's not going to be the party decision (ph).

But I have a very pressing question. Who specifically asked you to be the head of the DNC? I'd like a name.

BECKEL: That's a very personal question. It's an inside source.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no, because you're making it up.

BECKEL: I'm not making it up. That's wrong. Somebody asked me if I thought I would -- somebody who would do it. I don't want to do it.

WATTERS: You know, I think it's a great idea. I would love to see you in...

BECKEL: Can I -- can I? OK. Fine, I'll leave, that's fine.

GUILFOYLE: Please sign up Bob.

BECKEL: That's what you want me to do, I'll leave.

GUILFOYLE: I'll pay his salary.

BECKEL: I'll tell you something (ph). Neither one of them are going to go. They're both going to stay, but it would be very good to have Chuck Schumer, who has never met a camera he doesn't love but he's very good turning a phrase. And Steny Hoyer, who would be the person who would take over the House for the Democrats, is a very good television guy. So...

WATTERS: And moderate.

BECKEL: You say tease? OK. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Dana.

PERINO: Well, since Greg Gutfeld isn't here, I felt like I should do the weird animal video, because everybody needs one of those, especially on a week like this week.

Look at this little baby otter. He was orphaned on a beach in California, and then he got to go to Chicago to the Shedd Aquarium. And this is him first learning how to swim. He got rehabilitated, and now we can all bask and look at this cute little creature.

BECKEL: Is that Greg?

PERINO: No, it's not Greg.

BECKEL: All right.

PERINO: Bob, it's an otter. That's all I got.

GUILFOYLE: And they found it in California, so it's good. Happy life. Eric.

BOLLING: OK. So you wonder who goes on in our commercial breaks. It gets pretty wacky. This crew, Channel 59 in West Virginia, got caught, Dan Thorn and his co-host, Sarah Piscari (ph) -- Piscari (ph), I believe it is. Watch what happens.





PERINO: They have great chemistry.

BOLLING: I like that. Did you see her reaction? It's amazing. It's like, really?

WATTERS: I think they're going to hook up.

GUILFOYLE: Just ignoring him. That's very funny, right? He's got, like, some jazz hands going there. It was kind of interesting. All right. Bob.

BECKEL: Yes, well, once again, apparently I've done a few things here that are not right. I used a hand gesture. I didn't know the camera was wrong. And so I apologize. It was the wrong thing to do. I was told to say that exactly that way and I did. So I'm sorry if it really offended you, but it was directed at Jesse Watters and he deserved it.

Now, if you think that elections don't matter...

GUILFOYLE: And you're not going to do it again?

BECKEL: Well, I shouldn't have. But if you don't think that elections matter, let me put it this way. My man, teddy Cruz, hopefully will become majority leader of the Senate. That's going to be big, bad news for the Democrats. But listen to this. You know who the new chairman of the environmental committee is in Washington D.C.? It's Jim Inhofe, Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma, who is a climate denying chairman.

PERINO: He's not a denying...

BECKEL: Wait. Just wait. Let me just give you -- this is one thing he said. "In fact, it appears that just the opposite is true. The increases in global temperature may have beneficial effects on how we live our lives." That is the next chairman of environmental protection.


BECKEL: Are you kidding me?

PERINO: Haven't you ever read that?


PERINO: the longer growing seasons? I mean, there are -- there is a school of thought that thinks that that's good.

BECKEL: Are you lining up with Jim?

GUILFOYLE: Assuming facts not in evidence, Bob.

BECKEL: Well, he still thinks the earth is flat.

BOLLING: No one denies climate change.

WATTERS: I accept Bob's apology very graciously.

PERINO: He didn't really apologize to you.

WATTERS: All right. Big special on FOX News Tuesday and Wednesday night of next week at 10 p.m. Everybody go check that out.

And tonight on Megyn Kelly, we have Peter Doocy, who did the interview. So you want to make sure you watch that this evening. Great stuff.

BECKEL: What are you up -- what are you plugging that show for?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

BECKEL: Are you part of the show? Are you on the show?


BECKEL: You're not?

WATTERS: No. I'm a team player, Bob.

BECKEL: I see that. You are a team player. Everybody else plugs the fact that they're on themselves.

GUILFOYLE: All right, all right, all right, anyway, I'd like to move to my "One More Thing," which honors my friend Bob Woodruff, my former colleague from ABC News, and the Bob Woodruff Foundation. So an interesting auction item from Bruce Springsteen. So how much would you pay for a guitar played by Bruce Springsteen, an hour lesson on how to play it, a lasagna dinner -- that's where you get me -- at his house, and a ride in the side car of his motorcycle? Jasper would like that. Three hundred thousand dollars, but this is all for...

BECKEL: That's what you paid for it?

GUILFOYLE: ... an incredibly, incredibly good cause, and this helps men and women returning back after they have...

PERINO: He's an amazing person, Bob Woodruff.

GUILFOYLE: ... injured. He really is. He's an incredible...

PERINO: And his wife just wrote a novel that was very good.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. She's unbelievable. Very supportive.

Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is next.

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