
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 14, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."

The president-elect has already saved over a thousand jobs in America. For Carrier, a $50 billion Japanese investment, and just yesterday, IBM pledged 25,000 jobs, American jobs. In the aftermath of Mr. Trump's promises to reduce taxes, roll back regulations and make America a business friendly place again, the president-elect pledging to create a whole lot more when he gets in the White House.


PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: My administration will be focused on three very important words: jobs, jobs, jobs. Whether it's building cars, producing steel or curing disease, we want the next generation of innovation and production to happen right here in America, and right here in Wisconsin. Right?


TRUMP: We're going to eliminate all wasteful job-killing regulations. Buy American and hire American. Right? From now on, it's going to be America first, America first.


BOLLING: Mr. Trump met with some of the tech world's biggest names today for a job summit at Trump Tower. Attendees included Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Apple's Tim Cook, Tesla's Elon Musk, and others. Here's what the president-elect told them when they arrived.


TRUMP: I just want to thank everybody. This is a truly amazing group of people. I'm here to help you folks do well. And you're doing well right now and I'm very honored by the bounce. We're all talking about the bounce. So right now, everybody has to like me at least a little bit. Anything we can do to help this go along, we're going to be there for you. You'll call my people, you'll call me, it doesn't make any difference. We have no formal chain of command around here.


BOLLING: So, Dana, Amazon, Oracle, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, but no Twitter.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: No Twitter. Do you know why?

BOLLING: I hear a rumor.

PERINO: What is it?

BOLLING: That there was an emoji problem.


BOLLING: Houston, we have an emoji problem.

PERINO: Not to include the.

BOLLING: Is it that or is it that their market capital isn't big enough?

PERINO: I have no idea why Twitter wasn't invited. But who cares.


PERINO: This is a huge part of the growing economy, not just here in America but around the world. And I think there are so many interesting things about all that they're doing. In fact, Amazon today delivered its first delivery by drone, right? So no people involved. There are no jobs, and you can't tax that. OK. So there are huge problems coming for the American economy with technology. Great stuff, too. It's not just problems. There's opportunity as well. If I would have been in the room, and I'm sure they probably did talk about this, I would have brought up three main things. One is this issue of job training. You bring up IBM. Yes, they announced 25,000 jobs. They also put in a plug for more federal money for job training because America needs to be able to have workers that can actually do the work of this new economy. The other thing I would have asked them about is immigration because we know that they want high- tech visas to be able to be smoothed out. But they also have to figure out what they would want to do other immigrants that would come to this community. And the tech community has hid behind this visa issue and has not taken a stand.

The third thing I would have asked them about and asked them for is cooperation on intel issues, especially when it comes to fighting terrorism. While they're all in the room, I would have said I want your word that you're going to work with me on this.

BOLLING: And KG, terror also fake news? I mean, these people are -- some of the fake news, they're hosting some of the fake news sites as well. How do you push back on that?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Well, yes, this is kind of a complicated situation. If you look at the bigger picture here, you see the president-elect surrounding himself with innovators, with business leaders, with the people that are part of the technology boom in Silicon Valley. That is a site you want to see. This is somebody who promised jobs, jobs, jobs, to the American people, that the working men and women would not be forgotten or left behind. So we have businesses, best and brightest at the table. There are a number of issues they're going to discuss, also probably the H1b visas because there was a concern in the Silicon Valley, from the tech industry, about getting affordable labor and getting young students in and things of this nature.

So this is exactly the right start that you want. He has people on the table that were not just fans or admirers or supporters, but people who were like detractors like Bezos -- from Washington Post that were not, to say the least, all in on president-elect Trump. So it's a start.

BOLLING: And, Greg, he's entertained Democrats. He's entertained anti- Trumpers as Kimberly points out, and the tech crew, very, very famously and openly went for Hillary Clinton.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: This is the hypocrisy of these tech giants in Silicon Valley. They reap the benefits of the freest country in the world -- the freest country the world has ever seen. But they don't show their gratitude. When you look at something like World War II, when you see the companies like General Mills, who made gun sights and you had Pillsbury and Hormel making food for the allies, what did Twitter do, who was not there? You know, they cut off our intelligence. They cut off our intelligence from using data miner. Data miner was a way to look at published tweets, to look at propaganda from terrorists. They didn't let our intelligence services look at that.

So I think going back to your point, there are two things you've got to look at. The first thing is terror. We are dealing in a new era where we need their help and they should help us because they can't sit there and lecture Americans from their glass prism in Palo Alto. They should do an experiment. Google should imagine being in Iraq or being some Syria or being in Egypt. What kind of target would they be? But they're in Palo Alto, so that doesn't happen. The other thing in terms of our technology, we know you can't stop progress and progress means two things, driverless cars, which will eliminate jobs, save 34,000 lives but will eliminate jobs. Can you deal with that problem? How is Trump going to establish a tariff for getting rid of drivers? Then you have supermarkets who don't have checkers or baggers. Amazon is establishing that. Do you try to suppress innovation with protectionism and tariffs? No, you've got to encourage it.

BOLLING: OK. Can I just point out that those were companies that were trying to leave the country and then put their goods back into the country once they leave as opposed to innovation and doing it from within?


BOLLING: OK. Fair enough, $4 trillion worth of market represented in that room, Mr. Trump extending an olive branch to a group who was pretty hostile towards him for the last 18 months.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Without a doubt, they didn't want him. I think Sheryl Sandberg after the election said with regard to Clinton, we fell short, that's her quote. So these people don't like Trump and they have some major disagreements here. I mean, the obvious one is something like globalization. You know, the tech industry is all about globalization. That's new markets for them. Trump is not for globalization. When it comes to free trade, they're all for free trade. They're sending their goods out. They're trying to spread their innovations worldwide. Donald Trump wants to bring everything back to the USA. So they're at odds. And I think when it comes to the terrorist business, we were just talking about, again, they're at odds because it's not just terrorism, it's also things like creating data registries that have to do with making it possible for mass deportation, also making it possible for religious concerns about Muslims or any of these other issues that I think that the tech industry is going to be uncomfortable with.


GUTFELD: No one is asking them to do that.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Well, that's the fear on the part of the tech people is that when they go at something like cooperating with the government, that they then get into position where they can not only scan your e-mails to see if you're talking to somebody, but they also say, hey, you know, that Greg Gutfeld, we have suspicions about him and pass it on to the government.


WILLIAMS: They don't want to be a tool for the government.

BOLLING: This is something we talked about quite a bit and frankly had some The discussions about it. They were tapping. The government was tapping Google and Facebook and Twitter and data mining their data over the.


GUTFELD: It was published data, though, it wasn't private.

BOLLING: No, no, no.


PERINO: The NSA program.

BOLLING: Yeah, the NSA program.


PERINO: You're talking about data miner, that's different.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry about that, Dana.

BOLLING: But the point is should they work with -- look, if they were working with the Obama administration into that degree, should they do it with the Trump administration?

WILLIAMS: In fact, the Obama administration put pressure on them to come to Greg's point to say if you are able to help us find terrorists, you shouldn't be holding back. That pressure is there. The question is how far is Trump willing to go and is he willing to punish them.

BOLLING: This is a very interesting concept now, because if Trump is a noninterventionist and has pushed against the Fourth Amendment violations that I think the NSA was perpetrating on America for a long time, will he say, no, we're not going to request that same type of access?

GUTFELD: Oh, I think he is because he's anti-Snowden from what I can remember. He is anti-ISIS. What got Trump elected aside from the rebelling against the pc was his pro-terror stance, his ability to say radical Islam. We needed to hear that. He's going to have no truck for people saying I'm worried about you know offending people's rights. And back to the NSA stuff, there's a lot of people who believe that wasn't a violation because they were just data points. We don't know who they were, they were just phone numbers.


BOLLING: But they were Americans. It was a blanket.


WILLIAMS: It's just like going to the post office and saying I'm going to open your letter.

GUTFELD: No, because you're not opening it, you're not reading it.

WILLIAMS: No, but you get the addresses. And the next step is this is like the elephant.


PERINO: But if you get a warrant, you can do that.


GUILFOYLE: Right. But there are systems of checks and balances in place to do certain things. For example, let's go back to San Bernardino where we had the terror attack and the Apple phone and all the pushback, the legal you know documents that had to be filed. Motions before the judge, trying to twist the arm of some of these tech companies to do the right thing to try to say let's prevent terrorism on U.S. soil, when we have these people that have been radicalized or acting on behalf of ISIS or other groups that would seek to destroy our way of life.


BOLLING: But it's consistent, though.


GUILFOYLE: Well, that is consistent. But the point is that is part of the intelligence gathering.


BOLLING: When you're data mining a group not because you have a specific threat or feeling that there could be a specific threat or anyone associated with that threat.

GUTFELD: Find a needle in a hay stack, you need a haystack.



WILLIAMS: ... which has to do with something that is so central to Donald Trump's rise in American politics, which is immigration. These folks want more immigration. Donald Trump says no. Now, the question becomes, well, who benefits when you have high tech able to bring in more people from around the world.

PERINO: I think he's supportive of more high-tech visas.

WILLIAMS: That's the question. Because the high-tech visas benefit a very small slice of highly trained people and the.

PERINO: But if they are having new technologies that help improve lives around the world.


BOLLING: It's that they're legal.


BOLLING: It's that they're legal, but here legally.


GUILFOYLE: They're H1b visas.

WILLIAMS: That's the counter question.

GUILFOYLE: I'm trying to tell Juan. They're H1b visas.


BOLLING: Trying to push back against legal immigration and being here legally on a visa, the question is how many.

WILLIAMS: And there are limited numbers of H1b visas available. They want an increase that amount. Will Trump go along?


GUILFOYLE: He wants jobs here for unemployed Americans to be able to factor into the workplace.


WILLIAMS: It's a very limited slice. And so, people who are in this country, and I particularly point out minority groups in this country have not benefit -- do not participate in the high tech. Is president-elect Trump willing to say to them, oh, do more for these kids who have some ability but aren't getting into high tech in the USA.

BOLLING: They're wrapping us. Quick thoughts?

GUTFELD: This is a great opportunity for the Republican Party to be the party of science, innovation and technology and progress. Tariffs and protectionism is part of the past.


PERINO: And I would say for foreign students if they come here, if they are -- if they do get a degree here in America and they want to work in America and participate in our economy, then we should allow them to do that. Allow them to bring their families here as well. But that kind of immigration is helpful.


GUILFOYLE: But you know that I am sensitive about the lower income people.


GUTFELD: If you start building clocks.


GUILFOYLE: Bolling, but a lot of the people there in that group are for open immigration and wanting to increase the number of H1b visas from what I understand president-elect Trump wants to say look, if you increase that number, then perhaps you should be required to pay them a higher wage, so then it encourages people as well to provide jobs for Americans who are unemployed and seeking to be part of the labor force.

PERINO: And that's where the money for job training comes in.

BOLLING: OK. We got wrapped. We're getting wrapped in my ear.

The days of political correctness in America are coming to an end. President-elect Donald Trump made that crystal clear during his speech last night in Wisconsin. His pc war, next.


GUTFELD: In a town hall, Bernie Sanders claims Donald Trump won because people got sick of political correctness. Bernie is right, until he defined what politically correct actually means:


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT: For years and years, we have been told by Republicans and many Democrats that our trade policy was a great idea, that it was working for America. Well, you know what, the American people don't believe it. They think there's something wrong -- just with permanent normal trade relations with China and the Mexican free trade agreement we have lost some 4 million decent-paying jobs. The American people I think want candidates and politicians to have the guts to stand up to the billionaire class and start representing the middle class and working families of this country. I don't think it's more complicated than that.


GUTFELD: See what he did there? He turned real rebellion against the PC into something about class warfare. Sorry, Bernie, it's not about the billionaire class. There are 540 billionaires in America. Small class. But there are thousands of jerks telling us that we're evil. You see the PC rebellion is about a reaction against the media academic complex, which tells us what to say or else. People were tired of the identity wars that pitted young versus old, white versus black, gay versus straight. It's why each time a celebrity feminist lectured us on Trump, Hillary lost more votes. Every time Lena Dunham opened her trap, her causes shriveled -- among other things.

So it's not about trade or the rich. Industrialists aren't screaming slurs on campus telling us which pronouns are offensive or why Christmas carols are micro-aggressions. That's the PC movement, power mad twerps who use reputational smears to brand all of us as evil until we submit.

And that's what bugs me about Sanders. He's been a socialist forever, mired in left-wing politics for decades and now, he diagnoses the problem? Dude, you are the problem. From the 1970s to now, you cared and you watered this toxic movement. So Bernie, 2016 was about millions of Americans becoming intolerant of that intolerant class. Let's hope it sticks.

So Kimberly.


GUTFELD: We love our billionaires.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, we do. Oh, we do.

GUTFELD: Let's talk about billionaires, no. People just got tired of the left-wing pc smears. Everybody being called racist, everybody being called bigots.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. And finally, they felt someone was hearing their voice where they didn't want to be taxed into oblivion, into poverty by the Obama administration, by the Clinton's, and they wanted to stop this. They wanted to stop the grab on their future and their security and what they wanted to do to provide for their families. They said enough is enough. You can mock us, you can call us deplorables, you will not take our voting ability away and we will show up in record numbers to be able to defeat the socialist policies that have been proffered in this country to absolutely no success.

GUTFELD: You know, Juan, I'm going to play a little bit of Mr. Trump talking about how he's going to change things.


TRUMP: When I started 18 months ago, I told my first crowd in Wisconsin that we're going to come back here some day and we are going to say Merry Christmas again.


TRUMP: Merry Christmas. So Merry Christmas, everybody.


GUTFELD: So, Juan, this sounds like a talking point right out of like morning holiday Fox & Friends, but it works. It works, right?

WILLIAMS: It works for some people. But, I mean, it's just -- and also he went on there, he did that wonderful thing about he didn't like being called personal.

GUTFELD: I have that, too. Would you like that?

WILLIAMS: Go right ahead.


GUTFELD: Thank you, Juan.


TRUMP: It's because of you that we, all of us, were just honored with the Time Magazine's Person of the Year. In the old days, it was called the Man of the Year, right. Now, they call it the -- OK. So let me do this, we've got a lot of women here. I got to do it. Do you mind? I'm doing this for all of you politicians, not that we're going to change at this point. Would you rather see Person of the Year.


TRUMP: Man of the Year?



GUTFELD: Juan, we have to handle all disputes this way.


WILLIAMS: In a rally? Go to a rally and have Trump supporters, have his bench scream.

GUTFELD: That's why he won.

WILLIAMS: That's why he won, I don't think so, but I think that he spoke. This is where we go back to Bernie. I think this stuff about Christmas, the stuff about Man of the Year, personally, it's small ball.


WILLIAMS: But I think it satisfies the culture war's instinct in some people, especially on the right.

GUTFELD: Is it small ball or is it.


GUTFELD: Or is it, Eric?

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, wait. Let me finish this thought. Let me finish this thought before you go to acre. Because I think the big ball picture, the real game here is what Bernie is talking about, which is too big to fail. Oh, you know what, I think even the small ball people are mad at Wall Street for screwing the working guy in America.


BOLLING: That's the trade agreements.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. That's what he said.


BOLLING: He was talking about bringing manufacturing jobs back to America.

WILLIAMS: But who benefits, Eric, it's the hedge funds who decide, hey, you know what, we can make more money.

BOLLING: Actually manufacturing across the board benefits.

WILLIAMS: But who are the investors?


GUTFELD: You kids these days.

BOLLING: So who are pc? Politicians are pc. Who are not pc? Military and business people. What has Trump proceed to do? He put three generals in to the left's chagrin, they say too many generals, they're not pc. This is a great pushback. And business leaders, he has got Wilbur Ross, he has got Rex Tillerson. You can't succeed in business by being pc. They run you out of business.


BOLLING: If you're trying to be pc.


WILLIAMS: You were just complaining about the high-tech folks in Trump Tower today? Those people not only that dislike Trump, they're very pc.

BOLLING: There are a handful of people who are pc.


BOLLING: I don't see any of those people in the cabinet.

WILLIAMS: That's right. Because it's all military and big business and billionaires, I can't understand how they're supposed to represent the working class in America.


GUILFOYLE: Picking people that are the best for the job.


WILLIAMS: Yeah, because they're not the best for the job. They're the richest. All of a sudden, the best equates with the richest?


GUILFOYLE: That's not what I said. I said the people that are doing the job in the most effective way, that have the most to offer the country, that's who you choose. Who is best suited, not like picking winners and losers for political favorites.


WILLIAMS: People who know something about housing.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, now, you're ditching your friend? How charming. With friends like Juan, who needs enemies?


GUILFOYLE: Dr. Ben Carson, your close friend. Wow. Sorry, Dr. Carson.


WILLIAMS: . but who says he wants to dismantle it. He can't remember that he said that he wanted to dismantle it.

GUTFELD: It's good to have a critic in charge -- a critic running something makes that something better, Dana. That's what I've been saying for decades.

PERINO: I think we're out of time.

GUTFELD: Yeah, we are. But I wanted to ask you a question. I celebrate the death of the pc but we know it will resurface because socialism returns as progressivism.


PERINO: I also think it was a reaction against hypocrisy, because Bernie Sanders who has been a lifelong public servant after he decided to get a job when he was 40 and run for mayor, just bought his third house.


PERINO: So the class warfare is a little hard to swallow.

GUTFELD: Yeah. The class warfare got him rich. Oh, Bernie and his little red car. It's not red just for color sake, you know what I mean, Comey?


GUTFELD: All right, up next, a few developments on the Trump transition. The president-elect spent some time last night defending his controversial nominee for Secretary of State. Hear that ahead.


GUILFOYLE: President-elect Trump is in the final stages of forming his cabinet and he just tapped another former rival for a big position. He chose former Texas governor Rick Perry to be his energy secretary. Last night, the president-elect defended his pick for Secretary of State, Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson.


TRUMP: Rex is one of the greatest and most skilled global business leaders of our time.

Rex will be a fierce advocate for America's interests around the world and has the insights and talents necessary to help reverse years of foreign policy blunders and disasters.

Rex is friendly with many of the leaders in the world that we don't get along with, and some people don't like that. They don't want him to be friendly. That's why I'm doing the deal with Rex, because I like what this is all about.


GUILFOYLE: All right. OK. But there are also many who are very supportive and really find that this was a great choice for secretary of state and some that, I don't know, like Condoleezza Rice, Eric.

BOLLING: I love this. I love the pick for a number of reasons. We talked about it a bunch of times. That you have to be a -- first of all, you have to be brilliant to be -- to rise from -- it's the only job he's ever had.


BOLLING: He's only worked at Exxon. He started as an entry-level engineer and worked his way all the way up, CEO. At one point, probably a half a trillion-dollar business, $500 billion business. That is -- that's competent. And you have to be a diplomat in order to do business in 200 countries. You have to know the ins and outs of business in countries.

Here's what I like about Trump's cabinet so far. He's emphasizing, I said earlier...


BOLLING: ... military but also business people. But business people with an energy background. For me this is my world. I've spent 18 years in the energy business. Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil. Rick Perry who ran Texas, obviously, a massive amount of exploration and development of oil, offshore and onshore. And Wilbur Ross. Here's one. Wilbur Ross owned coal companies. I don't know if he still owns them or he's divested in them, but he was a big coal producer, as well.

So Donald Trump has specifically said he wants to create jobs, and he wants to kind of open up our energy business. And I think that is so darn smart. I think it's a brilliant way to expand the economy.

GUILFOYLE: And for energy -- energy independence in this country, which he also promised. When he had Hillary Clinton...

BOLLING: And jobs, that's the other part of it.

GUILFOYLE: ... saying she wanted to put coal miners out of business, he's like, "We're going to put you back to work, doing the job that you want to do." Because when you talked to them, "Would you be interesting in doing another job?" They said, "This is what we grew up doing in this community for countless generations. This is what we know, and this is what we love."

WILLIAMS: But Kimberly, don't you think that, in a sense, he's deceiving the very people who have put their trust in him? Coal mine jobs are not coming back in this country. Fracking, oil, I mean it's just -- it's an archaic structure at this point.

BOLLING: It's not...

GUILFOYLE: Clean coal, Juan?

BOLLING: Energy jobs are of the highest paying jobs in the country.

GUILFOYLE: No, no. She was talking about coal mining.

BOLLING: Yes, but that's all...

WILLIAMS: I agree with you, Eric. But I'm just saying, if you're saying, "Oh, the coal miners, we're going to give you the jobs that you were trained to do. We're going to give it back to you," I think that's deceptive. I don't think that's very honest.

GUILFOYLE: So Hillary Clinton telling everybody she's going to put them out of business.

WILLIAMS: No, what she said in the full context was we're going to reeducate, retrain you. We're going to come back and help you, but those jobs are gone.

GUILFOYLE: That wasn't the message that was conveyed.

WILLIAMS: My feeling about this whole cabinet is billionaires, Goldman Sachs people. I just -- I don't understand how you guys sitting here can stomach it. Because that was the promise. No more inside people from Washington. No more power elites.

BOLLING: They're not.

GUILFOYLE: These are not.

WILLIAMS: "We're going to drain the swamp."

GUILFOYLE: These are not Washington elite insiders, pay attention.


BOLLING: In Washington. There may be another swamp you're talking about on Wall Street, but these are -- he's draining or trying to drain the political swamp in D.C.

GUILFOYLE: So that's why you bring in Goldman Sachs guys?

BOLLING: Juan, the Goldman people are extremely successful people. Do you not want the most successful people?

GUILFOYLE: Let me get Dana.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I want successful people who know what they're doing.

GUILFOYLE: The two of you, silencio, por favor.

PERINO: I don't even know what to say. I'll just add I think that the confirmation process, the behind-the-scenes meetings with the senators, will be really important, probably more so than for anyone else, especially when it comes to Tillerson's connections with Russia and especially as you see Russia participating in a wholesale massacre of innocent people in Syria.

GUILFOYLE: In Aleppo. All right.

Greg, you like the name?

GUTFELD: How can you not like someone named Rex? Rex Harrison, Rex Reed, T-Rex. Wrecks N Effect.

WILLIAMS: What was that about?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know that one.

GUILFOYLE: You should have quit at T-Rex.

GUTFELD: Boy you guys -- The people at home know Wrecks N Effect, huh?

GUILFOYLE: You should have quit at T-rex.

GUTFELD: Boom, boom, boom. Anyway...

GUILFOYLE: And Rick Perry, who sat at this table, who was fantastic. Popular guy.

GUTFELD: I have a theory -- I have a theory that, if you can trick somebody with rhetoric that they use, those people should not be in power.

For example, I know how to fool a progressive. All you've got to do is mention white privilege. You've got to talk about environmental inequality, cis-normative pronouns. You memorize and learn that stuff, you can be on the White House cabinet of any liberal politician.

But you can't B.S. an oilman; you can't B.S. a businessman. The moment you go in and you start throwing around the terminology, a businessman kind of goes, "Ew, I smell something really bad in here," and then they just walk away.

And that's the thing. This is a B.S.-free administration.

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to end it right there.

GUTFELD: You know what B.S. stands for, by the way? It's nothing bad.

GUILFOYLE: Directly ahead, they once had a contentious relationship, but times, they have changed. President-elect Trump had a lot of nice things to say about House Speaker Paul Ryan during their first joint appearance together yesterday. Hear all of it, next.


PERINO: President-elect Trump held another thank-you rally last night, this time in Wisconsin, the traditionally blue state he managed to turn red. House Speaker Paul Ryan made his first joint appearance with Mr. Trump. They've mended fences following the vote, but the speaker faced a tough crowd of Trump loyalists in his home state.


TRUMP: Speaker Paul Ryan, I've really come to -- oh, no. I've come to appreciate him.

I tell you, he has been terrific. And, you know, honestly, he's like a fine wine. Every day goes by, I get to appreciate his genius more and more. Now, if he ever goes against me, I'm not going to say that, OK?

He's a great guy, and we're going to work on taxes. We're going to work on Obamacare. We're going to work on things, and he's going to lead the way. So thank you. We're going to work on the wall, Paul.


PERINO: Actually -- I bet that they have developed a pretty good relationship, but I'm from the school of praise in public, criticize in private when you have differences. But I think that era is now behind us.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think, but here's the thing that I like about this. They're booing, they're upset, because they're Trump loyalists. This is their guy. They brought him a state that everybody said that he couldn't take. So there's a big groundswell of support there and loyalty to the president-elect. Fantastic.

Then when they go ahead, and they try to boo and, you know, make remarks against the speaker, he steps in to say, "No, no, no, no," and that he's done great. And I think you have to be that person to defend and say the things specifically you're going to work together to accomplish an those are things that Speaker Ryan cares a lot about: about Obamacare, about working on taxes, about working on budgets. Those are things that are passions of his that he's committed to do for the Republicans and for the country.

PERINO: Speaking of Obamacare, Juan, speak -- I'm sorry, Minority Leader Pelosi said that Obamacare will not be repealed. What do you make of her pronouncement?

WILLIAMS: Well, what's interesting to me is Democrats don't believe it will be repealed in full. In fact, what you hear coming from some Republicans is the idea, well, let's just do it long term so that we can put in place protections for elements of Obamacare that are popular and we don't suffer a political backlash.

And what Pelosi and the Democrats want to do right now, Dana, is make it clear to the American people what they like is at stake. You know, the things like your kids stay on your insurance policy; no eliminating people with pre-existing conditions...

PERINO: Pre-existing, yes.

WILLIAMS: ... and the like. So but what strikes me from so much of this conversation is that, if you look at Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan is someone who wants to privatize a lot of the entitlements that are very popular, especially with seniors, Medicare, Social Security and the like. And then you come to Trump and Trump says, no, we're not touching those programs.

And Republicans who have been kind of the Republican establishment that's been talking about it, they're off the books with Donald Trump.

PERINO: Well, at some point, they're going to have to...

WILLIAMS: ... so I don't know how they get together.

PERINO: At some point, Eric, they'll have to put pen to paper and try to make the math work.

BOLLING: I've got to tell you, there are so many initiatives that the Trump campaign has promised, from Obamacare at the beginning. I think he's going to start right out of the bat, the first 100 days, and start working on it. And I think Paul Ryan will work with him.

But some of the things -- corporate tax, I think they'll work together fairly well with that one, as well. Some of the things that may get a little wishy-washy are the immigration situation and breaking the trade agreements, because there's some Republican support for the trade agreements.

So Paul Ryan is going to have to make a decision. Do I go with the president, who has promised to break the trade agreements, or do I stand with the people who elected me speaker, who may be in favor of NAFTA and some of the other trade agreements?

He's going to -- it's going to be interesting, but my sense is Donald Trump is such a force, so big, he's got so much momentum behind him that Ryan will eventually work with the president.

PERINO: All right, Greg, what's on your mind over there?

GUTFELD: Well, when you look at this, it reminds you that the Democratic bench is about as deep as a contact lens.

But here's a related Trump story. This is a related Trump story, which is absolutely amazing and it makes me so happy I can barely control myself. I've been following the story of Yasmin Seweid. She's an 18-year-old Muslim woman.

Now, se insulted New York City. She claimed that men surrounded her on the subway and yelled, "Trump" and called her a terrorist and tried to remove her hijab. She just got arrested for filing a false police report. Are you surprised?

How many hoaxes are there? Every single news organization that ran with this story -- BuzzFeed, Daily News, all you jerks who ran this story -- you better run an equally long retraction and dig into this story, because I'm so tired of this crap. I'm going to do a monologue on it.

BOLLING: You called it.

GUTFELD: Yes, I was -- but I held off on it, because I didn't want to falsely accuse. And then she ran away from home, right? You knew it was wrong.

GUILFOYLE: You knew it was wrong. This is going to be...

GUTFELD: I'm going to save it for tomorrow.

GUILFOYLE: That's called a deep tease for tomorrow's show, people.

GUTFELD: Yes. I'm bursting a blood vessel.

PERINO: Ahead we had our big Christmas party last night on "The Five," and you're going to want to stay tuned to hear what happened. I've got pictures and details coming up.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.


WILLIAMS: Yesterday President-elect Trump held meetings with some very well-known members of the black community, including rapper Kanye West, also included former NFL greats Ray Lewis and Jim Brown. Jim Brown is hoping the Trump administration will partner with his outreach program, Amer-I-can, which aims to teach life skills to young people from poor backgrounds, specifically, people who have been in gangs.


JIM BROWN, NFL HALL OF FAMER: And he was knowledgeable, and he gave me great respect. I was so encouraged because, you know, his aides, they get what I do; and they've done their research. They understood Amer-I-can, like you understand Amer-I-can.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: The Amer-I-can program.

BROWN: That's right. And they know that I -- my big joy in life is to help people, to make a difference in this country. And not just talk about it. There are young black kids getting killed every day. The homicide rate is unreal; nobody's talking about it.


WILLIAMS: So here we see a concentration on some of the people that Donald Trump was speaking about during the campaign when he talked about some hellish conditions in black America, specifically low-income gangbanger and the types. And here is real attention specifically to that point.

Eric, what do you think?

BOLLING: I'm very hopeful, because it seems like many of the African- Americans who may not have liked Donald Trump, who after they meet him and spend some time with him, they feel better about -- about the president- elect. I'm thinking about Jim Brown and Kanye West, don't care about Kanye West. But Jim Brown, an American hero...

GUILFOYLE: Hall of famer.

BOLLING: And the black ministers in Michigan. Remember when he went to meet them? And they -- they're a bit hostile at first. And then they came out of those meetings, and they seemed to be a lot more hopeful. And that's important.

WILLIAMS: Well, Dana, in fact Ray Lewis, the former Baltimore Ravens linebacker, Hall of Famer, I think, he said, "You know what? Black or white, doesn't matter." And all these guys voted for Hillary Clinton. But he said it's about jobs. It's about economic development. And he even pointed -- he said, "I don't see so many people talking about why black men are killing black men all over the place."

PERINO: Well, I think actually, one of the most hopeful cabinet posts has been Betsy Davos of Michigan, secretary of education, because of something that, Juan, you know very well, which is about improving schools through offering choice to parents. And if she can help on that, I think it will be good.

WILLIAMS: So Greg, is this is a putdown for Ben Carson? I thought that he was kind of going to be your top leading black figure on all issues. But now here comes Jim Brown, here comes Ray Lewis?

GUTFELD: I don't know. This is now day two of the new "Five" segment, Donald Trump meets with a black person.


GUTFELD: Hosted by Juan Williams, which is purely a coincidence.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I don't know why. I don't know why.

GUILFOYLE: Hating on his friend, the black man, Dr. Ben Carson...

WILLIAMS: I'm picking on Ben?

GUILFOYLE: ... and saying that he was an inappropriate pick.

WILLIAMS: No, no. I just -- look...

GUILFOYLE: By the way, this ties in -- no, no, this ties in, because Dr. Ben Carson grew up in impoverished neighborhoods and was able, through education and the love of his mother, be able to become one of the top neurosurgeons in this country who's willing to be able to serve. He knows what it takes to get out of a community like that and what you need, and education, as Dana said. And with the pick of Betsy Davos is part of the solution.

GUTFELD: What is day -- who is he going to interview on day three?

WILLIAMS: I don't know. Maybe he'll ask Omarosa to sit down and talk to her again. I don't know. I don't know. What do you say?

GUTFELD: It's a great thing, though.

WILLIAMS: "I'm looking for my black."

GUTFELD: This is exactly what -- this is exactly what he should be doing. This is about unity.

WILLIAMS: You've got to talk to black politicians and real civil rights leaders at some point.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe -- maybe he's following through on his promise. That he said that he was actually going to do something to help the African- American community...

WILLIAMS: Yes, that's what I hope.

GUILFOYLE: ... and blacks that are growing up in crime-ridden cities...

GUTFELD: And the politicians don't help.

GUILFOYLE: ... with poor education and no economic opportunities to be able to better themselves and the families. Because God knows they've relied on the Democrats, and look where that's gotten them.

BOLLING: They helped elect him in Michigan. In the Rust Belt, heavy black percentages helped push him over the limit.

WILLIAMS: I think that might be going a little far.

BOLLING: Comparatively.

WILLIAMS: But he makes the point lack of turnout in the black community helped him. It may have been. So I've got to go...

BOLLING: Juan, he had as many -- he had as many votes as Romney and McCain together.

WILLIAMS: Donald Trump can only create so many jobs, so I've got to keep this one. "One More Thing" up next.


BOLLING: Time for "One More Thing." I'm going to start. Last night, if you missed it, the speech in West Allis, Wisconsin, you got -- hey, by the way, if you think we're going to win, take a listen.


TRUMP: Our country is going to start winning again.

We're going to win, we're going to win. We're going to win a lot. We're going to win so much, you're going to go to Paul Ryan and you're going to go, "Mr. Speaker, please, please, we can't stand winning this much."

I'll say, "Paul, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You have to go back and tell them we're going to keep winning and winning and winning, whether they like it or not."


BOLLING: So what are we going to do?


BOLLING: We're going to be winning.

PERINO: Winning and winning. Even you, Juan. Winning and winning.

WILLIAMS: I think I've got Greg's stomach thing.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's a little lower.

BOLLING: You're up.

PERINO: That was actually very funny, win, win, win. I love it.

We won last night. We had the holiday party for "The Five." Everybody got together across the street, big bar up at the top. There was a neighboring party next to us, and they had a lot of loud music. And let's see. There's Eric and me. And Kimberly and I are tag teaming on this "One More Thing," so jump on in here, K.G.


PERINO: There's Amanda.

GUILFOYLE: And then so my favorite moment, Dana, was when you and I were dancing, and...

PERINO: I actually was dancing.

GUILFOYLE: ... I was showing you how to shimmy and teaching you how to, like, twerk; and you were actually...

WILLIAMS: Holy smokes.

PERINO: ... getting the hang of it by the end, right? And you kind of liked it. Then you were doing it on your own.

PERINO: Then I was like, Oh.

GUTFELD: That's a cardboard cutout of me that you guys brought.

GUILFOYLE: And then, Dana, you see there my fine posture.

PERINO: And then I tried to do this shot, because I got -- I succumbed to peer pressure.

BOLLING: A shotski.

PERINO: But then it didn't work...

GUILFOYLE: On the ski (ph).

PERINO: ... because I was too short, and it went up my nose and down my dress.

BOLLING: Can you explain what it is? It's a ski with four shots separated, and so the shot goes -- everyone does a shot at the same time.

PERINO: I haven't done a shot in 25 years, and I said, "Fine, I'll do it." But then I didn't even have to do it, because I was so short.

GUILFOYLE: And then Greg left early.

PERINO: I couldn't even find the (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

GUILFOYLE: Because he had gastrointestinal.

GUTFELD: By the way, do you want to know why I had to leave early? Because I had to do "The O'Reilly Factor." I couldn't drink or enjoy myself. And I had to do "The O'Reilly Factor.' Hey, why don't we throw to the clip of me on "The O'Reilly Factor"?


BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Donald Trump just starting his speech. And is it Gutfeld, McGuirk or Trump? Who should we go to?

GUTFELD: Come on, people, vote.

O'REILLY: You guys are fired. Let's go out to Wisconsin.

TRUMP: Happy new year, but merry Christmas.


GUTFELD: I'm so glad I did "The O'Reilly Factor."

GUILFOYLE: By the way, that was your best appearance.

GUTFELD: Exactly. I was prepared.

PERINO: That was the highest rated.

GUTFELD: Yes, it was. It was.

GUILFOYLE: And then you...

GUTFELD: I still got the ratings.

GUILFOYLE: And then you left the Christmas party.

GUTFELD: And had...

GUILFOYLE: And then you send us all...

GUTFELD: ... explosive diarrhea.

WILLIAMS: Whoa! All right.

GUILFOYLE: No, but he says it on an e-mail. So...

GUTFELD: I had to announce it.

WILLIAMS: All right, all right.

GUTFELD: You asked for it. I'm on it.


GUILFOYLE: And then you blamed us and said we made you eat the snacks.

GUTFELD: I got food poisoning.

GUILFOYLE: Lying, lying, lying Greg.

WILLIAMS: Guess what? You know what? Not everybody got to go to such a great Christmas party, especially on a more somber note, children who are patients at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

But these kids are still having a merry Christmas, thought -- thanks to one thoughtful girl. Jillian Massey, who's been fighting brain cancer for the last year, was strong enough to go home this Christmas. She'll have to come back for more tests, but Jillian knew not every child was going to have a great holiday. So at the hospital, with the help of her mom, she started a toy drive to make sure Santa visits every child at the hospital. So far 1,500 presents received via her Facebook page. It's called "Jillian Massey, You Got This, Girl!"

Jillian, also known as Sassy Massey, is a remarkable little child with a great spirit. To her and all of her friends at the hospital, we at "The Five" hope you get better and have a merry Christmas.

BOLLING: We all agree with that. God bless.

All right. That's it for us. "Special Report" coming up right now.

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