
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 16, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld, with KG, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, and Lisa Boothe -- "The Five."

Mr. Trump continues his Twitter tear, hitting the New York Times for saying his transition is a mess. Never mind that it's only week two. In week two, President Obama was still searching for his birth certificate. (I will never give that up.)

So Mr. Trump tweeted the paper so much that they responded, defending their coverage. To which I add: so? For some, all this tweeting comes off as beneath a president, more the actions of a pilled-up pop star with more piercings than brain cells. But ignore the message and assess the response.

For the longest time, Republicans had no choice but to absorb the onslaught of a biased media. The attacks took all shapes: Nightly newscasts by left-wing icons; ambush reporting by "60 Minutes"; lefty films winning all the Oscars; snark-fests like "The Daily Show," "Colbert" and "SNL." The right always had to grin and bear it. And if Twitter exited in the 1980s, you can bet they would have used it against the right as well.

So Mr. Trump's response isn't a tantrum, but more a cultural shift: An adaptation of the right stealing the aggressive tactics of the left. It may at times seem childish or a weird way to spend your time as the future leader of the free world. But for now, it's the new game in town and it's not so bad that finally someone showed up to play.

All right, Lisa, week two, the media is talking about disarray. Everything is going to hell. It's not even -- it's not even a month.


GUTFELD: Rome wasn't built in a day. I coined that phrase.

BOOTHE: Yes, I know. I'm sure. But you're right. It's the second week. He just won the presidency. So cut him some slack and give him a break. But look, I wouldn't give any credence to what the New York Times and some of the other publications are saying because they were the ones that were wrong about the election all along. The New York Times was so wrong in fact that they had to issue the non-apology apology to the readers, essentially saying, look, we got some of this wrong, which clearly they did. So if I'm Donald Trump, I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. Because honestly, this election, as much as it was a rejection of President Obama's policies, it was also a rejection of mainstream media. Because they were the ones editorial boards across were saying that you know Donald Trump would be horrible for the country, as present reporters across the country showed their bias. And so, it was a rejection of them as well.

GUTFELD: They're still rejecting it. Eric, are these tweets -- tweets childish or simply just punching back?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: No, here's the thing. So Donald Trump has 14 million Twitter followers, 25 million between some -- maybe even 30 million between Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. There are people with more followers, Lady Gaga, Madonna. People have more. Donald Trump uses it more effectively than anyone on the planet. Forget the 14 million, he knows how to sting where he sees the opening, and he takes it. And that's what he has done straight along.


BOLLING: Remember, he was naming Lying Ted Cruz.


BOLLING: Little Marco. I mean, he finds the opening. Now, the New York Times, he sees that they had biased coverage throughout. They are getting burned by it. They are having to apologize as Lisa says, as is the Washington Post. I think they ran an apology yesterday as well. And he is very smart just to pin them down. You got them. You got them in the corner. Now, let everyone know exactly what's going on. So 25 or 30 million of his followers realize how biased the coverage was against him. I mean, it didn't stop there. There was quite a bit of negative coverage across the board.

GUTFELD: I think, Juan, I think it's unfair. It's like when you buy a box of Lego's, there are a bunch of pieces. You have to put it together. That's the same with the transition team. Why is it all of a sudden you know this perception of chaos?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I think it's real. I think that's the problem. So, yes, you can blame it on nasty people, those awful reporters and all the rest. But I think that when you see it coming from multiple publications, including some conservative, you might think, what's going on here. And I don't think by the way it's an indication of guilt on the part of the Trump people. I think in all honesty they were slow to get organized. They had to make some last minute changes in terms of staffing. Chris Christie, who had been head of the transition team, is now gone because of some in fighting and the like. So they have had to put more people in. They have had some changes. And they're going through what is a very difficult, as you pointed out, process for anybody to put together the United States -- the top of the United States government in a very short time. I will say this in response to Eric. I don't think the New York Times, the Washington Post apologized. I think what they said in letters to readers is we have to do a better and more creative job in terms of covering an unconventional camp.


BOLLING: I could be wrong, but I think the Post did apologize.

WILLIAMS: No, I don't think so.

BOLLING: I will tell you, though, they're not in disarray. The reports are they are not in disarray. And wisely, they're taking their time. They promised to drain the swamp. That means it's going to take probably a little bit longer than some of the other transition teams to get everyone in place. Because you don't -- you are not pulling from the same pool of establishment Democrat and/or Republicans.


BOLLING: They have to wipe the slate clean. I will tell you, they're not in disarray.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't know because I'm not there. I don't know if you are there.

GUTFELD: Where were you yesterday?

WILLIAMS: I don't know.

GUTFELD: Where did you go?

WILLIAMS: But I will say, you get people who are Republicans, like Elliott Cohen who is a defense official for Reagan saying, I was going to change and I was encouraging people to go over. And now, I changed my tune again because they are just saying, hey, you lost, you were on the wrong team, and that they are in fighting, shooting each other among Republicans.

GUTFELD: I want to talk to you, Kimberly.


GUTFELD: About this huge controversy regarding a steak dinner last night. You know, president-elect Trump ditched the intimate pool of reporters and went to 21, which is not really a steak house, more like an expensive burger joint.

GUILFOYLE: It's not a burger joint.

GUTFELD: Have you had their burger?

GUILFOYLE: I always have my birthdays there. I've been there many times. What are you talking about?

GUTFELD: It's a great burger.

GUILFOYLE: It's an amazing restaurant.


GUILFOYLE: And they serve a wide variety of food. Maybe you can just afford the burger.


GUTFELD: It's $31 burger, correct?

GUILFOYLE: A 1 percent burger, right? Only the 1 percent can afford it. Listen, so we wanted to have family time. And they got around, they called it a steak house. What are they getting right these days? It's like total hysteria. And by the way, is anyone surprised by this? Did anyone think the New York Times or the Washington Post were going to give a positive story about Trump's transition team? No, no. This is exactly in keeping with how they treated his candidacy. And now, they don't know what to do with themselves. And so, now, they're just ruffling each other's feathers and trying to make a big think about anything. To me, we're reporting on this every day, it looks like the transition is going very well. And they're making good choices. And there are good, quality candidates being considered for important positions, just like he promised.

WILLIAMS: Can I pick up on this for just a second? I just want to talk about something you're discussing with regard to what happened last night at this restaurant, at this famous restaurant, 21. Let me just say someone who has been a White House correspondent that, the press wool is not there to give some prestige to the press. It really is about keeping eyeballs on the most powerful man.

GUTFELD: Just in case something bad happens.


WILLIAMS: Yeah. I mean, I was there for example. I was on the Augusta Golf Course where a mass was held with President Reagan. Somebody started shooting and they didn't know what was going on. So we get in the press pool, gets him out of there, and then of course, there was Marine Corps barracks bombing in Beirut at that time. So everyone was wondering what was the president saying, is the president OK? It's important to have somebody there. This was true in Dallas when President Kennedy was assassinated. You needed somebody there. You needed somebody at the Washington Hilton when Reagan was -- remember the shooting?


WILLIAMS: Because you need to say to people, the president is not laying on the floor. He's in the car.

BOLLING: He's not the president, he's the president-elect. We have a president.


WILLIAMS: We have a lot invested in Donald Trump at this moment, Eric.

GUTFELD: It's the height of power to have a press pool, Lisa. But we now live in an age where you have digital phones and smart phones, is it that necessary to have the pool there? I mean, if something happened at that restaurant, God forbid, somebody attacked him or something, that would be on -- you don't need the pool anymore.

GUILFOYLE: You need Secret Service.


BOOTHE: And isn't that how they found out that he was dining there was because there was a Bloomberg reporter there that saw and tweeted a picture?


BOOTHE: Yeah, he was ding there.

GUILFOYLE: The public is now the pool. People take out their cell phones.

GUTFELD: I hate public pools.

GUILFOYLE: But it's true.


GUILFOYLE: They don't like you either.

GUTFELD: Ever since that -- it does turn the pool purple. Trust me.

BOOTHE: But if you are Donald Trump, I think this is going to be a big adjustment for him. Because look, he's a billionaire. So he has the luxury and the freedom and the ability to get on a plane tomorrow and to go wherever he wants. A lot of people don't have that kind of freedom. It is going to be huge adjustment for him to now have a press pool following him wherever he goes, to have Secret Service following him wherever he goes.

WILLIAMS: So when he shouts out at the restaurant to all the people who applaud the president-elect and a very significant person as he walks in and he says, I'm going to cut your taxes. Hey, wait a second, that's news.

GUTFELD: Yeah, it is news.


GUTFELD: We heard about it because there's the public there.

WILLIAMS: No, we heard about it because a reporter was dining. The other thing to consider is with a president-elect, you've got to understand that his behavior, who he is meeting with, who he spends time with, is news. The people want transparency.

GUTFELD: If you were president-elect, Eric, and you could ditch the press for dinner, where would you go and eat?

BOLLING: We stopped.


GUTFELD: Where would you go to ditch the press?

WILLIAMS: Don't go to that girl's house.

BOLLING: I have no idea what that means.



BOLLING: He can just go to Trump Tower. They have a couple of great bistros inside. He can stop them at the door. I'm not sure what the question means.

GUTFELD: It was a good question. It's saying, if you were going to ditch the press, where would you go? Would you go to 21? I might go to some place different, I don't know.

BOLLING: Because it's too high profile?

GUTFELD: Yeah. I would go to some place where no one can find me.


WILLIAMS: Mrs. Obama got in trouble because she decided that she wanted to ditch everybody and go to Target. Now, that was odd.


BOOTHE: That was staged.

WILLIAMS: No, I don't think it was staged.


WILLIAMS: I think that was real.

BOOTHE: Look, I'm just like you. I go to Target.


WILLIAMS: I think that was real. The other thing I will say is, remember when you guys were wearing me out because Hillary Clinton hadn't had a press conference. But guess who hasn't had a press conference since the mid-summer, guess who hasn't talked to the press except for.



BOLLING: Are you seriously suggesting that Donald Trump hasn't addressed the public?

WILLIAMS: The press. He has not had -- this is a fact. It's not you and I to debate.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

WILLIAMS: He is holding that permanent marker.

GUTFELD: He addressed people. He has addressed people.


BOLLING: He has been on MSNBC, CNN and Fox for the last 18 months. Hillary Clinton.


WILLIAMS: This is like the reversal.


BOLLING: We said, why didn't she do a press conference because she won't show up in this building.


BOLLING: That's my point. If you were making yourself accessible to both sides, to all types of commentary, then you don't need to do a press conference every week or every month.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I disagree.


GUILFOYLE: He is given the ultimate amount of accessibility that we have never seen before in any presidential campaign. And that's a fact. Come up with something else.

GUTFELD: Polk was pretty out there.


GUTFELD: Good guy. More to come on the Trump transition ahead, is the president-elect thinking of nominating Ted Cruz for a key post? The Senator dropped by Trump Tower yesterday. The position he might be under consideration for next.


BOLLING: Back now to the president-elect's progress in picking his cabinet and filling other key administration posts. Mr. Trump says the transition effort is going smoothly and only he knows who the finalists are. Newt Gingrich thinks it's wise for Trump not to rush any announcements. There's a lot at stake.


NEWT GINGRICH, REPUBLICAN: If you were the president-elect, you would want to go very slowly at first, because once you have made a decision, you have to live with that. They will begin to put things in place in a very orderly way. It's going to take two or three weeks. You can't -- you would be really dumb to accelerate and start making mistakes in order to make the press happy. This will be President Trump's administration. He will make all the major decisions. That's how he has run his empire when in the private sector. It works for him.


BOLLING: And Senator Ted Cruz paid his former rival a visit at Trump Tower yesterday. There are reports the president-elect might be considering Ted Cruz for attorney general. All right, KG, when you talk about transition, right.


BOLLING: You think of one president to the next. For me, transition from 44 to 45 would be not just the transition from the presidency, but also transition into a new type of government.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. For sure. But also in that position, if you hearken back to previous administrations, the AG is close with the president. They work hand in hand, symbiotic relationship, and really understand closely the president's philosophy, what the president wants to emphasize. You saw that, right? Eric Holder with President Barack Obama. Do you see that kind of connectivity and relationship with -- I don't know, with president- elect Trump and Ted Cruz?

BOLLING: You know, I see.

GUILFOYLE: What about the Supreme Court?


GUILFOYLE: That's what I said yesterday. That makes sense to me because he's on his own doing his own thing versus the position of AG. I mean, that's got to be something where there's a very good relationship established. You are dealing and working with that person a lot.

BOLLING: Juan, there's no rush to lock down a cabinet, is there? And why?

WILLIAMS: Why? Because I think one of the things that concerns people about Donald Trump is uncertainty and anxiety. I think it would be good if there was a sense that, oh no, these are capable, smart people in charge of government, that Donald Trump is surrounding himself with experienced hands. No need for anxiety in Wall Street, no need for anxiety in world capitals. Donald Trump has experienced people who know how to make government work and how to keep the United States on course.

GUILFOYLE: The New York Times is never going to write that.

BOLLING: And Wall Street is making a record high. So it doesn't seem like there's too much uncertainty as far as that is concerned. We have world leaders who are calling him.


WILLIAMS: Big fight with Janet Yellen.

BOLLING: We have 75 days. We have probably 68 days left to do this. Again, I will ask the same question I asked Juan. Should there be a rush to lock down a cabinet?

BOOTHE: No. I think these are important decisions that Donald Trump needs to make. And he also needs to make some of the people he is looking at, they have to be confirmed as well with Congress. If he needs to identify people that are going to be able to be confirmed, which Ted Cruz is an interesting one, he has the background for it. And I guarantee he is thanking his lucky stars he came around and ended up supporting Donald Trump in the end. It's smart politically, too. For Donald Trump, if you look at someone who has at least previously before he endorsed him and came on board, was potentially eyeing a 20-20 run. So you put him as part of the administration, get him out of the way, you are knocking down many potential competition heading into the 2020 election. Also, Texas is relatively a -- it's a safe state for Republicans. So they wouldn't have a problem you know trying to get another Republican senator elected there. So it would be smart. I would be interested to see how his fellow Republicans and Democrats -- how they receive that potential of him being attorney general.

BOLLING: We just heard that Rudy Giuliani was making his way to Trump Tower this afternoon, just a few minutes ago or so. There's a lot swirling around Rudy, attorney general, secretary -- probably, he wants to be Secretary of State. Your thoughts?

GUTFELD: He is the textbook definition of a happy warrior, the kind of person that reminds me of Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan, somebody who could put a smile on what you would call stern principals. The stereotype of the Republican and the conservatives is always kind of the unhappy, sober, cold water in the face person. But whenever you saw Giuliani, he was never-not smiling. He could make you laugh while talking about serious things. I think the reason why this is taking maybe longer, people think it's taking longer, they are replacing people. They're not replacing an ideology. Because remember, there's no ideology in this administration. It could be that there's so much diversity of ideas. Hence, the quarrels and hence the time it takes. I was just thinking though that if Ted Cruz was made Secretary of State, he would be Lying State.


GUILFOYLE: Now we know when you got Juan.

WILLIAMS: So here is an interesting thing. This fight, because Lisa talked about people need to be confirmed, so you come to someone like John Bolton, who is Rudy's right now rival for the Secretary of State. Well, guess what, Rand Paul comes out and says never, never happening. Remember, Rand Paul is head of Senate Foreign Relations. And he says, Bolton -- John Bolton strong supporter of the war in Iraq, wanted the United States to go in and wage war in Libya. And therefore, never going to happen, and then when you come to Rudy Giuliani, people are saying, I don't know if he can be confirmed because he has taken money from foreign governments and companies that do business overseas. I think boy, this could be a real mess.

BOLLING: It could take some time. I don't agree with Rand Paul on John Bolton. He is a great guy. He is a brilliant guy, but not the time -- certainly not the type that Donald Trump has said all along that he would want leading his foreign policy.

WILLIAMS: John Bolton is a real strong conservative.

BOLLING: There is no question about that.


BOLLING: But there are others. I mean, everyone thinks it's down to one or two. They are spending a lot of time vetting a lot of people. I think this is one of the smartest moves -- you know, Kellyanne Conway is very close to Donald Trump, always has been and still remains. And Reince Priebus, think about the tasks that Donald Trump has in his office.


BOLLING: He has one or two advisors, close advisors, and then this long list of really super important powerful positions that he has to place that has to be confirmed in the next 65 or so days. This is a monstrous task. I'm glad he is taking his time.

BOOTHE: And look at his choice of picking Governor Pence as vice- president. If anyone has questions if he's going to make responsible choices, that was an incredibly responsible choice. Choosing someone like Indiana, you look at Indiana as a state, it's one of the lowest when you look at debt and unfunded liability from a person-to-person basis. Indiana has a surplus in the budget. He has done a good job as governor, so that choice right there I think should assure people that have concerns.


WILLIAMS: What should we think about the fact that he had to throw out Christie to put in Pence?


BOOTHE: He is a business guy. What's the problem with that?

GUTFELD: There's a diversity of ideas amongst these people. Mike Pence has different ideas about certain things than Rudy Giuliani, by far. I mean, you can't find two more different people on the conservative spectrum than a liberal New York Republican who is pro-gay marriage, pro on a lot of social issues than Mike Pence.


GUTFELD: You don't find that on the left.

BOLLING: We are being wrapped. There are several times we went over, a couple of minutes. I apologize. Just suffice to say, relax, there's no disarray going on. It's all going to be OK.

Next, the last hour plea to immigration advocates to President Obama to prevent president-elect Trump from following through on his immigration agenda. Details when The Five returns.


GUILFOYLE: As the new Trump administration nears, immigration advocates all scrambling to get President Obama to pardon some 750,000 dreamers, so they don't get deported. Mr. Obama ducked the question this week, about whether he would help them before he leaves office. Some college and high school students have been staging protests against president-elect Trump's immigration agenda, pushing their schools to adopt sanctuary campus policies to keep undocumented students safe from deportation. While some sanctuary cities are pushing back as well, here is the mayor of Santa Fe on The Kelly File last night.


JAVIER GONZALES, SANTA FE MAYOR: The important conversation that needs to happen in America today is how do we go forward and how do we create unified effort to address a broken immigration system at the federal level? It's wrong to penalize cities that have been welcoming and creating opportunities for all citizens.


MEGYN KELLY, THE KELLY FILE SHOW HOST: But the argument is that it's a magnet, that it's a magnet for would-be you know criminals because they think they have a better shot in a city like Santa Fe than they do in a city that's going to crack down on the presence of undocumented immigrants.

GONZALES: It's an argument in false reality. Study after study have shown that sanctuary cities do not lead to an increase in crime because of the presence of people that are undocumented. This is a broken federal system.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So, is he part of the solution or part of the problem?

BOLLING: You mean Trump?


BOLLING: This guy?


BOLLING: Here is the thing, I'm one of those -- there are a lot of us who believe that a smaller federal government is better. Send everything to the state, let the states decide. If you don't like what the state has decided, move to another state. You take that one step down and you have a sanctuary city that resides within a state. If the city decides to break federal law, the feds should stop funding to the state and let the state get down on the individual city and say, you either comply -- because the whole state is now losing benefits because of what you are doing in San Francisco or L.A. or I think even Houston might even be one as well. And so you stop the funding, put the pressure on the state, and let the state put the pressure on the individual municipality to stop breaking the law. Period. It's very simple. And we'll all save money.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So what do you think, Greg? Obviously, this is a big issue, and you're now seeing both sides, like, stack up.

GUTFELD: Sanctuary city is missing an "H." I'll leave you to find out where.

I want to talk about the student walkout. I think a student school walkout is way too easy to make a point. Oh, so you're really, really mad? "I'm not going to school." The professors should dock you for that, but they won't, because the professors are in bed with these morons. If you feel so strongly about an issue, don't walk out. Walk into an ocean, a very, very cold ocean, and don't return until you're covered with barnacles and seaweed and perhaps jellyfish sores. Then we'll -- then you know what?

GUILFOYLE: Are they alive, still, at that point?

GUTFELD: Well, someone will have to pee on them.

BOLLING: The jellyfish. The jellyfish.

GUTFELD: Then I would respect their stance, their sick, sick stance. Did you figure out where the "H" goes?

BOLLING: Yes. After the "C"?

GUILFOYLE: OK. Charming.

All right, Juan, what do you make of this? Do you stand with the with the mayor of Santa Fe and those that would support sanctuary cities?

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes, absolutely. And I think that what's important here is keeping crime down. I think we all want to keep crime down. We don't want to remove people who are here as legal immigrants, out of the crime process, because they're afraid of talking about crimes being committed by people who may be or may not be illegal immigrants and then starting all that kind of hysteria.

Let's just deal with the crime problem.

But the one that caught my ear was when you were talking about the pressure on President Obama to issue these mass pardons.

GUILFOYLE: Seven hundred and fifty thousand of them.

WILLIAMS: For the young people who are here and benefit under DACA, which is deferral, I believe -- Deferral Action on Childhood Arrivals. People who were brought here as children and who the president said no longer are subject to deportation.

So the question is, does Donald Trump go forward and say, yes, they're going to be deported, too, which comes then to breaking up families that I find -- but I saw Paul Ryan said that, with regard to a deportation force, just not going to happen. He's just not going to play ball with that. So again, that's...

GUILFOYLE: He can't grant them citizenship.

WILLIAMS: You have a Republican in charge of the House, the Senate and now the White House. And I think you're going to see a lot of these intramural fights. And especially when it comes to this idea of mass deportation.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, even if you issue pardons, you can't issue them citizenship...


GUILFOYLE: ... or, you know, make them legal. So I would stay out of that legal snafu.

Lisa, how do you see this?

BOOTHE: I think Donald Trump should do exactly what he promised he would do, and that's crack down on the illegality when it comes to immigration.

And not too long ago the U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner had said that the surges we're seeing along the southern border is the new norm. Well guess what? When you do what President Obama did, and you do blanket amnesty via executive action, you are sending a message to those individuals coming from Central America and Mexico that it's open season. It's free game to come to the United States, and you're going to be protected.

Look, immigration was on the ballot this election cycle, because Donald Trump ran a campaign cracking down on illegality, cracking down on, you know, the border surges that we're seeing. And Hillary Clinton essentially said that she was going to give blanket amnesty. Senator Tim Kaine said as much.

If you even look at the Democratic and Republican conventions, the contrast was no clearer. Donald Trump had the parents whose children were killed by illegal immigrants on stage, talking about those horrific crimes that happened to their family; whereas Hillary Clinton had illegal immigrants and gave them a voice and a stage at her convention. So I mean, the contrast was very clear to voters, and they obviously chose cracking down on illegal immigration.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that's right. I think that the polls right now show most persons think that, unless you are involved in crime, as you rightly stated, most Americans think there should be a pathway, and it should be allowed...

GUILFOYLE: Right. That should be followed. Not to go around the law and cheat, you know, in the line.

WILLIAMS: We need to fix -- that's what the mayor of Santa Fe was saying. We need to fix the broken immigration system.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, get on it, Juan.

A broken Democratic Party needs your help, too, Juan, because they're struggling to regroup after last Tuesday's devastating election defeats. Nancy Pelosi is facing a major threat to her leadership in the House, but she's trying to downplay the possible effort to oust her. Hear what she said when FOX News caught up with her, next.


WILLIAMS: Yesterday Republicans moved quickly to nominate Paul Ryan for another term as House speaker. The speaker expressed a great deal of optimism, by the way, about uniting the GOP.


REP. PAUL RYAN (R-WI), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Welcome to the dawn of a new unified Republican government. Feels really good to say that, actually. This will be a government focused on turning President-elect Trump's victory into real progress for the American people. Our team is very excited, and we cannot wait to get to work.


WILLIAMS: Democrats can't say the same right now. They've delayed a vote on whether to keep Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader. They'll have that vote after Thanksgiving. So are they buying time to find someone new for her job? Our Capitol Hill reporter, Chad Pervum (ph), caught up with Pelosi yesterday. Here's what she said.


CHAD PERVUM (PH), FOX NEWS REPORTER: What does this mean? There are some people who say...

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER: Not very much, because we'll be out for Thanksgiving. But we'll have the rest of this week to go over some issues.

PERVUM (ph): There are some people who say you got beat pretty badly here, and this speaks...

PELOSI: That speaks to the presidential race more than our race.


WILLIAMS: So Greg, you have a situation where Nancy Pelosi is in her 70s. Right? So you have Steny Hoyer, Jim Clyburn. The House leadership on the Democratic side, rather old.


WILLIAMS: And then you have a bunch of young whippersnappers on Democratic side.

GUTFELD: In their 60s.

WILLIAMS: Many of them 50s and 60s who are saying, "Hey, listen, time for a change. We need a new message." But they also want more energy coming from Democratic leaders during the Trump presidency.

GUTFELD: The Democrats are in huge trouble for one reason. They're losing the best thing they ever had, President Barack Obama. It was a one-man show. He made the worst possible ideas seem kind of OK.

It's like the Democratic Party is like "Dirty Harry" without Harry. It's just dirty. They don't know what to do now. They don't -- when you lose your best salesman, all you've got is product stuck in the garage.

WILLIAMS: Well, let's take a look at one of the people who might be challenging Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio.


REP. TIM RYAN (D), OHIO: There's a real appetite in the country for a new Democratic Party. Look, the Obamas are gone; the Clintons are gone; the Bidens are gone; Harry Reid's done. We don't have anyone at the DNC. The House leadership race is really going to be an important signal to many Democrats, independents and moderate Republicans of what the new Democratic Party looks like.


WILLIAMS: So now you hear Tim Ryan there. And he's from Ohio, a Rust Belt state. And he says this is a new way for the party to appeal and people to talk. And he said he can go into the southern states and do it -- Lisa.

BOOTHE: Well, if you're a Democrat, which I am not...

GUTFELD: Really?

BOOTHE: But if you're a Democrat and you're looking around, and you're looking at someone like Nancy Pelosi who's been in leadership through historic losses, 2010, 2014, 2016...

WILLIAMS: Why did you forget '12?

BOOTHE: Why does she deserve -- why does she deserve to be in leadership? She doesn't.

And what I think is really interesting right now is the fact that there are so many people in the mainstream media and the left that were saying Republicans are going to enter into the wilderness because of a Donald Trump presidency. Well, guess what? He won. Republicans won states they haven't won since 1984. And now it's the Democratic Party that is entering the wilderness, trying to figure out who's going to be their future leaders.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me ask -- let me follow up on something you said. Why should Nancy Pelosi continue to be leader?

BOLLING: She shouldn't.

WILLIAMS: Why is it that right now, I think, she says two-thirds of her caucus has endorsed her? And the answer would be that since...

GUILFOYLE: That's support of over 75 percent.

BOOTHE: I hope they do, because I would like to see them continuing to lose.

WILLIAMS: But let me just say, her argument is -- and their support, I think, is based on that idea that, since 2002, she has raised $568 million.

GUILFOYLE: You just answered your own question.

WILLIAMS: What do you think of that?

BOOTHE: I think that, again, she saw historic losses under her leadership in 2010, 2014, 2016. So I think the Democratic Party right now is trying to figure out, especially after the shellacking that they just received on Tuesday, trying to figure out what's next for her party.


BOOTHE: And the danger for the left is the fact that you're going to have Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren types that are going to try to hijack the party and make it even further left.

WILLIAMS: I think there are a lot of people -- so Eric, in fact, I would go to you on that. In the Senate now, they've elected Charles Schumer, senator from New York, to be the Senate minority leader. And behind him, you're going to have people like Patty Murray of Washington state, Dick Durbin, Debbie Stabenow. But Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders now coming into the top of the Democratic fold in the Senate.

BOLLING: Yes. The Democrats -- the GOP opened up a can of whoop-ass on the Democrats over the last -- four of the last five election cycles. That's why you need the change. You have -- when a team is losing, you change the coach. Right? You don't throw the team out. You don't sell the team. You change the coach, because the coach isn't leading.

The leadership in the Democrats have -- look, they were hoping -- they needed 30 to take the House. They were hoping to get 20. They would have been happy with 12. They got six. They lost. They continue to lose the Senate, 51-48, Louisiana still to go.

And this one, Republican governors now are 62 percent of the governors in America. The Republican Party has taken over the country. The ideology of conservatism has spread and is winning. It's time to change. And the best thing that Tim Ryan said is out with them. It's out with...


BOLLING: He's doing what Trump did.


GUILFOYLE: He said -- he'S got a message...

WILLIAMS: Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: ...that is important, right, that they should listen to if they fall back on -- there's one reason why they would keep Pelosi. It's because she has leverage over them, because she is the money...

WILLIAMS: Well, that's what I was saying.

GUILFOYLE: That's the bottom line. OK? And then because she raises the money, people who probably don't even want her in are pledging support. And she released that letter as a shot across the bow to say, "Don't try and come against me," because she is infamous for punishing those that try and go against her. Look what she did before in the past elections with blue dog Democrats that didn't toe the line. So if you want to keep, like, bleeding out all over the emergency room floor, keep her in.

WILLIAMS: Do you think that, in fact, though, the Democrats did win the popular vote here -- are they panicking unnecessarily?

GUILFOYLE: No, I think they should be panicking, because the only people they have on their Democratic bench right now, they've got President Barack Obama is really the last Democrat left standing after this, and he's got six weeks left. And if you think you're going to win the white male vote, et cetera, et cetera, and the populists to follow Trump with somebody like Elizabeth Warren, wow.

WILLIAMS: All right. If you don't want someone to win an election, go vote. Right? And try to stop them. Not riot. But guess what? A large number of the people who are anti-Trumpers arrested in Oregon didn't even cast a vote last Tuesday. Details ahead when "The Five" returns.


BOOTHE: There were five straight nights of violent protests in Portland, Oregon, following last Tuesday's election of Donald Trump. Rioters caused more than a million dollars in property damage while protesting a democratic and fair election. One hundred and 12 were arrested and, get this, at least 79 of them didn't even vote in Oregon or they are not registered to vote, as well. That's according to a Portland TV station that combed through state election records.

If you're going to protest a vote that didn't turn out the way that you wanted it to, you might want to try voting yourself, next time.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. And this is what we knew all along. So some Soros money. I hope he's happy with his purchase.

These are people who have nothing to do about Donald Trump. They're trying to get out there. They don't have anything better to do. They don't even live in Oregon. They're trying to cause racial unrest and trying to impede any possible implementation of Donald Trump's proposals that were resoundingly approved by the voters across this country.

So all they're doing is hurting those communities and the states they come in by creating this mess out there. It's sad, because there's nothing (UNINTELLIGIBLE) about this.

WILLIAMS: Let me say two quick points. One is...

GUILFOYLE: Or grassroots about this.

WILLIAMS: ... what happened in Portland was not representative of protests we've seen across this nation. It's not one place and some violence, which is totally wrong. There have been protests -- and I think it's legitimate event for people who are scared, petrified in some cases, of what the Trump presidency can bring. And again, we just talked about illegal immigrants...

GUILFOYLE: Why didn't they vote?

WILLIAMS: ... talked about racial issues. But I just couldn't agree more, Lisa, with the point that, if you have a problem, you should have voted. I can't believe the -- that's just ridiculous.

BOOTHE: Eric, what does it say about these protesters if they didn't even vote?

BOLLING: They're not protestors. They're rioters. They're agitators. They're professional agitators.

GUILFOYLE: They're criminals.

BOLLING: They're criminals. Right. They're breaking the law.

So the Constitution protests your right and your privilege to vote and to protest. Fine. And you have the obligation or not to do one or both or neither. So they didn't vote. They're allowed to protest. But when they break the law...


BOLLING: ... and they break windows and they cause property damage...

GUILFOYLE: Lock them up.

BOLLING: ... they have -- they've lost all those rights and whatnot.

Remember when President Obama, before he was even elected, said, "I'm going to -- we're going to fundamentally change the United States of America," and then we elected him anyway? Well, there were a lot of people who were, as you point out worried, scared, nervous about what the next four, eight years was going to bring, as well. But there weren't protests. There weren't cars being flipped over and windows being broken.

WILLIAMS: Not like this. I don't think Obama ran a Trump-like campaign. Let's not go...

BOLLING: Well, some people -- well, all right.

BOOTHE: Greg, what do you think?

GUTFELD: I'm more -- I'm more interested in how the media covers this. The fact that they do conflate violence as protest, because for the greatest good, you can break things. It's OK.

In the context of this year of the amount of riots that have gone on, they have -- people have encouraged it as a response.

No. 2, when they come up with these hate crimes, these hundreds and hundreds of hate crimes, swastikas here, swastikas there, when they are unproven, when it turns out, perhaps, they are hoaxes, the media doesn't care. Because they say, well, if that -- if it didn't happen there, if that swastika was fake, it probably happened somewhere. So the fake one is just as real as the real one. That's the real sin.

BOOTHE: All right. Well, on that note, "One More Thing" is coming up next.


GUTFELD: "One More Thing" -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, as you know, Gregory, last week we celebrated Veterans Day. And over the weekend, boy, I had a great time, because I had a chance to dine with the oldest living survivor of Pearl Harbor...


WILLIAMS: ... Ray Chavez. The 104-year-old Chavez was honored by the Spirit of Liberty Foundation as part of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. That will be December 7, this year.

Mr. Chavez lives in San Diego, but as you can see, he was able to travel to D.C. for the national Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington National Ceremony [SIC]. He was also honored by the Capitol with a senatorial proclamation.

So from me to you, Mr. Chavez, here's thanks. Because you came to Washington and showed a new generation of sailors and Army what it really means to demonstrate long life for a lifelong patriot. Congratulations.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice, Juan.

BOLLING: It's very good. Very nice.


BOLLING: So just as this transition occurs, and we hear about all the protests and whatnot and all the interest that's surrounding the new transition from the Obama administration to the Trump administration, just a couple of pictures I snapped today. Just remember law enforcement. These people, FBI, Secret service, NYPD, different police departments in different cities keeping the peace, keeping the peace on the street. Again, they wear the Kevlar so you don't have to. Just remember them.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. I love them.

GUTFELD: Here's a new thing that we're doing. Roll it, please.


GUTFELD: Is Kimberly Single? News.


GUTFELD: Now wherever anybody on "The Five" goes, usually only the men ask, "Hey, is Kimberly single?" Including Howard Stern today. I was on "Howard Stern," and he went that way.


HOWARD STERN, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: What about that Guilfoyle? She's married or no?

GUTFELD: She's -- I think she's single. Yes, she's single.

STERN: How could she be single?

GUTFELD: She's a busy, successful person. You know?

STERN: And she's a lawyer, too.

GUTFELD: Yes. She's a lawyer. She's a tough cookie.

STERN: Maybe I need to -- maybe I need to come on that show and find out, really, what's going on.

GUTFELD: That would be...

STERN: That would be awesome.

GUTFELD: That would be amazing.

STERN: That's right.

GUTFELD: That would be the best thing ever.


GUTFELD: I think it would be amazing.

GUILFOYLE: ... Howard Stern...

GUTFELD: That guy watches "The Five" every single day.

BOLLING: He loves us all. All five of us. Right?

GUTFELD: No, he does. He does, he does.


GUTFELD: He sees us as his only friends. That's what he said.

BOLLING: Well, what you told me in the green room, I hold no offense to that, Howard. I actually love you anyway.

GUILFOYLE: Howard, come on the show. He's got to come on here. Right?

GUTFELD: You interrupted Juan.

BOLLING: You guys think I interrupt Juan too much?

WILLIAMS: Do I -- I can't even say...

GUTFELD: Shut up, Juan.

WILLIAMS: But I will say this. Howard would have to sit here. And then I'd have to be, "Howard, stay be me, bro."

GUILFOYLE: Indeed. All right. Come do the investigation, Howard. We would love it.

So a sanitation crew in Long Island, speaking of single and married news, in New York, recently recovered a woman's lost wedding rings after digging through six tons of trash for nearly four hours. Colleen Dyckman accidentally threw out her rings after cooking Sunday night dinner, realized they were missing the next morning, contacted them. She ran out of the house, chased down the truck and its driver. He then chased down the crew. They dug and, lo and behold, they found her rings. How exciting is that?

She showed her appreciation, of course, by getting back in the kitchen and baking brownies, buying pizza, cookies for the team. What a wonderful story. I'm happy you got your rings back. That's why you shouldn't take them off.

GUTFELD: That is true. Unless you're Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: And you put them all in a safe deposit box.

GUTFELD: Deposit box, exactly. Lisa.

BOOTHE: All right. Well, suck it up, buttercup, is what a state representative from Iowa, Bobby Kaufman, is sending to state universities and the students they are coddling after Donald Trump was elected. He was on "FOX & Friends" this morning, talking about his legislation.


BOBBY KAUFMAN, IOWA STATE REPRESENTATIVE: That's a waste of taxpayer dollars. And that also doesn't prepare kids for life. Because in life, there's winners and losers. And in life, when your car breaks down, your kids get sick or you have to take a second job to pay your mortgage, you don't go to a cry zone. You don't get to pet a pony. You have to -- you have to deal with it.


GUTFELD: Get a pony.

BOOTHE: I like this guy. But essentially, in short, what his legislation does is cut budgets for universities that are going above their budgets for grief counseling and also cracking down on criminality.

GUTFELD: "Special Report" up next.

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