
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 12, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along
with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5
o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Earlier today, the five police officers murdered by a sniper in Dallas last
week where on during a memorial service. President Obama along with
President Bush and Vice President Biden were all in attendance. President
Obama condemned the killings and pay tribute to the fallen, but also took
moments to get political.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: I understand how Americans are
feeling. But Dallas, I'm here to say we must reject such despair. I'm here
to insist that we are not as divided as we seem. I know we'll make it
because of what I have experienced in my own life. What I've seen of this
country and its people. And I understand these protests -- I see them. They
can be messy. Sometimes they can be hijacked by an irresponsible few. But
even those who dislike the phrase "black lives matter," surely we should be
able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling's family. We know there is evil in
this world. That's why we need police departments. But as Americans, we can
decide that people like this killer will ultimately fail. They will not
drive us apart.


GUILFOYLE: President George W. Bush also spoke, delivering these moving


could be prepared for an ambush by hatred and malice. The shock of this
evil still has not faded. At times it seems like the forces pulling us
apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too
easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates too quickly into
dehumanization. Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples
while judging ourselves by our best intentions. And this has strained our
bonds of understanding and common purpose. At our best we know we have one
country, one future, one destiny. We do not want the unity of grief nor do
we want the unity of fear. We want the unity of hope, affection and high


GUILFOYLE: All right. Obviously, very moving remarks, and Dana, to see your
former boss there, speaking to that crowd. What were your thoughts?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I thought it was perhaps one of his
best, but I think that's because maybe it's, you know, we haven't heard
from him in a long time. He hasn't given a speech like this for in awhile.
His somber addresses are some of the most remarkable, because I think that
he strips away a lot of excess language. He tries to keep it very focused
and very about the moment. So I like when he said in terms of a strained
unity and that we do not want unity of fear. I think that was a really
important moment. I think if you are a student of politics or if you are a
student of speech writing, it would be one to read and watch. But he also
came to this not as just a former president but Dallas is really where he -
- I don't think grew up, but became a man, right? So he -- that's where he
started a business. That's where he and Mrs. Bush decided to live. He was
part-owner of the Rangers, the Texas Rangers, helped to build the stadium
there. Then he runs for governor. Then he lives the White House, he returns
to Dallas. So this was very personal moment for him. And I think that
everybody was glad that both President Obama and that the former president
was there.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling, an opportunity to show unity in the country, where
there has been such great divide.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah. And I thought George -- President
Bush's delivery was fantastic. His speech was fantastic. President Obama,
can I just be a little bit critical? I mean, look, this is a moment. I know
it's heartfelt and this is a moment, but do you really have to bring up
black -- do you even have to mention Black Lives Matter and Alton Sterling
during this whole -- during this thing? I just, I just found it wasn't the
appropriate time to do that. If you have a opinion then there's plenty of
time to talk about what led up to, what didn't lead up to it, but come on,
this is a moment where five police officers were shot. This is a memorial
service for them.

GUILFOYLE: Murdered.

BOLLING: Murdered. And let's -- I would just focus on that and not bring up
any sort of politics or raise controversy whatsoever.

GUILFOYLE: Greg, how did you see the kind of juxtaposition between the two

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, I don't know. I -- in every case,
the word that we always hear is unity. And we talk about unity a lot. But
we have to be honest with ourselves, that unity is really, really boring
and divisiveness is really, really exciting. We live in a time of great
leisure where people have a lot of free time. Where do they spend their
free time? They spend their free time on social networks, talking to each
other in abusive ways and indulging the impulse of divisiveness. So it's
not simply about like, can we be unified? It's about teaching ourselves to
resist the impulse of divisiveness, which is different because then once
you resist the divisiveness, then you got to fill that hole with something
else. And then you're forced to think about what is that thing? What is
that thing? Should I be reading more? Should I be thinking more? Should I
be going to church? Should I be spending more time with my community?
Should I be getting off Twitter and social networks and start talking to
people? And should I stop marching and maybe start joining? These are
things that happened. You know, you look at memorials, memorials mark an
event in history and we don't do that anymore. We don't stop and think. We
just keep rolling on and keep rolling on and keep rolling on. And I think
that's why these things are such anomalies. It's like to sit there and
listen. We don't do that anymore. Next week, we'll be talking about
something else. You know it. In three days we'll be talking about something

GUILFOYLE: In 10 minutes.

GUTFELD: In 10 minutes, in the B-block.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. So Juan, an opportunity here to spread some hope, some
unity, connection and also to remember and honor.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Without a doubt. And I thought that was
about -- I was really appreciative of the fact that you had President Obama
and President Bush there, because I thought it was an example for the
nation of reaching across the racial divide. And both of them, I think, had
to do, to my mind, a political balancing act because, you know, I get upset
when Eric says just like, oh, but President Obama had to mention Black
Lives Matter. Of course, black America wants to hear this president, our
first black president, speak to the anguish black people feel about
violence by police against black people.

BOLLING: At a memorial service?


BOLLING: For five fallen --

GUILFOYLE: The five officers?

WILLIAMS: I'm telling you

BOLLING: Fallen officers?

WILLIAMS: Let me say this.

BOLLING: Is that the place and the time to do that?

WILLIAMS: That's exactly the place. If he didn't do it there .


WILLIAMS: . he'll be a chicken. Because right now what we heard was this
murderous, crazy man, someone that the president, by the way, described as
demented and filled, not only with dementia but racial hate. That's what
President Obama said, that he was reacting to the previous examples and
said he wanted to kill white people and especially white cops because of
what had happened in Minnesota and Baton Rouge. So, Eric, you can't go to

BOLLING: But that's not what he said, Juan. That's not what he said. I'll
quote him.

WILLIAMS: That's exactly what he said.

BOLLING: I'll quote him. I'll quote him. He said, "Surely, we should be
able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling's family."

WILLIAMS: Yeah. He had spoken --

BOLLING: That's the memorial to Alton Sterling not to the five officers .


BOLLING: . that they were there to memorialize.

WILLIAMS: Eric, let me, let me just offer you something that the president
said. It comes from the Gospel of John, he said, "Let us love not with
words or speech, but with action and in truth." This goes back to what Greg
was talking about, that it's not just about the words, it's going to take
actions, not just people sitting on the couch and listening and pointing
fingers and saying the other guy gets it or doesn't get it .


WILLIAMS: . and I'm right. It's about people actually saying, you know, we
got to heal America. We got to heal these -- we got a problem here. And if
you say, oh, let's go to a fantasy and not talk about black people because


WILLIAMS: . black people's anger makes --

BOLLING: I'm not saying ever talked it about, Juan.


GUILFOYLE: It's not a fantasy, it's a memorial.

BOLLING: I'm saying have this debate, have this discussion, have fixed the
problems .

PERINO: Tomorrow.


BOLLING: . but do it tomorrow, not at the memorial service.

WILLIAMS: No. You will be --

GUILFOYLE: He is the president -- right.

BOLLING: That is supposed to be --

GUILFOYLE: He is the president of the United States so he can call to talk

BOLLING: That is supposed to be for those five officers and those families

WILLIAMS: Let me just --

BOLLING: . in Dallas.

GUILFOYLE: Making a speech and when it's appropriate to do so versus a
funeral memorial for five fallen officers.

WILLIAMS: If he went to the funeral .


WILLIAMS: . for Alton Sterling and --


WILLIAMS: Philando Castile, and didn't mention the horrors of people
unfairly attacking police, the two of you would be going crazy.

GUILFOYLE: Well, during the (inaudible), the spotlight is on President
Obama stance on race relations and the police. And what some say is a
conflicting message.


JASON RILEY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think I really heard enough from the
president on this issue. And I think most of the country has. He -- some
people call it nuances. I call it equivocation. He has talked out of both
sides of his mouth on this issue on day one. The cops acted stupidly in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. We need to, you know, we need law and order on
the streets, but you need to sympathize or empathize with the Black Lives
Matter movement and their grievances. He wants to have it both ways. What
he's really done is play into this false narrative by winking at the Black
Lives Matter movement, treating them as some sort of modern day, you know,
NAACP circa 1955, which they are not.


GUILFOYLE: Greg, you got thoughts on Jason's comments?

GUTFELD: Well, two things. President Obama did bring up immediately the
importance of the rule of law. And that's -- I mean, that's key here. Black
Lives Matter have, they have violated the law. They've blocked freeways and
highways. They keep people from getting home and stuff like that and they
see that as part of a greater mission. I think, you know, there is a middle
ground between Juan and Eric. There are deep concerns among the black
community, obviously, about what is going on in this country. Black lives
matter to me is Al Sharpton by committee. It's Angela Davis in a mob. I
don't think it addresses -- when I hear Juan speak, I don't hear black
lives matter. I hear the traditional civil rights voice that Juan admires.
I don't see Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King together in the same group.
But somehow black lives matter -- in the world of identity politics, it has
evolved into a tribal faction where they use grievances to dismantle our
society. It's not about joining a community. It's about splitting it apart.
That's what I see as the difference between Black Lives Matter and previous
Civil Rights movements. Not that I am any expert at this at all.

GUILFOYLE: But you're trying.


GUILFOYLE: OK. Dana, so what do you think? Can you kind of like compare
this to what we heard from Chief Brown, the Dallas Police Department and
saying, "Hey, if you want to be part of the solution, please, come into our
police department, fill out an application, join with us to take these
neighborhoods in the right direction and really bring some unity and

PERINO: I do think that the nation has certainly benefited from getting to
know Chief Dave Brown of Dallas, what a person to emulate, and a leader. I
also believe that the work that -- if you have a concern, if you're a part
of Black Lives Matter or, and you want to get something done, that work
does have to happen outside of the protests, OK? So it has to come at the -
- it has to be -- it should become before, but at least should be
simultaneous. And of the things I've always thought is what concrete
issues? What are the five things that you really want? What are the five
things that could actually be done? And that's how you actually start to
have a civil discourse in order to achieve something. The protest often
comes after frustration that that process isn't moving along. For some
reason now we've left ahead of that. Now I believe there's enough
compassion to go around for the family members that were grieving today at
the memorial service, as well as for the family members that lost the loved
ones that they cared about during the police shootings. Does -- but I do
think that the work has to be done outside of the protests in order for
them to see any sort of solution.

GUTFELD: Could -- but there are, I mean even Andrew Young mentioned this
and got some flak for it that, there are people that only protest for the
sake of protesting.


GUTFELD: I mean that's probably true in every realm of life. There are the
people that are just there to get the attention or a career path. But I
will say this, the Dallas chief of police is the new face of civil rights.

BOLLING: And that was going to be my talking point for this is .


BOLLING: . Jason Riley is right. President Obama has been talking out of
both sides of his mouth as recently as the night of the shootings where, at
one point, he -- in Poland he said, "The race divided is a problem. We need
to fix this." Five officers get shot. He comes back to the podium and say,
he says, "The country is not as divided as we seem to be;" Two different
sides of a coin where Chief David brown is the opposite. We have -- we are
one. We need to unite. He has been nothing but perfect at race relations in
America .

WILLIAMS: Eric, what do said like we see --

BOLLING: . whereas President Obama has been nothing but divisive.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. The police chief says we've got to come together.

BOLLING: He's bringing people together.

WILLIAMS: Obama says we come together, but you pick -- you say because .


WILLIAMS: . you just hate on Obama so much.

BOLLING: Juan, well, President Obama was supposed to be the first .

WILLIAMS: Oh my, God.

BOLLING: . post racial president in America, right?

WILLIAMS: But the guy is, look --

BOLLING: And race relations are worst --

WILLIAMS: The guy is trying .

GUILFOYLE: Even the most divisive.

WILLIAMS: . to speak to people on both sides of a divisive issue. And you
say, oh. Well, he shouldn't speak to them just because --

BOLLING: President Obama should take a page, like a cue, a page from David
Brown -- Chief David Brown's playbook.

WILLIAMS: Oh yeah. You know what --

PERINO: So he's trying -- I mean, I do think -- I do have to commend
President Obama yesterday. I mean, we weren't there to be a fly on the
wall, but he met with law enforcement groups and asked them, you know, "Are
my words bothering you?" And apparently, a couple of the law enforcement
groups there said, "Yes. It's been a problem because of why" and a few
other groups said, "No, it's not been a problem." But at least maybe he has
heard that he's not getting his message across, so he's wanting at least
listen to critics.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say --


PERINO: Possible critics.

WILLIAMS: Let me just end this .

GUILFOYLE: He's been hearing it for eight years.

WILLIAMS: Let me just end on words that came today from President Bush.
President Bush said, "Don't judge the other guy by their worst examples."


WILLIAMS: And then say that, "Oh, but I have my best intentions." That
inhibits real honest debate -- hats off to President Bush.

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to leave it right there. Coming up, some in the
mainstream media are scolding the Dallas police for using a robot to kill
the gunman. Is their outrage justified? Greg takes those critics on next.
And later, we're gearing up for an exciting road trip to the convention. So
what are groovy tunes? Oh, my God -- we will listen to while we're on the
bus? We're going to reveal our favorite playlist. It's all coming up on
"The Five." Don't miss it.



GUTFELD: The great thing about TV: It's full of people who know so much more than everyone else, including stuff they know nothing about.

After Dallas, TV hacks questioned the decision to use a robot to kill a madman. After hours of negotiations in which the killer expressed joy over killing a few police officers and was dying to kill more, it was clear: He was better off dead. So Dallas PD sent in a robot to kill a fiend. But of course, the media wondered if this is just more proof of militarization, a move toward cold, metallic lethality:


KRIS VAN CLEAVE, CBS NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Bomb squads will tell you these robots can do pretty much anything a person can do. They can go upstairs. They have cameras. They have speakers so that they can communicate. They also have these arms, and those arms will typically be used to investigate a suspicious package, but some police departments have used them to do things like deliver tear gas to subdue a suspect. But for a police department to use a robot to kill, that was unprecedented.

TOM COSTELLO, NBC CORRESPONDENT: The discussion really is about how this is just the latest example of law enforcement turning to military tactics for domestic policing and whether that's simply what comes with a more heavily armed society.


GUTFELD: OK. So this questionable tactic went too far? The police adopted military tactics for domestic policing that was stolen from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? My response: So what? If it works, use it. The creep had already killed five; it would have been a crime to put any more people at risk. A robot mitigates that risk. Even more: Given the relentless scrutiny, now directed at exposing the errors of our human police officers, aren't machines the answer? You can't have it both ways. You can't expect officers to act like robots and then whine when robots assume their duties. And you can't ever accuse a robot of racial bias.

So in time, will it be self-driving patrol cars operated by souless, single-minded bots? You hope not. You don't want a perfect police force. You want a human one. But for now that robot killing a fiend, that was a life-saving act learned from the battlefield. So to paraphrase in an old song: War, what is it good for? Absolutely something.

So, it's Dana, how can I question the police on this? I don't get it.

PERINO: You don't know, because especially the military tactics that were
perpetrated were against somebody who had been trained in the military.


PERINO: And was using that training in order to commence the attack. You
don't bring community policing to a gunfight with a sniper.


PERINO: And the other thing is, what we trust in our police is that you get
the training that you need to do so that your instincts are, you protect me
without you having to think about it. I don't want them to think about it
too much. Now, of course, they probably thought, look, I'm sending a robot.
But is it better that they send in a robot rather than having another
police officer shoot a suspect?

GUTFELD: Could you imagine, could you imagine -- Eric, if they had sent in
a human or a dog, and that person was injured. They go, why didn't you send
a robot?

BOLLING: Yeah. It replace American sniper with a terrorist.


BOLLING: And then everyone would be for it, right?


BOLLING: Anyone who is pushing back on it would say, yeah, kill the
terrorist who wants to kill a bunch of people.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Or she wants to kill a bunch of people. But now because the twist
is that it's an American and it's a regular -- former military guy. Does
she deserve due process? I guess --


BOLLING: I guess that's the pushback on it. But I would agree with you,
both of you, you know the guy already killed people.


BOLLING: You've seen him kill people.

PERINO: And he said he wanted to kill more.


BOLLING: Even if he wasn't the guy who perpetrated the original one. If
he's holding an arsenal and wants to kill people, put him down. Get him out
of the game.

WILLIAMS: OK. You know, as usual, I am the skunk at the garden party.

GUILFOYLE: No kidding.

PERINO: You're not this, too?

WILLIAMS: You know what I mean.


WILLIAMS: Because I've got to thank you and but, you know, I just think if
you, as Americans, living under (inaudible) say, oh you know what? We're
going to let agents of the state and a potentially a tyrannical state,
people make mistakes, use military force against their own citizens. I
thought making --

GUTFELD: Catapult.

WILLIAMS: Right. I don't -- you know what, they had the opportunity, Greg,
to talk to him. Usually people use robots to talk --

GUTFELD: They talked to him for hours.

WILLIAMS: No, but I'm saying at that point, you could say to the guy,
listen, we can explode this, whatever -- but stop, because what you don't
want to do is have a situation where you have a suspect. And you say, you
know what, you don't really want to have a trial. We want to have -- it's
just so bothersome.




GUTFELD: No, they would -- I think they would have wanted to keep him alive
to find out if he had any accomplices .


GUTFELD: . but realized it was impossible. Can I play the chief talk --
responding basically to what Juan just said and then you could destroy
Juan, because I knew you're waiting for it. Go.

GUILFOYLE: It's coming.

GUTFELD: I know.



DAVID BROWN, DALLAS POLICE CHIEF: This wasn't an ethical dilemma for me.
I'd do it again. To use a robot, I would use any tool necessary to save our
officers' lives. I'm not ashamed to say it.


GUTFELD: There you go. Kim?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I mean, listen, there is even question here, OK? But this
is -- that charming discussion. Bottom line is when you have a public
safety threat like that where somebody has said that he has IEDs across the
city that he wants to kill cops, he wants to kill white people. He's
obviously trained in military tactics, has a military background, has body
armor on, there are no civilian casualties .

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: . or collateral damage around. You have isolated, identified the
threat. It is ongoing. They have the legal right to use deadly force. And
by the way, your guy, President Obama, super happy with the predator
drones. Why you have a problem with this robot?

WILLIAMS: With predator drones we use against a military enemy.



WILLIAMS: This is --

GUILFOYLE: Interesting.

WILLIAMS: Oh, you know what? Last week, Tucker was sitting here, Tucker
Carlson, our friend. And Tucker he said, "Hey, I worry that the police are
going to be nationalized and militarized." There's a reason Americans don't
have a national police force and we don't allow them to use military

GUTFELD: It was a tactics.

WILLIAMS: Against odds.

GUTFELD: It was the world's slowest catapult. We've got to go, you guys. Go

BOLLING: No, I just want -- would you recommend a kill shot if one of the
officers had them --


GUTFELD: Same thing.

WILLIAMS: Of course.

BOLLING: Of course -- well this is the same thing.

GUTFELD: This is the same thing.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God --

WILLIAMS: Of course.


GUTFELD: That's the question. That was the same thing. It was just --

GUILFOYLE: Flag on the play.

GUTFELD: It was just a bigger bullet and it moved slower.


GUTFELD: All right, up next. After weeks of waiting, Bernie Sanders finally
endorses his former rival, Hillary Clinton -- boy, was that awkward? How
will his support impact the presidential race? Details next.


BOLLING: Some good news and some bad news for Hillary Clinton today. First,
Hillary feeling the Bern, Sanders finally endorse Clinton more than a month
after she clinched the nomination. The Vermont senator made his case for
why he's now backing his former democratic rival.


BERNIE SANDERS, VERMONT SENATOR: This campaign is not really about Hillary
Clinton, or Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders, or any other candidate who
sought the presidency. This campaign is about the needs of the American
people and addressing the very serious crises that we face. And there is no
doubt in my mind that as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and
away the best candidate to do that.




BOLLING: Clinton took the opportunity to fire shots at Donald Trump, this
time, targeting his economic record.


this, Senator Sanders and I will spare no effort to make sure the people of
America know that, once again, Trump and his cronies are trying to pull the
wool over our eyes and come back with the same failed policies that hurt us
before. We're not going to let them get away with it again.




BOLLING: And as for the bad news for Hillary: her e-mail headaches still
haunt her. New polls say 56 percent disapprove of the FBI's decision not
to charge her, while 57 percent say they are worried about how the scandal
will affect how she might handle her responsibilities as president.

Now Juan, on net, good day, bad day for Hillary? The bad polls but Bernie

WILLIAMS: Well, I think Bernie Sanders has a lasting effect. Look, there
are lots of Democrat Sanders supporters who were slow to come around to
Hillary, something that you pointed out to me frequently. And so I think
the sight of Bernie standing up there.

But also remember that Bernie has pushed Hillary to the left on health care
-- now she says she's considering single payer -- on paying for college
tuition. So -- on immigration. On trade. He's got her to say that she
opposes these trade deals. These are important elements to bring along
younger people and a lot of the folks who have been slow to embrace Hillary

BOLLING: Dana, politics. So a couple of months ago, he's destroying her
up and down about her ties to Wall Street, about how she's tone deaf on so
many things.


BOLLING: And now he's patting her on...

PERINO: I always found this moment in politics to be one of my most
uncomfortable to watch. I've never had to do it. Where, like, it happens
both for Republicans and Democrats, where you have to say, "Oh, wow, just
last week I was saying you were disqualified and a disgrace, but today I
think we're all, 'I'm on board'." I think that's very awkward. But it's
like ripping a Band-Aid off.

The winner here is the American people, because we no longer have to pay
for Bernie Sanders' U.S. Secret Service protection, which was outrageous to
do so for the last six weeks, in my opinion.

Also other losers today, moderate Democrats. There is no place for them to
go, because the party has moved so far left.

BOLLING: There might be a place for them to go. They may go right.

GUILFOYLE: According to Donald Trump they're like, "Come on over. Build a
big tent. We want to embrace and include also the Bernie Sanders
supporters and either libertarians, any of those that might be moderate
Democrats," to say this is something that's more in keeping with the ideas
that you have. We have to reach out, right? I mean, there's so many swing
states and everything in play. Branch it.

BOLLING: Greg, you have a cornucopia of things you can talk about with
those three soundbites.

GUTFELD: Well, it was a lovely awkward marriage going on there.

He won. He turned -- he actually won. He turned Hillary into a Bernie
hologram. He just endorsed himself, because she adopted all of his causes.


GUTFELD: Right now what we're going to see is Hillary performing Bernie

PERINO: Also I don't understand why they have to yell all the time. They
would benefit from just taking -- taking your foot off the gas just a
little bit when you're in front of a crowd like that. Use the time to yell
when it's appropriate. If you yell the entire time, no one is going to
listen to you.

BOLLING: Greg makes a very good point. He went through minimum wage, free
tuition, free this, free that.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying.

BOLLING: She's there. She's clapping in the back. Can Donald Trump paint
her with this completely leftist view of what she thinks America should be?

WILLIAMS: Well, hold on. Remember, Donald Trump thinks the minimum wage
should go up, too.


BOLLING: Yes, but does he think free tuition? Does he think free health

WILLIAMS: He's also been someone who thought that health care should be
approved and changed. So I don't know. I mean, that's difficult.

I was listening to Kimberly, because I thought you were making a good
point. And then I thought, "Wait a minute. But the option for even
moderate Democrats that Dana was talking about," but for anyone who says,
"You know, I'm just sick of Hillary Clinton" is "Oh, my God, she's running
against Donald Trump. Oh, Hillary, how are you? Let's talk."

PERINO: OK, Juan. It's a race to the bottom.

GUILFOYLE: Hillary, let's talk.

PERINO: Someone is going to win it.

GUILFOYLE: No credibility. Horrible unfavorables.

GUTFELD: Bottom of the bottle for me.

BOLLING: Up next, the anti-police rhetoric from some Black Lives Matters
members heats up in the wake of the recent cop shootings. Juan takes on
the radical movement directly ahead.


WILLIAMS: In the wake of the recent police killings, some in the Black
Lives Matter movement appear to be adding fuel to the fire during these
tense times with their rhetoric.


movement is racist is bizarre to me. Not just because black people don't
have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The black community has been -- is and has been under
the assault, under kind of the occupation of police who are operating as an
occupying force rather than a force that is supposed to protect and serve
all of the people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The complexity of the American history around
structural and institutional racism, it's very difficult to talk about.
It's very difficult to tackle, because America has such an investment in
white supremacy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We need to abolish the police, period.

MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Abolish the police?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Disarm the police, and we need to come up with
community solutions for transformative justice.


WILLIAMS: You know, in the spirit of honest discussion, which I have been
counseling for all of us here at the table, let me just say honestly, that
first you've got to begin by saying some people, like this woman talking
about abolish the police, out of her mind. Right?

So then you move on and you say, "Oh, but wait a second. What about the
agenda? What about Black Lives Matter agenda?"

Well, you know, I wrote recently the biggest losers in this political year
has been Black Lives Matter. Why? Because they have no agenda. Remember,
they tried to shut down Hillary Clinton. They tried to shut down Bernie
Sanders. They stand up and they say, "We know what should be done." Guess
what? President Obama said they're like a vessel without a destination.
Guess what? Andrew Young, Martin Luther King's aide, as Greg mentioned
earlier in the show, he said earlier today, you've got some people who just
go off and act testy and pesty without actually having an agenda. Right?

And you come to this and you say, "Hey, what do you guys think?" You don't
understand. There are legitimate grievances, things we honestly have to
discuss. But what you're doing is not only distracting from the real
issue, you're giving ammunition to everybody on the other side who says
those are a bunch of naughty jerks and children who don't understand the
seriousness of what we're taking -- what's taking place.

So I see Congressional Black Caucus. I see state and local leaders talking
about how to do better; make black communities safer, offer more jobs in
the black community, better schools. I see Black Lives Matter too often
just going off. So that's my honest criticism of Black Lives Matter, Dr.

GUILFOYLE: Was that a question?

BOLLING: And you're that's wonderful, and you're 100,000 percent right.
But what happened in the A block, when he said it's OK for President Obama
to be mentioning that group that you just destroyed there, rightfully so?
You're right. They don't have an agenda. Their agenda right now is
disrupt, not fix and solve. I agree with you in the D block, not in the A

GUILFOYLE: Right. And it's not to listen.

WILLIAMS: See -- in the A block they have a legitimate grievance. There's
a real issue about police violence and police relations with especially --
not only black communities in general but poor, black neighborhoods.

GUTFELD: Two Juans don't make a right.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. Exactly.

BOLLING: It's true.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, what a difference a segment makes.

WILLIAMS: Go ahead, Gregory.

GUTFELD: I -- you know what? Every -- every political movement has good
people and hucksters and charlatans and people who are in it only to make
it big. And do you know who did a lot of that? White people did it in --
look at -- remember the '70s were filled with TV evangelists, who turned
out to be absolute frauds? Who cheated on their families -- or their wives
and took money?

There -- every group has the right to have their own losers, and so you've
just got to -- but within the group you've got to point out the losers, and
the hucksters and the charlatans and go, "Get out!"

WILLIAMS: Yes. And I think you know what? It's really difficult at times
if you feels like you're under assault from the critics, but it's so
important. That's why people who criticize Jackson or Sharpton, I think
they're doing it because they have the best interests of the community at
heart but don't want to open it up to the charlatans -- Dana.

PERINO: I'll just quickly say I am -- been talking to a few friends, and I
am troubled that there are so many people in our country who are afraid of


PERINO: And that they go through something that I don't go through. I've
never been afraid to drive at night. I don't tense up when I walk by a
cop. And I don't have to deal with that kind of thing. So I understand
now better, over the past several years, that that actually is real.

And so -- but again going back to the A block, so solving a problem behind
the scenes, like where does that start and where does that agenda begin?
I'm willing to be part of it. I just don't know actually where to go.

WILLIAMS: Right. But I think that's the idea, and I applaud it, is that
you're willing to take action and get involved to solve this.


WILLIAMS: You're not just going to sit on the sideline.

So, Kimberly...


WILLIAMS: ... one thing that, like, really caught my attention was Marc
Lamont Hill saying, "Black people can't be racist because we don't have

I think, "Oh, gee, I know a lot of racist black people. What are you,

GUILFOYLE: Right. I mean, that -- that's just like a conversation ender
right there. Because even President Obama behind closed-door meetings and
stuff said, "Listen, let's compare this to the Dylann Roof shooting and
that this is an example of that, and really compare the two of them."

So I mean, you have to just be honest. You have to be willing to listen
and sit down, both sides. And that's the quarrel I have with the very,
like, vitriolic rhetoric, and shouting people down that has really come to
symbolize Black Lives Matter. Rightly or wrongly. They might have some
good intentions, but what I'm looking at is the conduct, the rhetoric and
the actions, which I think are really problematic.

WILLIAMS: All right. I don't have any trouble with people calling out a
legitimate grievance. But, boy, you guys got to get your act together.

Directly ahead, we're just three days away from the kickoff to our exciting
road trip. Yes! We're going to the convention.


WILLIAMS: So what songs will we be rocking out to in our bus? The
favorite music of "The Five," the playlist up next.


PERINO: Yesterday we were excited to show you for the first time the
amazing bus that's taking us to the conventions. Our ride is loaded with
lots of cool things inside, including some of our favorite snacks. Right,


PERINO: But no road trip would be complete without some fun music to play
along the way. So before we board the bus, we spent this morning trying to
think about what are our favorite songs for our playlist. We've each
chosen our top five favorite songs for the occasion. I get to go first.

This was really hard for me, because I'm a little bit scarred from when I
was in third grade, when Josh Williams asked me who my favorite rock band
was, and the only rock band I'd ever heard of was REO Speedwagon. And he
made a lot of -- made fun of me because his was AC/DC and whatever.

GUILFOYLE: Did you date him?

PERINO: I'm always embarrassed to say what my favorite songs are. But of
course, I had to start with, let's see, I have -- I can't even read that.
So OK, it's "Free and Easy Down the Road I Go" by Dierks Bentley. And I
think we can play a little bit of that, right?

GUTFELD: That's at the end, Dana. You go through your list.

PERINO: Well, you can read it: "American Saturday Night" by Brad Paisley.
"Take Me Home, Country Roads," John Denver. Everyone knows the words to
that. You have to find songs -- on a road trip, you need songs that people
can sing to. Now, you're going to have to learn this song so that you can
sing along with me, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: I thought -- is it "Girl Crush" make your list?

PERINO: It did not, but it was on my top 15.

GUILFOYLE: OK, I got it.

PERINO: The original e-mail asking for 15 songs. I also love "She's in
Love with the Boy" by Tricia Yearwood and "All American" by Levi Lowrey.
This is a song you probably have not heard about -- heard of before. But I
encourage you to download it. "All American" by Levi Lowrey. You will
crack up. There is some -- a little bit of a history.

GUILFOYLE: You know you wanted to make all ten Dierks Bentley.

PERINO: You don't understand. This was -- I took this assignment very
seriously. I had about 30 songs to go. But we've got to get around to
everybody else's. Eric, you're next.

BOLLING: So I pick the music for my blocks. I usually bump in the block
with a classic rock song and bump out of the block with something cool, hip
recent pop.

But the top five were all my classic rock favorites: "Sympathy for the
Devil," The Rolling Stones; "Come Together, the Aerosmith version, not the
Beatles version. The Aerosmith version. "Baba O'Riley," the Who. And by
the way, Sean O'Rourke, Kimberly's producer, stole "Baba O'Riley"...

GUILFOYLE: Because he'll do anything for me.

BOLLING: ... as a bump out song in the A block.


BOLLING: Undercut me completely. "Kashmir," Led Zeppelin, one of my
favorites of all time. And this one. I grew up on the Black Crowes. I
adore the Black Crowes. "She Talks to Angels."


PERINO: I know the words to that one.

BOLLING: This one?

PERINO: No, no. "She Talks to Angels."

BOLLING: Great song.

PERINO: This one I probably couldn't sing very well.

Now Juan, you're going to bring us some hip and happening music. What do
you have?

WILLIAMS: Well, you know what I was thinking was, look, we're taking a
road trip. You've got to have road trip music, right?


WILLIAMS: So I picked songs that have to do with traveling. "Living in
America," James Brown.

PERINO: That's a good one.

WILLIAMS: "Ignition," right? "Uptown Funk," you know, going from
Hollywood to Harlem to Jackson, Mississippi. "Happy," which I just think
we should have happy feet. Because everyone is going to say how can you
five live together in a bus for this long? We need some happiness. And
"Having a Party," because I'm just dying to dance with Dana. So "Having a

PERINO: Wow! You're the only one. Everyone wants to dance with Kimberly.

WILLIAMS: But here, the reason I picked James Brown is, do you know what
he sang about super highways, coast to coast, easy to get anywhere. Living
in America. I just think that's perfect for a road trip.

PERINO: OK. I like that one.

All right. K.G., your top five?

GUILFOYLE: OK, so there's tremendous amount. I had all the e-mails saying
Led Zeppelin [SIC], "Legs," but you know, we'll include that one, too.

"Don't Stop Believin'" is one of my favorite songs of all time, Journey.
And I love that. Love to sing it.

PERINO: That's a good song.

GUILFOYLE: Remember, Bolling, last time we went to the -- went to that
convention in Tampa?

BOLLING: Journey played.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. We went and saw them. They were singing. It was
amazing. There it is.

"Where the Streets Have No Name," U-2. One of my favorite bands of all
time. "Why Can't This Be Love," Van Halen.

PERINO: That's a good one.

GUILFOYLE: That's a strong move. "Roar" by Katy Perry. Shut up, Greg.
And also "Love Don't Cost a Thing." Well, sometimes it does. Jennifer
Lopez. Yes, you know who you are.

PERINO: All right, Greg. Greg, you're going to wow us?

GUTFELD: There is -- in my contract, in my contract I state in any event
where Katy Perry is played, I don't have to attend.

PERINO: Oh, perfect!

GUTFELD: So I'm no longer on the bus.


GUTFELD: Bye, everybody. All right, all right, all right.

I have to take umbrage, of course, with Eric. Why must you pick songs that
you can hear on "CSI" or in a department store or on the -- expand your

BOLLING: Do you know how good Muzak versions of "Kashmir," Led Zeppelin
are now? Amazing, awesome. I love that.

GUTFELD: I picked stuff that you never hear on the radio, because I think
they deserve a little bit more exposure. My five are "Pale Green Ghosts,"
a great driving song by John Grant. "Cause I'm a Man," Tame Impala, an
amazing Australian band, probably the best band out right now. The New
Avalanches. After 16 years, the New Avalanches album is out. It's called
"Wildflower." The song "The Noisy Eater"...

PERINO: I hate noisy eaters.

GUTFELD: ... will blow your mind. "Feel" by Ty Segall. Ty Segall is
probably the new T. Rex out of California. Releases maybe four albums a
year. Get his album, under the band Fuzz. Ty Segall's a hero. Goat,
psychedelic band from Sweden, does a great song called "Talk to God." Blow
-- will blow your brains out.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Metaphorically. Anyway, this is the establishment song, John

BOLLING: We're going to be -- we're going to be blowing our brains out.

PERINO: It's going to be -- I think...

GUTFELD: Listen to different music!

PERINO: This is what I think is going to happen.

GUTFELD: Listen to different music!

PERINO: Everybody is going to have their own headphones.

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to put on my beats, and this is going to be blocked
out of my awesomeness.

PERINO: I will teach you to learn to love "Free and Easy Down the Road I
Go." I can guarantee it.


PERINO: All right. You can download this road trip playlist on our
Facebook page. It's Facebook.com/TheFiveFNC.

"One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Ms. Dana.

PERINO: A little bit of a somber date for me, July 12. Eight years ago
today, Tony Snow passed away. You remember Tony Snow. Take a look.

GUILFOYLE: Great guy.


Snow, and welcome to "FOX News Sunday."


PERINO: Tony Snow was here on FOX News Channel, beloved. But not just at
FOX. He also was White House press secretary for George W. Bush. He
inherited me as his deputy, and then I took over for him when he left.

I talked to Jill Snow today. And the good news is all the children are
doing great and thriving. So we wish all of them very well and remember
him on this day.

GUILFOYLE: Thank God. We certainly miss him here at the FOX News Channel.
A fantastic human being.

Also on a positive note -- Juan, I think you'll appreciate this -- talking
about people and communities coming together to honor the fallen officers,
coming out of this Dallas story, very inspiring story about generosity and
support of the men and women in blue.

Four young girls, the oldest just being 12, decided to start a lemonade
stand in a North Dallas neighborhood. They sold drinks and cookies and
brownies as a way to give back to the families of the fallen Dallas police

Now, you're not going to believe this. By the time the weekend was over,
$10,000 they raised...


GUILFOYLE: ... in just two days. They went down on Monday to the Dallas
Police Association to drop off their check. And I think it's really
heartfelt and wonderful. And thank God, you know, the government didn't
shut down their stand, saying they didn't have a permit.

BOLLING: Permit, right.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me go very quickly. Do you remember "The Macarena"?
Remember hula hoops? Well, this summer's official rage sensation is
Pokemon. The new Pokemon Go app has people all over the world, including
U.S. soldiers in Iraq, running around up hills, through the traffic, to try
to catch them all, to get Pokemon.

Nintendo stock has gone up. But there's a downside. While you're catching
Pokemon, the bad guys may be catching you, like in St. Louis, where robbers
lured unwitting gamers to locations with lots of Pokemon and robbed them.

GUILFOYLE: There you go.

GUTFELD: You know what they call Pokemon in Jamaica?

WILLIAMS: No, tell me, man.

GUTFELD: Poke-man.

WILLIAMS: I thought you were going to go there.

GUILFOYLE: I know. That was one of your...

PERINO: That was -- I'm not even going to laugh at that.

GUTFELD: That was a really, really good joke. OK.

GUILFOYLE: It was, like, one of your least offensive, so it was good.

GUTFELD: My latest piece, which is on Dallas, is up on the FOXNews.com. I
think it's back or forward slash? I don't know anymore. Opinion. You can
look down there and you can go look for it. It is pretty long.

PERINO: OK. Good piece. Greg. I mean Eric.

BOLLING: Very quickly, take a look at this book that I wrote. I love this
book, but look what happened this week. First time debuted on The New York
Times bestseller list, No. 7. I want to say thank you to everyone.


BOLLING: And by the way, if you go to EricBolling.com, we're going to make
every book that's bought this week and maybe next week a signed copy of the
book. But thank you very much.

GUILFOYLE: And available on audio books.

GUTFELD: Did you read it?

BOLLING: I read it.

GUTFELD: It's very hard.

BOLLING: All ten hours.

GUTFELD: I know!

PERINO: What a sacrifice.

GUILFOYLE: I read mine, too. Did you read yours? I read mine.

PERINO: I didn't, but I will, if I ever have a chance again.

GUTFELD: I couldn't read. It's not that; I couldn't read.

GUILFOYLE: Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five."
That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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