
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 1, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, sanitation officials plan to haul away 30-tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment, and that's not including the protesters. Now 30 tons is a lot of trash. Imagine two tons and then multiply it by 15, or 60 tons cut in half, 30 tons squared, but then divide it by 30. At any rate, it's 30 tons more than the Tea Party left behind. And that's just one encampment of many.

But if all you see there is garbage, then you're missing the big picture, which is no one cares about things they don't own.

To quote the great Milton Friedman, "When everybody owns something, nobody owns it and nobody has direct interest in maintaining or improving its condition," end quote.

Which is why you never poop in your driveway but a protesters would and has. But just because they're evicted doesn't mean they're gone. Far from it.

I know, that word is always funny.

According to the Wall Street Journal, activists say camps will return in spring, along with the large demonstration at conventions. At this point, I say this is going to be a make or break moment for President Obama. Does he reject calls for the revolution or stoke the fire.

But then I remember a few years back him saying the bank CEOs, quote, "Be careful, my administration is the only thing standing between you and the pitchforks." So, it looks like he's already gotten out of the way.


GUTFELD: What is wrong with you people?

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: I think, Bob, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I think you may or may not have disrespected your own property at some point. Not the way that Greg described.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: No, I just want to say, these are Eric's glasses and they may be the ugliest glasses. For a guy who's as rich as he is, he bought them for 17 bucks at a drugstore.


BECKEL: Now, I can just make one point about all this, you are making fun of the P.C. --

GUTFELD: Thirty tons.

BECKEL: No, no. You talked about poop again. And I keep saying about the Tea Party people is that they didn't have that because they're all rather old and they're constipated.

GUTFELD: Oh! Terrible.

All right. Here's the thing, Eric, I'm thinking like -- shouldn't the police have bus protesters back in to clean up. And shouldn't the protesters, or shouldn't they have volunteered to do that? Would that have been the right thing?

BOLLING: That's the right thing to do. The numbers, somewhere around $30 million and growing just cleaning up the protest.

But I think, back to the segment we did earlier, Dana, you asked about Andy Stern and how China is such a great system. I didn't see 30-tons of poop from Tiananmen Square for occupy Tiananmen.

GUTFELD: Well, that is all debris. It's everything.

BOLLING: Well, whatever. They still don't allow it over there. And that's the big difference.

Are you sure we should allow them to encamp --

BECKEL: I think we should take all of that poop and put it on your "Jersey Shore".


DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: The right thing to do would have been to say, all right, people, let's clean this off, let's work together and let's clean all this up. Instead, they just turned up their nose up. And the people that had to clean it up, they actually had to wear hazmat suits.

GUTFELD: Yes, because it's hazardous material. But I want to ask you -- because that was about a month or so ago, I think on this show, or was it "Red Eye," we're talking about what would -- what does to do once the weather gets cold? You said they would regroup over the next couple of --

PERINO: Yes. I thought that once the first frost hit, which we have had unseasonably warm weather in New York. And I don't know why Bob is laughing.

GUTFELD: It's like a 12-year-old boy.

BECKEL: Unbelievable. I can't believe you sound so serious about this. I mean, it's not an earth-shattering story.

Have you ever been to a county fair? Have you ever cleaned up after the --


GUTFELD: Yes. But, Bob, that's the whole point. The point is what's going to happen next?

BECKEL: I'm sorry. Let's get serious.

PERINO: I make a prediction they will come back.

BECKEL: They will be back.


PERINO: They're going to have cohesive message, after it's being started by Adbusters up in Canada. They all got together and then it was like this -- from their perspective, a wild success story. And then, now, they don't know what to do with it.

So, I think that they'll go back. They'll get much more organize, will have more money from probably like a George Soros types. And then they'll come and they'll cause a lot more havoc. And it will be a huge headache for President Obama.


TANTAROS: Because they are not tough enough to stay out in wintertime. They're not going to the bathroom outside in the wintertime.

Two quick points, ironically a lot of protesters are probably environmentalists, which is just the ironic point that they leave all these garbage and debris, and they're probably the same advocating for green energy and all this stuff. And the people they claim to want to help, 99 percent are the ones that had to clean up their mess.

GUTFELD: That's the thing.

TANTAROS: I mean, that's really disrespectful.

GUTFELD: That's a true failure in the fact that the people that are working overnight to clean this up are people that they are supposed to fight for.

But here's the thing, Eric, the real success of this protest is after some reason, they have been able to convince a fair amount of people that capitalism is the problem. And that's a little scary.

BOLLING: And if you read, and, Bob, I'm glad you mentioned it, the "Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx.


BOLLING: Whatever year it was, that's exactly what they are doing. They're saying that the class -- it's class warfare.

BECKEL: I'm glad you changed the subject. We spent four minutes on garbage.

BOLLING: That's what they're talking about. They created their own class.


GUTFELD: OK. I'm going to ask who -- you know, when this movement comes back, who is going to be the best poster boy for this, or poster person?

PERINO: Thinking about this today, I always thought that it didn't get enough attention that people like Jay-Z, who -- let's see -- Russell Simpson and Alec Baldwin, these are people that I don't really associate with. But they -- remember they went to the protesters for a day?


PERINO: Not even a day, like five minutes. It's like, I'm with you guys. Then they took off and --

TANTAROS: Wait a minute. You don't hang out with Jay-Z on the weekend?

PERINO: No, no. He created a t-shirt called occupy all streets. He was going to donate the money to charity. And now --

BECKEL: Who is Jay-Z?

GUTFELD: Andrea, your poster child or the leader of the occupy movement?


TANTAROS: I actually said Michael Moore.


PERINO: That was a good one.

TANTAROS: But, you know, to Dana's point, why doesn't Russell Simmons or one of these celebrities that went down, that thinks this is such a noble cause, why don't they pay the bill for the clean-up? Why don't they donate some money so that these middle class workers don't have to clean it up?

GUTFELD: Who is your spokesperson?

BOLLING: Mine was Geraldo. It spent a lot of time on air arguing the opposite sides of occupy Wall Street with Geraldo.

GUTFELD: Bob, quickly.

BECKEL: Quickly. Of course, Bob, quickly.

GUTFELD: Well, because we're running out of time.

BECKEL: My answer is a fireman in Wisconsin who lost his job because the Republicans cut all the federal money to fire houses. And because that schmuck of the governor there took away his bargaining power. He's out of work, can't fed his family.

BOLLING: Stop it.

BECKEL: Oh, stop it.

BOLLING: No one got fired in Wisconsin, Bob.


BECKEL: They did, too.

GUTFELD: Mine is Pat from "Saturday Night Live." Here, she whined constantly and we never knew really what she was about.

TANTAROS: Androgynous.

GUTFELD: All right. We got to take a break.

BECKEL: How come you got a picture?

GUTFELD: I asked for one.

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