
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 14, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Geraldo Rivera, Melissa Francis and Brian Kilmeade. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."

President Obama just wrapped up his first news conference since Donald Trump became president-elect and the outgoing commander-in-chief had a lot of useful advice for the incoming commander-in-chief ranging topics crucial like details surrounding our nuclear response, NATO and job creation.

And then Mr. Obama got into some of the politics too, making recommendations about carbon emissions, wind and solar power and the minimum wage. The president began by telling Democrats to basically get over it, Trump won, blame yourselves for your loss.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The people have spoken. Donald Trump will be the next president, the 45th president of the United States. Those who didn't vote for him have to recognize that that's how democracy works. When I won, there were a number of people who didn't like me and didn't like what I stood for.

I think that whenever you've got an incoming president of the other side, particularly in a bitter election like this, it takes a while for people to reconcile themselves with that new reality.


BOLLING: And the mainstream media hasn't come to terms with the people's decision. Here is ABC's Martha Raddatz's line of questioning?


MARTHA RADDATZ, CHIEF GLOBAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT, ABC NEWS: Does anything concern you about a Trump presidency?

OBAMA: Do I have concerns, absolutely. Of course I've got concerns. He and I differ on a whole bunch of issues. But the federal government and our democracy is not a speed boat. It's an ocean liner.

RADDATZ: Do you still have any concern about his temperament?

OBAMA: There are going to be certain elements of his temperament that will not serve him well unless he recognizes them and corrects them.


BOLLING: All right KG, I was going to say the president looked relaxed and he should. He is now -- he's (INAUDIBLE) the president, but I want to stay on that for a second. Martha Raddatz, after she didn't get the answer she was looking for the first time, but aren't you really concerned about Trump being president? Come on, aren't you?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yes, she kept trying to like poke the cage but he wasn't going to take the bait. But he did he sound somewhat subdued and not his usual, you know, boisterous (inaudible) self. And I think it's probably hitting him but in fact now his legacy is going to be on the line because there are no guarantees. He tried to hand over the reins to Hillary Clinton. He made his best effort, put it forward and so did his wife, the First Lady and it fell short.

BOLLING: Melissa, I heard you kind of whispering during that first sound bite talking about, you know, Obama basically say hey, Democrats, you lost this. It's on you, but you think it was --

MELISSA FRANCIS, GUEST CO-HOST: I think it was a little more specific than that. I mean he started out with this idea because of the changing demographics in the country and I thought, oh gosh, here we go, you know,, with the Electoral College. He said you got to be everywhere. The reason why I won Iowa twice is because I was there 287 times, and he said you got to keep campaigning, you got to go everywhere. And I was like, wow.

He is basically saying that she didn't try hard enough. That she didn't campaign hard enough. I mean is the argument that the Trump campaign that we heard, you know, wasn't organized, maybe didn't have any ground game, was more organized than the Clinton machine? That's what it sounded like.

BOLLING: Or was the message also flawed, too? It mostly points out the -- maybe Donald Trump did hit the Midwest a little bit harder than she did and maybe she lost because of it. But what about the message?

GERALDO RIVERA, CO-HOST: I thought that President Obama was terrific. I thought his tone was very conciliatory. He mentioned the bitterness and ferocity of the campaign and yet juxtaposed it with the cordiality of the meeting he had with the president-elect.

He was very respectful to Donald Trump and to the American people's decision. He mobilized Donald Trump a ton of Americans and I think President Obama recognized that there is a movement that has taken place and you have to deal with it.

BOLLING: Brian, he threw in politics. You know, whether the advice you have for the incoming president, he went through NATO, he went through nuclear responses, and then he started with the carbon footprints and the emissions and wind and solar power, and then he went to minimum wage. These are hard core Democrat issues.

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: Yes, at first he said, yes, before you unwind Paris keep in mind and then fill in the blanks. First of all, that wasn't a reprimand on Melissa for her whispering during the sound bite.


KILMEADE: I just want to make that clear. So do not feel bad.

FRANCIS: I was a little worried.

KILMEADE: Because I took it wrong too for a while. Now I'm over it. But I do say this, I agree with Geraldo. I loved his tone today. I loved the fact that he went out of his way to not insult anything that I could tell of anyone except Hillary Clinton because when he said you didn't go, he goes, I had to go to the fish fries, I had to go here and I had to go there. The problem is and I'd assume just to say he didn't insert politics to a degree.

But you know what he's doing and I know you know this Eric. He said it. He told you what he's doing. He says he's not someone who's got -- he's not an ideologue. He's not dug in on policies. We think he's more pragmatic than that. He is saying that he might be pliable. He might be somebody that when he calls me up, I could try to get him to -- I could win him over to a degree. So if he alienates...

BOLLING: He being Trump?

KILMEADE: Being Trump. But I will say this. You know, he went out of his way I thought to do things that he hasn't done in the past. He told in Japan he says he is afraid that, you know, Trump does not have the knowledge of Europe, Asia and the Middle East. He went out of his way and he thinks he is woefully unprepared he said in Singapore. And that is why so many people around the world are saying, wow, the current president thinks his nominee is unprepared. What are we in for?

BOLLING: And KG, he did take another I would call a bit of a shot when he said that, you know, interesting sound bites or provocative (ph) sound bites don't necessarily turn into good policy.

GUILFOYLE: OK, yes. I mean, it's a veiled, you know, shot but we can figure it out. We got the decoder. So, he is saying listen, it sounded good, let's see if these are actually policies that can be implemented that are going to bring about the change that has been promised in this election by the president-elect Donald Trump. Nevertheless, tread carefully, because this is the man that's holding your legacy in his hands. I mean to be honest, right. I mean President Obama is very charming.

KILMEADE: Maybe that translates into the why he's not insulting him and going out of his way.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly because he doesn't want -- he wants there not to be, you know, Obamacare repealed and replaced. The whole thing about leaving two aspects of it in but the Republicans were going to that anyway. He is worried about -- all of these different things he's done, all of the executive orders. I mean, it's like Donald Trump's the big thing as like, you know, liquid paper and just going to erase what he did. Magic marker eraser.

FRANCIS: On the eve of going on this tour around the world where he is supposed to be reassuring people that President Trump isn't anything to be afraid of, I don't think that's what Trump wants. He wants people off balance. It's like a new boss coming into a company. You're saying, you know what, guess what, everybody be on notice. There's a new boss.

RIVERA: I think you are burying the lead. The lead to me is the fact that President Obama praised president-elect Trump's connection powerful, connection with the majority of the American people, that he's the majority (INAUDIBLE) in the electorate.

KILMEADE: Yes. He said he was impressed with his victory.

RIVERA: He was very impressed with his victory.

FRANCIS: Hard not to be.

RIVERA: He is impressed with the job that Trump did business (ph). Historic job in getting this powerful connection. Those are powerful words.

BOLLING: This is the guy who about 10 days or so ago said Donald Trump is unfit to hold the presidency.

RIVERA: Well, 15 days ago Donald Trump said he was born in Kenya.

BOLLING: Well, I'm not sure about that. At one point he did say -- this isn't constitutional, this transition of power isn't in the constitution but we do have --

RIVERA: It's in the cordiality.

BOLLING: Well, the outgoing president takes the time and gets the incoming president, the commander-in-chief up to speed on things like NATO and --

GUILFOYLE: It's not mandated.

KILMEADE: You know what, I love the fact that President Bush set the template for this.


KILMEADE: He refers to President Bush all the time --

GUILFOYLE: Which I like.

KILMEADE: ...because he's the guy who got -- became president for by insulting President Bush's Iraq war, and when they finally met, you thought there would be tension. Bush was above it -- Bush 43, and he's been above it for eight years since. And he keeps saying the standards set by President Bush during that transition is something I look to emulate. It's really hard to shake it because he's in his 50s. He's got 30 more years to look back at his legacy and this transition has a lot to do with his legacy.

BOLLING: His policies is about to be dismantled. I mean, you know, other than that, it's three to four years, what will remain? Take Obamacare.


BOLLING: Hold that for one second. Hold Obamacare for one second. Give me another legacy item. Everything else is by executive fiat.

FRANCIS: I will.

BOLLING: Donald Trump said the first thing he's going to do is dismantle all the executive orders.

RIVERA: If President Trump --

GUILFOYLE: Climate change.

RIVERA: Climate change also. It was flooded in Miami Beach if anyone noticed yesterday.

KILMEADE: Because that is not proven to be climate change.

RIVERA: Yeah, right.

GUILFOYLE: I was being facetious.

RIVERA: It's, you know, the super, super duper moon. Actually my cab driver today told me a great thing. He said, you know what the super moon was? That was Donald Trump for the Democrats giving them a super moon. I think that when you can take --

KILMEADE: I just got that. It took me a while.

RIVERA: Immigration. President Obama pleaded with president-elect Trump today not to throw out the Dream Act students. The students have been given this temporary deferral from deportation because they were brought here as small children, committed no crimes. They are basically American children. What President Obama was doing to me today was pleading with President Trump. Please sir, OK.

FRANCIS: No. I totally disagree. When he said -- he made that one point. He said, I think that you find when I turn over the keys that the car is in pretty good shape. I think he was out there making the case for why -- for his legacy. I mean he went through thing after thing. He said, you know when I inherited the presidency, you know, everything was falling apart, the wheels were coming off, the economy was in shambles.

RIVERA: Which is all true, all true.

FRANCIS: And he would on and on, and he would try to talk about how, yes -- I know people aren't totally happy what what's going on, but we still did a great job. When he's going back and forth between trying to recognize that there's a huge portion of Americans like you said who are very unhappy with what's going on and they all came out to vote.

But at the same time, arguing why his presidency wasn't that great. We should be looking back at it and saying he did a great job when in fact the electorate just said, no you didn't.

KILMEADE: He also said no major scandals. He also said no major scandals that happened. I mean people look at him and they don't look at him as fundamentally dishonest but they do look at the IRS. They do look at a lot of different things that happened during that time where there was no hell to pay for it and then people -- and also he brought the VA which I think is a dangerous thing for him to bring up. He says look, we have so many people, you know, we had a problem in Phoenix but we have so many other people, it happens. That's a tough thing to reconcile.

BOLLING: We're going to tease KG though. He's going to have his pile of executive orders this high on his desk, Donald Trump will day one to start repealing every single -- dismantling every one of them. I think...

GUILFOYLE: It's a lot go through and I think that's something and he's really talked about government waste and overregulation and you know, the power of the executive pen being you know, misused and abused essentially during this past eight years of the administration so, I don't know. Make all your big plans.

BOLLING: We'll do this. We have a lot more to talk about. Coming up, Obamacare, the Supreme Court, abortion, same-sex marriage, new remarks from the president-elect on all of these important issues to America when "The Five" returns.


GUILFOYLE: Big change is coming and it's coming when president-elect Trump takes the oath of office in January. One of the first items on his agenda, repealing Obamacare. He does seem open, however, to leaving parts of the law in place. Here is Mr. Trump in his first televised interview since winning the White House.


LESLIE STAHL, JOURNALIST CBS NEWS: When you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered?

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT-ELECT: Yes, because it happens to be one of the strongest assets.

STAHL: You're going to keep it?

TRUMP: Also with children living with their parents for an extended period.

STAHL: You're going to keep that?

TRUMP: We're not going to very much try and keep that in.

We're not going to have a two-year period where there's nothing. It will be repealed and replaced and we'll know and it will be great health care for much less money.


GUILFOYLE: OK. We talked about this answer before. Sorry, Brian, your compliment to me wasn't good enough.



BOLLING: you know, and we went at this sort of the better part of five and a half years. So, Donald Trump took the two things out of Obamacare that was the most palatable for Republicans, which is pre-existing conditions. If you have a pre-existing condition, you can get healthcare and you can stay on your parents, a policy until you're 26. Those are the two that probably would have ended up in the replacement plan anyway. He's also talked about selling insurance across state lines.


BOLLING: That's a big one, and then one other, just remove the mandate. Once you remove a mandate where everyone has to purchase insurance, you allow competition to come in and that's what drops prices. President Obama is wrong today. He was literally wrong today. He said single payer -- a single payer system would be better to bring prices down. It won't.

Single payer allows prices to go up. They'll go as high as government are willing to pay and if you know anything about government, they're willing to overpay on everything. So, he's close in, for all I know, it could still be Obamacare but it won't look anything like Obamacare.

KILMEADE: You think they'd call it Obamacare?


FRANCIS: There's a huge difference though if you listen closely to what he was saying. I mean he was saying that kids can stay on their parent's insurance plan and the pre-existing conditions. He didn't say he won't pay for that. I mean that's the problem with Obamacare, is they have to take you with pre-existing conditions and they can't charge you more where somebody has to pay for patients who are using more healthcare.

He didn't say it will cost the same. You can leave those things in place if you have to pay for them. Also, I really just -- the idea of introducing more competition. Now, the president in the meantime went on the air in his speech and he said, well, it's going to be hard, you know, the holy grail for the Republicans has been Obamacare. Now they're going to see when you try and replace it how hard it is. I disagree.

We've watched exactly where it fails, where it doesn't make mathematical sense. You could sit down and write a program today. Call me, I'll help you. That would replace it in a second.

RIVERA: They should call you because they've been unable to write one in that period since. I agree with Eric 100 percent in terms of...


RIVERA: Finally, interstate sales of insurance. The only reason insurance sales are restricted by state is the lobby -- the insurance lobbies within the state. When you have interstate commerce, when the person in California can buy it from an insurance company in Delaware or...


BOLLING: Let me blow your mind even further.


BOLLING: ...one single payer system has this and Republicans is saying, come up with a single payer system. Give a government alternative, but don't mandate the government alternative and don't mandate insurance. If you give the government alternative, that's more competition.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Brian Kilmeade, cleanup for "The Five" but lead off the Fox...

KILMEADE: Yes, cleanup on a five-man team is not good. Am I right? But let me just say we (INAUDIBLE). I made a tactical error. I opened up today with Ezekiel Emanuel at 7:20. I did this thing called having tryout (ph) in normal conversation with someone who wakes up yelling. So I thought, since the election is over, I'm mad (ph) because he's one of the authors and founders of Obamacare.

I thought we'd have a conversation. So he starts yelling right away but I realized you lost the election. But he said this, he said three states already are allowed to trade across lines and he says they haven't. They chose not to. Number two he says, if you go 26 years old and you go the other thing that everyone likes which is...

FRANCIS: Pre-existing conditions.

KILMEADE: Pre-existing conditions, you got to find someone to pay for it. Hence, Eric, comes all the taxes. The medical device tax making healthy people pay a fine or go do it. You have to have some way to balance it out. So where is the revenue coming from to make up for these new previsions that people are going to beg to Trump?

FRANCIS: You have to pay more if you have a pre-existing condition. Before you couldn't get insurance --

KILMEADE: A lot of people don't want that. If you have a pre-existing condition --

FRANCIS: You got to pay for what you're using.

KILMEADE: So if you're born with a club foot, you should pay more?

FRANCIS: If you use more health insurance, you have to pay for it. Someone has to. That is the bottomline.


GUILFOYLE: How about this? He gets his say. The president-elect also weighed in on some hot button social issues including abortion. He said in the past he would appoint Supreme Court justices who might overturn Roe v. Wade. Leslie Stahl asked him about that.


TRUMP: I'm pro life. The judges will be pro life and they'll be...

STAH: But what about overturning this law?

TRUMP: You know there are a couple of things. They will be pro life.

If it ever were overturned, it would go back to the states. So, it would go back to the states --

STAHL: Some women won't be able to get an abortion.

TRUMP: No, it will go back to the states.

STAHL: By state. Now some --

TRUMP: They'll perhaps have to go to another state.

STAHL: And that's okay?

TRUMP: Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go.


GUILFOYLE: Good answer. Now, Mr. Trump also addressed his position on same- sex marriage.


STAHL: Do you support marriage equality?

TRUMP: It's irrelevant because it was already settled. It's law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it's done.

STAHL: So even if you appoint a judge --

TRUMP: It's done. You have these cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They have been settled and I'm fine with that.


GUILFOYLE: All right, so very interesting. I see you. I feel the comment from this side. I know. Go ahead.

RIVERA: How is it that the same-sex marriage can be settled law because the Supreme Court ruled it is and Roe v. Wade is unsettled? I submit to you that Roe v. Wade and all the subsequent cases make very clear that the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled essentially that the unborn child remains part of the mother's body until the unborn child can exist on its own.

That's the essence of Roe v. Wade. I think that as technology makes that period shorter and shorter, the cases might -- there may be along the -- like a late-term abortion where it can be ruled...

GUILFOYLE: Yes, partial birth abortion.

RIVERA: Partial birth and so forth. Maybe the Supreme Court can say that that's only permissible when the life of the mother -- maybe something like that. But I have no doubt that not just in my lifetime but you kids as well will not see Roe v. Wade being overturned.

KILMEADE: He doesn't know that. I mean he's not a lawyer. So I mean there are again a lot of legal questions and political questions and legislative questions he just not going to be able to answer because this is not where he spent the bulk of his life for 50 years. He is buying buildings and making them.

RIVERA: He's also been pro choice for most of his life that I've known him.


GUILFOYLE: Well he campaigned, Eric, as pro life and he said to me here very clearly, he said it would go back to the states. A lot of the people where there is fear mongering that were, you know, for Hillary Clinton and saying that he's going to overturn and overrule, you know, Roe v. Wade. What he did say for sure is that he was going to appoint conservative justices and that he was looking to find justices that were similar to Justice Antonin Scalia.

BOLLING: Who was there, who was on the bench and never attempted to overturn Roe v. Wade, right.

RIVERA: And he's a strict and very conservative.

BOLLING: Yes, absolutely. So I think this fear mongering of oh, now Donald Trump is president, he's going to stack the bench with ultra conservative pro-lifers and Roe v. Wade is going to get flipped, I doubt it. He didn't seem to have an appetite for that. Look at everything he said. Yes, he's pro life and that's the way he campaigned, but it's not one of those issues that he says I have to change this. I haven't heard him once say that.

KILMEADE: What about Ted Cruz? I'd say Ted Cruz would be the perfect substitute. Lindsey Graham put his name into the fray today.


FRANCIS: I don't know. I mean it does seem like we're so far down this road. I'm not a lawyer but I certainly support a strict construction view of the constitution. I don't like expanding things along the way. But I mean it sounds like, like you said, we're just so far down this road, I don't know how you send it back --

RIVERAL: How do you overrule 30 Supreme Court decisions? I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: We know she likes the second amendment, "Guns on the Prairie." My favorite show.


GUILFOYLE: All right next, can the mainstream media be trusted to report fairly on president-elect Trump when outlets are admitting one by one that they botched their coverage of the former GOP nominee? Coming up on "The Five" and lots more.


FRANCIS: The mainstream media dismissed GOP nominee Donald Trump and the tens of millions of Americans who wanted to see dramatic change in Washington. They blew it. And some organizations are actually now admitting it, which is refreshing. "The New York Times" says it will now rededicate itself to honest reporting after Mr. Trump's victory. Rededicate? Honest reporting? Newt Gingrich has this advice for all those Americans who want fair and balanced, unbiased coverage on their president-elect.


NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Let me just start and say that everybody who was for Donald Trump and everybody who wants Donald Trump to succeed should cue off the mainstream media. If the mainstream media hates something, it's probably a really good idea. I mean let's be clear that they are the mortal opponents of what Trump is trying to achieve.


FRANCIS: Brian, so, to be fair, "The New York Times," when I called and canceled my subscription some years back, I said -- they said why. Yes, they said why -- I've done it three times actually. And I said because of your biased reporting. They go, oh, we have a box for that. I wasn't the only one.

KILMEADE: Well they're correct. They just put a box there. For one thing, I find the whole thing flat out amazing that they would admit they made this type of mistake. But yet if you read "The New York Times" even today, they haven't really backed off that mistake at all. Number two is, if "The New York Times" feels like it should change their ways, what about the "New York Daily News?" That was a comic book for the last five months. They actually made -- they would just sit there and write negative stories and make it up out of thin air. Why that's still even a publication? I don't even know.

FRANCIS: I mean on those publications, we knew it like "The Post" and "The Daily News," you know, I mean they knew who their fan base is. We kind of like highlight the stories that they know their folks are going to like. "The New York Times," I mean they are supposed to be playing it straight but they haven't been for a long time.

RIVERA: I think the New York Post, Daily News, you can also say, dare I say it, FOX News and MSNBC, we clearly have a slant one way or the other. It doesn't mean we change the facts. It doesn't mean we misreport. But we have a conservative bent, and MSNBC has a liberal bent.

CNN is supposed to be right in the middle. They were not right in the middle. They tilted to Hillary Clinton. The New York Times is...

FRANCIS: Tilted? They were giving her debate questions.

RIVERA: ... the paragon of journalistic virtue, and they really became a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party as did The Washington Post. They admitted it. The Washington Post assigned 20 of their best reporters to find dirt on Donald Trump, so every day he woke up knowing that the best investigative reporters at The Washington Post and the best at The New York Times were looking for dirt on him every day.

KILMEADE: And Ivana Trump backs you up. She says she got countless offers to give up the divorce papers, open up the divorce papers of Donald Trump, from The New York Times.


RIVERA: Ivana, not Ivanka.

KILMEADE: Did I say Ivanka?

RIVERA: Yes. Ivana is the ex-wife.


GUILFOYLE: That's right. There were a lot of people that were approached. I know many of them that were approached to try to give over information. And then I said, "Mm, mm, mm, not nice." You know, and it's bad. They were trying to do it, and they were working overtime to try to destroy one candidate's credibility and chances of the presidency and bootstrap someone else.

And despite their best, most duplicit [SIC] efforts -- duplicitous, probably better -- they weren't able to succeed. And -- but that tells you something about the strength of our democracy and the movement that was afoot. I think it's pretty compelling. And do you think you should trust them at this point? No.

FRANCIS: Yes. President-elect Trump and his transition team have been hard at work selecting key members of the new administration. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus was tapped to be Mr. Trump's chief of staff. He spoke about the honor earlier on "FOX and Friends."


AINSLEY EARHARDT, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": What was that moment like when he asked you to be the chief of staff? How did it all go down?

REINCE PRIEBUS, RNC CHAIR/INCOMING WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, I mean, it was very -- it was surreal, but it was also one of these things where a huge burden is put on your shoulders. And that was the instant feeling. But I want do him proud. But most importantly, he wants to do the American people proud.


GUILFOYLE: Good answer.

BOLLING: I wanted to make sure we got this, because Reince Priebus was a great choice. So was -- Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon, those were the two leading contenders for chief of staff.

Chief of staff is the one who handles the -- what the president sees, what hits the president's desk. Extremely important.

And we pointed out yesterday in the live show that, because Reince is so close with Paul Ryan, both from Wisconsin...

GUILFOYLE: Right, work well with Congress.

BOLLING: ... he's establishment, RNC, this is a great olive branch to at least the people in D.C. I know he's going to drain the swamp, and he will. But this is great, at least for a while, to keep the transition going -- going forward.

But I want to point out something that's been going on all day. And it's a coordinated effort by the media to trash Steve Bannon, and it's not right. This is a guy with military service. He was an officer in the Navy for a number of years. He's a Harvard and Georgetown graduate. The man is smart. He's a businessman.

GUILFOYLE: And was a star.

BOLLING: He's a very, very smart man. Good patriot and also a great, great compliment to Reince Priebus as having -- one in each of Donald Trump's ears.

KILMEADE: I thought for four months he's done an incredible job. And he's the only one who can stare down Donald Trump and get him to react, evidently, behind the scenes. You need that balance.

FRANCIS: Can he distance himself from the comments that have been made on Breitbart? I mean, that brings back to...

RIVERA: Why not? He's not an anti-Semite.

GUILFOYLE: Why not? He helped get him, you know, to the finish line and was a chief strategist on the campaign. Maybe America wants some of those winning thoughts and ideas to get us across the finish line.

KILMEADE: Can I ask something to Geraldo? Permission granted, Melissa?

FRANCIS: Of course.

KILMEADE: Geraldo, I just -- I have to counter what you said about an ideological bent. When you consider that Donald Trump was so mad at this channel in particular, I just was writing this down -- Steven H., George Will, Bill Kristol was on with Brit Hume for a while. That's just off the top of my head of people who were against his candidacy, up until the last day, including the myriad of guests we had on here, and...

RIVERA: Are you asking me to defend FOX News right now?

KILMEADE: Yes. No, I'm defending FOX News.

RIVERA: I love FOX News. I think -- FOX News has me on it. I am the fair and balanced.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

RIVERA: You didn't see much of me during the election campaign, admittedly. I thought Hannity led the charge for President-elect Trump. And I think that Hannity -- I thought Hannity was crazy, he was so obsessed with getting the president-elect elected. But it turns out Hannity was the only person in the entire country who got it right.

BOLLING: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

GUILFOYLE: Why are you disrespecting?

FRANCIS: We have to go.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling, fight him. No-holds-barred.

BOLLING: No, you cannot tease yet. I'm not going to take that. The B.S. I took for a year and a half.


BOLLING: And you took for a year and a half. That is just -- all right, let's go.

FRANCIS: Are you done? OK.

Next, our good friend Tucker joins us, maybe. Did you hear his brand-new show "Tucker Carlson Tonight"...

GUILFOYLE: I heard that.

FRANCIS: ... premieres at 7 p.m. Eastern? Stay tuned for a preview from Tucker himself. It's coming up. Look at that hair.



KILMEADE: All right. Special thanks to Rod Stewart for going down just at the right time. Thank you very much, Rod.

Remember this day, November 14, 2016. It's going down in history as the day Tucker Carlson premieres his brand-new show starting at -- soon at 7 p.m. right here on the FOX News Channel. "Anything could happen" is his catch phrase. The star of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," named before he was named as host, Tucker, congratulations on getting the show. Are you going to go through with this?

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: None of that is in script. You've never read a script in your life. Everything is ad lib.

KILMEADE: I added a few things, a little bit. But Tucker, how excited are you? I know you've been through this before. But how excited are you right now?

CARLSON: I'm totally excited, because the context of it. I mean, it's not just a TV show. It's a reaction against what we just saw in the past year and a half, which is the press falling down in its basic obligation, which is to be a watchdog against people with your money and power over you. And they decided that they identify more strongly with certain politicians than with their readers or viewers. It's, like, all falling apart.

And so I hope to just recapture some of the basics like, you know, challenge people on their power. Pierce pomposity, crush smugness. Just like the normal things you're supposed to do if you're a journalist, no?

KILMEADE: No, Melissa doesn't think it will work. Why?

FRANCIS: My big thing is, are you dancing? I mean, it's very important at the beginning and at the end. Will there be some twirls or where there be any dancing?

CARLSON: No. Not only am I not dancing, I'm entirely stationary. Unlike "FOX and Friends," there's a barrier, a safety barrier in front of me, so you cannot see my lower half. I'm totally comfortable; there's a back on my chair. I'm really in my natural habitat now.

FRANCIS: Sounds like a dream.

CARLSON: It is a dream, actually.

RIVERA: Sounds like an excuse to wear Bermuda shorts to work.

Will you have Paul Begala? Will it have that kind of confrontation? Will it have -- you know, what will make it different than the ?

CARLSON: I'm looking at my booking sheet here, and there's a roaming correspondent from the FOX News Channel, I think, on later this week. Mr. Geraldo, ladies and gentlemen.

No, I mean, what's going to make it different? A couple of things. If you're doing a show in Washington, it's pretty -- at least if you're me, it's pretty hard to get context on what's happening in the rest of country. But this last year has, I think, shined a light on what's happening.

There's this huge and massive and terrible disconnect between the governed and the governing. And to sort of explain to the people here -- not just people at home but the people here what the rest of the country is thinking, I think, would be great service. And I hope to provide it.


KILMEADE: Go ahead, Eric.

BOLLING: I was just wondering, so we've gone through probably the most -- followed, the highest rated election in history.


BOLLING: Once the political theater calms down, what do you pivot to?

CARLSON: Are you kidding? I mean, politicians are not the only people in power.

What was so interesting about this last election was it wasn't just Hillary Clinton. It wasn't just the political class. It was everybody in the tech establishment. It was almost everyone in big business, everyone in finance. Everyone in the media, Hollywood, academia. I mean, sort of every power center in American life was aligned on the same side of the question.

And it sort of -- it shows you, like, who's kind of running things. And, look, I'm no revolutionary. I'm not even much of a populist. I've lived here all my life, but I do think that people who are affecting your lives ought to have to answer pretty straightforward questions about what they're doing. And so we're going to do that.

KILMEADE: In my opinion, one of the reasons you got the show is because no matter how bad things get, you always seem to have a positive light on it. You're approachable. You will accept another argument. And you'll let people talk. That's part of the gift.

The problem is, you don't have a woman in the middle and another guy on the other side. You're used to being on the couch. It's just Tucker, no women. Just Tucker.

GUILFOYLE: He's going to rely on the guests for that.

CARLSON: I'm going to have to take up the whole charm piece myself, which could be a huge problem. Thanks for rattling my confidence, Brian.

KILMEADE: Here's a woman for you.

GUILFOYLE: Here's a woman. And I'll be with you to help out with the -- you know, the other chromosome, the other side, on Wednesday. I thank you for asking me for that.

CARLSON: Are you kidding, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: I love the haircut. I think it's fantastic.

FRANCIS: It is very sharp.

GUILFOYLE: I'm very happy for you.

CARLSON: Wouldn't you invest money with me? I'm not some kind of reefer (ph) revolutionary now.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, you look very clean cut. All American.

CARLSON: Totally.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. And congratulations. And as you know, you're working with one of the best staffs in television.


GUILFOYLE: Amazing producers and super talented, Justin and everybody there. So I know it's going to be a big success.

RIVERA: What about bow ties?

CARLSON: I appreciate your confidence.

GUILFOYLE: Bow ties? I don't think he's going to.

CARLSON: Oh, come on, now!

GUILFOYLE: He's beyond that now.

CARLSON: It's a new world.

GUILFOYLE: This is the new Tucker.

KILMEADE: Kreskin, can I just talk to Kreskin? He predicts a big success. In fact, he guarantees it.

CARLSON: I hope so. Can you thank him for me?

KILMEADE: Listen, and don't go on a delay. We're taking you live, Tucker. We can't take it.

FRANCIS: Good advice.

CARLSON: You don't -- you don't trust me to do that. But thank you, Brian.

KILMEADE: Listen, you have huge fans. You have earned everyone's loyalty. Thanks so much, Tucker. Best of luck. I'm going to try to get cable and watch you at home.

GUILFOYLE: And what will happen to "FOX & Friends" now?

KILMEADE: All right. I guess I'm going to go now. I can't actually go until they left the two shot. Now I can officially go.

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" at 7 p.m. Be watching. Go get them, Tucker. How do you like that? I read the prompter.

Hey, coming up straight ahead, it's 16 minutes before the top of the hour. President Obama spent a lot of time at Martha's Vineyard playing golf throughout his two terms. President-elect Trump sees himself vacationing in office. Here to explain why he's a workaholic and how that will be the best thing to ever happen to our country.


RIVERA: President-elect Trump, as you know, folks, has some very nice vacation properties. I mean, some gorgeous places. He says, though, he will not be going on vacation much after he moves into the White House. He also won't be making much either, as he explained on "60 Minutes" last night.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES: There's so much work to be done, and I want to get it done for the people. I want to get it done. So I don't think we will be very big on vacations. No.

LESLIE STAHL, "60 MINUTES": Are you going to take the salary, the president's salary?

TRUMP: Well, I've never commented on this but the answer is no. I think I have to by law take $1, so I'll take $1 a year. But it's a -- I don't even know what it is. Do you know what the salary is?

STAHL: $400,000 you're giving up.

TRUMP: I'm not going to take the salary. I'm not taking it.


RIVERA: So how does the capitalist feel about him not taking a salary? Why are you so mad at me?

BOLLING: OK, we'll leave it at that. I'm, like, actually thinking about taking you up on your offer from the summer right after the show.

So brilliant. Brilliant move on his part. Take the dollar.

RIVERA: Don't take the salary?

BOLLING: Don't take the salary. Take the dollar. Don't go on the long vacations. I mean, look, he's 70 years old. He's lived a wonderful life. He's traveled the globe 100,000 times. This is what he wanted to do. He wanted to come and make the country great again, and he's going to it. And he's starting the right way.

And by the way, he also mentioned term limits in that "60 Minutes" special last night. Wow, that was huge. If that's not a signal to draining the swamp, nothing is.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, exactly. Express Drain-o here it comes. Yes.

RIVERA: First on the not taking the salary, sometimes in small things you make a big message.

And what do you think about term limits?

GUILFOYLE: I think -- I think number one, I think it's great that he's not going to take the salary. Good for him. Because he's just trying to do this job, he said, as part of this movement. It's about us. We have no choice. We have to win. So he is not going to try and be taking from the honey pot already, because he's going to cut back and reduce regulation and try and create jobs and stimulate the economy and not take some from the till to begin with. Good for him.

As for term limits, sure, absolutely. People get, like, too comfortable in their position, too cozy with all the lobbyists. Eliminate that and let them focus on their jobs. They're in and then they're out.

KILMEADE: Lack of balance in life is the American way. He's a workaholic who needs no sleep. That's who we want.

We've seen these big problems, and we find out the president is golfing, somebody else is at Camp David. Other times in the past, you know, whether it's Crawford -- and you think to yourself, I know the White House moves, but I'd rather you be in the Oval Office.

You're not going to have a problem with the guy who just outworked 16 people on the Republican side and then Hillary Clinton, he blew her away, in terms of pure work ethic. I love it.

We're not talking about what else he said. He said about the Trump name and about it being suffering, who cares? Meanwhile, all the kids almost passed out. Who cares? They have a business to run. They've go places to fill. Ivanka has got blouses to sell.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but you know what? He knows that they're highly capable, and they're going to be able to carry it. Like they held...


FRANCIS: Can we go back...

KILMEADE: Are you yelling at me, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Because they're so talented.

FRANCIS: First of all -- OK, first of all, you socialist, take the money and give it to charity. No. That's redistributing taxpayer dollars. That's what we're trying to get away from. He's saying stop. Stop with the money. Hang onto it, first of all.

Second of all, I know you're asking the question about the Trump kids.

RIVERA: The Trump brand.

FRANCIS: I was looking at this earlier today, because it's hard. I mean, he's going to be under a microscope. Is he doing anything that benefits the Trump brand? He can separate himself from the business and leave his kids in charge. But we wouldn't have been happy if Chelsea Clinton had been left in charge of the foundation and it had continued to exist.

So I do think a lot of people are going to be looking at the brand and what happens and if they benefit from it. It's going to be a tough one.

RIVERA: Has it been damaged?


GUILFOYLE: They've been running it already and doing things.

RIVERA: It has not been damaged?

FRANCIS: Damaged? Please.

KILMEADE: Temporarily it has.

Are you kidding? It's bigger than ever.

RIVERA: Most of the people who voted for him are not Trump clients.

FRANCIS: I don't think...

RIVERA: "One More Thing" is next.

GUILFOYLE: His kids have already been running it to begin with.


BOLLING: All right. Time for "One More Thing." What's up, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Well, there was big news today, especially in the world of journalism, because renowned journalist, well-respected Gwen Ifill passed away at the age of 61. You will remember that she is an award-winning television journalist for NBC and PBS, former reporter for The New York Times and author of the book "The Break-through Politics and Race in the Age of Obama," which was published on inauguration day in 2009.

And even most recently, she moderated a debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

So this is someone who also worked for The Washington Post, covering Congress, presidential campaigns and national political conventions. And she will be missed. She passed away from cancer, sadly.

And also, I just want to let you guys know, I'm going to have some pictures and updates tomorrow, because my favorite charity, near and dear to my heart, that I'm on the Children's Counsel, the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. We're hosting our annual gala tonight. And I will be the -- what is it, mistress of ceremonies?

BOLLING: Very nice. Very nice.

GUILFOYLE: So more on that tomorrow. You can check on my Facebook page.

BOLLING: All right. OK, so I wanted to do one more white board. And I know I said I was going to stop. One more, because you remember everyone said Donald Trump was winning because of white men. That's who were voting for Donald Trump. I'm about to blow liberals' minds apart right now.


BOLLING: Let's go through the demographics. First, there's 2012. On gender, he's up on the males by 5 percent but only down with woman by 1 percent versus 2012.

Then go to race. He's up whites 1 percent. But he was much higher, his increase among the black community was 7 percent. Hispanic community by 8 percent. So he actually trailed the black and Hispanic communities in increase.

And how about this? Age, 18 to 29 years old, he had a 5 percent increase over 2012. And the older set, 65 and older, down for Donald Trump.

And how about income? Under $30,000, people voted for him 16 percent higher than Mitt Romney. And you go to the higher income bracket, he actually lost ground with the higher income brackets.

And the politics. Five percent increase among Democrats. Republicans 4 percent. And 1 percent among independents. That proves he won, versus 2012, across all demographics.

FRANCIS: Did Rone (ph) say it was it OK if you did that?


GUILFOYLE: Because his is the Right Board.

BOLLING: OK, Brian. You're up.

KILMEADE: All right. So I've got to tell you, I had a chance to go to The Villages over the weekend. And who did I see as a poster in the window? It's Dana Perino and Jasper are going to be there next week. So there I have, America, you have to make your choice. Boy, don't I look fashionable? I forgot to bring a sweater. Wearing my shirt out, I think that's a bigger story.

And also, with "Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates," I'm going to be in Dayton for the first time on Friday. Going on WHIO. And I finish up in Jacksonville, Florida, at the Ritz Theater and Museum. Thanks to everyone that's supporting the book.

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations.

FRANCIS: Congrats.

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations. I know it's been a work of passion for you. Very successful. God bless you.

BOLLING: Geraldo.

RIVERA: The funniest show on Broadway is called "Oh, Hello" with Nick Kroll and John Mulaney. You know, every day they have -- you know, they play two outrageously opinionated 70-something native New Yorkers. So I fit in perfectly. They are the funniest people around, Nick Kroll, John Mulaney. "Oh, Hello" is the show. Every -- they've had all kinds of special guests. They have an interview segment in the middle of it. They've had Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert, Alan Alda, F. Murray Abraham, Jason Sudeikis, Seth Meyers, it goes on -- Whoopee Goldberg, John Alexander -- John Oliver. And they had me on. It was really funny. I was honored to be on.

KILMEADE: On Broadway.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

FRANCIS: Very cool.

RIVERA: And just ironically, they had a demonstration, an anti-Trump demonstration outside. So I had a lot to talk about.

BOLLING: Very good. Melissa.

FRANCIS: Excellent. All right. Do you recognize this Uber driver? We're going to put a picture up. This Uber driver. Wait. Is his picture there? It's hard to see. OK. It's Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska. He was going around giving Uber rides over the weekend. Some college kids recognized him. It was for charity. But what a great way to get to know your community.

He was giving out pro tips, as well. If you throw up in the Uber, the surcharge can be substantial. There you go. That's your takeaway for the night.

GUILFOYLE: It's true. You can be charged a cleaning fee.

FRANCIS: How do you know that?

GUILFOYLE: Because I was reading all through it.

BOLLING: See what happens when you become the premiere never Trumper and you lose? You drive for Uber.

GUILFOYLE: You know how Bolling -- Bolling will take the shot.

BOLLING: Makes sure you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" coming up right -- eight, seven, six, five seconds.

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