
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 20, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Andrea Tantaros, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."


PERINO: Tonight, a string of new provocative comments from President Obama in a 17,000-word profile piece in New Yorker magazine. The president talked about race, marijuana, terror, and more.

We begin with the race remarks. The president's poll numbers have been in freefall since his re-election, and especially with white voters. And he's got a theory as to why. He says, quote, "There's no doubt that there are some folks who really dislike me because they don't like the idea of a black president. Now the flipside of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I'm a black president."

We're going to start with those remarks, and, Greg, yesterday, when the article came out, the first part of that quote got a lot of attention on Twitter with people getting very frustrated that the president was bringing up race relations, but on balance, when I read it, I thought he was probably making a fairly -- a fair point.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I guess so. I think the question is, does this belief that he has translate into action or some kind of a punishment targeting specifically a group of people? And I don't think it does, because the great unifying force of President Obama is that his failures know no pigment. He screwed all of us equally.


PERINO: Well, there is that. Eric, I was going to ask you about the statistics because the president's approval rating is at 40 percent, which means it can't just be white people that are disapproving of the policies or of the president's fifth year as president, right?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Got to 40 percent, did he?


BOLLING: OK. Thirty -- I downloaded this piece, 34 pages. I spent an hour and a half --

PERINO: Think of the trees.

BOLLING: -- I spent an hour and a half reading this thing. Can I go through a couple things very quickly?


BOLLING: David Remnick, the editor of the New Yorker, spends a long time at the very beginning talking about President Obama on Air Force One, the fat lip he was worried, he got elbowed playing basketball. Not really relating the fat lip to the ObamaCare, the IRS, the scandals that have going on, kind of eludes to it a little bit.

Then, gets into the bombshells, the pot discussion, the reason why his approval rating is he may or may not be black and people may or may not be concerned with that. For me, towards the end, he did something that was really, really kind of weird. He outlines how President Obama spent a lot of time in fund-raisers on the West Coast, the celebrity fund-raisers, Magic Johnson, all the people from DreamWorks. And then goes into this President Obama and income inequality.

Now, Remnick, if he had any guts as a journalist, would say, why would you talk about income inequality on the heels of these celebrity fund-raisers? But he never equates the two, he never puts two and two together, and then he ends with this big, washy wet kiss with President Obama.

PERINO: The legacy point, right?

BOLLING: The legacy. And he goes to bear hug him on the way. It was kind of I wasted an hour and a half. I'll never get that back.

PERINO: Bob, one thing that wasn't even asked in the piece or maybe it was asked and not included in the final edit, was anything about the long-term unemployed and the job situation in America and wouldn't that have more to do with the president's approval numbers than racism?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Yes, it does, but a couple things. Let me just respond to what Eric said. You go where rich people are to raise money, number one. So, that's not -- I don't equate that with income inequality.

But look at it this way. Obama had almost 40 percent, 45 percent of the white vote in the first election against McCain, who got 55 percent. He then fell back into the upper 30s versus Romney.

So, I think that the fall off for him had already begun among white voters prior to his reelection. The other thing is that what he did say here was the obvious, that there are some people who don't like him because he's black. That's been obvious.

But more obvious, I think to the point, he finally owned up to the fact that people vote for me because I'm black, and a lot of blacks vote for me because I am black. Well, that's right, and I'm glad he finally said it.

PERINO: He seems to be doing a lot of introspection in the second term. And he's probably thinking -- you know, he's a young man, so he's going to have a long period after the presidency.

And he's going through all of this, Andrea, but it's interesting to me, somehow he manages to insult others even while he's propping himself up. You're not really sure about it.

Let me just read this part on page 3. "I have no desire to be one of those presidents who are just on the list. You see their pictures lined up on the wall. I really want to be a president who makes a difference."

I was having a hard time thinking of any president wanting to go there and do small things.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: So easy to win the White House, so they're typically underachievers who get elected.

PERINO: I guess.

TANTAROS: That was pretty silly. I was wondering who he was actually referring to.


TANTAROS: I agree with you. I was surprised to hear him actually admit the second piece of that quote, and I'm glad he did because I think the second piece is probably more relevant.

What I don't understand is every time he's asked about his approval rating, he doesn't own up to maybe the difficulties in ObamaCare. Or just be honest for once. Be intellectually honest. He goes to the race piece right out of the gate.

And if you look at the poll numbers, they stayed fairly buoyant even after his second election with white voter. Remember, we were trying to figure out how he defies logic by keeping them so high. It wasn't until the IRS scandal, Dana, that those numbers started to tick down.

And that really -- that, I think, was the beginning of the end. And now, his poll numbers can't get back.

It has nothing to do with race. But the fact that he always goes there makes me believe that that's all he believes it is. That it couldn't possibly be his own failings.



GUTFELD: Could I add to that? I think that most people who are upset with the president due to his ideology are also upset that his ideology was overshadowed and protected by his race, which is then being construed as racism. But the fact is, being the first black president drowned out being the most left-wing president ever. That is what was, I guess, more disturbing, but is mistaken for an obsession with race when it really isn't.

It's more about, look, this guy is progressive. I don't care about his pigment.

PERINO: I also feel like --


BECKEL: ObamaCare, what makes him such a leftist? I mean, for those of us on the left, he's not that left.

PERINO: Taxes.

BOLLING: Bailouts. Taxes.


BOLLING: Republicans and Democrats --

GUTFELD: His friends, palling around with the terrorists, I'll never forgive him for that.


BOLLING: We didn't build that. We're going to spread the wealth around. We're going to bankrupt the coal industry. Other than that, he seemed --

GUTFELD: Pipeline. Global warming.

PERINO: I think that the racism piece actually shuts down discussion. If you're called a racist, you -- that's really hurtful. So, if you actually disagree with the nationalization of health care, and you're called a racist, then you tend to maybe just keep your mouth shut.

TANTAROS: It doesn't help him.

PERINO: I agree.

GUTFELD: Is that why you're wearing white?

PERINO: Because I'm a racist?


PERINO: That's why I wear white on Mondays? Thanks for noticing.

I want to go to a topic that had a lot of parents thinking through what the president said. This is about marijuana, the legalization of it.

Here's a quote from the piece. "As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice. Not very different from the cigarettes that I smoke as a young person, up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol."

Now, he adds in that piece as well that people who think legalizing marijuana is going to solve a lot of problems are probably wrong as well. But the piece that got picked up out of the long article like this is that pot is not as dangerous as alcohol.

What do you think as a dad? Does that bother you or it's fine with you?

BOLLING: I wasn't concerned with that. In fact, that was probably the most honest part of that section.

I found everyone is talking about what President Obama said -- pot is less dangerous -- because Remnick also asked him, "Less dangerous?" And then he did clarify and said, "Yes, pot is less dangerous." Fine. Great, that's how you feel, fantastic.

My problem came later. He said, regarding Malia and Sasha, he tells them it's a waste of time. OK, but then he goes in and he plays the race card again. He goes and said, "My biggest problem with pot is that minorities are being arrested and incarcerated at a higher rate than whites.

And for whatever reason, not because minorities tend to be at the lower end of the income area and maybe, you know, using pot and things like that, illegal drugs on the street versus inside where someone with more money may be doing it, but more almost along the lines of, well, police are targeting blacks, which isn't the case.

BECKEL: Well, but the statistics speak for themselves. As a percentage, more blacks get more arrested for marijuana use than do whites. But what you said, the thing I have a problem with, what he said in that, that blacks get arrested for marijuana, but middle class white kids don't. Well, that's wrong. I've had a middle class white kid who's been arrested for that.

TANTAROS: I'm sure he appreciates you sharing that with --


BECKEL: It wasn't him, it was me.

PERINO: Is he right on the science of it, Greg, that pot is less dangerous than alcohol?

GUTFELD: I -- look, I don't have the studies in front of me, but the fact remains, you cannot ban something simply because it carries a risk. Because then you're going to have to ban snowboarding, you're going to have to ban skydiving, and construction work. There are 27 people who died during the building of the Brooklyn Bridge, 27 more, I bet, during that time that died from pot. So, you're more likely to die from tightening a joint than smoking one.

PERINO: I like that.

BECKEL: You know, it's true, though, in excess, neither one of them are a good idea. You know, alcohol, I don't know what's considered more dangerous. I consider alcohol extremely dangerous when --

GUTFELD: More people do it. More people drink.

BECKEL: But excess use of marijuana, excess, I mean, daily use of it, does tend to lead to harder drugs, I believe that.

PERINO: Do you think, Andrea, that the Democrats might try to run on legalization of marijuana in certain states as part of 2014 or even in 2016 referendum election strategy?

TANTAROS: I think some might. I think some might. Not all. I think it's still a little too risky for someone to make that about campaign, but I bet the question comes up a lot more than it did before, especially with the president weighing in on this, but I agree with him on this quote.


TANTAROS: I -- I don't --

PERINO: I wanted to get your take on one other thing and we'll take this - - hopefully, we have two minutes left, so we're going to try to get to this topic and I had one other one. This is on President Obama's discussion about al Qaeda's resurgence. He says here in the article, "The analogy we use around here sometimes is if a Jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant. There's a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are involved in local power struggles and disputes."

And that stood out to me because I'm wondering, Andrea, about the responsibility he felt on January 20th, 2009, or that he feels now about the evolution and the changes in al Qaeda over the past five years.

TANTAROS: Well, we know in past, he said that al Qaeda has been decimated and they're on the run. So, I don't think he's really grounded in reality when he speaks about the terrorist threat. I thought this quote was probably the most naive of the entire piece. I have compared al Qaeda with jerseys actually in the past.

And yes, if you put on a Jersey, it doesn't make you Kobe Bryant, but it's a lot easier these days to blow people up from your home and get radicalized over a computer than it is to dunk or shoot a three-pointer.

And that's what people are doing. They're becoming radicalized. It's not the traditional cells that your former boss had to deal with. It's spreading in anybody can be radicalized. Just look at the people in Boston.

I mean , you actually said this, Dana, before we went live on the show. You said, he's basically saying that the terrorists now aren't as good as they were before.

Again, tell that to the people in London or Boston.

PERINO: Well, that's partly because we're better at tracking and following them.

BECKEL: And, also, that they're not as organized. He's right about this on one hand, that this is not the organized al Qaeda responsible for 9/11. This is a disparate group of bands who acquire the name of Obama -- I mean, of al Qaeda.

But I'll say this, the one thing I disagree with is, an AK-47 in the hands of an organized person who is a terrorist, as opposed to an organized one, still does devastation.

TANTAROS: Right, exactly.

BOLLING: Sure. So, you actually said what President Obama said in the piece, that you have to distinguish between al Qaeda and another group. It may not be sophisticated, but I say, what is the difference? If he's holding an AK or he's a holding -- you know, a grenade and he's going to lob it over the embassy wall. He's still going to kill people -- who cares?


BECKEL: Right. But the al Qaeda that he's talking about, it was disseminated. The organized al Qaeda is decimated.

BOLLING: Aren't we playing word games here? OK, if the al Qaeda -- which I'm not conceding there, because I don't think they are. But even if there is a certain amount of dissemination going on in the al Qaeda network, what difference does it make at this point if there are other terrorist groups that are trying to be like al Qaeda and killing Americans? It's the same thing.

BECKEL: I agree with you about that, except they're not as organized, nor have the reach of the original al Qaeda.

TANTAROS: They're reaching into different areas.

PERINO: They're giving me extra time. It's like in soccer, if you get penalty time.

OK, Andrew Cuomo, who is the governor of New York, has some interesting comments. I would say almost like partisan cleansing about conservatives or extremists, he calls conservatives, in New York state. Listen to this.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D), NEW YORK: Their problem is not me and the Democrats. Their problem is themselves.

Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they are no place in the state of New York, because that's not who New Yorkers are.


PERINO: So that was strange comments coming from someone who has been putting his toe in the water to see about a possible presidential run. What do you think?

TANTAROS: Well, I think that was a direct shot and smack at a man named Rob Astorino, who is a rising star in the Republican Party. He's a current county executive who is pro-life.

I also think he wants to stake out that left flank if he is going to run for office so he can say look, I'm more left than maybe Hillary Clinton or others.

But, Dana, look at his policies in New York. He believes in abortion at any point, even a minute before you're about to give birth. Only 17 percent of New Yorkers actually agree with him on that. So is he saying that that point isn't extreme and these extreme points are the only ones that are allowed in the state of New York?

I mean, I don't think he makes a lot of sense. He's not really looking at the numbers in New York, 76 percent favor parental notification. That's of Democrats. Thirty-five percent call them pro-life -- 35 percent of Dems in New York.

So this was a political comment. It's not going to help him going forward.

PERINO: I wonder, Greg, if he was giving an invitation to conservatives to leave New York.

GUTFELD: I think de Blasio gave him progressive rabies, because he'd just been become mayor. They never call out -- nobody calls out the extreme left. And there are those in his own state who coddle terrorists, if you want to Google Melissa Mark-Viverito and terrorist, go ahead. She's the speaker of the New York City Council.

That somehow is not as bad as being pro life. It's a triumph of the pro- abortion movement that they have been able to relegate a fetus to a tumor status. And I don't know. It's just -- I guess it's because fetuses don't vote.

BECKEL: You know, can I just make one fast comment? It's amazing how eerie how he sounds like his father.

GUTFELD: He's not as smart.

BECKEL: It's just amazing.

PERINO: Do you think it hurts him politically?


PERINO: Do you think it hurts him politically?

BECKEL: I will tell you one thing. What Cuomo has right now is a case of New York City-itis. There's a huge conservative population in New York that's not -- that doesn't live in Manhattan or "The Five" boroughs, that's a little further up state, who will probably take this guy to task.

He's already walked it, come and back, and he's going to have to walk it back on a substantial level. New York -- outside New York City, you could make a very, very honest claim, could be a red state.

BECKEL: Have you been to Staten Island lately?

BOLLING: I'm saying outside of New York City --


BECKEL: It's one of it (INAUDIBLE).

BOLLING: I'm staying outside of New York City.

BECKEL: I thought you said "The Five" boroughs.

BOLLING: Outside of "The Five" boroughs, it's a big state.

PERINO: It's a big state. That's true. This is true. And there is a storm coming that is going to test everybody's ability to keep it together.

GUTFELD: Is that a metaphor? There's this storm coming up, Dana?

PERINO: I'm looking for some sort of way to transition into this, which is ahead -- the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, are less than three weeks away, and concerns over security are growing after terrorists released a new video threatening to disrupt the games. We're going to tell you about that.

Plus, we'll weigh in on the firestorm brewing over some controversial remarks made by "The Bachelor" of all people. It's coming up on "The Five".


BOLLING: Welcome back.

You asked for it, we delivered. The fastest seven minutes in news -- three bewitching stories, seven brisk minutes, one buoyant host.

First up, definitely blame this video. Russian terrorists threatening the Sochi Olympics. The threat delivered via this video you're watching. The terrorists claim there may be as many as four black widow suicide bombers already in place waiting for the February 7th commencement of the games.

President Putin put his shirt on and told ABC this --


PRES. VLADIMIR PUTIN, RUSSIA (through translator): The job of the Olympic host is to insure security of the participants in the Olympics and visitors. We will do whatever it takes.


BOLLING: All right. So I'm not sure I -- look, terrorists can attack anywhere at anytime, right?

PERINO: Yes. I think every time the Olympics is coming up, that security concerns are overhyped. I'm not saying they shouldn't take these things seriously, but at the Greece Olympics, there was all these concerns about security, and they did a fine job. They were OK.

And I would bet that President Putin, with all of his power and all of his reputation on the line, that might actually be the safest place to be in the world, is that the Olympics.

BOLLING: He said somewhere between 40,000 to 100,000 security people that he's going --

GUTFELD: Yes, I don't think it's going to happen at the Olympics. I think it's going to happen somewhere else because there's a lot of roads you've got to drive.

Terrorists are truly Batman villains. When you were growing up as a kid, you had the Penguin and the Joker. There are Batman villains without the imagination or good humor. That's the unifying effect terrorists should have on all powers, whether you agree with Putin or not. It's civilization verses the crazies.


BOLLING: Do you change your behavior? Do you not get on a bus in Sochi? What do you do?

TANTAROS: Admittedly, if someone said you could go to Sochi and we could get you tickets to certain things, I probably wouldn't go. Just being honest.

But I don't think they should if they're there. I agree with you. His ego is so big, Putin, there's no way he's going to let the terrorists puck it up for him. And remember, he was the one who tipped us off about the Tsarnaev brothers. They have been dealing with the radicalization of former Soviet regions like Dagestan and Chechnya for a long time.

And I think, specifically, Putin understands the threat of them. He's not going to let anything happen.

BOLLING: Thought on this one before we move on.

BECKEL: Yes, my thought about it is you're right in the middle of a hotbed of terrorism, the Chechens who are not far away. Beyond that, I'm worried about some of these Muslim countries, here we go again, who are bringing in the athletes.

I'm not going to be at all persuaded that if someone, if some of these and Somalian delegation, I would look carefully, or the Iranian delegation, I'd check their bags.

TANTAROS: Do you have intel, Bob?

BOLLING: Check the bags of the athletes?

All right. Next up, to show my wife and all the female producers on "The Five" seem to love the bachelor. Generating some buzz this weekend. Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis sparking controversy with this comment.


QUESTION: Do you think it would be a good idea at some point to have a gay or bisexual bachelor?


QUESTION: Why not?

GALAVIS: Just because I respect them, but honestly, I don't think it's a good example for kids to watch that on TV.

And there's a thing about gay people. They're more pervert in a sense. And to me, this show would be too strong, too hard to watch on TV.


BOLLING: Well, immediately, JP walked that back, saying, quote, "I want to apologize to all of the people I may have offended. The word pervert was not what I wanted to say and I'm very sorry about this. Everyone knows, English is my second language and my vocabulary is not as broad as it is in Spanish."

PERINO: What was the word he wanted to say?


BOLLING: Promiscuous.

BECKEL: The guy had an opportunity to say one thing. For me, I don't agree with it. Shut up after that.

I mean, the fact of the matter was it was an anti-gay rant. He can say whatever he wants to walk it back. He can't walk because he's a homophobe.

BOLLING: All right. Very good.


TANTAROS: I love Juan Pablo. I do. I watch "The Bachelor", and I felt sorry for him when he got this question because that's probably not the word he wanted to use. I think he was looking for promiscuous and it might not be good because Juan Pablo, I have seen previews of "The Bachelor", you get into a hot tub and do bad things that kids shouldn't see either with all those women.

BECKEL: You guys think this guy is hot?

TANTAROS: I think he's cute. I love watching the women cry --


BOLLING: What if it was, Greg? What if they -- he did say promiscuous, would that might be offensive as well?

GUTFELD: Well, the topic for discussion among gays when there's a parade that will occur in New York or San Francisco, is a perception of extroverted behavior among a group of gays. So, he might have been talking about that. Who knows what he was talking about?

I have a feeling he may have been talking about more the extroverted displays of behavior, which raises a question that I always wonder.

Do gays really want to be as boring as straights? I mean, the outlier/outlaw status, keep the equality, is also alluring and also fun and maybe they should say, yes, so what?

But finally, what he said was impulsive. It wasn't malicious. It wasn't planned. There is a difference between those two things.

BOLLING: And, Dana, clearly, English is not his first language. Cut him slack?

PERINO: Well, the language of love knows no words.

I have a question. Why does he have to be on "The Bachelor"? Presumably, he could get a woman.

I don't understand. Does he have that hard a time finding a woman that he could --

TANTAROS: Have you seen the previews?

GUTFELD: He's lazy. He needs them all in one spot.

BOLLING: They're moving me along.

Guys, finally, Jimmy Fallon earned a spot on the fastest seven today. Fallon announced who his first guest will be when he takes over for Jay Leno next month. Here is some classic Fallon slow jamming the news with the prezy.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Now is not the time to make school more expensive for our young people.

JIM FALLON, COMEDIAN: Oh, yes. You should listen to the president. Or as I like to call him, the Preezy of the United Steezy.


BOLLING: Quick round, Greg. Thoughts on --

GUTFELD: I have no thoughts on this. I mean, I guess I wonder where Jay is going. But I don't follow the late night controversies or anything.

PERINO: I follow it on Twitter and Facebook, and that's how I catch them. I think they do a good job of melding social media and their shows.

BOLLING: Will Smith, first guest, and U2, first musical --


BECKEL: I guess he's fun. I know who U2 is.


BECKEL: Oh, Bono. Is that his group? That's good.

BOLLING: Ands, quick thought on this?

TANTAROS: Yawn. I really do.

BOLLING: Really?

TANTAROS: You know what? I watch Chelsea Handler and I watch Jimmy Kimmel.

BOLLING: All right. You know what, big fan here.

TANTAROS: You like him?

BOLLING: I love Fallon. Just love him. I like Jay Leno, too. But I think Fallon --

TANTAROS: He does good impersonations.

BOLLING: All right. Coming up, you thought the Healthcare.gov Web site was fixed? Think again. An eye-opening warning from one of the world's respected tech gurus about how dangerous the ObamaCare Web site still is when "The Five" comes back.


GUTFELD: ObamaCare is a giant misery potato. Massive failure you can create 1,000 horrible meals from.

The latest: a top hacker revealed you can break into the ObamaCare Web site in mere minutes -- a warning to all who use it. So, even the security sucks, no surprise.

ObamaCare has created more disasters than Erwin Allen. Nobody remembers him.

How ironic that something that should enhance your health puts it at risk. If smoking comes with a warning, why shouldn't ObamaCare. President doesn't want his son playing football. Well, none of us want our sons on ObamaCare. I bet even pajama boy's mom is worried sick over him.

So, face with this mess, we hear Democrats say this is why we need a single-payer system. Meaning this is so bad it should only be forced on those who can't say no. It makes the emergency room look like the Ritz- Carlton.

So, while they rail on about income inequality, they'll force 99 percent on the crappy plans while the very rich will fund concierge medicine. Boil down, when were taken over by big government, only the very rich can afford to opt out.

A communist diplomat never lived life as a communist. He still got the best medicine available while advocating a system that provides none to the miserable population. It's a system abandoned by countries after decades of suffering, yet our White House sees that as the good old days.

So, before I go to you, Andrea, I want to play this sound on tape of the hacker David Kennedy talking about the Web site insecurity.


DAVID KENNEDY, HACKING EXPERT: I don't understand how we're still discussing whether or not the Web site is insecure or not. It is. There's no question about that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is insecure?

KENNEDY: It is insecure, absolutely, 100 percent.


GUTFELD: Now, Andrea, I stole your metaphor, comparing --

TANTAROS: You can.

GUTFELD: OK, thank you, about how he feels football dangerous but this isn't.

With this news, would you want your medical records in the care of the government?

TANTAROS: Oh, absolutely not. But isn't this the goal all along? Liberals have always wanted to get their paws over our health records, because then they can control us. They can control costs.

It's definitely not a secure Web site. If you look at the questions you have to answer. Salary information, Social Security number, yes, this is - - I don't think we have seen the worst of this yet. And it's really hurting people who aren't completely poor because they can go on Medicaid. You're seeing those enrollments pick up.

It's the people who are making $30,000, $40,000, who aren't eligible for the subsidies who are going to end up not getting health coverage because they're not going to want to pay the increased premiums. So, the people he said he was going to help actually does the opposite.

BECKEL: Let me take exception when you say lousy plans. The lousy insurance plans were before ObamaCare. These things -- they may cost way too much, but they're much better. They have pre-existing conditions. They have all kinds of things that the insurance plans that were out there before for middle and lower income people were terrible.

GUTFELD: I can take maternity leave now, Bob. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get pregnant.

TANTAROS: If they were so terrible -- if they were so lousy before, why did Jay Carney want to reinstate them?

BECKEL: Because we had to have something as a bridge. We have to have something for a bridge, 6.5 million people who don't have plans as of right now, but those plans on ObamaCare, from -- by the way, from the capitalist system, from the insurance companies who have the plans, by the way, on their computers, everything about us. If you want to trust them, that's fine.

But I would just say this, I don't see how anything is lousy about the plans that are being offered versus what was offered before.

GUTFELD: All right. I just want to go to Eric. Doesn't it show you have to have a vested interest in a project? If ObamaCare were a company, the stockholders would be furious.

BOLLING: They would throw them out. They would fire them.

This interview is fascinating on "FOX NEWS SUNDAY". This guy, David Kennedy, tells about -- it took him four minutes to -- he didn't even break in. He kind of opened -- the analogy he used, if the door -- if a car was sitting there, he just opened the door. He didn't take anything out.

He said he looked at 70,000 files. He had access to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of files within four minutes. He said the reason why is because the thing was slapped together so quickly that no one figured out a way to put security on at all. He said it's an absolute Swiss cheese of insecurity on all of our information.

BECKEL: And it can be fixed.

BOLLING: It can be fixed, but there are millions of people with their information on there right now. Bad news, bad news.

GUTFELD: Dana, the thing that drives me nuts is you have extremely rich liberals selfish in the notion that they can push this, yet they never have to use it.

PERINO: It's the same with the tax policy. Basically, if you know you're going to be able to fund the doctor of your choice, then you can be altruistic and say everyone else should fund things like Medicaid. Medicaid is a necessary thing in America, but it is really -- it needs a major overhaul.

GUTFELD: You know what needs a major overhaul? Richard Simmons.

Richard Simmons actually recently came out in favor of ObamaCare and did a little dance to get people to sign up. And we're going to show it to you.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Get covered. They are. They're saying be flexible about your health insurance options. Get covered, #covered. Get covered.

All right.

GENE SIMMONS: All copyrighted movements.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll take it down to your level.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank God he has health insurance because he's really breaking down the house.


GUTFELD: That may be the only thing that matches ObamaCare in absolute disgustingness.

BOLLING: Wasted money.

GUTFELD: Yes, wasted money. I don't know if that was -- I don't know who paid for that.

PERINO: Covered California.


PERINO: And the target audience is younger people.

TANTAROS: Speak for yourself. It made me want to sign up.


BECKEL: Keep throwing your hats on this. You want it to fail. It ain't going to fail.

GUTFELD: All right.

Next on "The Five", Seattle's cornerback wins the game and loses his mind. We'll show you the tape, straight ahead, as we take you on the road to something called the Super Bowl XLVIII. What's that? I don't know.

BECKEL: The number of --


TANTAROS: Yesterday's NFL action set the stage for Super Bowl Sunday as the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks were victorious. They will play for the Lombardi Trophy at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey in less than two weeks.

And while the games provided plenty of highlights, it was a post-game interview that provided the real fireworks. Watch Seattle's Richard Sherman's explosive response to a question about the final play of the game.


REPORTER: Final play, take me through it.

RICHARD SHERMAN, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS: Well, I'm the best corner in the game. When you supply me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree, that's the results you're going to get. Don't you ever talk about me.

REPORTER: Who was talking about you?

SHERMAN: Crabtree. Don't you open your mouth one bit. Or I'm going to shut it for you real quick.



Well, before we react to that sound, we have a little programming note on the Super Bowl, "The Five" will be live from Times Square in Super Bowl Boulevard next Friday. So, make sure you tune in or set your DVRs.

OK, Bob. What do you think? He was very fired up after the final play. He gave an interview today. He said I have a long history with this guy that goes back. You could ask Crabtree about it.

Should he have gone off like that (INAUDIBLE)?

BECKEL: Absolutely not. He's a loudmouth.

First of all, he's not the best corner in the league.

Number two, when you win something like this, you ought to let you -- he's a very good corner back. There's no question about it. Let your play speak for itself. You don't have to shoot your mouth off like that, at the time of a victorious time for your team.

Nobody else I notice did that. The guy's got no class. They should have said to him before the game -- don't open your big mouth because all it does is get you in trouble.

BOLLING: Wow. What you failed to mention was that Michael Crabtree, who was the wide receiver that he defended on that last play of the game, could have been a winning drive, could have been a winning catch for the 49ers. He did block it. He did make the great defensive play.

The two of them had been going at it all week. Crabtree was saying what you're saying, he's not the best in the league.

By the way, he is the best in the league. He's the best corner by far in the league. He had bragging rights, he took the bragging rights. There was a fight after the game, Sherman went up to Crabtree, Crabtree took his hand, pushed it in his face. They went back and forth.

BECKEL: Helmet should have gotten to his face.

BOLLING: Just very quickly, understand something -- Richard Sherman, Stanford grad, I think he graduated like near the top of his class at Stanford.

TANTAROS: And this was a little bit personal as well. So remember, he played for Stanford, so he used to be coached by Harbaugh, the coach for the 49ers.

Dana, this was personal. Harbaugh would not give Sherman a recommendation when he went to the NFL. He kind of screwed the guy over. Sherman says, look, I'm not getting any action the entire game, no action -- they threw that ball, I think, to him at the end to mess with him. To show, let's see if he can do it, if he's weak.

And he was fired up because he thought, yes, I did it. You tested me, watch that.

PERINO: That's a kind of a good analysis.

TANTAROS: Well, thank you.

PERINO: That's ESPN level analysis. I have no idea what happened in the play because I was in bed, but I did watch the interview.

I've got to say something. At least it wasn't as boring at the interviews they usually get after the game. It's like they all have the exact same talking points. Like, well, it's a team effort is really good. Yes, I'm proud, absolutely. OK, thank you.

At least he gave us some insight into who this guy is.

BECKEL: Yes, he gave you a lot of insight into who he is.

TANTAROS: Do we have time for the Bayless? Because he's gone off -- I want Greg to react to this -- on ESPN's Skip Bayless before. Watch this.


SKIP BAYLESS, ESPN HOST: I think I have accomplished more in my field than you have in yours, though you're just getting started.

RICHARD SHERMAN, PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYER: So I'm the top of my field, all pro, one of the best 22 players in the NFL. You're going to brush it off, but I don't think you're the best 22 anything, in sports, in media, in anything.

BAYLESS: That's debatable.

SHERMAN: I think you think more of yourself than you actually can, you know, prove.

BAYLESS: OK, you think you're better than Ralph Rivas is right now?

SHERMAN: In my 24 years of life, I'm better at life than you.



GUTFELD: I have to say, that's a brutal insult, but it's sad because the guy is experiencing immense success, but his angry personality refuses to let himself enjoy it. There's a very important lesson in life. You can be arrogant and smart. You can be dumb and humble, but you can't be arrogant and dumb, because you end up being a stubborn mess and no help to anyone.

TANTAROS: You know what? He went fifth round draft pick. So he has a little bit of a chip on his shoulder. But if you know what these guys got paid for what they do, he's what, at league minimum? I'd be pretty pissed off, too.

BOLLING: Definitely not dumb either. He's a bright guy.

TANTAROS: OK. Coming up on this day in which we honor Martin Luther King, you are going to hear audio of the civil rights leader that you have never heard before. A new unearthed tape of MLK talking about JFK, directly ahead.



REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER: I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of this dream. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.


BECKEL: What a great, great man. On this day of remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, a new tape has been unearthed of the civil rights leader. It was discovered in an attic in Tennessee several years ago, but the portion you are about to hear is only now being made public. It features Dr. King discussing JFK's role in helping get him released from prison -- Georgia prison in 1960.


KING: Now, it is true that Senator Kennedy did take a specific step. He was in contact with officials in Georgia during my arrest, and he called my wife, made a personal call, and expressed his concern and said to her that he was working and trying to do something to make my release possible.


BECKEL: If I could just add a brief thought here. Dr. King -- Senator Kennedy was not strongly an advocate of Dr. King and the civil rights movement in 1960, because he was worried about southern Democratic votes.

And it was Bobby Kennedy, in fact, who convinced him to make this phone call. Kennedy himself was very reluctant to move on civil rights legislation, actually, early on until it finally dawned on him it was the right thing to do. And JFK was the one who finally put it through after his assassination.

So Dr. King was less than enthusiastic about JFK in this tape, and I think for a good reason -- Eric.

BOLLING: I think it's fascinating. Your passion is palpable. Your father was there. Your father was there.

BECKEL: At the "I had a dream" speech. He worked with Dr. King. He was with him the day he got killed in Memphis.

TANTAROS: I think that the tape that we just heard, that was just released, shows just how gracious he was in making sure that -- I don't know that it was he didn't want Kennedy to get as much credit or he was going the extra mile to make sure that everybody shared in the credit.

BECKEL: What's missing from that tape is where he goes into a long series of people who had helped him in that release. Greg, you got any thoughts?

GUTFELD: Every year that we do this, I would say the same thing. It would be nice to have more leaders like that than we have now, and I think more of them are coming from the right than the left.

BECKEL: Andrea.

TANTAROS: I think it was probably a mix of both. I mean, I don't pretend to know what was in his mind, but I think he probably knows that there was a lot of people that were behind him.

But the more I read about this, it was the entire Kennedy family, including Bobby, that was against the Freedom Riders and very oppositional to the civil rights movement. So if I'm Dr. King and I've seen what's happened to blacks and how the Kennedy family has been worried about political support from Democrats and not civil rights, I wouldn't be inclined to thank him either.

BECKEL: That's true. I wouldn't say they were against it -- they were looking ahead to the '64 race when Bobby was attorney general. They still needed the Democratic southern conservative voters there.

All right, we will miss him very much. Greg is right, that kind of leadership in the black community, we only wish we had one or two more like him.

"One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: Time for "One More Thing." And just for that, Bob gets to go first.

BECKEL: In Spring, Texas, north of Houston, a kid by the name of Dylan was having to go out and do public humiliation because he cussed at his teacher, on a very busy highway. This is one of a number of different instances we have heard about kids being humiliated publicly. I think it's a terrible idea. There's other ways to treat them and not putting them out in the middle of a road like that.

PERINO: That could be a good topic for us one day. All right, Eric.

BOLLING: The first segment, right? OK. Midterm elections coming up. This doesn't bode well for Democrats. Take a look at the polls, really quickly. Our favorite crack-smoking mayor, 47 percent approval rating, according to "The Toronto Sun," and our own President Obama, 38 percent. Thank you to Super Mexican, who sent that to us.

PERINO: I love Super Mexican.

BOLLING: He's awesome.

PERINO: Great. OK, Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: So this is amazing news that we should have led with, frankly, and I'm disgusted we didn't. It appears there might be life on Mars, and it appears to look like a jelly doughnut. It appeared in front of the Opportunity Rover.

You guys could have waited when I threw to that, but anyway, that's OK. Actually, that's not it. That's it.

PERINO: I think this is dumb. It's a rock.

GUTFELD: No, it's a -- they don't know what it is, but what happens, in my view, if Martians turn out to be actual delicious jelly doughnuts? What do we do as a moral culture? Can we eat Martians? We already eat earthlings. Why can't we eat Martians? What if they can talk? What if they go, "Hi, I'm a little donut"?

BECKEL: Does that look like a latrine?

TANTAROS: It looks like a chocolate glazed donut.

GUTFELD: Anyway, it bugs me. We're talking about this for an hour on "Red Eye" tonight.

PERINO: I'm being told repeatedly that Andrea is next. Andrea is next.

GUTFELD: Well, you know what? They screwed up my picture, so they should be punished.

TANTAROS: OK. Did you hear Peyton Manning last night yell out this?




TANTAROS: Well, that is because eight Omaha companies combined to donate $800 each for Manning's Payback Foundation every time he yelled Omaha. So he raised about $24,000 for charity by yelling out Omaha.

GUTFELD: That's why?

TANTAROS: That's why. So now you know why.

PERINO: I thought it was his safe word.

GUTFELD: How do you know about safe words?

PERINO: I don't know.

GUTFELD: What is your safe word?


BECKEL: You've got to get Eric in here.

BOLLING: I'm in, I'm done.

GUTFELD: Your safe word is ambrosia salad. Or is it more?

PERINO: OK. I'm going to skip my "One More Thing." I'll do it tomorrow. Don't forget to set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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