
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Sounds Familiar

To some, President Obama is starting to sound like a broken record while pushing his so-called jobs bill to the American people and to Congress.


Mister Obama has actually said a variation of the phrase "pass this bill" more than 100 times in just the last week.

Gray Lady Goes Rogue

The New York Times has a less-than-raving review for author Joe McGinniss' new book about Sarah Palin.

You'll remember McGinnis moved in next door to the Palins' Alaska home while he researched the family.

Well, the Times says most of the book is -- quote -- "dated and petty" and, says McGinniss -- quote -- "...used his time in Alaska to chase caustic, unsubstantiated gossip about the Palins, often from unnamed sources."

Feeling the Love

McGinniss may not be enamored of the former Alaska governor but singer Wyclef Jean is a self-proclaimed huge fan.

Jean, who once called himself an "Obama groupie" -- told Women's Wear Daily -- quote -- "I'm not saying she could be the next president, but there's something about her...People think I'm crazy, but I like her, I do."

Separate Ways

And finally, what began as a kidnapping scare, turned out to be a love triangle for alleged White House party crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi.

Tareq alerted authorities and the media earlier this week after his wife reportedly disappeared.

However, police say they spoke with Michaele, who said she was where she wanted to be.

That apparently turned out to be with guitarist Neal Schon from the band Journey.

Tareq's attorney told Good Morning America his client is devastated but says divorce talk is premature.