
This is a rush transcript from "Your World," July 18, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, GUEST HOST: President Obama is surrounding himself with fans of his health care law today, but did you notice who wasn't there? The 22 House Democrats who just voted in favor of delaying his individual mandate and the union bosses who just blasted the effects of his law.

Oh, and my next guest, Elbert Guillory, he's a Louisiana state senator who used to be a Democrat, but says the health care law helped turn him into a Republican.

How did they do it in Louisiana? Louisiana, right? Or I have to Louisiana?


BOLLING: All right, sir. So, tell us about the health care law. It's one of the things that drove you from Democrat to the right side.

GUILLORY: Yes, the -- one of the...

BOLLING: When I say right, I mean right of center, of course.

GUILLORY: Absolutely.


GUILLORY: One of the state senators who is head of the Democratic Party said that anyone who didn't like ObamaCare would only not like it because they would be a racist.

That was such an atrocious thing. My mother, who is 104 in a couple of weeks, called me on the telephone and said, Elbert, you can't be part of this. You have got to get out of there.

BOLLING: OK. So, talk to us a little bit about that. Are you surprised to see the unions, who were so in favor of getting ObamaCare pushed through, helped President Obama get that legacy legislation through, now saying, hmm, not sure we want to be part of that?

GUILLORY: I'm not surprised at all.

They all -- they were asked to make a sacrifice that they didn't really understand. When they found out how great the sacrifice is, they wanted to get out of it. And a lot of other people will do the same thing.

BOLLING: Mr. Elbert, you have written -- I have heard it -- you have said the Democratic Party is ignoring the problems facing the black community. What do you mean?

GUILLORY: Well, let's use immigration as a perfect example.

If you bring 30 million, 40 million new Americans, 80 percent of those people will be poor. They will move into the poor neighborhoods of America. The impact of 20 million, 30 million new Americans on housing, on schools that are already poorly performing, on hospitals that are already overcrowded, on a Social Security system that is already threatening to cut back on the money that they're paying to seniors, all of those institutions will have a lot of difficulties swallowing, accepting 20 million, 30 million, 40 million new people.

The president is leading the stampede to get these new votes, as he sees them, without even considering the impact on the black community. The Democrats, who owe us so much, are paying not even attention to us.

BOLLING: Are we just growing the welfare state?

GUILLORY: Yes, we are. Yes, we are.

This should be the land of opportunity. And without considering and making sure that opportunity is available to the people who are here, and then to the new people who come, it's just -- it's all a matter of votes. Get some more votes. We want 20 million, 30 million new votes. Doesn't -- and doesn't care about what will the impact be on Americans.

BOLLING: In his first term, President Obama seemed to want Obamacare to be his legacy legislation, the legacy going forward. People will remember President Obama for Obamacare. Do you think he still wants that to be the case?

GUILLORY: I think he still wants that -- this to be his legacy.

He expects that the is going to be his great historical -- his note in the history books. When started ObamaCare, he did so without looking at insurance companies, without looking at pharmaceutical companies, although those two industries account for more than half of all health care costs.

You cannot reform an industry, a system by leaving out more than half of it. So, the sacrifices fell instead on businesses and on workers and health care providers. Now the unions are saying, no, not on workers. Too much sacrifice.

BOLLING: Got you.

We're going to leave this, my friend, Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory, thank you, sir.

GUILLORY: It's a pleasure, pleasure to meet you.

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