
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Suspicion of Kidnapping

In January, a German court ordered the arrest of 13 alleged CIA agents on suspicion of kidnapping German national Khaled el-Masri in 2003. El-Masri says he was picked up in Macedonia and flown to Afghanistan where he allegedly was tortured and imprisoned for months before being released. The Germans don't know where the CIA agents are or even their real names.

But the Los Angeles Times has now provided plenty of clues. The paper has divulged the ages of three CIA agents identified as the pilots in the case. They have published the make and model of their automobiles, their personal hobbies and where they are displayed in their homes. They describe the pets one agent owns. They describe the boat another owns. There's even a description of one agent's living room and what landmark it faces. The paper has named a thirty-mile radius in which they live in the U.S.

Hunted and Assaulted

Three Republicans in Virginia were hunted down and assaulted by a man over their beliefs. Police in Fredericksburg, Virginia say 23-year-old Andrew Stone went to a nearby home after discovering one of the resident's names on a Republican Web site.

The resident and his two roommates engaged in a discussion with Stone, even though they had never met him before. The argument quickly got heated when Mr. Stone learned the three roommates had not enlisted in the military and "put their all" behind the Republican-led war in Iraq. The police were called after Stone refused to leave the premises, striking the roommates several times.

Stone was arrested on three counts of assault and battery. It's not known from the police report what political agenda Mr. Stone was supporting.

"Find the Illegal"

The College Republicans at New York University held a "Find the Illegal Immigrant" event today.

The rules were rather simple — members of the club showed their NYU ID cards and they were deemed immigration agents for the day. Other club members wore nametags that read "illegal immigrant" and hid in a crowd. The person who successfully identifies the illegal won a free gift certificate.

The event caught the ire of college Democrats and in a press release sent out by the Democratic National Committee, they condemned the event, calling it quote "deeply offensive anti-immigrant," "racially divisive," going on to say, "College Republicans seem to have no shame in continuing to scapegoat and pinpoint immigrants for their own political gain."

Sarah Chambers, the president of the NYU Republicans denies the event is racist; rather it's a provocative attempt to spark debate on the issue of illegal immigration.

Novel Approach

The government of Iran has a novel approach to boosting tourism in a northwestern part of the country— by banning men. The tourism island will be entirely staffed by women—the public transportation, restaurants and all other facilities will be men-free.

In public, Iranian women have to cover their bodies in long coats and wear headscarves. The Islamic regime believes that sex segregation actually protects women's rights, so the man-free zone will give women the opportunity to exchange their body-draping dresses for bathing suits.

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.