
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 28, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle. And this is "The Five."

News is breaking on multiple fronts. And we begin tonight with the continued catastrophic flooding unfolding in Texas. Rain from tropical storm Harvey continues to pour on the lone star state. And now also in Louisiana with the stalled storm causing waters to rise to near biblical levels. President Trump is scheduled to travel to Texas tomorrow to witness the devastation first hand.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: To the people of Texas and Louisiana, we are 100 percent with you. We're praying for you, we're working closely with your leaders and officials. And I will be visiting the impact zone tomorrow to ensure that you're receiving full support and cooperation from the federal government. And on Saturday, we think we're going back to Texas and also we will be going to Louisiana.


GUILFOYLE: We have reporters all over the region. And we begin with Steve Harrigan in Rosenberg, Texas. Steve?

STEVE HARRIGAN, FOX NEWS: Kimberly, this is just like standing under a faucet. It just doesn't stop. It's coming in sideways, it's been coming in sideways since dawn. It's cold. This is nine inches of rain in the past 24 hours alone. What does that mean? It means conditions here around Houston, in the suburbs getting worse every hour. Neighbor after neighborhood now in the dark, declaring mandatory evacuations. It's getting much more dangerous.

City officials now saying they will not be able to help people in certain of these neighborhoods. It's simply too tough to get around. And you can see many of the roads being flooded behind me actually. We've been watching a giant sinkhole grow. That is because so much water has been dumped in this area. There are a real questions about the structural soundness of small bridges.

The shelters are filling up. You have the coal ahead of time. They're even turning furniture stores into shelters. People are arriving wet and cold. When you see people around, they just look stunned, looking for something to eat, looking for clothing. The shelters have put out word, they need doctors, they need nurses, they need baby formula.

Kimberly, back to you.

GUILFOYLE: Wow! All right. Thanks, Steve. Stay safe. And great job reporting for us. Let's go to Trace Gallagher who is in the Woodlands, Texas, which is just north of Houston. Trace?

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS: Yes, Kimberly. We are about 40 miles north of where Steve Harrigan just gave you his report. And it's kind of a little bit different situation here. Because the rain has died down really for the first time in several hours. I mean, it was an absolute deluge here all day long. We had flooding, we saw homes under water. There were cars under water, parking lots.

They shut down one of the main interstates that runs from out here in the Woodlands, one of the suburbs of Houston into downtown Houston. It is going to be very hard for people to try to get anywhere near the city. We should point out, they're trying to avoid exactly what is going on down there in Houston and the suburbs below there by doing the opposite. They are evacuating a number of neighborhoods up here about 20 miles north of us because they're very concerned about one of the rivers which is overflowing its banks.

They're trying to let as much water as they possibly can out, but they're already at record levels out. They can only let so much. They're getting people out of there in case the river overflows the banks. West of Houston, very much the same story. Getting people out of their homes now before any chance of flooding. We should note, the rescue totals have now gone up.

As of right now, they have rescued some 3,050 or so people. That's about 1,000 up from the number we were given just early this morning. So about 1,000 rescues today alone. They have mobilized 3,000 Texas national guardsmen for this effort. But they have every single national guard, 12,000 of them, will be involved in this effort. And now we're being told the border patrol is also being mobilized.

They are pulling them away from the border to come up to Houston and help out in this massive effort. They keep telling us, the rain is going to slow down and eventually go away. But today we saw very little sign of that -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Thanks, Trace for that.

And let's now hear from Caroline Shively who was in Houston inside the convention center where people are still taking shelter. Caroline?

CAROLINE SHIVELY, FOX NEWS: Hi there, Kimberly. We just stepped out on the back side of the Convention Center to show you a very unusual helicopter landing. They created this out of an interstate. This is the I-45. The pierce elevated landing if you know this part of the road. We've seen helicopters coming through here. They are landing dead on in the middle of the interstate. They have been plucking folks off of roofs.

People who can't get to those high water vehicles. People who are passed the point where they can be rescued by boats. They've had the helicopters, they put them down. We had some video earlier of one of the helicopters. We have seen Red Cross helicopters, National Guard helicopters, other military helicopters come in. They touchdown and you see the people run off of there clutching their belongings.

Clothing, anything they could get ahold of. Then they go to the buses and the buses can get them here to the convention center. Fifty five hundred people have already gone here into the convention center. That is above capacity. Five thousand is what the max was, they said, but they're not closing these doors. Any buses that come, any people who come on foot. Here in the Convention Center, they're taking you in. Even by helicopter now. Kimberly, back to you.

All right. Thanks, Caroline, a lot of news out of the White House tonight. And for the very latest -- are you ready?

Okay. Let's go to Ed Henry in Washington. There he is.

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: Hey, Kimberly, good to see you. The President will be joined on his trip to Texas tomorrow by first lady Melania Trump significant. Because she's known for her compassion taking time out to visit children hospitals under early trips overseas with the President. Tomorrow they will be in Texas trying to deal with fallout from the storm. An important note, they will be meeting with the governor of Texas in Austin, not going to Houston.

Because the president does not want his security needs to overwhelm first responders on the ground. Their time of course better spent on search and rescue efforts that are painfully are still going on. This is all hands on deck for the administration. Vice President Mike Pence today traveled to FEMA Headquarters for briefings. He also did a series of radio interviews where he estimated a shocking number, about half a million Americans the Vice President said will get some kind of federal assistance after the clean-up from the storm.

That's consistent with what the President said at a news conference at the White House where he said the administration will do -- will stop at nothing to help.


TRUMP: We see neighbor helping neighbor, friend helping friend and stranger helping stranger. And you see that all over. You watch it on television, you just see such incredible work and love. And teamwork. We're one American family, we hurt together, we struggle together. And believe me, we endure together.


HENRY: Now, as all this plays out here in the United States, the President still dealing with the crisis in North Korea. In the last few hours, the communist nation fired a missile over Japan. The Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe calling this, quote, "The most serious and grave threat that his nation has faced," yet in this entire standoff the missile we should report broke into three different pieces before falling into the Pacific Ocean.

It does not appear to have injured anyone or done any damage to Japanese assets. But a sign that this whole situation is far from over. Meanwhile, NBC News reporting tonight that Robert Mueller, the special counsel of course is now looking at whether or not President Trump was involved in a knowingly false statement when he helped craft the initial response to his son, Donald Trump, Jr.'s statement about that meeting last summer at Trump Tower with the Russian lawyer.

I'm getting strong push back tonight from people in the President's inner circle trying to shoot down this report saying that the President did not commit any kind of crime. That he had a very small amount of time spent in crafting that statement about his son's meeting at Trump Tower and they think in the end, the special counsel will find nothing -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Thanks for that update. Pleasure to have you. Okay. Let's take it around the table. Greg, you want to talk about the storm, the aftermath and what people are experiencing now. We'll talk about that first.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: It really does make you question the betrayal of a divided nation, which you know, all of us kind of contribute to. And it made me think about where do you seek out moral guidance? And you don't need it from a political leader. I don't think you need moral guidance from a political leader. I don't think you need it from a religious leader.

I think if you look around you and you look at the people there, Americans can handle massive catastrophes pretty damn good without inspiration. They're not inspired to do that. They are just naturally doing that. You couple that with the nature of our system, the United States, if you compare catastrophes of a similar kind, country by country, thousands upon thousands are killed, millions are injured.

But for some reason in a system like ours, which is so resilient, which is a decentralized free market system that makes it easier for rescues, for housing to be found, for supplies to be delivered, for evacuations to be made quickly, it's because of a system that is decentralized and people can come from all over and do things. And it's a rich country.


GUTFELD: So, when you have these two kinds of things where you have a free market, you have a free people, you have a system that works even when it's called xenophobic or bigoted.


GUTFELD: In seemingly impossible times, this xenophobic bigoted country goes out and saves people of every color. You have black people saving white people, white people saving black people. There is no color. There is no identity politics. There is nothing like that. All you see are humans doing the right thing in a system that benefits doing the right thing.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. It really did give you a pause to reflect on what matters in life. You see this kind of human suffering and you see people coming together, putting their lives on the line like those that serve our country to try to save to make a difference on someone who is in peril.

KATIE PAVLICH, GUEST CO-HOST: It certainly makes you count your blessings. Right? You start complaining during the day, you realize it could be a whole lot worse. One thing I think that is interesting looking at the coverage of this and listening to the officials on the ground, talking to the local communities, they have told them directly. Don't wait on to us to come rescue you. If you have a neighbor who can help, jump in the boat. If you have boats, come and get in.

GUILFOYLE: Certainly.

PAVLICH: But don't wait for us to get there. Because we have limited resources and the only way that you're going to be able to get out of a lot of these situations is by relying on your fellow Houstonians to get you out. I think the President is obviously going to feel important for political reasons obviously because we live in that kind of environment but he is going to feel humbled I think when he gets to the ground and sees the devastation. But also some kind of hope and American experience and a healthy American attitude when it comes to helping each other.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Very much so. So this is a good opportunity for the President to show his compassion inside. He likes to rise to the occasion, especially when he sees, you know, a nation and states in peril.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: So far the federal response has been very effective and has been great coordination among the local and state authorities with the Feds, hopefully we can maintain that. Because it looks like, base on these pictures, the worst is yet to come for some of these people. But I do think that Harvey has shown what Texas is made out of. It's unbelievable the quiet grit, the determination.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Resilience.

WATTERS: The compassion, the resilience that these people are showing. And it's not just the Texas National Guard, it's not just the local police and Fire Department. It's your average Joe on the street sacrificing himself to go help a neighbor. And it's just an amazing thing to see. Texas is so independent. You know, they're not complaining. There's not a lot of hysteria. There is now a lot of whining.

It's just this quiet determination where people are helping each other out. It's also really refreshing to not see a lot of armchair quarterbacking going on. Not a lot of politicians are politicizing this. You know, the mayor of Houston is a Democrat. The governor is a Republican. There is not a lot of second guessing going on. I can't believe I'm seeing this in America. It's just absolutely baffling.

GUILFOYLE: Will it stay that way?

WATTERS: Will it stay that way? We will see. And no looting so far. I guess if you're a looter in Texas, some bad things can happen to you. Haven't seen a lot of price gouging either. That's a shock. But I think that speaks to the spirit of Texas. I've seen some amazing things out there just looking at television over the weekend. Alligators on people's back door steps. I saw a shark on a highway swimming in the water.

GUILFOYLE: Like Sharknado.

WATTERS: Like Sharknado. I saw a hawk sitting in someone's taxi cab. Greg and I were saying, you know, the President was using the term biblical. Well, there's some really weird biblical things that are going on down there in Houston. I just, I can't even imagine how I would be experiencing that as a guy from the northeast. But I think Texas has it figured out. And God bless him.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Absolutely. And you know, when you look at the numbers, we have some interesting statistics here. Four hundred and fifty thousand people are likely to seek federal aid. So, these are people in need. And 30,000 people seek emergency shelter. And 75,000 911calls. Can you imagine?

RICHARD FOWLER, GUEST CO-HOST: No, I mean, I've lived through one of these things. I'm from Miami, so I leaved through Hurricane Andrew. My mom is a registered nurse. So, I know what it is to not have your parents there. My mom would leave us and go to the hospital. Be there overnight as a nurse.

GUILFOYLE: Help people, yes.

FOWLER: So, shout out to all of the nurses and doctors who spend the night in the hospital. So, big shout out to them and doing what they do. But this is a -- we're all Houston strong and I wear my Houston colors, Houston rocket colors tonight because of that. And I want to give a big shout out to all of those individuals who are working those extra hours to make sure the volunteers, the police officers, the firefighters who are doing Yeoman's work. You guys get a big round of applause for me and all of the Americans all across the country tonight.

GUILFOYLE: All the first responders, remember them, you know, in these times of need. But let's also remember them --

FOWLER: And their families.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And their families who sacrifice a lot like you had too when your mother went to go answered the call to help other people. So, important life lessens reminded us once again.

And coming up, President Trump offers a full-throated defense of his controversial pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Stay with us.


WATTERS: A major counter punch from President Trump after facing bipartisan criticism for pardoning former Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday. President Trump offered a vigorous defense of his clemency grant highlighting several far more questionable pardons by previous presidents.


TRUMP: I wanted to look at some of the other people that were pardoned over the years. And if you look at as an example, President Clinton pardoned Marc Rich. He was charged with crimes going back decades including illegally buying oil from Iran while it held 53 American hostages. Wasn't allowed to do that. Selling to the enemies of the United States. He was pardoned after his wife donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clintons.

Then you have dangerous criminals. President Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg, a member of the Weather Underground. Charged as part of a bank robbery that led to a guard and two police officers being killed. Drug dealers. President Clinton commuted the sentence of Carlos Vignali, a central player in a cocaine ring that stretched from California to Minnesota.

Criminal leaker. You've heard the word "leaker." President Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning who leaked countless sensitive and classified documents to Wikileaks, perhaps and others. But horrible, horrible thing that he did. Commuted the sentence.


WATTERS: So you have President Bill Clinton and President Obama, Kimberly, that pardoned drug dealers, terrorists, murders, fugitives, dope dealers and then President Trump pardons a sheriff and all hell breaks loose on the left.


GUILFOYLE: Well, that's indeed what happened. I mean, there's no better way to describe it. I mean, you would have thought that he pardoned like a mass murderer.


GUILFOYLE: I mean --

WATTERS: Charles Manson got pardoned.

GUILFOYLE: Like 25 murders. But no, listen, this is something that -- I think it's consistent to what he was saying during his campaign when he was out there on the trail. Sheriff Arpaio was definitely supportive of President Trump and the whole movement. So he did something, which is seems to be loyal to support somebody that he feels was supportive of him and who he believed in in terms of what he did in Arizona. That's what this is to me.

WATTERS: This is a loyalty play also, a law in order to play, Richard. How do you see it?

FOWLER: Yes. I mean, I guess, loyalty pays if you're with Donald Trump.

WATTERS: Or any part of his own brother, Richard.

FOWLER: I mean, so here's why this -- I know you'll going to make fun of me saying, well, here is why this is problematic. Right? So, there's a couple of reasons why. One, this is 266 days of his presidency. Yes, Obama made controversial pardons that happened on his last day in office. When it didn't matter. This president has to run again.

WATTERS: Are you saying he's going to be impeached?

FOWLER: Whether -- I don't know if he is going to be impeached. I don't know what this -- I don't know. But here's what this -- the President -- every president understands this. You have to expand your base and you're re-elect. This president said to a lot of Latino voters, I really don't care about you because Joe Arpaio is a lightning rod for Latinos, whether you're Democrat or whether you're Republican. Latinos have a big problem with Joe Arpaio. And mainstream Republicans get that, which is why Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Mitch McConnell, John McCain said, this is awful. This is the worst --

WATTERS: So he has pander to Latinos and not --

FOWLER: No, listen, this is --

GUILFOYLE: So he couldn't wait until the end of the term. It's only a six-month sentence.

FOWLER: This is so bad -- this is so bad -- let's not also remember that the investigation on poor Joe Arpaio started under the Bush Justice Department. It started on June, 2018 under George W. Bush's Justice Department, under Alberto Gonzalez who said, there's some questionable stuff going on in Maricopa County. We need to look into this. And that's where this started, this guy has a track record of racially profiling. He's been told by Republican appointed judges and democratically appointed judges to stop this profiling as an officer of the court and he continued to do it.


FOWLER: This is problematic.

WATTERS: Problematic.

PAVLICH: Problematic.

WATTERS: What do you think? Is this problematic?

PAVLICH: Every president pardons somebody that is controversial. This just happened to be Donald Trump. No matter who he would have pardoned, the left would have gone nuts about it. I reject this idea that all Latinos that don't like Joe Arpaio because I know Latinos in Arizona where I lived for a very long time who were actually a big fans of him because they were victims of illegal immigrant crime in that state.

I understand there are other issues surrounding this. But you look at the details of what he was accused of. He didn't get a trial by a jury of his peers. This was a decision made by a judge. If you look at the circumstances surrounding his re-election, George Soros dumped $2 million in his re-election bid. You had the leftists coming in and organizing against Joe Arpaio. You had one six terms by 65, 70 percent each time. This was a witch-hunt.

And the administration, the Obama administration, did not like the fact that Joe Arpaio was working with the federal government to turn over criminal aliens that had committed crimes against local communities including immigrant populations and that's why they went after him.

GUILFOYLE: They don't like to be made to wear pink underwear.

WATTERS: Speaking of pink underwear, Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Yes. Don't knock it until you have tried it. Under the pants though. You have to admit Donald Trump enjoys tweaking those who are easily tweaked. He is a -- President Obama by the way, did similar things. He liked to poke people who are not in power. Because he knows that the people who are in power get really upset because they can't do anything about it. So what he just do is he did something that you can't do anything about.

What he -- when he brought up those examples, what he was doing was, he's highlights a contrast between two types of thinking. I'm going to talk about it, my monologue. Everything that Trump does is through the law and order prism. And oftentimes it can be flawed. But most of the time, the big picture, it's okay. So what he ends up doing is he pardons a law and order-type guy. A sheriff who might have some problems but a sheriff.

President Obama operates from the oppressor versus oppressed mindset. So, when he wants to pardon somebody, it's usually a radical, it's somebody who might have been involved in a cause. Could have been a terrorist but it was a cause. And he thinks it's a noble cause. So accepts it because it's oppressor versus oppress. So, through that prism, President Obama always tends to favor people that we go, what are you talking about?

And then meanwhile, liberals look at Trump and go Arpaio? What are you talking about? I have a solution for this. No more damn pardons. Nobody likes them. Nobody likes pardon. There's really one good pardon ever. Only one good pardon. And that was when President Obama pardoned Willie McCovey on tax evasion. Willie McCovey, number 44. One of the greatest San Francisco -- I'm showing you how personal the pardon is. I liked it. Because I like Willie McCovey. That's how bias and personal the decision is, is that I thought it was okay. Because he was one of my favorite players.

GUILFOYLE: And I attended his last game.

GUTFELD: 1980.

GUILFOYLE: I was interviewed by local channel 2.

GUTFELD: Five hundred and twenty one home runs.

WATTERS: I'm pro-pardon because I might get into some trouble later.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it. I knew it.

WATTERS: Directly ahead, President Trump just got rid of one of President Obama's most controversial executive orders. Greg has the story when THE FIVE returns.


GUTFELD: Today President Trump revealed his plan to roll back limits on military gear for law enforcement, reversing President Obama's policy that banned armored cars, high-caliber weapons and so on.

Remember when the media made militarization the big bad wolf? Their misguided emotion portrayed enhanced security is somehow threatening. But its only goal was to prevent violence by presenting overwhelming strength: speak softly, big stick -- it's highly persuasive. It's like the rhetoric that Trump uses with immigration: A forceful position becomes the wall reducing illegal crossing. Police armed with the best gear is similar, stopping violence without causing any. They become the wall between order and anarchy. What happens when the wall is missing? You get Charlottesville, you get Berkeley in April and Berkeley now. Where there's no order, there will be blood.

President Obama saw the gear as intimidating. But who does it intimidate? I'd say the people about to do bad things. But President Obama has always viewed the world through the prism of radical politics, so he sees the world through that prism. Trump is the reverse. Everything is seen through the prism of law and order which explains the wall, militarization, boosting defense, pardoning Arpaio. A singular vision can be flawed, but the bigger picture can excuse the smaller mistakes. Trump won because of three words: law and order. Ignore that, Democrats and he'll win again. In this case, hindsight isn't 20/20. It will win 2020.



GUTFELD: I decided to add that. Extra flourished, Kimberly. Militarization was a fancy world for extra gear that creates a perception of force so you don't have to use force. Isn't that the logic?

GUILFOYLE: Right, the thing is they just -- I have a very strong opinion about this worked as a prosecutor for so many years in Los Angeles, working gang details and all that. The police need to have the tools that are necessary in order to do their job. Guess what? Some of the things that people are saying, oh, we can't have this, stripping the police department of the tools they need to do their jobs is like taking a stethoscope away from a doctor. Doesn't make sense. Some of these vehicles and the things that are armored, all-terrain that can go through flooded areas to help in times of natural disasters like this and really provide relief to a community. So why would we want to take that away from them? Because we want to say the police are bad? We don't want them to have any of the things they need? They're not going to have uniforms next? Are you going to take away bulletproof vests? What else? Leave them with the rubber bullets?

GUTFELD: There's that argument, Jesse, if you give someone enhanced security they're more dangerous. Like if you have seat belts on, you'll drive faster. They're just trying to protect themselves to protect you.

WATTERS: The hardware is defensive in nature. It started after images after Ferguson, of the police officers in tactical gear facing off against the shirtless angry protesters. People don't like the images, especially in Obama's base so he rescinded this deal. Trump just won on law and order and now he is delivering the goods. Look at these things. Military grade bullet-proof vests, armored vehicles, tactical helmets and tactical shields. A lot of these things that are happening in the streets increased gang activity, violent crime rising under the last administration. Antifa is running wild. So I think some Democrats think for instance we're going to use these weapons against them while they protest the RNC? No. These things are used with explosive detonations, active shooter situations, large scale riots, terrorism situations, drug raids, gang raids.

These things are not your run-of-the-mill squaring off against one lonely protester. They came in handy. You said it. The armored vehicle they used during the floods. One of the guys on the police side had a military grade helmet and saved his life in the Orlando nightclub shooting. Then you had the armored vehicle that used to hunt down the San Bernardino killers. They're not making new purchases. This stuff is being transferred. They're not paying, this is recycled hardware. I like Democrats like recycling.

PAVLICH: Liberals love recycling except when it comes to the police. You remember when the Baltimore mayor said we should give the protesters room to destroy? The cops have to be able to respond to terrorism, rioting. They can't win. If they're not prepared like we saw in Charlottesville, then they're accused of not handling a dangerous situation. But they've been accused by the Obama administration of being overly militarized and hurting equipment and hurting the feelings of criminals that want the room to destroy as the Baltimore mayor suggested. I think we need to point out, this is something that the Obama administration allowed to go on for seven years throughout his term and rescinded in 2015. He is in place during the Clinton administration and the George W. Bush administration. So Trump isn't really doing anything that out of the ordinary by defaulting back to the previous policy.

GUTFELD: Richard!

FOWLER: This is an insane policy. Maybe I'm the only voice of reason here at this table.

WATTERS: Maybe not.

FOWLER: Let's take a city like Haverhill, Massachusetts, probably you never heard of it, but they have 65,000 residents. They have 20 of these 20-ton mine resistant ambush vehicles. Tell me why in god's name --

WATTERS: I'll tell you why.

FOWLER: Does Haverhill, Massachusetts need 20-ton mine resistant ambush vehicles?

WATTERS: That is a small city, right outside of Boston. That was the scene where the Boston bombers fled.

FOWLER: You need 20 20-ton ambush vehicles --


FOWLER: And you need 20 of them? You don't need any of them. They why we have the military bases.

WATTERS: And the scene of a crime that fast --

FOWLER: Here's the problem with this. And listen, I'm not the only person that agrees this is egregious. Senator Rand Paul also feels this way. When he gets back to the senate, he is introducing a bill called stop militarizing of our law enforcement, because it moves us a step closer one step to tyranny. What ends up happening, when you give police departments this overwhelming force, you shred the fourth amendment, you shred the eighth amendment and you make police departments --

GUTFELD: How do you do that? How?

FOWLER: Excuse me. You make police departments, the Judge, the jury and the executioner. And you take away due process.

GUTFELD: The beautiful palm. Lacking all evidence. You know who is shredding all of these -- the free speak? Antifa. The people --

FOWLER: You talk about Antifa in the next segment. But let's not --

GUTFELD: What you're doing here, the police are stopping free --

FOWLER: What happens to memoranda-zing people? When police officers can drive down the American city with a tank. That is exactly what happened in Ferguson with the peaceful protesters.

WATTERS: Who got run over by a tank?

FOWLER: There was tear gas and tanks rolling down American streets --

WATTERS: Every place has tear gas.

GUTFELD: We have to move on. We're going to keep talking about this about Berkeley. So just hold on to your helmets. Far left radicals are caught on camera attacking people conservative demonstrators. Details on this story straight ahead.


PAVLICH: Welcome back. More brutality from the far left. The radical left wing group Antifa has been responsible for several major violent incident this year. Including looting into shops just blocks away from President Trump inauguration. Antifa, which is made up of communist and anarchist was back in Berkeley, California yesterday, violently attacking conservatives at a rally. Roll the tape.




PAVLICH: Greg, I want to go to you first. The biggest news out of this, "The Washington Post" actually acknowledged that right wing protesters were peaceful, which we have never seen before.

GUTFELD: We have been watching Antifa for probably six or seven months. It's largely ignored by the mainstream media. The media accents radicalism and will excuse violence if it's for their opinions and for their greater good. They were exposed again when they portrayed this violent mob as no different as heroes storming Normandy after Charlottesville. Because they conflated Antifa with other protesters. They are violent group of people, but they are more than violent, they're cowards. They're like juveniles dressed up as batman in front of a mirror. They wear mask, because they done want to even own their own activities. If you think -- you have to ask one of these folks, if you ever get the chance, if you're doing is so good, why do you have to wear a mask? You're obviously an immoral creep. I think the media looks really foolish because we predicted this on "The Five." we said - it had to be three months ago, we said Antifa removes the bait from the conversation so you have emotion which goes straight to violence. A thing in between called the debate. Antifa has no debate. They pulled it out. We said this would happen months ago. Nobody would listen. We're right here, we said it.

PAVLICH: Jesse, the media has defined Antifa as anti-fascist. Is that a correct portrayal, of what they are, who they are, since they're so anti- free speech?

WATTERS: We've been seeing Antifa fight Trump supporters about a year. The only time I saw them fight neo-Nazis was in Charlottesville. Some people say that was righteous, I am sure some people want to punch a Nazi in the face. I get that, I understand that, but that is the only time that I saw them do that. I've seen them attack women. I've seen Antifa attack members of the press.

PAVLICH: Journalists.

WATTERS: They look like they got picked last in gym though. Nobody can throw a punch. They're pale, they are skinny or out of shape. They look like they live in their parent's basement. They only rove in packs and isolate one or two people and beat them up. They can't square up on anybody. They're a bunch of losers. Who brings sticks and shields -- what is this? Dungeons and dragons? They're honestly a bunch of losers, -- look at this. Throwing -- who punches like that?

PAVLICH: Richard, I have a question for you.

GUTFELD: You are critiquing his style.

WATTERS: They are cowards.

PAVLICH: Whenever someone is perceived as the right, whether it's the alt right or whatever, everyone in the media and Democrats call on Republicans, the highest level, including the President, to condemn it. Why is it, that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer haven't said this doesn't define our Party and we're distancing ourselves from them? We've been asked to condemn everybody on the planet.

FOWLER: I'll condemn Antifa. 54 year ago from today, we have the Washington for justice, -- Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous quotes is this. Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. There's a growth of white supremacy and there is a growth of neo-Nazism and the KKK with the new world card the alt-right and that is the problem. But Antifa isn't the answer to that problem. How we drive out the KKK, who has blood on their hands since 1865 is with love and understanding. How we drive out the KKK and neo-Nazis is people coming together like what we see taking place in Houston where neighbors are helping neighbors. That is how we defeat, people like David Duke, people like Richard Spencer and people that believe in their views.

PAVLICH: There's been a number of arrests over the weekends. They haven't deterred Antifa folks coming back to Berkeley especially, how do you think that law enforcement can better prepare for these events, especially schools starts on the campus?

GUILFOYLE: I think it's going to be a big concern. You know what they're going to do they're going to try to conceal their identity, they're cowards. They're not soldiers of the first amendment on free speech. They are cowards. They don't want you to see who they are because they don't want to be criminally prosecuted. They don't have a right to commit crimes and do violent protests the way they're doing. I think the left should condemn them. The police department should come prepared to shut it down. If they don't, it dis-emboldens them to disturb the free speech of others.

FOWLER: They say we're against the organized left. So they're against us. We can't condemn them if they're against us.

PAVLICH: All right. We'll have the latest on historic flooding in Texas, stay with us.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One minute, everything was fine, but we could see the waters was really high, the next minute, the water is rushing in through every door.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was heart breaking. Absolutely heart breaking. The whole downtown just a mess. Absolute mess. Our friends, neighbors, our store, a disaster. Just breaks my heart.


FOWLER: The Houston area received Ohio 30 inches of rain since Friday bringing the historic flooding to the region. For the latest, let's go to Adam Klotz in the Fox Extreme Weather Center, Adam?

ADAM KLOTZ, FOX NEWS: Hi there Richard, the rain you're talking about still continues to fall. Still heavy showers rolling to the coast in Houston area, lifting up towards Houston. At this point across the gulf coast, stretching to portions of New Orleans. All areas where we're seeing heavy rain this evening. Where will this head next? Even though the rain is spreading across the Gulf of Mexico, we can see the circulation just off the Texas coast, this is the past of motion. I'm taking you to Wednesday morning. You're beginning to see this left past Houston, likely still catching rain on the back end. By Thursday, this is out of here and continues to track further and further to the north. Eventually turning into a low pressure system passing through Shreveport. I say by the end of the week, the weekend, folks in the middle of the country, even towards Atlanta just beginning to see tropical rain. Finally folks across the gulf coast will be drying out a little bit. How does that look? Here's the satellite and radar. This is taking you, a future cast, into Tuesday. Still the rain lingering around. I think by late Tuesday into Wednesday, Houston, the area hardest hit gets on the back side of this. We're still tracking plenty of rain. This is an opportunity for them to get out of it. How much rain will be get? In some cases 30, 40 inches. Houston looks as though another 10 inches, that is additional than what we've seen. There's still some spots out there, Richard, we'll see a good 15, 20 more inches of rain before it's said and done.

FOWLER: Thanks, Adam. We appreciate it. 30 inches of rain.

GUILFOYLE: Can't really imagine it. We've been hearing the reports and watching the devastation all weekend. The rain coming down. Friday night when the story broke and when it was happening, seeing Steve Harrigan and the others in the field trying to report on it. Could barely stand getting pummeled by the winds and the onslaught of the downpour. One of the biggest things we've had to deal with is the devastation of water and the rain that comes after. The winds are bad enough. When you see what happened in Katrina and what happened here, it's just -- can't help us feel for these families.

FOWLER: Yeah, I think Kimberly is right. This is what we're seeing. There's other areas that you're not getting on camera. It has stopped.

GUTFELD: The one thing that is interesting, it's a reminder of real life, practical action versus hashtags and concerns and social networks. Person can tweet thoughts and prayers. There's a guy in a boat rescuing somebody's mom. It's hard to be a feminist when you see this masculinity, the men saving people must really drive them crazy.

FOWLER: Katie?

PAVLICH: The next couple days are going to be crunch time in terms of getting people food. We had a reporter on saying some people are running out of the basic necessities because of the rain. It's difficult to get out of their homes. The next couple days will be just as rough as the weekend was. Prayers and thoughts. If you're not there to help with your boat, there's organizations that you can get help through Red Cross is one of them.

FOWLER: Jesse?

WATTERS: I was just down hunting in the port area with Kimberly's biggest fan T-Roy from swamp people, Kimberly's fan. He is been devastated down there but working hard to save things. He says he expects 20 more inches of rain. So best of luck.

GUILFOYLE: We're praying for him.

FOWLER: 20 more inches of rain. Let's keep Texas and Houston in our prayers. Ahead, how you can help the victims of Hurricane Harvey


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People helping people. Time of need. We need to be together.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's like memories taken away. Something you don't expect. Material success is kept in your mind and always will be there in your mind. But it's just hard.


GUILFOYLE: For those that have lost so much and so much has been taken away from them and their families and most especially the memories that they cherish, many are lucky to have their lives. So donations for Harvey storm relief are pouring in from around the country. Many organizations and companies pledging millions and you can help too. Please send money to the American Red Cross. Text the word "Harvey" to 90999 and make a $10 donation to those in needs. You can also call 1-800-red cross or visit Red Cross. Org. Please stay tuned to the Fox News channel for the latest developments on tropical storm Harvey. "Hannity" is up next.

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