This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 4, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Hello everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Dan Bongino, Marie Harf, Kennedy and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."

Well, the media fawns over the newly sworn in lawmakers. Progressive house Democrats are ramping up their anti-Trump attacks. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib who unleashed this profane rant, calling for the president's impeachment. Watch this.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB, D-MICH.: People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, mama, look, you won. Bullies don't win. And I said baby, they don't, because we're going to go in there and we're going the impeach (BLEEP).



WATTERS: The freshman lawmaker is standing by her comment and President Trump is now responding.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Her comments were disgraceful. I think she dishonored herself and I think she dishonored her family. Using language like that in front of her son and whoever else was there, I thought that was a great dishonor to her and to her family. I thought it was highly disrespectful to the United States of America.


WATTERS: The president also saying he brought up impeachment with Speaker Nancy Pelosi today at the White House.


TRUMP: And we even talked about that today. I said, why don't you use this for impeachment? And Nancy said we are not looking to impeach you. I said that's good, Nancy. That's good. But you know what you don't impeach people when they are doing a good job.


WATTERS: That's good Nancy, that's good. All right, Mr. Greg Gutfeld, what do you think about the language out of this congresswoman's mouth?

GREG GUTFELD, HOST: I don't care about the language. I think Pelosi has to get the kids in line. She is basically the school principal here and the student body is acting out on the first day of school. I mean, shouting out impeachment for them is the equivalent of like popping a wheelie in the parking lot to impress the girls.

And the thing is, Trump is right, OK. It's going to be hilarious to introduce the reasons for impeachment when you have had two years of peace and prosperity. So, all you have when he said there is no reason for impeachment, he is right. He's right. So all they have now is a personnel vendetta.

And the irony of all of this is that so everybody attacks Trump about his personality and character, we get that. They are turning into him. They are now, actually she -- so she is swearing up a storm. Sounds like a sailor on leave. Where did you get that from? It could be maybe she just learned from Trump. They are all turning into mini-Trumps, actually worse than he is.

WATTERS: Well, because you heard the audience roars with applause afterwards.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WATTERS: I mean, they eat that stuff up.

GUTFELD: I want them to go for the impeachment because it's going to turn Trump into a folk hero because it's all going to be personal vendetta.

WATTERS: What do you think about, Dan, today's reaction to this congresswoman?

DAN BONGINO, HOST: Well, listen, I don't care about the f-bomb at all. I'm a New York guy. I just don't care.

GUTFELD: You say -- that's your good morning.

BONGINO: -- I had my daughter around the other day and there were a couple of f-bombs and I was like, oh my gosh, close your ears. She's heard it. I promise you. We grew up in New York. I don't care about the language, but the impeachment thing is a joke.

I mean, are the Democrats serious? Impeach him for what? Impeach him for getting elected president? I mean, what is the high crime or misdemeanor? This is hysterical. You would have thought they would have learned their lesson tactically from the Republican's abject failure to make a dent in Bill Clinton's approval ratings by trying to impeach him.

Listen, I am not obviously condoning Clinton's behavior but it's clear from a strategic perspective only. It was an absolute flop and they're going to emulate this failed strategy? Good for them. Trump will leave office with 60 percent approval like Clinton did.

WATERS: Marie, what do you think happened behind the scenes after Nancy got wind of this? Do you think there was a nasty phone call to shut up congresswoman or you're not going to be on any committee?

MARIE HARF, HOST: Well, I don't think that the Democrats are actually going to move to impeach Donald Trump. People will introduce articles of impeachment, individual congress people, but there will not be a Democratic caucus move to do that unless the Mueller report has some bomb shells in it that could be high crimes and misdemeanors because Dan is right about that Bill Clinton impeachment.

Say what you will about the actual legal argument, politically that very much hurt the Republicans. But what the Democratic White House has done, yes, that is like what gets a lot of news and I understand why. They passed a bill last night to re-open the government. Today introduced house bill one that would cut down on corruption and political corruption in Washington.

It would help "drain the swamp." So while this gets attention, the Democratic House is moving forward to try to show that they can make headlines, but they can also govern. Now they have to do that, Greg. They have to get past day one when they are all acting out --

GUTFELD: You left out the Electoral College.

HARF: Well?

GUTFELD: We will talk about that.

HARF: We'll talk about that. But look, they are actually doing some real things behind-the-scenes besides just talking about impeachment on leaked videos.

WATTERS: Well, I don't think Nancy likes a headline like this. Do you?

KENNEDY, HOST: No, she doesn't. She said she's not the censor police but she does like that kind of language, but it also shows a generational divide. And Tom Perez and Kirsten Gillibrand and a lot of other Democrats think it's a cool strategy. And the kids will really respond to it. They'll love it if you start dropping f and f-bombs all over the place.

HARF: They don't.

KENNEDY: Yes, I mean, come on, man. The funny thing is they used a justification that this is how the president talks. Therefore, this is how we are going to talk. So, what you are saying is the way the president comports himself is now acceptable because you are just doing an imitation of the president.

But if you are talking about bullying, the kind of language she used, you could argue that is also bullying. I think the president can handle it and I don't think he's particularly concerned about it.

WATTERS: No, she dishonored her family, Kennedy.

GUTFELD: She also is guilty of cultural appropriation because the phrase dates back to late 19th century from a murder case in Texas and I don't believe she is from Texas.

KENNEDY: I think you're absolutely right.

BONGINO: Haven't they forfeited the tone argument completely (inaudible) the Democrats. I don't want to hear another word from the right. Is there a worse curse word around? I mean --

GUTFELD: I can think of three.

BONGINO: -- like the curse words at the top.


BONGINO: I mean, that's up there.

GUTFELD: It's in the top two.

HARF: Yes, yes, actually, yes. And look, I think that I would not have said it. I don't love that she has said it and this is now the story today. I also don't like the impeachment push before Robert Mueller -- as a Democrat, I don't like that push before we know what Mueller has.

I also think that like a lot of hand wringing on line from the right, it just feels very hypocritical after Trump, after Dick Cheney said it on the Senate floor like, this is --

KENNEDY: -- that's my problem because if you are so offended by it when Trump does it, don't do it!

HARF: You shouldn't do it.

KENNEDY: I mean, it's a pretty simple fix.

HARF: Point taken.

KENNEDY: And don't justify doing by saying, oh, he did it. That makes you just as guilty if not more so because it means that you are not better than the person you are taking issue with.

WATTERS: All right. Also, if all that talk about impeachment wasn't enough, listen to this. Now Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to dramatically raise taxes on the rich to pay for this green new deal, as bragging about being radical. Listen.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Once you get to like a tippy tops on your $10 millionth, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent. That doesn't mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder, you should be contributing more.

Only has ever been radicals that have changed this country. Abraham Lincoln made the radical decision to sign the emancipation proclamation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt made the radical decision to embark on establishment programs like social security. That is radical.

ADERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Do you call yourself a radical?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Yes. You know, if that's what radical means, call me a radical.


WATTERS: Call me a radical. And Congressman Steven Cohen introducing a legislation to eliminate the Electoral College. Greg, they have can't get over the 2016 election.

GUTFELD: They want to eliminate the Electoral College because they lost. That's like saying we need to get rid of the point scoring system in football because you scored more points. So now we're just going to count the yards. And so if we get more yards, we win. Points have nothing to do with it.

So they accuse Trump of destroying institutions and the first day they are voting to eliminate one which is nuts. As for AOC, I think this is -- it's important that your --

WATTERS: I want you to say her name.

GUTFELD: It's safer for me to say AOC. She is a card-carrying socialist, OK, inside the most successful economic system known to mankind. So, it's good to hear her talk about that, right. It's good, and we should pick it apart and laugh about it. It's better to go after AOC for her beliefs than anything else I think.

WATTERS: Seventy percent, Kennedy, that will knock you back into next year.

KENNEDY: Well, this is where someone like Anderson Cooper has to push her and talk about the unintended consequences of a 70 percent tax rate on the wealthiest Americans because by definition, they do pay more money in taxes because they make more money and they pay more money into the system.

You don't have to tax them when it is 70 percent because it's funny. Liberals try and completely discredit trickle down economics. They use the phrase, they don't really know what it means, but if there is a cause and effect relationship by wealth and other people who benefit from that, then there will also be one if rich people had less money to spend.

It means they are investing less in companies. They are not starting new businesses. Those new businesses that they are not starting aren't employing people who desperately need to get into the work force for the first time.

And when you shackle people with economic immobility, it is one of the most immoral things human being can do to one another. And so what she is actually putting forth is an, I know better than you. I think less of you as a human being, therefore, I am going to impose my beliefs upon you and that is unacceptable and it is not right.

WATTERS: AOC as Greg likes to call her, taking up a lot of attention, Marie. You think people are jealous on the Democratic side? HARF: I think that the right wing has AOC derangement syndrome. I think it is --

GUTFELD: No we're not even close yet.

HARF: Oh, really.

GUTFELD: I think that we are so nice to her. It's only a few nuts on twitter.


GUTFELD: I want to hear more from her.

HARF: Why -- can I just -- she is a freshman member of Congress who was like near last in seniority. Her ideas will be not that important. She will be one of a huge caucus. I understand why --

WATTERS: But she's on "60 Minutes."

HARF: So that's what I'm saying, why are we the media? Why is she on "60 Minutes?" Why does she get all this attention? Why are videos of her dancing in high school being laid?

KENNEDY: Because she is the poster child for state-ism which is --

HARF: But she doesn't matter --

KENNEDY: -- individuals -- it does.

WATTERS: I think she does. I think she is dragging.

KENNEDY: This is why it matters, because you have an entire generation of people who have no idea about the consequences of communism and socialism and the millions of millions of people. Laugh about all you want --

HARF: I'm not laughing.

KENNEDY: -- but my family lost their lives and their farms and fled to this country with a suitcase to escape communism.

HARF: There are 40 new freshman members of Congress. Many of them with much more plausible ideas that could actually be made policy, many of them that just are not as interesting on social media, but she --

KENNEDY: It's not her.


WATTERS: Let's get Dan in here.

HARF: They are not getting attention because we are obsessed with her.

BONGINO: Marie says other freshman members of Congress don't have 1.2 million followers on twitter and aren't on "60 Minutes".

HARF: Why should that matter?

BONGINO: Because she is talking to 1.2 million --

GUTFELD: It's what elected Trump.

BONGINO: -- as Kennedy said, impressionable people who actually believe confiscation the money of free citizens in the United States may work like that outrageous proposal to tax people.

HARF: Jesse could use money --

BONGINO: And that was very nice. I saw that. I need to walk. But I am not sure what the $10 million she was talking about.


BONGINO: But this is an economically illiterate, ridiculous proposal. I could not care less about AOC, Occasio-Cortez at all. I don't care about her dance videos in college.

GUTFELD: I enjoyed that by the way.

BONGINO: But I do care about is proposing an absurd socialist economic confiscation of our tax dollars that is going to destroy the U.S. economy.

WATTERS: Do you know what I like about her? She compared herself to Lincoln and FDR. And I respect that --

GUTFELD: You know who else did that? Donald Trump.

WATTERS: There it is.

GUTFELD: You have to understand that the more that you obsessed or say something it, you Trumperize (ph) her. That's how Trump won.

WATTERS: She needs to make $10 billion first before she could become --

GUTFELD: He sucked all the air out.

HARF: She will go bankrupt.

KENNEDY: She'll probably give it all away though.

WATTERS: Could the shutdown last for years if Democrats don't agree to build the wall? What the president is saying, up next.


BONGINO: President Trump standing firm on building the border wall. Good for him. And saying that while progress with lawmakers has been made to end the shutdown could go on for a long time.


TRUMP: We mentioned the price, that we want $5.6 billion, very strongly. This is national security we are talking about. We are not talking about games. We are talking about national security.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The shutdown could go on for months or even a year or longer. Did you say that and is that your --

TRUMP: I did. I did.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is that your assessment of where we are?

TRUMP: I did say that. Having a border that makes sense without borders, I have said it many times. We don't have a country. I hope it doesn't go on even beyond a few more days.


BONGINO: The president also saying he may declare a national emergency to build the wall without Congress. As for the Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not budging on Trump's demands.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: We really cannot resolve this until we open up government and we made that very clear to the president.

A wall is an immorality. It's not who we are as a nation. We are not doing a wall. Does anybody have any doubt that we are not doing a wall?


BONGINO: Kennedy, I know you and I have been spicy over this for the past few days, but walls are an immorality. Do you think there's any legitimacy to that absurd comment by Nancy Pelosi?

KENNEDY: No, and I wish people would push her on that and try and figure out exactly what she means when she says something like that. You can have disagreements about border security, but she is in a pretty powerful position now. She has re-ascended to the speakership.

So, I would like to know from her that's fine. What is your vision of border security? What does that mean? You know, let's get away from the emotionalism for just a second because both sides are really stoking up their bases with this issue, which is what makes it less solvable.

But if she believes that there should be border security and if she believes in the type of sovereignty that she has advertised in the past, then what does that mean? And she is now in a position where she has to spell it out. She is no longer a reactor. And it's much more fun to be the minority part of where you're just reacting to everything.

BONGINO: Yes, she is in charge now.

KENNEDY: But that is not her role at this point. So, if she is going to take a lead on this, then tell us what you are going to do. Tell us how you're going to make people in Border States feel better about some of the vulnerabilities that they have concerns with.

BONGINO: I agree. It's time for them to lay out a plan. But Marie, on this topic, they keep saying, you know, we don't need walls. We need technology for border security. I have been dying to ask someone on the other side, obviously you're going to give the other side's perspective on this. Can you explain to me in rational, sane terms for the rest of America what technology will do that a wall will not?

HARF: I think you need a combination of both physical and technology ways to secure the border and I think a lot of Democrats would say that. What the Democratic house did last night was pass a bill that would fund all of the government except for DHS, so except for the wall, would fund that through February to actually have that knock down drag-out fight.

The Democrats will have to put forward what they see for border security. I think that's an imminently reasonable proposal. You can get those 800,000 people back to work. I will also say President Trump today kept saying that the government workers who are not getting paid support him. There is a new poll from GovExex of federal workers says 71 percent oppose the shutdown.

So, these are people who are not getting paychecks. You know this, real life it's hard for many of these government employees without a paycheck. Also interesting that Mitch McConnell was not at that press conference today because it's the Senate that really holds the cards here.

You have another Republican senator today saying we need to re-open the government without border wall funding. They are feeling the heat and the pressure. And if they cave and they send something to Trump, it really is on him then to veto it or to keep all of these people -- get them back to work.

BONGINO: It's just quick. You don't believe walls don't work, right? You acknowledge they work.

HARF: I think a form of physical barrier is important.

BONGINO: All right, nice. This is a start. You see, we are solving the crisis right here.

HARF: We just solved it, Dan.

WATTERS: I don't think necessarily McConnell need to be out there in front of the cameras.

HARF: Well why wasn't he?

WATTERS: Because they are only going to consider and vote on something that can get the president's signature. So it's a waste of time to have him negotiate. It's between Nancy and the president. On the issue of the government workers, here's why I think it doesn't favor Nancy Pelosi.

When it comes to Trump, he has the upper hand here. The issue excites his base. The issue, the wall, is favorable to Republicans. The government has not imploded. The sky is not falling and the market doesn't really care.

On the Pelosi side, most of the government workers are Democrats. Let's be honest. And they are not radical, open borders Democrats that are partisan people. They probably want a little border security, but what they want more are their paychecks.

And if Nancy Pelosi is holding their paychecks hostage to score political points against Trump, I don't think that looks good. Also, life goes on when the government is shutdown. The myth is everything stops when the government shuts down. And to have that fantasy out there really exposes Democrats.

KENNEDY: It's not 1996 anymore.

BONGINO: Greg, does it say something that we are paying $4 trillion dollars a year collectively as a society for this (inaudible) we call government. It's been partially shut down now for 12 days and largely it has had relatively little impact on any American's life?

HARF: Eight hundred thousand people.

BONGINO: I am not talking about that. I'm talking about the people out there working --

GUTFELD: I would like to talk about this morning's "Morning Joe" because I saw something really delightful. Can we throw that up, please?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have four white men. You have four stoic, strong white men of a certain age, not smiling by the way. And, you know, look, this is all Donald has left. He has one thing, this wall, it's not a wall. It is a -- let's keep America white again.


GUTFELD: All right, I just had -- there are a couple of things here. So, Donny Deutsch, they should reproduce him and link him together and put him on the border because he is thicker than most walls. That guy -- so what he did was he used the argument that the wall is emblematic of racism.

So, the wall around the studio make the entire show racists. But as he is doing that, he points out the race of the men out there. Those three white bald guys. Who is the closet racist here?

BONGINO: Weren't they Hispanic? Wasn't one of them Hispanic?

WATTERS: One of them was Hispanic.

GUTFELD: Yes, one of them was Hispanic. I think he owes an apology to those men who try to keep this government -- this country safe.

WATTERS: And why should they be smiling?

GUTFELD: He is such a Deutsch bag.

KENNEDY: Can I ask you one question though.


KENNEDY: So, it's obviously so hard to get this $5 billion. The wall as the president originally conceived of, is going to cost a lot more than that. So does that mean that we are going to come to an impasse and have a shutdown every time there is more money required to finish parts of the wall?

BONGINO: I think it's about the principle. We've been told since Simpson (ph) was only under Reagan that we were going to get legitimate border security in exchange for all the stuff we never got and I think Donald Trump is doing what cowardly, spineless, jellyfish, gutless Republicans done enough (ph) has said for years.

KENNEDY: So let's say he gets the $5 billion now, which really is not that much considering how much it's going to cost.

HARF: Yes.

KENNEDY: So what happens when he needs more?

BONGINO: Its $5 billion more than zero and we have to fight the fights in front of us. The fight in front of us now is to start the wall. And that fight has not been started by gutless Republicans who refuse to do in the past. That's why I'm kind of done with the party.

I'd rather just register as a conservative these days. Really, it's really irritating. Sorry. I'm making a rant. Listen, I'm (inaudible). I got to, you know, when you tell me you got to go, you got to go. Hey, comedian Kevin Hart hitting back hard against the internet mob he said tried to take him down. The big update on the Oscars controversy coming up next.


HARF: Kevin hart is speaking out in his first interview since the Oscars controversy. The comedian explaining to Ellen DeGeneres why he refused to give into the mob mentality and apologize again for homophobic tweets from over a decade ago.


KEVIN HART, COMEDIANL: This is stuff I have addressed. I have talked about this. This isn't new. I've addressed it. I've apologized for it. Now, the headlines are starting to change. The headlines are Kevin Hart refuses to apologize for homophobic tweets from the past.

The word again was left out. To go through 40,000 tweets to get back to 2008, that's an attack. That's a malicious attack on my character. That's an attack to end me. Somebody has to take a stand against the "trolls." You have to!

ELLEN DEGENERES, SHOW HOST: Right, but they are going to win if you don't host the Oscars, you know.

DEGENERES: Then they win.


HARF: So Greg, Ellen went on in that interview to actually effusively profusely praise him. I just split three words together there because it's a Friday, gave him a lot of praise and said he should host and she is obviously a leading voice in the LGBT community.


HARF: Thank you, Jesse. You are so inclusive.

WATTERS: Please be sensitive. Be sensitive. That's all I ask.

HARF: I like Kevin Hart. I think he's really funny. Do you think there is a chance he actually does host still?

GUTFELD: I think the bigger story here and we've talked about this a lot on this show, how envy on social media has wed itself to the exciting thrill of the hunt, the mob. We've talked about this with so many people.

HARF: Yes.

GUTFELD: So the consequence here, it's the fear of the backlash. It's not just the initial outrage. It's that Ellen is now facing a backlash and when you -- and how did I find this out? It was in the "Hollywood Reporter." It said that, "She is facing a backlash. No, it was just a handful of people on twitter."

HARF: Right.

GUTFELD: So the problem is the media, like The Hollywood Reporter, one of many, they elevate social media complaints as newsworthy. And they have a willing -- they have a willing accomplice. Corporations.

So the corporations are terrified. When they find out, "Oh, my God. Something is bubbling up on Twitter," you better go on vacation for a few days. You better lighten up.

And the problem is because we're reacting, we're allowing social media to decide what is good and what is bad. Forgiveness is impossible. No, you can't forgive anybody, because the mob never forgives. You make a mistake 10 years ago, there's a lot of lonely people out there who have the time and the effort to chase you down. It's pathetic!

And I'm glad. When Ellen did that, that is immense progress; and everybody has to follow that lead.

HARF: Kennedy.

KENNEDY: I think what you're seeing in culture is the same thing you're seeing in politics. It's one side or the other. And once you're on the other side, you are fair game for everything, and that's when the mob is activated and justified to really squash someone.

And what we're forgetting is social media goes through pretty quick evolutions. And Twitter and Facebook meant something very different in 2008, especially to comics, than it does now in 2018.

HARF: Yes.

KENNEDY: Because it hadn't been around very long. So people didn't realize that it would be used as a barometer and a road map to your dark soul. And that things that you might have said if you were working something out or things you might have said spontaneously that were tasteless, that you might have treated like passing conversation a decade ago, are now seen as being incredibly permanent.

It also poses the challenge to parents, because we have to teach our kids, as they, you know, develop social media habits, that this stuff stays with you. And it's really --

GUTFELD: Worse than a tattoo.

KENNEDY: It is a very scary thing, because there's no Kat Von D makeup for tweet removal. And if you do take something off of social media, you look guilty.

HARF: Yes.

KENNEDY: And it gives more ammunition to the other side that is all too eager to end your career. And he's right about that. So I'll be curious to see where this whole thing ends up and if he does, in fact, host the Oscars.

HARF: That's right. And I don't know, Dan, if you're -- you're very active on social media, I should say.


HARF: You get into some Twitter dust-ups with people.

BONGINO: Yes. Yes, you could say that.

HARF: I'm not on Twitter.

BONGINO: Smart move.

HARF: But that's what I hear.

I'll be curious to see if the Academy actually backs down if Kevin Hart decides he wants to host. But how do you navigate these complicated issues online?

BONGINO: Yes, it's tough. I think Greg nailed it, though. The Twitter era has elevated a couple of kids eating s'mores in Mama's basement and Crackerjacks, watching inappropriate videos, who tweet to corporations. I mean, you know who they are. We all know who they are in this business. It's about 5 or 10 guys who have highjacked about 1-- other accounts. Corporations and Hollywood people start to get scared, understandably so.

But 10 years ago or 20 years ago this wasn't an issue. You'd e-mail a company. It would be from the same e-mail account over and over, and they'd largely ignore it.

The problem is, though, Marie, this is going to have to be led by the left. Peggy Noonan has a great piece in the Wall Street Journal today. How this politically-correct society is starting to cannibalize itself. You're seeing it in Hollywood now. And we don't have, sadly, regretfully, the cultural power on the right to lead a revolution here. We just don't. We don't own the media. We don't own academia. The left has to lead this and say, "Guys --"

GUTFELD: And they are. You know, a lot are leaving. You look at a lot of intellectuals that are moving --

BONGINO: Gervais. Did you see his tweet about the comedy thing?


BONGINO: Listen, you don't like the comedy. Don't listen to the comedy.

GUTFELD: There needs to be more comedians, though. There needs to be more comedians. A lot of them are cowards.

HARF: It also downplays real homophobia, real racism --


HARF: -- when people really are saying things.

Jesse, the last word on this is going to you. Have you ever tweeted something that --?

GUTFELD: No, never.

He doesn't need Twitter for that.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: I'm an expert at apologies. I've been apologizing my whole life, and I've learned a few things. One, you always apologize in your personal life, and you never apologize in your professional life.

When something happens in your professional life, people come to you and say, "You need to apologize," and then when you apologize, you look weak, you look insincere and then you look self-serving. All apologies do is embolden your enemies and embolden the media. And you say -- you write a little thing, these are the boundaries in which I'm allowed to play in, and you build your own prison for yourself. And when you apologize publicly, professionally, you're apologizing to a mob. And no one can accept the apology --


WATTERS: -- so the apology is not actualized. It doesn't count.

GUTFELD: You know what's funny, though? When you do apologize, somebody's going to be playing this back to you.

HARF: It will be me.

WATTERS: I'm sorry!

GUTFELD: You're right. You're right about it.

HARF: It will be interesting to see. The Oscars still doesn't have a host. So maybe this could be a turning point and --

GUTFELD: Donald Trump.

BONGINO: I nominate Greg.

WATTERS: Greg's available.

GUTFELD: I'm busy.

HARF: I think Ellen and Kevin Hart should host together.

GUTFELD: Very good.

KENNEDY: Maybe that's what they're doing.

GUTFELD: Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

KENNEDY: Because Ellen has hosted in the past and said that she called the Academy personally --

BONGINO: Can you imagine that?

KENNEDY: -- to mend fences. So maybe that's exactly what's going to happen.

HARF: Put it on the table.

OK. Ending the week, first week of 2019, insane lines, short tempers. How New Year's resolutions are creating chaos, up next.



KENNEDY: We're all making plans and scrapping them. Only 4 days into 2019. And chaos is already unfolding for many trying to make good on their New Year's resolutions.

Some salad places here in New York City -- first-world problems -- and in Washington, D.C., are getting mobbed by insanely long lines, you guys. Frustrated customers reportedly shouting and cursing over the out-of- control wait times.

And gyms right now, are jam-packed with people pledging to slim down in the New Year's. They get their biscuits on the treadmill for the first time in years.

Others are joining in on Dry January, where they give up drinking alcohol for --

WATTERS: Greg. Greg.

KENNEDY: Is is Dry January for you, Greg?

GUTFELD: There's no such thing as a dry January. It might be a double-wet January.

WATTERS: Dry Monday, Tuesday.

GUTFELD: I have a solution. Double the length of a year. Either by making the hours 120 minute long or a year 724 days, so you only have one Christmas. You only have one birthday, one wedding anniversary, one Thanksgiving, one Halloween.

Think about how much thinner and richer you will be if you cut all this stuff in half. This is what -- time is so destructive. You could be good all year and then ruin it --

WATTERS: Greg -- Greg --

GUTFELD: -- in the last couple of months.

WATTERS: What is it like to have this constant pressure to be so creative every single segment?

GUTFELD: Doesn't this make sense?

WATTERS: You don't have to have a brilliant idea every segment.

GUTFELD: It's a brilliant idea.

KENNEDY: I think what he's doing is he's making up for the fact that he doesn't like resolutions.

WATTERS: That's true.

GUTFELD: I haven't killed anyone yet this year.

HARF: That's your resolution?

GUTFELD: So far my resolution -- my resolution stands.

WATTERS: It's only January.

KENNEDY: No heads in my trunk.


KENNEDY: Very good. That's very big of you.


KENNEDY: I think it's funny, because you don't have to go to the gym to work out. And you don't have to go to Chop to get a salad, not that it's not a lovely salad place. Make your own damn food and bring it in.

WATTERS: Yes, I was at the gym the other day. It was empty. I was the only one. But my only resolution -- KENNEDY: Except it was 4 in the morning. That dedicated.

GUTFELD: They was a park, Jesse.

WATTERS: Why were you watching me in the park? You're going to kill me, aren't you?

KENNEDY: Not yet.

WATTERS: No. My only resolution was to write a book. And the only thing I've done about that was tell everybody I'm going to write a back.

KENNEDY: Accountability.

WATTERS: I told "Hannity" about me writing a book last night, and then he gave me advice. I don't like the advice, and now it's annoying me. And it's making me think I have to change gears now, or I might just stick with my gut and do what I was going to do anyway.

KENNEDY: And find a ghost writer?

HARF: That's accountability. The best New Year's resolutions are ones that are -- ones that are specific and you can track. Not just "be nice" or "work out more" but "go to the gym five days a week" or whatever.

KENNEDY: OK, but here's -- here's what I --

GUTFELD: What was the advice?

WATTERS: I'm not telling you.

KENNEDY: Everything --

HARF: Have a ghost writer, actually.

KENNEDY: Everything happens so --

WATTERS: He said it has to be something of substance.

KENNEDY: There you go.

GUTFELD: Don't do that. Go with your gut.

WATTERS: I know! I'm going to go with my gut.

KENNEDY: Substance. Yes, that's what everyone wants to read from your book, Jesse.


KENNEDY: You should just call it "Substance," by Jesse Watters.

WATTERS: It's "Rising Watters," by the way.

GUTFELD: It could be "Shallow Watters."

WATTERS: I'm going to change that, by the way, or you'll be suing me for credit, if that's the name.

HARF: "Muddy Watters"?

WATTERS: Muddy? My Dad's going to think --

KENNEDY: Everything is so intense now that people want so much more, and they want it right away.

HARF: Yes.

KENNEDY: And they want the resolutions to be fixed and finished. And they want to be skinny.

HARF: That's true. No, I think because in a month no one will be at the gym. I think New Year's is a good time to take stock of where you are to make some resolutions for the whole year. One I did last year that I'm doing again this year is read a book a month, at least.


HARF: And so I know, but it's actually --

GUTFELD: That would mean I'd have to cut back.

KENNEDY: Do you read to your dog Jasper before bed, too?

HARF: But that's one that continues throughout the year. Or I say I want to run a half-marathon in May.


HARF: So it's like out -- I don't know.

KENNEDY: Sign up for a race. Therefore, your fitness is about a goal.

HARF: Exactly.

KENNEDY: It's not about how you look.

BONGINO: Listen, this is a rough time of the year.

HARF: Exactly.

BONGINO: I love the people who make this commitment to fitness. It's great. It's healthy for you. Do your thing, OK?

But I go to the gym every day. There are general rules in the gym. You don't curl in the squat rack. Ladies and gentlemen --

GUTFELD: I hate that.

BONGINO: Look, don't curl in the squat rack.

GUTFELD: And don't squat in the curl rack.

BONGINO: And don't squat -- people try to do it. And if you don't know how to use a machine, please, I'm humbly begging you, ask someone. I've seen people like --


BONGINO: What is this, a spine twister? And they get in there, and you're like -- you've got to rush to help them. So I love it that you're going to the gym. It's great. But this is the most dangerous time of the year.

GUTFELD: Don't you hate it when they -- but they take up a piece of equipment, and they have their phone and all their stuff there.

BONGINO: And the towel. And the towel on the arm (ph) piece, yes.

GUTFELD: And they don't do anything.

KENNEDY: Can I -- can I tell you something that happened to me in the gym recently?


KENNEDY: Someone -- so when you go into the pool, there's the room --

GUTFELD: Sorry about that.

KENNEDY: -- there's a closet where they have the paddle boards. You should apologize.

GUTFELD: I know what it is.

KENNEDY: The paddle boards and the poll buoys. And I walked in, and the lifeguard walked in. And he said, "Ma'am, do you smell urine?" And I looked down, and someone had made a tinkle potty on the floor.



KENNEDY: And it was so -- so offensive.

GUTFELD: You shouldn't work out where Kilmeade does.

BONGINO: Most people hide it in the pool. Right? Geez.

KENNEDY: Well, we're just getting warmed up, believe it or not. Don't go anywhere. "Fan Mail Friday" is next. Woo!


GUTFELD: "Fan Mail Friday."


GUTFELD: We're answering your questions. The first one is really good. From Sharon Campbell: "If you could follow someone all day, who would it be," Jesse.

WATTERS: I'd follow you, Greg, because you work so hard. I have never met someone that works so hard, besides Kilmeade. You -- you do FOX Nation. You write columns. You write books. You have two shows. I think you have a body double.

GUTFELD: Actually, you know, I just -- I don't -- maybe I should follow myself.

WATTERS: You aren't used to getting compliments, are you?

GUTFELD: Like I'm going, where's the insult?

WATTERS: "How can I be funny?"

GUTFELD: Where's the insult? I'm actually speechless. Kennedy.

KENNEDY: I would follow the president. I think it would be fascinating.

GUTFELD: That's a good one.

KENNEDY: Just to see the conversations that he has, but more importantly, the reaction to the previous conversation when that person leaves the Oval Office.


WATTERS: Yes, that's when the leaks start.

KENNEDY: I want to hear some of the comments that he makes. I want to see how he interacts with his family and with his staff. Because I think people have built this negative and positive mystique around him that is totally unsustainable. So I would like to see for a day how it actually works.

WATTERS: I'll invite you to the White House one of these days. We'll knock it out.

KENNEDY: Jesse, say hello (ph) to me.


BONGINO: Michael Jordan.

HARF: Still?

BONGINO: Did I steal your --

KENNEDY: In 2018 -- 2019, Michael Jordan?

BONGINO: Yes, just to ask what is it like --

GUTFELD: You'd be so annoying.

BONGINO: -- to be such a cash money winner? Every -- I would. I would be, like, nipping at his heels the whole day. Every money shot he hit. I mean, this guy was the epitome of a winner. I would wear him -- his eardrums would be broken by the end of the day.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.


HARF: I was going to say LeBron James.

BONGINO: Well, you know --

HARF: Which is similar, because --

BONGINO: Michael is better. I know I'll get nasty tweets.

HARF: I'm going to -- I'm going to go back on Twitter just to tweet at you about that.

Because I think LeBron is fascinating, in addition to obviously being amazing at basketball. He has this school, and he is a huge --

KENNEDY: Anti-Semite?

HARF: -- wine connoisseur.

WATTERS: Now Greg's going to follow him.

HARF: And, like, posts all about the amazing wines he drinks online. So I think that would be very fun.

GUTFELD: You know who I would follow, if I followed someone?

BONGINO: A big controversy, him with the wine.

GUTFELD: I would follow Michael Moore, because he moves slow.


GUTFELD: I don't want to have to work too hard. I just -- I would just follow him.

KENNEDY: And probably more naps.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. It would be probably the easiest follow ever.

What -- from Derr -- who cares who it's from right now?

GRAPHIC: dHermann1969.dh, "What's the most interesting thing you saw on the way to work today?

GUTFELD: "What's the most interesting thing you saw on the way to work today," Dan.

BONGINO: Well, it's New York. So I live in Palm City now. I grew up in New York. And in Palm City, it would be very interesting. Up in New York, it was only interesting because I'm now from Palm City.


BONGINO: It was a guy having a full-blown conversation with himself and answering. You know, I was walking with my daughter. So I kind of, like, inserted myself between the two. But he was answering himself in the conversation, and he was proud of himself.

GUTFELD: That was Donny Deutsch.

BONGINO: He said, "I'm in it for the little guy." And the guy's like, "And I'm the little guy." And it was, like, really incredible how he answered himself so fluidly. But again, in New York it's probably not that unusual anymore. But it would be where I live.

GUTFELD: Kennedy.

KENNEDY: I take the subway every day.


KENNEDY: It's an incredible sociological event and experiment every single day. And I saw a guy use all of his brute strength to hold the door open, because there were about 10 of us were sprinting for the train that we were bound to make.

GUTFELD: That's nice.

KENNEDY: And the next one wasn't coming for eight minutes.

BONGINO: That's nice.

KENNEDY: And he held it open. And everyone ran on. And they were exasperated but so relieved at the same time. And it's these acts of kindness that always surprise me. And New Yorkers, if you're lost, they will always help you get to where you need to go.

BONGINO: Yes, they're great.

GUTFELD: Mm-hmm. Even if it's not really where you're going.

KENNEDY: It wasn't the train that I needed.

GUTFELD: You're in a box under somebody's bed for three weeks. Which happened to me in the '80s.

KENNEDY: I woke up in the hotel lobby in SoHo and --


HARF: I literally have nothing. I saw nothing interesting on the way to work. I stay a block from FOX when I'm in New York.

GUTFELD: You saw me in the greenroom.

HARF: That's true.

GUTFELD: Without makeup.

HARF: But it's unusual that something happens in that block. It is Times Square-ish, but --


HARF: -- I've got nothing on this.

KENNEDY: Marie came to my office today.

HARF: I saw Kennedy's office today, yes, because I'd stored my shoes and my wine there from last week.

GUTFELD: Interesting. Jesse, what did you see?

WATTERS: I yelled at my shoeshine guy on the way to work.

HARF: The one in Rockefeller?

GUTFELD: You are -- you are stereotypical.

WATTERS: Here's why. No, no, here's why.

HARF: You have to apologize to him now.

WATTERS: So I have a new shoeshine place I'm trying to break in. I haven't even gone there yet. I've gone there twice. Two weeks ago, I went to get a shine. And the guy says the guy that does the shines was late. OK? So strike 1.

Today I go to get another shine. The guy says the guy that shines shoes is on vacation. And I'm like, "Wait, you shine shoes; you're taking a vacation? Get another guy to shine shoes."

BONGINO: This is very good for all of us.

WATTERS: And I go, "The next time I come in, there'd better be a guy to shine shoes." So I went to the best shoe shine place in Rock Center. They always do a nice job. Five bucks.

HARF: I've seen you getting your shoes shined there.

WATTERS: My shoes are so nice now. I'm never going to the place on Wall Street again.

BONGINO: Get a mirror and do it again.

WATTERS: I'm never going to that place again.

KENNEDY: Get a shine box.

GUTFELD: That's a beautiful story. That's the most interesting thing I just saw, was you telling the shoe story. I had something else, but that won.

"One More Thing" is up next.


WATTERS: Time now for "One More Thing" -- Greg.

GUTFELD: Well, you know what tomorrow night is? It's "The Greg Gutfeld Show," 10 p.m., brand-new new episode. Emily Compagno, you love her. Larry Gatlin, music legend. Kat Timpf, Tyrus. That's Saturday, Jan. 5th, 10 p.m. Eastern Time. Watch it or you'll pay a price!

Now it's time for this.


GUTFELD (singing): Animals are great! Animals are great! Animals are great!


GUTFELD: And they are. They are great! Especially when you give them a little bath, like this little fella. Check him out.

Come on. There he is. A little baby hedgehog getting a little bath. If that doesn't make your spine tickle, you're dead to me. Look at that! This is why --


GUTFELD (singing): Animals are great! Animals are great! Animals are great!


WATTERS: I thought they killed that.

All right. "Watters' World," 8 p.m., Saturday night, Eastern Time. We have Herman Cain, Mike Huckabee, Dean Cain. A lot of Cains on the show.

KENNEDY: A lot of Cains.

WATTERS: It's the Cain show. We also have -- I don't know if you guys saw that, the Women's March, they canceled it in California, because there weren't enough white people marching. And we have the leader of that women's march to explain why they postponed it.

GUTFELD: Or not enough -- I thought it was the opposite.

KENNEDY: Too many white people. Yes.

GUTFELD: Too many white people.

WATTERS: Too many white people. Watch the tease. Are we live? All right. Kennedy.

KENNEDY: Do it live. Exactly right, Jesse.

This is actually great news for those who have seen family members and loved ones suffer from Alzheimer's. For the first time in 15 years, there may be a new Alzheimer's drug. It is a drinkable cocktail, and they have had profound results in mice. They are going to try it on humans very soon here. Not only could it cure Alzheimer's, it could also reverse some of the memory loss. And --

WATTERS: That's another reason why animals are great.


WATTERS: If it works on mice, it works on people.

KENNEDY: They are breeding mice that have a specific traits with Alzheimer's when they are introduced into their physiology, and they are responding very well to this. So this could be incredibly exciting, groundbreaking news, the first in over a decade and a half.

WATTERS: That's great news. All right. Marie.

HARF: So this weekend, 30 teams take to the snow as the annual Gunflint Mail Run Sled Dog Race takes place in Cook County, Minnesota.

There are 12 classes in the race. Look at these dogs. They're amazing. Twelve-dog, 100-mile race. And an eight-dog, 65-miler.

The race started in 1977, and as part as my mom's 70th birthday present, she is there with some of her friends. I think we have a photo of her. That's my mom, Jane Harf, with one of the dogs. The course goes through glacially-sculpted boreal forests, through an immense network of lakes and streams. It is beautiful. It is cold. It's very cool. Check it out. You can follow it online.

KENNEDY: And they wear little shoes.

WATTERS: All right.

BONGINO: So I usually travel alone up here to New York from Florida, but I brought my daughters with me on this trip. They thought it would be funny to photobomb me outside the studio, especially my little one, making the most muscular pose, which is fantastic. So there. There is a picture. They were just out there before.

But it was funny, because we traveled with all this luggage, and I found out one bag was exclusively stuffed animals for my youngest daughter. And I found this little schedule she drew on the hotel stationery, which is absolutely terrific. They have a picture of it. Morning, pee-pee, food, treat, pee. And I figure, these animals, these stuffed animals really have to go to the bathroom a lot. That's her writing. I did not make this up.

GUTFELD: Lou Dobbs does that for me. With the little chart.

WATTERS: That is really cute.

BONGINO: Thank you. It's the actual note. I'm going to treasure this forever.

KENNEDY: I love it. Night time at the end.

BONGINO: Night time at the end. She had to throw that in there, too.

KENNEDY: I love it.

WATTERS: All right. Very good.

KENNEDY: Very responsible.

WATTERS: That is all for us tonight. We will see you back here on Monday, "Special Report" is up next with Bret Baier. Take it away.

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