This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," November 15, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening and welcome to "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

It has been more than a week since the last votes were cast in the 2018 midterms that was last Tuesday. But still, several big races remain unresolved at this hour. In the State of Florida, recount is ongoing. We'd have more on that in just a minute. It's pretty weird story.

But perhaps, strangest of all is what is happening right now in Georgia. The race for Governor of Georgia was tight for months. You probably followed it. But it finished in the end pretty much exactly where the polls predicted it would finish.

The Republican, Brian Kemp, defeated the Democrat Stacey Abrams by about 1.5 percentage points. In a big state, that is an awful lot of votes. For reasons she hasn't really explained those, Stacey Abrams has refused to accept those results. Her allies are now claiming the election was stolen.


SHERROD CAMPBELL BROWN, SENIOR UNITED STATES SENATOR, OHIO: If Stacey Abrams doesn't win in Georgia, they stole it. It's clear. It's clear.


CORY ANTHONY BOOKER, JUNIOR UNITED STATES SENATOR, NEW JERSEY: Stacey Abrams election is being stolen from her using what I think are insidious measures to disenfranchise certain groups of people.

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES, AMERICAN POLITICIAN, DIPLOMAT: I know Stacey well. She was one of my really strong surrogates in the campaign. If she'd had a fair election, she already would have won.


CARLSON: Election fraud. That's what they're saying. By the way, is there anyone more fraudulent than Cory Booker? Think about that. But back to election fraud, it's a serious charge. And it's telling that nobody making that charge has provided any evidence that it actually happened. No detail at all.

Most remarkable of all though is that Hillary Clinton is one of the voices in this chorus. We keep track, and we remember Hillary's view just two years ago. Here's what she thought of losing candidates who claim the election is rigged.


CLINTON: That's horrifying. You know, every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is it's rigged against him.

That is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them.

He is denigrating, he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled.


CARLSON: She's appalled. You got to accept the outcomes you don't like. But it turns out that accepting outcomes you don't like is something only Republicans are required to do. Richard Nixon had an entire presidential election stolen from him by JFK in 1960. Liberals applauded when Nixon chose not to contest that election. But Democrats do not apply the same standard to themselves.

When Democrats lose, there is always a reason, a reason that has nothing to do with alienating voters or getting fewer votes. It's Putin rigged the machines. The Macedonians hacked Facebook. Roger Stone sent unapproved tweets, or the perennial favorite, you're racist, all of you who didn't vote for us, you're racist, you're immoral bigots.

And, of course, that's what we're hearing once again now. By the way, it's a lie. America is not a racist country. It's a kind and decent country. But the Left hopes that by calling you enough names they'll bully you into giving them more power. They always try that and sometimes it works. It might work this time. The question is what's the cost to the country?

Peter Kirsanow is U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner, a frequent guest on this show. He joins us again tonight. Peter, thanks a lot for coming on. So, first as a factual question--


CARLSON: --this is someone who's a rigorous thinker, I think, and has been following this, is there evidence, real evidence that Stacey Abrams has had this election stolen from her?

KIRSANOW: There's absolutely no evidence that I think anyone's adduced. But what we're seeing here, I think, is a test run for the 2020 election. It's not merely a test run. They're doing this in this election.

They've done it in previous elections, although I will say that I don't think in my nearly two decades on the Civil Rights Commission, I've seen the intensity of the type of over-naked racial appeals and identity politics appeals that I've seen in this election cycle.

And perhaps, you could go back even before the 1957 Civil Rights Act to the deep south, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, George Wallace and there's a reason for it. There are several reasons for it.

But one is it works, and they were trying to delegitimize the election in advance. But it's a test run because think about how difficult it is for your average Leftist to try to convince a voter that they should accept their unworkable or somehow nutty, sometimes nutty politics or policy prescriptions--


KIRSANOW: --versus simply saying that person's a racist, that person is a bad person, all the right-thinking people know that person's a racist, and it has an ancillary effect that is it keeps Blacks on the Democratic reservation.

This is existential for the Democratic Party. They need at least 90 percent of the Black vote just to be competitive, and even 90 percent plus of the Black vote. And so, they engage in these types of maneuvers and rhetoric on a regular basis. But the--

CARLSON: But - but wait (ph)--

KIRSANOW: --additional effect that's - that's helpful is it makes, and I think you alluded to this, there is a certain subset of White voters who they - they also want to align themselves with the right-thinking folks--


KIRSANOW: --and they don't want to be aligned with those that all the right-thinking people say are racist or despicable. So, to feel good about themselves, they'll vote in the prescribed manner.

CARLSON: Right. And - and you're absolutely right that it - it works and they've been doing it an awfully long time. But I think in almost 30 years of covering elections, I've never seen it at this volume.

You - you just a second ago said there are a couple of reasons for it. The first is it works and I agree with you. What are the other reasons? Why is it accelerated now, do you think?

KIRSANOW: Because, you know, I think some of it is because the policy prescription - the - think about how far the Democrats have gone to the Left, and it's difficult to get more than a certain percentage of voters to align themselves with those kinds of policy prescriptions.

It's a lot easier to comprehend and appeal based on identity politics. If, for example, like what's her name - Alexandria Cortez were to go out and try to convince a voter how it is that extending Medicare to all or free college tuition is not going to bankrupt the economy, even most obtuse voter is going to laugh her off of the stage.


KIRSANOW: It's a lot easier to say vote for me because I am of whatever identity it may be, and make an appeal on that basis, and have media acolytes continue to echo that on a regular basis. A significant portion of this is because of Donald Trump and the--


KIRSANOW: --continued attempts to paint Donald Trump and anyone who supports him as a racist. In some respects, it has been successful. I think it's backfired in other respects. But you're seeing something that they're going to test out big time in 2020.

CARLSON: Yes. No, I think that's really smart. Thank you making sense of that. Peter Kirsanow, one of our favorite guests.

KIRSANOW: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well Democrats have to choose a new Speaker of the House in just a couple of weeks. No choice. They got to do it. Nancy Pelosi brought the party to its biggest win in a long time.

They've been out of power eight years. Now, they have power back. But a lot of Democrats say they don't want her as the Speaker. At least, one Left- leaning cable host is confused by this.


RACHEL ANNE MADDOW, THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW HOST, MSNBC: The party picks up more seats in the House than at any time since the immediate aftermath of Watergate. And the party responds to that by maybe turfing out their leader in the House. We just had (ph) the biggest gain since Watergate. Pelosi must pay. Yes, Schumer (ph) you - you guys are good. I mean nothing against or for Schumer or against or for Pelosi but how does that math work?


CARLSON: Well, you know (ph) that - that's not a crazy point, is it? Tammy Bruce is a radio host--


CARLSON: --President of Independent Women's Voice. She joins us tonight. So, Tammy, it seems to me like the Democratic Party may have reached the identity politics cul-de-sac--

BRUCE: Yes, right.

CARLSON: --where it's racist to keep Nancy Pelosi because she doesn't look like the emerging Democratic Party but it would be sexist to kick her out because she is the highest-ranking woman. So, what do they do?

BRUCE: That's right. And also ageist, obviously--

CARLSON: Yes, I mean thank you, I forgot.

BRUCE: --I mean, you want to go for - for anybody there, I - I think she is - she's, you know. Look, I value experience. Maddow is partly correct. But, at the same time, I thought Donald Trump was responsible for their success. I don't think Nancy Pelosi, according to the Democrats, had anything to do.

CARLSON: Good point.

BRUCE: I want Donald Trump to be the Speaker of the House if it's about who, you know, so come on, let's be honest.

Bottom line is, is that there is a - a strata there in the Democratic Party that understands that the establishment is out of touch that this is the same kind of - of dynamic that they've been dealing with for years that they have no answers and no prescription policies.

And the people that said that they - that when they were running that they were going to vote against her it's because they were also running not as Democrats. They were pretending they weren't Democrats. They were assuring everyone we're not going to vote for the same old dynamic and the status quo, and that's what Nancy Pelosi is.

And so, you know, look, they're - they - they understand the party's got to change. And yet, Nancy's also the only one who raises money. So, on the other hand--


BRUCE: --all these socialists also want more money, and Nancy's the one to get it to them. So - so look, she is the best one for it. If they - you're right. No matter what they do, they're racists, sexist, ageists. And I don't know if we can fit homophobe in there somewhere. I'm sure - I'm sure that's a factor.

But look, I - I've got my popcorn. I'm - I'm watching this. And I - maybe they should make Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the - the Speaker.

CARLSON: I'm rooting for her but--

BRUCE: Yes, I would love that.

CARLSON: --it's just interesting. I mean this is it - it's like one of the deep truths of life that you never suffer as much as when you get what you think you want--

BRUCE: Right.

CARLSON: --so they took the House back. They took the House back.


CARLSON: And all of a sudden they have to deal with each other. I mean--

BRUCE: That is correct.

CARLSON: --that's the ultimate nightmare, isn't it?

BRUCE: Well it's - it's that - it's the Frankenstein monster, right?


BRUCE: They've created this. They're the - they're Dr. Frankenstein. They've - they thought they had this great idea. And then, you know, the lightning struck and they've got it. The monster woke up. And then, suddenly, the monster's chasing you around - around your office, and they don't - they're not quite sure, you know, it's a friend and maybe not - maybe - maybe not your friend. And but see this is--

CARLSON: Yes, maybe not.

BRUCE: --maybe not your friend. But for - for those of us, of course, who care about the country, we see this as - as - as the charade that it is and they--


BRUCE: --while they are, of course, Frank - my first book was about the racism, sexism and homophobia on the Left, we are going to hear like about that for the next two years as your first guest noted. This is the test run. This is about demonizing people. There will be no ideas.


BRUCE: And the Republicans had better be ready to be able to counter that narrative and stand up for the American people led by the - the - the approach and the action of the President. We've got two years to get it right.


BRUCE: We've got to start right away.

CARLSON: You better toughen up a little bit, I agree with that.


CARLSON: Tammy Bruce, thanks - thanks a lot.

BRUCE: Thank you.

CARLSON: Great to see you.

BRUCE: Thank you.

CARLSON: Well there's another Florida recount. You know that has been going on for a week. It's in progress tonight. The Senate race between Rick Scott, the Republican, Bill Nelson, the Democrat, is still ongoing. Florida Secretary of State has ordered a manual recount.

Craig Patrick is the Political Editor and Chief Investigator at Fox 13 in Tampa Bay. He's been on this for us since the beginning. He joins us once again tonight.

Craig, what is going on?

CRAIG PATRICK, WTVT TAMPA BAY POLITICAL EDITOR AND CHIEF INVESTIGATOR: We have weird news in Florida. By the way, you also have a disputed race until now in the race for governor.

But while Andrew Gillum gained on Ron DeSantis, he gained but one single vote, net. With that, that one is over though Gillum has not re-conceded. You're going to have Ron DeSantis now moving into the Governor's mansion. In the race for Senate--


PATRICK: --yes, there is now this hand recount because they are close enough to trigger it, which takes us into next week. That's the good news for Bill Nelson. The bad news for Bill Nelson is that he gained absolutely nothing from the machine recount that concluded today. In fact, he lost net votes to Rick Scott.

Rick Scott ran up his lead through the first phase of the recount, which leaves Nelson in a position of being the political equivalent of Bruce Willis from Sixth Sense and that his career is over, he just does not know it yet, and he is playing that out.

And you have more blunders in southeast Florida counties, the Democratic strongholds. You have Palm Beach County, there, the bad news is that their machines continued to - to sputter and fail and melt down. And Palm Beach County fell flat on its face and was unable to complete the recount, meaning, they just go back to their original results.

If there's any good news there in Palm Beach County, it's that they're not Broward County to the south. And the good news, Tucker, in Broward County is that Brenda Snipes, after all the blunders said she finally did it today.

She finally did something right that they after all the hand wringing were able to meet the deadline to complete their recount. She said they did it with minutes to spare and as she celebrated, the bad news is she forgot they had to transmit it to the state, and then they fumbled around where the computer couldn't figure out how to do it in time, they were two minutes late.

And as per the law in Florida, the - the recount results in Broward County got rejected by the state.

CARLSON: You have conclusively convinced me not to run for office in Broward County. Thank you, Craig.

PATRICK: Thank you.

CARLSON: I'm not going to attempt it.

Well, first, the press told you that the migrant Caravan wasn't even real. It didn't even exist. And then they told you it was so far away, it would basically never get here. Reality has intruded on that storyline and we have an update from Tijuana, Mexico, our southern border, after the break.


CARLSON: If there's one thing in the world you definitely shouldn't worry about, it's that fake Central American migrant Caravan, the xenophobic nationalists on Fox News have been trying to scare you into caring about or believing in, the whole thing is made up. It's a mirage.

And even if it's sort of real, it's basically on the other side of the planet far, far away from here. Watch some of the most trusted people in America explain why your fears are ridiculous.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: They're telling you, the - the existential threat to America is a bunch of poor refugees a 1,000 miles away.

This group of folks, we don't even know where they are and they're way down there.

JIM ACOSTA, AMERICAN JOURNALIST, FORMER CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Call this an invasion, it - it might be the most pathetic invasion of a country in world history if - if this were actually an invasion. But, of course, it's not.

DON LEMON, CNN TONIGHT HOST, CNN: People he called invaders, even though they were a 1,000 miles away.

SAM STEIN, THE DAILY BEAST POLITICS EDITOR, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: The programming on the Caravan was propaganda.


CARLSON: Way down there, a 1,000 miles away. In other words, the Caravan is a lot like social security. It's something we might potentially need to think about someday. But for now, everything's totally fine, calm down.

What liars they are? In fact, parts of that supposedly distant Caravan have already made it to the American border, and many of the illegal migrants in it have already hopped our shoddy defenses and entered our country.

The famous people you just watch claim that would never happen haven't admitted they were wrong, intentionally or not. They haven't issued corrections, of course, and they never will. The election's over, so they're on to the next talking point. Meanwhile, the torrent continues.

Well despite the Caravan being a myth, invented by President Trump to win a midterm, somehow, Univision Anchor, Enrique Acevedo managed to find it and he joins us tonight from Tijuana, Mexico.

Enrique, I'm a little bit confused. So, last time I checked, which was just a couple of days ago, it seems like that Caravan was, in President Obama's terms, a 1,000 miles away, and they were walking. How did they get to Tijuana?

ENRIQUE ACEVEDO, ANCHOR, NOTICIERO UNIVISION LATE-NIGHT EDITION, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT, THE FUSION MEDIA GROUP: The Caravan is very real. It's movement of people, thousands of people, around 5,000 have already arrived to Tijuana in the border with San Diego, Tucker, but it's not a national emergency or it is not - and it's not a threat to the national security of the United States.

Most of the people that are part of this Caravan are just pushing strollers through Mexico. They're families--


ACEVEDO: --women, babies that are--

CARLSON: Wait, wait--

ACEVEDO: --just trying to get to the U.S. to the border to--

CARLSON: --but - but before we get to this subject--

ACEVEDO: --legally request asylum--

CARLSON: --OK, all right (ph), OK--

ACEVEDO: --something that President Trump is making--

CARLSON: --OK, but - but--

ACEVEDO: --much, much harder.

CARLSON: --before we get to the subjective (ph) part, I mean I'm - I'm an American. I'll decide whether it's a threat or not if that's OK. I just want to get to the practical part of this. So, we were told by anchors across the spectrum on television that the Caravan was a 1,000 miles away. They were walking. It was going to be weeks before they got to our border.

I wake up this morning and there they are. How'd that happen? Did they run or did someone pay buses to take them up here? And you didn't tell us that part.

ACEVEDO: It took them almost a month or over a month to get from Honduras to the U.S.-Mexico border. Not all of them have arrived. Some of them are still trying to get to this point, Tucker. And, yes, some of them were able to catch a ride and get on a bus, on trailers, on the back of buses carrying chickens and - and pigs. That's how they crossed--

CARLSON: No, no, no, no, no, wait, wait, hold on--

ACEVEDO: --and made their way through Mexico, you know (ph), some of them are still working and trying to--

CARLSON: --no, that's not quite right. That's - that--

ACEVEDO: --reach the border what's (ph)--

CARLSON: --all right (ph), hold on, so you are saying that nobody chartered any buses to bring them up here because I think we have video showing chartered buses bringing them up here. And you're--

ACEVEDO: I haven't seen anyone--

CARLSON: --the reporter on the scene. You don't think there were any chartered buses whatsoever?

ACEVEDO: I haven't seen anyone charting buses to bring them to the border. I've seen Mexican authorities, for example, here in Tijuana providing transportation from this point at the border to--

CARLSON: Oh? No, no, no, not that - not that point - not that point--

ACEVEDO: --a more humanitarian setting just very--

CARLSON: --from - no, no, no, from the Yucatan through Oaxaca--

ACEVEDO: --close from here where 800 people are spending the night--


ACEVEDO: --so they're being transported in buses from here to there, but not from Oaxaca to the border.

CARLSON: OK. I don't - I don't think that's quite right. You might want to check your facts in that because it would be physically impossible for the group to move as a group on the back of chicken trucks, especially with the strollers you claim are there when, in fact, the eyewitness accounts we have suggest it's overwhelmingly young unattached men. But you're saying it's majority women and their babies and strollers, is that what you're saying?

ACEVEDO: I'm - I'm happy to share the footage with Fox News, the footage from our correspondent, Peroltradez (ph) who traveled with them in the back of a - a bus that usually carries chickens. That's how they got to--

CARLSON: OK. That - that was - that was - that was one group--

ACEVEDO: --Cinnelo (ph) to Jalisco--

CARLSON: --but--

ACEVEDO: --others got rides (ph) in trailers, in the back of--


ACEVEDO: --pickup trucks, so that's, you know, that's the fact and we--

CARLSON: I - I - no, but I'm not quite sure that is the fact--

ACEVEDO: --we have proof of that and I'm happy to share it with you.

CARLSON: --and I - I guess what I'm saying is what you're engaging in this propaganda designed to convince people of something that's not true. So, I think we both know that the majority of people, including people we just saw on the tape, moving from Honduras and Guatemala, are men, young men, without their--

ACEVEDO: Right (ph).

CARLSON: --wives and children, right? Or you're not going to admit that?

ACEVEDO: I don't think anyone was questioning the existence of the Caravan. What they were questioning is the label--

CARLSON: It's composition (ph).

ACEVEDO: --of being a national threat, some sort of emergency that needed--

CARLSON: No, no, let's get the facts and then hold on, hold on--

ACEVEDO: --the deployment of - of almost 6,000 troops--

CARLSON: --I - I just want to get the - hold on, I just want, no--

ACEVEDO: --to the border which we have now. What's next?

CARLSON: --but it's very hard, hold on, it's very hard--

ACEVEDO: --would (ph) we accept 6,000 troops in Chicago or in Manhattan? I mean--

CARLSON: --OK. OK. No, but hold on, it's very hard to make rational decisions about how to respond to something if you don't know what it is because everyone on TV is lying to you. And it's really clear that everyone on TV is lying to us.

They told us that it was going to be weeks before this Caravan got here because they were walking. That was a lie. They told us it was mostly women and children. That's a lie. They said there was no one else helping the Caravan get here. That was a lie.

And so, until we get to the facts, we can't know how to respond. So, let's stop with the lying and tell us what is actually going on. And you know it as well as I, it's mostly economic migrants looking for higher wages in the United States. I'm not attacking them. But that's the reality.

ACEVEDO: Tucker, there's no organized effort to try to get these migrants from Honduras to the border, to the U.S.-Mexico border. I know Vice President Pence said that there were forces in Latin America from the Left and Venezuela financing this and making it some sort of a conspiracy to undermine the U.S. government. But the reality is that these people are fleeing Honduras, 300 Hondurans are leaving their country every day, and they're doing it--


ACEVEDO: --because the levels of violence and the levels of extreme poverty that they face there, so--

CARLSON: So - so let me just ask you a (ph) question--

ACEVEDO: --what would you do if you had your family in that situation?

CARLSON: --so just to be - before we get to the--

ACEVEDO: Of course, this is not ideal (ph)--

CARLSON: --last - last question.

ACEVEDO: --this is a humanitarian crisis. And again--


ACEVEDO: --all the governments involved should act like it.

CARLSON: OK. You're saying, and I just want to get you on the record saying this that there are no groups funded by governments or big NGOs helping this group of people move from Central America to where they are now, Tijuana, and to get across the border (ph)? Nobody is helping them. It's all organic. That's what you're saying.

ACEVEDO: In all our - in all our reporting, since this Caravan started, not only this one, the others that follow and that will keep following them, we haven't found any evidence of any government involved in founding or - funding or financing this effort to try to get these people from Honduras to the U.S.-Mexico border.

CARLSON: Well you just said the Mexican authorities--

ACEVEDO: Of course, NGOs are trying to provide humanitarian help--


ACEVEDO: --Mexican people have been kind enough--

CARLSON: --hope you get (ph)--

ACEVEDO: --to provide some humanitarian help--

CARLSON: --all right (ph)--

ACEVEDO: --but there's no government or state force behind this. This - we - we--


ACEVEDO: --haven't found that, Tucker.

CARLSON: NGO, I mean, look, we all know what's exactly what's going on. I just - I just want to have you on the record so we can invite you back and we can talk through your previous claims and compare them to the evidence that we are in the process of gathering, and I can't wait for that.

Thank you so much, Enrique, for joining us tonight, from Tijuana, Mexico.

ACEVEDO: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Two of America's richest and most Liberal states are giving a huge tax break to the world's richest man. Taxpayers are subsidizing Jeff Bezos, and Democratic politicians are applauding. What exactly is going on? We've got details after the break.


CARLSON: Well, for about a 100 years, the Democratic Party was the party of America's working class. Not anymore. Now, the Democratic Party is the party of merciless corporate power, of Google, and Facebook, and the rest, and they'll punish you if you get in their way, as you know.

Latest example, New York and Northern Virginia, two of the Bluest parts of this country showered promises and billions and billions in taxpayer breaks on Jeff Bezos. He runs Amazon. In return, both those states are getting a new Amazon headquarters. It's a great deal for Bezos. Not that he needs it. He's already the richest man on planet Earth. But, what about taxpayers?

Eric Schiffer is a tech entrepreneur. He's CEO of the Patriarch Organization. And he joins us tonight. Eric, thanks a lot for coming on.


CARLSON: So, it's - it's just not clear to me--

SCHIFFER: You know, I - I came--

CARLSON: --why - why would New York, for example, and Virginia is in on this too, but New York paid more, why do they need to pay $3 billion in effect in taxpayer dollars to the richest man in the world for the privilege of having the company moved to New York?

SCHIFFER: Well, look, I came on because the state representative there, Cortez, made a statement and made comments basically saying that she didn't want to take Amazon's jobs in New York because perhaps it wasn't going to be unionizable, etcetera and you agreed with Cortez in this situation--

CARLSON: No, no, I didn't. I - I wasn't--

SCHIFFER: --and in fact we (ph)--

CARLSON: --I - but - but hold on--

SCHIFFER: --I - well you actually you did--

CARLSON: --no, wait--

SCHIFFER: --Tucker.

CARLSON: --I'm - I'm sitting right here. I can tell you what I agree with. I'm never ashamed of that. I agreed with the point that she made, and I don't often agree with her, but I thought it was a fair point.

Why is New York, which is crumbling, I'm there a lot, you may be there now, the city's falling apart. It smells. The subways break. It's disgusting. Why would the city be spending $3 billion to the richest man in the world?

Why wouldn't that money go to, I don't know, fixing the subways, just throwing out there, cleaning up the streets or plowing the snow or helping the people who already live there? I'm just confused.

SCHIFFER: Well, look, I typically and rarely, if ever, agree with the socialist and, certainly don't, in this situation, on many levels. I think what happened here and I think we all can recall that Amazon had an open bid across the country, in which--


SCHIFFER: --all these states could compete. And everyone did. And they did because people still want jobs--

CARLSON: Right. And I agree.

SCHIFFER: --across the country. They still want good-paying jobs. And frankly, I think, that goes for New York and even Arlington, people in the Bronx, and in Queens, they haven't had investment and jobs in about a 100 years.

And here comes Amazon saying, "Look, we're going to put - we're considering putting jobs in your state, in your city." And these - and the politicians that run the cities recognize it's a competitive situation, and all cities, all major cities have for years, for decades, competed for incentives to get jobs as they should.

Look, the tax cut passed by President Trump, which I supported, it was a big proponent. I mean a big component of - of the tax cut was - was jobs. It caused businesses--

CARLSON: But - but you're not going to get (ph)--

SCHIFFER: --including some of the big--

CARLSON: --wait, hold on, you're - you're not clear (ph)--

SCHIFFER: --let me just finish--

CARLSON: --I think we're talking past each other. I'm not--

SCHIFFER: --my point, please.

CARLSON: --wait, hold on, I'm not against jobs--

SCHIFFER: Well, I don't think we are--

CARLSON: --I'm of course (ph) for jobs but--

SCHIFFER: --I haven't finished--

CARLSON: --but it's not Amazon - but hold on, it's not Amazon doing the investing. It's the taxpayers of New York and Virginia, who are investing in Jeff Bezos against their will. They're paying the richest man in the world--


CARLSON: --$3 billion for the privilege of having him move to a city he didn't build. I'm just confused. Why is that a good deal for New York? I know it's a good deal for Bezos.

SCHIFFER: Well first of all the - first of all, they're not handing a check to Bezos. They're handing a check to Amazon, which is a public company that you may own shares and anyone on the - watches the show could own shares in, so this is for the public, in general, and it's a public company. It's an American company, and a - and a good one.

CARLSON: It's not an American - it's not an American--

SCHIFFER: And in this--

CARLSON: --wait, hold on, slow down, it's not an American company. It's - it's not owned - no, it's not an American company. It's owned by people around the world--

SCHIFFER: Well this was found--

CARLSON: --including sovereign wealth funds of our enemies. So it's not--

SCHIFFER: --I got to - I got to cut you off here, Tucker (ph)--

CARLSON: --in any sense an American company.

SCHIFFER: --Tucker. Tucker, come on. This was founded in the United States. It was one - it's one of the--

CARLSON: Well I'm aware.

SCHIFFER: --one of the great country--

CARLSON: It could only have been founded here--

SCHIFFER: --one of the great countries in the world--

CARLSON: --with our justice system and our patent protection--

SCHIFFER: --that allows for great technology--

CARLSON: --but it's not American--

SCHIFFER: --well you--

CARLSON: --it's not - you think it's loyal to America?

SCHIFFER: --well it was founded by Americans--

CARLSON: You think it's trying (ph) to help America?

SCHIFFER: --it was - it--


SCHIFFER: Come on, it was found--

CARLSON: No, you come on.

SCHIFFER: --it was founded by Americans. It certainly was - it certainly is a big contributor to tax (ph) here in America, there's no question, and jobs, significant jobs. And I think that--

CARLSON: OK. But - but let me just - will you just--

SCHIFFER: --what I was trying - my point that I was trying to make--

CARLSON: --please answer my question?

SCHIFFER: --Tucker--

CARLSON: Look, I mean, look, I don't think everything about Amazon is bad. I think they do a great job. I use Amazon. I mean they're huge because they do a good job. But my question is why would the Democratic Party hand the richest man in the world $3 billion a year to move to New York without asking what the taxpayers think in a city that is literally falling apart? That's not a fair question? I think it is a fair question.

SCHIFFER: Well I - I think most states and most cities wanted Amazon to come. In fact, there were many other states that superseded that amount by significant levels. I mean New Jersey--

CARLSON: You don't see that as a little pathetic?

SCHIFFER: --and others (ph)--

CARLSON: I mean what - why wouldn't--


CARLSON: --I mean, look, if you see Amazon--

SCHIFFER: --I see it - I see it (ph) as--

CARLSON: --as an American company--

SCHIFFER: --part of the capital--

CARLSON: --the capital? Really? This is not the capitalism I was promised. I don't know. I mean so the capitalism is--

SCHIFFER: Well but - but - but, Tucker--

CARLSON: --pull the (ph) biggest scam you can--

SCHIFFER: --but, Tucker--

CARLSON: --and run away laughing? I mean that's not capitalism--

SCHIFFER: Actually, no, no--

CARLSON: --as far as I'm concerned.

SCHIFFER: --actually, what I think it is, Tucker, is it's investing in jobs. The - the bottom line from this is the end. It's different than socialism like Cortez is for that you support it. The difference is--

CARLSON: I'm not supporting socialism--

SCHIFFER: --is that this is going to actually bring money back to the--

CARLSON: I would like capitalism. There's nothing--

SCHIFFER: --cities in the end. But, Tucker--

CARLSON: --capitalist about a monopoly--

SCHIFFER: --you're talking about--

CARLSON: --or some - some creepy billionaire--

SCHIFFER: --investment.

CARLSON: --suborning politicians on an inside deal that I'd had no say in. How's that capitalism? That's something much lower than capitalism.

SCHIFFER: Well it's - it's capitalism when a city invests to get jobs and actually gets more money back from tax revenue.

CARLSON: Well we'll - we'll see.

SCHIFFER: That makes sense.

CARLSON: We'll see.

SCHIFFER: It's no different than the tax cut. We're - we're getting more jobs. It's growing jobs.

CARLSON: Oh yes (ph).

SCHIFFER: And I think that--

CARLSON: And a helipad too. And I guess--

SCHIFFER: --America could benefit in the--

CARLSON: --helipad--

SCHIFFER: --right cases (ph)--

CARLSON: --in that in that (ph)--

SCHIFFER: --with investment.

CARLSON: Right. OK. The helipad, that's my favorite part. Eric, thank you very much. Good to see you.

SCHIFFER: My pleasure. Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, unfortunately, a heartwarming story has been exposed as a hoax. It may tell us something broader about America we might like to know. Mark Steyn, one of the smartest people on planet Earth joins us after the break.


CARLSON: Well if you are compiling a list, you'd have to say that Al Sharpton would be one of the most, maybe the most, successful race baiter in America in the past 40 years. He's certainly in the Hall of Fame.

He's made a lucrative career targeting people for the color of their skin, their religion, and other factors. Democrats will tell you they are the party that is against racism. They may even call you a racist. But you know they don't mean it. Why? Because they love Al Sharpton to this day.

For example, at a National Action Network event, and that's Sharpton's group, just yesterday, top Democrats lined up to prostrate themselves before the altar of Al Sharpton. Not a joke, watch this.


KIRSTEN ELIZABETH GILLIBRAND, JUNIOR UNITED STATES SENATOR, NEW YORK: That's why you have leaders like the Reverend Al Sharpton who will not give up and will not give in and will never let it go.

BERNARD SANDERS, POLITICIAN, JUNIOR UNITED STATES SENATOR, VERMONT: It seems that whenever there is a crisis, Al Sharpton and many of you are there.



CARLSON: Whenever there's a crisis, Al Sharpton is there. Well, that's for sure. That's the understatement of the year. Thank you for saving America, they say.

Did he save America before or after he incited the shooting at Freddy's Fashion Mart? I don't know. Check Google. You decide. But any (ph) case, save that tape for the next time some Liberal calls you a racist. Hilarious.

Well East Coast opinion columnists may routinely denigrate them but Americans remain a caring, generous people, the most caring and most generous people in the world, by far. And, unfortunately, some people take advantage of that.

A year ago, Mark D'Amico and Kate McClure raised over $400,000 on the GoFundMe site. They did it allegedly in the name of a man called Johnny Bobbitt. He's homeless. They said he had helped them out when they ran out of gas on the highway.

Well later, Bobbitt accused the couple of keeping all that money for themselves. Now, in a new twist, authorities say the entire story was a hoax from day one and all three of them are facing charges. What can we learn from this?

Author and Columnist Mark Steyn joins us tonight for an overview. What do you make of this, Mark?

MARK STEYN, AUTHOR, COLUMNIST, STEYNONLINE.COM: Well, I did think this was the craziest story of the day, Tucker, until I heard your last segment. And I'm not sure actually giving 400 grand to a homeless guy isn't on balance marginally less insane than giving $3 billion--

CARLSON: I (ph)--

STEYN: --to Jeff Bezos. So there - there is that. I - I have to say, you're right. Americans, all the polls of global charity show it, Americans are the most generous people on the planet.


STEYN: And I think it would be sad if charity and that generosity were just to become part of a - a kind of going viral on social media thing. I - this story smelt--


STEYN: --crummy to me a year ago, when it was a feel-good story. And not to go all H. L. Mencken on you, but I - I - it's a feel-good story for me now, just because it's sort of confirmed--

CARLSON: Ha-ha--

STEYN: --my slightly dark view of human nature.

CARLSON: --ha-ha.

STEYN: I love everything about this story. I love the way it's - it was an obvious set-up from the start. I loved - I loved the way people just sort of went bananas for it. I mean it's not a good idea to give someone who's sleeping on an interstate ramp $400,000. He only got about 75 of it. He was spending about two grand a day.

Meanwhile, this other couple just took off with it. They bought a BMW. They went to Vegas and - and blew it on the fancy suite at the Mandalay Bay or whatever it was.

The - the homeless guy then sued them. The homeless guy has a lawyer. That's fantastic. America has as many lawyers, statistic this is, America is - has as many lawyers as the rest of the planet combined. And there's so many of them that even a homeless guy has a lawyer. I love everything about this story.


STEYN: I'm thinking of launching a GoFundMe campaign to raise money to buy a bridge for creepy porn lawyer to sleep under.


STEYN: That's how enthused I am by this story.

CARLSON: You know what? He may wind up under one anyway even without your help. The great Mark Steyn--

STEYN: That's true.

CARLSON: --I knew that you would see a bright side to that dark tale, and you did always (ph).

STEYN: It is - it is a dark tale. But we should all rejoice. Give money locally, Tucker. Save your community before you go and do it on social media.

CARLSON: You know, that's - that is - that is - that is the take-away. That is a deep and true point. Ask how your kids feel about you before you go anywhere else.


CARLSON: Thank you, Mark. Great to see you.

STEYN: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Time now for Final Exam. Question, always the same. Can you beat the experts at remembering what happened this week in the news? After the break, we'll be back.


CARLSON: We've waited a long time. But it's the best time of the week. It's time for Final Exam where the news experts assemble to see who has been paying closest attention to the news over the last week, and who is the true champion of news knowledge.

Tonight, quite a matchup, defending champion is one of our own Chief National Correspondent, the great Ed Henry. The challenger, tonight, a familiar face to viewers of this show, from The Federalist, Senior Editor, Mollie Hemingway.

Normally, I get a sense of who - I - I'm not quite sure who's going to win here and I'm not even going to venture a guess thing (ph).


CARLSON: You know the rules. I'm going to repeat them for our viewers. Hands on buzzers. I ask the questions. First one to buzz in gets to answer the question. Critically, you must wait until I finish asking the question in order to answer it. You can answer once I acknowledge you by saying your name. Each correct answer worth one point. If you get it wrong, we detract a point because we are cruel. Best of five wins.


HENRY: I brought some--

CARLSON: Be prepared.

HENRY: --I brought some stuff.

HEMINGWAY: I mean this is (ph)--

CARLSON: I just want to say it for the record and - and for the marketing department, I had no role in this at all.

HENRY: No. I just I bought a bunch for Christmas and--

CARLSON: This is Ed Henry--

HENRY: --you know (ph), if there's a close call--


CARLSON: It's good so (ph) it's unbelievable.

Question one. The great Marvel Comics Illustrator and Creator Stan Lee passed away this week. He was 95 years old. He was the brain behind characters like Iron Man, The Hulk, and someone called Insect Man. Thankfully, he reconsidered and changed name of that character to what?


Ed Henry?

HENRY: Spiderman.

CARLSON: Spiderman. Are you sure?


CARLSON: To the tape we go.


STAN LEE, AMERICAN COMIC BOOK WRITER, EDITOR, PUBLISHER: And I said (ph) gee, what if a guy could stick to walls like an insect? That sounds good. So, I started trying to think of some names. Insect Man? No. Spiderman? Ooh, that sounds dramatic.


HENRY: With great power--

CARLSON: There you go, Spiderman.

HENRY: --comes great responsibility.

CARLSON: Very good, OK. One-Zero.

Question two. We thought it would never happen to our business. This was supposed to happen only to people who work in factories but it's in fact happening. The first artificial intelligence news anchor is now on the air. A very human-looking AI news man is reading headlines in which East Asian country?


Robot news anchor where?

HENRY: Little bit of China.

CARLSON: China. Is it China?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Chinese state media showing off their newest--




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: --news anchor. There's something (ph) different about him. He's not a person.

ENGLISH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ANCHOR: Hello everyone. I'm an English Artificial Intelligence Anchor. This is my very first day in Xinhua News Agency.


CARLSON: The robot news anchors are very obedient

HENRY: They're not as good as you.

CARLSON: They're not as good as me but they stick to the script. There's no ad-libbing. All right, good guess, by the way.

Question three, multiple choice. This week, Disney World permanently banned a man from the park after he was photographed waving a Trump 2020 sign while on which one of their rides? Was it A, Pirates of the Caribbean, B, It's a Small World, C, Splash Mountain?


Mollie Hemingway.

HEMINGWAY: I'm going to go with Splash Mountain.

CARLSON: You're going to go with Splash Mountain? To the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A Trump supporter banned from Disney World for a second time. Dion Cini shared this picture of himself riding down Splash Mountain--




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --while holding a--


HENRY: Nice.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --Trump 2020 sign.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Park doesn't allow--


HENRY: It's good (ph).


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --what it considers unauthorized demonstrations.


HENRY: That is good (ph).

HEMINGWAY: Great. Good. OK.

CARLSON: Very good. Did you get - I would have though Pirates of the Caribbean. I don't know why.

HEMINGWAY: I wasn't sure because they're all - they're all water-based--

CARLSON: But that one seems the most--

HEMINGWAY: --don't you think (ph).

CARLSON: --subversive of all the rides--

HEMINGWAY: OK. Right, yes.

CARLSON: --but that's just me. OK.

HENRY: Didn't seem like be (ph).

CARLSON: It didn't seem like (ph).

Question four, another multiple choice. Democrats are now saying their fight against the President is not about politics or policy. It is a battle of good versus evil. One Senator/Fundamentalist Minister said she is considering a 2020 run in order to restore what she calls moral decency in this country.

Is it A, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, B, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, or C, Kamala Harris of California?


Ed Henry.

HENRY: Kirsten Gillibrand.

CARLSON: Kirsten Gillibrand is restoring moral - wait, the friend of Harvey Weinstein, restoring moral decency? Can that be true? To the tape.


JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST, THE VIEW: Are you staying in the Senate or are you going to run for president?

GILLIBRAND: I believe that I've been called to fight as hard as I possibly can to restore that moral integrity that moral decency--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That sounds like a yes.

GILLIBRAND: --so, I'm thinking about it.


CARLSON: Good. How'd she - did she preach in your church on Sunday? How did you know that?

HENRY: No. It was out there today.

CARLSON: Wow. I'm impressed (ph).

HENRY: Wait. She actually a Minister?

CARLSON: Well, she must be if she's fighting for moral decency, obviously (ph)--

HENRY: Oh, yes, I was wondering about that--

CARLSON: --she reminded (ph). It's my guess--

HENRY: --for a while (ph).

CARLSON: I don't know. I guess we'll - we'll have to get to that.

OK. Final question. At an Armistice Day event, this weekend, the President was caught giving a stern look to a participant who dozed off during a speech. The sleeping man was the King of which country?


HENRY: It's not acceptable (ph).

HEMINGWAY: I saw. It was great (ph)--

CARLSON: A dozing King of a foreign country celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I.


CARLSON: Which sleepy king?

HENRY: Don't know. I don't know. Honestly, I don't know.

CARLSON: Don't know? It starts with a what? An M. The country he reigns over begins with an M.

HENRY: There's no time (ph) for--

CARLSON: That's not Martinis (ph)--

HENRY: --me to guess.

CARLSON: Do you want to give it a shot?

HEMINGWAY: I mean Monaco, I don't know.

CARLSON: Would you like to guess?

HEMINGWAY: No, I don't.


HEMINGWAY: I learned my lesson not to guess.

CARLSON: You learned your lesson, OK.

HENRY: Right.

CARLSON: We're going to tell you--


CARLSON: --on the tape.


GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST, THE FIVE & THE GREG GUTFELD SHOW: During a somber event marking a 100 years since the ceasefire that ended World War I, here's the Moroccan King dozing.



HENRY: Morocco, oh.


HENRY: Oh, yes.






GUTFELD: It's the best ever--


CARLSON: Morocco.

HENRY: The President's look--

CARLSON: A country famous for its hashish. The King has dozed off. Not surprising. Mollie, you were wise not to guess.

HEMINGWAY: No, I mean this is - this is - congratulations.

HENRY: Thank you very much. You thought it (ph).

HEMINGWAY: I'm really happy for you.

CARLSON: That's right. Ed Henry, you win.

HENRY: Can you sign these books?

CARLSON: Of course, I'm going to sign the books. And I'm also going to give you our commemorative Erik Wemple mug. If you haven't (ph) seen this, this is Erik Wemple of the Washington Post website, who came on our program once. We hope he comes back, and this commemorates that moment.

HEMINGWAY: I want that mug so much.

CARLSON: It's our armistice day (ph). There you go. Ed Henry, Mollie Hemingway, thank you both very much.


CARLSON: That was great.

That's it for this week's Final Exam. Pay attention very carefully to the news each week, dozing kings, Disney rides, whatever, and then come back next Thursday to see if you can beat our news experts. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: There's a strong public service component to the show. So, we have repeatedly warned you about the threat that zombie raccoons may pose to this country. But raccoons don't have to be zombies to be a danger.

In the State of West Virginia, a new crisis has emerged, drunk raccoons. Police in the town of Milton, West Virginia are warning residents there are about, quote, staggering and disoriented raccoons who are roaming the streets.

Officers say the animals have eaten fermented crab-apples and become intoxicated, and not fully responsible for their behavior. So far, the drunk raccoons and the zombie raccoons have not made contact or made it. But the situation is fluid, and we're going to be monitoring it for developments, which we'll bring to you.

That's it for us tonight. We'll be back tomorrow 8 P.M., the show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and, especially, groupthink, which is everywhere. Break out of it if you can.

Good night from Washington. Sean Hannity, live from New York.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS: All right, Tucker, I'll watch, what is with the cranberries? Everyone needs to be careful. That's--

CARLSON: Fermented crab-apples.

HANNITY: --and that for (ph) mushrooms. And frogs, too. Well there's (ph) a long story there.

CARLSON: Exactly.

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