
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

The CIA says it cannot comply with a court order to provide former Cheney chief of staff "Scooter" Libby with documents he says he needs for his defense in his upcoming perjury case because doing so would jeopardize national security.

On March 10, a judge ordered the CIA to produce partially censored copies of the president's daily intelligence briefings from 2003 — which Libby says show he was preoccupied with other policy matters at the time he disclosed the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame.

But the CIA says devoting resources to completing the task by the court-imposed deadline would "detract from the ability to provide the most senior leaders of our government with critical intelligence information." If the agency refuses to comply, the case could be dismissed.

Secret Rankings

Connecticut's three Republican members of Congress say the nation's largest teacher's union gave them an "A" grade on their voting record, but their constituents don't know for sure, since the union's Connecticut branch refuses to release the rankings.

Representatives Christopher Shays, Nancy Johnson, and Rob Simmons would like to tout the liberal National Education Association's positive review — which could go a long way to securing their re-election in the solidly Democratic state. But the Connecticut branch of the union has refused to make the grades public, saying it will withhold them until it decides whom to endorse in November's elections.

Balanced Blogs?

Ben Domenech to quiet grumbling about liberal columnist Dan Froomkin, but the move has led to what Post political reporter Tom Edsall called a "firestorm" of controversy.

Pew poll on American attitudes towards gays and lesbians reveals that the public is increasingly accepting of homosexuality. Fifty-one percent of those polled are against legalizing gay marriage, down from 63 percent who opposed it two years ago.

What's more, 46 percent now say they're in favor of allowing gay couples to adopt children — up from 38 percent in 1999. But the shift in attitudes has yet to take hold among African Americans — opposition to gay adoption in the black community remains virtually unchanged since 1999.

— FOX News' Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.