This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 14, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is the "The Ingraham Angle" from Washington tonight. Teachers unions are choosing liberal wish lists over educating your kids. Can't be. Well, we'll explain.

Also, Donald Trump's niece just published a totally slanderous work impugning the President's psyche, defamatory since it's in writing. A psychologist is here tonight to detail how Mary Trump is guilty of some pretty obvious projection. And a potential scandal is brewing with the counting of positive tests in Florida for COVID, a full report. Plus, we're going to hear from a respected doctor down there with the actual facts.

But first, the war against kids. That's the focus of tonight's Angle.

Is there anything in the world happening beyond COVID? Well, you'd think not, watching the non-stop fear and panic sold by the media and their Democrat partners 24/7.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: America is the worldwide epicenter for new cases in large part due to Trump's failure.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: --no end in sight. The point is, there is no plan. There is no federal--


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: --led effort to bring this back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): What, if anything, can be done to pull the country out of this public health disaster?

(END VIDEO CLIP)  INGRAHAM: Well, they rarely report, of course, that new infections haven't translated into a rising COVID death rate. In fact, the seven-day average COVID deaths has fallen from a peak of 2,232 in mid-April to 724 as of yesterday. That's right. It's a 68 percent decline.

Now, there has been a slight uptick in COVID deaths this month, but the death rate is nowhere near where it was back in April. So that's good news in a difficult situation. But they don't just want you living in fear. What they want you to be is demoralized, dumb down, and dependent on the government. Meaning, more PPP, mailbox money instead of actual jobs, and they hope that you're going to be so exhausted from riding this lockdown and reopening roller coaster that you'll trade freedom for a false sense of security. And then it will be on to socialism.

Now, in case you've forgotten, freedom includes the right to travel, to gather, to work, to worship, and to attend school. And it is this issue of school reopening where we see exactly what Joe Biden's puppeteers are capable of.


SUSAN RICE, FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: We cannot do as the President Trump is doing and play politics with and be willing to sacrifice the lives of our children and their teachers.


INGRAHAM: Let me say this very clearly. They're lying to you when they say it's too dangerous to reopen schools. A new German study, the largest of its kind, confirms what we had learned from Iceland, France, and Scandinavian countries. Now, "The results show that 'the dynamics of virus spreading have been overestimated,' the universities said" - that did the study - "adding that the study suggested that schools did not become the coronavirus hotspot after reopening, as had been feared."

Now, in case you think this is some small, ridiculous study, a total of 2,045 blood samples from schoolchildren and teachers were taken from 13 secondary schools in Germany. Unlike the U.S., European countries smartly sent their students back to school, and there haven't been any major outbreaks.

So, should kids wear masks and social distance in schools? Well, different countries have tried different approaches. It's been different all across the globe. But school districts across America are right now planning very expensive classroom modifications. You've seen a lot of the Plexiglas dividers. Maybe they work, maybe they don't. And parents, in turn, are buying into this freak-out. And in Orange County, where they're bucking the trend in California, some parents are actually upset about the reopening.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are so many people who can get sick. And I think it's very dangerous and unacceptable to go back to school right now.

CHORUS: Kids' lives matter. Kids' lives matter. Kids' lives matter. Where's your mask? Where's our mask?


INGRAHAM: OK. They don't know about the science. And the media isn't reporting the science. Very interesting. Don't you think?

And oddly, Dr. Fauci isn't talking about that science published by German researchers that we just talked about. Professor Reinhard Berner discovered, quote, "The majority of schoolchildren did not go through an infection themselves despite an infection in the household. This finding must also be taken into account when it comes to deciding on measures to limit contact."

Now, if you listen closely to physicians, even far-left outlets like MSNBC occasionally stumble upon the truth. But boy, are they embarrassed by it!  (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)  UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would you let your kids go back to school?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will. My kids are looking forward to it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Period. Absolutely.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Absolutely. As much as I can.

(LAUGHTER)  UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without a hesitation?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Without a hesitation, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have no concerns about sending my child to school in the fall.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would let my kids go back to school.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They all said yes.


INGRAHAM: OK. That's my favorite moment of the day. They ran out of teachers, OK? Or parents or reporters or experts or doctors. But of course, Biden's big allies, the teachers unions, they pay no attention to the doctors or that extensive German study I just talked about. They want their members to stay home and totally ignore what we know about kids' exceedingly low infectivity rates. They ignore the horrific mental and physical health consequences from keeping kids away from school as well.

We said this last night. I'm going to repeat it. It's really important. These teachers, just like police and firefighters, they are essential employees. Their salaries are paid by you, the taxpayers. Yet, many are basically refusing to return to work. Now, this is not to say that there are no risks of returning to schools. There are. There may be.

The CDC issued its final flu report for the 2019-2020 season. Tragically, 166 children died of the flu nationwide. But schools didn't close, did they? Teachers did not refuse to work. By contrast, the number of children who've died nationwide of COVID is 30 according to provisional CDC data. Now, every life lost is a horrific tragedy. That goes without saying.

Now, in California, where teachers unions are pushing to keep your kids at home, guess how many of the state's nearly 9 million schoolchildren have succumbed to COVID. Do you see it in the screen? Zero. That's right. No one under the age of 18 has died from COVID in California according to the stats that we have, the most up-to-date ones.

So, thankfully, overwhelmingly, children have been spared. Still, Biden's most ardent supporters, the teachers unions are ratcheting up the fear. And they're even trying to extort concessions that have zero to do with education. The United Teachers Los Angeles Union is demanding the abolishment of charter schools and demanding the defunding of police. Yes, that will keep those kids safe and educated. We'll have more on that in a bit.

But here's the bottom line. Schools are where children learn, grow, interact, have fun. It's where they run around, they play sports, and yes, sometimes they get hurt. For some, it's a respite from a turbulent home life. They desperately need this rhythm of school back, this normalcy to return.

And economically, our country cannot survive school closures without cataclysmic ripple effects. Parents will suddenly be out of work, and job losses in the education arena will be severe. Children can't be pawns this campaign season. We have to safeguard their physical health but also their long-term development. Keeping them locked in the house attached to screens is going to lead to untold suffering, a toll for them far worse than this virus.

And that's The Angle.

Joining me now is Georgianna Kelman, L.A. parent and special education attorney; also, Harmeet Dhillon, civil rights attorney and Founder of the Center for American Liberty that is challenging so many of these edicts across the country.

Georgianna, let's start with you. You're in the middle of this.


INGRAHAM: What's your reaction to the L.A. Unified School District's decision not to reopen this fall for in-class learning?

KELMAN: It's a huge, massive mistake that we're going to be paying for, for a long time. And thank you for everything you said because you've articulated everything I wanted to say perfectly. The UTLA (inaudible). I can't tell you how many times called me consistently - teachers called me consistently to tell me they want schools opened.

(inaudible) there is the survey that was done for parents and the majority of LAUSD parents want to go back to school. Teachers want to go back to school, but unfortunately, this union is a bully. Teachers are being highly encouraged to vote along with the safe line of thinking that the union - based on their objectives of the union.

And I'm here to tell you that it's not true, that the majority of Los Angeles parents want to go back to school. Unfortunately, they don't have a seat at the table. Kids don't have lobbyists. Kids don't have unions speaking on their behalves and speaking the truth. And we're not having a conversation about truly the impact of COVID versus closure.

I think the long-term, kids are going to be much more detrimentally impacted, most especially special education children and children in low- income communities due to this closure. I do believe there's an answer. I do believe there's a middle ground that is a hybrid system that can--


KELMAN: --can be implemented, but it's the union that's preventing it.

INGRAHAM: Well, I would argue that I'm going to go even further, Harmeet. I think the hybrid system is - it's probably a little bit better, but it's incredibly confusing and upends family life, obviously for working parents, especially.

Harmeet, Eric Garcetti, the Mayor of Los Angeles - and it dovetails into this conversation - is already threatening another lockdown. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you want to initiate (ph) the mandate on stay-at-home order to return?

MAYOR ERIC GARCETTI, D-LOS ANGELES: So - we had a safer-at-home order. As I said even then, not everything was always closed, but yes, if we go to red, that's what we will come. I don't - today - I only know today. Ask me tomorrow. Ask me later this week. But I want everybody to take seriously that we're on the verge of that for sure.


INGRAHAM: Harmeet, is this the MO now every time China releases a virus accidentally? Or people are worried about, I don't know what next, climate change, we're going to do shutdown for a while to save the - I don't know. Is this just what we're going to do forever if the Democrats are in charge?

HARMEET DHILLON, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Well, absolutely, Laura. I think that's their MO. By the way, one of the examples would be, is there an election this year. That would be a good reason to terrorize people and shut them down.

So Eric Garcetti is speaking the message of his owners and the owners of the Democratic Party in California, which is the California Teachers Union. By far, the most powerful lobbyist, their demands to open the schools in any fashion, even the bastardized hybrid fashion that you just mentioned, Laura, includes Medicare for all, defunding the police, and on and on and on. All kinds of goodies that have nothing to do with educating our children.

And Laura, even before this crisis, California was already in a dismal state with regard to literacy. Fewer than 25 percent of our fourth-graders can read properly. And they just settled a suit with the state between literacy activists and the state this year because of the equal protection violations, the fact that students in poor school districts or people of disadvantaged backgrounds--


DHILLON: --or people from certain English as a second language, what have you, are not getting educated. That's before COVID. Imagine what it's going to be like when they don't have individualized attention, when their individual education plans are not being honored by the state. This is going to cause massive physical harm to students. Schools are the only resort for many families with--

INGRAHAM: All right.

DHILLON: --with students who may be suffering from different things that are only perceived when they come to school, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Well, I'm going to stay on this issue. I think it's the issue affecting all families with children for the foreseeable future. This is the most important issue.

Ladies, thank you so much.

And as I mentioned earlier, the L.A. teachers union - and Harmeet said - they're making these crisis demands. It's like an ongoing - we're watching it in real-time - attempt at extortion. We won't educate your kids in person unless you give us certain liberal projects like defunding the police. Now, a moratorium on new charter schools can have competition and taxpayer handouts to illegals because we have to welcome more people into the country even though we can't educate the kids that we have.

Now, these are runaway unions that are exploiting this tragedy, and they want to see how much power they can grab. Like everybody else knocking down statues, they want to knock down education to try to get more concessions.

Joining me now is Rebecca Friedrichs, former California schoolteacher and a union rep. She was also the lead plaintiff in that landmark 2016 Supreme Court case against CNA, NEA and California Teachers Association.

Rebecca, I didn't think much of the teachers unions before COVID. And now, I'm frankly disgusted because it's obvious they're putting students last and teachers' union political demands first. Your take?

REBECCA FRIEDRICHS, FORMER CA TEACHER FOR 25+ YEARS: I am so thrilled that you feel that way and that you are highlighting this for your viewers. I have been shouting about this for decades. So it is very important that we open our schools. That is true.

The unions are using the closure of our schools as a smokescreen. Laura, here's why. Sadly, these unions are actually using our schools to sexualize our children and to train them in anti-American ideology. They do this with the collision of over 180 organizations, including, sadly, the CDC, Planned Parenthood, and Black Lives Matter incorporated.

It is shocking what they're teaching our children online through virtual learning. They are teaching our children to sext to view pornography. They are hooking them up with online sex experts. So what they are doing is grooming our children for sexual predators to use them. This is child abuse.

I have an editorial about this tomorrow online in "The Washington Times". People can read and learn all the details. This is one of the big reasons the unions want to keep our schools closed because they can't sneak these evil lessons past loving teachers who have no idea of keeping them virtual.

INGRAHAM: All right. Yes. Rebecca, I remember, a friend of mine living up north of L.A., in the Santa Barbara area, was telling me about the kindergarten living, whatever it's called, human life curriculum. And I know it's repeated throughout other school districts in California. It's way advanced for a kindergartner. And most parents don't even - I don't think - know about it to opt out. And there's a big controversy about whether the kids could opt out or - or they have to opt out or it's automatically happen. So that's the kind of stuff that goes on.

And your point is an important one. The unions would rather have teachers at home using these online tools because it's a lot more complicated when you're in class trying to teach this stuff. So you think there's actually the political motive to be at home, not just that they're misstating the science or don't know the science?

FRIEDRICHS: Oh, absolutely. And what you also have to know is that the teachers unions, the National Education Association rewrote the scientific method so that this is why we are getting fake science, fake history, fake everything through our schools because it is their goal to destroy our public schools.

Look, I think that we could - we have this perfect opportunity right now where we can actually save America's schools and we can save America if we do four things. Number one--

(CROSSTALK)  INGRAHAM: We have to go, Rebecca. Got to--

FRIEDRICHS: Oh, thanks.

INGRAHAM: Well, we've got - no, we have to say thanks. But four things, are those in your op-ed tomorrow?

FRIEDRICHS: No, they're not. We'll have to do another one.


INGRAHAM: All right. We'll have you - we'll have you back. Sorry, this is the tyranny of the clock and cable news. Rebecca, we got a lot of--

FRIEDRICHS: No problem.

INGRAHAM: --information out. Thank you so much.

There is a potential scandal brewing in Florida over how hospitals are tracking COVID cases. We're going to tell you about it in moments. Plus, later we speak to a psychiatrist who says Mary Trump's new personal attempt at a takedown of President Trump reveals more about her than the President. She'll explain.


INGRAHAM: The number of COVID cases in Florida is undoubtedly on the rise, but there's a potentially massive scandal-brewing regarding the way hospitals, labs and others are reporting the percentage of positive test results.

Fox affiliate WOFL's Robert Guaderrama has been looking into the story, and he joins us now live from Orlando with the latest breaking details.


ROBERT GUADERRAMA, WOFL-FOX ORLANDO REPORTER: Laura, it takes a lot to surprise a journalist, but I was shocked when I heard this news today. So there's lots of confusion on many levels in reference to Florida's coronavirus numbers. We've got tipped off today - or yesterday that is, that the numbers didn't quite look right on the state's daily case report.

So, looking into the breakdown of test labs, I quickly noticed astronomical positivity rates. Now, mind you, Florida's COVID-19 positivity rate is just under 11 percent, but dozens of labs reported as having 100 percent positivity. Some only reporting positive cases. The negative column, completely blank.

So I asked myself, how could 100 percent of people testing at those sites test positive? I reached out to several major hospitals in our area. Orlando Health and the Orlando VA confirming errors in their numbers on the report.

So, after several requests for comment, today the Florida Department of Health releasing this statement to me, reading in part, "In recent days, the department noticed that some smaller, private labs weren't reporting negative test result data. The department immediately began working with those labs to ensure that all results were being reported in order to provide comprehensive and transparent data."

Now, these labs are required by the state to report all test results. But here's something else that adds to the confusion. A spokesperson for Lee Memorial Hospital, that's in the Fort Myers area, tells me that they believe there's a problem in the state's data-gathering system because it is their understanding the negative results from their hospital were in fact submitted.

So, Laura, more questions to be answered, but this news coming as so many Floridians are already questioning the numbers being reported by the state.

INGRAHAM: Robert, fascinating. Thanks for the great job. We appreciate it.

And joining us now is Dr. Charles Lockwood, Dean of the University of South Florida's College of Medicine.

Dr. Lockwood, now, before we get into the details of Florida's numbers, your reaction to what was just reported? Labs with 100 percent positivity rates and others who aren't reporting any negatives. How damaging is that to the larger picture?

DR. CHARLES LOCKWOOD, USF COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DEAN & USF HEALTH SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT: I am - I'm not totally surprised. On Saturday, the state did 143,000 tests when Governor DeSantis said that we were going to triple testing back in March to 30,000 tests a day, which is what the number was that was recommended by the Harvard Global Health Institute for containment. I mean, people literally laughed.

And on Saturday, we did 143,000 tests in one day. So that's a lot of tests that you're going to have some screw-ups when you have that volume of testing going on, but that's pretty disturbing.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, it doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. Dr. Lockwood, I also want to play some of the media coverage of the Sunshine State's COVID outbreak.


STEVE KORNACKI, MSNBC NATIONAL POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Looking at Florida, we have these surging case counts in Florida, the death tolls rising.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): The dire situation in the State of Florida- -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): In Miami-Dade County, things are especially dire.

STATE REP. SHEVRIN JONES, D-FLA.: What we have right now is a total circus of chaos that's taking place in the State of Florida.


INGRAHAM: Of course, there are rising case numbers. They're concerning. But a lot of folks seem to think Florida is the next New York. Now, tell us why that's absurd, frankly.

LOCKWOOD: Well, we're not. I mean, it's pretty clear. Just for one thing, our case fatality rate, that's the number of deaths over the number of cases, is 1.5 percent. New York City, right now, it's 10 percent. So that's a huge difference there.

We've had a huge increase in cases. We've had a six-fold increase in cases since June 10th. We've had about three-fold increase in hospitalizations. We've had a little less than that increase in deaths where (inaudible) death is tragic. But day-after-day, week-after-week, we've had a continued drop in our case fatality rate.

And there are probably three things that directly impact that. One, we're doing lot more testing. We've blown through all the goals that we had. And we're now, on average, doing about 73 tests a day on a rolling average. So that's pretty accurate.

INGRAHAM: Now, Vin Gupta, doctor--


LOCKWOOD: Secondly--

INGRAHAM: Let me just get to - Dr. Lockwood, I want to just play Vin Gupta from NBC News, just to your first point, said that the death rate itself is not really relevant. Watch.


DR. VIN GUPTA, MSNBC MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: The death rate, which we make such a big deal out of, the President has a declining death rate is essentially meaningless. Deaths now are probably the result of infections about a month ago. So we can only - the metrics that matter in real-time are what are the hospitalization rates that we're seeing in places like Florida.


INGRAHAM: Well, does he have any merit to what he said?

LOCKWOOD: Yes. Well, a little. Deaths are definitely a lagging indicator. But we should now be seeing a much higher case fatality rate. It's been predicted that our case fatality rate would kind of do a "U" and be heading back up. It's not. In fact, today, in Tampa, in Hillsborough County, our case fatality rate was 0.9 percent. That's less than 1 percent. So that's the lowest, I think, in the United States.

And every day I wake up, I check the numbers, and it's been dropping. Now, I think it's real. And it reflects doing a lot more cases. We're picking up asymptomatic cases, we're picking up milder cases than we did before. When you test that number of people, thousands and thousands, really - I mean, if you think about it, we're testing - we're approaching 1 percent of the population in Florida being tested every day when you get 142,000 tests.

INGRAHAM: All right.

LOCKWOOD: (inaudible) population--

INGRAHAM: Yes. And so the younger the younger population not dying, thankfully, at the rate their elder counterparts were dying earlier. Dr. Lockwood, there's a lot to unpack here. We want to have you back because clearly this Florida narrative is not going away anytime soon. Thank you so much for going through it with us.

And the two questions on many Americans minds right now are this. Where is Congress? And what are they going to do about reopening schools? Congressmen Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan - haven't seen them in a while - they are here with some answers. Stay tuned.


INGRAHAM: Teachers unions are holding our kids' education hostage, and leading Democrats are there coconspirators.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., HOUSE SPEAKER: What we heard from the secretary was malfeasance and dereliction of duty. This is appalling. The president and his administration are messing with the health of our children. Going back to school presents the biggest risk for the spread of the coronavirus.


INGRAHAM: Biggest risk of spread of bull-you-know-what comes from the woman in yellow. How does the House GOP respond to this? Here now is House Minority Whip Steve Scalise and Congressman Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee ranking member. Great to see both of you. Congressman Scalise, you were at an event about schools in Baton Rouge today with the vice president and many others. What can Congress do about this? This is a local decision-making process, is it not?

REP. STEVE SCALISE, R-LA., HOUSE MINORITY WHIP: Yes, Laura, it's good to be back with you. But Vice President Pence came today, we actually did the event in Tiger Stadium. And we had the president of the LSU system, we had the president of the Southern University system. We had our governor, John Bel Edwards, as well as a number of other educators and members of Vice President Pence's team talking about reopening schools. And we're planning on reopening schools in just a few weeks. And both of the system presidents talked about what they are doing to have kids safely come back to college. I was at a high school earlier today talking about their plans to safely reopen.

Look, this is America, Laura. We put a man on the moon. We stormed the beaches of Normandy. We know how to get things done. And these people that are sitting in a room going, oh, gee whiz, we can't do it, that's not the attitude we need right now. The real question should be not whether or not to do it, but how to do it safely, and we can do it safely. And I'm glad that states like mine are moving forward. We need to get every state to do it for the health and benefits of these children that don't need another six months of homeschooling.

INGRAHAM: Congressman Jordan, earlier tonight we went through some of the science from Germany, which has done serological testing on children and teachers, thousands and thousands of tests. None of this is been cited by any of the decision-makers showing kids have exceedingly low infectivity rates. So those concerns about infecting the teachers -- they haven't seen it in Europe. They just haven't seen it.

REP. JIM JORDAN, R-OHIO, HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE: No, the facts and the truth are on our side, Laura. Laura, what's more important, going to school or protesting? What's more important, going to church or protesting? Going to a loved one's funeral or protesting? Or how about this one, what's more important, going to work or protesting? It seems to me that the only thing the Democrats think you can do during COVID is protest, riot, and attack the police and defund the police.

But all the -- we have to go back to school. We have to get back to normal. And the facts and the truth are on our side. So let's let local school boards, let's let moms and dads -- I think moms and dads probably know what's best for their kids, local school boards probably know better what's better for kids than Joe Biden in the basement of his house pronouncing these things. So let's let local communities decide this. And as Steve just said, we can do it in a safe way. But Democrats want to make everything critical political. Let's just follow the truth and the facts and let's let kids get back to school and start learning.

INGRAHAM: There's a lot of -- there's a lot of -- I would take issue with that a little bit. There are a lot of local school boards that have been completely dominated by the left because --

JORDAN: The big city ones, the ones controlled by the Democrats, like L.A., like Mayor Garcetti has done, you're right.

INGRAHAM: Arlington County, Virginia. It's Democrat, Arlington County, Virginia, they basically just went to a hybrid system, a couple days a week in school, the rest of it they are going to be at home, or maybe even all online learning. Montgomery County, all online learning. Congressman Scalise, I'm telling conservatives, you want to have an effect, start running in these local elections. That's what you have to do, because these superintendents are just taking their orders from the teachers union. These people but the word "doctor" in front of their names. Go ahead.

SCALISE: And you've got to think about the health and welfare of the kids. The whole purpose of a public school system is to serve the children. And look, it's a cop out to say we can't figure out how to get it done. Of course we can. This is America. And there are good school systems that are figuring out how to do it and are doing it safely.

The kids, by the way, they are going to be out playing with their friends. They are going to be doing things. It's much better to have them in a controlled environment in a school where, number one, where they are learning, so we're not holding our kids back. But where they are also being around people where they all have to have masks. The schools have their own protocols, and they're going to keep these kids safe. But we've got to get kids back in school. It's important for the health and welfare of those kids. It's also important for our economy so that the parents are able to get their kids back in school again, too.

INGRAHAM: It's almost like there is a concerted effort to tank the economy before the election, the cynics out there would say. Congressman Jordan, it isn't just teachers, though, teachers unions taking advantage of this epidemic. Here is AOC.


REP. ALEXANDRA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Americans have actually gotten even more progressive in the middle of this pandemic. When people say and ask me how are you going to pass this or how are you going to pass that, I tell them we have got to win the Senate and the White House. That is our legislative strategy for getting this stuff passed.


INGRAHAM: Congressman Scalise, your response?

SCALISE: I mean, this is disgusting. All they care about is politics, like Jim said.

INGRAHAM: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Scalise. Let's go to Jordan.

SCALISE: Go get them, Jordan.

INGRAHAM: Sorry. Sorry.

JORDAN: I don't think they're going to win. I think Donald Trump is going to win reelection because he deserves it. He's done a great job leading our country. The great American comeback is happening. Americans understand common sense. They understand what needs to happen. And they're sick and tired of this liberal double standard where Mayor Garcetti can go out and kneel to the mob without a mask, thousands of protestors around him, but he's going to shut down schools and not let kids go learn this fall. It's crazy, and I think Americans are going to remember that on Election Day.

INGRAHAM: Congressmen, it's great to see both of you. It's been a long time. Thanks so much for coming on.

JORDAN: Good to be with you.

INGRAHAM: All right, and the president's niece released her new tell-all book today, and the media of course laughing up her diagnosis. But is it medically deficient? Renowned psychiatrist Carole Lieberman is here. She's going to tell us the truth about Mary's sniping, next.


INGRAHAM: President Trump's niece Mary Trump released her supposed tell- all today, and in it the clinical psychologist diagnoses her uncle with severe personality disorders, writing, quote, "I have no problem calling Donald a narcissist. A case could be made that he also meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which is in its most severe forms generally considered sociopathy."

But my next guest says Mary Trump's book reveals more about her and her own issues than it does about the president. Joining me now, I can't wait to hear, is Carole Lieberman, clinical forensic psychiatrist. Dr. Lieberman, what does she get wrong as far as you're concerned?

DR. CAROLE LIEBERMAN, CLINICAL FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIST: Well, Mary Trump wants the public to believe everything she writes hook, line, and sinker. And she is basing this on the fact that she's the niece and therefore would have been privy to family dynamics, family events, and so on. But she, in regard to that, first of all, she is 20 years younger than president. And so her view of the family would've been very different from his. And so she's conjecturing when she is trying to say what things caused him to be - - to have what personality disorders.

And plus, if the family is as maliciously -- malignantly dysfunctional as she says, then she obviously would have been and is affected by that as well. So that is affecting her truth telling.

However, even more importantly, she says that we should believe her because she is a psychologist, a PhD psychologist. And yes, presumably that's correct. However, New York state has no record of her being licensed as a psychologist.

INGRAHAM: OK, so New York, according to your looking into this, your research, she is not licensed in New York as a clinical psychologist? Really?

LIEBERMAN: Yes. Unless she is going under some assumed name, which really they don't permit generally. It has to be a legal name.

INGRAHAM: OK, we got that. Hold on the second, Doctor. Here is a snippet from Mary Trump's interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos that will air tomorrow.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS: April, 2017, you see the president in the Oval Office. And you tell him don't let them get you down. Did you mean that?

MARY TRUMP, DONALD TRUMP'S NIECE: I did. He said, they won't get me. So far it looks like he's right.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And if you are in the Oval Office today, what would you say to him?



INGRAHAM: Dr. Lieberman, I don't know her. Is that a lot of anger right there? What is that?

LIEBERMAN: Well, she's a very confused woman. And largely it has to do with her relationship with her grandfather, who does, according to her book, I read the whole book, he does seem like he was rather cold and had some problems. But really, she is angry at her father, her deceased father. And she's blaming all the problems that her father had on Donald Trump, on her grandfather as well. But he was an alcoholic. He didn't really work to join the grandfather. He wanted to fly planes and he wanted to go fishing while Donald was at Wharton studying business, and then going along with his father trying to learn the family business.

And the reasons why she -- the motivations behind this are clearly greed, because she's still angry that she didn't get her share of her family fortune. Jealousy, jealousy of the success that Donald Trump has. Politics, she is totally opposite him in politics. And she says at the beginning of the book, I could've written this book any time, and I'm not trying to cash in now and I'm not trying to do this for political reasons and so on. I could've written about my uncle any time. And then at the end of the book she apparently forgets that she wrote that, and she says if anything I would've said about my uncle before it 2016, nobody would listen to.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Lieberman, you read it very carefully. And we appreciate you joining us tonight. I will not read the book. No interest.

And after building up a big early lead in the polls, has Joe Biden gone too far in the left? A Trump pollster shares some interesting insights you won't see anywhere else. Don't go away.


INGRAHAM: So Joe Biden built up an early lead in the polls if you can believe them. But instead of pivoting towards the center, he is just embracing radicalism. No more moderate Joe. "The Washington Post" is reporting that Biden's vision comes into view, and it's much more liberal than it was. So does team Trump see an opening?

Here now is John McLaughlin, Trump 2020 campaign pollster. John, the president still faces a pretty big deficit in that RCP average. Again, it was wrong before in 2016, but this is not 2016 for a variety of reasons, nearly 10 points. So what are the pollsters missing?

JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, TRUMP 2020 CAMPAIGN POLLSTER: That average is based on polls of adults and registered voters, not likely voters. And I'll tell you, it's skewed. The same polls that they did four years ago because they didn't think we could win are now coming out because they're afraid we are going to win.

And the president has had a great couple weeks. He lit up at 4.8 million new jobs, the Mount Rushmore speech, July 4th speech. Joe Biden admitted he wants to defund the police, sees the police as an enemy. And then he signs a socialist manifesto with Bernie Sanders where they are talking about just open borders, subsidizing -- giving welfare, taxpayer funded benefits to illegal immigrants, cutting the military, the defense, abolishing the police, criminal justice. It goes on and on.

The president gave a great press conference today where he took it to Joe Biden and the campaign is on offence, and the polls are showing it. Those bad polls, the Rasmussen, Scott Rasmussen's poll had us gaining five. Zogby's poll had us gain six. The Hill-Harris poll had us within four, gaining six again. So the president --

INGRAHAM: Hold on, hold on. Take a breath. Take a breath. Your point -- we have one minute here. Your point is that Biden is actually losing momentum on the national stage?

MCLAUGHLIN: Yes. Yes, he's losing momentum on the national stage. And our 911 ad is doing great in terms of realizing people that we're changing the issues and we're moving things in the direction of the president, and that Biden is controlled by the radical left.

INGRAHAM: John, quick point here. The issue of schools, being an advocate for their reopening, in 15 seconds, how important is that for women voters who want their kids back in school, 15 seconds?

MCLAUGHLIN: Very important, because the argument is, what does more harm to their children? We can reopen the school safely with guidance principles, or their kids don't go to school. So they lose ground. So what is more harmful to their children? Keeping --

INGRAHAM: All right, John, thank you. That was 15 seconds.

Some breaking news regarding Kanye's candidacy? Oh, boy, stay there.


INGRAHAM: Kanye West's audacious presidential campaign has come to an abrupt end. Here is the saga. New York Magazine's Ben Jacobs reached out to Kanye's publicist about the lack of ballot access. Quote, "The initial response was to loop in another spokesperson on the email. West's team then went dark. As I waited for a response, I followed up with Kanye's get out the vote specialist Steve Kramer who told me he's out."

Oh, I guess we'll have to wait for Kanye 2024. I thought that was going to be fun.

That's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" team take it all from here, Shannon.

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