
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," August 19, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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Hi, everybody, I'm Eric Bolling in for Bill O'Reilly. Thanks for watching us.

Let's get right to the story that is riveting the nation as we speak. It's almost dark in Ferguson, Missouri where the city is bracing for its 11th night of unrest after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. Last night's efforts by authorities to restore order failed as reported by our St. Louis affiliate KTVI.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You are not credentialed media, you need to disperse immediately. Or you will be subject to arrest.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was a volatile scene last night on West Florison (ph) police used smoke bombs and tear gas to break up the crowd. Johnson says the protests were ok until about 9:40. That's when about 200 chanting protesters started walking towards police on West Florison (ph) at Ferguson.

Johnson says bottles were thrown from the crowd at the officers. Police then stepped up their response. Johnson says two people wound up being shot, not by law officers, but by others in the area. However, Johnson tells us officers did come under fire. Four county police officers were hurt when they were hit by rocks.


BOLLING: All right. Our own Steve Harrigan is on the ground at Ferguson. Steve you saw the scene turn last night, turn violent first hand first of all before we get to how it looks tonight. Talk to us a little bit about those protesters, I'm sorry -- the rioters and the looters last night; 78 arrests, not all from the Missouri area, is that right?

STEVE HARRIGAN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: That's right; 78 arrests. Just three of them here from the town of Ferguson a lot from Missouri but some came from as far away as California and New York as well. Some concerns from police that rioters are using the demonstrations as a cover -- a cover to launch some attack against police.

At the same time though, it's got to be said there are a lot of demonstrators who are trying to keep people on the sidewalk and the peace. Right now we just saw a woman like a 60-year-old woman flex cuffed on the ground. She stopped walking and was in the street. If you stop walking at these protests you will get arrested in seconds flat, Eric.

BOLLING: Steve there was another officer involved shooting about four miles away in the city of St. Louis. Now have those protesters where you are in Ferguson have they heard about it and are they reacting to that shooting?

HARRIGAN: They have heard about it. But it hasn't spiked the violence like you might expect. But it's about, you know, 95 degrees here during the day. The real action starts at night. So it's too early to tell whether that second shooting again, a young African-American male who was armed with a knife against police, it's too early to tell whether that will stir things up or not. But we haven't seen any effect yet here on the ground.

BOLLING: Ok and also you had mentioned that there is a potential for what you classified as a day of rage. Are people talking about a day of rage? Can you tell us what that is all about?

HARRIGAN: It's about later this week on Thursday, perhaps this movement will go national -- several different cities a day of rage. But also looking ahead, it looks like Monday is going to be the funeral for Michael Brown and that could be a major event as well. So this protest could have legs.

Now, on all sides, there have been encouraging people not to come out tonight. Community leaders and police after the sun goes down, it looks like we've got about a half hour of sunlight left. So really a test to tell whether they will come out again tonight or not, Eric.

BOLLING: Now, Steve -- you have some people in the background, they kind of give you a little bit of a rough time last night. Do you expect the same tonight?

HARRIGAN: You know, it's a tricky situation. There is all different kinds of people in the crowd. They can hear what you're saying. If they don't agree with what you are saying they let you know. So, you know, it's possible.

BOLLING: Ok. All right. Steve, we're going to leave it right there and say thank you very much.

Community leaders were also in the middle of the protest last night doing their best to keep the peace.

Joining us now from Ferguson is one of those local leaders, Bishop Edwin Bass, the president of the Church of God and Christ Urban Initiative. Bishop thank you for joining us. First of all can I ask you, you want to keep the peace and calm in Ferguson President Obama yesterday came back from Martha's Vineyard to Washington, D.C. and said he was sending Attorney General Eric Holder to the area. That didn't keep the peace. No offense, sir, how is the local bishop going to keep the peace?

BISHOP EDWIN BASS, COGIC URBAN INITIATIVE PRESIDENT: Well, I certainly believe that we should try. And we have a number of clergy out in the community. I'm certainly not out there by myself. Out there trying to speak to both sides, trying to speak to both law enforcement and trying to speak to the protesters, out on the street and all we can do is try with the hope that it will bear some good fruit.


BASS: But wouldn't it be not a good idea to sit back and just let things take care of themselves without some effort?

BOLLING: Bishop, all I keep hearing from the protesters and attorneys for Michael Brown and the family, they say they won't stop until they have justice. But they define justice as an indictment or an arrest of officer -- of the officer involved in the shooting. If there isn't an arrest right away, will we continue to have violence every night?

BASS: Well, again, my hope is that we will not. That the community will continue to do things, make adjustments in our strategy in the hopes that we will reduce the violence in the community. Obviously, it's going to take some time for the wheels of justice to grind. And get to the point of even indictment and ultimately of some adjudication. So, we are working during that period of time in an effort to bring some peace to the community.

BOLLING: Bishop, the likes of Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson, does that help or hurt the situation in Ferguson?

BASS: Well, let me answer that this way. I believe that everybody is struggling, trying to find a solution to a very difficult situation. I believe those people, as well as the people here are trying to do that.

I really don't want to get into a discussion about individuals, other than to say that simply all of us, I think, want the same thing. We want peace, we want justice in the community. We want the community to return back to its normal operations. We want businesses working, people back to work. And anybody that can facilitate that, regardless of their ideology, regardless of their color, we are welcoming those people into our community.

BOLLING: Ok, Bishop then, if that's the case, the new Black Panther Party was actually calling out a chant kill Darren Wilson, kill the officer. Kill Darren Wilson would you tell the new Black Panther Party to leave the area and go back to wherever they came from?

BASS: I would not do that. And here is why I would not do that. Again, the goals of my organization and me personally are to speak to the issues of peace and of justice. And what we don't want to do is inflame the already high passions that are operating in the community so that's really not my place to do.

BOLLING: Sir, I apologize, I don't want to interrupt you, but aren't they in fact inflaming the already high tensions in the area by saying kill an officer? We don't even know what the facts are yet.

BASS: Well, I've never -- I have not heard that first of all. And secondly, again, we are focused on our agenda. And our agenda is one of reaching the community to preach the message of peace and justice. We're not called to put everything in order. We're not called to correct other people's points of view. We are called simply to deal with the issues and the agenda that we have.

BOLLING: All right, Bishop. We're going to leave it right there and say thank you very much, sir.

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