This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 3, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Busy news night. Welcome to “Hannity.”

We have full coverage. We are on the ground tonight at the crisis at our southern border. Our Lawrence Jones is standing by. Full report from Laredo, Texas.

Also, chief custom border patrol agent Raul Ortiz will also join us from the Rio Grande Valley.

First, we begin our ongoing “Hannity” watch into creepy, crazy Uncle Joe Biden. He's not only having a bad week, he's having a bad day every day. Wait until to hear what we get to. It is so bad.

It is -- all right, anyways, we first reported last night that two more women are accusing the former vice president of inappropriate contact, including one sexual assault survivor claims Biden awkwardly placing his hand on her thigh and, of course, Biden's creepy conduct has been an open secret for years. Dozens and dozens of pictures, they show very bizarre behavior and videos, cringe-inducing moments and now creepy, crazy uncle Joe is coming to terms that most people don't enjoy being touched, kissed, having their nose rubbed together, smelling their hair and stroked by a complete stranger and massaged.

You will notice one thing that is missing -- see if you can figure it out what is missing in what he's saying here.


JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: Social norms have begun to change and they've shifted, and the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset, and I get it. I get it. I hear what they are saying and I understand. I will be much more mindful. That is my responsibility. I'll be more mindful and respectful of people's personal space and that's a good thing.


HANNITY: It's a good thing. He's not going to smell anyone else's hair, rub noses with anyone else, grab them, pull them in, kiss them, grope them. He forgot two magical words: I'm sorry. We will get back to that.

Now, multiple women accusing Biden of making them feel extremely uncomfortable, violated. Here's the big question. Where are the "I believers" from the Kavanaugh hearings? Doesn't this immediately disqualify Biden in the eyes of the Democratic Party? If it was a Republican, it would be outrage.

Apparently on the left, it's only worthwhile to stand up for woman if it is used to bludgeon a political opponent. Look at this third grade actress, for example. Remember we saw her at the hearings of Kavanaugh.

Here's Alyssa Milano. She was one of the leaders of the believe all woman charge against Kavanaugh, as insane as some of those charges became.

Surprise, surprise, when it comes to Biden, Milano is striking a much different tone, tweeting, quote: I believe Joe Biden's intent has never been to make anyone uncomfortable. That his kind, empathetic leadership is what our country needs, especially now.

By the way, I wonder if crazy Uncle Joe ever used locker room talk? Anyone in the media going to ask him that?

Now, Nancy Pelosi is also making excuses for creepy Uncle Joe. Now, this is insane on her part. She did give him a piece of this advice. By the way, if you are into getting in people's grills, smelling, nose rubbing, kissing, holding, fondling, touching -- maybe want to take this advice. Listen.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I am a member of the straight arm club. I'm a straight armer. I used to pretend you have a cold and I have a cold. But I think it is important for the vice president and others to understand, it isn't what you intended, it's how it was received.


HANNITY: Just pretend like you have a cold, join the straight arm club. That's it.

Well, Joe and everything will be fine except for one itsy-bitsy problem, someone at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not going to let the Democrats sweep Joe Biden's creepy behavior under the rug. Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: Our former vice president, I was going to call him, I don't know them well. I was going to say, welcome to the world, Joe. Are you having a good time, Joe? Are you having a good time?

My people tell me two years, what do you think? One week, sir. I said, General, come here, give me a kiss. I felt like Joe Biden.


HANNITY: All right. That's funny.

One more bad piece of advice news, creepy crazy Uncle Joe. The story is only going to get bigger and bigger. Look at "The New York Post" this morning.

Being weird and inappropriate is a pattern of behavior for the vice president. Let's not forget, one time, I think 10 years, he worked at "The Washington Post", journalist, author, Ron Kessler, reported that Vice President Joe Biden not that long ago apparently loved to swim naked, all the time, even in front of female Secret Service agents who were really uncomfortable with that. No swimsuit, nothing, lap after lap after lap. Well, skinny dipping, totally nude.

Kessler called it offensive, abusive to his security detail. In that sense, it's not funny, is it? Biden's office had no comment when these claims were published.

And tonight, while many Democrats rushed to Biden's defense, one person is noticeably not defending his former VP, his boss. Remember, this is storybook, man. He is African-American. He is clean, bright and articulate. His former boss, President Obama.

And by the way his creepy behavior is now -- Biden, of course, in the spotlight. Other potentially more serious scandals are brewing for him tonight. Don't forget, he has to run on his and Obama's disastrous economy. The dumb Iranian deal, his crazy comments and there's tons of them had positions on racial issues. You know, spend a whole weekend on his apology tour on Anita Hill and immigration.

And coming up, "The Hill's" John Solomon will join us with a live report on Biden's extremely sketchy international conflicts of interest, potentially resulting in millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars going to close members of Biden's family.

We first turn to our HANNITY watch at the crisis at our southern border. DHS Secretary Kirsten Nielsen is calling the rapidly deteriorating situation a category five hurricane disaster. Border patrol agents and custom officials, they are overwhelmed again tonight with this influx of illegal immigration, currently there are 1 million illegal immigrants inside the United States with active final removal orders. Some are violent criminals, some wreaking havoc, at a community near you.

A convicted killer, MS-13 gang member, previously deported just arrested in Long Island, New York, after illegally reentering the country for second time. Oh, yes, he was involved in a manslaughter case and convicted.

In Maryland, three MS-13 gang members, well, they just pled guilty to killing a person with machetes. Their immigration status is unknown, but the MS-13 gang is primarily composed of individuals from El Salvador, on the Central American countries where the migrate caravans are being formed.

And now, President Trump is threatening to close the southern border completely if Mexico does not stop the massive new caravan that is headed our way. Yes, another one, a very serious situation.

The left, they're not getting the memo. It doesn't matter how many homicides, sexual assaults, violent assaults by illegal criminal aliens are impacting American families every day. "The Washington Post," what are they worried about? How the crisis at the border is going to impact avocado toast.

Congresswoman Omar tweeting, this is a fake emergency. Donald Trump is lying about the border in order to build his monument to racism.

OK. On this program, we actually take our job seriously, so instead of screaming that walls and borders are racist, well, we actually sent our very own Fox News contributor, investigative reporter Lawrence Jones to Laredo, Texas, where he toured the borders, spoke to agents on the ground. He's going to join us in a minute, who assured him this crisis is very real.

Why don't we may be listened to the people that are there that are doing the hard work and protecting the country from drugs, gangs, cartels, et cetera? Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is without a doubt a crisis. You can ask any expert who is dedicated their life to border security and the security of this country and they will tell you we are beyond crisis. Our immigration system is near failure.


HANNITY: Maybe Congresswoman Omar should actually do her job, take the time, go to the border. I've been there, what, 12, 13 times. We played it a lot. Maybe she should see with their own eyes what's really going on. Now, we do have tonight coming up a full report from two areas in Texas, You will not see it anywhere else, please stay tuned for that.

We do turn out to our back story -- creepy, crazy Uncle Joe. While his creepy behavior is grabbing most of the headlines, a possible international corruption scandal is brewing under the surface. Here's what we know tonight, when Biden was serving as vice president, his son Hunter landed a lucrative job at a massive -- guess what, even Paul Manafort will hear about this -- Ukrainian energy company. Remember Hillary, Uranium One, oh.

When that company came under investigation over corruption claims in Ukraine, Biden used his influence as vice president of the most powerful country on earth. He actually got the lead Ukrainian prosecutor fired and he bragged about it. There's a little detail we will tell you on the other side. Take a look at him bragging.


BIDEN: I said, I'm not going to -- we are not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you got no authority, you're not the president. The president said, I said call him. I said I'm telling you, you are not getting billion dollars. I said, you are not getting the billion, I'll be leaving here, I think in about six hours. I look and said, meeting in six hours, if the prosecutor is not fired, then you are not getting the money. Son of a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) got fired.


HANNITY: You are not getting a billion dollars, I'm leaving in six hours. If that prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting a billion dollars.

Now, the story behind the story, full report. Investigator reporter, "The Hill's" John Solomon is with us.

Now, the prosecutor that he demanded gets fired or he will not give them a billion dollars and they got six hours to make a decision and he is on tape as you just heard bragging. Hold on, I have to fix my tie. He's on tape there bragging how he got the guy fired, well, who is the prosecutor investigating it in that moment, John Solomon?

JOHN SOLOMON, INVESTIGATIVE RPEPORTER, THE HILL: Yes. You're right. In that very moment, Ukrainian authorities told me they were preparing to request an interview with Hunter Biden to question him about more than $3 million of funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine, into accounts in the United States tied to Hunter Biden and his company.

And when they vice president intervened, the prosecutor got fired, they moved the case out of the prosecutor's office to another agency and they shut it down. It was swept under the rag, never to be investigated again.

HANNITY: OK. His son was being investigated -- do we know how much money? I understand his son was on the Air Force Two, right?

SOLOMON: This is going to China. That's a different trip, yes. Peter Schweizer did some great work. I think it was in 2014 where Hunter Biden went on the same trip with his dad to China and walked away with a big payday in China as well. So, there is a pattern here of Hunter Biden being in the country where the vice president has a foreign policy portfolio and somehow walking off with some nice paydays.

HANNITY: OK. So, they are walking off with a nice payday. Hunter Biden obviously is there in China on Air Force Two, at least in that one instance as Peter Schweizer tells us about. But in this particular case, the vice president of the United States tells them, you fire the prosecutor and we know beyond any doubt that that prosecutor that he has bragging about that he got fired -- he was going to use American taxpayer money as leverage, that he did it to save his son from the prosecutor was investigating him?

SOLOMON: That is certainly what the Ukrainian authorities believe. And they are telling me tonight, Sean, that they been trying to get this information to the U.S. Justice Department for more than six months and have not got a receptive audience. But they have a lot more evidence than what they told me in this column. And I think they are very concerned that a sovereign nation, the United States, interfered in a legitimate investigation and it isn't the first time they say. They said this was a regular practice of the U.S. embassy to get involved in the criminal investigations and tell them who they could and couldn't prosecute.

HANNITY: Do we know how much money we are talking about?

SOLOMON: We know for sure, because the FBI, separate of the Ukrainian investigation, the FBI introduced records in a trial last year in New York City that showed that Hunter Biden's company but at least $3 million, a little bit more, closer to $3.2 million, from Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company in Ukraine, between 2014 and 2015. The very same time that Joe Biden was in charge of all U.S.-Ukraine relations.

Remember, President Obama gave him a special job and said you take care of this Ukrainian crisis. You're my designee for it. So, while Joe Biden was overseeing it, his son is walking in with this cash.

HANNITY: I think we have a lot to investigate and I think crazy, creepy Uncle Joe has the bigger problems than grabbing and kissing anybody and rubbing noses and smelling hair.

John Solomon, thank you for that report.

Joining us now, more reaction to scandals swirling around crazy Uncle Joe, FOX News contributors Ari Fleischer and Sara Carter.

Good to see you both.

Ari, I see you smiling. I don't know why, probably because of my humor. I'm guessing. I'm not just that funny.

But more importantly, this is now serious because if he used that position in two cases where his son is in one case flying with him on Air Force Two making business deals while his father is there, it is beyond the appearance of impropriety at this point. If he is using taxpayer money to get a prosecutor fired, investigating his own family? That would be problematic I assume.

ARI FLEISCHER, CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, Sean. As I was listening to that, I was thinking, could you imagine if this was reversed and this was Donald Trump and one of his children flying on Air Force One, walking away from a country with a contract, with money? The American press corps would be in an uproar.

But John Solomon just reported needs to have -- really, people need to delve into this deeply and see more facts can be developed. But it is serious. It's an ethical matter and people need to figure out what these facts are.


SARA CARTER, CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely. I think the DOJ obviously has a lot to do with us. They need to investigate this. It shows, Sean, that there's like this nepotistic behavior and Peter Schweizer did a great job of explaining this before now, with John's new information, we can see how deep this goes. We saw the same problems at the State Department. Remember stories coming out of the "Associated Press" with Hillary Clinton and where their favors being granted for access?

So, this is all about access and money and foreign power and foreign money influencing members of our own government and having those connections with those children. Are there children making money off of their parents' power plays here in Washington? That is something that is very important, it does need to be investigated and it makes me wonder, you know, did they file Foreign Agent Registration Act? I

HANNITY: Good question.

CARTER: Did they file the appropriate FARA? Yes.

HANNITY: Did they pay the taxes? The Uranium One deal, which to this day I don't understand, because we had a spy within Putin's network in the United States. The spy that was reporting bribery, extortion, money laundering, kickbacks.

Then Hillary along with others approved literally Putin's network in America getting 20 percent of our uranium, the foundational material for nuclear weapons which by the way we don't have enough of. The money gets - - $145 million back to the Clinton Foundation.

We had a spy with Russians and America trying to get our uranium and they got it. Clinton got all that money to the foundation. Can you explain that, Sara?

CARTER: Well, we certainly know that Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars for one speech from Renaissance Capital, right? We know this and we know that William Campbell who was actually --

HANNITY: He did more of that. He met with Putin when he was there.

CARTER: He did, absolutely, Sean. He met with Putin. Renaissance Capital, let's just make this very clear, is directly directed to the FSB, to Russia's -- you know, this was, FSB is like Russia's KGB, what it was changed to.

And so, he is directly connected to Russian spies and they pay him half a million dollars and all the sudden, this deal happens the same year in 2010, in the fall of 2010, that the Uranium One deal gets approved, we have William Campbell who has been integral to the FBI during this time because he is reporting detailed notes of meetings with Russians where they are talking about influencing people in the United States, moving money, trying to gain control of the energy market and the United States is one of those areas that they want to gain control. Yet nobody does anything, like everybody sits back and lets it happen.

HANNITY: You know, you said something important, Ari, and you talked if this was Donald Trump's kids, yes, they would be screaming bloody murder on all these issues.

But like I said, you know, I talk about creepy and crazy Uncle Joe, he really is creepy. And now with the story, Ron Kessler worked with "The Washington Post" for 10 years, swimming naked in front of your Secret Service agents on a regular basis, apparently that made them rightly so feel uncomfortable and all the other issues. Where are the "I believe" people? And where are the people that were so upset about Russia, Russia, and Paul Manafort and Ukraine?

FLEISCHER: Great points. Sean, look, I am making the case for a long time that one of the problems the United States press corps has, not only that they are ridiculously hard and incorrect in their assertions against President Trump, but for eight years, they were too easy on Barack Obama and Joe Biden as well. They would excuse Joe Biden's behavior. They wouldn't scrutinize it or look deeper into it.

Now, it is interesting to see that if the worm is turning and if the press corps is indeed going to give Joe Biden and the other Democrats who were running a tough time the way they for Republicans. Frankly, I welcome say in this press turn because it is the way they need to act, they need to be fair, and they need to be fair to both sides.

HANNITY: No, no, they want the more -- they want even more liberalism. If Biden is the candidate, they're not going to point out 13 million Americans on food stamps with his idiotic uranium deal. They would never touch that.

FLEISCHER: Sean, I think that's all true on policy, but the fact of the matter is that the press has given this Biden coverage a lot of coverage and because it is an oddball story, it is weird behavior. Now, I would also say this, Sean, what Joe Biden did was inappropriate and certainly a pattern of weirdness that Joe Biden has exhibited.

I also think his explanation today was genuine and real explanation. He is a touchy-feely guy and I don't think he crossed the lines of sexuality --


HANNITY: Where's the "I'm sorry"?

FLEISCHER: -- inappropriate behavior.

Well, look, I'm not a big person on the politics of I'm sorry. Once you say you're sorry, you get pummeled, because then people say, you shouldn't have done it anyway. I think his explanation today was illegitimate, good explanation. It was heartfelt and it was genuine.

HANNITY: It's very well-written by his P.R. person.


FLEISCHER: -- generation that was raised to be much more demonstrative. Kids today really talk differently.

HANNITY: All right.

FLEISCHER: So, it is a different Joe Biden. I accept what he said as a legitimate explanation for his previously weird behavior.

HANNITY: All right, guys. Good to see you both. We appreciate it.

All right. A lot more when we come back, crisis on our southern border intensifying. We have two reports from the border tonight. Lawrence Jones live in Laredo, Texas, got a briefing from the border patrol members today and what they say should shock America and your conscience.

Later, Congressmen Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan are here. You won't believe what Democrats are trying to do. We have an Alec Baldwin update. You don't want to miss this. This is a doozy, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. As the crisis on our southern border continues big time tonight, Lawrence Jones, he went to the U.S.-Mexico border in Laredo, Texas, where he got a briefing from border patrol officials. Real people put their lives on the line for us on the ground every day.

You want to listen to them or these people in Congress that have never been there. Take a look.


LAWRENCE JONES, CONTRIBUTOR: There has been a lot of reports about the crisis. Is it really a crisis?

MICHAEL LATA, ACTING CHIEF PATROL AGENT, LAREDO SECTOR: There is absolutely a crisis on the border. Without a doubt, there is a national security crisis, there's a humanitarian crisis, and as well we like to call a policy crisis. Humanitarian crisis you see every day and is all over the news. It's the number of family units and children, coming across, giving themselves up the border patrol. And the reason why they do that is because they know the laws we have today will allow them to stay in the United States. The asylum law, the law for the Trafficking of Victims and Protection Rights Act, TVPRA, those laws have lost their integrity.

And what they do is they bring the family units and the children into the country. We can only hold them, the Border Patrol, for 72 hours. After the 72 hours, we have to turn them over to another agency, usually ICE ERO or Health and Human Services. And because of those laws, they can only hold family units and unaccompanied children for 20 days.

JONES: And you said they know this?

LATA: Yes. When I say they, the immigrants trying to come to the border, given themselves up at the border. They know that. They hear it from the transcriminal organizations, they are very organized, they are very smart. They always know what law enforcement is going to stop their activity, so they know that loophole in these laws.

Out of approximately 170 miles of border in Laredo, we have 30 percent of that that actually has a road that we can drive on. That is not one solid road. It's, you know, 5 miles here, and then a 10-mile break, and another five miles. It is very difficult for us to know how -- what is coming across our border if we can't drive on our border.

The situational awareness as far as technology, our cameras that we currently have cover 30 percent of our areas. So, we have a situation where 70 percent of our area, 70 percent of 170 miles, and we are not sure what is coming in and what's coming across.

And as you see, the river is right there. That is Mexico on the far south side we are standing on the road on the United States. It will take you five seconds to do this 40-yard dash to get into a vehicle.

JONES: And then they're off.

LATA: Right. And they're off into the neighborhood, or around the other way, or they just go right to these houses that are right up here and that leads to the stash houses which are deplorable conditions that they are stuffed into without food, without any water for days at a time. This is where the kidnapping happens and this is where being held for ransom happens. This is where the rapes happen.

They are put in his deplorable conditions but as you can see, what we're facing, you know, 40-yard stretch and there is nothing to slow them down in any way. There is vegetation everywhere, so we don't have situational awareness. We don't have the impedance and denial, and the response and resolved, we have that, but we have about 10, 15 seconds of it. We need more.

JONES: This is why you say we need all parts of the border wall system for this to actually work. The camera right here, we were talking about this earlier when we were in the eyes room, showing us everything right there. So, you've got the camera there to detect sometimes what's going on, how long does it take you to get here?

LATA: I should say, if we don't have enough personnel working this area and there's one guy that is assigned to a 2-mile radius, and if we are on the other side of that area, it could take us 5 minutes. If it takes us five minutes to get here, I guarantee you that they're going to be in a house or vehicle on their way somewhere in the United States.


HANNITY: Joining us now tonight live from Laredo, Texas, is FOX News reporter, contributor, Lawrence Jones. Also with us from Mission, Texas, Customs and Border Protection Rio Grande Valley acting chief patrol agent, Raul Ortiz, who I have the honor of meeting when I was down at that sector with President Trump.

Good to see you again, sir.

Lawrence, let me go to you. Is there any one of border patrol agent -- these are the guys on the ground that believe this is a manufactured crisis or are they are all saying pretty much what you just reported?

JONES: Sean, they didn't just tell me that it was a crisis. They actually showed me the crisis on the border. I'm standing right on the border by the Rio Grande is right behind me. And they showed me over 200 rest almost yesterday made right here. But the big thing Sean is the tragedy here. They're responsible for covering 100 percent of the Rio, I'm sorry the Laredo sector, but they can only confidently patrol 30 percent of that Laredo sector. That means 70 percent of that is open for criminals to come.

Now, I was back in their eyes room where they monitored the border to see what's actually happening. We saw numerous legal activities, but they just couldn't get there because they don't have the resources, Sean. HANNITY: And if I can - Raul, good to see you again. And it was an honor to meet you.


HANNITY: When the Yuma sector only had five miles of border walls and then they moved it to 70 miles. It was a 99 percent success rate stopping illegal immigration. When I was down there with you, what is it a one- minute walk across shallow water to get from Mexico to the U.S.?

ORTIZ: Yes, if that - it's a quick jaunt across the river here in Mission Texas.

HANNITY: Yes. And what are you seeing every day. Because we're hearing from all these media people. I've been down on the border at least a dozen 13, 14 times. I don't remember. Helicopter all-terrain vehicles, horseback, on foot. I've watched the rest. I've been to drug warehouses. I've seen it all. You're on the ground. Is this a manufactured crisis or is the media and the Democratic Party lying to the American people or misinforming? Maybe I don't want to put you in the position that I'm in which is telling just raw truth here.

ORTIZ: Yes, certainly we're experiencing a crisis right now. So, far this sector has already seen 141,000 apprehensions this fiscal year. Just in the last 24 hours, we've made over 1200 arrests. We seized 30 pounds of cocaine, 400 pounds of marijuana. And as I was preparing to have this conversation with you, I had agents working six different groups and we apprehended a group of about 100 right just south of us within the last 30 to 45 minutes.

HANNITY: Is it fair to say your agents are overwhelmed. Is it fair to say that what they are doing? I mean that's a lot of money and drugs. 90 percent of our heroin crosses that border. Those cartels are known to be extraordinarily violent. Do they risk their lives in doing this job and are they overwhelmed?

ORTIZ: Yes, most definitely. On any given day, we may have 1000 agents patrolling in a 24-hour period. But I also have to expand about 400 agents to perform this humanitarian mission that we are responsible for right now. So, definitely our resources are stretched. We have some significant help right now from our DoD partners as well as the Coast Guard, FEMA, the Office of Field Operations, our Customs Officers, our ICE officers out there. But all of us are stretched awfully, awfully thin right now. We need to make some changes to the loopholes out there--

HANNITY: Especially your sector.

ORTIZ: And we needed to turn this traffic from actually crossing.

HANNITY: If you can't make it across that river in 45 seconds, I mean it's nuts. All right. Thank you. Please tell your men thank you for all they do for us every day. Lawrence you've got some breaking news, what's going on in Laredo.

JONES: Yes, right here while we're doing this here right now, Sean. We just got word with the agents that are with us keeping us safe that there is an attempt to cross the border right now. I'm actually going out with these same agents for a ride along because as you know a lot of these criminals come out at night to make these crossings. But right in the middle of this breaking news right here, exclusively on Hannity an attempt to cross the border right here in the Laredo sector.

HANNITY: I'm sure be getting a video and hopefully reporting for us tomorrow night. Thank you both for that update and thank you both for being with us. We have a lot more news tonight. An update on the college admissions scam, Lori Loughlin and actress Felicity Huffman were in court today. Trace Gallagher with a full report. Democrats pushing for the release of the Mueller report, unredacted. Congressman Nunes and Jordan respond and an update on. Alec Baldwin. Lara Logan, Joe Concha straight.


HANNITY: All right, the college admission scandal, it is back in the news this week with the accused appearing in federal court for the first hearings in this case. Joining us now with the very latest on the story live from our West Coast Newsroom tonight, our own Trace Gallagher. I don't know maybe taking a picture of your kid and putting it on an athlete's body is not a good idea or you know whatever else they did.

TRACE GALLAGHER, CONTRIBUTOR: It's turning out to be a very bad idea, Sean. 10 of the parents accused of cheating their kids into college have now waive their right to a pre-trial hearing and two other parents were arraigned pled not guilty and were given new court dates. All the parents reportedly are negotiating plea deals. But I've got to tell you it will not be easy because prosecutors want prison time. Experts say actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin could serve between six and 20 months.

Huffman is accused of paying $15,000 to have her daughter's SAT. score rigged. And Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband Mossimo Giannulli are accused of paying $500,000 to have their daughters admitted to the University of Southern California for a sport they never played.

The allegations have cost Lori Loughlin her television shows and endorsements. The damage to Felicity Huffman's career remains unclear. But many of the not so famous parents caught up in this scandal have lost their jobs, businesses and potentially their professional licenses and don't forget the students themselves have had their acceptance letters rescinded, been expelled and could have their degrees revoked altogether. Sean.

HANNITY: Trace Gallagher in West Coast newsroom tonight. Now, the House Judiciary Committee voted today to subpoena the full unredacted Mueller report along with the evidence gathered in the investigation, despite its full release being against DOJ rules that were approved by the Democrats because they didn't want the old law in place.

The Investigative Council Member of the Independent Counsel Rule. Joining us now Congressman Devin Nunes, Former Chair and now the Opposition Minority Leader on the House Intel Committee. Congressman Jim Jordan. You know the Independent Counsel Rule. Let's see Jerry Nadler was against the Ken Starr report, Jim if I remember correctly. I'm just trying to remember here. They went after your partner Devin Nunes pretty hard.


HANNITY: Because he went to the White House. Now, I see that the cowardly Schiff who I've offered four hours of airtime to won't come on. I want to know if they're the ones that changed the rules. And the attorney general doesn't - he doesn't have to release anything does he?

JORDAN: No, he doesn't. But understand the situation we're in. John Radcliffe said it best today in committee. The Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff wants the Attorney General of the United States to release classified information. The Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler wants the Attorney General of the United States to release grand jury material. That's where we're at because they are so focused on getting the President forget about the law that they helped change forget about the rule of law and how things are supposed to happen. They're all about getting the President and that is a sad state of affairs. But that's exactly where we're at.

HANNITY: All right. Let me ask you Congressman Nunes, you have been saying that you are - you have criminal referrals coming this week or next week. I think if we ever want to prevent this from happening again to any other President, the only way to make that happen is one way. Hold those people accountable. How many people, how soon, how serious the referrals

REP. DEVIN NUNES, R-CALIF.: So, you're exactly right Sean. The American people need to have confidence in the FBI and the Department of Justice. So, we are working on the referrals there. There is going to be many of them. They're going to probably at least be a dozen if not two dozen individuals and as we continue to get more information and build these and build them out, we want to make sure that everything is finished before we turn them in.

But I will tell you, you're exactly right. There are people who definitely lied and misled Congress. OK. So, if they don't go to prison, we're going to have a two-tier justice department - justice system in this country and it's not going to be good for the American people.

HANNITY: I don't think a lot of this has been good for the American people. Democrats were fuming at you for jeopardizing sources and methods and you know what Congressman Nunes, well the Attorney General said he's not going to reveal sources and methods. Wow. Adam Schiff out of nowhere tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, liar in Congress. He says, no, I really got the collusion this time.

NUNES: Don't forget when we wanted to make sure that we got fusion GPS' bank records. This was the Clinton campaign arm that basically ran and got dirt from Russians. It was paid for by the Clinton campaign. The Democrats throughout the house said, you can't do this. When we wanted to go out and say look, we think there is FISA abuse. When we did our memo that went out to the American people that said, look, we're not going to disclose sources and methods, but the American people need to know what happened here. They oppose that. So, the hypocrisy here knows no bounds. But with all that said, I think people should be very leery of only receiving what I call the Mueller dossier.

Partisans wrote this document. What I'm interested in is not just to receive the Mueller dossier. I want all the information that fed into this because I'm sure just like in everything else that we've dealt with over last two years, there is going to probably be a lot of fake innuendo in the Mueller dossier.

HANNITY: Are they going to look for one-line phrase, sentence and just harp on it forever even though very quickly without even considering whether you can indict a sitting President, they said, no. You have to have intent for obstruction. There has to be a crime for obstruction. It doesn't matter you know. Well Donald Trump said this is a witch hunt. Or he fired James Comey. Comey said he could do it for any reason or no reason.

All right, Doug Collins, your colleague Freedom Caucus member Jim. He's been very helpful in releasing these closed-door testimonies. But we're expecting a cascade of new information that we have all talked about 302s, Gang of Eight, FISA applications. What else will we - do we want, and will we get it. And what will we see?

JORDAN: Well, a couple of things. Michael Horowitz report I think will be good and that should become in sometime in the next few months. But to Devin's point, your point if we want the truth, if Jerry Nadler wants the truth, then let's release the FISA application. Let's get the 302s. If Jerry Nadler wants the truth calling Glenn Simpson bring him in an open hearing, put him under oath.

See if he takes the Fifth like he did in front of our committee in a closed-door deposition. If they really want the truth, bring in John Huber see what he's been up to for 10 months. he's supposed to be looking in this FISA application. And frankly, if they really want the truth and they don't want to jeopardize releasing classified and grand jury material, bring in Bob Mueller, put him under oath. We can ask him all the questions we want.

HANNITY: Releasing grand jury information is illegal.

JORDAN: Right.

HANNITY: Congress wants to change the law. Change it.

JORDAN: So, bring in Bob Mueller, just ask him the questions.


JORDAN: Exactly right. That's why I think we should just bring in Bob Mueller. We can ask him all the questions we want and not jeopardize that at all. And anything they want to ask the guy who is the special counsel, who they said for 22 months was going to find collusion and he did it. It was not there even though there were multiple opportunities for Trump associates to collude. The fruit was dangling in front and they didn't take it. Bring Bob Mueller and we'll ask him some questions.

HANNITY: FBI concluded it. Devin Nunes, your committee concluded it. The bipartisan Senate committee said the same. Now, the Mueller Report. Whoever believes it at this point is a tinfoil hat cycle conspiracy theorist. This is insane. What they put the country through. Thank you, both. All right. When we come back liberal media all out freak out 2020 Dems moving further to the left. We'll explain why they're so worried. Also, kind of an update on that Alec Baldwin thing from yesterday. Lara Logan, Joe Concha. And later Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. Yes, accused of another FEC violations. So, sorry to hear that. Sad


HANNITY: Now, tonight the extreme radical 2020 Socialist Democrats are even getting too radical for their partners. Their best friends and the hate Trump media mob. Some of them including Don Lemon and Thrill Up My Leg, Chris Matthews, is the beginning to sound the alarm. Maybe you shouldn't tell people how you really feel. Just hide it like you used to. Take a look.


DON LEMON, REPORTER: What do you mean by that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because I don't see how he wins again with the numbers that he has right now. I don't see.

LEMON: Have you seen what the Democrats--

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Listen, you can't beat somebody with nobody.

CHRIS MATTHEWS, JOURNALIST: What's hard to identify a leading candidate that is resisting the group move to the left. Bottom-line going into the Democratic primaries is not the same as going to the country.


HANNITY: Joining us now media reporter with The Hill. Also, WOR, my fellow WOR host, radio host Joe Concha, award winning journalist Lara Logan. Lara, we've lived through this before. It's called Barack Obama mania. The only difference now is they're even pushing harder to the left. I don't think you can stop that, do you?

LARA LOGAN, JOURNALIST: Well, you know, Sean, I'm not a politician, right and I'm not a political reporter. So, I don't know whether you can stop it or not, my concern as a journalist is looking, is trying to figure out what the facts are and trying to figure out what people are actually representing what they actually are trying to do in the election. And as journalists, it seems to me our job is to do that, right. That's our duty.

But what I really want to know is Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, are they opinion hosts, are these opinion shows or are these news programs because that's an important distinction and what people tell me American people everywhere, I go in this country that's what they want to know. When they turn on the news, they want the facts, when they turn on an opinion show like yours, they want your opinion, right. So, where do these people stand and where do you see them stand.

HANNITY: Well, let me tell you what I know. I am a radio and TV talk show host. We do - I have hundreds of hours I can produce a straight reporting. God forbid a shooting, a war or a natural disaster, straight reporting. We investigated Obama, nobody else will. Will investigate the deep state. Nobody else would. We do investigative work that they're too lazy and too partisan to do. We also do opinion and sometimes sports and sometimes cultural issues. We're like the whole newspaper. That's my role in the press, is that a fair description or unfair. Joe Concha.

JOE CONCHA, WOR TONIGHT CO-HOST, 710 WOR: I think people tune in primarily for your opinions, but you cover the other stuff, you have to, you're in cable news. It's 25/7.

HANNITY: I could produce hundreds of hours of me straight story reporting just the facts.

CONCHA: That's fine. But I think most of the time people want to know your perspective on a certain news, but particularly at this time, people know that is.

HANNITY: Do you really want my opinion or something that's news breaking that's no rockets being fired in Israel, that's opinion.

CONCHA: I could answer Lara Logan's question that is that on the CNN website, Cuomo and Lemon are listed as anchors and clearly, they're giving opinions you just showed one. But as far as the left talking about this worry that the party is going too far left. Politico had a good story last month that talked about and this wasn't based on somebody's opinion, but economic models with strong track records and picking presidential winners and losers and they cite strong U.S. economy, rising wages, low gas prices and historical advantage held by presidential incumbent.

And they say that if you look at all those factors, President Trump will win in a landslide. I don't think we're in a landslide culture anymore. I think it's hard, we're too polarized. But based on that alone and the fact that Democrats are going with Medicare for all Green New Deal, eliminate the Electoral College, more regulations, expanding--

HANNITY: After birth abortion.

CONCHA: Right. All of those things expanding the Supreme Court. All of those ideas will be rejected by the one part of the base that matters most and that's independents.

HANNITY: Lara, there is a very different standard. You're on 60 Minutes. This is - that - you know, I don't see that anymore. I don't even see 60 Minutes as fair, because they tape you for 10 hours and chop it down to 15 minutes. That's called edited fake news.

LOGAN: Well, that happen Sean to everybody. I have to say and Joe you know the thing is that anchor doesn't answer my question, because as an organization where does CNN stand. Have you taken a political position or have you not? The problem with what has been happening in the media as far as I'm concerned is that we claim the middle ground, we claim to be objective and we're not.


LOGAN: Dishonest.


HANNITY: Villain of the day, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, today AOC's campaign has been accused of yet more FEC violations. Now, this is the second complaint being filed in less than a month. Then campaign manager allegedly created a shadowy web of PACs allowing them to raise more money than they otherwise would have mustered. She said those allegations are bogus. By the way, we'll have the Alec Baldwin update tomorrow. We don't -- I don't manage this show's time well. Let not your heart be troubled. There's Laura.

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