
By Laura Ingraham

Three days of speeches at the Republican National Convention successfully drove home three points.

One, Mitt Romney has the experience and the demeanor required to get this country moving again.

Two, Mitt Romney is a caring person. He is a family man. He possesses a great empathy for those in need.

And three, Barack Obama's policies have failed miserably.


ROMNEY: I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed. But his promises gave way to disappointment and division.

Hope and change had a powerful appeal. But tonight I would ask a simple question. If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn't you feel that way now that he is President Obama? You know there is something wrong with the kind of job he has done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him.


INGRAHAM: Now some are saying this speech didn't possess the soaring rhetoric of a Reagan or a Kennedy. But it seemed right for the moment, simply stated and earnestly delivered.

More swing voters in America should now see Mitt Romney in a warmer and more reassuring light. Not the Thurston Howell III of modern day politics. His personal and professional narrative is admirable in an era where many are celebrated more for their bad behavior and edginess than actually real merit and achievement.

And maybe Romney's clean exemplary life remains off putting to some people. Those who either feel ashamed of their own choices or jealous of someone who chose better.

At least one poll shows that Romney got a bounce from this convention. Reuters IPSO survey of likely voters shows that moving forward Romney seems to have a six-point advantage. Before the RNC, he was down four points. Now, Romney is up two points.

The gender gap has closed a bit as well. Nevertheless, the RCP average still has this thing all tied up. But Obama still maintains a sizeable lead in the Electoral College.

So what next for the GOP? In the final 65 days of this race Romney needs to convince voters of two important things.

First, he must make the case that our lives can and will get better under his leadership. Where will we see those 12 million jobs he promised? Where will they be created? How long will it take? We need to see that with him it is morning in America again.

Second, his team must hammer away at the facts of President Obama's failure with powerful ads and strong speeches on the trail. The "New York Times" is reporting today that most, 58 percent of the jobs created since this so-called recovery began have been of the low-paying variety. That's terrible.

As Clint Eastwood said last night "When somebody does not do the job, we've got to let them go." Well put.

And that's "The Memo."