
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 19, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. It's debate night and disco night here on The Five. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 2:00 p.m. in Vegas, baby. And this is "The Five."

We are very fortunate to have the Australian Bee Gees with us here at the MGM Grand for the hour. They have one of the hottest shows on the strip. You are listening to Staying Alive. Well, certainly a fitting theme for tonight as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton get ready to duke it out for the third and final time in just four hours from now. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace is going to referee. And it's going to be something. The debate begins at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, but our special live coverage kicks off in an hour at 6:00 p.m. So keep it here on the Fox News Channel. And here in Vegas, it's all about the stakes, and they are huge tonight for the nominees. A brand-new Fox poll shows Clinton in the lead by six points. So Trump needs to pull off a big victory to tighten the race again. Here is the GOP nominee ahead of the final showdown.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Tomorrow night is going to be interesting. She's home sleeping and I'm working. So that's the way it's going to be in the White House, too. She would be sleeping. I would be working.


GUILFOYLE: Well, Clinton gave a thumbs-up when she was asked how her debate prep was going yesterday. Here is more from each of their campaigns.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Trumpers remain out there. If you want to recast the United States' Supreme Court in the likeness of Hillary Clinton, then go head and don't vote for Donald Trump.

We already know that we're up against an avalanche of anti-Trump media. Fine. But that means opportunities like a presidential debate allow him to bring that case directly through the silence and through the noise, and to the people.

JENNIFER PALMER, CLINTON CAMPAIGN COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: If he chooses to continue to embrace his strategy of a scorched earth campaign and bring that to the debate stage, she would be prepared to handle that as she has the last few times.


GUILFOYLE: All right. That's sounded good to you, Greg? The stakes are huge tonight. Obviously, you saw the Fox News poll. Six points, Trump trailing Clinton. He has to pull off something big tonight. What do you suggest, Greg, with your 15 pages of notes?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Donald Trump is bringing Obama's half-brother and Hillary is bringing half-truths.


GUILFOYLE: Drop the mic.

GUTFELD: My advice to Donald is to level with America. He has already got his base. So there are a lot of undecided people that think he is kind of a jerk. He has to say, I may be a cad, but some of your greatest leaders in history were jerks and egotists. And that's how I got here. He should say, I may be a jerk, America, but I'm your jerk.

GUILFOYLE: OK. I don't think that's going to happen. But good advice.



GUTFELD: What are you talking about? It's the best advice, to admit his faults and then say embrace me for my faults.


GUTFELD: That's what you do. That's what I do every day.

GUILFOYLE: Works out well.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: No, it doesn't.

GUILFOYLE: What do you think, Bolling? What should they lead with tonight to be able to tighten that gap? Six points and still -- you know, depending on statistical margin of error.


BOLLING: It's within the margin of error. Yeah.



JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: How is three and six?

GUILFOYLE: It's the new math. It's Trump math.

BOLLING: It's really not.


GUTFELD: This is common core, it's ruining our country.

BOLLING: Incorrect. When you take the margin of error, you have to double it to figure out.

WILLIAMS: If you would have to double it to get from three to six.


WILLIAMS: You can only use it once.

BOLLING: Want to bet?


BOLLING: Dinner?

WILLIAMS: I will have dinner with you any time.


WILLIAMS: It's a three-point margin of error.

BOLLING: No. It's plus or minus three.


WILLIAMS: One time. One time.

GUILFOYLE: Moving along to the advice segment.



BOLLING: Donald Trump needs to get back to that -- there are probably millions of single issue voters in the country. And that's the court. The Supreme Court, everyone says, I have heard that before. But also the judicial system, you might replace 50, 75 court judges in the first couple years of his term. If Hillary wins, she will have the Supreme Court. She has already told us, she will have the federal judicial system. The country will be vastly different. President Obama had Republicans in Congress and Republicans in the senate for six of the eight years of his term. He got Obamacare through. He got regulation, massive increases of regulation strangling business. He got 5 million illegals signed in as Americans. If you think Hillary Clinton is going to be any different, just look what she's telling you on the campaign trail. She's running the next term of Obama.


BOLLING: She's running to the left of Obama.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana, your best advice?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think I would disagree that the courts are best -- to put their best foot forward. Because I think it's the economy. In the Fox News poll that you referenced, if you look at all the different issues, the only one where Donald Trump is above Hillary Clinton is on the economy. I would stick with your strength. You can hit the Supreme Court. But I think if I were in that campaign, I would say, just start with the economy and keep bringing it back to that, and see if you can try to make up some of that lost ground.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Now, if you are Hillary Clinton, what's your advice for her?

PERINO: Well, I think she has got to bring some energy, right. You know, Donald Trump, I don't like it when he is saying she's sleeping because obviously, in the first two debates, she hadn't been sleeping beforehand. She studies the time. But she has to bring some energy. She can't make it look like she thinks that this is over. One of the big risks for both of them is depressing their own voter turnout. If Democrats think this is in the bag and they don't show up, and they miss a couple of the big important states, that could be a problem for her.

I also think that she needs to close on some sort of a vision. Whoever wins would be a very weak president going in, neither of them are going to have a mandate. And it's very unclear how they would actually be able to start off on the right foot in January. So I would try to end on that. And also, the last thing I would say is, she has to be willing to punch back selectively. She's done that in the past two debates. It worked for her. Donald Trump is very unpredictable. No one knows exactly what he is going to do. He could take the advice you gave him yesterday, or the advice you just gave him today, or he could just do his own thing. He is stuck to this idea that the system is rigged. And I guess if he brings that tonight, it's reinforcing that you can win the GOP primary over and over, but you can't use that to win a general election.

BOLLING: If you look at who their guests are tonight, you may get an indication of what strategy they are going to employ. As Greg points out, Donald Trump said he is inviting, unless he takes it back -- he is inviting President Obama's half-brother. And then Hillary Clinton is inviting Mark Cuban who was a Trump supporter first and went very, very much against Trump over the last year. And both of them -- so it looks like they're ready to do battle tonight.

WILLIAMS: I think, look, you know what?


GUILFOYLE: Ready to rumble.

WILLIAMS: Trump said, drug tests. We need drug tests. That's the kind of night I anticipate in Las Vegas. This is going to be a lot of fun, you know. Why you would bring Obama's half-brother, I don't know. He is not running against Obama. But then, on the other hand, here you have Mark Cuban, I can see that speaks to the question of is Trump a real billionaire, a real successful businessman. But to me, the key is Chris Wallace. Because I think if you look at what happened with Lester Holt, who I think let too much go or you look at Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz, Elaine Quijano, I don't think they quite got it. And I think that what you are going to have is Chris really bore in. You have buckets of questions. And so much didn't come up in the earlier debates. For example, just a few minutes ago, Dana talking about the economy. Have we really heard them talk about the economy, the deficit, what's your idea, how would you solve it? Stick to the issue. You can imagine Chris saying, answer the question. I asked you a question. That's going to be part of tonight's debate. When they get to the end, the last bucket is, are you fit? Fitness to be president. That comes in to temperament. I think that's going to open the door to lots of arguments. And what we hear right now around town is, lots of talk about Hillary Clinton's health from Donald Trump. Oh, Hillary, we heard him say she's sleeping. Maybe he is going to talk about Hillary stumbles, Hillary is not capable, Hillary can't do it. We will see how Hillary responds.

GUILFOYLE: I think you are right that Chris Wallace is really going to be controlling the evening, the dialogue, and getting to those specific areas that he believes are important for the American people to make an informed decision about who the next president should be. We're about three weeks out. Obviously, you know, it's a very serious, important choice that people have to make that they feel you know comfortable with. And, Dana, I think the thing is, we have been hearing Trump so much on the defense, I think he really needs to go on the offense tonight, not necessarily attacking her. But he is going to bring Pat Smith, I guess as a guest, mother of Sean Smith, who was killed in Benghazi. What do you think about that?

PERINO: I think it's a side story. It's not the main course. And they tried this in the last debate. They brought Bill Clinton's accusers to the debate. They had the big press conference beforehand. Apparently, Steve Bannon, the chairman of the Trump campaign says President Obama's half- brother is just the beginning of the spectacles that you might see tonight. Maybe that's bluster. It doesn't take away from the fact that Donald Trump is stronger on the economy than Hillary Clinton. I would focus on that if I were them.

WILLIAMS: So I think it's a lot of sense that he stunts. I think that they are worried about stunts on the Clinton's side. I think they're thinking, boy, anything could happen. We don't know what's going to happen. Now, typically, third debates, by the way, do not shift the numbers a lot. The big event of this campaign, if you look backwards, was the first debate. Clinton as people point out has been on a climb since that first debate. So we will see if tonight can somehow reverse that energy.

BOLLING: You mean, when she brought in something that wasn't even asked of her? Like when she turned the discussion to Alicia Mochado? That wasn't even a question she was asked.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah.


PERINO: She baited Donald Trump.


BOLLING: To her credit though, that was a brilliant move.


BOLLING: She wasn't answering the question that she was asked.

WILLIAMS: At the rare moment when I hear Eric Bolling say to Hillary Clinton's credit, you are exactly right, though.


WILLIAMS: Here is one of the things that came out of the Fox poll that I know, 61 percent of the people who were polled in Fox said, Hillary Clinton has the temperament to be president, 61 percent also said Donald Trump doesn't have the temperament. Can he show tonight that he really is a presidential temper? We'll find out in Sin City.

GUTFELD: There's one other thing that Donald could do. He should steal a page from President Obama and Hillary Clinton's play book. Be a historical first. You have the first black president, you could have the first female president, the first game show host tycoon. He should say be part of history. Vote for me. I'm the first really entertaining candidate that you have ever seen. Don't you want to say 30 years from now, you could tell your grandkids, yeah, I voted for that guy. Can you believe it?


GUILFOYLE: Exactly. Well, one thing is for sure, they have got to leave tonight with no regrets. This is the last chance. It's the final countdown, the last.

GUTFELD: Great song.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, very good. Do we have that cued up? So now, the question might be, how are the presidential rivals preparing for tonight's battle royal? We are going to check in with reporters covering both campaigns next. There you go.

And later, find out what happened when the five of us pressed our luck here at the table here at the MGM Grand. Stay tuned.


BOLLING: You are listening to the music by the famous brothers by a fantastic tribute band called the Australian Bee Gees, Michael Clift, David Scott and Wayne Hosking. They are with us for the hour as we count down to the last debate of this epic election final. So how are the nominees gearing for their final showdowns? Let's bring in our reporters covering their campaigns, Carl Cameron and Jennifer Griffin. Carl, so let's start with you. Your thoughts, what's the last minute prep look like for the campaign?

CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS: For Donald Trump, it's always sort of loose. He has been talking with his advisors and campaigning since the last debate, sort of road testing a whole bunch of new attacks and new lines. He is casting himself as the change agent. Poll after poll after poll, it makes it clear that the electorate thinks of this as a change election. And so, Donald Trump has come up with plans for ethics reform, to quote clean the swamp. He has come up with a constitutional amendment for term limits for Congress, which he considers to be that swamp. And he is making the argument that Hillary Clinton after 30 years in Washington and around the country as a politician has basically failed, particularly as Secretary of State. And then, there is the aspect of the corruption when the State Department and the Clinton Foundation have been found with the WikiLeaks e- mails to have been tightly knit. All of that gives him a tremendous amount of material to work with. And he recognizes that there is the distinct possibility that Clinton could raise some of the unfinished business that happened after the last debate, namely the video that raised all the questions about his accusers. All of this comes as Breitbart News has published a new video of a new Clinton accuser. So if it gets to the personal stuff and gets nasty, Trump may not start that. He says he really wants to focus on trying to show he can be a good president in this one. And he himself has said this is the most consequential event and night of the entire campaign.

BOLLING: Absolutely. Greg.

GUTFELD: Yeah, thanks, Carl. I might say that you give me night fiver. This is for Carl or Jennifer. It seeps like this is starting on a bad foot or bad hand. Because the Clinton campaign made it so Bill Clinton and Melania don't have to shake hands. They are coming to the auditorium directly to the seats. How bad is that? That's a break from tradition, right?



CAMERON: No, look, the Clinton campaign made the request they not have to shake hands with Melania. I talked to some of the folks involved in the planning of all of this. They're not entirely ready to suggest that that's a done deal. It's possible that they could shake hands. The Clinton campaign complained about it and said they would like to avoid it. Does it look like sort of sour grapes or trouble making? There's no love lost between either one of these candidates. The idea that Trump is looking forward to shaking hands with Hillary Clinton, I mean, you know, the Saturday Night parody where they did one of these sort of illustrates it pretty well. There's no love lost between these candidates or their families.

BOLLING: All right. Juan.

WILLIAMS: So, Jennifer, what does Hillary Clinton have to do in the mind of her campaign in terms of vision, like Saying to the American people, here is why I'm running, rising above the static? Because I think lots of people still want her to sort of close the deal in their mind.

GRIFFIN: Well, I think what you see -- if you look at the guests that she's invited, Juan, they are across the board. They pull in this theme of stronger together, a place for everyone. There's a new add out today talking about how this country needs to be united and how there is room for everyone. It's heavily weighted also to guests from Nevada and Arizona. What's notable -- the Clinton campaign takes note of this is Donald Trump has not been talking on his -- in his campaign speeches as much about building the wall. I think that's not playing very well. And they recognize that they have lost Latino voters as a result. Here in Nevada and Arizona, Clinton is up. Clinton is up in a red state by five points, Arizona. And I think you are going to see based on the guests that Hillary Clinton has invited tonight that they are going to make that case that we need to be preparing for the day after this election. How are we going to unite the country? Because everyone admits that this is -- this campaign has gone extremely low. In fact, that's what the campaign likes to say. They quote Michelle Obama, when they go low, we go high. The question is, will they be able to keep that line? I know that's their plan. But will they be able to keep that line? I think by bringing up Donald Trump's sexual assault accusers, that's a situation of mutually assured destruction for the Clinton campaign, especially with this new Bill Clinton accuser out today.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, hi. OK, Carl, so I just want to talk to you about the guests that Donald Trump and his campaign have decided to invite tonight. A lot of discussion because he has included the president's half-brother to attend and then also Pat Smith, the mother of one of those murdered, Sean Smith, in Benghazi.

CAMERON: Well, and not only that, but Mr. Las Vegas will also be involved. The two that are most controversial.


GUTFELD: Wayne Newton.

CAMERON: Wayne Newton, of course.


CAMERON: . Obama is no friend of the president, and no friend of Hillary Clinton's. So Donald Trump has invited him. And we were told that he will be here. And the idea of bringing you know someone who was killed in Benghazi is a clear shot at Hillary Clinton and the State Department. These are things that will sort of happen in the texture. We're talking about it now. They don't need to mention their presence in the audience tonight. But when the national security questions come up, what Donald Trump will again try to do over and over again is say that Hillary Clinton has failed. On the campaign trail, every single speech, sometimes dozens of times, he says all of her decisions are bad. She has lousy judgment. He attributes that to Bernie Sanders. So tonight, Trump's job as expressed even by his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, is to focus on what he will do to help the folks, particularly middle class folks who were left behind in this process, particularly Clinton was sort of the elite lifetime in politics, is easily accused of having not being attentive enough to. In some of these WikiLeaks emails, she talks about how she lost touch with the middle class and how she effectively has become part of the elite. Now, let's be realistic. The Republican nominee is a billionaire who for much of his life has aspired to be one of the global elitist. So both of them are competing for an electorate that arguably, that electorate thinks has been largely out of touch, as Trump has been talking about that populous message much more aggressively than Clinton has.

BOLLING: All right. Dana.

PERINO: Jennifer, I wanted to ask you about the issue of change in the change election. In the Fox News poll that we put out last night, she actually for first time overtook Trump on the question of who could be the person to bring the most change. I don't know if that's an anomaly or something they think that they could drive on from the Clinton campaign.

GRIFFIN: Well, it's interesting. Of course, that was the message from Bill Clinton at the Democratic convention. He kept repeating over and over that Hillary Clinton is the best change maker he knows. So maybe that has filtered down throughout public. I think it's notable that in our most recent Fox poll that Trump still has a lead among independents by seven points. That's important. I think that the Clinton campaign sees that tonight. This is her closing argument. She sees this as having been one long trial. And she, of course, was a lawyer. And tonight, she's going to make her closing argument to the American people. She will also be, of course, pivoting away from any uncomfortable questions about WikiLeaks, about that James O'Keefe video that shows Democratic operatives possibly trying to send provocateurs to Donald Trump's rallies. So she's going to have certain moments that she's been preparing for. Remember, on Sunday, she spent seven hours of debate time, four straight days of debate prep. She's ready for almost any question that is thrown at her.

BOLLING: All right. We have time for one more quick question, both sides. Any nervousness, any jitteriness that you heard, any of that reported to you? Let's start with you, Carl, quick.

CAMERON: The Trump campaign knows that they have a lot riding on this. They have seen the polls. Trump this week says he no longer believes the polls, this from a guy who was talking about the polls every single event that he had during the Republican primaries. They have turned against him. It's not something they are embarrassed about. Trump is arguing the media is part of a global conspiracy to undo this election and to elect Hillary Clinton. That I don't think is something we will hear about tonight. But it will be implicit in much of what Trump would say.

BOLLING: What about it, Jennifer? Is Mrs. Clinton very confident where she stands right now?

GRIFFIN: I think from talking to her aides, she feels very confident. They feel very confident about the polls they are seeing. They can't believe how some of the polls show them actually winning red states like Arizona, Georgia, Utah. They really can't wait to get tonight over with, so they can get back on the campaign trail, because they are focusing less on the general election and more on those down ballot candidates. They want to win the Senate. And that's the most important thing. Because she knows if she wins, she's not going to be able to govern unless she has a majority in the Senate.

BOLLING: Good point, good point. We will leave it right there. Thank you, Jennifer and Carl, very much. As a reminder, special live debate coverage kicks off tonight at 6:00 p.m. Eastern with Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly.

Up next here, Greg on the safest bet to make this election. And speaking of bets, we made a few of our own here at the MGM Grand last night. See that coming up on our live pre-debate special in Vegas. Stay tuned.


GUTFELD: They put the pants in cargo pants.


GUTFELD: So Did you know we're in Vegas? So here's a thought: Why not do a monologue on the safest bet to make this election?

I know! Talk about unpredictable!

Now, when it comes to gambling if the game is easy to play, it will usually cost you more. Slots and video poker are easy but fast, so you'll run out of cash pulling that lever and pushing those buttons.

If you do some homework and learn a table game, you'll still lose, but you'll lose slower.


GUTFELD: The point: Easy is deceptive, effort reaps reward.

Meaning: This election, resist the platitudes, promises and gimmickry that sounds too good to be true. If it's too fast and easy, then you're being duped.

Now, of Trump and Hillary which one is the safer bet?

Although the election feels like a one-time bet -- which is better because the house edge works on your stake just once -- the payout lasts four years. That's scary, but not the end of the world. There's still 2020.

So, do you put it all on black -- i.e. Hillary? Or all on orange -- Donald?


GUTFELD: My advice to the undecided: Go slow; do the homework, block out the emotion and media hysteria and think about the one issue that matters most to you. Is it terror? Immigration? Competence? Experience? Character?

Think about that. Then bury everything in a can in your backyard. That's the safest bet in the world.

All right. This is interesting, Eric. I did some research. The safest bet is sports betting because you can watch a three-hour game, you can bet $22, maybe lose a buck an hour and you get comp drinks. It's cheaper than renting a film in your hotel room.


GUILFOYLE: You did a lot of those?

BOLLING: The safest bet inside the casino, besides the sports book, would probably be on Craps or playing by the book Black Jack.


PERINO: You taught me that. Don't go off the book.

BOLLING: Yes. Don't go rogue. Don't think you're going to count the cards. You're not going to.

PERINO: Because you'll irritate the person next to you.

GUILFOYLE: And you'll be banned.

BOLLING: Apply that to Trump and Hillary now. The safest bet is the one you know. Right? You go by the book.

What do we know? We know Hillary is, A, going to increase regulations. She's, B, now for open borders. She said it herself. We're looking for a global marketplace with open borders. We know all these things. And we -- as conservatives we know those things will tank the economy. We believe it. So that -- if you know that's going to happen, you just steer clear of that. And go try the other one, which is probably a 50/50 bet.

GUTFELD: Dana, Irish bookie Patty Power, you ever hear of them?


GUTFELD: They have Hillary at 80...

PERINO: I read this.

GUILFOYLE: I get their e-mails.

GUTFELD: So do I. They have Hillary at an 85.7 percent chance of winning the election. If Trump wins, it will trigger the biggest payout in political bookmaking history.

PERINO: So can you rig that and get the payout?

GUTFELD: It's already rigged. Everything's rigged.

PERINO: It's all rigged.

The thing about Donald Trump, remember, one of his selling points was that he's unpredictable.


PERINO: So maybe you don't want a safe bet. Like, if you want to change Washington, you don't want the predictable things that happen there. You might want unpredictable.

GUTFELD: Yes. There you go.

PERINO: Put it all on orange.

GUTFELD: So obviously...

GUILFOYLE: Because orange is the new black.

GUTFELD: Well done. Well done. Says the lady in red.

BOLLING: See that? You're betting on both, orange and black. Eventually, they just take all your money.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: You win one, lose one, and they take their present.

GUILFOYLE: Like what happened yesterday.


GUILFOYLE: Except for Dana won.

PERINO: I won big.

GUTFELD: Kimberly...


GUTFELD: I desperately shoehorned the Vegas motif into a monologue. How is it going?

GUILFOYLE: Actually, I want to tell you something. I was pretty impressed at that. I was like how did he actually manage to do this?

GUTFELD: And with a hangover.

GUILFOYLE: So I found a little bit of respect for you today.


GUILFOYLE: I just, like, inched it out.

Yes, I think that, you know, it's too soon to say, "Hey, they've got it in the bag." And I don't think Hillary Clinton and her camp is taking this, you know, for granted.


GUILFOYLE: Sure, they want to focus on the down-ballot races. Of course, it will be important, huge for her to become -- to get the Senate, for sure, because she's going to need that to govern. But she's got to cross the finish line first. And look at what we've seen just in a ten, 12-hour news cycle how much news can break and happen.

And then you have tonight, which I think is going to be a very important night to really see where this is going to go over the next three weeks. So she's got to do a great job tonight. They've got to hope that no other things come out that could be, you know, spoilers or game changers for her campaign. Because, you know, it's still close enough that they should be concerned.

GUTFELD: Yes, Juan, if you were a betting man, who would you bet on now?

WILLIAMS: I don't think there's any question. You just said it's a 80- plus percent chance. I mean, and that's just it.

GUTFELD: You always bet on the long shot in a horse race?

WILLIAMS: But that would be for fun. The problem is...

BOLLING: Remember -- you remember the odds of Brexit? Brexit also had the odds stacked against it.


WILLIAMS: I mean, that's like saying, you know, when Trump says, "Oh, it's rigged, it's rigged." I mean, at some point you realize, there's a reason the house exists. It's because the house has the odds in their favor. Right?

And at some point you look at these polls and you say, gee, it's all the polls. At some point you say the house is favored.

I think the safe bet for Trump tonight is to go after Republicans. Stop attacking Paul Ryan, stop attacking Republicans. Republicans right now, it's only like 80 percent in the FOX poll say they're comfortable with Donald Trump. So he has some gains to make there. That's a good place to start for him. To really work on saying to Republicans, "You can be comfortable with me."

All he's been doing the last few weeks is making -- Republicans who should be his base, more uncomfortable. I don't know why I'm giving him any good advice. But that's -- that's what I would say.

PERINO: They won't take it.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you for your honesty.

GUTFELD: All right. Up next, it happened in Vegas. The five of us went gambling. Who won? Who lost? Stay tuned.


PERINO: Welcome back. We couldn't come all the way to Vegas and not squeeze in a little gambling. Right? But don't tell the boss. We got a special lesson on how to play baccarat here at the MGM Grand after the show last night. Here was that.


GUTFELD: I've never played this game before. So I'm just wondering if we just start with the basic terminology. What exactly are face cards?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The face card, you can say it's, like, that's a 10 or it's 0 in this game.

GUTFELD: See? Not a dumb question.

PERINO: Again, explain to us, what are we doing here at the baccarat table?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On this game, you get two sides. You can take one of this side and whichever side close to nine, that's a winner.

WILLIAMS: So I'm betting on me or I'm betting on you, Tran?


PERINO: The dealer isn't the bank.

BOLLING: There's a slight advantage to the bank, right? And then you have -- but for that, you have to pay a vig.

GUILFOYLE: Are you also allowed to copy?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On the player's side. All right. The player starting off in first. Player show nothing. Zero. Ten, that means zero. And that's nine.

PERINO: What do I get?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You win on the bank side, $100,000. That means the commission is $5,000.

BOLLING: That's why you should bet the bank.

GUILFOYLE: Kind of like having an agent.

PERINO: Oh! Now it's making more sense. It really is.

BOLLING: There you go.

GUILFOYLE: Come on, Bolling.


PERINO: I lost 100 grand?

GUTFELD: No gourmet dog food for Jasper.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, wait. I lose my thing. Oh, my God, I'm the worst player. I had that there, promise. Not there. I have it -- I did it right.

PERINO: How long would an average person sit here?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: About two and a half days.

GUTFELD: This has an actual built-in toilet.

BOLLING: All in.

GUTFELD: Everything I win is going to the Trump campaign.

WILLIAMS: That really is going down the toilet.

BOLLING: Bolling, come on. Come through here, buddy.

BOLLING: Give me an eight. Give me an eight.


PERINO: Thank you. Thank you, everybody. I'd like to thank MGM Grand.

GUILFOYLE: He'd like to thank Than.

GUTFELD: I would like to thank the baccarat glossary that I was using throughout this entire thing. It did me no good.

PERINO: Thank you, Tran.

BOLLING: A little something for the dealer.


PERINO: I had a bit of beginner's luck. I made 370,000 fake dollars. That was an amazing moment. I love learning how to play. You know how to play?

BOLLING: I played, yes, many hours of baccarat.

PERINO: Did you ever spend two and a half days at a table?

BOLLING: No. We asked...

GUILFOYLE: That was the record.

BOLLING: ... the pit boss there. I asked what's the record, and he said two and a half days. Someone sat at that table straight through two and a half days. Ate, drank, no sleep.

PERINO: No sleep? I don't understand that.

GUTFELD: The armpit boss.


GUTFELD: Because, you know, he's sweating, and it stunk.

BOLLING: Got you.

PERINO: I've got a -- Kimberly, are you a big gambler? Do you like it?

GUILFOYLE: You know, I like playing 21, like blackjack. I think that's fun. But no, I mean, I don't, like, go out just to go gamble. Illegal in New York. You can go to Jersey, I guess, right? Atlantic City.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, well here. We did a little bit, but they wouldn't let us touch the real money.


GUILFOYLE: I wonder why.

GUTFELD: My tip to, you know, Donald Trump is don't hit on 15.


WILLIAMS: You know, what was great about that?

PERINO: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: You know, I gambled in Vegas before. But I've never been in those back rooms. So they took us into the high-roller room last night. I mean, that was really -- and the best part about it, the guy sitting there for two and a half days...


WILLIAMS: What they say is they bring in women, and they bring in food. I mean, like everything.

GUTFELD: I didn't hear that.

GUILFOYLE: Wait, wait, wait. They did not say they bring in women.


GUILFOYLE: Juan, we were there, and they didn't say that.

WILLIAMS: Yes, they did. You see, you've got to listen carefully.

PERINO: I missed that part.

GUTFELD: It's actually -- you said this. It's easy to play, but you lose a lot of money, because the bets get so high. But it's just really -- you don't have to think too much. You just -- it just...

BOLLING: There's literally no thinking to that game at all. There's no strategy. You just -- you go, OK, there's been a lot of bank. Should I switch to player? But it's a fool's bet.

PERINO: And it's like flipping a coin?

BOLLING: It's just like flipping a coin.

GUILFOYLE: Tran was great, right? Wasn't she? She was really good.

WILLIAMS: Tran was great. She was wonderful.

GUILFOYLE: She's one of the best dealers they said. And she obviously liked Dana. Dana won.

And she does their big tournaments, like million-dollar games or buy-ins.

WILLIAMS: That's what I like. I mean, they said the guys will come in, and it will be, like, 25,000 per hand, which is amazing to me.

But the thing I was going to mention is they had a screen up. And you can see the pattern of the bets. And I thought to myself, that's ridiculous. And then the guy who was really in charge said, you know, it's just like flipping a coin. Always at 50 percent.

GUTFELD: Doesn't matter.

WILLIAMS: Right, but people still want to see the pattern.


PERINO: I liked playing with fake money. That was good.


PERINO: All right. Final thoughts ahead of tonight's debate in Vegas. We're going to have that for you next.


WILLIAMS: Back now with the Australian Bee Gees, who have a show at the Excalibur Casino here in Las Vegas.

Just hours left to go until the final presidential debate. Some final thoughts ahead of the big evening.

Greg, I think it was Janis Joplin says freedom is nothing left to lose. Right? So Trump, it's all in, baby. So all in means what to you for Donald Trump?

GUTFELD: Well, you know what it is? I always look at the -- I look back at the long-term. And I see metaphorically that Donald Trump is like a big roast chicken. It's like every night you can open -- let's say you cook a roast chicken on a Sunday, and you keep it in the fridge. You can go in there and just pull something off, a little wing here, a little dark meat there, a little skin.

GUILFOYLE: I really love that.

GUTFELD: But Hillary is like a pot of oatmeal sitting on the bottom rack of the fridge. It gets all -- it's just dreary and bland.

I didn't expect that to get applause. But my point is -- my point is, that's always been the benefit and the challenge of Trump, is that given the choice, the media goes to the roast chicken, because there's so much juice there. There's so much meat.

GUILFOYLE: I really do favor a nice, juicy rotisserie chicken.

GUTFELD: There's nothing better.

GUILFOYLE: You can make a sandwich with it.

GUTFELD: And it -- it's inexpensive. You can get a good rotisserie chicken at the local market for 7 bucks.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. But it's true.

GUTFELD: And feed a family. Or a lonely man.

WILLIAMS: Dana, I think...

GUILFOYLE: Also true.

WILLIAMS: ... one of the things that everybody is kind of amped up about here as we look forward to the debate is, what might happen? Could there be a stunt? Could there be something -- remember last time, Donald Trump brought women who had charges or allegations...

PERINO: Accusers.

WILLIAMS: ... against Bill Clinton. What could happen? I mean, just in your wildest thoughts. You know, it's Las Vegas, anything.

PERINO: I guess it is true that it could be anything. But I was thinking that, for both of these people, this is the last big event before election day. And whatever happens on election day will be the lead paragraph of their legacy.


PERINO: And so tonight if you're making a closing argument, and you want to show that you are the right person to lead this country, I actually -- I'm all for a little humility. I feel like humility is actually -- an attractive quality in a leader. You don't get that a lot from either of these candidates.

But I would love to see something a little different than we've seen the last two debates. And a lot of pressure on Chris Wallace. But I think that he'll exceed expectations.

GUTFELD: I'm really good at humility.

BOLLING: Me, too.

GUILFOYLE: We get it. It's irony.

WILLIAMS: Eric, one of the -- one of the arguments I hear going around is, "Hey, you know what? Donald Trump is a businessman. And he's got to worry about his brand at this point. Because the election's over, and he's going to go back to being Donald Trump, the name, the brand. And if the brand is diminished, that would hurt him and his investors.

BOLLING: Well, the brand has definitely changed. I mean, if you look at just his -- you know, his following, he's 25 million Twitter, Facebook and Instagram followers. So the brand has become entertainment celebrity to now some sort of maybe even king maker.

Assume -- let's just say he doesn't win. I think he will, but if he doesn't win. He becomes the guy that the GOP has to go to and say, "Hey, we need to bring your group..."

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. Wait a second. Look at Dana's face. Dana is not buying.

BOLLING: Well, let me just -- final thoughts on the debate would be this. I think it's going to hit a record. So we have 86 million is the record. I think we're going to have a new record after tonight.


BOLLING: I think everyone's going to be on the edge of their seat, watching. This is going to be the most watched debate. It's -- I'm nervous to watch.

PERINO: I feel nervous.

WILLIAMS: That would be news, because typically, third debates do not get what first debates get.

BOLLING: I don't know about this cycle.

WILLIAMS: That's true. But first debate was 80-something -- 80 million plus.

BOLLING: Eighty-five, yes.

WILLIAMS: And typically, the third debate gets about 50 million.

GUILFOYLE: Let's see.

BOLLING: I will take the over on that.

WILLIAMS: You'll take the over.

Kimberly, what are you looking forward to as an "X" factor in the final debate?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think even, you know, Tim Kaine said, could be scorched earth. I think that Donald Trump is going to hit it hard. I think he's going to walk out of there with no regrets, meaning he's going to say and do whatever he wants.

But I would give advice to both candidates, which is, answer Chris Wallace's questions. You do. Answer his questions. Because he's going to be extremely well-prepared. And if you have good answers and you are prepared, you will shine. Also, do not cross him.

WILLIAMS: All right.


WILLIAMS: "Kimberly's Advice Court."


WILLIAMS: Stay right there.

GUILFOYLE: I need a graphic.

WILLIAMS: "One More Thing" up next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." Greg, you're up first.

GUTFELD: All right. As you know, I am a psychic. Just two days ago, on "The Five" I said this.


GUTFELD: It's immoral, it's wrong and it's shameful people take glee out of reading people's personal stuff. Because it's going to happen to you. I swear to God, it will.



GUTFELD: So two days later it happened to Juan. WikiLeaks leaked an e- mail that had Juan's personal phone number on. As a reporter, you give your number out to sources. That's what you do. Everybody does it. His got leaked.

So for the past 24 hours, Juan has been -- his phone has been ringing off the hook. A lot of really disgusting stuff has been said to him.


GUTFELD: A lot of racist crap. So I have been answering the phone for Juan...

WILLIAMS: Yes he has.

GUTFELD: For the last couple of hours.


GUTFELD: And I've been talking to each and every person who calls in. And I have been taking their numbers and calling them back. And it might be the funnest thing I've done.

GUILFOYLE: And we've ever witnessed. It is hilarious.

GUTFELD: So keep calling.

PERINO: Because you said you were a big prank caller.

GUTFELD: It's like being -- it's like the Jerky Boys.

PERINO: Yes, the Jerky Boys.

WILLIAMS: He threatens them.


BOLLING: By the way, one time my phone number got leaked on air by Colbert. Steven Colbert put my number up. And it lasted for about a year. So it was really funny and fun for about three weeks.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

But WikiLeaks, it's theft.

WILLIAMS: Believe me, this wasn't -- this wasn't funny. Because it's so - - I mean, it's so invasive.

PERINO: And it started at 2:30 in the morning.

WILLIAMS: Because we're on West Coast time. It started in the middle of the night for me. But you know what? I mean, to me, people just don't understand. And they can be so bitter.


WILLIAMS: I just don't understand.

GUTFELD: Now I have their phone numbers.

WILLIAMS: That's right.

GUILFOYLE: Greg put a smile -- Greg put a smile on your face.

WILLIAMS: He has their phone numbers. He's going to call them in the middle of the night.


GUILFOYLE: My favorite was when you did this female thing. You were pretending that you were a girl.

GUTFELD: Yes. I was a sex hotline.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. That was quite interesting.

GUTFELD: The guy kept -- the guy stayed on the phone! He was actually aroused.

BOLLING: Then he goes, "Is this Greg?"

PERINO: Yes. He called back. He called back.

BOLLING: He busted you.

GUTFELD: Yes, he did.

WILLIAMS: My goodness.

All right. All right. Back to business. Last night, President Obama had his final state dinner. The dinner was in honor of Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi. First lady Michelle Obama, she looked stunning in a Versace gown, and dinner was made by celebrity chef Mario Batali in his signature orange Krocs, of course.

The state dinner, a great American tradition, starting with Ulysses S. Grant in 1874. For President Obama, it was his 13th state dinner, two more than President Bush did but nowhere near President Clinton's 28. And of course, nowhere near Ronald Reagan's record 35 state dinners.

PERINO: Good diplomat.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Fantastic.

I've got a great "One More Thing" today. Because you guys will really like this. A museum unveiled the first ever pink fighter jet in honor of breast cancer awareness. So the USS Lexington Museum, a decommissioned World War II era aircraft carrier repurposed as a museum and anchored in Corpus Christi, Texas, now sports a one-of-a-kind accessory.

So it's a pink F-9/F-8 Cougar fighter jet. And it's parked on the ship's deck. Very important cause, breast cancer awareness. And so take a look at it there. I think it's pretty special; interesting story.

PERINO: That's great.

BOLLING: Very good. Very good.


BOLLING: OK. So before I do my "One More Thing," FOX News Facebook page tonight, we're going to be live Facebooking, commenting. And it's been just amazing over the last couple of debates. We'll do that again tonight.

Swing state, we're sitting in Nevada, one of the most important swing states for this reason. Check it out. First, full screen. Registered voters in Nevada, 39.5 percent Democrat, 33.9 percent Republican. Very, very close. But they've picked every single president in the last 104 years, with the exception -- a very notable exception of 1976.

And the demographics, very importantly, income, Nevada has a lower than the national average household income. Unemployment has higher than the average unemployment rate in Hispanics growing in this state at a very, very fast rate.

And finally, next full screen, very important. If you want to keep the Senate GOP and Republicans, get out and vote, because Joe Heck is right now in a neck-to-neck tie with -- with his opponent, and you need that seat.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana.

PERINO: All right. So you know like the worst nightmare if you go to a store and you're looking to shop for a TV? Might be what happened to this guy in England. I think we have it here. Watch.

There we go. So he's in England. He's, like, shopping around for a big- screen TV. And then look what happens. He knocks it over. Then, in his shock, he knocked over the other one, too. It was 5,500 pounds worth -- 5,000 pounds worth of TVs.


GUTFELD: That's a lot.

PERINO: Right?

GUTFELD: That's like a million dollars.

GUILFOYLE: All right, guys, that's it for us. And a very special thank you to Wayne Hosking, David Scott and Michael Clift of the Australian Bee Gees. They were amazing, right?

BOLLING: Absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: And if you want to see them on tour, go to ABGShow.com. And we're going to see you back in New York City tomorrow. Our powerful debate night line-up kicks off in seconds with Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly, best team in the business. Good night, everyone.

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